SAP Tables

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SAP Personnel Time Management TABLES (PT)

Table Name Description
AFRUHR Order Confirmations for HR
ASSHR Assignment of HR to AFRU/ASSOB
ASSOB Assignment Objects
CC1PAR Communication Parameters
COIFT Interface to Activity Allocation
HRAAERR Error Table for Activity Allocation Documents in HR
HRAAHDR HR Interface Table: Document Header for Activity Allocation
HRAAITM HR Interface Table: Document Item for Activity Allocation
HRCCE_T_QR_PAIRS CE Shared Quotas : Grouping Rules for Different Quota Types
HRWEB_ABS_REQ OBSOLETE! General Attributes of ESS Leave
HRWEB_GROUP_ID ESS Leave Request: Grouping for Customizing Tables
HRWEB_GROUP_ID_T ESS Leave Request: Grouping for Customizing Tables
HRWEB_RULE_GROUP Rule Group for Customizing Tables in Web Environment
HRWEB_RULE_GRP_T Rule Group Texts for Customizing Tables in Web Environment
HRWEB_TRANS_MESS ESS Leave Request: Ignore or Reformulate Messages
HRWEB_TRANS_MSG Rule Group for Customizing Tables in Web Environment
PA0005 HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement)
PA0007 HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time)
PA0050 HR Master Record: Infotype 0050 (Time Recording)
PA0080 HR Master Record: Infotype 0080 (Maternity Protection)
PA0081 HR Master Record: Infotype 0081 (Military Service)
PA0082 HR Master Record: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data)
PA0083 HR Master Record: Infotype 0083 (Leave Compensation)
PA0416 Time Quota Compensation Infotype: Database Table
PA0439 HR Master Record for Infotype 0439 (Data Transfer)
PA2001 HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences)
PA2002 HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances)
PA2003 HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions)
PA2004 HR Time Record: Infotype 2004 (Availability)
PA2005 HR Time Record: Infotype 2005 (Overtime)
PA2006 HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas)
PA2007 HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas)
PA2010 HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.)
PA2012 HR Time Record: Infotype 2012 (Time Transfer Specifications)
PA2013 HR Time Record: Infotype 2013 (Quota Corrections)
PA2500 HR Master Record for Infotype 2500
PA2501 HR Master Record for Infotype 2501
PA2502 HR Master Record for Infotype 2502
PTARQ_ATTS_INFO Leave Request: Attendance Data
PTARQ_DEDUCTION Deduction Data for Attendances and Absences
PTARQ_EXTRA_INFO Leave Request: Additional Fields for Attendances/Absences
PTDW_ACTR_DB Time Data Extract (Receiver Objects/Activity Allocation)
PTDW_ACTS_DB Time Data Extract (Sender Objects/Activity Allocation)
PTDW_COST_DB Time Data Extract (Account Assgnmnt Objects/Cost Assignment)
PTDW_PWS_DB Time Data Extract (Hours from Personal Work Schedule)
PTDW_QUOT_DB Time Data Extract (Quota Transaction)
PTDW_TIMES_DB Time Data Extract (Working Times)
PTDW_WPBP_DB Time Data Extract (Reference Table for IT 0001 and 0007)
PTEX2000 Interface Table for Attendances/Absences Infotype(2001/2002)
PTEX2003GEN Interface Table for IT 2003: General Information
PTEX2003SPEC Interface Table for IT 2003: Interval Information
PTEX2010 Interface Table for EE Remuneration Info. Infotype (2010)
PTEXDIR Interface Table for Infotypes (Directory Table)
PTIMEOV1 "Overview of an Employee's Time Data
PTIMEOV2 "Overview of an Employee's Time Data
PTLRPRC2SP Time Data Structure for LRP Time Descriptions
PTMLEACONV Assignment Table IT0005 - IT2006 (RPTLEACONV Report)
PTQUODED Deduction of Time Quotas
PTREQ_ACTOR Request Participant
PTREQ_ATTABSDATA Request Data for Attendances/Absences
PTREQ_HEADER Request Header
PTREQ_ITEMS Request Items
PTREQ_NOTICE Note for Request
T508A Work Schedule Rules
T508S Text Table for Work Schedule Rules (T508A)
T508T Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules
T508Z Assignment of PS Grouping for Work Schedules to Daily WS
