SAP Tables

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SAP Financial Services TABLES (FS)

Table Name Description
BWFS_SETTINGS Time Stamp Delta Extraction
BWFS_SETTINGS_I Time Stamp Init Extraction
VDBIW_DATA Extractor Flow Data - Data of Last Extraction

SAP Business Partner TABLES (FS-BP)

Table Name Description
BP1070 Do Not Use! Liability Risks for Business Partner
BPFRG OBSOLETE TABLE: Business Partner: Roles for Release
TP016 Value for Liability Risks
TP016T Text for Liability Risks
TP017 Value Table for Liability Risks
TP018 Customizing Rel. Between Legal Form and Leg. Form of Company
VTBSTA1 Allocation of Payment Details as Standing Instructions
VTBSTA2 Standing Instructions for Correspondence
VTBSTA3 SI for Business Partner: Transaction Authorizations
VTBSTA4 SI for Business Partner: Derived Flows
VTBSTC1 Components of Payment Details for Standing Instruction

SAP Collections/Disbursements TABLES (FS-CD)

Table Name Description
BROK_SALD Broker Balance Table
BROK_SALD_CUST Balance Key Assignment - Transactions
BROK_SALD_VK Broker Balance Table
BROK_SALDKEY Balance Key: Texts
CDTESTDATA Cluster Table for Correspondence Data
DIMABROKER IO: Broker-Specific Data in FS-CD
DIMACOPAST Reversal of Contracts in CO-PA
DIMAIOB IO: Header Data for Insurance Object in FS-CD
DIMAIOBPAR IO: Insurance Object-Partner Relationship in FS-CD
DIMAIOBPAR_RE OBSOLETE: Extended Insurance Object-Partner Relationship
DIMAPA_REV_DETA Payment Plan: Reversal Table Detail Payment Plan
DIMAPARBROK IO: Insurance Object-Broker Relationship in FS-CD
DIMAPARCORR IO: Correspondence for Ins. Object <-> Partner Relationship
DIMAPARPAY IO: Alt. Payt Recipient for Ins. Obj.-Partner Relationship
DIMAPARPPLAN IO: Payment Plan Changes in Insurance Object
DIMAPARPPLAN_REV Payment Plan: Reversal Table for Whole Payment Plan
DIMAPARSCPOS IO: Change to Scheduling Items
DVIINFO Information Data
DVIINFO_HKF Information Origin
DVIINFO_HKF_T Information Origin
DVIINFO_TYP Information Types
DVIINFO_TYP_T Info Categories
DVIINFOCLUST Information Cluster Data
FSCD_TRI_DEFRAG Trigger Table for Mass Activity: Clearing Oldest Debt
GLISDEA Actual Line Item Tables for Insurance (DE)
GLISDEC Object Table 2 for Insurance (DE)
GLISDEO Object Table 1 for Insurance (DE)
GLISDEP Plan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE)
GLISDET Summary Table for Insurance (DE)
GRISDEA Actual Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDEC Object Table 2 for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDEO Object Table 1 for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDEP Plan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDET Summary Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
IBROBASIC FS-CD Basic Settings
IBROBHREALLOC Change Responsibilities for Broker Hierarchies
IBROSTMACT ISCD: Broker Report - Activities Executed for Item
IBROSTMCF Clarif. Cases from Broker Report
IBROSTMDFLT ISCD: Broker Report - Default Values Per Item Category
IBROSTMDOC ISCD: Broker Reports - Posted Documents for one Item
IBROSTMFKY Broker Report: Reconciliation Key
IBROSTMH ISCD: Broker Report - Header Data
IBROSTMP ISCD: Broker Report - Item Data
IBROSTMPE Broker Report: Error Message for Broker Report Item
IBROSTMPSUMNO Posting Broker Report: Reference Item for Total
IBROSTMS ISCD: Broker Report - Selected Items Related to an Item
IBROSTMSUM Broker Summary Postings - Restart Information
IBROSTMTRCI Broker Report Transfer Program - Control Information
ISALLOC Distribution table
ITAGCY_CONTRTYPE Assignment of Ext. Insurance Categories to Agency Category
ITAGCYACCDOC Agency Collections: Posted Document from Acct Maint.
ITAGCYACT Activities that Can Be Executed in Agency Collections
ITAGCYAGENCYFI Agency Collections: Data for Transfer to Agency FI
ITAGCYBASIC General Settings for Agency Collections
ITAGCYBNKTRACC Short Account Assignments for Bank Transfers to Agencies
ITAGCYBNKTRKUKON Short Acct Assignments for Inc. Bank Payts in Agency Coll.
ITAGCYBNKTRTRIGG Trigger Table Bank Deposits for Agencies
ITAGCYCDIBR Link Table Between Container and Broker Report
ITAGCYCDM Master Data for Cash Desks
ITAGCYCDM_USER User for Cash Desks
ITAGCYCDMODE Mode Within Cash Desk
ITAGCYCF Cash Desk Carryforward
ITAGCYCLEARACC Payment Method Account for each Agency
ITAGCYCLEARSUM Italian Agency Collections: Clearing Account Totals
ITAGCYCOINS Agency Collections: Does Agency Transfer Coinsurance Shares?
ITAGCYCOINSADD Agency Collections: Addtl Specification Coinsurance Shares
ITAGCYCOINSCUST Accounts for Transferring Coinsurance Shares
ITAGCYCOLLTR Transfer Information
ITAGCYCOMMCLEAR TriggerTab Commission to Subagent from Internal Agencies
ITAGCYCOMMCTRL Agency Collections:Commission Monitoring
ITAGCYCOMMCTRLCO Agency Coll.: Commission Monitoring: Commission for XBLNR
ITAGCYCOMMCTRLCP Agency Coll.: Commission Monitoring Automatic Container
ITAGCYCOMMCTRLH Agency Collections: Commission Monitoring: History
ITAGCYCOMMPLAN Agency Coll.: Main/Sub-Transactns f.Commission in PlndPrincp
ITAGCYCONTCLERR Agency Collections: Error when Closing Container
ITAGCYCONTCLOSE Data for Closed Containers
ITAGCYCONTH Header Data for Cash Desk Container
ITAGCYCONTP Items for a Container
ITAGCYCOST Trigger Table Costs in Agency Collections
ITAGCYCUSTSCR Agency Collections: Defintion of Customer-Specific Screens
ITAGCYCUSTSCRT Agency Collections: Defintion of Customer-Specific Screens
ITAGCYDEPDIFF Additional Information About Deposits and Differences
ITAGCYDIFFREASON Agency Collections: Reases for On Account Differences
ITAGCYDIFFREAST Agency Collections: Text Table for Reasons for On Acct Diff
ITAGCYDOC Agency Collections: Documents
ITAGCYHBNK House Banks for Agencies
ITAGCYINSCOMPSH Agency Collections: Shares to Be Transferred to Insurance
ITAGCYMERCHID Handler IDs for Agencies
ITAGCYPAY Payment Information
ITAGCYPAYACC Payment Method Account for each Agency
ITAGCYPAYMET_ADD Agency Collections: Additional Payment Methods
ITAGCYPAYMET_ADT Agency Collections: Text Table for Additional Payt Methods
ITAGCYPAYMETHOD Payment Methods in Agency Collections
ITAGCYPAYMETHODT Text Table: Payment Methods in Agency Collections
ITAGCYPM_ADD Agency Collections: Payt Method Info. Addtl Payt Methods
ITAGCYPM_BANK Payment Methods: Bank
ITAGCYPM_CC Payment Methods: Credit Card
ITAGCYPM_CHECK Payment Methods: Check
ITAGCYPYMETSET Setting Payment Methods in Agency Collections
ITAGCYREPORT Broker Report for Containers
ITAGCYSEL Selection Variants for OI Selection in Agency Collections
ITAGCYSFDEF SmartForm Printing: Customizing Activities
ITAGCYSFDEFT SmartForm Printing: Customizing Activities
ITAGCYSUBCOMM Commission to Subagencies (Main and Subtransactions)
ITAGCYSUBCOMMACC Clearing Account for Subcommission in Third-Party Coll.
