SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.

SAP Mobile data entry TABLES (LE-MOB)

Table Name Description
LSUTO Mobile Data Entry: Relationship Shipping Unit to TO
T3130A Dynamic Menu Management
T3130B Dynamic Menu Management - Text Table
T3130F Control for Enter on RF Screens: Categorization
T3130G Control for Enter on RF Screens: Function Code Sequence
T313A Determination of Verification Profile
T313B Definition of Verification Profile
T313C Assignment of application identifier type
T313D Definition of Application Identification
T313E Descriptions of the AI Definition
T313F Definition User Profile for Mobile Data Entry
T313G General Parameters for Bar Code Type Definition


Table Name Description
DLFLD Non-Changeable Delivery Fields
DVK01 R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Header Data R2 -> R3
DVK02 R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Item Data R2 -> R3
DVM01 R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data for Article Master
KNVS Customer Master Shipping Data
LDA01 Decentralized WMS: Delivery Document Appendix
LIKP SD Document: Delivery Header Data
LIPS SD document: Delivery: Item data
LIPSPO LIPS Reference Data Purchase Order
LIPSRF LIPS Reference Data
SHP_IDX_CRED Outbound Deliveries in Credit Check: Blocked and Released
SHP_IDX_EXIB Inbound Delivery: External Identification
SHP_IDX_EXOB Outbound Delivery: External Identification
SHP_IDX_GDRC Inbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods Receipt
SHP_IDX_GDSI Outbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods Issue
SHP_IDX_PICK Outbound Deliveries: Not Picked
SHP_IDX_PUTA Inbound Deliveries: Not Putaway
SHP_IDX_ROGR Rough Goods Receipts for Vendor
SHP_IDX_UNCH Outbound Deliveries: Unchecked
T30C WM Articles Staging Zones
T30CT Description for Articles Staging Zones
T318 Picking waves profile
T318T Texts for Picking Waves Profiles
T323 Controlling Mail if Error Occurs During Decentral.Shipping
T633K R/2-R/3 Link: One-Time Customer Determination
TAETS Warehouse Sub-Process (Procedure for Warehouse Processes)
TAVG Warehouse Activities (Operations in Warehouse)
TAVGT Decsription of Warehouse Activities
TL006 Assign Units of Measure to Unit-Of-Measure Load Category
TLAST Load Table for Calculating Workload
TMCL_LV W&S: Control - RWE + Picking Wave Creation
TPRIO Customers: Delivery Priorities
TVIER Sales Documents Containing Errors
TVLGT Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries: Texts
TVPAD Determination Log Control
TVPO Daily Period Types
TVPOD Sales Document: Delivery: POD Data
TVPOT Names of Daily Period Types
TVTG Reasons for Date Deviation
TVTGT Descriptions for Reasons for Date Deviation
TVTZ Deadline Functions
TVTZT Description for Purpose of Date
TWLVZ Assign Shipping Point as Goods Receiving Point to Site/SLoc
VALW Delivery Plan: Definition of Route Schedule
VALWP Route Schedule Periods
VALWPV Route Schedule Periods
VALWT Delivery Plan: Description of Route Schedule
VARK Delivery Plan: Customer-Specific Itinerary
VARZ Delivery Plan: Zone-Specific Itinerary
VAWA Delivery Plan: Exclusion of Itinerary
VAWK "Delivery Plan: Itinerary Determination
VAWZ "Delivery Plan: Itinerary Determination
VBFS Error Log for Collective Processing
VBLK SD Document: Delivery Note Header
VLKPA SD Index: Deliveries by Partner Functions
VLPMA SD Index: Delivery Items by Article
VRSLI Receipt of Articles from Deliveries

SAP Delivery Processing TABLES (LE-SHP-DL)

Table Name Description
LEDSPD_FLOW Document Flow for Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split

SAP Basic Functions TABLES (LE-SHP-GF)

