SAP Tables

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SAP Incentive and Commission Management TABLES (ICM)

Table Name Description
CACS_ALLCBDL Assignment of Contract Bundle
CACS_ARCHCT1 Retention Period of Objects for Archiving
CACS_ARCHCT2 Archiving Exit for Date Check
CACS_ARCHCT3 Archiving Exit
CACS_BUCAGR Commission: Agreement Bundle
CACS_BUFFLOG Commissions: Log Table of Commission Objects
CACS_BUPA1 "More Data on ComnContrPartner
CACS_CONTR Standard/Individual (or Obsolete) Commission Contracts
CACS_CPD_REF Data Reference for Same FS-ICM Reference Key
CACS_CTBU_WA Work Regions for Commission Contract
CACS_CTCOREX Correspondence Enhancement
CACS_CTRTBDL Contract Bundle
CACS_CTRTBDLT Contract Bundle: Text
CACS_CTRTBU Commission Contract
CACS_CTRTCORR Commission: Assignment of Correspondence Types to Contract
CACS_CTRTPAR Individual Contract Participation
CACS_DOC_LOCK "Commission Document Header
CACS_DOC_REVHIST Commission Document: Reversal History
CACS_DOCFI_T Data Transfer: FI Document (Tax Item)
CACS_DOCHD Expected Commission (Remuneration)
CACS_DOCRE Expected Commission (Remuneration)
CACS_EDTLOG Commissions: Log Table EDT
CACS_EDTPROT Commissions: Log for EDT Interface Supply
CACS_EMCLJO Calculation Information for Clerk
CACS_EMSTMJO Settlement Information for Clerk
CACS_FFLTHD Fulfillment Level Header
CACS_FFLTIT Fulfillment Level Item
CACS_HRLOG Logging of HR Master Data Changes
CACS_MAP0 "Assignment
CACS_MAP1 "Assignment
CACS_MASSLOG Log Table for Mass Processing
CACS_OAGRP FOA: Assignment Group
CACS_OAGRPE FOA: Element of Assignment Group
CACS_OAINDX FOA: Storage of Structured Data
CACS_OAINST FOA: Assignment Instruction
CACS_OAPI FOA: Instance of an Assignment Process
CACS_OAPSI FOA: Step in Instance of Assignment Process
CACS_OASET FOA: Assignment Set
CACS_OATRG FOA: Trigger for Assignment Process
CACS_OAWL "FOA: Worklist
CACS_PERNR_BP Assignment PA Personnel Number -> Business Partner
CACS_PRAGR Indiv. Payment Release Agreement for Commission Contract
CACS_PS_DSLV Assignment of Separation Rules for Partnership
CACS_PS_GRP Assignment of Group Contract to Partnership
CACS_PS_PC Characteristics of Distribution Rules for Partnerships
CACS_PS_SP Assignment of Distribution Rates to Partnership
CACS_PS_SPL Assignment of Distribution Ratio Method to Partnership
CACS_QRULE Commission: Quick Rule Engine
CACS_REMAJO Flat-Rate Remuneration: Calculation Log
CACS_REMARU Flat-Rate Remuneration Rule
CACS_RESRULE Reserves Rule
CACS_SEGAGR Agreement for The Assignment of Segments
CACS_SEGMNTT Segment: Text
CACS_SESAGR (Individual) Settlement Schedule Agreement in CommnContract
CACS_SESJO Settlement Schedule Run Log
CACS_SETTL_LOCK Locked Business Partners for Contracts
CACS_STMAGR Individual Settlement Agreement
CACS_STMRNJO Calculation and Settlement Log
CACS_STMRNJOD1 Calculation and Settlement Log
CACS_STMRU Individual Settlement Rule
CACS_STMTJO Settlement run log
CACS_TGACV Target Agreements: Indiv. Actual/Correction/Target Values
CACS_TGAGR Target Agreements: Individual Rules for Target Agreements
CACS_TGLOG Obsolete (Target Agreements: Log)
CACS_TGMEM Target Agreements: Table for Shared Memory (Internal)
CACS_TGRATV Target Agreements: Generic Actual/Target Values
CACS_TGRCV Target Agreement: Target Rule Classification Values
CACS_TGRIND Target Agreements: Individual Target Rules
CACS_TGRIND_AES Target Agreements: Individual Target Rules for AES
CACS_TGRULE Target Agreements: Generic Target Rules