T510I Standard Working Hours
T510P Premium Table
T510S Time Wage Type Selection
T510T Premium Texts
T510X WTs Permitted for Transfer from Time Evaluation to MMS
T510Z Texts for Time Wage Type Selection Rules
T533 Leave Types
T533T Leave Type Texts
T550A Daily Work Schedule
T550P Break Schedules
T550S Daily Work Schedule Texts
T550X Daily Work Schedule Selection Rules
T551A Period Work Schedules
T551C Period Work Schedule Valuation
T551S Period Work Schedule Texts
T552A Monthly Work Schedule
T552V Dynamic Daily Work Schedule Assignment
T552W Dynamic Daily WS Assignment: Planned/Actual Overlap
T553A Definition Rules for Day Types
T553S Day Types for Special Days
T553T Day Type Texts
T554A Breakdown of Absences After Quota Deduction
T554C Absence Valuation
T554D Military Service Ranks
T554E Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
T554F Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
T554G Types of Birth
T554H Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences
T554HT Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences: Texts (for T554H)
T554L Absence Valuation Rules
T554M Absences for Maternity Protection: Rule Table
T554N Texts for Day Rules
T554O Valuation Classes
T554P Symbols for Attendances and Absences (Calendar)
T554Q Assignment of Valuation of Absences
T554S Attendance and Absence Types
T554S_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of Attendance/Absence types
T554S_WEB ESS Leave Request: Attributes of Attendance/Absence Types
T554T Absence and Attendance Texts
T554V Defaults for Absence Types
T554W Periods of Military Service
T554X Rules for Attendance/Absence Counting and Leave Deduction
T554Y Time Constraints in HR TIME
T5550 [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705Q] Ext. Wage Types from Subsystem Txt
T555A_WEB Time Types to Be Displayed
T555C Permitted PDC PIN Codes
T555D [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705A] Abs./Attendance Reasons Subsystem
T555G [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705H] Att./Absence Reasons Subssys. Text
T555H Site-Restricted Access Control Groups
T555I PDC Master Record Information
T555J Transfer to Time Types
T555K Transfer to Time Wage Types
T555L Transfer to Absence Quotas
T555M PDC Accounting Types
T555N Employee Grouping for the Time Evaluation Rule
T555O Access Control Groups (time-restricted)
T555R Overtime Compensation Types
T555T Overtime Compensation Type Texts
T555U Employee Time Management status
T555V Employee Status for Time Management: Texts
T555W [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705K] Ext. Wages Types from Subsystem
T555X Texts for Access Control Groups (time-restricted)
T556 Substitution Types
T556A Absence Quota Types
T556A_WEB ESS Leave Request: Quota Types for Display
T556B Absence Quota Type Texts
T556C Counting Rule for Attendances and Absences
T556D Absence Counting With/Without Quotas Texts
T556F Texts for Rule Group (Coverage Package)
T556H Texts for Rule on Determining the Coverage History
T556M Process Partial-Day Absences Using XNAB Function
T556P Attendance Quotas
T556P_WEB ESS Leave Request: Quota Types to Be Displayed
T556Q Attendance Quota Type Texts
T556R Rules for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas
T556S Texts for Deduction Sequence Rules for Absence Quotas
T556T Substitution Type Texts
T556W Wage Type Assignment for Att./Absence Quota Compensations
T557 Availability Types
T557G Relation Table: Absence/Attendance Accumulation
T557H Relation Table: Time Types Accumulation
T557I Relation Table: Time Wage Types Accumulation
T557J Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting
T557K Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting
T557L Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting
T557M Time Types Relationships Table (from Period Totals Table)
T557T Availability Types Texts
T559A Working Weeks
T559B Working Week Texts
