SAP Tables

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Table Descriptions Functional Area
CRMM_IPM_RTPCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Rights Type) Texts SAP Media
UMM_FR113 Frame: Workbooks and Queries Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGDRAO Document Product Configurator
WRF_CMMD_SKU CDT-SKU Assignment Table Logistics Basic Data
COMM_CATFRGR Category Set-Type Assignment Central Part of Product Master
TECRMMKT_F Flyers/Standard Texts for Campaign Marketing
UMM_BU106 Selections for Buffer of Transaction Data Management Cockpit
EMMAC_BPC_PROCID Log Process ID of Action Box Transaction Basic Functions
PLMM_AUDITPLAN Audit Plan Audit Management
COMM_PRTI_NREL Group Table for Number Range Object TI_ID Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCHATX Language-Dependent Description of Characteristic Product Configurator
COMM_CFGTABFUN Variant Tables and Functions Product Configurator
MMPREW_PRO_03 Preference CPG: Log components - Information Basic Functions
RSDDSTATTREXS_MM TREX Statistics Table for DB Buffer (Detail) OLAP Technology
COMM_PR_FRG_REL Product - Set - Assignment Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_SEDCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Specific Circulation) SAP Media
UMM_FR114 Frame: BW Variables Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGFILT Global Filter Definition Product Configurator
COMM_CATFRGRH Assignment Category - Set Type: History Central Part of Product Master
UMM_BU107 Buffer of Characteristics Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CANCODE Reversal Reason Basic Functions
PLMM_QUEST_H Question List Audit Management
COMM_PRVIEW Product View Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLACOM Compiled Code for Classic Dependencies Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT1 Category Logistics Basic Data
UMM_WA101 Walls: Assigned Logical Views Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGVACOND Variant Condition Key Product Configurator
COMM_PR_FRG_RELH Product - Set - Assignment History Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_SEDCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Specific Circulation) Txt SAP Media
UMM_FR115 Frame: Replacement of BW Variables Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGFILTTX Language-Dependent Description of Filter Product Configurator
COMM_HIERARCHY Hierarchy Central Part of Product Master
J_1ISERCATMM Service category determination for GTA and imports Invoices Localization
UMM_CO001 Drilldown Characteristics in Cockpits Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CANCODET Text for Reversal Reason Basic Functions
PLMM_QUEST_I Question List Item Audit Management
COMM_PRVIEWH Product View - History Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLFAC Facets for Characteristics of Classes Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT1T Master Data Texts Category Logistics Basic Data
UMM_WA102 Walls: Texts Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGVALDEP Dependencies that are attached to Values of Characteristics Product Configurator
COMM_PR_GTIN GTIN - Global Trade Item Number Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_STPCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Sales Type) SAP Media
UMM_FR116 Frame Web Report Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGHASCHA Characteristics of Classes Product Configurator
COMM_HIERARCHYH Hierarchy: History Central Part of Product Master
UMM_CO002 User Group <-> Cockpit Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_BND Binding Basic Functions
PLMM_QUEST_RES Audit Question/Reply List/Item Audit Management
COMM_PRVIEWT Product View Description Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLNDOM Domains for Numeric Characteristics of Classes Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT2 Master Data Subcategory Logistics Basic Data
CFIORQMM0C FIN Objects for QM Orders Inventory Accounting
COMM_CFGVALSYM Symbol Table for Characteristic Values Product Configurator
T7PIQEXAMMODE Exam Modes Administration
COMM_PR_GTINH GTIN - Global Trade Item Number History Central Part of Product Master
COMM_PR_PUR_1 Purchasing Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_STPCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Sales Type) Texts SAP Media
UMM_FR117 Frame: Web Report Text Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGHASDEC OOClass <=> Decomposition (Deprecated) Product Configurator
USRMM User settings: article master Article Master
COMM_HIERARCHYT Hierarchy Description Central Part of Product Master
UMM_CO003 User Group <-> User Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_CND Conditions for Case Determination or Priority Basic Functions
COMM_PRVIEWTH Product View Description - History Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLNHIER Numeric Characteristic Values Hierarchy Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT2T Master Data Texts Subcategory Logistics Basic Data
COMM_CFGVALTX Language Dependent Value Descriptions Product Configurator
T7PIQEXAMMODET Exam Mode (Description) Administration
UPX_KFS_COMMON Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: General Fields Business Planning and Simulation
COMM_PR_PUR_1H Purchasing Central Part of Product Master
UMM_FR118 Frame: BIC Selections Management Cockpit
OIJNOMM Nomination Article Balance Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench
COMM_CFGHIER Basic Data for Model Hierarchy Product Configurator
COMM_HIERARCHYTH Hierarchy Description: History Central Part of Product Master
UMM_CO100 Cockpits: Header Table Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_COB Object Container Basic Functions
COMM_PRWB_TODO Worklist Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLPART Decomposition Item Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT3 Master Data Segment Logistics Basic Data
COMM_CFGVTABLE Variant Table Metadata Product Configurator
COMM_PR_UNIT Product Unit of Measurement Central Part of Product Master
UMM_FR119 Table for Legend Color (Obsolete from SEM 3.5) Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGHIERTX Language-Dependent Description of Hierarchy Product Configurator
UMM_CO101 Cockpits: Assigned Walls Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_HDR Clarification Case Categories Basic Functions
COMM_PRWB_USER_2 User Settings: Product Workbench Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLPREC Class Precedence List Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT3T Master Data Text Segment Logistics Basic Data
COMM_CFGVTCOLUMN Variant Table Column Product Configurator
COMM_PR_UNITH Product Unit of Measurement History Central Part of Product Master
UMM_FR120 Table for Graphics Color (Obsolete from SEM 3.5) Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGINFILT Filter Product Configurator
EDMMS Assignment of EDI partner to purchasing org. and site Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-RP)
COMM_IL_ACCESS Master Data of Relationship Type Accessories Central Part of Product Master
UMM_CO102 Cockpits: Assignment of Variables with Selection Conditions Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_HDRT Short Texts for Clarification Case Categories Basic Functions
COMM_PRWB_USERTA User Settings: Locator Tab Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLSDOM Domains for String Characteristics of Classes Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT4 Master Data Subsegment Logistics Basic Data
COMM_CFGXREF Cross Reference Product Configurator
COMM_PRAPPL_HIER Product Type-Specific Application Area of a Hierarchy Central Part of Product Master
TCNMMPR Profile for ProMan Exceptions Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_FR121 Frame: URL Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGKB Runtime Version of SCE Knowledge Base Product Configurator
COMM_IL_ACCESS_H Historical Data of Relationship Type Accessories Central Part of Product Master
BPOBIMMO Business Partner - Object Relationship: Real Estate Real Estate Management
UMM_CO103 Cockpits: Texts Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_MOB Assignment of Business Objects (or Field Values) to Case Cat Basic Functions
COMM_PRWBIL_USER User Settings for Interlinkages in the Product Workbench Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLSHIER Symbolic Characteristic Values Hierarchy Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT4T Master Data Texts Subsegment Logistics Basic Data
COMM_IL_DSCOPE Definition Scope Classification System (New)
COMM_IL_DSCOPE_H Change Graph for History Table Classification System (New)
N2COMM_LOG Documents Received in Temporary Storage Clinical System
COMM_PRCAT Product Category Central Part of Product Master
TCNMMPR_DATES Scheduling Overview Exceptions Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_FR122 Frame: URL Management Cockpit
FMMDFCSUB1 Value of Substring 1 of Funds Center Master Data
COMM_CFGKBLANG Supported Languages of a KB Product Configurator
COMM_CATGRY_CO_T Product Category Description Controlling
COMM_IL_COMPET Assignment of Own Products to Competitor Products Central Part of Product Master
UMM_CO104 Cockpits: Hierarchy Node Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_MSG Message Pool for Case Category Basic Functions
COMM_PRWTY_NREL Group Table for Number Range Object WARRANTYID Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLVAL Values and Defaults for Characteristics of Classes Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT5 Master Data Sub-Subsegment Logistics Basic Data
COMM_IL_DTYPE Engineering Change Management: Change Graph Classification System (New)
N2COMM_LOGSTAT Last Known Status for Transmitted Object Clinical System
COMM_PRCAT_IL Product Category - Relationship Type Assignment Central Part of Product Master
TCNMMPR_DOCS Document Overview Exceptions Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_FR123 Frames : Graphic - Settings in XML Format Management Cockpit
FMMDFCSUB1T Text of Substring 1 of Funds Center Master Data
COMM_CFGKBLINK KB Hierarchy Product Configurator
COMM_IL_PRDCPN Master Data of Relationship Type Customers Central Part of Product Master
UMM_CO105 Cockpits: Texts for the Hierarchy Nodes Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_PRI Extended Case Determination and Priority Basic Functions
COMM_SCHEME Numbering Scheme Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCLVTX Language Dependent Value Descriptions Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT5T Master Data Texts Sub-Subsegment Logistics Basic Data
COMM_IL_DTYPE_H Change Graph for History Table Classification System (New)
N2COMM_LOGSTATIN Document Receipt: Additional Data for Received Documents Clinical System
CIF_IMMARC Integration Model Reference Table for Stock in Transit Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRCAT_ILH Product Category - Relationship Type Assignment: History Central Part of Product Master
TCNMMPR_EKBE PO History Overview Exceptions Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_LG100 Selections for Log of Transaction Data Buffer Management Cockpit
FMMDFCSUB2 Value of Substring 2 of Funds Center Master Data
COMM_CFGKBTX Language-Dependent Description of KB Product Configurator
CDMMT Texts to cost driver variants Activity-Based Costing
TASSIGN_MM_T001W Aux. Table for Status Info SD Maintenance View: Key VKORG Inventory Management
SRMMIMESPS Table of Possible SPS IDs for File Extensions Case Management
COMM_IL_PRDCPN_H Historical Data of Relationship Type Customers Central Part of Product Master
UMM_CO109 Cockpits: Frame List Ordered by Selection Criteria Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_SOP Solution Processes Basic Functions
COMM_SCHEME_SEG Numbering Scheme Segment Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCNT Control Objects (Tasks and Events) Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT6 Master Data Product Group Logistics Basic Data
COMM_IL_SCPCHR Definition Scope -> Characteristic Classification System (New)
CIF_IMMARD Integration Model Reference Table for Storage Location Stock Cross-Application Components
TCNMMPR_EKES Confirmation Overview Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_LN101 Cockpit Objects: Links and Reports Management Cockpit
FMMDFCSUB2T Text of Substring 2 of Funds Center Master Data
COMM_CFGKMTDEP Dependencies that are attached to KMATS Product Configurator
KLCMMAPPING Mapping Table for CM and Business Partner Default Risk and Limit System
