SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.

SAP Site Maintenance TABLES (PM)

Table Name Description
MC17I30HDRSETUP Store BW reconstruction for MC17I30HDR (Order)
MC17I30OPRSETUP Store BW Reconstruction for MC17I30OPR (Process)
MC18I30HDRSETUP Store BW Reconstruction for MC18I30HDR (Order)
MC18I30OPRSETUP Store BW Reconstruction for MC18I30OPR (Process)
PMPL PM: Print log
S180 APO: Long-Term Planning
S180E S180 - Structure Information
T370B Technical object authorization group
T370B_T Language-dependent texts for authorization group
T370C ABC indicator for technical objects
T370C_T Language-dependent texts for ABC indicator
T370K Type of technical object
T370K_T Language-Dependent Texts for Object Type
T390_U Print control by user
T399U Control: General PM/SM settings
T399W_T Maintenance plan category descriptions
TEQUI_HIER Definition of Hierarchies for Equipment
TFUNCT_LOC_HIER Definition of Hierarchies for Functional Locations
TMSMGRAPH8C Customer Control for MSM Graphic
TPM_C05 Extraction Parameters:Task List/Maintenance Plan (as of 5.0)
TSCHEDULEPARAM1 Scheduling Parameter 1
TSCHEDULEPARAM1T External Scheduling Texts for Parameter 1
TSCHEDULEPARAM2 Scheduling Parameter 2
TSCHEDULEPARAM2T External Scheduling Texts for Parameter 2
TSCHEDULEPARAM3 Scheduling Parameter 3
TSCHEDULEPARAM3T External Scheduling Texts for Parameter 3

SAP Technical Objects TABLES (PM-EQM)

Table Name Description
FLEET Fleet Attributes
T370CLC Fleet Consumption Calculation Keys
T370CLC_T Text for Fleet Consumption Calculation Keys
T370CON Fleet Consumption Unit Group
T370CON_T Short Text For Fleet Consumption Unit Groups
T370CONV Fleet Consumption Units
T370DMP Default Measuring Point For Technical Object
T370ENG Engine Type
T370ENG_T Engine Type: Multilingual Short Texts
T370FLD Fluid Types
T370FLD_T Fluid Types: Multilingual Short Texts
T370FLT Fleet Types
T370FLT_R Fleet Types: Reference to Technical Object Types (Equi/FL)
T370POS Valid Measuring Point Positions (Sort Field)
T370POS_T Valid Measuring Point Positions (Sort Field) - Short Texts
T370POS_USG Fleet Objects: Counter Usage
T370USG Fleet Usage
T370USG_T Fleet Usage: Multilingual Short Texts
TITOB_IBASE Creation of IBase: Buffer Table Structures
TITOBPROF Technical Objects: View Profiles for Tab Index Customizing
TITOBPROF_SUB Technical Objects: Customizing Tab Index in View Profiles
TITOBPROFT Technical Objects: Texts for Profiles from Table TITOBPROF
TITOBTABS Technical Objects: Customizing (Tabstrip) Buttons
TITOBTABST Technical Objects: Customizing Texts (Tabstrip) Buttons

SAP Configuration Control TABLES (PM-EQM-CC)

Table Name Description
CCMHOLE Structure Gap Table
IE4N_CGP General IE4N Settings for Installation/Dismantling
IE4N_USP Definition of User-Specific Settings
IE4N_USPI Definition of User-Specific Settings: Installation
IE4N_USPR Definition of User-Specific Settings: Dismantling


Table Name Description
EQKT Equipment Short Texts
EQUI Equipment master data
EQUZ Equipment time segment
IEQT_WL_HDR_BAC Interim Statuses - Header Data (Backup)
IEQT_WL_HEADER Interim Statuses - Header Data
IEQT_WL_ITEMS Interim Statuses - Items
IEQT_WL_ITM_BAC Interim Statuses - Items (Backup)
IEQT_WL_MP Interim Statuses: Measurement Objects
T024I Maintenance planner groups
T370T Equipment categories
T370U Language-dependent texts for T370T
T370Z History-related fields

SAP Functional Locations TABLES (PM-EQM-FL)