ITAGCYSUBCOMMCLR Trigger Table for Clearing Statistical Subcommission
ITAGCYSUBCOMMTRG Trigger Table for Posting and Transferring Subcommission
ITAGCYTCREAS Agency Collections: Reasons for Temporary Coll./Disb.
ITAGCYTCREAST Text Table for Reasons for Temporary Collection/Disbursement
ITAGCYTEMPCOLL Agency Collections: Data for Temporary Collections
ITAGCYTPCOMM Reported Commission for Items in a Container
ITAGCYWD Table for Withdrawal Information
PPPOS_REV Payment Plan: Reversal Table for Payment Plan Item
PPPOS_REV_DETA Payment Plan: Reversal Table Detail Payment Plan Item
SCR_LA test zo
TIBRACTIVITY Broker Collections Activity
TIBRACTIVITYT Broker Collections - Activity Texts
TIBRCLARACT Activities for Broker Report Clarification Codes
TIBRCLARREAS Clarification Codes for Broker Report
TIBRCLARREAST Clarification Code Texts
TIBRDEFAULTS Broker Collections - Default Values for Broker Report
TIBRPOSGRP Grouping for Broker Report
TIBRPOSGRPS Grouping Criteria for Broker Report Item
TIBRPOSGRPT Grouping Broker Report Item - Texts
TIBRSELTYP Selection Categories for Broker Report
TIBRSELTYPT Selection Category Texts for the Broker Report
TIMA_CRT_ACC IO: Creation Variants for Account Creation
TIMA_CRT_ACC_DEF IO: Default Values for Automatic Account Creation
TIMA_CRT_ACCT IO: Creation Variants Text Table for Automatic Acct Creation
TIMA_OTYP_ASGN IO: Assigning External Insurance Object Categories to Groups
TIMA_OTYP_CUST IO: Customizable Insurance Object Categories
TIMA_OTYP_CUSTT IO: Texts for Customizable Insurance Object Categories
TIMA_OTYP_GRP IO: Key for Grouping External Insurance Object Categories
TIMA_OTYP_GRPT IO: Text Table for Grouping Key
TIMA_OTYPC_DEF IO: Default Values for Creating an Insurance Object
TIMA_VKTYP_DEF IO: Ctr. Acct Category Default Vals for Contr. Acct Creation
TKKV_CUST_VZK Customizing Table VZK
TKKV_ICOPA Field Assignment Table
TKKV_REPCL_IT Money Laundering Law Reporting: Ins. Types Subj. to Rptg
TKKV_REPCL_TA Money Laundering Law Reporting: Transactions Subj. to Rptg
TKKV_T1 Test: Quantity of Customizing Tables
TKKV_TEILART Distribution Type Customizing
TKKV_TEILARTT Distribution Type Text Table
TKKV_VZK_DATA Data Table Additional Account Assignment for Insurance
TKKV007A Insurance Tax Schedule
TKKV007AT Insurance Tax Determination Procedure (Texts)
TKKV007B Insurance Tax Determination Procedure (Assignment)
TKKV007C Customizing to Determine Insurance Tax Schedule
TKKV007D Insurance Tax Categories (Assignment)
TKKV007DT Insurance Tax Categories (Texts)
TKKV007E Assignment of Other Tax Codes to Tax Category
TKKV007F Tariff Groups Tax Reporting
TKKVABGRD Cancellation Reason
TKKVABGRDT Cancellation Reason Texts
TKKVAKTIV Activities and/or Notes for the Clerk
TKKVBAKT Banks for Payment
TKKVBASIC FS-CD Basic Settings
TKKVBL2TP Conversion of Doc Type to Item Cat
TKKVBLART Document Type Control
TKKVBLARTS Field Status Control - Doc Type
TKKVBLARTT Text Table for Document Type Control
TKKVBLERM Conversion Table Data Medium Item in Doc Type
TKKVBUGRD Posting Reasons
TKKVBUGRDT Posting Reason Texts
TKKVCOPA Field Assignment Table
TKKVDTSTR Control Table DME File Processing Austria
TKKVFAART Invoicing Types
TKKVFAART_PYMET Additional Payment Methods also for Invoice
TKKVFAARTT Invoicing Type Texts
TKKVHVTV FS-CD Transactions
TKKVHVTVT FS-CD Transactions: Texts
TKKVIACT Processing Contracts w. Acct Bal. Int. Calc. - Activities
TKKVIACTDEF Processing IO w. Acct Bal. Int. Calc. - Activity Definition
TKKVIACTDEFT Curr. Chge Acct Bal. Int. Calc. - Def. of Activities (Texts)
TKKVINTCURR Contracts with Acct Bal. Int. Calc.: Permitted Curr. Change
TKKVINVER Dunning Information Procedure
TKKVINVERT Dunning Texts Information Procedure
TKKVISUMA Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization Cat. Assignment to IO Cats
TKKVISUMCAT Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization Cats for Interest Items
TKKVISUMCATT Summarization Balance Interest Calculation Texts
TKKVISUMF Balance Interest Calculation: Summarization Criteria
TKKVIVV Assign Internal Sub-Transactions to External Transactions
TKKVKONTO Account Control
TKKVMAHNV "Dunning Proc. for Jurisdiction
TKKVMAKT Dunning Activities
TKKVMVARI Dunning Var.