COMM_IL_PRDCTP Master Data of Relationship Type Content Provider Central Part of Product Master
UMM_COBUF Cockpit BW Buffer Case Number (For Runtime Variable) Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CCAT_SOP_B Data Flow for Solution Methods Basic Functions
TFISCOMMFLAG "FSCM General Application Functions
COMM_SCHEMET Numbering Scheme Description Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCNTDEP Dependency Nets that are attached to Tasks/Events Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT6T Master Data Texts Product Group Logistics Basic Data
COMM_IL_SCPCHR_H Change Graph for History Table Classification System (New)
CIF_IMMAT Integration Model Reference Table for Article Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRCATFRGR Assignment Product Category - Set Type Central Part of Product Master
TCNMMPR_EKET Schedule Line Overview Exceptions Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_LN102 Cockpit Objects: Links and Reports - Texts Management Cockpit
FMMDFCSUB3 Value of Substring 3 of Funds Center Master Data
COMM_CFGLNGTXT Long Texts for Different Objects Product Configurator
VISRTMMSBSB Assignment of a Sales Rule to a Peak Sales Rule Sales-Based Rent and Settlement
COMM_IL_PRDCTP_H Historical Data of Relationship Type Content Provider Central Part of Product Master
UMM_CUST General Customizing Settings Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CREACODE Forwarding Reasons Basic Functions
COMM_SETTP_TEMP Template XXXX Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCNTTX Language-Dependent Descriptions for Control Objects Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT7 Master Data Brand Logistics Basic Data
UKMCOMM_TYPEST SAP Credit Management: Texts for Liability Categories Basic Functions
COMM_WB_USER User Settings: Product Workbench Master Data
FLQITEMMA Liquidity Calculation - Line Items for Manual Transfers Treasury
CIF_IMMBOM IMod Reference Table for Article BOM's Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRCATFRGRH Product Category - Set Type Assignment: History Central Part of Product Master
TCNMMPR_QUANS Quantity Overview Exceptions Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_LV100 Logical Views: Header Table Management Cockpit
FMMDFCSUB3T Text of Substring 3 of Funds Center Master Data
COMM_CFGMAT Basic Data for Articles Product Configurator
COMM_IL_PRDMPN Master Data of Relationship Type Manufacturer Central Part of Product Master
LSOCRPSMM Stopmarks for Correspondence Requests Day-to-Day Activities
UMM_DFT_BICDATA Default BIC Data for Frame Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CREACODET Texts for Forwarding Reasons Basic Functions
COMM_SETTPH_TEMP Template XXXX (History) Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCONFPR Configurations Profiles Product Configurator
CMMD_CDT7T Master Data Texts Brand Logistics Basic Data
SFBMMSG Formula Builder Methods: Messages Customer Enhancements
COMM_CLEAR_DEP Data Cleansing: Table of Referencing Objects SAP Business Partner
CIF_IMMCHB Integration Model Reference Table for Batch Stocks Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRCATH Product Category: History Central Part of Product Master
CIF_IMMTMRPA Integration Model Reference Table for Article Logistics - General
TCNMMPRT Language-Dependent Profile Description Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_LV101 Logical Views: Assigned Frames Management Cockpit
FMMDFDSUB1 Value of Substring 1 of Fund Master Data
COMM_CFGNETBLOB BLOBed Dependency Nets Product Configurator
COMM_IL_PRDMPN_H Historical Data of Relationship Type Manufacturer Central Part of Product Master
FRMLC_COSTS_MMPR RMS-FRM: Article Prices Selectable in Costs Dialog Recipe Management
EDEXCOMMMAILADDR E-Mail Address for Data Exchange Energy Data Management
UMM_DFT_CHART Default BW Data for Cockpit Frame Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CTYPE Case Types Basic Functions
COMM_IL_ECMCHG Engineering Change Management: Change Graph Engineering Change Management
CRMM_PR_TAX Product Sales Tax Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCUCO Characteristic Order Product Configurator
CMMD_SKU CDT-SKU Assignment Table Logistics Basic Data
COMM_CLEAR_STACK Data Cleansing Cases SAP Business Partner
CIF_IMMKOL Int. Model Reference Table for Consignment Stock for Vendor Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRFIN_NREL Group Table for Number Range Object FINANCEID Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_LNGCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Language) Logistics - General
TCNMMPRT_DATES Language-Dependent Exception Description Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_LV102 Logical Views: Texts Management Cockpit
FMMDFDSUB1T Text of Substring 1 of Fund Master Data
COMM_CFGNETOBJ Position Numbers of the Characteristics of Classes Product Configurator
COMM_IL_PRDMRK Marketing Article Central Part of Product Master
PVFRMM "RMS-FRM: PVS-FRM Variant Recipe Management
UMM_DFT_ERRMSG Default Error Message for Frame Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CTYPET Short Description of Case Types Basic Functions
CRMM_PR_TAXH Product Sales Tax - History Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCUHD Customizing Screen Designer Header Product Configurator
COMM_CLEAR_TARG Data Cleansing: Target Object List SAP Business Partner
CIF_IMMRPA Integration Model Reference Table for RP Areas Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRFREEATTR Free Attributes for a Product Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_LNGCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Language) Texts Logistics - General
TCNMMPRT_DOCS Language-Dependent Exception Description Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_SH101 Standard Style Management Cockpit
FMMDFDSUB2 Value of Substring 2 of Fund Master Data
COMM_CFGNHIER Numeric Characteristic Values Hierarchy Product Configurator
COMM_IL_PRDMRK_H Marketing Article History Central Part of Product Master
EMMAC_FWMT Short Description of Methods for Forwarding Cases Basic Functions
UMM_DFT_LABEL Default Chart Unit for Frame Graphics Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CWL_BTN Case List: Shortcut Buttons Basic Functions
COMM_IL_PRDBP Master Data of Relationship Type Partner Basic functions
COMM_CFGCUSD Customizing Screen Designer Groups Product Configurator
MMSITEREF Site grouping for purchasing Logistics Basic Data
FMMAACT Activation of Multi-annual Budgeting Budgeting
FMMACGPERC Percentage per cover group (Multi-annual budgeting) Budgeting
CRMM_BUT_FRG0060 Business Partner Business Hours SAP Business Partner
CIF_IMMSKA Integration Model Reference Table for Sales Order Stock Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRFREEATTRH Free Attributes for a Product - History Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_MRKCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Market) Logistics - General
TCNMMPRT_EKBE Language-Dependent Exception Description Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_SH102 User-Specific Style Management Cockpit
FMMDFDSUB2T Text of Substring 2 of Fund Master Data
COMM_CFGNUM Basic Data for Numeric Characteristics Product Configurator
CMMBD Market Structure of External Data Providers Business Content and Extractors
COMM_IL_PRDVND Master Data of Relationship Type Vendors Central Part of Product Master
EMMAC_MSG_SUPRES Suppression of Messages during Preparation (Do Not Use) Basic Functions
UMM_DFT_LEGDATA Default Legacy Data for Frame BW Data Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CWL_BTNT Texts for Shortcut Buttons Basic Functions
COMM_IL_PRDBP_H Historical Data for Relationship Type Partner Basic functions
COMM_CFGCUSDT Language-Dependent Descriptions for Screen Designer Product Configurator
WRF_CMMD_CDT1 Category Logistics Basic Data
FMMAPERC Standard percentage set for multi-annual budgeting Budgeting
CRMM_BUT_FRG0061 Business Partner Business Hours Interval SAP Business Partner
CACSM2_VAMMAP Conditions for Mapped Valuation Incentive and Commission Management
CIF_IMMSKU Int. Model Reference Table for Special Stocks at Customer Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRFS_NREL Group Table for Number Range Object FS_PRODID Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_MRKCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Market) Texts Logistics - General
TCNMMPRT_EKES Language-Dependent Exception Description Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_ST100 Status of the Frames in the Cockpits Management Cockpit
FMMDFNSUB1 Value of Substring 1 of Functional Area Master Data
COMM_CFGNUMDOM Domains for Numeric Characteristics Product Configurator
MMPURUI_CFDOC cFolders ID for Purchasing Documents Purchasing
COMM_IL_PRDVND_H Historical Data of Relationship Type Vendors Central Part of Product Master
PTRV_COMM_AMT Detail Data: Transfer to FM When Trip Saved Travel Expenses
PMMRCKF IMG: Assign QUAN Fields to UNIT Fields Reporting
EMMAC_MSGSUPRS Handling of Messages During Preparation Basic Functions
UMM_DFT_LEGSTUC Table: Default Legacy Structure for Cockpit Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CWL_SHL Layout of Case Processing List Basic Functions
COMM_ATTR_DB_TMH Template for Database Tables of Multi-Value Attributes Set Types and Attributes
COMM_CFGCUSDU Customizing Screen Designer Groups Usage Product Configurator
COMM_IL_ECMCHG_H Change Graph for History Table Engineering Change Management
WRF_CMMD_CDT1T Category Texts Logistics Basic Data
FMMIGDOC Migrated Documents Budgeting
OIUH_PR_MMSBA Oil and Gas appl table Revenue
CIF_IMMSL Integration Model Reference Table for Consumption Data Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRIP_NREL Group Table for Number Range Object IPID Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_TRRCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Territory) Logistics - General
TCNMMPRT_EKET Language-Dependent Exception Description Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_ST101 Selections for Status of the Frames in the Cockpits Management Cockpit
FMMDFNSUB1T Text of Substring 1 of Functional Area Master Data
COMM_CFGOBJDEP Relationship between Classes and Dependencies Product Configurator
CMMATGRP_CUST Customizing Table for Article Hierarchy Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_IL_PROREF Master Data of Relationship Type Reference Product Central Part of Product Master
PMMRCKFA IMG: Update PMIS Measurement Document: Assignments and Units Reporting
UMM_DFT_Q_RANGE Default Value Range for 4 Quadrants Management Cockpit
EMMAC_CWL_SHLT Text for Layout of Case Processing List Basic Functions
COMM_ATTR_DB_TMP Template for Database Tables of Multi-Value Attributes Set Types and Attributes
COMM_CFGDBVERS Database Version (upgrade information) Product Configurator
WRF_CMMD_CDT2 Subcategory Logistics Basic Data
WRF_CMMD_CDT2T Subcategory Texts Logistics Basic Data
FMMIGOV Overview of Migration Status Budgeting
OIRBOMMT001L Object links - CA storage location (IS-Oil MRN) Service Station Retailing
BMA_BMM OLD CFM Benchmarking: Master Data for Market Benchmark Portfolio Analyzer
CIF_IMMSLB Int. Model Reference Table for Special Stocks at Vendor Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRMAT_NREL Group Table for Number Range Object MATERIALID Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_TRRCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Territory) Texts Logistics - General
TCNMMPRT_QUANS Language-Dependent Exception Description Project-Oriented Procurement
UMM_ST102 Status of the Frames in the Cockpits Management Cockpit
FMMDFNSUB2 Value of Substring 2 of Functional Area Master Data
COMM_CFGOCLASS Basic Data for OO-Classes Product Configurator
MMPREF_PRO_01_B Log table - Preference - Information from rules Basic Functions
CMMATGRP_HIER Article Hierarchy Properties Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_IL_PROREF_H Historical Data of Relationship Type Reference Product Central Part of Product Master
PMMRCKFB IMG: Consumption Key Figures in PMIS: Function and Arguments Reporting
UMM_DFT_T_RANGE Default Value Range for Tachometer Management Cockpit
EMMAC_FWM Methods for Forwarding Cases Basic Functions
COMM_EXTENSIONH Extension Table History (Template) Set Types and Attributes
COMM_CFGDEP Basic Data for Dependencies (including Nets) Product Configurator
CRMM_IC_CCSYS IC MCM Com Mgmt Software System Communication Channel
COMM_CFGDEPCOM Compiled Code for Dependency Nets Product Configurator
