SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.

SAP Product Lifecycle Management TABLES (PLM)

Table Name Description
CDIWPS_CONF Customizing Table for Configuration in MEB
CDIWPS_FLEET Customizing Table for Fleet Assignment in MEB
CDIWPS_NAV_RV Customizing Table for Navigation Area RV in MEB
CPRO_CUST_URL Specify URLs for Windows File Explorer Integration
CPROW_CUST Make Settings for WebDAV Interface
CPROW_GUIDMAP Assignment: GUID <-> External ID
CPROW_LOCK_OWNER Assignment: Internal Lock Owner to WebDAV Owner
DIWP_DISP OBSOLETE: Display Work Packages Per User
DIWP_HIST OBSOLETE: Work Packaging and Sequencing
DIWPS Work Package
DIWPS_CA Characteristics for Work Package
DIWPS_CR Work Package Cross-Reference Notification
DIWPS_FAVORITE Table to store user-specific favorites in the WPS Browser
DIWPS_NOTI_DEFER Notification Deferral Table
DIWPS_NOTI_PCOMP Table for Partically Completed Notifications
DIWPS_REV_ORDER Revision Order Table
DIWPS_RV_CA Revision: Characteristics for Work Package
DIWPS_RV_CR Revision: Cross-Reference Notification
DIWPS_USER_SET User Settings Table
DIWPS_USERSET User-Specific Settings in MEB
DPR_SCHED_INFO Index Table for Scheduling Information
PPM_SCHEDULE_IND Status of Scheduling Data

SAP Collaboration Folders TABLES (PLM-CFO)

Table Name Description
CFF_ADD_PHF SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
CFF_ADD_PHHR SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
CFF_ADD_PHHRPR SDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
CFF_ADD_PHIO SDOK: Physical information object instances
CFF_ADD_PHNM SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
CFF_ADD_PHNMPR SDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
CFF_ADD_PHPR SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
CFF_ADD_PHRE SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
CFF_ADD_PHREPR SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs
CFF_ADD_PHRI SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
CFF_ADD_PHRIPR SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs
CFF_CONT CFF: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)
CFF_PHIO_TRACK CFF: Tracking the Access (Read- and Write Accesses)
CFS_PROFILE_OBJS CFS: Assignment Object to Profile
CFS_STAT_ACTION CFS: Actions for Status
CFS_STATUS CFS: Additional (Mapping) Data for Status
CFS_STATUS_FGRP Field Groups for Status
CFS_STATUS_PROF CFS: Additional (Mapping) Data for Status Profile
CFS_STATUS_PROT CFS: Text for Status Log - Enhancement of CRM_JCDS
CFS_STATUS_TRANS CFS: Status Transitions
CFS_TRANS_ACTION CFS: Actions for Status Transitions
CFX_ACCESS Track first access of object by user
CFX_ACTION_RECIP Receiver of a Status Action
CFX_ALIAS Alias Names for Contexts
CFX_APPL_LOG Usage log
CFX_AREA Collaboration Folders: Area
CFX_AREA_VISITOR Collaboration Folders: Area Visitors
CFX_ASSIGNMENTS Assignment to External Objects
CFX_BACKENDSYS Assignment of Versions and Backend Systems
CFX_BP_SET Global Settings of Organization in cFolders
CFX_COL Collaboration Folders: Collaboration
CFX_COL_OBJTYPE Object Types (and Categories) per Collaboration
CFX_CONTEXT Contexts for Alias Names
CFX_CONTEXT_OT Object Types for Which a Context Text is Used
CFX_CONTEXTS Contexts for Alias Names
CFX_DESCR_ASSIGN Table for Assigning Descriptions to GUIDs
CFX_DISCUSSION CFX: Assignment of Discussions to Objects
CFX_DOCUMENT Additional Data for Documents
CFX_FAVORITES CFX: Favorites List of a User
CFX_FILE_FORMAT Only Certain File Formats Are Allowed in some Folders
CFX_FLDGRP_AUTH Assignment Authorizations to Field Groups in an Object
CFX_FOL Collaboration Folders: Folder
CFX_GRP Collaboration Folders: User Groups
CFX_GRP_HIER Collaboration Folders: User in User Groups
CFX_GRP_USER Collaboration Folders: User in User Groups
CFX_HIERARCHY Collaboration Folders: Topic Hierarchy
CFX_HIST_AUTH Saves all Changes to Authorization Objects
CFX_HIST_AUX Help Table for Aggregation Report
CFX_HIST_FOL CFX: Redundant Storage Topic ID for Folder ID (1:n)
CFX_HIST_USERGRP Saves the History Entries for the User Groups
CFX_HISTORY CFX: Data for Object History
CFX_HYPERLINKS "Hyperlinks (Redundant
CFX_ID_NS "Assignment of (ID
CFX_NODE Collaboration Folders: Topic
CFX_NOTIFICATION Collaboration Folders: Notifications
CFX_NTF_ACTION Status Managment: Action: Send a Notification
CFX_NTF_CONTENT Collaboration Folders: Content Data of Notifications
CFX_NTF_OBJECT Collaboration Folders: Objects for the Notifications
CFX_NTF_QUEUE Queue for E-Mail Notifications
CFX_OBJ_DESCR Assignment Object Description -> Type and Categories
CFX_ORG_USERS Users Who Are Not Assigned to an Organization
CFX_REMIND_QUEUE CFX: Queue for Reminder Actions for Status Management
CFX_SEARCHES CFX: List of Search Queries for each User
CFX_SEARCHRES CFX: List of Search Results
CFX_STAT_OBJ_TYP Object Type of the cFolders Object Assigned to a Status
CFX_STRUCT_PAR "Father for BOMs (Redundant
CFX_STRUCT_PAR_V Parent Version for BOM Version (Redundant as Cache)
CFX_SUBSCRIPTION Subscription of Objections
CFX_SYNC Synchronization of Background Processes
CFX_TEXT_DATA CFX: Metadata from cFolders Text XML Files
CFX_THN Thumbnails for cFolders Objects
CFX_TYPING Category Data for an CFX Object
CFX_UD_BUTTON User-Defined Buttons in cFolders Interfaces
CFX_UD_STAT_ACT User-Defined Actions for Status Transitions in cFolders
CFX_UD_TRAN_ACT Customer-Defined Actions for Status Transitions
CFX_VERSION_LOCK Versions Locked Against Changes
CXF_ATSP Attribute Spec.
CXM_ESCH EasySPEC Characteristic
CXM_ESCS EasySPEC Classification
CXM_ESIH EasySPEC Inheritance Hierarchy