T559D Validity/Deduction Interval for Absence Quotas
T559D_WEB ESS Leave Request: Obsolete; Now T556A_WEB
T559E Base Entitlement for Leave Accrual
T559G Quota Generation: Rule for Transfer Times
T559H Quota Generation: Text for Transfer Times Rule
T559J Convert Leave Types to Quota Types
T559N Texts for Reduction Rules for Leave Accrual
T559QT Transfer Remaining Quota to New Quotas
T559S Texts for Rounding Rules
T569B Archiving Information for Cluster B2
T569R Earliest Recalculation Dates for Time Management
T569W Texts for Recalculation Categories
T572B Illness Texts
T588N Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block
T588O Screen Modification for Assignment Data
T599Y Convert External Wage Types
T599Z Time Wage Types to Third-Party Systems
T7050 Time Management: Communication Times
T705A Attendance/Absence Reasons for Subsystem
T705B PDC Processing Statuses
T705E Reaction to Error Transaction
T705F Work Time Event Type Groups
T705G Texts for Work Time Event Type Groups
T705H Attendance/Absence Reason Texts for Subsystem
T705I Absence/Attendance Reason Grouping
T705J Grouping for External Wage Types
T705K External Wage Types for Subsystem
T705L Indicator: Attendance/Absence Reason
T705M Indicator: External Wage Types Grouping
T705P Work Time Event Type Groups
T705Q External Wage Types Long Texts from Subsystem
T7TIM_BSB_KTARTA Assignment of Business Subject to an Absence Quota
T7TIM_BSB_KTARTP Assignment of Business Subject to an Attendance Quota
T7TIM_BSB_LGART Assignment of Business Subject to a Wage Type
T7TIM_BSB_MESSG Assignment of Business Subject to a Message
T7TIM_BSB_ZTART Assignment of Business Subject to a Time Type
T7TIM_BUMOD_DIST Assignment of Distribution Method to a BURUL Step
T7TIM_BUMOD_SORT Assignment of Sort Strategy to a Business Rule Step
T7TIM_BURULE Time Management Business Rules
T7TIM_BURULM Business Rule Module Assignment
T7TIM_BUSUBE Business Subjects of Time Evaluation
T7TIM_BUSUBGR Assignment of Reasons Grouping to Business Subjects
T7TIM_BUSUBRU Assignment of Business Rules to Business Subjects
T7TIM_CFUNCTIONS Customer Implementation of Time Evaluation Functions
T7TIM_CMODULES Customer-Spec. Rule Part of a Time Evaluation Function
T7TIM_COPERAS Customer Implementation of Time Evaluation Operations
T7TIM_GWT_STEP Rule Blocks Under GWT
T7TIM_PCR_BUSUB Assignment of Personnel Calculation Rule to Business Subject
T7TIM_SCHM_PARAM Parameters of Schema Row in Processing Step
T7TIM_TIGRP_ENT Entity Table for Return Values of Feature TIRUG
T7TIM_TIGRPENT_T Texts for Return Values of Feature TIRUG
TEVEN Time Events
TEVEN_MORE Additional Data for Time Events
TEXLGA Employee Expenditures
TMW_TDLANT Definition Set
TPT_FIELD_SEL Field selection
TPT_FIELD_SEL_C Field Selection: Customizing
TPT_FIELD_SEL_T Field Selection Text
TPT_GUI_CLNT_FRM Function Modules for GUI Objects: Client-Dependent Customer
TPT_GUI_CLNT_LAY GUI Layout: Definition for Client-Dependent Customizing
TPT_GUI_CLNT_LYS "GUI Layout: Structure
TPT_GUI_CLNT_OBJ GUI Object Types According to ID (Client-Dependent)
TPT_GUI_CLNT_OBT Text for GUI Objects
TPT_GUI_CLNTSSCR Assignment of Object ID to Subscreen
TPT_TMW_PROF_FLD TMW: Profile Settings for Field Selection
TPT_TMW_PROF_TXT Time Manager's Workplace: Profile Settings IDs
TPT_TMW_PROFILE Time Manager's Workplace: Profile Settings
TPT_UIA_CLNT_LAY UIA Layout: Client-Dependent Customizing
TPT_UIA_CLNT_LYS UIA Layout Structure: Client-Dependent Customizing
TPT_UIA_CLNT_LYT UIA Layout Text: Client-Dependent Customizing
TPT_UIA_CLNT_NMP Client-Specific Assignment of Layout Nodes to Objects
TPT_UIA_CLNT_OBJ TMW: Client-Dependent Database Table for UIA Factory
TPT_UIA_CLNT_OBT UIA Objects Texts: Client-Dependent
TPTARQ_TCALE ESS Leave Request: Team Calendar Settings
TPTARQ_TCONSTR ESS Leave Request: General Attributes of Start Transaction
TPTREQ_TEAM Assignment of Rule Group to View Group/Grouping ID