CRMM_IC_CCSYS_T IC MCM Com Mgmt Software System Description Communication Channel
WRF_CMMD_CDT3 Segment Logistics Basic Data
FMMIGPAR Partially Migrated Documents Budgeting
COM_COMMERCIAL Business data Central Part of Product Master
CIF_IMMSPR Integration Model Reference Table for Project Stocks Cross-Application Components
COMM_PROD_VAR Assignment of Product Variants to Configurable Product Central Part of Product Master
UMM_VA100 Variables: Header Table Management Cockpit
FMMDFNSUB2T Text of Substring 2 of Functional Area Master Data
COMM_CFGOCLTX Language Dependent Descriptions of OO-Classes Product Configurator
TMMPURCFOLDERS cFolders Maintenance Purchasing
MMPREF_PRO_02 Log table - Main component - Information Basic Functions
CMMATGRP_HIERT Article Hierarchy Description Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_IL_SERVI Master Data of Relationship Type Services Central Part of Product Master
MMPT Cycle definitions and MeasPoints for MaintPlan Maintenance Task Lists
EWMMAUEXPFLAG MAU: Define Sections to Expand Work Management Mobile Business
UMM_FR100 Frames: Header Table Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGDEPDEP Relationship between Dependencies Product Configurator
CRMM_IC_CCSYSCH IC MCM Com Mgmt Software System Channels Communication Channel
WRF_CMMD_CDT3T Segment Texts Logistics Basic Data
VLCMMAP Mapping of models to used vehicle configuration charact. Vehicle Management System
OIRC_GMME SSR: Meter event Service Station Retailing
COM_COMMERCIALH Business data Central Part of Product Master
CRMMASSUPD_CUS Settings for Mass Data Handling Cross-Application Components
COMM_PROD_VARH History: Assignment of Variants to Configurable Product Central Part of Product Master
FMFG_MM_PEND_CHG Purchasing document changes requiring Notification approvl Functions for U.S. Federal Government
UMM_VA101 Variables: Texts Management Cockpit
FMMDFNSUB3 Value of Substring 3 of Functional Area Master Data
COMM_CFGPROF Knowledge Base Profiles Product Configurator
MMPUROCI_DETAILS Enhancement to Table WSI_ENTITY Basic Functions
MMPREF_PRO_03 Log table - Component - Information Basic Functions
CMMATGRP_ROLE Category Role Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_IL_SERVI_H Historical Data of Relationship Type Services Central Part of Product Master
MMPX Maintenance cycle short texts Maintenance Task Lists
EWMMAUMATFLAG MAU: Define Device Numbers as Unique Work Management Mobile Business
UMM_FR101 Frames: Dimensions Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGDEPDNN Discrimination Nodes Product Configurator
CRMM_IC_CCSYSQ IC MCM Com Mgmt Software System Queues Communication Channel
WRF_CMMD_CDT4 Subsegment Logistics Basic Data
OIRC_GMMES SSR: Meter event text Service Station Retailing
COMM_APPLCATGRPR Application Area of a Hierarchy Central Part of Product Master
FRE_DB_FRE_DISMM replenishment types for FRE scenario Cross-Application Components
COMM_PRODUCT Product Central Part of Product Master
TFMFG_MM_AACT Document Type for Account Assignment Category Functions for U.S. Federal Government
UMM_VA102 Variables: Proposed Variables for the Dimensions Management Cockpit
FMMDFNSUB3T Text of Substring 3 of Functional Area Master Data
COMM_CFGPROFTX Language-Dependent Descriptions for Knowledge Base Profiles Product Configurator
TASSIGN_MM_EKORG Status Information for the Key field: EKORG Basic Functions
CMMATGRP_ROLET Name of role Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_IL_SPARE Master Data of Relationship Type Spare Parts Central Part of Product Master
QMMA Quality notification - activities Maintenance Notifications
EWMMAUMATS MAU: Articles for Mobile Processing Work Management Mobile Business
UMM_FR102 Frames: Key Figures Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGDEPPAT Pattern Product Configurator
CRMM_IC_CCSYSQ_T IC MCM Com Mgmt Software System Queues Description Communication Channel
WRF_CMMD_CDT4T Subsegment Texts Logistics Basic Data
TBKKTRMMINDEP Minimum Deposit for Each Term Bank Customer Accounts
OIRC_GMMH SSR Meters - History Service Station Retailing
OIUCA_SSDIMMAT Sliding Scale Methods - Dimension / Articles Contractual Allocation
COMM_ATTR_ALIAS Attribute Alias Central Part of Product Master
EMMA_CACTOR Clarification Case Processor Basic Functions
COMM_PRODUCT_IDX Index Table for Products Central Part of Product Master
UMM_VA103 Variables: Proposed Selections Management Cockpit
FMMDSTRID Define Subdivision ID of FM Master Data Master Data
PTRV_COMM_ITM Header Data: Transfer to FM When Trip Saved Travel Expenses
COMM_CFGPRTDEP Dependencies that are attached to BOM positions Product Configurator
CMMATGRP_SKU Article Assignment Table Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_IL_SPARE_H Historical Data of Relationship Type Spare Parts Central Part of Product Master
TIVMMMNSET Settings Dependent on Mandate Type Third Party Management/COA
UMM_FR103 Frames: Texts Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGDEPSPN Simple Pattern Nodes Product Configurator
CRMM_IC_GFS IC Global Framework Settings Framework
WRF_CMMD_CDT5 Sub-Subsegment Logistics Basic Data
OIRC_GMMH_AGG01 SSR Meters - Aggregated history (Monthly) Service Station Retailing
OIURV_DOC_FRMMKT Valuation Transactions Level 3 - Marketing Detail Valuation
UMM_BU100 Selections for Buffer of Transaction Data Management Cockpit
COMM_ATTR_ALIASH Attribute Alias Central Part of Product Master
EMMA_CASE Clarification Case Basic Functions
COMM_PRODUCTH Product History Central Part of Product Master
FMMDST Field selection string Funds Management
UMM_VA104 Runtime Variable Display Sequence (in Presentation Side) Management Cockpit
FMMDSUBDIV Define Substrings of FM Master Data Master Data
COMM_CFGSHIER Symbolic Characteristic Values Hierarchy Product Configurator
MMPREK_PRO_01_B Log table - Preference - Info from rule Basic Functions
CMMATGRP_STRAT Category Strategy Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_IPRODUCT Inactive Product Central Part of Product Master
VIMMHBACC House Bank Account Third Party Management/COA
UMM_FR106 Frames : Graphic - BLOB (Obsolete from SEM 3.5) Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGDEPSRC Source Text for Dependencies Product Configurator
WRF_CMMD_CDT5T Sub-Subsegment Texts Logistics Basic Data
OIRC_GMMH_AGG011 SSR Meters - Aggregated history (Monthly) Service Station Retailing
UMM_BU101 Buffer of Transaction Data Management Cockpit
COMM_CATEGORY Category Central Part of Product Master
EMMA_CMSG_LINK Case Messages Basic Functions
PLMM_ACT_BREL Relationships in GOS Environment Audit Management
COMM_PRPRDCATR Product - Product Category Assignment Central Part of Product Master
FMMDSTF Field Selection String and Fields Funds Management
UMM_WA100 Walls: Header Table Management Cockpit
FMMDSUBDIVT Define Substrings of FM Master Data Master Data
COMM_CFGSTATUS Status of a Model Element Product Configurator
MMPREK_PRO_02 Log table - Main component - Information Basic Functions
CMMATGRP_STRATT Strategy Description Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_PME_CAT_MAP Mapping of a Category or Product to PME Classes Central Part of Product Master
VIMMMN Mandate Third Party Management/COA
UMM_FR107 Frames: Graphic - Legend Management Cockpit
UMM_FR108 Value Ranges: Tachometer Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGDEPTX Language Dependent Description of Dependencies Product Configurator
SMMAIN Main Information for an Entry in the Monitor Schedule Manager
WRF_CMMD_CDT6 Product Group Logistics Basic Data
OIRC_GMMH_DEL SSR Meters - Deleted meter readings history Service Station Retailing
UMM_BU102 Buffer of Transaction Data Management Cockpit
COMM_CATEGORYDEL Categories To Be Deleted (Temporary) in Download Central Part of Product Master
EMMA_COBJECT Objects and Field Values for Case Basic Functions
PLMM_AUDIT Audit Audit Management
COMM_PRPRDCATRH Product - Product Category Assignment: History Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCHADEP Dependencies that are attached to Characteristics of Classes Product Configurator
TJHTMMZ IS-M/AM: Assignment of Technical and IS-M/AM Characteristics SAP Media
FMMDSTT Text for Field Selection String Funds Management
FMMEASURE FM Funded Program Master Data Master Data
COMM_CFGSTATX Language-Dependent Description of Status Product Configurator
T5ASRFSCNATMMAP Mapping of Attachments Between Form Scenarios HR Administrative Services
MMPREK_PRO_03 Log table - Component - Information Basic Functions
CMMATGRP_STRUC Category Structure Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_PME_PRD_MAP Mapping of CRM Products for PME Classes Central Part of Product Master
UMM_FR109 Value Ranges: 4 Quadrants Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGDEPVAR Pattern Product Configurator
SMMESSAGE Messages Saved for Monitor Schedule Manager
WRF_CMMD_CDT6T Product Group Texts Logistics Basic Data
OIRC_GMMH_PRNR SSR Meters - History / Maximum process number Service Station Retailing
COMM_CATEGORYT Category Description Central Part of Product Master
T7PMM Combinations of Rules and Budget Structure Element Types Budget Management
EIAC_COMMON Internal services: cross-service control table Customer Service
UMM_BU103 Selections for Buffer of Transaction Data Management Cockpit
COMM_CATEGORYH Category: History Central Part of Product Master
EMMA_CSOLP Case Solution Path Basic Functions
PLMM_AUDIT_ACT Audit - Corrective Action Audit Management
COMM_PRSHTEXT Product Description Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCHAPOS Position Numbers of the Characteristics of Classes Product Configurator
TJHTMMZ_OL IS-M: Chrtstic (Technical)/Chrtstic(M/AM) Assgnmt (Online) SAP Media
FMMM1 Assignment Table for Warehouse Funds Center Funds Management
FMMEASURE_FGC Field group criteria (Funded Program) using FM Area Master Data
COMM_CFGSTRDOM Domains for String Characteristics Product Configurator
CMMATGRP_STRUCT Language-Dependent Hierarchy Node Description Retail and Consumer Goods
COMM_PME_SET_MAP Mapping Set Types for PME Classes Central Part of Product Master
HUM_KOMMI HUM Picking with Partial GI Posting Article Identification and Reconciliation
CRMM_IPM_DSCCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Discount Level) SAP Media
UMM_FR110 Frames:Graphics Assignment Management Cockpit
FMMDACTIV Activate Subdivision of FM Master Data Master Data
COMM_CFGDOCKEY Ref. table between documentation and object Product Configurator
WRF_CMMD_CDT7 Brand Logistics Basic Data
OIGRMM TD Rack Meter / Article Assignment Transportation and Distribution
COMM_CATEGORYTH Category Description: History Central Part of Product Master
J_1BNFTYPEREDMM Nota Fiscal type determination for NFe Localization
ECRMMKT_BP Business Partner for Campaign Marketing
UMM_BU104 Buffer of Characteristics Management Cockpit
EMMAC_BPA Business Process Area Customizing Basic Functions
PLMM_AUDIT_OBJ Audit Object Attribute Audit Management
COMM_PRSHTEXTH Product Description (History) Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCHARAC Basic Data for Characteristics Product Configurator
FMMM2 Transaction Type Control Funds Management
FMMEASURET FM Funded Program Text Table Master Data
COMM_CFGSTRING Basic Data for String Characteristics Product Configurator
MMPREW_PRO_01_B Preference CPG: Log - Information from rule Basic Functions
COMM_PR_FRG_REG Product-Set Assignment (Gen. Link-Handler) Central Part of Product Master
CRMM_IPM_DSCCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Discount Level) Texts SAP Media
CRMM_IPM_RTPCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Rights Table) SAP Media
UMM_FR111 Frames : Graphic - Settings in XML Format Management Cockpit
COMM_CFGDOCOBJ Structure for Identifying Document Product Configurator
WRF_CMMD_CDT7T Brand Texts Logistics Basic Data
J_1I_WTH_SER_MM Table to determine withholding line for GTA and Imports Localization
ECRMMKT_PR Campaign: Header Data Trigger for Print Action Records Marketing
UMM_BU105 Buffer of Transaction Data Management Cockpit
EMMAC_BPC Business Process Code Customizing Basic Functions
PLMM_AUDIT_ROLES Audit Components-BP-Partner Role Audit Management
COMM_PRSRV_NREL Group Table for Number Range Object SERVICEID Central Part of Product Master
COMM_CFGCHAREF Characteristics that reference to external data sources Product Configurator
COMM_CFGSUPER Class Hierarchy Product Configurator
MMPREW_PRO_02 Preference CPG: Log main component - Information Basic Functions
RSDDSTATTREX_MM TREX Statistic Table for DB Buffer OLAP Technology
COMM_PR_FRG_REGH Product-Set Assignment History (Gen. Link-Handler) Central Part of Product Master