SAP Collaboration Projects TABLES (PLM-CPR)

Table Name Description
CGPL_ARCH_IDX_VS Project Plan: Index of Archived Projects
CGPL_COPY_LINK Project Planning: Source/Target Object Link for Copy
DPR_ABS_URL Absolute URL for cProjects Call
DPR_AREA_T Project Area Text
DPR_CI_FGROUPS cProjects: Field Groups for Customer Fields per Proj.Element
DPR_CI_FGROUPS_T cProjects: Field Group Label for Customer Fields per Proj.El
DPR_CI_FGRP_FLD cProjects: Assignment of Customer Fields to Field Groups
DPR_CI_FGRP_FLDT cProjects: Texts from Customer Fields for Field Groups
DPR_CI_PROJ_FGRP cProjects: Field Groups per Project Type
DPR_CONF_LI cProjects Confirmation: Line Item
DPR_CUST_TABC Definition of Customer-Defined Tab Pages
DPR_DEMO Table for Demo Implementation of Customer-Specific Subsystem
DPR_FIN_XML_PERS Persistence Table for XML Data
DPR_FORM_PRTYP Print Templates per Project Type
DPR_FORMFP_PRTYP PDF Print Templates per Project Type
DPR_LOCATION_T Text for Project Location
DPR_PRIORITY_T Description of priority
DPR_SCHEDULE_IND Status of Scheduling Data


Table Name Description
DPR_BW_SYSSTAT Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP System Status
DPR_BW_USERSTAT Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP User Status


Table Name Description
DPR_CTRLPLAN_H Control Plan: Header
DPR_CTRLPLAN_I Control Plan: Characteristics Within Control Plan
DPR_CTRLPLAN_L Control Plan Links
DPR_CTRLPLAN_V Control Plan: Versions


Table Name Description
DPR_COLL_LINK DPR Application Object Link - Collaboration
DPR_COLL_RFCDEST RFC Destinations for cFolders Systems
DPR_DOCUMENT DPR Application Object Link - EDMS Document