CACS_TGRULE_AES Target Agreements: Generic Target Rules for AES
CACS_TGTRNJO Obsolete (Target Agreements: Log for Mass Run)
CACS_TRICAJO Commission Case Trigger: Log
CACS_TRIGCAS Rule for Cause of Additional Commission Case
CACS_USAGETREECT CACS_USAGE Tree Texts - Customer Entries
CACS_WARAGR Individual Guarantee Agreement
CACS_WARJO Guarantee Calculation Log
CACS_WARRU Guarantee Agreement Ruling
CACS_WFCAS Commission Case: Workflow Characteristics for Pending Cases
CACS_WFPFNR External Commission Case: WF Characteristics for Rejections
CACS00_ACCAS Account Assignment Type/Cost Information for Remuneration
CACS00_ACCST Account Assignment Type/Cost Info for Settlement Types
CACS00_ACT Commission Case Activities
CACS00_BDL Rebundling Order for Triggering Subobjects
CACS00_CAS Commission Case
CACS00_DOCACT Commission Document: Activities
CACS00_DOCDT Comn: Detail Items for Remuneration Rows
CACS00_DOCFI_H Data Transfer: FI Documents (Header Data)
CACS00_DOCFI_P Data Transfer: FI Documents (Items)
CACS00_DOCHD Commission Document Header
CACS00_DOCINV Participant in Commission Document
CACS00_DOCOBJ Commission Document: Object Data
CACS00_DOCPAR Participation of Commission Document
CACS00_DOCRE "Commission Document
CACS00_DOCRE01 Do Not Use! Enhancement Data Remuneration Lines
CACS00_DOCREL Commission Document: Relationships Between Participants
CACS00_DOCSE "Commission Document
CACS00_DOCSE01 Do Not Use! Enhancement Data Settlement Rows
CACS00_DOCSEDT Due Date Details
CACS00_DOCVA "Commission Document
CACS00_DOCVA01 Do Not Use! Enhancement Data Evaluation Rows
CACS00_INV Commission Case Participants
CACS00_LIN Variant Commissions
CACS00_OBJ Commission Case Object Data
CACS00_OBJHIST Change History of Subobjects That Trigger Commission
CACS00_PAR Commission Case Participation
CACS00_REL Participant Relations in a Commission Participation
CACS00_SELTAB01 Selection Table CACS00_SELTAB01
CACS00_SUMRE Totals Table for Remuneration
CACS00_SUMRE01 Commissions: Reference Totals Table for Compensation
CACS00_SUMSE Totals Table for Settlement
CACS00_SUMSE01 Commissions: Reference Totals Table for Settlement
CACS00_SUMVA Totals Table for Valuation
CACS00_SUMVA01 Commissions: Reference Totals Table for Valuation
CACS25_SESHD Settlement Schedule Header
CACS25_SESIT Settlement Schedule Item
CACS42_DOCSHA Commission Document: Complex Distribution Ratios
CACS42_PSSTAB01 Definition of Distribution Ratios
CACSCP_RCP_BUFF RCP: Buffer Table for RCP Processing
CACSCP_RCP_CASE RCP: Initial Commission Cases
CACSCP_RCP_WL_BO RCP: Business Objects in Worklists with Errors
CACSCP_RCP_WL_IN RCP: Information on Worklist
CACSM2_VAMMAP Conditions for Mapped Valuation
PFO_GO_00IP Business Object Table for BusObj.Category 00IP in PM
PFO_GO_00IS Business Object Table for BusObj.Category 00IP in PM
PFO_GO_00IV "Business Object Table for Bus.Obj.Cat.""00IV"" from PM"
PFO_GZO Business Object Assignment Table
PFO_SEG Segment Table for Portfolio Assignment
PFO_SEGT Text Table for Segment
PFO_SZO Segment Assignment Table
PFO_ZO_0000 Table for Assignment Objects of Type 00CC
TCACS_070F Correspondence Types - Client-Specific Customizing
TCACS_ADD Additional Indicator
TCACS_ADDT Additional Indicator Text
TCACS_APPLGEN Generation Data from Commission Applications
TCACS_APPLGENCMP Patch Status of Components at Time of Generation
TCACS_APPLPACK Packages from a Commission Application
TCACS_ARCH_AGE Min. Retention Period Since Last Change (CHG_DATE) per Obj.