TKKVMVARIT Dunning Var. Texts
TKKVMZAHL Validation Table for Automatic Payment
TKKVNFAEL Function Modules for Determining Later Due Dates
TKKVPNTYP Item Categories
TKKVPNTYPT Item Categ. Texts
TKKVPOGRUFE Debit Transfer Scheduling: Grouping Criteria
TKKVPOVERFE Scheduling Debit Transfer: Summarization Criteria
TKKVPOVERFEOPK Scheduling Debit Transfer: Summarization Criteria
TKKVPOVEROPK Scheduling Debit Entry: Item Summarization
TKKVPOVEROPKT Item Summarization Texts
TKKVPRGRP Product Groups
TKKVPYCORR Customizing for Insufficient Deposit Coverage Correspondence
TKKVRBART Legal Rel. Type Check Table
TKKVRBARTT Legal Rel. Type Texts
TKKVSLART Selection Type for Clearing
TKKVTELE010A Ins. Dunning: Telephone Collections: STATUS Determination
TKKVTELE010B Ins. Dunning: Telephone Collections: STATUS Specification
TKKVTELE010BT Ins. Dunning: Tel. Collections: STATUS Texts Specification
TKKVUVFRI Clearing: Offsetting Intervals Prior to Due Date
TKKVUVFRIT Clearing: Clearing Deadline Variant Prior to Due Date (Text)
TKKVUVORD Clearing: Sorting Fields Priority
TKKVUVSRT Clearing: Sorting Variants
TKKVUVSRTT Clearing: Sorting Variants (Texts)
TKKVUVVAR Clearing Variants
TKKVUVVART Clearing Variant Texts
TKKVVERD Summarization Control of FI-CA Line Items
TKKVZAFRQ Payment Frequencies
TKKVZAFRQT Payment Frequency Texts
TLXX004F Field Status Group for Insurance Add Acct Assignment
TLXXBEB Organizational area - insurance
TLXXBEBT Org Area Text - Insurance
TLXXBSA In-force Bus.Type
TLXXBSAT Portfolio Type Text
TLXXBSG Portfolio Groups in Life Ins./Pension Funds
TLXXBSGT Portfolio Groups in Life Ins./Pension Funds Text
TLXXFUB Insurance Functional Area
TLXXFUB_LONG Insurance Functional Area
TLXXFUBT Insurance Functional Area Text
TLXXGSA Business Transaction Type
TLXXGSAT Trans Type Texts
TLXXGZA Underwriting type
TLXXGZAT Underwriting Type Text
TLXXKDAT Cust.Type Text
TLXXLSL Country Where Risk is Situated
TLXXLSLT Country for Cover Type Text
TLXXMBA In-Force Bus. Type Reporting
TLXXMBAT Portfolio Type Rep. Text
TLXXMBG In-Force Bus. Groups in Pension Funds Reporting
TLXXMBGT Portfolio Groups in Pension Fund Reporting Text
TLXXMGA Transaction Type Rep.
TLXXMGAT Transact. Type Reporting Text
TLXXMHK Statutory Reporting Origin of Insurance Transaction
TLXXMHKT Reporting Origin of Insurance Transaction Text
TLXXMRS Reporting Risk Type
TLXXMRST Risk Type Reporting Text
TLXXMVL Insurance Type Reporting
TLXXMVLT Reporting Insurance Type Text
TLXXMVZ Insurance Class Reporting
TLXXMVZT Reporting Insurance Class Text
TLXXSDAT Loss Type Text
TLXXVAL Insurance Type
TLXXVALT Insurance Type Text
TLXXVZW Insurance Class
TLXXVZWT Insurance Class Text
TTOOL01 Test Parameter(s)
TVS010A IS-IS Scheduling: Payment Option
TVS010AT IS-IS Scheduling: Paymt Option Texts
TVS010B IS-IS Scheduling: Paymt Plan
TVS010BT IS-IS Scheduling: Paymt Plan Texts
TVS010H IS-IS Scheduling: Percentage Distribution in Paymt Plan
TVS010I IS-IS Scheduling: Assignment of Activities to Posting Event
TVS010J IS-IS Scheduling: Assignment of Activities to Change Event
TVS020A IS-IS Scheduling: Assigning Payment Plan to Payment Option
TVS020B IS-IS Scheduling: Permitted Payt Plan Change to Paymt Option
TVS020D IS-IS Scheduling: Activities for Paymt Plan Change
TVS030A IS-IS Scheduling: Activity Definition for Paymt Plan Change
TVS030AT IS-IS Scheduling: Activity Definition for Paymt Plan Change
TVS030C IS-IS Scheduling: Activity Def. Payment Plan Posting Events
TVS030CT IS-IS Scheduling: Activity Def. Payment Plan Posting Events
TVS030E IS-IS Scheduling: Activity Def. Payment Plan Change Events
TVS030ET IS-IS Scheduling: Activity Def. Payment Plan Change Events
TVS040A IS-IS Scheduling: Clearing Algorithm for Cust.-Init. Payts
TVS040AT IS-IS Scheduling: Clearing Algorithm for Cust.-Init. Payts
TVS040B Customer-Initiated Payment: Sorting
TVS040BFE Customer-Initiated Payment: Sort Criteria
TVS040BFET Item Sort Texts
TVS040BT Customer-Initiated Payment: Text Sorting
VINTEGBALANCED Trigger for Fully Cleared Documents
VINTEGBASIC General Settings for Insurance Solution Integration
VINTEGCOMMUNIC General Settings for Communication in Informationsco
VKK0365 Dunning for set incoming payment method
VKKINTERESTHIST Int. Calc. History for Deposit Acct
VKKVK_PAY Alternative Payment Recipient for Contract Account
VVKK_COINS_BASIC Transactions Posting Coinsurance Shares
VVKK_COINS_CUST Coinsurer Specifications
VVKK_COINS_REV Reversal Documents for Coinsurance Reporting
VVKK_COINSH Coinsurance Shares Header Table
VVKK_COINSP Coinsurance Shares Item Table
VVKK_TAX_REPORTS Tax Reporting for Italy: Data
VVKK_TAX_TOTALS Italian Tax Reporting: Totals
VVKK_TRANSF_REF Document References for FPU5
VVKKCFCLH Clearing: Notes to Clerk for Clearing
VVKKCFCSTEL Insurance Dunning: Telephone Collections
VVKKCFREC Cash Receipts to be Transferred to Claims System
VVKKCPH Current Policyholder
VVKKDEPOT Deposit Int. Calc. Table
VVKKDRKO Dunning Printout:Header Items
VVKKDRZE Dunning Notice Output: Repetition Items
VVKKEXPTRIGGER Trigger for Expiry Notes
VVKKFAPOS Invoicing Items in FS-CD
VVKKFCSTR Help Table for Posting Data Transfer
VVKKFKO Doc Header Posting Data Interface
VVKKFKOT Table for FS-CD Test Data of Structure vkkkfko
VVKKFOP Single Doc in Posting Data Interface
VVKKFOPT Table for FS-CD Test Data of Structure VKKKFOP
VVKKFPRO Log Tybel for Posting Data Interface
VVKKFST Control Table for Posting Data Transfer Program
VVKKICLAR Depost Int Calc: Clarif. Cases for Int Calc
VVKKICLARIOB Sec. Acct Int. Calc. Acc. to Ins. Obj.: Clarification Cases
VVKKIHIST Deposit Acct Interest Calc: History (Detail)
VVKKIHISTIOB Sec. Acct Int. Calc. Acc. to Ins. Obj.: History (Detail)
VVKKISUMIOB Bal. Interest Calc. Acc. to Ins. Obj.: Interest Total
VVKKJOBGRP Jobs and Job Groups for Function Group VKKO
VVKKKDTRIG Trigger for Cust. Field Check DME Media
VVKKMAKT Executed Dunning Activities
VVKKMHIST Contract-Related Dunning History
VVKKPAYHX Additional Specif. For Payment (Insurance-Related)
VVKKREPCL Money Laundering Clarification Worklist
VVKKREPCL_REP FS-CD: Money Laundering Law Reporting State
VVKKREPNH Coinsurance Reporting: Report Header OBSOLETE
VVKKREPNP Coinsurance Reporting: Report Item OBSOLETE
VVKKREPRH Coinsurance Reporting: Recording Header OBSOLETE
VVKKREPRP Coinsurance Reporting: Recording Item OBSOLETE
VVKKRESETTAX Italian Taxes - Trigger Table for Correction Run
VVKKRESETTAXF Italian Taxes - Subsequent Processing
VVKKRESETTAXSC Italian Taxes - Assignment of Old/New Payment Plan Items
VVKKRKBEZ Legal Relationships-Account
VVKKSOLLC Debit Entry - Control Records
VVKKSORES Reservation Table for Simultaneous Runs
VVKKTAXCORR Tax Reporting ITA: Correction Totals for On Account/Clarif.