Table Name Description
DPR_DASHBOARD Dashboard Data for Project
DPR_EVAL_EXTRACT Customizing for Extracts for Project Type
EVE_ATTRIB_ICO Mapping: Field Values to Icons
EVE_ATTRIB_ICO_T Mapping: Texts for Field Values on Icons
EVE_THRESHOLD_G Global Threshold Values: Definition
EVE_THRESHOLD_GR Threshold Values: Check Conditions
EVE_THRESHOLD_GT Threshold Value: Definition
EVE_THRESHOLD_S Severity for Threshold Values
EVE_THRESHOLD_ST Severity for Threshold Values: Description
EVE_THRESHOLD_VL Fulfilled Threshold Value
EVE_XML_PERS_DB Persistence Table for XML Data

SAP Connection to External Systems TABLES (PLM-CPR-EXT)

Table Name Description
DPR_FIELD_MAP Mapping of BPS field to cProjects field
DPR_OBJLINK_SC Object Link to SRM Shopping Carts
DPR_OBJLINK_SC_I Items for SRM Shopping Cart
DPR_OBJLINK_SCPO Purchase Order and Purchase Order Item for SRM Shopping Cart
DPR_SRM_CAT_DEST Source System for SRM Categories
DPR_SRM_PROD_CA Table of SRM Product Categories
DPR_SRM_PROD_CAT Language-Dependent Texts of SRM Product Categories

SAP cProjects Accounting Integration TABLES (PLM-CPR-EXT-FIN)

Table Name Description
DPR_RATES Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles
DPR_RATES_MAP Customizing: Validity/Details of Cost/Revenue Rates
DPR_RATES_T Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles


Table Name Description
OLR3_URL_SRV URL of a Web Server
OLR3_URL_SRV_PAR System Parameters for Web Server URL of an SAP Transaction


Table Name Description
DPR_BUPA_DIST Distribute Required Capacity of a Business Partner Link
DPR_BUPA_FAVO List of Favorites (Business Partner)
DPR_BUPA_LINK Role-Business Partner Links
DPR_ENTITY_LINK Role Assignments
DPR_PART Project Participants
DPR_PART_DIST Distribute Required Capacity to Project Role
DPR_PART_Q Role Qualifications
DPR_PART_ROLE_P Customizing: Project Role per Project Type
DPR_PART_ROLE_PR Project Participant Roles
DPR_ROLE_FUNC Customizing: Role Functions
DPR_ROLE_FUNC_T Customizing: Texts for Role Functions
DPR_SKILL Qualification Requirements
PRM_HRPERSONEE Link Employee / Central Person
PRP_ACTION Staffing Actions
PRP_ACTION_T Staffing Actions
PRP_BUPA_DETCUST Customer-Specific Fields for Business Partner (BAdI Control)
RPM_BP_LOCATION Resource assignment to a location
RPM_BUPA_0000 Business partner status
RPM_BUPA_AVL Resource Availability
RPM_BUPA_CUST Customer Fields for BUPA
RPM_BUPA_LOCAT Resource assignment to a location
RPM_HR_MAP_LOCAT RPM : Mapping of PA/PSA to Locations of Projects


Table Name Description
DPR_CHECKLIST_H Checklist Header
DPR_CHECKLIST_I Checklist Items
DPR_CHECKLIST_R Checklist References
DPR_IND_APPROVAL Individual Approval
DPR_LANGUAGES Languages Supported in cProjects
DPR_OBJLINK_MPM Inter-Project Link (Multi-Project Management)
DPR_PROJECT Project Definition
DPR_TIME_UNITS Maintenance of Application Time Units

SAP Engineering Documents TABLES (PLM-DOC)

Table Name Description
CDOCS_ARCH_IDX CDOCS: Index of Archived Files
EDMS_AT01 EDMS: Documents - GUID