OIUREP_PRDCDXREF MMS: Possible Article No/MMS Prod Cd Combinations Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_PROWNERS MMS-2014 - Property w/ Multiple Owners? Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_PRPAYXREF MMS-2014 - Property / Payor XRef Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_RECOUP MMS-2014 - Recoupable Balance Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_RT_HIST MMS-2014 - Royalty Transaction (Pending) History Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_SALESTYPE MMS-2014 - Sales Type Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_SUPL_REP MMS-2014 - Supplemental Reports Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_SUPL_REPT MMS-2014 - Supplemental Reports Description Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_WCOWNERS MMS-2014 - Well Completion w/ Multiple Owners Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_WCPAYXREF MMS-2014 - Well Completion / Payor XRef Royalty Reporting
OIUREPP_LEASE MMS-2014 - Lease PPA Royalty Reporting
OIUREPP_OWNER MMS-2014 - Owner PPA Royalty Reporting
OIUREPP_PRPAYXRF MMS-2014 - Property / Payor XRef PPA Royalty Reporting
OIUREPP_SALETYPE MMS-2014 - Sales Type PPA Royalty Reporting
OIUREPP_WCPAYXRF MMS-2014 - Well Completion / Payor XRef PPA Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_2014_INFO MMS-2014 - Report Executions Start information Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_2014_REP MMS-2014 - Supplemental Reports From Report Executions Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_2014_RUNS MMS-2014 - Report Executions Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_ADJCD_XRF MMS-2014 - Reversal Rsn to Adjustment Reason Code XREF Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_FEDINDIAN MMS-2014 - Federal or Indian Leases Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_INDIAN_TR MMS-2014 - Indian Tribes Royalty Reporting
J_1BIM01 MM-IM: Tax posting strings for inventory management Localization
OIUH_RV_RP MMS Royalty Pending Revenue
OIUREP_LEASE MMS-2014 - Lease Royalty Reporting
J_1BMMKON0 MM: Value transfer from pricing to Nota Fiscal Localization
VTBMMOR MM: open requests Transaction Manager
OIUREP_MMS_ACTN MMS Well Status Reason Code/Action Code Combos (OGOR-A) Royalty Reporting
J_1BMMNFTT MM: Allowed automatic texts Localization
OIUREP_MMS_DTEDT MMS-2014 Edit Effective Date Table Royalty Reporting
ESDUS MM: Dynamic User Settings External Services
J_1BMMNFTU MM: Allowed automatic text key description Localization
OIUREP_MMS_REAS MMS Well Status / Reason Code Combinations (OGOR-A) Royalty Reporting
ESRUO MM: Recently Used Objects External Services
J_1BMMNFX MM: Argument used in automatic creation of NF header texts Localization
OIUREP_MMS_REJS MMS-2014 - Extraction Rejects Royalty Reporting
J_1BMMNFXT MM:Text used in automatic creation of NF header texts? Localization
OIUREP_MRT_CRED MMS-2014: Credits Against Monthly Report Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_MRT_HIST MMS-2014 MMS Royalty Transaction Processed History Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_OWNER MMS-2014 - Owner Royalty Reporting
OIUREP_PAYOR MMS-2014 - Payor / Company Code XRef Royalty Reporting
FMVORTR Cmmt items for carryover item category of totals records Funds Management
OIIGMMH GMM: Meter history Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
OIIGMMIKN GMM: Index for customer/sequence no. access mode Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
OIIGMMK GMM: General meter header table Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
OIIGMMKS GMM: Meter description Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
OIIGMMM GMM: Meter/Article assignment Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
OIIGMMS GMM: Meter/Storage object assignment Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
T5PBSR1E Commendation Public Sector
TCACS_FHD_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Headers Incentive and Commission Management
S008 Communications Table SD -> CO/Projects Data Collection
FMPOSIT Commitment Item Assignment to Internal Number (FIPEX-POSIT) Funds Management
TKEC1 Comment management for characteristic attributes Data Collection
CACS00_DOCHD Commission Document Header Incentive and Commission Management
USPPT Common User Table for Sequencing and REM Planning Table Repetitive Manufacturing
TVPR Commission Groups Customer Master
EKOG Command Group Device Management
TCACS_FIT_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Headers Incentive and Commission Management
FMPP Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items Funds Management
TKEC2 Comment management for fields Data Collection
T76MGE_SUM Summation Rules for Base CPIs Management of Global Employees
T7PIQEOTELETYPE Communication Types at External Organization Administration
ORDCOM Communication control Operation download Production Orders
TVPRT Commission Group Texts Customer Master
TICL091 Communication Type Claims Management
T5UCP_COMPM Common Paymaster Relationship USA
TCACS_INOPT Commissions: Input Options Incentive and Commission Management
CACS00_DOCOBJ Commission Document: Object Data Incentive and Commission Management
FMCI Commitment items master data Funds Management
LDK01 Communication Record 01 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI R/2 -> ERP R/2-R/3 Link
TICL091T Communication Method - Text Claims Management
T5UCP_STATE Common Paymaster Acknowledgement for States USA
TE373 Command/Programming Device Management
TCACS_NRRCT Commission Contract: Assign Number Ranges Incentive and Commission Management
T536B Communication Keys Personnel Administration
FMCIT Commitment items texts Funds Management
LDK02 Communicat.Record 02 Decentralized WMS: Transfer R/2 -> ERP R/2-R/3 Link
T596N Summary Personnel Area Reporting Reuse Services for Country Development
TE373T Command/Programming (texts) Device Management
FMPPT Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items: Texts Funds Management
AUNIT_PSA_MD_CP Communication: Parallel Processes in Test Data Staging
LDK03 Communication Rec. 03 Decentralized WMS: Del.Doc. R/2 -> ERP R/2-R/3 Link
TDREPAY_COMSTATU Communication Status Payoff Loans Management
TOAAR Communications configuration table for storage system ArchiveLink
T596NV Summary Personnel Area Reporting Reuse Services for Country Development
PSO24 Summary Key (Text) Funds Management-Specific Postings
CACS00_DOCREL Commission Document: Relationships Between Participants Incentive and Commission Management
TPIF2 Commitment Items: Value Category Accounting
LDK04 Communication Rec. 04 LVS Decentr.: DN Supplem. R/2 -> ERP R/2-R/3 Link
T5F99P9 Committee Reuse Services for Country Development
EDEXCOMMFORMALE Communication Type - Application Link Enabling (ALE) Energy Data Management
PSO26 Summarization Keys and Accounts Funds Management-Specific Postings
FMCTRNR02 Commitment-item-depending FM monitoring number Funds Management
LDK05 Communication Record 05 Decentr. WMS: (R/2-ERP): Art. Master R/2-R/3 Link
T5F99P9T Committee text Reuse Services for Country Development
EDEXCOMMFORMAT Communication Type Energy Data Management
FMFG_PO_CMMTSTR Commitment string lookup table for SES ZEKKN correction Funds Management
GMAVCT Summary table Grantee Management
UBC_TB_CE Communication Data for Transfer to Service Billing Financials Basis
CACS00_INV Commission Case Participants Incentive and Commission Management
RSPCENQUEUE Dummy Table for Runtime Locks of a Process Data Staging
JBRVRDEF Summarization Rule - Default Setting Risk Analysis
TRDC_REC Summarization of Loan Document Items: Carryforward Records Loans Management
EDEXCOMMFORMATT Communication Type (Text) Energy Data Management
GMIT Summary table Grantee Management
FPB_LP_COMMANDC Commands for Reports Business Package for Manager Self-Service (FI)
RSPCSYNCLOCK Dummy Table for Locks for Synchronous Execution Data Staging
JBRVREG Summarization Rule Risk Analysis
ISSRFLDET Summary table Regulatory reporting for insurance companies
EDEXCOMMFORMFTP Communication Type - File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Energy Data Management
GLISDET Summary Table for Insurance (DE) Collections/Disbursements
CC1PAR Communication Parameters Personnel Time Management
T021C Summary Variant Short Names Financial Accounting
CACS00_OBJ Commission Case Object Data Incentive and Commission Management
CACS_BUCAGR Commission: Agreement Bundle Incentive and Commission Management
LSOLHACCOMACCES Comments on Accommodation's Accessibility Training Management
EDEXCOMMFORMINTR Communication Type - Internet Energy Data Management
GRISDET Summary Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup Collections/Disbursements
CACS_BUFFLOG Commissions: Log Table of Commission Objects Incentive and Commission Management
EDEXCOMMFORMMAIL Communication Type - E-Mail Energy Data Management
TBPFP Commitment Type Profile Funds Management
CACS00_PAR Commission Case Participation Incentive and Commission Management
TWPFIT Communication profile store POS Interface
OIU_CM_PARAM Common PRA Parameter Production and Revenue Accounting
TKSR1 Summarization - header data Cost Center Accounting
EDEXCOMMFORMPART Communication Type - Business Partner Addresses Energy Data Management
FMSPLITT Summary table Funds Management
TBPFPT Commitment Type Profile Texts Funds Management
LDK06 Communic.Record 06 Decentr.WMS (R/2-ERP):Batch Status Change R/2-R/3 Link
TKSR2 Summarization - versions Cost Center Accounting
FMUSFGFACTS1T Summary table Funds Management
TBPFPV Commitment Types: Control Funds Management
CACS00_SUMRE01 Commissions: Reference Totals Table for Compensation Incentive and Commission Management
TKSR3 Summarization - value type Cost Center Accounting
CACS_CTRTBU Commission Contract Incentive and Commission Management
EDEXCOMMFORMXML Communication Format - XML Energy Data Management
FMUSFGFACTS2T Summary table Funds Management
FAGL_BCF_FIELDS Summarization: Balance Carryforward for P&L Accounts General Ledger Accounting
CACS00_SUMSE01 Commissions: Reference Totals Table for Settlement Incentive and Commission Management
FMHICI Commitment items hierarchy Funds Management
TKSR4 Summarization - sequence information Cost Center Accounting
CACS_CTRTCORR Commission: Assignment of Correspondence Types to Contract Incentive and Commission Management
FMUSFGT Summary table for US Federal Government Funds Management
FIEB_STATUS_LOCK Dummy to Block Status According to Non-Primary Key Fields Payment Transactions
CACS00_SUMVA01 Commissions: Reference Totals Table for Valuation Incentive and Commission Management
ECOMCONTROL Communication Control Based on Service Types Intercompany Data Exchange
MDMXTYPE dummy Logistics Basic Data
EDIPORT Summary Table for all Port Types for IDoc Processing ALE Integration Technology
GLT3 Summary Data Preparations for Consolidation Basic Functions
CACS42_DOCSHA Commission Document: Complex Distribution Ratios Incentive and Commission Management
CACS_DOC_REVHIST Commission Document: Reversal History Incentive and Commission Management
ECOMCONTROLEX Communication Control: Exceptions at Point of Delivery Level Intercompany Data Exchange
TBD03 Communication relation between systems ALE Integration Technology
TCSTR Communication strategy Basis Services / Communication Interfaces
FMIOI Commitment Documents Funds Management Funds Management
COOI Commitments Management: Line Items Overhead Cost Orders
ECOMCONTROLSP Communication Control Based on Service Providers Intercompany Data Exchange
ITAGCYSUBCOMM Commission to Subagencies (Main and Subtransactions) Collections/Disbursements
TCSTRP Communication types in communication strategy Basis Services / Communication Interfaces
OIUREP_CODE_COMA Common table to convert SAP codes to Ag. codes Apl.Table Royalty Reporting
TKETR Summary Records: Catalogs Profitability Analysis
EIDESWTMSGDATACO Comment in Message Data for Switch Document Intercompany Data Exchange
T138Z Common Fields in MPN Groups Master Data
ISIS_CNT_DUMMY Dummy Table for Search Help ISIS_CONTRACT_F4_INCL SAP Business Partner
TFK002E Dummy Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
FMKR Commitment Item Criterion Funds Management
OIUREP_CODE_COMN Common table for converting SAP codes to Agency codes Royalty Reporting
CACS_EDTLOG Commissions: Log Table EDT Incentive and Commission Management
CRMC_BCB_CC Communication Management Software Connections Communication Channel
TFK002G Dummy Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