SAP Time Data Recording and Administration TABLES (PT-RC)

Table Name Description
TMW_TD_ATTRIB Color Attributes for Short IDs in the TMW
TMW_TDLAN Definition Set for IDs
TMW_TDSLANT Texts for Subsets
TMW_TDTYPETXT Text Table for Time Data ID
TPT_ABQT_OBJECTS TMW: Assignment of Quota Type and Object ID
TPT_DISP_OBJ_CT TMW: Display Objects Column Short Texts
TPT_MDAT_OBJECTS TMW: Assignment of Master Data Infotype Field to Object ID
TPT_TBAL_OBJECTS TMW: Assignment of Time Type for Reporting to Object ID
TPT_WLIST_AREA Message Processing: Functional Area
TPT_WLIST_AREA_T Message Processing: Functional Area Text
TPT_WLIST_PROC Message Processing: Methods
TPT_WLIST_PROC_T Message Processing: Processing Method Text

SAP Attendances/Absences TABLES (PT-RC-AA)

Table Name Description
CATSHR Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to HR
PA0315 CATS: Sender Information

SAP Time Tickets TABLES (PT-RC-IW)

Table Name Description
LSERR Error Table for Posting Incentive Wages
T7031 Incentive Wages: Incentive Wages Parameters
T7032 Incentive Wages: Transaction Parameters
T7033 Incentive Wages: User Data for Recording Incentive Wages
T7034 Incentive Wages: User Exits for Incentive Wages
T703B Incentive Wages: Parameter Texts
T703C Incentive Wages: Parameters
T703F Incentive Wages: Calculation Rules for Premium Formulas
T703G Incentive Wages: Groups
T703H Incentive Wages: Parameters for Premium Formulas
T703J Incentive Wages: Cumulation Rules
T703K Incentive Wages: Wage Types Permitted for Each TT Type
T703P Incentive Wages: Simple Functions
T703Q Incentive Wages: Premium Formulas
T703R Incentive Wages: Text for Premium Formula/Premium Result
T703W Incentive Wages: Result Types
T703X Incentive Wages: Texts for Result Types

SAP Personnel Time Events TABLES (PT-RC-TE)

Table Name Description
T551A_COR_CALE ESS Correction Scenario: Period Work Schedule for Calendar
TPTCOR_APL Different Payment (Correction Scenario)
TPTCOR_CALE ESS Correction Scenario: Calendar Definition
TPTCOR_CORE Core Information (Correction Scenario)
TPTCOR_CUSTOMER Customer (Correction Scenario)
TPTCOR_KOSTL Cost Assignment (Correction Scenario)
TPTCOR_LOGISTIC Logistics Orders (Correction Scenario)
TPTCOR_TCONSTR ESS Correction Scenario: Table of Periods
TPTCOR_WFATTR ESS Correction Scenario: Table of Workflow Attributes

SAP Shift Planning TABLES (PT-SP)

Table Name Description
APPTYPEAVAIL Availability for Appointments in SCAPPTYPE
HRP1039 Database Table for Infotype 1039
HRP1040 Database Table for Infotype 1040
HRP1046 Database Table for Infotype 1046
HRP1049 Database Tables for Infotype 1049
HRPAD067 Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
HRPAD071 Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
HRPAD63 PAD63 Additional Data
HRPADTI PADTI Additional Data
HRPADUZ PADUZ Additional Data: Requirements Assignment of Persons
HRSP_POOL_RQMT Requirements Records of Resource Procurement HRSP_POOL_RQST
HRSP_POOL_RQSTNS Resource Procurement (Without Strings)
HRT1049 Tables Part of Infotype 1049
PSHIFT_PBS Shift Planning: Shift Abbreviation for Persons
PSOLL Shift Planning: Target Plan
T77DB Shift Groups for Organizational Units
T77DT Texts for Shift Groups
T77ED Shift Planning: Definition of Shifts
T77EDAYCUST Select Subscreens from Detail Dialog Box
T77ER Substitution Types in Shift Plans
T77ES Selection ID for Shift Planning Profile
T77ET Shift Planning: Descriptions of Shift Abbreviations
T77EVOPT_DEF Default Assignment Strategy for Shift Group
T77EVOPTT Texts for Assignment Strategies
T77RB Requirement Types per Shift Group of Organizational Unit
T77SP_CD Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequence
T77SP_CDT Shift Planning: Names for Abbreviation Sequence Rules
T77SP_CE Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequences
T77SP_DAYMARK Shift Planning: Selection for Special Indicator
T77SP_STYLE Color and Character Formatting for Shift Planning
T7PBS_ADHOC_1 Shift Abbreviations Without Working Time Check
T7PBS_ADHOC_3 Specifications for Abbreviations Relating to ADHOC Update
T7PBS_ADHOC_4 Proposals for Indicators for Ad Hoc Update

SAP Shift Planning for Public Sector TABLES (PT-SP-PS)

Table Name Description
HRSP_ABS_CBF Absence Planner: Callback Functions
HRSP_ABS_HIGH_SS Absence Planner: Definition of High Season
HRSP_ABS_INF_COL Info Columns for Absence Planner: Public Sector Germany
HRSP_ABS_INF_LIN Info Rows for Absence Planner: Public Sector Germany
HRSP_ABS_PROF_T Profile for Absence Planner: Public Sector Germany
HRSPPS_AVAIL Shift Abbreviations for Availability Duties
T7PBS_ADHOC_2 Info Columns with ADHOC Update
T7PBS_DETAIL Shift Planning: Detail for Information Line
T7PBS_SP_TSN_A Examination Scheme/Education and Training Path
T7PBS_SP_TSN_A_T Examination Scheme/Education and Training Path Texts
T7PBS_SP_TSN_B Grouping for Practical Training
T7PBS_SP_TSN_B_T Grouping for Practical Training: Texts
T7PBS_SP_TSN_C Assgmt Training Infotype 0022) to Exam. Scheme/Training Path
T7PBS_SP_TSN_D Assgmt Time Type to Exam. Scheme/Training Path and Grouping
T7PBS_SP_TSN_E Time Statement for Nurses: Column Customizing for UI
T7PBS_SP_TSN_E_T Grouping for Practical Training: Texts
T7PBS_SP_VRINF Dynamic Sorting: Allowed Information Columns

SAP Tables

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