Table Name Description
ADFSH_ACFTCAT Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Category
ADFSH_ACFTCAT_T Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Category Description
ADFSH_ACFTYP Flight Scheduling: Aircraft type
ADFSH_ACFTYP_T Flight Scheduling: Aircraft type Description
ADFSH_AIRLNCD Flight Scheduling: IATA Airline Code
ADFSH_AIRLNCD_T Flight Scheduling: IATA Airline Code Description
ADFSH_APTMAS Flight Scheduling: Airport Master
ADFSH_APTMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Airport Description
ADFSH_BAYMAS Flight Scheduling: Bay Master
ADFSH_BAYMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Bay Master Description
ADFSH_CODESHR Flight Scheduling: Code share master
ADFSH_FLGTCAT Flight Scheduling: Flight Category
ADFSH_FLGTCAT_T Flight Scheduling: Flight Category Description
ADFSH_FLGTDET Flight Scheduling: Flight Schedule Details
ADFSH_FLGTMAS Flight Scheduling: Flight Schedule Master
ADFSH_FLGTPAX Flight Scheduling: Flight Type
ADFSH_FLGTPAX_T Flight Scheduling: Flight Type Description
ADFSH_FLGTSTAT Flight Scheduling: Status of Flight
ADFSH_FLGTSTAT_T Flight Scheduling: Status of Flight Description
ADFSH_FLGTTYP Flight Scheduling: Flight Type
ADFSH_FLGTTYP_T Flight Scheduling: Flight Type Description
ADFSH_MODEMAS Flight Scheduling: Mode of Operation
ADFSH_MODEMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Mode of Operation Description
ADFSH_PRTDET Flight Scheduling: PRT Detail
ADFSH_PRTHEAD Flight Scheduling: PRT Master records
ADFSH_PRTHEAD_T Flight Scheduling: PRT Description
ADFSH_PRTMAS Flight Scheduling: PRT Master
ADFSH_SECTMAS Flight Scheduling: Sector Master
ADFSH_SECTMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Sector Master Description
ADFSH_SETTINGS Flight Scheduling: Selection Tree Profile Variants
ADFSH_TERMAS Flight Scheduling: Terminal Master
ADFSH_TERMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Terminal Master Description
DIACL_DS Logbook digital signatures
DIACL_DS_CONTROL Cust. table to control Digital signature process in Logbook
DIACL_LOG_ENTRY Logbook: log entry

SAP Product and Process Modeling TABLES (PLM-PPM)

Table Name Description
RLMFWCCHK_T Checks - Texts
RLMFWCPFD Protected Fields
RLMFWCPFD_TXT Protected Fields
RLMFWCROT Release Object Types
RLMFWCROT_T Release Object Types - Texts
RLMFWCRT Release Targets
RLMFWCRT_T Release Targets - Texts
RLMFWOH Release Order - Header Data
RLMFWOHA Release Order - Processor
RLMFWOHAD Release Order - Recipient
RLMFWOHS Release Order - Sort Order
RLMFWOL Release Order - Items
RLMFWOLC Release Order - Checks
RLMFWOLCM Release Order - Messages
RLMFWOLCMP Release Order - Items - Component Variants
RLMFWOLCMPB Release Order - Item Variants / Object Dependencies

SAP Product Data Replication TABLES (PLM-PPM-RPL)

Table Name Description
CRWB_BADICHG2UPS Customizing: Transport IBASE fields into UPS fields
CRWB_BADIREC2UPS Determination of Recipient-Dependent Packet Types from UPS
CRWBD_BATCH_JOBS Table for identification of the job

SAP Recipe Management TABLES (PLM-RM)