Table Name Description
DVK00 unused dummy structure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DVM02 R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data Article Master Stor. Locations
LECI_CARD Extended Pass for Registration at the Checkpoint
LECI_CHK_PT Checkpoint
LECI_CHK_PTT Checkpoint: Text Table
LECI_EVENT Activities Within the Check-in/Check-out Process
LECI_EVENT_DATA Activity Data Within the Check-in/Check-out Process
T313H Bar Code Profile: Header
T313I Description of an EAN128 Profile
T313J Bar Code Profile: Items
T313K Allocation of Layout and Bar Code Profile to Output Type
T313M Delimiter for Variable Barcode Lengths (Usage: Printing)
T313Y ILN for SSCC Generation at Storage Location Level
T313Z ILN for SSCC Generation at Warehouse Number Level
T323V Error handling (Host)- Decentralized SD (Definition of mail)
T630L Shipping Determination: Loading Times
TCRBF Determination of Staging Area via Customer/Storage Condition
TCTBF Determine gate and picked item zone via customer
TLGR Routes: Loading Groups
TLGRT Routes: Loading Groups: Texts
TROAL Routes: Allowed Actual Routes for Delivery
TROAZ Routes: Determination in Sales Documents
TRRBF Determ. of Staging Area via Route Schedule/Storage Condition
TRTBF Determine gate and picked item zone via route schedule
TVKOL Picking: Storage Location Determination for Deliveries
TVLA Org.unit: Loading points per shipping point
TVLAT Org.Unit: Loading points per shipping point: Texts
TVLG Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries
TVLGZ Routes: Weights per Weight Group
TVLKAIP Determine Delivery Type for Delivery Creation Using BAPI
TVLKN Deliveries: Number Range per Warehouse Number and Dlv. Type
TVLKWMS Conversion Delivery Types Decentr. WMS
TVLPAIP Determine Item Category for Delivery Creation Using BAPI
TVLR Check Table - Sequence of Activities in the Delivery
TVLS Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Criteria
TVLSP Delivery Blocks
TVLST Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Scope: Texts
TVSTZ Organizational Unit: Shipping Points per Site
TVSTZ_STORLOC Storage-Location-Specific Shipping Point Determination

SAP Transportation TABLES (LE-TRA)

Table Name Description
B045 Shipment Type/Transportation Service Agent
T173 Routes: Mode of Transport for Each Shipping Type
T173T Routes: Mode of Transport by Shipping Type: Texts
T644 Routes: Transit Route(s) (Country Sequence)
TGAF Freight Code Determination
TGAR Freight Codes
TGART Freight codes:descriptions
TGAV Freight Code Sets
TGAVF Determine Freight Code Set
TGAVT Freight code set: descriptions
TMFG Article freight groups
TMFGT Article freight groups: Descriptions
TNAD8 Output Control: Printers by Shipping Point
TROIZ Route Determination: By Country and Zone
TROLZ Routes: Determination in Deliveries
TSFG Forwarding agent freight group
TSFGT Forward. Agent-Freight Groups:Descriptn
TTDS Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point
TTDST Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point: Texts
TTPLST Determination of Transportation Planning Point f. BAPI Call
TTSG Shipment Blocking Reason
TTSGT Description of Reason for Shipment Block
TVARS Archiving Control Shipment
TVKN Routes: Transportation Connection Points
TVKNT Routes: Transportation connection points: Texts
TVRAB Route Stages
TVRO Routes
TVROT Routes: Texts
TVRSZ Routes: Legs for each Route
TVSAK Special Processing Indicator
TVSAKT Special Processing Indicator: Texts
TVSR Routes: Legs
TVSRO Shipping points: Countries in Which Routes are Defined
TVT_CA_SDELI Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for Deliveries
TVT_CA_SDELI_R Restriction of Fwdg Agent Selection Variants for Deliveries
TVT_CA_SSHIP Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for Shipments
TVT_CA_TRA Transportation Basis Data for Forwarding Agent
TVT_CA_USR Assignment Between Forwarding Agent and SAP System User
TVTR Routes: Modes of Transport
TVTRT Routes: Method of Transportation Texts
VTADD01 Checking Table Supplement 1
VTADD01T Checking Table Supplement: Description
VTADD02 Checking Table Supplement 2
VTADD02T Checking Table Supplement: Descriptions
VTADD03 Checking Table Supplement 3
VTADD03T Checking Table Supplement 3: Description
VTADD04 Checking Table Supplement 4
VTADD04T Checking Table Supplement 4: Description
VTCFPP Freight Planning Transfer Profile
VTCFPPT Text for Freight Planning Communication Profiles
VTDST Status of deliveries within transportation planning
VTDSTC Condition of Deliveries for Freight Planning by Fwdng Agent
VTFA Shipment Document Flow
VTLST Status of Gen. Location in Ext. Transportatn Planning System
VTPA Shipping Partner
VTPRG Transport. planng system cumulation proc. for delivery item
VTPRK Cond. Sequence for Loc. Subst. in Transportation Planning
VTPRL Transportation Planning System Route Limitations
VTPRS Det. Procedure for Loc. Subst. in Transportation Planning
VTPRST Texts for Determination Procedures for Location Substitution
VTRDI Shipment Planning Index
VTSP Stage of Transport / Item Allocation
VTSPLS Assignment Forwarding Agent - Log. System for Freight Plng
VTTK Shipment Header
VTTP Shipment Item
VTTS Stage of Shipment