Table Name Description
IFLOALT Labeling Systems for Functional Locations
IFLOALT_T Labeling Systems for Functional Locations: Short Texts
IFLOCUST System-Specific Settings
IFLOCUSTA System-Specific Settings (Permitted Labeling Systems)
IFLOS Functional Location Labels
IFLOS_VS Functional Location Labels (Version Table)
IFLOT Functional Location (Table)
IFLOT_VS Functional Location (Version Table)
IFLOTX Functional Location: Short Texts
IFLOTX_VS Functional Location Data Fields: Short Texts (Version Table)
IFLOUSR User Profile for Labeling Functional Locations
IHPA Site Maintenance: Partners
ILOA PM Object Location and Account Assignment
ILOA_VS Location & Account Assignment for PM Object (Version Table)
IRLOT Reference Functional Location (Table)
IRLOTX Reference Functional Location: Short Texts
ITOBCUST System Settings for Alternative Labeling of FunctLocations
T357 Site Section
T370F Functional Location Category
T370F_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370F
T370R Reference Functional Location Category
T370R_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370R
T370S Functional Location Structure Indicators
T370S_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370S

SAP Object Networking TABLES (PM-EQM-ON)

Table Name Description
INET Object networking
INETX Language-dependent texts for INET
T372I Network identification
T372I_T Language-dependent texts for network ID
T372M Medium
T372M_T Language-dependent texts for link medium (T372)M

SAP Measuring Points and Counters TABLES (PM-EQM-SF-MPC)

Table Name Description
CLFT1 Customizing for Reference Object Screen for Vehicle Data
IMEL Entry List for Measurement Documents
IMEP Items in the Entry List
IMPH Measurement and Counter Reading Transmission History
IMPTT Measuring Point (Table)
IMRCCUST System Settings for Measuring Points and Measurement Docs
IMRG Measurement Document
T370CON_TOL PM: Tolerance for Consumption Control Check
T370CON_TOL_T PM: Tolerance for Consumption Control Check Texts
T370FLD_GMOVE PM: Goods Movement/Account Assignment Usage Transaction
T370FLD_GMOVE_T PM: Goods Movement/Account Assignmt Consumpt.Transactn Texts
T370FLD_MAT Fluid Types
T370FLD_STN PM: Gas Stations for Fleet Management
T370FLD_STN_T "PM: Gas Stations for Fleet Management
T370P Measuring Point Category
T370P_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370P


Table Name Description
IHGNS Permit Segment for Site Maintenance
IHSG Object-Related Permits in Site Maintenance
T352T Permit Categories
T352T_T Text for Permit Categories
T357G Permits
T357G_GR PM: Permit groups
T357G_T Text for Table 357GT


Table Name Description
BGMK Master Warranty Header
BGMKOBJ Master Warranty - Object Assignment
BGMP Master Warranty Item
BGMS Master Warranty Text Item
BGMT Master Warranty Text
BGMZ Warranty Counter
T790_C Warranty Default Values - Initial Transactions
T790G Warranty Type
T790G_T Warranty Type Text
T790T_C Warranty Category Default Values
T791Z Permitted Warranty Counters - General


Table Name Description
MCIPMIS PMIS: Master data characteristics for PMIS before image
PMCO2 Cost structure: Job key figures (PMIS)
PMCOCKF Cost/Quantity structure: Customer-specific key figs (PMIS)
PMMRCKF IMG: Assign QUAN Fields to UNIT Fields
PMMRCKFA IMG: Update PMIS Measurement Document: Assignments and Units
PMMRCKFB IMG: Consumption Key Figures in PMIS: Function and Arguments
S061 Location and planning
S061E S061 - Structural Information
S062 Object class and manufacturer
S062E S062 - Structural Information
S063 Damage Analysis 30 .
S063E S063 - Structural Information
S064 Single object - damage analysis
S065 Object statistics
S065E S065 - Structural Information
S070 Breakdown Statistics
S070E S070 - Structural Information
S115 Cost Evaluation
S115E S115 - Structural Information
S205 MAP: Store Planning Movements
S205E S205 - Structure Information
TPMCKF PMIS: customer-specific value and quantity key figures
TPMCKFT PMIS: texts for cust.-specific value and quantity key figs

SAP Maintenance Task Lists TABLES (PM-PRM-TL)

Table Name Description
EAPL Allocation of task lists to pieces of equipment
MHIO Call Object from Maintenance Order
MHIS Maintenance plan history
MMPT Cycle definitions and MeasPoints for MaintPlan
MMPX Maintenance cycle short texts
MPLA Maintenance plan
MPOS Maintenance item
PLWP Allocation of maintenance packages to task list operations
T351 Maintenance strategy
T351P Maintenance packages
T351T Maintenance strategy texts
T351X Maintenance strategy package texts
T399G Maintenance Plan Sort Field
T399G_T Descriptions for Maintenance Plan Sort Fields
T399P Maintenance item category parameter
T399W Maintenance plan type parameter
TAPL Allocation of task lists to functional locations

SAP Work Clearance Management TABLES (PM-WCM)