Table Name Description
FRMLC_COSTS_MMPR RMS-FRM: Article Prices Selectable in Costs Dialog
FRMLC_NTR_GRP RMS-FRM: Nutrient Groups
FRMLC_PRICE_PRIO RMS-FRM: Priorities of Different Prices in Costs Dialog
FRMLC_RES RMS-FRM: Relevance of Component Type/Explosion
FRMLC_T006 RMSFRM: Assignment of Units of Measure to Views
FRMLC_T007 RMSFRM: Assignment of Units of Measure to Views
FRMLC03 RMS-FRM: Screen Assignment/Visible Formula Levels
FRMLC04 RMS-FRM: Screen Assignment/Visible Formula Levels (Texts)
FRMLC05 RMS-FRM: Fct.Module Assignment Formula Conversions
FRMLC06 RMS-FRM: Fct.Module Assignment Formula Conversions (Texts)
FRMLC07 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level
FRMLC08 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level (Texts)
FRMLC09 RMS-FRM: General Environment Parameters
FRMLC10 RMS-FRM: Language-Depend. Description for Environment Params
FRMLC11 RMS-FRM: Permitted Substance Types per Formula View
FRMLC13 RMS-FRM: Attribute Fields of Composition Views
FRMLC14 RMS-FRM: Attribute Fields of Composition Views (Texts)
FRMLC15 RMS-FRM: Control Table for Formula Status
FRMLC16 RMS-FRM: Assignmt of Units of Measure -> Unit of Measure Grp
FRMLC18 RMS-FRM: Assignment of Unit of Mass to Unit of Volume
FRMLC30 RMS-FRM: Customizing for Formula Layouts
FRMLC31 RMS-FRM: Formula Layouts Language-Dependent Texts
FRMLC33 RMS-FRM: Layout-Dependent Field Catalog
FRMLC35 RMGMT Formula: Key Figures
FRMLC35T RMGMT Formula: Texts for Key Figures
FRMLC36 RMGMT Formula: Key Figure Groups
FRMLC36T RMGMT Formula: Texts for Key Figure Groups
FRMLC37 RMGMT Key Figures: Group Assignment
FRMLC43 Structure for Views - Customizing
FRMLC44 RMS-FRM: Screen Assigmt/Visibility of Formula Levels (Texts)
FRMLC47 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level
FRMLC48 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level (Texts)
FRMLC50 RMS-FRM: Data Source
FRMLC51 RMS-FRM: Data Source Texts
FRMLC53 RMS-FRM: Calculation Cases
FRMLC55 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level
FRMLC56 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level (Texts)
FRMLC60 RMS-FRM: Assignment of Function Module to OPEN / CLOSE /INIT
FRMLC61 RMS-FRM: Assignment of F.Mod. to OPEN / CLOSE / INIT (Texts)
FRMLC64 RMS-FRM: Relevance of Component Type for Different Functions
FRMLC71 RMS-FRM: Sort Sequence for Diet Groups
FRMLT_API_RELATN RMS-FRM: Assignmt Table Structure and Attribute Part Formula
FRMLT20 RMS-FRM: Connection Table BOM - Formula (LoM)
MRTRSC_10 Define RFC Destination
MRTRSC_20 Define Control Parameters for Master Recipe Transformation
MRTRST_HDR RMS-MRTRS : MR Transformation Header
MRTRST_POP_REL RMS-MRTRS : General Recipe Operation to Master Recipe Phase
MRTRST_PRI_REL RMS-MRTRS : Equipment Requirement to Primary Resource
MRTRST_PST_REL RMS-MRTRS: General Recipe Stage to Master Recipe Operation
MRTRST_QM_REL RMS-MRTRS : QM of GR Element to QM of MR Element
MRTRST_SEC_REL RMS-MRTRS: Equipment Requirement to Secondary Resource
MRTRST_STR_MAT RMS-MRTRS: Assignment of Stream to Article
MRTRST_STR_REL RMS-MRTRS: Stream with QM to Master Recipe Phase
PAFRM RMS-FRM: Alternative Segment for Object Category FRM
PNEQR RMS - RCP Equipment Requirement Node: Attributes
PNFRM RMS-FRM: PVS Formula - Item Nodes: Attributes
PNPOBA "RMS-RCP: Attributes of ""Process Action"" POB Node"
PNPOBO "RMS-RCP: Attributes of the ""Process Operation"" POB Node"
PNPOBS "RMS-RCP: Attributes of POB Nodes
PNRCP Header Node Attributes
PREQR RMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Equipment Requirement
PRPOBA RMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Operation-Action
PRPOBI RMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Assignment Relationshps f. Items
PRPOBO RMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Stage-Operation
PRPOBR RMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Relationships Between Operations
PRPOBS "RMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Recipe-Stage
PVFRMD RMS-FRM: Basic Data of PVS Formula Variant
PVFRMH RMS-FRM: PVS Variant (Formula): History Management
PVFRMI RMS-FRM: PVS FRM Variant Stream-Related Data
PVFRMS RMS-FRM: FRM Variant: Substance-Related Data
PVRCPD PVS Header/Recipe Basic Data
RCPT_GRMR_REL RMS-RCP: Relationship Between General Recipe & Master Recipe
RCPT_PP_RELATN RMS-ATL: Assignments for Process Parameter Items
RMSAC_GENSET RMS-ATL: Cross-Object Settings
RMSAC_MSC_OBJSRV Object Type-Specific Mass-Change Services