VVKKTAXREP Tax Reporting ITA: Data for Tax Report
VVKKTAXTRIG Tax Reporting ITA: Trigger Table for Payment Documents
VVKKTRIMA Trigger for Checking Dunning Status
VVKKUMSAC Open Item Clearing - Control Records
VVKKVTRG Contract data
VVSCCLINFO Bill Scheduling: Clearing Information
VVSCITEM Bill Scheduling: Scheduling Document
VVSCITEM_MAN Scheduling Items: Temp. Storage for Manual -> Auto Change
VVSCITEML Bill Scheduling: for General Ledger
VVSCLOCKAMT Scheduling: Premium Lock Period Share Already Transferred
VVSCPOS Bill Scheduling: Scheduling Item
VVSCPOS_REV Payment Plan: Business Transaction - Reversal Table
VVSCPOS_REV_DETA Payment Plan: Detail Reversal Table
VVSCPOSESR Payment Plan Item: ISR Attachment
VVSCRESPAYMENT Bill Scheduling: Universal Life
VVSCTRANSFER Payment Plan: Business Partner Transfer
VVSCULCFC Customer-Initiated Payment Clearing

SAP Claims Management TABLES (FS-CM)

Table Name Description
ICL_ARG Negotiation Argument
ICL_ARGS Negotiation Arguments (Shadow Table)
ICL_CA_BENTPGRP Assignment of Benefit Types to Benefit Type Groups
ICL_CASSTCLTYPE Assign Link Types to an Internal Claim Type
ICL_CBACKASSIGN Link Type of Reverse Direction
ICL_CBENTPFIND Benefit Type Determination
ICL_CBENTYPEGRP Benefit Type Groups
ICL_CBENTYPEGRPT Benefit Type Groups: Name
ICL_CDRGSEV Severity (for DRG)
ICL_CDRGSEVT Text Table for Severity
ICL_CIOBDETAIL Define Detail Views for Insured Objects
ICL_CLAUSETXT Long Texts for Clauses
ICL_CNEGFRM Form of Negotiation - Customizing
ICL_CNEGFRMT Form of Negotiation (Texts) - Customizing
ICL_CNEGPRT Negotiation Partner - Customizing
ICL_CNEGPRTT Negotiation Partner/s (Texts) - Customizing
ICL_CNEGSTLFRM Form of Settlement - Customizing
ICL_CNEGSTLFRMT Form of Settlement (Texts) - Customizing
ICL_CNEGTYP Negotiation: Type of Negotiation
ICL_CNEGTYPT Negotiation: Texts on Type of Negotiation
ICL_CNOPRODUCT Identification: Scenario Without FS-CM Product Customizing
ICL_CNOTE_CTYPE Internal Claim Type: Permitted Communication Type
ICL_CNOTE_TEMPL ID of a Text Template
ICL_CNOTE_TEMPL1 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Text Templates
ICL_CNOTE_TEMPLT ID of a Text Template
ICL_CNOTE_TYPE Internal Claim Type: Permitted Topic of Claim Note
ICL_CPOLSTREE1 Overview of Policy in Policy Snapshot: Node Information
ICL_CPOLSTREE1T Overview of Policy in Policy Snapshot: Node Information
ICL_CPOLSTREE2 Overview of Policy in Policy Snapshot: Text
ICL_CPOLSTREE2T Overview of Policy in Policy Snapshot: Text
ICL_CPRIVLGTYPE Special Rights Type
ICL_CPRIVLGTYPET Text: Special Rights Type
ICL_CPROFILE_BT Benefit Processing Profile at Coverage Category Level
ICL_CPROFILE_BTT Benefit Processing Profile at Cov.Cat.Level: Names
ICL_CPROFILE_EP Benefit Processing Profile at Elementary Product Level
ICL_CPROFILE_EPR Benef.Processing Profile Elem.Prod.Level: Assgnd SubclmTypes
ICL_CPROFILE_EPT Benefit Proc.Profile Elementary Product Level: Names
ICL_CPROFILE_PR Benefit Processing Profile at Product Level
ICL_CPROFILE_PRI Benefits Processing Profile Product Level: Claim Type Defin.
ICL_CPROFILE_PRR Benefit Processing Profile Prod.Level: Assigned Subclm Types
ICL_CPROFILE_PRT Benefit Processing Profile at Product Level: Names
ICL_CRBPCLTYPE RBP: Assignment of Profile to Claim Type and Subclaim Type
ICL_CRBPPROFT RBP: Name of Profile
ICL_CRBPPRORO RBP: Assignment of Role to Profile
ICL_CRBPTASK RBP: Assignment of Task to Role
ICL_CREMUNTYPE Remuneration Category
ICL_CREMUNTYPET Remumeration Category (Text Table)
ICL_CRESPROF Reserve Profile Determination in Multiple Insurance
ICL_CRESPROFT Reserve Profile Determination in Multiple Insurance (Texts)
ICL_CSERVCATCHAR Properties of Benefits Catalog
ICL_CSUBCLASS_CS Customer Classes That Enhance FS-CM Classes
ICL_CSUBROGREAS Subrogation/Recovery Reason
ICL_CSUBROGREAST Name of Subrogation/Recovery Reason
ICL_CSUBROGTYPE Type of Subrogation/Recovery
ICL_CSUBROGTYPET Name of Subrogation/Recovery Type
ICL_CWCMP_CTLG Assignment of Disabilility Class - Benefit Catalogs
ICL_IBNRCLUSTER Reserve Cluster Allocation (IBNR)
ICL_IBNRCLUSTERT All Data for Reserve Group Clusters
ICL_IBNRDIRECT "Entries for ""Direct"" IBNR Reserve Definition"
ICL_NEG Negotiation
ICL_NEGIT Offer / Demand
ICL_NEGITS Offer / Demand (Shadow Table)
ICL_NEGS Negotiation (Shadow Table)
ICL_PRIVILEGE Special Rights (Benefit/3rd Party Rights) in Benefit Split
ICL_RBP Role-Based Performer
ICL_RIRUN RI-Run Administration Table
ICL_SCWCOMP_DTH Workers Comp - Benefits Catalog (Death)
ICL_SCWCOMP_SCH Workers Comp - Benefits Catalog (Scheduled)
ICL_SRBP Role-Based Performer (Shadow Table)
ICL_SUBROG Subrogation/Recovery (Header)
ICL_SUBROGITEM Subrogation/Recovery Item
ICL_WCMPD FS-CM: Item Data Workers Compensation
ICL_WCMPD_SCH FS-CM: Item Data Workers Compensation
ICL_WCMPH Workers Comp - Header Data
ICLACTIVITY Tasks in Claim
ICLALAERES Current Reserves (Settlement Expenses (ALAE) and Losses)
ICLALDD Assign Archive Link Document to Claim Subobject
ICLBUT01 External Services: Additions to Business Partner
ICLBUT01A External Services: Assigned Insurance Lines of Business
ICLBUT01M External Services: Category and Make for Damaged Object
ICLC_MTASKING Claims Parallel Processing Control
ICLCAREREP1 Data on Care Request
ICLCAREREP2 Data on Caregiver
ICLCCEVENTB Claim Bundle - Participant Occurrence
ICLCCEVENTL Claim Bundle - Location Address - Assignment
ICLCCEVENTP Claim Bundle - Policy - Assignment
ICLCCEVENTR Claim Bundle - Region - Assignment
ICLCCEVENTU Claim Bundle - Assigned Claims Sum
ICLCCEVENTZ Claim Bundle - Postal Code - Assignment
ICLCCEVPAY Claim Bundle - Payment Sum
ICLCCEVRES Claim Bundle - Reserve Sum
ICLCLAIMA Claim-Claim Object Assignment
ICLCLAIMASSIGN Link: Claim Subobject - Claim Subobject
ICLCLAIMB Exception Table Payment Amount Authorizations
ICLCLAIMDATA Suppl. Reserves: Claim File
ICLCLAIMDATA_OUT Suppl. Res.: Reserving Results at Indicative Level
ICLDAMOBJ Damaged Object
ICLDENTAL Dental Diagnosis and Dental Treatment
ICLDIPL Distribution Plan
ICLDIPLIT Distribution Plan Item
ICLDOC Document to be Sent in Claim
ICLDOCAL Attachments to Outbound Documents
ICLDOCUMENT Inbox Document: Attributes