FMKRG Commitment Item Criterion Category Group Funds Management
CACS_EDTPROT Commissions: Log for EDT Interface Supply Incentive and Commission Management
ERDBBPREQ Dummy Reversal/Request for Dereg. Stat. Budget Billing Items Invoicing
OIRBPBLTRNBT Dummy table for run-time field RNBT per location type Service Station Retailing
TFK002GT Dummy Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
TCACS_ARCH_CAS Commission Case Archiving: Min. Retention Period in System Incentive and Commission Management
TCACS_OBJ_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Triggering Objects Incentive and Commission Management
FMRBT Summary table Budgeting
T5N4D Commuter Allowance (NL) Netherlands
TCACS_ARCH_DOC Commission Doc Archiving: Min. Retention Period in System Incentive and Commission Management
EPM_DATA_COMMENT Comments for Data Points in Trend Analysis Logistics - General
TCACS_SENDTYPE Commissions: Define Send Categories for Letters Incentive and Commission Management
CACS_QRULE Commission: Quick Rule Engine Incentive and Commission Management
TCACS_AUT04 Commissions: Existing Authorization Groups Incentive and Commission Management
HBSCMP Community Plan Data within Home Building Solution Logistics - General
TCACS_SENDTYPET Commissions: Define Send Categories for Letters Incentive and Commission Management
FMKRTP Commitment item criterion category Funds Management
TKKVISUMCATT Summarization Balance Interest Calculation Texts Collections/Disbursements
ADRCOMC Comm. Data Serial Number Counter (Business Address Services) Address Management/Business Address
VWPPOOLREMARK Comments for Asset Pool Transaction Manager
TCACS_AUT04T Commissions: Information on Authorization Groups Incentive and Commission Management
CACS_TRICAJO Commission Case Trigger: Log Incentive and Commission Management
TCACS_AUT05 Commissions: Assignment of Users to Authorization Group Incentive and Commission Management
TCACS_SES_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Settlement Schedules Incentive and Commission Management
TSPCMDS Command Line Model for LOMS Print and Output Management
JBDVDAK Summarization of Current Indicators per Sender Program Transaction Data Pool
ADRT Communication Data Text (Business Address Services) Address Management/Business Address
TCACS_BDLSET Commissions: Store Various Settings for Contract Bundle Incentive and Commission Management
TCACS_TRIGSYS Commissions: Settlement Target System Incentive and Commission Management
CACS_WFCAS Commission Case: Workflow Characteristics for Pending Cases Incentive and Commission Management
JBTOBJP Commission Fields for Financial Transactions Single Transaction Costing
T5F1BAT Commercial name of the insurance contract (obsolete) France
TCACS_CAS_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Commission Cases Incentive and Commission Management
TCOMT Commodity Description Global Trade
FMCCFLOT Commitment Carryforward of Held Documents (Approval Proc.) Funds Management
B407 Commission Settlement for Company Code SAP Media
T77RCF_COM_CHN Communication Channels E-Recruiting
CACS00_ACT Commission Case Activities Incentive and Commission Management
KFM_KF_COMMENT Comments for Key Figure Values Generic Key Figure Monitor
T77RCF_COM_CHN_T Communication Channels E-Recruiting
CACS00_CAS Commission Case Incentive and Commission Management
JVPSC01T Summary table Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
TKKVVERD Summarization Control of FI-CA Line Items Collections/Disbursements
TCACS_DOC_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Commission Documents Incentive and Commission Management
FMPG Commitment Items in FM Area/Fiscal Year Funds Management
CACS00_DOCACT Commission Document: Activities Incentive and Commission Management
PSO23 "Summary Key Funds Management-Specific Postings
CACS00_DOCRE "Commission Document Incentive and Commission Management
CACS00_DOCSE "Commission Document Incentive and Commission Management
CACS00_DOCVA "Commission Document Incentive and Commission Management
FMFXPO "Commitment item Funds Management
CACS_DOC_LOCK "Commission Document Header Incentive and Commission Management
TKETRL "Summarization Levels: Catalog Entry Profitability Analysis
TKETRLF "Summarization Levels: Catalog Entry Profitability Analysis
TKETRLT "Summarization Levels: Catalog Entry Profitability Analysis
TKETRLX "Summarization levels: Catalog entry Profitability Analysis
OIO_RT_ACTIT Recommended action for returns document item Remote Logistics Management
OIO_RT_ACTIT_TX Recommended action descriptions Remote Logistics Management
OIO_RT_STPEV Recommended action step Remote Logistics Management
OIO_RT_STPIT Recommended action step Remote Logistics Management
OIO_RT_STPIT_AL Recommended action step - allowed processes Remote Logistics Management
OIO_RT_STPIT_TX Recommended action step descriptions Remote Logistics Management
TIVB8 Accomm.entitlemnt certif.: Special groups of people Real Estate Management
LSOLHACCOMEQUIP Accommodation Equipment Training Management
TIVBH Accomm.entitlement cert.: Special groups of people - Texts Real Estate Management
J_3GMTART CEM/MM Inventory Mgmt per Article Type and Recipient Type Construction Equipment Management
VIMIWB Accomm.entitlement certif. for application and LO Real Estate Management
TIVORAEC Accommodation Entitlement Certificate Offer and Rental Request
JVT1 JV Summary Table Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
NMSTORT IS-H MM: Text for Closet Patient Accounting
IMCEFL IM Summarization: Functional locations Information System
TNM60T IS-H MM: Medical Categories for Articles Basic Data
JVTO1 JV Summary Table with Objects Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
IMCEFLT IM Summarization: Texts for functional locations Information System
IMCEM IM Summarization: Measures Information System
IMCEMT IM Summarization: Texts for measures Information System
IMCEP IM Summarization: Sites Information System
TNM01 IS-H MM: Assign Sites to Institution Patient Accounting
IMCEPC IM Summarization: Profit centers Information System
TNM02 IS-H MM: Article Requisition Parameters Patient Accounting
IMCEPCT IM Summarization: Texts for profit centers Information System
TNM03 IS-H MM: Procurement Type Determination Patient Accounting
IMCEPPT IM Summarization: Texts for program positions Information System
TNM04 IS-H MM: Determine Articles for CO Reposting Patient Accounting
IMCEPT IM Summarization: Texts for sites Information System
TNM10A IS-H MM: Approval Types Patient Accounting
IMCER IM Summarization: Appropriation requests Information System
TNM10K IS-H MM: Approval types (texts) Patient Accounting
IMCERT IM Summarization: Texts for appropriation requests Information System
TNM20H IS-H MM: Hierarchy for Article Input Help Patient Accounting
IMCH IM Summarization: Header Information System
TNM20HT IS-H MM: Hierarchy for article input facility (texts) Patient Accounting
IMCHIE IM Summarization: Buffer for investment program hierarchy Information System
IMCKF IM Summarization: Key figures Information System
TTYPV FI Summarization Dependent on the Object Type Financial Accounting
TAIC2 IM Summarization: Summarization version Information System
NMCO IS-H MM: CO Transfer Information Patient Accounting
TAIC2T IM Summarization: Text for summarization version Information System
NMHIT IS-H MM: Article-OU hit list Patient Accounting
TAIC3 IM Summarization: Conversion of Investment Program Name Information System
NMKAO IS-H MM: Assignment of Article Catalog to OU Patient Accounting
NMKAP IS-H MM: Article catalog items Patient Accounting
NMKAT IS-H MM: Article catalogs Patient Accounting
NMKATT IS-H MM: Article catalogs Patient Accounting
BUTP_TP TP common data Data
NMSEO IS-H MM: Assignment of Article Catalog to OU Patient Accounting
NMSEP IS-H MM: Article Catalog Items Patient Accounting
NMSET IS-H MM: Article Catalogs Patient Accounting
T5D8E "Accommodation Public Sector
NMSETT IS-H MM: Article Catalogs Patient Accounting
IMCC IM Summarization: Characteristics that are master data Information System
TNM50A IS-H MM: Active Ingredients Basic Data
NMSTOR IS-H MM: Closet Patient Accounting
IMCECC IM Summarization: Cost centers Information System
TNM50T IS-H MM: Active Ingredients (Texts) Basic Data
NMSTORL IS-H MM: Storage Location in Closet Patient Accounting
IMCECCT IM Summarization: Texts for cost centers Information System
TNM60A IS-H MM: Medical Categories for Articles Basic Data
JBRVBRSA RM: Summarization for Balances (with Valuation Rule) Risk Analysis
T609PO FT: Communication: Assignment form fields - Characteristics Basic Functions
CDHANDLE CD: Dummy Table for Lock Object Change Documents
T609PP FT: Communication: Control Change of FT documents Basic Functions
FDSB CMF summary records for G/L accounts Basic Functions
FDSBDIST CMF Summary Records for G/L Accounts (distbtd) Basic Functions
FDSR CMF summary records for planning groups Basic Functions
TNM20L IS-H: MM hierarchic article selection Patient Accounting
TNM20N IS-H: MM hierarchic article selection (nodes) Patient Accounting
FMAVCT AVC Summary Table (BCS) Availability Control
VLCPORDER VELO: MM Purchase Order Vehicle Management System
T705W PDC Communication Parameters Site Data Collection
FMCFC1 FYC Commitment Control Funds Management
FMCFC1R FYC Commtiment Control (Carryforward Parameter) Funds Management
J_1IRGSUM RG23 Summary of receipts and issues Localization
TDICT DDS: communication type Document Management System
IHC_DB_CL_IDOC IHC: Communication Data for Clearing Unit FSCM In-House Cash
OTR_COMM OTR: Comment for Concept Online Text Repository
TIVROZ06 IPD: Commercial object type Real Estate Management
RMSAT_REL_ENQDUM RMS: Dummy Table for Locking/Unlocking the Relations Recipe Management
TIVROZ0F IPD: Commercial object type Real Estate Management
TIVROZ0G IPD: Commercial object type Real Estate Management
P01DS_DSME DEUEV Immediate Notification: Data Record Notification Social Insurance
SLS_CPET PAW -Comments for an event / test / participant assignment Performance Assessment Workbench
TKKVPOVEROPKT Item Summarization Texts Collections/Disbursements
DMS_TDWA_THUMBN1 Empty Dummy Workstation Application for Thumbnails Document Management System
FMFCPO FIFM: Commitment Summarization Item Funds Management
FMFPO FIFM: Commitment Item Funds Management
JKSDEVENTTEXT IS-M: Comment Table for Event Management SAP Media
JLCOMMIND IS-M: Commission Index SAP Media
A210 IS-M: Commission/Bonus for Media Sales Agent Contract SAP Media
ADSPCM_MM_SAC SAC for MM Specification 2000
JVTPACKGROUP IS-M: Common Odd Bundle Group SAP Media
A211 IS-M: Commission/Bonus - Purchasing Organization CKey fr MA SAP Media
JVTPACKGROUPFILT IS-M: Common Odd Bundle Group (Allowed Sites/Del. Types) SAP Media
JVTPACKGROUPPROD IS-M: Common Odd Bundle Group (Products Contained) SAP Media
FMKRGT Text: Commitment Item Criterion Category Group Funds Management
FMKRT Text: Commitment Item Criteria Funds Management
FMKRTPT Text: Commitment Item Criterion Category Funds Management
SLS_CEVENT PAW - Comments for an event Performance Assessment Workbench
TSP0K Print commands for host spooler (link type 'L') Print and Output Management
SLS_CRITEM PAW - Comments for an item from a participant Performance Assessment Workbench
SLS_CXET PAW - Comments for an event / test assignment Performance Assessment Workbench
T76MGE_COMTY Global Commuting Types Management of Global Employees
T8J6M JV EDI Communication Codes Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
T8J6MD JV EDI Communication Code Descriptions Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
T77HRFPM_ENCPER HRFPM: Commitment Periods Position Budgeting and Control
T5B63 Labour Commissions (B) Belgium
RSPCCOMMANDLOG System Command Execution Logs (Process Chains) Data Staging
T5B6C Labour Commissions (B) Belgium
IBROSTMSUM Broker Summary Postings - Restart Information Collections/Disbursements
FMFIPGP Assign Commitment Item to Budget Structure Template Funds Management
TEBPPCOMMPRD Assign Communication Event to a Time Period Group Financial Accounting
NLEQ "IS-H: Dummy Patient Accounting
PD3DBSO HR-DDU: Immediate Notification Data Module Germany
TCACS_NRRCTT Texts: Commission Contract Number Ranges Incentive and Commission Management
FMCFAA TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward Funds Management
FMCFAA_TR TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward Funds Management
FMCFAAS TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Interim Storage) Funds Management
FMCFAAS_TR TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Interim Storage) Funds Management