TCACS_ARCH_CAS Commission Case Archiving: Min. Retention Period in System
TCACS_ARCH_DOC Commission Doc Archiving: Min. Retention Period in System
TCACS_AUT04 Commissions: Existing Authorization Groups
TCACS_AUT04T Commissions: Information on Authorization Groups
TCACS_AUT05 Commissions: Assignment of Users to Authorization Group
TCACS_AVAD1 Type of AVAD message
TCACS_AVAD1T Type of AVAD message: Text
TCACS_BDLSET Commissions: Store Various Settings for Contract Bundle
TCACS_BPCTRT Assignment Table for Business Partner and Contract
TCACS_BUSCLAIM Valid Entitlement Categories for Each Bus. Obj. Type/ Trans.
TCACS_CAS_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Commission Cases
TCACS_CATT00 Test Group Directory
TCACS_CATT00T Test Group Directory (Names)
TCACS_CATT01 Directory of Commission Cases to be Tested Automatically
TCACS_CATT01T Directory of Commission Cases to be Tested Automatically
TCACS_CATT11 Directory of Fields That are not to be Tested
TCACS_COND_FIELD Field Selection for Condition Display with Priorities
TCACS_COND_INTF Condition Technique Field Transports
TCACS_CONVEXIT Variable Display in Group Conversion Exit
TCACS_DISWAY Dispatch Methods
TCACS_DISWAYT Dispatch Methods
TCACS_DOC_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Commission Documents
TCACS_FHD_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Headers
TCACS_FIT_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Headers
TCACS_FIXEDTABSC Customer-Specific Differences with CUSTCOPY
TCACS_INCUST Contains the Number of Valid Runtime Errors
TCACS_INDDIC File Names of Dictionary Information Files
TCACS_INOPT Commissions: Input Options
TCACS_ITITLE Internal Title
TCACS_ITITLET Internal Title: Texts
TCACS_KOART Correspondence Type
TCACS_KOARTT Correspondence Type: Texts
TCACS_MAPLC1 Names of Locally Copied Structures of Other Systems
TCACS_MAPLC2 Names of Locally Copied Data Elements of Other Systems
TCACS_NRRBD Contract Bundle: Assign Number Ranges
TCACS_NRRBDT Contract Bundle - Number Ranges: Texts
TCACS_NRRCT Commission Contract: Assign Number Ranges
TCACS_NRRCTT Texts: Commission Contract Number Ranges
TCACS_NSC_MAP Replacement Rule
TCACS_OAPLC "FOA Configuration: Application Plug
TCACS_OATYC "FOA Configuration: Assignment Type
TCACS_OBJ_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Triggering Objects
TCACS_OCCAGR Staff Assignment Agreement
TCACS_PERIOD Period definition
TCACS_PERIOD_T Period definition
TCACS_RCP_RANGES Comn: Number Ranges for Retroactive Case Processing
TCACS_REMINQ_STR Structures for Remuneration Inquiry
TCACS_RGRPUS Fields for Sorting Rule Group - Users
TCACS_SENDTYPE Commissions: Define Send Categories for Letters
TCACS_SENDTYPET Commissions: Define Send Categories for Letters
TCACS_SES_COMP Compression structure per commission application
TCACS_SES_RANGES Commissions: Number Ranges for Settlement Schedules
TCACS_TERMD Cancellation date
TCACS_TERMDT Notice Date: Texts
TCACS_TOFN Period of notice
TCACS_TOFNT Period of Notice: Texts
TCACS_TRIGSYS Commissions: Settlement Target System
TCACS_UPD_MODUS Customizing Table for Update Mode of Totals Tables
TCACS_WFMGCM Messages of Commission Case Processing in Message Group
TPFO_ORIGIN Origin of Bus.Objs and Assignmt Objs in Portfolio Assignmt

SAP Tables

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