ICLDRIVER1 Example 1 for IBNR Driver Table
ICLDRIVER2 Example 2 for IBNR Driver Table
ICLEACTIVITY Tasks in Claim Bundle
ICLEALDD Assignment of Archive Link Document to Claim Bundle
ICLEBULKSBR Coll.Subro/Recovery Settlement
ICLEXPLANATION Profile of Boolean Expressions of a BRF Run
ICLEXPLANATIONC Values of Expressions per Claim -Explanation (Cluster Table
ICLGUID Single Transactions in Claim: GUIDs
ICLHISTDATA Suppl. Reserves: History Data
ICLIBNRHEALTHDET "Quantities and Costs (Totalled
ICLIBNRHEALTHDRI Standard Driver for Single Case Level
ICLINDRESA Claim-Independent Reserve - Case Reserve - Assignment
ICLINDRESC Claim-Independent Reserve-Cumulative Reserve-Assignment
ICLINDRESI Claim-Independent Reserve
ICLIOB Insurable Object
ICLIOBOCC Insurable Object Occurrence
ICLITEM Claim Item
ICLITEMAU Damaged Vehicle
ICLITEMBI Injured Person
ICLITEMDD Damaged Object - Damage Descriptor - Assignment
ICLITEMEQ Damaged Item
ICLITEMEV Claim Item Evaluation
ICLITEMEVA Claim Item: Actual Cash Value Valuation
ICLITEMEVB Claim Item: Daily Rate Valuation
ICLITEMRE Damaged Real Estate
ICLITEMSV Salvage Item Evaluation
ICLLITITEM Litigation Level
ICLLOSSDET Claim Fact Text
ICLNOL Notice of Loss
ICLNOLAU Notice of Loss Vehicle
ICLNOLDO Notice of Loss: Damaged Object
ICLNOLDOAU Notice of Loss: Damaged Vehicle
ICLNOLDOBI Notice of Loss: Injured Person
ICLNOLDODESCASSN Damage Descriptors per Object
ICLNOLDORE Notice of Loss: Damaged Vehicle
ICLNOLHO Notice of Loss Building
ICLNOLP Notice of Loss Participant
ICLNOLPARTRO Role Notifier Participant
ICLNOLPDR Notice of Loss: Driver
ICLNOTE Claim Note
ICLNPROPMA Make of Insurable Object
ICLNPROPMO Insurable Object Model
ICLNUMBER Table for Number Assignment
ICLPART Participants
ICLPARTOCC Participant Occurrence
ICLPARTSP Participant: Vendor
ICLPARTWC "Participant
ICLPAY Claim Payment
ICLPAYEE Additional Payee
ICLPAYI Claim Payment Item
ICLPOL Policy Snapshot
ICLPOLBF Benefit Types in Policy Snapshot
ICLPOLL Limit and Deductible in Policy Snapshot
ICLPOLM Coverage in Policy Snapshot
ICLPOLN Assign Insured Object to Coverage
ICLPOLO Insured Object in Policy Snapshot
ICLPOLOAU Insured Vehicle
ICLPOLOPE Insured Equipment
ICLPOLORE Insured Building
ICLPOLOSI Insured Site
ICLPOLOWA Insured Watercraft
ICLPOLPD Covered Driver in Policy Snapshot
ICLPOLS Sums Insured and Calculations in Policy Snapshot
ICLPROCURE Claim Item Groupings
ICLPROFILE Profile of True Predicates of a BRF Run
ICLPROPMA Make of Insurable Object
ICLPROPMO Insurable Object Model
ICLPROPTY Insurable Object Category
ICLREF Coverage Referral in Claim
ICLSALVI Salvage Item
ICLSCATTRIB FS-CM: Attribute Values for Benefit/Service/Fees Catlg Items
ICLSCWCOMP Workers Comp - Benefits Catalog
ICLSERVCAT FS-CM: Benefits/Services/Fees Catalogs
ICLSERVCATT FS-CM: Benefits/Services/Fees Catalogs Texts
ICLSERVCATXLT Benefits/Services/Fees Catalogs: Texts w.Unrestricted Length
ICLSPAPPT Appointment with Vendor
ICLSSEQ Screen in Entry Mode
ICLSUBCLCL "Internal Claim Types
ICLSUBCLFRAUD Result from Check System
ICLSUBOBJREL Claim Subobject - Relationships
ICLSUPRES Results of Reserve Calculation
ICLTEXT Short Texts in Claim
ICLULAEACCRES Additional Reserve Amounts at Claim Year and Coverage Level
ICLULAECCCDERES Specified CDE Reserves at Company Code Level
ICLULAECFFACTOR Specified CDE Reserves at Company Code Level
ICLULAECOVRES Determined Additional Reserve Amounts at Coverage Level
ICLULAEDRIVER1 Reported Distribution Key 1
ICLULAEDRIVER2 Reported Distribution Key 2
ICLULAEPERCENT Determined Percentage and Additional Reserve Amounts
ICLULAEREPPAY Reported Settlement Expenses
ICLULAERES Current Reassigned Reserves (ULAE)
ICLULAERUN Timestamp for a ULAE Reserve Calculation Run
ICLUS Claim Handler
ICLUSCNTXT User Context in Claim Applications
ICLVISION Vision Findings
ICS_CLAUSETXT Long Texts for Clauses (Shadow Table)
ICS_PRIVILEGE Special Rights (Shadow Table)
ICS_SUBROG Subrogation/Recovery (Header): Shadow Table
ICS_SUBROGITEM Subrogation/Recovery Item: Shadow Table
ICS_WCMPD FS-CM: Item Data Workers Compensation
ICS_WCMPD_SCH FS-CM: Scheduled Workers Compensation
ICS_WCMPH Workers Comp - Header Data
ICSACTIVITY Activity in the Claim
ICSALDD Assign Archive Link Document to Claim Subobject
ICSCCEVENT Shadow Table Claim Bundle
ICSCCEVENTB Claim Bundle - Participant Occurrence
ICSCCEVENTL Claim Bundle - Location Address - Assignment
ICSCCEVENTP Claim Bundle - Policy - Assignment
ICSCCEVENTR Claim Bundle - Region - Assignment
ICSCCEVENTU Claim Bundle - Assigned Claims Sum
ICSCCEVENTZ Claim Bundle - Postal Code - Assignment
ICSCCEVPAY Claim Bundle - Payment Sum
ICSCCEVRES Claim Bundle - Reserve Sum
ICSCLAIMA Claim - Claim Subobject Assignment
ICSCLAIMASSIGN Shadow Table Link: Claim Subobject - Claim Subobject
ICSCLAIMB Exception Table Payment Amount Authorizations
ICSCLAUSE Clauses (Shadow Table)
ICSDAMOBJ Damaged Object
ICSDENTAL Tooth Notation
ICSDIPL Distribution Plan (Shadow Table)
ICSDIPLIT Distribution Plan Item (Shadow Table)
ICSDOC Document in Claim
ICSDOCAL Attachments to Outbound Correspondence
ICSEACTIVITY Task in Claim Bundle Shadow Table
ICSEALDD Assign Archive Link Document to Claim Subobject
ICSEBULKSBR Shadow Table Collective Subrogation/Recovery Settlement
ICSITEM Claim Item
ICSITEMAU Damaged Vehicle
ICSITEMBI Injured Person
ICSITEMDD Damaged Object - Damage Descriptor - Assignment
ICSITEMEQ Damaged Item
ICSITEMEV Claim Item Evaluation
ICSITEMEVA Claim Item: Actual Cash Value Valuation
ICSITEMEVB Claim Item: Daily Rate Valuation
ICSITEMRE Damaged Real Estate
ICSITEMSV Salvage Item Evaluation
ICSLITITEM Litigation Levels
ICSLOSSDET Claim Facts Text
ICSPART Participant in Claim
ICSPARTOCC Claim Participant Occurrence
ICSPARTSP Claim Participant: Vendor
ICSPARTWC Workers Compensation: Additional Info on Claim Participant
ICSPAY Payment
ICSPAYEE Additional Payee
ICSPAYI Payment Item
ICSPOL Policy Snapshot
ICSPOLBF Benefit Types in Policy Snapshot (Shadow Table)
ICSPOLL Limit and Deductible in Policy Snapshot
ICSPOLM Coverage in Policy Snapshot
ICSPOLN Assign Insured Object to Coverage
ICSPOLO Insured Object in Policy Snapshot
ICSPOLOAU Insured Vehicle