RMSAC_MSC_SRV Service for Mass Change
RMSAC_OBJECT RMS: Customizing Table for Object Types
RMSAC_OBJECTT Text Table for Object Type
RMSAC_PP_GENSET RMS-ATL: Process Parameters - General Settings
RMSAC_PPDEF RMS-ATL: Definition of Process Parameters
RMSAC_QMCCP RMS: ATL QM Customizing Table for Char. Weighting Sequence
RMSAC_STATCHECK Relationship Between Objects and Inspection Methods
RMSAC_STATMSG Severity of Message Errors
RMSAC_STATOBJ Class for Specification Category
RMSAC_STATSELOPT Selection Options Status Allowed for Lower-Level Object
RMSAC_SUBOBJ RMS: Customizing Table for Object Types
RMSAC_SUBOBJT Text Table for Object Type
RMSAC_VAI_PP RMS-ATL: Phrased Process Parameter Names
RMSAT_HDR RMS: Header Data Table for Versioning
RMSAT_LASTAT RMS-ATL: Translation Status
RMSAT_POSVTX RMS-ATL: Short Texts for iPPE Variant
RMSAT_PP_CALC RMS-ATL: Process Parameter Calculation Attributes
RMSAT_QMHDR "QM: Header Table
RMSAT_QMINSP RMS: ATL QM List of Inspection Data for General Recipes
RMSAT_QMINSPT RMS: ATL QM Detail Texts for Inspections in General Recipes
RMSAT_REL RMS: Relations Table for Versioning
RMSAT_REL_ENQDUM RMS: Dummy Table for Locking/Unlocking the Relations
RMSAT_RESCREATX RMS-ATL: Creation Reason Texts for iPPE Variant
RMSAT_STD_LAY_H RMS-ATL: Header Table Layout Standardization
RMSAT_STD_LAY_HT RMS.ATL: Text Table Layout Standardization
RMSAT_STD_LAY_P RMS-ATL: Item Table Layout Standardization
RMSAT_STD_PARA_H RMS-ATL: Header Table Parameter Standardization
RMSAT_STD_PARA_I RMS-ATL: Variable Item Table Parameter Standardization
RMSAT_STD_PARA_P RMS-ATL: Item Table Parameter Standardization
RMSTC_XCL10 RMS-TLS: Excel Output: Formatting Profile
RMSTC_XCL11 RMS-TLS: Excel Output: Description of Formatting Profiles
RMSTC_XCL13 RMS-TLS: Excel Output: Formats
RMSTT_TBLB_USR RMS-TLS: User Settings for Title Elements (Tabstrip Library)
RMXTC_M01 TMS-TLS: Monitor Customizing - Task Groups
RMXTC_M01T TMS-TLS: Monitor Customizing - Task Group Texts
RMXTC_M02 TMS-TLS: Monitor Customizing - Tasks
RMXTC_M02T TMS-TLS: Monitor Customizing - Task Texts
RMXTC_M03 TMS-TLS: Monitor Customizing - Assgt of Task to Task Group
RMXTC_M04 TMS-TLS: Monitor Customizing - Task Relationship Rules
RMXTC_S01 TMS-TLS: Mapping Table f. Standardization (Char. - Nutrient)
RMXTC_T10 TMS-API: Customizing - Trial Types
RMXTC_T10T TMS-API: Customizing - Texts for Trial Type
RMXTC_T11 TMS-API: Customizing - View Groups
RMXTC_T11T TMS-API: Customizing - Texts for View Groups
RMXTC_T12 TMS-API: Customizing - Trial Views
RMXTC_T12T TMS-API: Customizing - Texts for Trial Views
RMXTC_T13 Customizing: Assignment of Trial View to View Group
RMXTC_T14 TMS-API: Customizing - Lower-Level Trial Types
RMXTC_T15 TMS-API: Customizing - Technical Object Relationships
RMXTC_T16 TMS-API: Customizing - Assignment of Trial Type to Classes
RMXTC_T17 TMS-API: Customizing - Assignment of Number Range Intervals
RMXTC_T18 TMS-API: Cust.: Status of Insp. Plans Copied w. Stab. Study
RMXTC_T30 Process Parameter Assignment: Mapping Modules RM to PP-PI
RMXTC_T30T Process Parameter Assgmt: Building Blocks RM to PP-PI (Text)
RMXTC_T31 Assign Process Param. Result Classes to Proc. Param. Classes
RMXTC_T32 Process Parameter Assignment: TMS Class for Message Assgt
RMXTC_T33 Process Parameter Assgt: TMS Class for Message Assgt/Char.
RMXTC_T34 Assign Process Param. Result Chars. to Process Param. Chars.
RMXTC_T40 TMS-PP: Control Parameters for PP-PI
RMXTC_T41 TMS-PP-PI Printing: Assignment of Forms to Print Report
RMXTC_T61 TMS-TLS: Search Methods of the Information Systems
RMXTC_T70 Long Text Types for Trial Types
RMXTC_T80 TMS-API: Characteristics from Classification in Hit List
RMXTC_T81 TMS-API: Specification Categories for TMS Info.Syst. Output
RMXTT_PRODH Trial: Assignment of Product <-> Product Hierarchy
RMXTT_Q10 Building Blocks for Stability Study: Header Data
RMXTT_Q10T Building Blocks for Stability Study: Description
RMXTT_Q11 Building Blocks for Stability Study: Planning Data
RMXTT_Q12 Building Blocks f. Stability Study: Product Hierarchy Assgmt
RMXTT_TRIAL_AEGR Reasons for Change for Trial Results
RMXTT_TRIAL_DEST Trial: Control Recipe Destination
RMXTT_TRIAL_FRML Trial: Article Consumption (Formula)
RMXTT_TRIAL_HD Trial: Header Data
RMXTT_TRIAL_MR Trial: Assigned Master Recipes
RMXTT_TRIAL_PP Trial: Process Parameter Result
RMXTT_TRIAL_QMPL Trial: Assigned Inspection Plans for Post-Process Control
RMXTT_TRIAL_REL Trial Relationships
RMXTT_TRIAL_RES Trial: Resource Assignment