FMCFAB TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Sender+Receiver) Funds Management
FMCFAB_TR TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Sender+Receiver) Funds Management
IST_SSU IS-Telecommunication System Set Up Industry Solution - Telecommunications
DVK00 unused dummy structure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Basic Functions
FMCDCF Assign Commitment Item to Fund Budgeting and Availability Control
CCC_CHECK Client dummy Client Copy
T8A_COMPRESS EC-PCA: Summarization fields for EC-PCA document Basic Settings
USC_COMM_TYPES Default Communication Types for Contact Categories Stakeholder Relationship Management
TJJW5 IS-M/AM Commercial Broadcast Type SAP Media
Occupational Health T7EHS00_COMMENPR EHS-HEA
Occupational Health T7EHS00_COMMENSC EHS-HEA
CACS00_LIN Variant Commissions Incentive and Commission Management
TNACC IS-H: Accommodation Categories for Bed Planning Patient Management
ISJPINVSUMHD Invoice Summary Header Localization
ADR14 Reserve Communication Method (Business Address Services) Address Management/Business Address
ADR15 Reserve Communication Method (Business Address Services) Address Management/Business Address
OIUH_RV_BCMT Balance Comment Table Revenue
ADR16 Reserve Communication Method (Business Address Services) Address Management/Business Address
OIUCA_MATSUM Article Summary for Gas Site Component Allocation Contractual Allocation
PABASN Linking Summarized JIT Call - Shipping Notification KANBAN
FMCCFLOTHD Lot for Commitment Carryforward (Approval Procedure) Funds Management
TJJW2 IS-M/AM: Commercial Time Slice Texts SAP Media
T5PBSR1ET Text For Commendation Public Sector
TJJW3 IS-M/AM: Commercial Block SAP Media
RSDPAGGR Index of Dummy Aggregate from InfoCubes with MOLAP OLAP Technology
FMPPLAN Chart of Commitment Items: Entities Funds Management
FMPPLANT Chart of Commitment Items: Entity Texts Funds Management
TJJW7 IS-M/AM: Commercial Broadcast SAP Media
FMVARNT Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity Texts Funds Management
TJJW9 IS-M/AM: Commercial Rate Group SAP Media
FMVARNTT Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity Texts Funds Management
TJLPS Is-M/SD: Commission Settlement Block SAP Media
TJLPST IS-M/SD: Commission Settlement Block - Texts SAP Media
OIU_PR_WCDHH Downhole Commingled Well Completion Production and Revenue Accounting
TOI0_REL_MM_RANK Ranking of MM relevance fields Industry Solution Oil
T5N4A Lump Sum Commuter Allowance (NL) Netherlands
A265 Standard Dummy Customer/Document Type/Mdse Catgy/Article Industry Solution Engineering & Construction
A266 Standard Dummy Customer/Merchandise Category/Article Number Industry Solution Engineering & Construction
A277 Standard Dummy Customer/Document Type/Merchandise Category Industry Solution Engineering & Construction
CACS_DOCHD Expected Commission (Remuneration) Incentive and Commission Management
RCPC_AENNR RMS-RCP: Dummy Change Number Recipe
CACS_DOCRE Expected Commission (Remuneration) Incentive and Commission Management
TMAM Internal Comment on Quotation Purchasing
TMAMT Internal Comment on Quotation: Descriptive Text Purchasing
ITAGCYTPCOMM Reported Commission for Items in a Container Collections/Disbursements
VIMI20 Compar.accommod.:Assign RU or ext. comp.aprtmnt to accommod. Real Estate Management
TNNA2 IS-H NL: Dummy services by billing party SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
TJH23 IS-M/AM: Commission Key for Media Sales Agent SAP Media
TJH24 IS-M/AM: Commission Key for Sales Agent Texts SAP Media
TJH99 IS-M/AM: Commission Related Billing Type Determination SAP Media
CACS_WFPFNR External Commission Case: WF Characteristics for Rejections Incentive and Commission Management
TJJ41 IS-M/AM: Commercial Form SAP Media
TDREPAY_COMSTATT Texts for Communication Status Loans Management
USS_RECOMMEND Analyst Recommendation Stakeholder Relationship Management
PA3207 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 3207 Belgium
N1DRUGNAME IS-H*MED: Dummy Table for Lock Object DRUGNAME Clinical System
UGMD2_BDT_CUST Table for Comments to Customizing Transactions (BDT) Financials Basis
TIV3A Occupancy commitment texts Real Estate Management
JBRVREGT Texts for Summarization Rule Risk Analysis
N2GL_ACT_NOTE Pathways: Comment on Activity Clinical System
T8G11 Assignment: MM movement type- accounting transaction variant General Ledger Accounting
TTE2C_CNTY_COMM Country / Community Assignment Transaction Tax Engine
NCSTA IS-H: EDI Communication Status for Specific Objects Basic Data
CRMC_DESIGCOM Designer: Communication Parameters People Centric UI Framework
TKKR0 Hierarchy Summarization (Header) Product Cost Controlling Information System
TKKR1 Hierarchy Summarization (Fields) Product Cost Controlling Information System
ADRU Table for Communication Usages Address Management/Business Address
TKKR2 Hierarchy Summarization (Handling of Totals Record Files) Product Cost Controlling Information System
TKKR3 Hierarchy Summarization (Header Texts) Product Cost Controlling Information System
TKKR4 Hierarchy Summarization (Summarized Object Types) Product Cost Controlling Information System
MWCURM Customizing: MM Configuration Inventory Management
TCURM Customizing: MM Configuration Inventory Management
ITAGCYCOMMCLEAR TriggerTab Commission to Subagent from Internal Agencies Collections/Disbursements
EDEXCOMMFORMVERS Version of Communication Type Energy Data Management
OIUT2_COMMANDS Obsolete: Commands Production and Revenue Accounting
FM01I Assignment Commitment Type/Cover Eligibility Profile FM Area Funds Management
TTEC_COUNTRY Country to Community Assignment Transaction Tax Engine
PA0321 Employee Accommodation Public Sector
TKEVVR1 Roll-up to summarization operating concerns Profitability Analysis
T5D74 Employee Accommodation Public Sector
T5D75 Employee Accommodation - Price per Square Meter Public Sector
FMCIVARNT Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts Funds Management
FMCIVARNTT Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts Funds Management
TDVK Accts to be summarized during data transfer from R/3 -> R/2 Loans Management
T77HRFPM_LOCKINT Integration Commitment Creation Notes Position Budgeting and Control
T5E75 Work center commitment code Spain
T5BR3 Social Risk Comments Belgium
VTBLSLA Limit Type: Summarization of the Characteristic Values Default Risk and Limit System
P01DS_DBSO Data Modules Immediate Notif. of DEUEV Immediate Notifs Social Insurance
A462 IS-M/SD: SC Commission Settlement - Renewal Commission SAP Media
A463 IS-M/SD: SC Commission Settlement - Bonus for Up-Front Comm. SAP Media
A464 IS-M/SD: SC Commission Settlement for Up-Front Commission SAP Media
BKKC01C Gen.Ledger: Commitments Reconciliation Key Acctg. Documents G/L transfer
A482 IS-M/SD: SC Commission Settlement - Bonus for Up-Front Comm. SAP Media
TCACS_WFMGCM Messages of Commission Case Processing in Message Group Incentive and Commission Management
FMBGADEFT Public-Owned Commercial Operation: Master Data Texts Funds Management-Specific Postings
USS_STH_CONT SRM: Contact Dummy Table for Data Import Stakeholder Relationship Management
TPIF3 Assignments: Commitment Item -> Value Category Accounting
USS_STH_CONT1 SRM: Contact Dummy Table for Data Import Stakeholder Relationship Management
JHAEW IS-M/AM: OPM Commercial Schedule Line SAP Media
EBPP_AR_CONTACT Index of the Comments Created in Biller Direct Financial Accounting
TKACPC CO Line Item Summarization: Fields to be Summarized Controlling
JHAPW IS-M/AM: OPM Commercial Item SAP Media
JKCOMM Sales Order: Commission for Introduction Record SAP Media
CACSCP_RCP_CASE RCP: Initial Commission Cases Incentive and Commission Management
TIVROZ08 IPD: Link to commercial object Real Estate Management
TIVROZ0H IPD: Link to commercial object Real Estate Management
JITOTO Relationship Summarized JIT Call - Transfer Order Just-In-Time Processing
J_1BECD_CUST09 Accounts for Summary Postings from Subledgers Localization
TCACS_CATT01 Directory of Commission Cases to be Tested Automatically Incentive and Commission Management
TCACS_CATT01T Directory of Commission Cases to be Tested Automatically Incentive and Commission Management
FMBGADEF Public-Owned Commercial Operation : Master Data Funds Management-Specific Postings
TN28 IS-H: Service Summary Codes Patient Accounting
T006B Assignment of commercial to internal unit of measurement Units of Measurement
JBRVRSA Assignment of Summarization Rule to Balance Type Risk Analysis
TIVRAFLOWTPCNDS Flow Type for Summarization Rental Accounting
FLQFIPOS_LPOS Relationship: Commitment Items - Liquidity Items Treasury
TQCOM Assignment of Communication No. to Logical Queue ID (APPQ) R/2-R/3 Link
ITAGCYCOMMCTRLCO Agency Coll.: Commission Monitoring: Commission for XBLNR Collections/Disbursements
ITAGCYCOMMCTRLCP Agency Coll.: Commission Monitoring Automatic Container Collections/Disbursements
TWZ10 Event groups (summarization of values (temporary)) Treasury and Risk Management
OIUX4_COMMENTS Taxes Payable Comments Tax Reporting
TFK_JC_VERB_C Verbs for Job Commander from User Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
TCOM Definition of Commodities Global Trade
ADRUS Shadow Table: Communication Usages (BAS) Address Management/Business Address
POC_DB_C_COMMAND Domain Model: Command Collection Process Management
POC_DB_C_COMMENT Domain Model: Comment Collection Process Management
T339 Definition of Comment for TO Execution Warehouse Management
T339T Text Table for Comment for TO Execution Warehouse Management
J_1INEWJCODE VAT Transition Dummy Jurisdiction Code Localization
CACS00_DOCINV Participant in Commission Document Incentive and Commission Management
MMPREW_PRO_IDX Archiving object MM_PREW customs logs - Index table Basic Functions
T604 Foreign Trade: Commodity Code / Import Code Number Basic Functions
T604T Foreign Trade: Commodity Code/Import Code No. Description Basic Functions
T609P Foreign Trade: Communication: Control Printing of FT Docs Basic Functions
FMED00 Preparation of Commitment Items Funds Management
T609PPT Foreign Trade: Communication: Characteristics texts Basic Functions
TIVB7 Priority for accommodation entitlement certificate Real Estate Management
TIVORAECPRIOT Priority for Accommodation Entitlement Certificate Offer and Rental Request
LSOLHACCOMACCEST Text Table for Comments on Accommodation's Accessibility Training Management
FTCOMT Foreign Trade: Communication: Audit table for FT documents Basic Functions
TCSTRT Description of communication strategies Basis Services / Communication Interfaces
MMPREF_PRO_IDX Archiving object MM_PREF customs logs - Index table Basic Functions
TIVORAECPRIO Priority for Accommodation Entitlement Certificate Offer and Rental Request
FMD1_F15_FIPO2BW F15 Interface - Commitment Item -> Manager Funds Management-Specific Postings
TE587 Search Term for Command Grp Device Management
PLM_FIELDTABLE Data Fields for Communicating with the WEB Frontend Product Data Management
JHAMOZW IS-M/AM: Assign Commercial Ad Specs to Order Objects SAP Media
FMFCPOT FIFM: Financial Summarization Item Texts Funds Management
T5BC0 Rail Tariff for Commuting Expenses (B) Belgium
J_3RFTAXRT Tax Accounting: Summary table Localization
J_3RFTAXRVT Tax Accounting: Summary table Localization
TCACS_APPLPACK Packages from a Commission Application Incentive and Commission Management
ECP_FIELDTABLE Data fields for communication with the contracting portal Logistics - General
TFK020VB FS Preparation: Summarization Co. Codes for Reclassification Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
TFK020VK FS Preparation: Summarization Accounts for Reclassification Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
CKRCO Anchor Entry of Summarized CO Object (Summarization Object) Product Cost Controlling Information System
HRFPM_2FC HRFPM: Two-Face-Commit Table for Communication with FM Position Budgeting and Control
ADRUS2 Shadow Table_2: Communication Usages (BAS) Address Management/Business Address
HRFPM_2FC_DIFF HRFPM: Two-Face-Commit Tab Prsnl Cost Svngs for Comm with FM Position Budgeting and Control
JVTO2 JV Billing FI-SL Summary Table Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
CACS00_DOCPAR Participation of Commission Document Incentive and Commission Management
FMDERIVE008 Profit Ctr/CE to Commit Item/Funds Center/Fund/Function Funds Management
T7050 Time Management: Communication Times Personnel Time Management
T046A Assignment:1 Bank Cmmt Acct - diverse Bill of Ex.Return Acts Financial Accounting
CACS_CTBU_WA Work Regions for Commission Contract Incentive and Commission Management