ICSPOLOPE Insured Equipment
ICSPOLORE Insured Building
ICSPOLOSI Insured Site
ICSPOLOWA Insured Watercraft
ICSPOLPD Covered Driver in Policy Snapshot
ICSPOLS Sums Insured and Calculations in Policy Snapshot
ICSPROCURE Claim Item Groupings
ICSREF Coverage Referral in Claim
ICSSALVI Salvage Item
ICSSPAPPT Appointment with Vendor
ICSSUBCLCL "Internal Claim Types
ICSSUBCLFRAUD Result from Claims Check System
ICSTEXT Short Texts in Claim
ICSVISION Eyeglass Prescription
IGNBPLP Business Partner Auto License Plate
IMP_PARAMETERS_1 IMP: Trigger (Runtime)
IMP_PARAMETERS_C IMP: Data Cluster for Parameters
IMP_TRIGGERS IMP: Trigger (Runtime)
TBSFC000 Facts Capture: Question Sequence
TBSFC000T Facts Capture: Question Sequence Text
TBSFC001 Facts capture: Question
TBSFC001T Facts Capture: Question Text
TBSFC002 Facts Capture: Answer
TBSFC002T Facts Capture: Answer Text
TIAM111 IAM: Activities of a Task
TIAM130 IAM: Activity
TIAM130T Activity Management: Activity - Texts
TIAM140 Activity Management: Navigation Target
TIAM140T Activity Management: Navigation Target - Texts
TIAM150 Activity Management: Task Type
TIAM150T Activity Management: Task Type - Texts
TICL000 Claim Header - Screen Sequence Determination
TICL001 Claim Bundle Type
TICL001_2 Claim Bundle Type
TICL001T Claim Bundle Types Text
TICL002 Subtypes of Claim Bundle Types
TICL002T Subtypes of Claim Bundle Types - Text
TICL003 Internal Claim Type Version
TICL003T Version of Internal Claim Type Text
TICL004 Subclaim Type
TICL004T Subclaim Type Text
TICL005 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Subclaim Type
TICL007 Insurance Line of Business
TICL007T Insurance Line of Business Text
TICL008 Cause of Claim
TICL008T Cause of Claim - Text
TICL009 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Cause of Claim
TICL010 Evaluation of Witness Report
TICL010T Evaluation of Witness Report Text
TICL011 Generation of Internal Claim Type
TICL011T Generation of Internal Claim Type Text
TICL012 Bundle Reason
TICL012T Bundle Reason
TICL014 Type of Relationship to Policyholder
TICL014T Type of Relationship to Policyholder Text
TICL015 (Sub)Claim Complexity
TICL015T (Sub)Claim Complexity Text
TICL016 Damage Descriptor
TICL016T Damage Descriptor Text
TICL017 Business Partner Screen Sequence Determination
TICL020 Reserve Type
TICL020T Reserve Type Text
TICL022 Claim Item Rejection Reason
TICL022T Claim Item Rejection Reason Text
TICL023 Damage Severity
TICL023T Damage Severity Text
TICL024 Contractual Relationship between Employer and Employee
TICL024T Contractual Relationship Between Employee and Employer Text
TICL026 Type of Evaluator
TICL026T Evaluation Basis Text
TICL027 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Subclaim Complexity
TICL028 Hidden Data Sets
TICL029 Reason for Changing Claim Date
TICL029T Reason for Changing Claim Date - Text
TICL031 Claim Document
TICL031T Claim Document - Text
TICL032 Roles of Permitted Recipients for Claim Documents
TICL033 Claim Line of Business
TICL033T Claim Line of Business - Text
TICL034 Internal Claim Type: Claim Bundle Type Assignment
TICL037 Activity Management: Task Type
TICL037T Activity Management: Activity Grouping Category - Text Table
TICL038 Claims Management - Activity
TICL038T Claims Management - Activity - Text
TICL039 Claims Management - Assignment Activity to Task
TICL040 Damaged Object-Screen Sequence Determination
TICL041 Method of Settlement
TICL041T Method of Settlement Text
TICL043 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Claim Item Rejection Reason
TICL044 Claims Management Activity or Prompting Message
TICL044_2 Task/Log Entry: Claim Type Specific Navigation Target
TICL044T Claims Management: Task/ Message Text
TICL045 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Manual Task/Log Entry
TICL046 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Manual Claim Document
TICL047 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Claim Closure Reason
TICL048 Internal Claim Type: Method of Settlement
TICL049 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Damage Category
TICL050 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Damage Descriptor
TICL051 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Damage Severity
TICL052 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Document and Other Categories
TICL052_2 Assignment Text Module to Category
TICL053 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Reserve Type
TICL054 Claim Bundle Type - Claim Type - Assignment
TICL055 Benefit Type
TICL055T Benefit Type Text
TICL056 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Benefit Type
TICL057 Internal Claim Type: Determination of Payment Reason Group
TICL058 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Manual Coverage Referral
TICL060 Incident Type of a Claim
TICL060T Incident Type of a Claim - Text
TICL061 Internal Claim Type: Facts Capture - Question Sequence
TICL062 Policy Product - Internal Claim Type - Determination
TICL064 Subclaim-Screen Sequence Determination
TICL065 Witness Statement Type
TICL065T Witness Report Type Text
TICL066 Payment Reason
TICL066T Transaction Reason Text
TICL067 Payment Reason Group
TICL067T Reason for Payment-Group-Text
TICL068 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Claim Handler Group
TICL068_2 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Claim Handler Group
TICL070 Claim Handler Group
TICL070T Claim Handler Group Text
TICL071 Data Sets for Which FMOD2A Is Not Executed
TICL072 Reserving Rules
TICL073 Reserving Parameters
TICL074 Reserving-Parameter Value
TICL076 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Object Type
TICL077 Claim Line of Business
TICL077T Claim Line - Text
TICL079 Coverage Referral
TICL079T Coverage Referral Text
TICL080 Coverage Referral Overruling Reason
TICL080T Coverage Referral Overruling Reason Text
TICL081 Fault
TICL081T Fault Text
TICL082 Reserve General Ledger Account Determination
TICL083 Internal Claim Type: Limit and Deductible
TICL084 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Reason for Creating ClmItmGp
TICL085 Claims Management Client
TICL086 Vendor Assignment: Reason for Manual Entry