SAP Freight Processing TABLES (LE-TRA-FC)

Table Name Description
A130 Service agent/tariff zone dep./tariff zone targ/shipping art
A131 Service Agent/TariffZnDp/TariffZnDest/Packaging Artl/VSEGR1
T685S Condition Types: Scales for Conditions
TIARS Archiving Control Shipment Costs
TVFCD Service Agent Procedure Group for Shipment Costs
TVFCDT Description for Service Agent Procedure Group
TVFCG Item Procedure Group for Shipment Costs
TVFCGT Description for Item Procedure Group Shipment Costs
TVFCSF Pricing Procedure Determination
TVFCV Shipping Type Procedure Group for Shipment Costs
TVFCVT Description for Shipping Type Procedure Group Shipment Costs
TVFPTZ Tariff Zone Assignment for Postal Code Area
TVFPTZH Tariff Zone Assignment for Postal Code Area Header Data
TVFTZ Tariff Zones for Shipment Costs
TVFTZT Description of Tariff Zone for Shipment Costs
V54IV_SELOPT Incoming Invoice: Selection Transportation Service Provider
VFKGRP (Freight) Group Conditions
VFKK Shipment Costs: Header Data
VFKN Account Determination in Shipment Costs Item
VFKONV (Freight) Conditions
VFKONX Conditions: Dimension-Dependent Data
VFKP Shipment Costs: Item Data
VFPA Partner for Shipment Costs
VFSCAH Scale Header
VFSCAHT Descriptions for Scales
VFSCAID Scale Item: Gross Weight
VFSCAIF Scale Item: Gross Volume
VFSCAIF0 Scale Item: Measuring
VFSCAIL0 Scale Item: Postal Code
VFSCAIL2 Scale Item: Tariff Zone
VFSCAIL4 Scale Item: Transportation Zone
VFSCAIL6 Scale Item: Region
VFSCAIR Scale Item: Distance
VFSCAIS Scale Item: Number of Shipping Units
VFSCAIS0 Key Item: Shipping Material
VFSCAIS1 Scale Item: Length of Loading Platform (Shipping Unit)
VFSCAIT0 "Scale Item: Duration (Idle Time
VFSCAR1 Freight Rates (One-Dimensional)
VFSCAR2 Freight Rates (Two-Dimensional)
VFSCAR3 Freight Rates (Three-Dimensional)
VFSI Shipment Costs: Sub-item Data
VFZP Correct Original Assignmen of Conditions