Table Name Description
CPNTYPE_RCP Recipe-Specific Attributes of a (Recipe) Node Type
RCPC_AENNR RMS-RCP: Dummy Change Number
RCPC_MSC_ASCOPE Changes to Scope-of-Application Status
RCPC_MSC_STCOND Status Conditions for Recipe Header Status
RCPC_MSC_STEXEC Execution Steps for Recipe Header Status
RCPC_MSCSEQ Processing Sequence for Specification Types
RCPC_MSCSTATPR Status Change Profile
RCPC_MSCSTATPRT Texts for Status Change Profile
RCPC_OBJTYPE_RCP Properties of a Specification Category
RCPC_POB_PROPS "Properties of the POBs (Process
RCPC_PPA Attributes for Process Parameters
RCPC_PPAT Description of Attribute for Process Parameters
RCPC_PPT Process Parameter Type
RCPC_PPTT Description of Process Parameter Type
RCPC_RATING Ratings Allowing Transfer From GR to MR
RCPC_SPEC_USTATE Customizing User Status
RCPC_SPECART_EQR Properties of an (EQR) Specification Type
RCPC_SPECART_POB Properties of a (POB) Specification Type
RCPC_SPECART_RCP Properties of a (RCP) Specification Type
RCPC_VDEF_EQR Definition of EQR Views
RCPC_VDEF_EQRT Language-Dependent Descriptions of the Recipe Views
RCPC_VDEF_POB Definition of POB Views
RCPC_VDEF_POBT Language-Dependent Descriptions of the POB Views
RCPC_VDEF_RCP Definition of RCP Views
RCPC_VDEF_RCPT Language-Dependent Descriptions of the Recipe Views
RCPC_VIEWSPE_EQR Assignment: View<->EQR Specification Type
RCPC_VIEWSPE_POB Assignment: View<->POB Specification Type
RCPC_VIEWSPE_RCP Assignment: View<->RCP Specification Type
RCPT_API_KSSK_D RMS - RCP: Deletion Entries for Classification
RCPT_API_RELATN RMS-RCP: GUID-RECN Assignment Table for Recipe Objects
RCPT_PP Process Parameter
RCPT_PPMIG_STATS RMS-RCP: Migration Steps - Status
RCPT_PPT Process Parameter Description
RCPT_PPV RMS-RCP: Process Parameter Value Assignment

SAP Transformation TABLES (PLM-RM-TRS)

Table Name Description
RMXMC_T11T ROM: Transformation Group Texts
RMXMC_T12 "ROM: Assignment (Transf. Group
RMXMC_T15 Permitted General Recipe Status
RMXMC_T16 Default Values for Sites and Transformation Groups
RMXMC_T17 Assignment: Control Recipe Destination to Resource
RMXMC_T20 Assgmt: Process Param. Class to Process Instruct. Category
RMXMC_T21 Assignmt: PP Class to Process Instruction Category (Chars.)
RMXMC_T22 Streams: Article Representation in PP-PI

SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.


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SAP material master tables SAP routing tables SAP idoc tables SAP sales and distribution tables