TICL086T Vendor Assignment: Reason for Manual Entry: Text
TICL087 Display Profile
TICL088 Position of Person in Vehicle
TICL088T Position of Person in Vehicle: Text
TICL090 Topic of Claim Note
TICL090T Topic of Claim Note
TICL091 Communication Type
TICL091T Communication Method - Text
TICL092 Participation Type of Claimant
TICL092T Participation Type of Claimant - Text
TICL093 SAPscript Texts for Tasks
TICL095 Reinsurance Type
TICL095T Reinsurance Type
TICL097 Information for Workflow PD-ORG
TICL098 Control of Function Codes for Context Menu and Pushbuttons
TICL099 Coverage Referral Overruling Reason Assignment
TICL100 Internal Claim Type - Permitted Coverage Type
TICL101 Scope of Loss
TICL101T Scope of Claim Text
TICL102 Claim Bundle Type: Permitted Manual Task
TICL105 Storage of Picture Files in Data Clusters (see INDX)
TICL110 Amount Authorizations for Payments/Reserves
TICL110_RESTYP Amount Authorizations Reserves (per Reserve Type)
TICL111 Authorization Groups
TICL111T User Groups for Authorizations
TICL112 Approval/Rejection Reasons with Payments
TICL112T Rejection Reasons with Payments
TICL113 Authorization Groups Claims (VIP)
TICL113T Authorization Groups Claims
TICL114 Assignment of Organizational Unit to Business Area
TICL120 Evaluation Criterion for Vendor Selection
TICL120T Evaluation Criterion Text
TICL121 "Weighting
TICL122 Assignment of User to Tolerance Group
TICL123 Transaction Type for Procurement Process
TICL123T Transaction Type Text for Procurement Process
TICL124 Partner Function in Procurement System
TICL125 Permitted Roles per Transaction Type in Procurement Process
TICL126 Insurance Lines of Business and Their Procurement Processes
TICL127 Assignment of User: Claim System -> Procurement System
TICL128 Building Insurance: Sliding Replacement Cost Factor
TICL129 Details on Tolerance Key
TICL131 Tolerance Group (Entity Table)
TICL131T Text Table 820T
TICL132 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Roles for Interruptions
TICL133 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Interruption Reasons
TICL134 Modification Type of Deductible
TICL134T Modification Type of Deductible: Text
TICL142 Permitted Claim Item Grouping Category
TICL143 Permitted Types of Claim Item Grouping Category
TICL146 Benefit Type Area
TICL146T Benefit Type Area
TICL150 Definition of Permitted Catalogs
TICL151 Call Structure: Catalogs
TICL152 Reason for Creation
TICL152T Text Table for Creation Reason
TICL153 Entity Table: Types of Claim Item Grouping Category
TICL153T Text Table for Type of Procurement Document Category
TICL154 Activity Management: Activity Grouping Category
TICL155 Further Specification of Reason for Creating
TICL155T Text Table for Further Specification of Reason for Creating
TICL157 HI: Recovery/Subro Indicator
TICL157T HI: Text for Recovery/Subrogation Indicator
TICL158 HI: Accident Indicator
TICL158T HI: Text for Accident Indicator
TICL159 Benefit Type Tree
TICL160 Generation of Benefit Type Tree
TICL160T Generation of Benefit Type Tree - Text
TICL161 Version of Benefit Type Tree
TICL161T Version of Benefit Type Tree - Text
TICL162 Benefit Type Tree: Permitted Benefit Type
TICL163 Benefit Type Tree: Limit and Deductible
TICL164 Benefit Type Tree: Permitted Object Type
TICL165 Benefit Type Tree: Definition of Payment Reason Group
TICL167 Benefit Type Tree: Sum Insured and Calculation Rules
TICL173 Process Type: Relevant Attributes and Behavior (Obsolete)
TICL173T Process Type: Text (Obsolete)
TICL174 Subrogation Claim Type in Subrogation (To Be Deleted)
TICL174T Subrogation Claim Type in Subrogation (Text)
TICL175 Change Reason for Status of (Collective) Subrogation
TICL175T Reason for Changing Status of (Collective) Subrogation: Text
TICL177 Subrogation Claim Type in Subrogation
TICL177T Subrogation Claim Type in Subrogation (Text)
TICL180 Types of Repetitive Payment
TICL180T Type of Repetitive Payment Text
TICL184 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Specification of Reason
TICL187 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Recovery/Subro Indicator
TICL188 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Accident Indicator
TICL189 FS-CM Subclaim Type: Permitted Benef./Services/Fees Catalogs
TICL190 FS-CM Document Types for Claims
TICL190T FS-CM Document Types for Claims
TICL191 FS-CM Permitted Document Types for Claim Type/Subclaim Type
TICL195 Control of Copy Function Codes
TICL204 Degree of Damage per Damage Category
TICL205 Incident Type of a Claim
TICL205T Incident Type of Claim - Text
TICL208 Notice of Loss Category: Permitted Fault
TICL209 Notice of Loss Category: Permitted Line of Business
TICL211 Type of Damaged or Insured Object
TICL211T Type of Damaged or Insured Object
TICL212 Fault
TICL212T Fault Text
TICL223 Damage Severity
TICL223T Damage Severity Text
TICL240 Litigation: Litigation Type
TICL240T Litigation: Litigation Type
TICL241 Litigation: Litigation Issue
TICL241T Litigation: Litigation Issue
TICL242 Litigation: Liability
TICL242T Litigation: Liability
TICL243 Litigation: Type of Litigation Settlement
TICL243T Litigation: Type of Litigation Settlement
TICL244 Litigation: Litigation Settled
TICL244T Litigation: Litigation Settled
TICL245 Litigation Level: Appeal By
TICL245T Litigation Level: Appeal By
TICL246 Litigation Level: Jurisdiction
TICL246T Litigation Level: Jurisdiction
TICL247 Litigation Level: Litigation Level
TICL247T Litigation Level: Litigation Level
TICL248 Litigation Level: Defense Type
TICL248T Litigation Level: Defense Type
TICL252 FNOL Mandatory Fields
TICL254 Assignment Damage Category Object Category
TICL260 Collective Invoice Payment Type
TICL260T Text for Usage of Claim Item
TICL271 Assignment Object Category to Damage Descriptor
TICL271T Description Damage Descriptor per Object Category
TICL272 Permitted Participant Roles per Insurance Line
TICL285 Distribution Plan Type
TICL285T Distribution Plan Type (Texts)
TICL286 Participation Type in Multiple Insurance
TICL286T Participation Type in Multiple Insurance (Texts)
TICL287 Settlement Type in Multiple Insurance
TICL287T Settlement Type in Multiple Insurance (Texts)