Table Name Description
WCAAP WCM: Application
WCAB WCM: Valuation
WCACD WCM: Operational Class <-> PM Object
WCACE WCM: Operational Condition <-> Operational Class
WCACG WCM: WCM Object <-> Catalog
WCACH WCM: (Temporary) Log for Tagging/Untagging (Time-Frame)
WCACI WCM: (Temporary) Log for Tagging/Untagging (Conflict Check)
WCACM WCM: Current Operational Condition/Type
WCACN WCM: (Temporary) Log (Tag/Test Tag)
WCACO WCM: (Temporary) Log for Tagging/Untagging (Ref. Object)
WCACQ WCM: Log for Tagging/Untagging (Conflict Check)
WCACS WCM: (Temporary) Log (Protected Area)
WCAD WCM: Approval Group
WCAE WCM: Order Operation <-> Approval Group
WCAGN WCM: Approvals
WCAGNS WCM: Approval Segment
WCAHE WCM: Work Clearance Document (Header)
WCAIT WCM: Work Clearance Document (Item)
WCALA WCM: WCM Object <-> WCM Object
WCALQ WCM: Log (WCM Object <-> WCM Object)
WCAMA WCM: General User Settings
WCAMB WCM: Site-Specific User Settings
WCAMC WCM: Log of Operational Lists (Header Data)
WCAME WCM: (Temporary) Log of Operational Lists (Items)
WCAMI WCM: Log of Operational Lists (Items)
WCAOD WCM: Technical Object (Object List)
WCAPL WCM: Print Log
WCAW WCM: Work Approval
WCCA WCM: Switching Data
WCCB WCM: Operational Condition
WCCBT WCM: Operational Condition (Texts)
WCCC WCM: Operational Type
WCCCT WCM: Operational Type (Texts)
WCCD WCM: Operational Group
WCCDT WCM: Operational Group (Texts)
WCCE WCM: Conflict Rules
WCCF WCM: Revision Phase
WCCFT WCM: Revision Phase (Texts)
WCCG WCM: Overall Conditions of Technical System
WCCGT WCM: Overall Conditions of Technical System (Texts)
WCCHT WCM: Train (Texts)
WCCI "WCM: Tag <-> (Operational Group
WCCJ WCM: Selection Fields for Creation with Template
WCCK WCM: Operational Class
WCCKT WCM: Operational Class (Texts)
WCCLT WCM: Print (Texts)
WCCLX WCM: Print (User-Specific)
WCCM WCM: PM Order <-> WCM Object
WCCN WCM: Valuation
WCCOR WCM: WCM Object (Master) <-> WCM Object (Slave)
WCCOT WCM: WCM Object (Texts)
WCCP WCM: WCM Object <-> Approvals
WCCPN WCM: Approval Group
WCCQT WCM: Group (Texts)
WCCR WCM: Application Profile
WCCTA WCM: Grouping (Status)
WCCTB WCM: Grouping (Approval Status)
WCCTC WCM: Grouping (Additional Data)
WCCU WCM: Use of Work Clearance Document
WCCUT WCM: Use of Work Clearance Document (Texts)
WCCV WCM: Physical Blocking Type
WCCVT WCM: Physical Blocking Type (Texts)
WCCWA WCM: Changes (Additional Data) Forbidden
WCCWB WCM: Assignment Forbidden
WCCX WCM: Use of Work Approval
WCCXT WCM: Use of Work Approval (Texts)
WCCY WCM: Use of Application
WCCYT WCM: Use of Application (Texts)
WCCZ WCM: Text Processing

SAP Maintenance Processing TABLES (PM-WOC)

Table Name Description
ALM_ME_C000 Mobile Asset Management Scenario
ALM_ME_C000T Mobile Asset Management Scenario
ALM_ME_C001 MAM Scenario Business Processes
ALM_ME_C002 MAM Scenario Device Settings
ALM_ME_C010PRF Order Processing
ALM_ME_C011DEF Details for Notification Profile
ALM_ME_C011PRF Notification Profile
ALM_ME_C012PRF Order Type Profile
ALM_ME_C014PRF Control Key Profile
ALM_ME_C015PRF Confirmation profile
ALM_ME_C016_DEF Work Center Profile Definition
ALM_ME_C016_PRF Work Center Profile
ALM_ME_C016_PRFT Text Table for Work Center Profile
ALM_ME_C070 Order- and Stock Assignment
ALM_ME_CALCMDEF Accounting Indicator Profile
ALM_ME_CALCMPRF Accounting Indicator Profile
ALM_ME_CALCMPRFT Accounting Indicator Profile Description
ALM_ME_CMUL_LANG Customizing Table for Default and Subset languages.
ALM_ME_D997 User-specific settings
ALM_ME_D999 Scenario Assignment for User
ALM_ME_DEST MAM RFC Destinations
ALM_ME_DEST_SD MAM RFC Destinations for Server Drives
ALM_ME_EQUI_TEMP Table to store template equipments
ALM_ME_EQUIHPRF ALM ME: Equi history profile
ALM_ME_GIS_CUST GIS Attribute Assignment
ALM_ME_PUSH_DEST MAM RFC Target System for Push
ALM_ME_PUSH_NTYP Define Notification Types for Push
ALM_ME_PUSH_OTYP Define Order Types for Push
ALM_ME_PUSH_PRIO Priorities for MAM Push
ALM_ME_SIG_LINK MAM Signature to Order Link
ALM_ME_SIG_LINKS Signature Key - Link Table
ALM_ME_SYNC Sync Status
ALM_MESYNC_DB1 ME Sync Delta-Download Handling - Data Administration
ALM_MESYNC_DB2 ME Sync Delta-Download Handling: Data
ALM_MESYNC_RFC ME Sync RFC Destination for the Backend