Table Name Description
CIF_MAP_SP_SL Unique Mapping of Shipping Point to Storage Location
CMCONNECT Setup of Continuous Moves
VLBL Express Delivery Company's Data Field
VLBLTD Express Delivery Company's Carrier Assignment
VRTCO Routing Info per Carrier/Country/Location
VRTCP Routing Info per Carrier/Country/Zip Code
VRTCPR Routing Info per Carrier/Country/Zip Code Area
VTRKH Tracking Data - Header
VTRKP Tracking Data - Item
VXSIFNT Small Parcel Carrier: Function Module Description
VXSIG Express Delivery Company: Weight Codes
VXSIP Express Delivery Company: Product Codes
VXSIPS Packing Station
VXSIPST Description of Packing Station
VXSIPT Express Delivery Company: Product Code Description
VXSIQE Small Parcel Carrier: Conversion into External Qualifier
VXSIS Small Parcel Carrier: Special Processing (Service Code)
VXSISP Express Delivery Company: Delivery Priority -> Service Code
VXSISR Small Parcel Carrier: Route -> Service Code
VXSISV Small Parcel Carrier: Shipping Condition (Service Code)
VXSITDL Express Delivery Company: Meta Description Data Field
VXSITDLT Small Parcel Carrier: Data Field (Type Description)
VXSITDLV Small Parcel Carrier: Data Fields per Shipping Point
VXSITDNSO Number Range Sub-object
VXSITDT Express Delivery Company: Description
VXSITDU Express Delivery Company: URLs
VXSITS Express Delivery Company: Service Codes
VXSITST Small Parcel Carrier: Service Codes Description
VXSIV Express Delivery Company: Shipping Point: Control
VXTRKS Tracking Status Details
VXTRKST Tracking Status Details

SAP Task & Resource Management TABLES (LE-TRM)

Table Name Description
LATPR Object's attributes to present
LATTM Attributes' value mapping
LEGOD Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition
LEGODT Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition - description
LEGOR ECOs' subscriptions at runtime
LEGRS Resource-ECO subscription
LELMT Resource element
LELTA Allowed resource element type
LELTY Resource element type
LELTYT Resource element type - description
LETYM Entity hierarchy: modes/weighting factor
LEXDT Execution data (for exception information)
LGPRI Priority log
LGRQA Resource qualifications log
LGTKA Task actual execution data log
LGTKL Task pool log
LGTKS Task status log
LIVPR Input verification profile
LLGRH Request log
LLGRI Request item log
LLGRN Request network log
LLGRS Resource log
LLGRT Request - task progress log
LLGST Resource status log
LLGTM Route log
LLMOD Mode catalog
LLMODT Mode catalog - description
LLOCTT Site - description
LLVELT Level - description
LMENU Menu tree
LMENUT Menu tree - description
LMNCT Menu item catalog
LMNCTT Menu item catalog - description
LMNRT Mandatory routes
LMVRT Variant for TRM Monitoring
LNODET Node - description
LOBGR Object grouping
LOBSL Obstacle
LOBSLT Obstacle - description
LPDVC Presentation device
LPLTM Planned time for task creation lags
LPRSN Personalization
LPRSNT Personalization - description
LPRVL_TSK Entities value table for task management package
LRITK Request - task progress
LRMSG Resources messages
LROUT Routing
LRQNT Request network
LRQSH Request
LRQSI Request item
LRSQA Resource qualifications
LRSRC Resource
LRSTC Resource type components
LRSTY Resource type
LRSTYT Resource type - description
LRSWD Workers of deactivated resources
LRTCP Capacity assignment for resource types
LRTEX Route exceptions
LRTQA Resource type and resource element qualifications
LSECC Capacity of Static Execution Control (SEC)
LSRZN Serving zone
LTCTW Crit. time window & dynamic due date priority estimation
LTKEG Tasks-Execution Group Objects (EGO) mapping
LTKPL Task pool
LTKRT Task - resource type
LWKCN Work center operations
LWRKA Working Area
LWRKAT Working Area - description
LXRFN Request cross-reference
LZGDF Zone group definition
LZGDFT Zone group - description
LZGZN Zone Group - Zone Relationship
LZNDFT Zone - description
LZNNX Zone Entry-Exit
T343XYZ "Storage Bin Structure for X
T347A Control of link WM - TRM for Transfer Orders