LSOLHACCOMEQUIPT Text Table for Accommodation Equipment Training Management
TIVROZ07 IPD: Location of commercial object Real Estate Management
TKKVISUMA Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization Cat. Assignment to IO Cats Collections/Disbursements
JWPROV IS-M/SD: Allowed Commission Recipients for Camp.Framework SAP Media
TKKVISUMCAT Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization Cats for Interest Items Collections/Disbursements
MLCD Material Ledger: Summarization Record (from Documents) Actual Costing/Article Ledger
TNC301XI IS-H EDI: Sender Communication Specs (Institution-Specific) Basic Data
T7PM6_RFI Determination of Commitment Item Budget Management
TOAKT SAP ArchiveLink - Communication types value table ArchiveLink
T7PIQ_US_SEVNOT SEVIS Notes for comments/Descriptions USA
FPB_EXP_COMMENT Express Planning: Comments Business Package for Manager Self-Service (FI)
T5GC3 GB Company car C02 emmissions Great Britain
TNACCT IS-H: Texts for accommodation category Patient Management
WBHD Trading Contract: Commercial Data Logistics - General
A484 IS-M/SD: Employee Commission Deposit SAP Media
TJJW4 IS-M/AM: Texts for Commercial Block SAP Media
TJJW6 IS-M/AM: Texts for Commercial Broadcast Type SAP Media
TJJW8 IS-M/AM: Texts for Commercial Broadcast SAP Media
TRDC_ADM Loan Document Data Summarization: Administration Table Loans Management
USS_TRECOMMEND Text for Analyst Recommendation Stakeholder Relationship Management
TJJWA IS-M/AM: Texts for Commercial Rate Group SAP Media
VTBLIS Limit Utilization: Summarization per Limit Amount Default Risk and Limit System
ITAGCYCOMMCTRL Agency Collections:Commission Monitoring Collections/Disbursements
EDIPOF Ports for ABAP programming interface ALE Integration Technology
FMHIPG Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Fiscal Year Funds Management
FMHIPP Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Chart of Cmmt Items Funds Management
A272 Equipment/Standard Dummy Customer/Document Type Industry Solution Engineering & Construction
OIUH_RV_ARCMT Account Receivable Comments Table Revenue
FMCFABS TR-FM: Transferred Commitment/Budget (Senders+Receivers) Funds Management
FMCFABS_TR TR-FM: Transferred Commitment/Budget (Senders+Receivers) Funds Management
TIVORAECPERSON Person Group for Accommodation Entitlement Certificate Offer and Rental Request
OIJNOMCOMM Nomination Partner Communication Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench
TJJ42 IS-M/AM: Texts for Commercial Form SAP Media
FMCFSI TR-FM Selected Open Commitments Funds Management
JBRKON RM: Account Balance Summarization in Base Portfolio Risk Analysis
FMFD Presettings: Create Commitment Items Actual Payments and Forecast
PSO07 Assign Revenue Type/Commitment Item Funds Management-Specific Postings
LSOLEARNELUCO_C Course Completion - Comments on Learning Objects Training Management
LSOLEARNELUCOT_C Course Completion - Comment Texts for Learning Objects Training Management
BPTC02 Flow Data for Total Commitment Business Partner Enhancements for Financial Services
EKCPA Purchasing Contract Commitment Plan Account Assignment Data Purchasing
ITAGCYCOMMCTRLH Agency Collections: Commission Monitoring: History Collections/Disbursements
EKCPH Purchasing Contract Commitment Plan Header Information Purchasing
EKCPI Purchasing Contract Commitment Plan Item Information Purchasing
N1GES Table for aggregate summary block SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
JBRAMOUNT RM: Account Balance Summarization in Base Portfolio Risk Analysis
VINTEGCOMMUNIC General Settings for Communication in Informationsco Collections/Disbursements
FMCFSIO FI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents Funds Management
FMCFSIO_TR FI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents Funds Management
LDK00 Status Record for WM Communication Records R/2-R/3 Link
TE371 Switching Times of a Command Device Management
PSMERK "Characteristics for summarization w/o class. Project Summarization
PA0849 Infotype for Payment Summary Australia
CPEC_SD_VALFORM Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in SD Basic Functions
CPEC_SD_VALRULE Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term Rule in SD Basic Functions
CPEC_SD_VALTERM Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in SD Basic Functions
GLT1 Local General Ledger Summary Table Basic Functions
RSBCT_TEC_PORTAL Settings for the Telecommunications Portal Business Content and Extractors
TCACS_APPLGEN Generation Data from Commission Applications Incentive and Commission Management
HRFPM_ENGINE_LOG HRFPM: Central Log of Commitment Run Position Budgeting and Control
T7PIQEOTELETYPET External Organization Communication Types Administration
USC_TEMPLATE Forms / SmartForms by Communication Type Stakeholder Relationship Management
FKK_JLRPCM_SHORT Item Data for IS-M/SD Commission Settlement - Extracts SAP Media
WPAB Article Order Number (Dummy Table for Blocked Objects) Product Catalog
BPTC01 Master Data for Total Commitment Business Partner Enhancements for Financial Services
JHAMOTW IS-M/AM: OPM Ad Spec (Commercial) SAP Media
T5BR5T Texts for Social Risk Comments Belgium
TKSRT Texts for cost center summarization Cost Center Accounting
FM2BLACTC FM2BL - Activation of Commitment/Actual Value Types Funds Management
TIVORAECINFO Additional Info for Accommodation Entitlement Certificate Offer and Rental Request
T76MGE_COMTT Text Table for Global Commuting Types Management of Global Employees
FMMDCISUB1T Text of Substring 1 of Commitment Item Master Data
JBRCFKAP RM: Aggregated Capital Commitment Cash Flows per BP Risk Analysis
FMMDCISUB2T Text of Substring 2 of Commitment Item Master Data
RSDMTC_PMML Table for Storing Model PMMLs in String Format Data Mining
JBRSVRBR Assignment of View and Summarization Rule to Valuation Rule Risk Analysis
RSDMTD_PMML Table for Storing Model PMMLs in String Format Data Mining
FMMDCISUB3T Text of Substring 3 of Commitment Item Master Data
JBRSVRCFK Assignment of View and Summarization Rule to Cash Flow Ind. Risk Analysis
T604U Foreign Trade: Convert Commodity Code/Import Code No. Basic Functions
FMMDCISUB4T Text of Substring 4 of Commitment Item Master Data
MESEC_STORAGE Link beween device and symmetric key Mobile Engine
FMMDCISUB5T Text of Substring 5 of Commitment Item Master Data
AFWKFRA_KG1 Key Figures: P&L Delta/Gamma Market Risk Analyzer
TSUMBP Scheduling Profile for Summarized JIT Calls Industry Solution Automotive
AFWKFRA_KG1_H Key Figures: P+L Delta/Gamma Market Risk Analyzer
ISJPINVSUMIT Line items for invoice summary Localization
TSTAHTTW TWB Status Management: Comment Rows Implementation Guide
JBRBPCFKN RM: Aggregated Capital Commitment Cash Flows Risk Analysis
T7UNPAD_RSACR Rental Subsidy Average Commercial Rent Amounts Non Profit Organizations
JBRBPCFZN RM: Aggregated Interest Commitment Cash Flows Risk Analysis
FMMDCISUB2 Value of Substring 2 of Commitment Item Master Data
FMMDCISUB3 Value of Substring 3 of Commitment Item Master Data
FINB_TACCOMM Obsolete !!! Accounting Community Financials Basis
FMMDCISUB4 Value of Substring 4 of Commitment Item Master Data
JBRVBRDEF RM: Default Setting for Summarization (with Valuation Rule) Risk Analysis
FINB_TACCOMMT Obsolete !!! Accounting Community: Texts Financials Basis
FMMDCISUB5 Value of Substring 5 of Commitment Item Master Data
TDIMCT DDS: possible media for communication type Document Management System
N1NURSPALMPC IS-H*MED: Log Table for Communication with Palm-PC Clinical System
KBLK_USER "Fields for addtl funds commt Funds Management
TOI0_REL_MM Relevance customizing for MM Documents Industry Solution Oil
GLREFT Example for Local FI-SL Summary Table Basic Functions
TSUMSCP Calculation Profile for Summarized JIT Calls Industry Solution Automotive
A495 Equipment type/standard dummy customer/document category Industry Solution Engineering & Construction
ITAGCYSUBCOMMACC Clearing Account for Subcommission in Third-Party Coll. Collections/Disbursements
T7RSM00PAR External employee data: Communication parameters External personnel administration
ONRFS Object number index for commitment funds center Cross-Application Components
ADRTS Shadow Table: Texts for Communications Data (BAS) Address Management/Business Address
MC43RK0CASSETUP BW Reorganization Store DUMMY for POS Cashier Logistics Information System (LIS)
MC44RB0RECSETUP BW Reorganization Store DUMMY for POS Sales Receipt Data Logistics Information System (LIS)
FMMDCISUB1 Value of Substring 1 of Commitment Item Master Data
HRFPM_INIT_LOG HRFPM: Log Table Initial Commitment Creation Position Budgeting and Control
FMDERIVE005 Derivation rule:Order to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fund/Func Funds Management
TEBPPCOMMFLAG Notification Methods for Communication Events Financial Accounting
J_3RKKR0 Account correspondence - summary table Localization
GGREFT Example for Global FI-SL Summary Table Basic Functions
TN15Y IS-H: Texts for Choice Accommodation Categories Patient Management
P01DS_DBNA Data Module Name of DEUEV Immediate Notifications Social Insurance
TELINSEL Line item categories for communication processing Intercompany Data Exchange
P01DS_STAT Control Records for DEUEV Immediate Notifications Social Insurance
SXPGCOSTAB Definition of logical OS commands(customer table) Background Processing
TOKOM Technical Parameters for Communications Module Capacity Leveling
TKESU CO-PA: Control Table for Summarization Accounting Interface
T5V2L Entity table for Bedriftsnummer Norway
JBRVBRSPEZ RM: Specific Settings for Summarization(with Valuation Rule) Risk Analysis
J_3GABRMTART Settlement Indicator in CEM/MM per Article Type Construction Equipment Management
A458 IS-M/SD: Employee Renewal Commission SAP Media
VSVBKD_CN Version: Sales document - commercial data Simulation
KOTF294 IS-M: Condition Index for Commission Key/Purchasing Org. SAP Media
TCACS_SES_COMP Compression structure per commission application Incentive and Commission Management
T706_CITY_CD_D "Definition: City Codes / Community Code No Travel Expenses
VTCFPPT Text for Freight Planning Communication Profiles Transportation
T706_CITY_CD_D_2 "Definition: City Codes / Community Code No Travel Expenses
RSBEXTEXTS BW: Web / Report Designer common Customer texts pool End User Technology
HRFPM_OBJECTS HRFPM: Object table of the commitment engine Position Budgeting and Control
TNLONGTERMSVC IS-H: Maintain Long-Term Accommodation Services Patient Accounting
CACS00_REL Participant Relations in a Commission Participation Incentive and Commission Management
TIVBW01 RE: Settings for Extracting Imminent Vacancies Real Estate Management
TLMGB Business area consolidation: MM assignments Basic Functions
A459 IS-M/SD: Employee Up-Front Commission SAP Media
TKKVPOVERFE Scheduling Debit Transfer: Summarization Criteria Collections/Disbursements
TKKVPOVERFEOPK Scheduling Debit Transfer: Summarization Criteria Collections/Disbursements
FMCFSBCD FM-CF: Carryforward Rules (Dummy -> Change Documents) Funds Management
FMDERIVE004 Derivation rule:Order/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fund/F Funds Management
T604STW Foreign Trade: Keywords for commodity codes Basic Functions
RSBKSELECT Selections for DTP Request (Summary) Data Staging
FMFGTOLDCTYP Document types for US Federal MM tolerances Funds Management
TP37 Activation Status for Total Commitment Business Partner Enhancements for Financial Services
WTMIGIF Withholding Tax Changeover: Commands Executed by Tool Basic Functions
ECATT_TEST_TABLE Test Table for ABAP Objects Commands in eCATT eCATT Extended Computer Aided Test Tool
POC_DB_COMMAND Domain Model: Table for Step Commands Process Management
TN28T IS-H: Text Table for Service Summary Codes Patient Accounting
BALHANDLE Application Log: Lock object dummy table Basis Application Log
COMM_PRCAT_USER User Settings in transaction COMM_HIERARCHY Central Part of Product Master
TIVB9 Additional information for accomm.entitlemnt certif. Real Estate Management
TN2COM_PART_WS Partner Data for Web Service Communication Clinical System
TIVBI Additional information for accomm.entitlement certificate Real Estate Management
P01DS_DBAN Data Modules Address of DEUEV Immediate Notifications Social Insurance
EIEI Foreign Trade: Export/Import Communication Data Basic Functions
NEAC IS-H: Estimated Amount for Accommod. in Local Currency SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
MMPREK_PRO_01 Log table for archiving object MMPREK Basic Functions
CACS_TRIGCAS Rule for Cause of Additional Commission Case Incentive and Commission Management