SAP Completion Confirmations TABLES (PM-WOC-JC)

Table Name Description
TCMFUL Screen Layout for Completion Confirmations

SAP Maintenance History TABLES (PM-WOC-MH)

Table Name Description
HIKO Order master data history
HIMA PM order history - articles
HIVG PM order history - operations
PMCO Cost structure of maintenance order
PMCO1 Cost profile: Value category proposal
PMCO3 Plan version: Estimated costs for maintenance orders
T370N Object link category
T370N_T Language dependent texts for T370N
TPAER_PM Partner Functions in Partner Schema (PM) with Copy Flag

SAP Maintenance Notifications TABLES (PM-WOC-MN)

Table Name Description
OPROL AVO Link to Object List Entry
PMSDO PM organizational data for SD documents
QMEL Quality Notification
QMFE Quality notification - items
QMIH Quality message - maintenance data excerpt
QMMA Quality notification - activities
QMSM Quality notification - tasks
QMUR Quality notification - causes
SMZB_BINREL Object Relationship Service: Generic Binary Links
T352B Technical report
T352B_T Catalog profile texts
T355E Response time monitor
T355E_T Response profile text
T355E_W Response times
T355R Service window
T355R_T Service window text
T355R_W Service window
T356 Priorities
T356_T Priority text
T356A Priority type table
T356A_T Priority type texts
T357A Effect of malfunction on the system
T357A_T Texts for effect of malfunction on the system
T357M Machine operating condition
T357Z Syst.Condition
T357Z_T System condition - Text table
T365A Start values for notification transactions - Customizing
T390D PM: Destinations and database names for download
TIH02 Field Selection for Partner Addresses
TQ80 Notification Types
TQ80_T Notification type texts
TQ80O Object info parameters
TQSCR Notification: Screen control
TQSCRT Notification: Text table heading tabstrip

SAP Maintenance Orders TABLES (PM-WOC-MO)

Table Name Description
ADCOMP PM/PS Reference Element
AFIH Maintenance order header
AUFM Goods movements for order
CNOCI_ORGU OCI Interface: Control Parameter Network
IOCI_FCON2 OCI Interface: Field Assignment SAP - HTML
IOCI_FCONV OCI Interface: Field Conversion
IOCI_FUNCM OCI Interface: Conversion Modules
IOCI_ORGU OCI Interface: Control Parameter PM/CS Order
IOCI_ORGU_TL OCI Interface: Control Parameter Task List
IWOT_LNK Assignment of View Profiles
IWOT_PROF View Profiles for Basic Order View
IWOT_PROF_HEAD Header Data Format for Basic Order View
IWOT_PROF_SUB Tab Pages for View Profiles
IWOT_PROF_SUBT Tab Page Titles for View Profiles
IWOT_PROFN Assignment of Pushbuttons to Tab Pages
IWOT_PROFT View Profile Texts for Basic Order View
PMCOQT Quantity structure for the maintenance order
T350 Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type
T350E Access sequence addresses for address proposal purch. data
T350I Combination of order type and PM activity type allowed
T350W Maintenance control parameters: Order type site
T352R Maintenance revisions
T353I Maintenance activity types
T353I_T Maintenance activity type description
T357M_T Operating condition texts
T399I Planning site parameters
T399J Maintenance parameters (client)
T418V Item category proposal for component assignment
TPEXT Profile for external procurement
TPEXT_T Text tables for profiles (external procurement)
TPMIM IM allocation key
TPMP Maintenance profile
TPMPO Maintenance order processing profile
TPMUC Deactivate the Update Check CO_ZV_CONSISTENCY_CHECK
TPMUS PM/SM - User default values

SAP Tables

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