SAP Warehouse Management TABLES (LE-WM)

Table Name Description
LAGP Storage bins
LEIN Storage unit header records
LINK Inventory document header in WM
LINP Inventory document item in WM
LINV Inventory data per quant
LL01 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Order Items
LL02 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Requirement Items
LL03 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Posting Change Documents
LL04 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Deliveries
LL05 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Stocks
LL06 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Storage Bins
LL07 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Production Orders
LQUA Quants
LQUAB Total quant counts for certain strategies
LRF_WKQU Assignment User ->Queue
LSEG Document for Inward and Outward Movements
LTAK WM transfer order header
LTAP Transfer order item
LTBK Transfer requirement header
LTBP Transfer requirement item
LTHU Assignment of Pick-HUs to Transfer Orders
LUBU Posting Change Document
MGEF Hazardous materials
NKLV Number ranges in WM
T300 WM Warehouse Numbers
T300T Warehouse Number Descriptions
T301 WM Storage Types
T301T Storage Type Descriptions
T302 WM Storage Sections
T302T Storage Section Names
T303 WM Storage Bin Types
T303T WM Names of Storage Bin Types
T304 Storage Section Indicators
T304T Text for Storage Section Indicator
T305 Storage Type Indicators
T305T Text for Storage Type Indicator
T306 Special Movement Indicators
T306T Texts for Special Movement Indicators
T307 Storage Unit Types
T307T Text for Storage Unit Type
T309 Fire-Containment Sections
T309T Names for Fire-Containment Sections
T30A WM Picking Areas
T30AT Picking Area Descriptions
T30B WM Gates
T30BT Zone Descriptions
T310 Pre-Allocated Stock
T311 Definition of WM Groups
T311A Cross-Reference WM Group for Documents
T311L Definition of Run Within a WM Group
T312 Control Performance Data and TO Split
T312A Profile for performance data
T312B Profile for Transfer Order Split
T312R Setup Time for Planned Processing in Transfer Order
T312S Profile for Sorting
T312W Time for Planned TO Processing
T319 Control of Automatic Pick HU Creation
T319A Assignment Automatic Pick-HU Creation
T320 Assignment IM Storage Location to WM Warehouse Number
T320A WM: Storage Location Control
T321B Stock Types and Special Stocks for External Systems
T324 Storage Loc. Ref.
T324T Descriptions for Storage Loc. Reference
T325 WM: QM Interface for Handling Insptection Samples
T325T Description for Control WM-QM Interface
T326 Control Table for 2-Step Picking
T327 Control of Link between WM and Warehouse Control Unit (WCU)
T327A Control of link WM - subsystem
T327B Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM - sub
T327T Variant description for link WM -> subsystem
T327V Variants for WM Link -> Subsystem
T328 Warehouse Activity Monitor: Defin. of Critical Parameters
T328A Activate Whse Act. Monitor Objects
T329A Printer Pool Definition
T329D Transfer Order Printer Control
T329F Print Control Table
T329P Transfer Order Print Parameters
T329S Print Control Table for Coll.Proc.
T329T Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer Orders
T330 Blocking Reasons
T330T Text for Blocking Reason
T331 Storage Type Control
T331B Storage Type Control for Bulk Storage
T331L Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type
T333M Mail control for background processing
T333N Control for automatic transfer order creation
T333O Texts for automatic TO creation
T333U WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IM
T334B Storage Section Search
T334E Storage Unit Type Check
T334P Storage Bin Type Search
T334T Storage Type Search
T334U Access Strategy for Storage Type Search
T335 Default Values for Inventory
T336 Difference Indicators
T336T Texts for Difference Indicators
T337A Division of Storage Bins into Sections
T337B Bulk Storage Sectioning
T337C Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337D Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337Z Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit Type
T338 Bulk Storage Indicators
T338T Texts for Bulk Storage Indicators
T339 Definition of Comment for TO Execution
T339T Text Table for Comment for TO Execution
T340D WM Default Values
T343 Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation of Storage Bins
T343I Definition of Sort Field in Storage Bin
T343J Definition of Sequence Field in Storage Bin
T344 Client-Specific Control Table for MM-WM
T345 Client-Dependent Control Table for WM->PP Staging
T346 RF Queue Definition
T346L Assignment Sections and Activities to Queue
T346T RF Queue Descriptions
T346X Exceptions: Queue Forwarding
T646A Aggregate States
T646B Texts for Aggregate States
T646G Hazardous Material Warnings
T646H Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings
T646L Storage Classes
T646M Texts for Storage Classes
T646R Region Codes
T646S Texts for Region Codes
T646V Hazardous Material Warnings
T646W Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings

SAP Cross-Docking TABLES (LE-WM-CD)

Table Name Description
LEXUS Extension 2.0 usage
LXDCN Cross Dock decision
LXDTO Decision TO cancel link
LXWHS Cross Docking warehouse level customization

SAP Dynamic Cycle Counting TABLES (LE-WM-DCC)

Table Name Description
LCDCC Customization for Dynamic Cycle Count


Table Name Description
LDK00 Status Record for WM Communication Records
LDK01 Communication Record 01 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI R/2 -> ERP
LDK02 Communicat.Record 02 Decentralized WMS: Transfer R/2 -> ERP
LDK03 Communication Rec. 03 Decentralized WMS: Del.Doc. R/2 -> ERP
LDK04 Communication Rec. 04 LVS Decentr.: DN Supplem. R/2 -> ERP
LDK05 Communication Record 05 Decentr. WMS: (R/2-ERP): Art. Master
LDK06 Communic.Record 06 Decentr.WMS (R/2-ERP):Batch Status Change
T321D Assignment Movement Type RM-WMS Dec. ERP -> HOST Act. (R/2)
T321K Definition of Accumulated Messages to HOST (R/2)
T323M Log. Error Handling Host R/2 - Decentr. WMS ERP (Mail Def.)
T323P Parameters for Generating Logs and Mail Messages (R/2->ERP)
TQCOM Assignment of Communication No. to Logical Queue ID (APPQ)

SAP Other Functions TABLES (LE-WM-GF)

Table Name Description
T331C Control of storage type for putaway strategy K
TWAP1 Appointments: Appointments Profile
TWAP1T Appointments: Appointments Profile - Description
TWAP2 Appointments: Deviation Reasons
TWAP2T Appointments: Description for Deviation Reasons
WAPPT Appointments
WAPPTV Appointments: Worklist

SAP Value-Added Services TABLES (LE-WM-VAS)

Table Name Description
LVVGC Value-Added Services (VAS) general customization
LVVOR VAS orders
LVVRO VAS request order
LVVWC VAS work center determination

SAP Yard Management TABLES (LE-YM)

Table Name Description
LYACT Yard activities
LYDTP Location time-dependent properties
LYFAG Forwarding agent attributes
LYGRR Geographical location groups relationship
LYGTP Yard Scheduling Graphic Tool Personalization
LYLCP Location type capacity
LYLGR Geographical location group
LYLGRT Define Location Groups
LYLOC Yard location
LYLTY Physical location type
LYLTYT Text Table for Physical Location Type
LYSPF Scheduling profile
LYSPFT Text Table for Scheduling Profile
LYYRDT Text Table for Yard

SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.


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