CSL_CCL CSL_ Uni-Directional Logical Communication Channel - Element Enqueue
CSL_CCP CSL: Unidirectional Physical Communication Channel Enqueue
TKKVPOVEROPK Scheduling Debit Entry: Item Summarization Collections/Disbursements
MMPREW_PRO_01 Log table for archiving object MMPREW Basic Functions
JFFDICHT Object Flow of Deliveries for Summarized Billing Item SAP Media
FDM2 Cash management line items from MM purchase requisition Basic Functions
FMIOICCN Earmarked Blocked Amounts for Commitments in Funds Managemnt Funds Management
T5N4C Transportation Indicators for Commuter Traffic (NL) Netherlands
TKKVISUMF Balance Interest Calculation: Summarization Criteria Collections/Disbursements
FMDERIVE003 Derivation rule:Cost Center to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fun Funds Management
ICL_CNOTE_CTYPE Internal Claim Type: Permitted Communication Type Claims Management
T706U Trip Provision: Per Diem for Accommodations Travel Expenses
TA20NRH Discount Agreement for Hotel Accommodations Travel Planning
FMDERIVE007 Derivation rule:WBS Element to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fun Funds Management
T8JTPM Joint Venture Production Month Summary Data Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
T7PIQ_GB_MAP_ADD UCAS : Map Address details to Comm / Address Independent United Kingdom
TBPFMX Active availability control on commitment budget Funds Management
CPEC_SETTINGS CPE - General Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine Commodity Pricing Engine
ISJPHIERARCHY Customer Hierarchy For Invoice Summary Localization
T344 Client-Specific Control Table for MM-WM Warehouse Management
HRFPM_FPM_DOC HRFPM: FPM Document Headers for Commitment Position Budgeting and Control
FMREF Active availability ctrl: Cross commitments reference table Funds Management
CATSCOSUM Data Transfer: Time Sheet -> CO Summarization Table Time Sheet
TOASK SAP ArchiveLink: Language table communication types ArchiveLink
FMED01 Special Character for Preparing Commitment Items Funds Management
PA0425 Data Entry of Per Diem Sick Pay Summary France
SOCX SAPoffice: table for storing SAPcomm IDs Use BC-SRV-COM
FLQLPOS_FIPOS Relationship: Liquidity Items - Commitment Items Treasury
TKSR5 Field transfers for cost center summarization Cost Center Accounting
AT80 "Treasury: Correspondence Control MM Transaction Manager
FMDERIVE001 Derivation rule:Cost Element to Commitment Item Funds Management
FMBGAGLOB Global Settings for Public-Owned Commercial Operations Funds Management-Specific Postings
PA0105 HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communications) Personnel Administration
PA0058 HR Master Record: Infotype 0058 (Commuter Rate - Austria) Austria
FMDERIVE009 Derivation rule:Profit Center to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/F Funds Management
PB0105 HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communications) Recruitment
FMREAS_INDEX_CI Reassignment Tool Index Table of Commitment Items Funds Management
FMREAS_INDEX_FC Reassignment Tool Index Table of Commitment Items Funds Management
FMREAS_INDEX_FD Reassignment Tool Index Table of Commitment Items Funds Management
PA0559 HR Master Record: Infotype 0559 (Commuting allowance Info.) Japan
PA0127 HR Master Record: Infotype 0127 (Commuter Traffic NL) Netherlands
OIUX3_TX_RPGSM Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report Summary Tax Reporting
OIUX3_TX_RPGSME Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report Summary Errors Tax Reporting
OIUX3_TX_RPOSM Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report Summary Tax Reporting
OIUX3_TX_RPOSME Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report Summary Errors Tax Reporting
DFKKFMBGAINFO Tax Information for Public-Owned Commercial Operations Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
MMPREF_PRO_01 Logging table for archiving object MMPREF Basic Functions
TRDTT_VADATA_OTC "Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for MM Transaction Manager
TCOMA Assignment of Article Number to Commodity Global Trade
HRMMSRVIF Interface Table: Time Recording in MM-SRV External Services
TMCEXCFZ LO Data Extraction: Field Status Comm. Structures (Customer) Logistics Information System (LIS)
T141T Descriptions of Article Status from MM/PP View Article Master
FMDERIVE006 Derivation rule:WBS Element/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/ Funds Management
TDICT_T Language-dependent description of communication type Document Management System
CACS_CONTR Standard/Individual (or Obsolete) Commission Contracts Incentive and Commission Management
JJTBEDWSIN IS-M/AM: Booking Unit Content for Commercial (Date-Specific) SAP Media
JJTBEWSIN IS-M/AM: Booking Unit Content for Commercial SAP Media
SOSC SAPoffice: Connection table to SAPcomm and SAPconnect Use BC-SRV-COM
TD21T Reasons for generating incom.pmnts immed. (texts) Treasury
IST000C Service Data Distribution for Telecommunications Component Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
FMDERIVE002 Derivation rule:Cost Center/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/ Funds Management
TPI04 Interest Relevance of Cost Element/Commitment Item Groups Interest
CPEC_APPLSETTING CPE - Application Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine Commodity Pricing Engine
P01DS_DBGB Data Modules Birth Details of DEUEV Immediate Notifications Social Insurance
RDBRA_NSUM_TBP RA: Final Results Positions (Delta/Gamma) Market Risk Analyzer
MCSSH Kundenbeistellbestand - Historie - Summe Spare Part Sharing and Stock Providede by Customer
VIMI21 Alloc. rental unit - comparative accomm. for rent adjustment Real Estate Management
ADR7 Remote Mail Addresses (SAP - SAP - Communication; BAS) Address Management/Business Address
FMBUDACLD Closing Residual Ledger Accounts : Dummy CC Assignment Funds Management
T706_CITY_CD_46C Table for Specifying the City Code/Community Code Number Travel Expenses
TNCD1 IS-HCM Dispatch Control for Direct Communication Basic Data
T706_CITY_CODE Table for Specifying the City Code/Community Code Number Travel Expenses
STU3COTABC Definition of DB2 OS/390 and OS/390 Commands(Customer Table) DB2 for OS/390
P01DS_DBEU Data Modules EU Insurance No. (DEUEV Immed. Notifications) Social Insurance
DFKKCOLI_LOG Collection Agency Information File: Communication Log Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
ITAGCYCOMMPLAN Agency Coll.: Main/Sub-Transactns f.Commission in PlndPrincp Collections/Disbursements
ISJPSELECTION Selection of line items for Invoice Summary Localization
T5N4B Text: Transportation Indicators for Commuter Traffic (NL) Netherlands
NCST IS-HCM Statistical Data of Hospital Communication Basic Data
TJL01 IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Commission SAP Media
T134H Organiz. Unit: Business Area Determ. - MM View Inventory Management
TJL52 IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Commission (new) SAP Media
JHATRZW IS-M/AM: Order Item Date Assignment (Commercial) SAP Media
CONU Foreign Trade: Duty Rate Numbers and Commodity Codes Basic Functions
CACS_PRAGR Indiv. Payment Release Agreement for Commission Contract Incentive and Commission Management
ONRQB Object number index quality message - immediate measures Cross-Application Components
COMM_CATEGORYWL Category GUIDs and User for Worklist COMM_HIERARCHY Central Part of Product Master
SADR10 Address Management: Reserve table for communication numbers Address Management/Business Address
SADR12 Address Management: Reserve table for communications numbers Address Management/Business Address
SADR13 Address Management: Reserve table for communications numbers Address Management/Business Address
SADR14 Address Management: Reserve table for communications numbers Address Management/Business Address
HRFPM_RUNADMINS HRFPM: Administration Information for Commitment Runs Position Budgeting and Control
FINB_TACCOMM_MB Obsolete !!! Members of an Accounting Community Financials Basis
T606AS Legal Control: Export Control Class - Commodity Code Basic Functions
COMM_HIERARCHYWL Hierarchy GUIDs and User for Worklist COMM_HIERARCHY Central Part of Product Master
J_3RFMM_RATE_CLC Enable Down Payments in FC Function for MM Documents Localization
SOCY SAPoffice: inverse table for SOCX (SAPcomm ID table) Use BC-SRV-COM
P01DS_HIST Management of Status History for DEUEV Immediate Notifs Social Insurance
FMBLEXTACC Activation of BL Ext for Value Type - Commitments / Actuals Funds Management
SADR11 Address Management: Reserve table with communications number Address Management/Business Address
TNLBT IS-H: Text table for exception billing comments Patient Accounting
BPTC03 Contract - Role Category Link in Total Commitment Business Partner Enhancements for Financial Services
PIBZ Process planning interface: Production commitments Capacity Leveling
FDM1 Cash Management & Forecast: Line Items of MM Documents Basic Functions
MYABK Bal. Sheet Valuation: Table of Database Commits Carried Out Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
MYCOM Bal. Sheet Valuation: Table of Database Commits Carried Out Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
TD21 Reasons for generating incoming payments immediately Treasury
T7PM6_MOT Names of Employee Groupings for Finding Commitment Item Budget Management
JFXSAMMGDL IS-M/SD: Backup Transfer Internal Table XSAMMG SAP Media
J_1ISERCATMMFI1 Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level1 Localization
J_1ISERCATMMFI2 Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level2 Localization
J_1ISERCATMMFI3 Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level3 Localization
J_1ISERCATMMFI4 Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level4 Localization
SXPGBTCINF Who will get the data of an asynchronous command execution Background Processing
CACS00_OBJHIST Change History of Subobjects That Trigger Commission Incentive and Commission Management
TMY06 Balance Sheet Valuation: Constants for DB Commit Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
ITAGCYSUBCOMMCLR Trigger Table for Clearing Statistical Subcommission Collections/Disbursements
TJBABC CO-ABC->CO-PA: Update Characteristics for Summariz. Single Transaction Costing
T5M_SUMMER_PER Extra Vacation Days due to Vacation in the Summer Period Denmark
T702I Statutory Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accommodations Travel Expenses
T5V2K Entity table for legal org. unit (juridisk nummer) Norway
MKPF_ARIDX Index table for single doc. access to archive MM_MATBEL Inventory Management
RSSRCCHK Temporary Storge of Source System Check for Communication Data Staging
MDUCMCPE Market Data: Code Conversion Quotation Type Commodities/CPE Treasury
T7PM6_MO Definition of Employee Grouping for Finding Commitment Item Budget Management
T609S Foreign Trade: Control Export/Import Data in SD/MM Document Basic Functions
FLQITEMPO_FC Liquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for MM POs Treasury
ITAGCYSUBCOMMTRG Trigger Table for Posting and Transferring Subcommission Collections/Disbursements
T5V2M Entity table for the legal org. no. (juridisk nummer) Norway
CACS_SESAGR (Individual) Settlement Schedule Agreement in CommnContract Incentive and Commission Management
ADRCOMCS Shadow table: Counter for current numbers for comm. data Address Management/Business Address
J_1BMWSKZKALSM Assign Alternative Calculation Procedure per FI/MM Tax Code Localization
J_1ISERCATMM1 Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level1 Localization
J_1ISERCATMM2 Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level2 Localization
J_1ISERCATMM3 Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level3 Localization
J_1ISERCATMM4 Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level4 Localization
J_1ISERCATMM5 Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level5 Localization
CATSMM Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to MM Time Sheet
TNPROC_MAT_REL Assignment of Single-Qty PrCd. to Material and Summary PrCd. Patient Accounting
T510X WTs Permitted for Transfer from Time Evaluation to MMS Personnel Time Management
SOCS SAPoffice: table for storage of an Office ID (SAPcomm) Use BC-SRV-COM
T702J Enterprise-spec.Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accomm. Travel Expenses
T706I Name for statutory reimbursement group for meals/accomm. Travel Expenses
RDBRA_REC_TBP RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category Delta/Gamma Market Risk Analyzer

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