TICL288 Function Profile in Multiple Insurance
TICL288T Function Profile in Multiple Insurance (Texts)
TICL289 Functions in Multiple Insurance
TICL290 Function Profile Determination in Multiple Insurance
TICL290T Function Profile Determination in Multiple Insurance (Texts)
TICL291 Payment Item Type
TICL291T Payment Item Type (Texts)
TICL302 Type of Damaged or Insured Object
TICL302T Type of Damaged or Insured Object
TICL303 Use of Damaged or Insured Object
TICL303T Use of Damaged or Insured Object Text
TICL304 Real Estate Primary Building Article
TICL304T Real Estate Primary Building Article Text
TICL305 Watercraft Hull Article
TICL305T Watercraft Hull Article Text
TICL306 Participant Role (Display Information)
TICL319 Policy Product (Time-Independent Properties)
TICL320 Policy Product Generation
TICL320T Policy Product Generation Text
TICL321 Policy Product Version
TICL321T Policy Product Version Text
TICL322 Coverage Type
TICL322T Coverage Type Text
TICL323 Policy Product: Permitted Coverage Type
TICL325 Posting Standard Fields/Values per Payment Transaction Type
TICL325T Text Table for Postg Std Fields/Values per Payt Transn Type
TICL326 Standard Attributes for FS-CD Insurance Object in Contract
TICL326T Text Table for Std.Attrib. for FS-CD Ins Object in Contract
TICL327 Standard Attributes for FS-CD Insurance Object in Claim
TICL327T Text Table for Std Attributes for FS-CD Claim
TICL328 Entity Table for Naming Standard Posting Data
TICL328T Text Table for Entity Table for Naming Standard Posting Data
TICL330 General Parameters f.Collectns/Disbursements System (FS-CD)
TICL332 Usage of Claim Item
TICL332T Text for Usage of Claim Item
TICL333 Tax Calculation in Invoice Items
TICL333T Tax Calculation in Invoice Items
TICL340 Suppress Functions Group
TICL340T Suppress Functions Group
TICL341 Functions to Be Suppressed
TICL345 Office Integration Business Object Cat. -> Corresp.Templates
TICL346 Office Integration: Additional Template Attributes
TICL347 Office Integration: Assignment of Field Name to Template
TICL349 Claim Documents: Related Text Objects and Text Types
TICL350 Name of Diagnosis Catalog
TICL350T Texts for Diagnosis Catalog Name
TICL351 Diagnosis catalog
TICL351T Texts for Diagnosis Catalog
TICL352 Diagnosis Localization
TICL352T Texts for Localization
TICL353 Diagnosis: Permitted Localization
TICL354 Severity of Diagnosis
TICL354T Texts for Severity
TICL355 Diagnosis: Permitted Severity
TICL356 Morphology
TICL356T Texts for Morphology
TICL357 Permitted Morphology
TICL358 Excoriation Diagnosed
TICL358T Texts for Excoriation
TICL359 Diagnosis: Permitted Excoriation
TICL360 Diagnosis Type
TICL360T Texts for Diagnosis Type
TICL361 Diagnosis Origin Category: Permitted Diagnosis Type
TICL362 Diagnosis Group
TICL362T Texts for Diagnosis Group
TICL363 Diagnostic Certainty
TICL363T Text for Diagnostic Certainty
TICL364 Departments
TICL364T Texts for Departments
TICL365 Interruptions
TICL365T Texts for Interruptions (Reasons)
TICL366 State of Teeth: Dental Diagnosis
TICL366T Texts for State of Teeth (Dental Diagnosis)
TICL367 Planning: Dental Treatment
TICL367T Texts for Planning (Dental Treatment)
TICL368 Permitted Treatment with Teeth and Findings
TICL369 Diagnosis-Specific Additional Attributes
TICL369T Texts for Diagnosis-Specific Additional Attributes
TICL370 Diagnosis-Specific Attributes
TICL371 Internal Claim Type: Permitted Diagnosis Catalogs
TICL380 Employer Payroll
TICL380T Employer Payroll
TICL381 Industry Code
TICL381T Industry Code
TICL382 Employment Status
TICL382T Employment Status
TICL383 Employee Marital Status
TICL383T Employee Marital Status
TICL384 Employee Marital Status
TICL384T Employee Marital Status
TICL385 Nature of Injury
TICL385T Nature of Injury
TICL386 Employee Marital Status
TICL386T Employee Marital Status
TICL387 Business Transaction Type
TICL387T Industry Code
TICL388 Initial Treatment Code
TICL388T Initial Treatment Code
TICL389 Loss Condition - ACT
TICL389T Loss Condition - ACT
TICL390 Loss Conditions - Type of Loss
TICL390T Loss Conditions - Type of Loss
TICL391 Loss Conditions - Type of Recovery
TICL391T Loss Conditions - Type of Recovery
TICL392 Loss Conditions - Type of Coverage
TICL392T Loss Conditions - Type of Coverage
TICL393 Loss Conditions - Type of Settlement
TICL393T Loss Conditions - Type of Settlement
TICL394 Employee Occupation Code
TICL394T Employee Occupation Code
TICL395 Manual Classification Code
TICL395T Manual Classification Code
TICL396 Object or Substance That Directly Injured the Employee
TICL396T Object or Substance That Directly Injured the Employee
TICL401 FS-CM: Benefits/Services/Fees Catalogs
TICL401T FS-CM: Benefits/Services/Fees Catalogs - Texts
TICL402 FS-CM: Benefits/Services/Fees Catalog Variants
TICL402T FS-CM: Texts for Benefits/Services/Fees Catalog Variants
TICL403 FS-CM: Item Type Usage Benefits/Services/Fees Catalogs
TICL406 FS-CM: Attribute Usage Benefits/Services/Fees Catalogs
TICL451 FS-CM: Benefits/Services/Fees Catalogs Screen Seq.Determin.
TICL500 Insurance Distribution Channel
TICL500T Insurance Sales Channel - Text
TICL550 Tax Roles
TICL550T Tax Roles Text
TICL551 Tax Payment Type
TICL551T Tax Payment Type Text
TICL553 Relationship of Payment Type to Main/Sub-Transaction
TICL554 Assignment of Claim BP Roles and Tax BP Roles
TICL555 Withholding Tax Rates Dependent on Payment Type / Tax Role
TICL556 Tax Group
TICL556T Long Text Tax Group
TICL557 Combination of Tax Role and Participant
TICL558 OBSOLETE - Do not use
TICL560 Assignment: Insurance LOB <-> Payment Processing Category
TICL561T Category for Processing Payments in Direct Input - Text
TICL701 Search Integration
TICL800 Versions for Pseudo Group Selection (Suppl. Reserves)
TICL800T Versions for Pseudo Group Selection (Suppl. Reserves)
TICL801 Entity Table: Pseudo Group (Suppl. Reserves)
TICL801T Pseudo Group
TICL802 Entity Table: Reserve Group
TICL802T Text Table Business Unit
TICL804 Reserving Characteristics Group INDGROUP (From <-> To)
TICL804T Reserving Characteristics Group
TICL805 Method for Calculating Supplemental Reserves
TICL805T Method for Calculating Supplemental Reserves
TICL806 Entity Table: Pseudo Group (Suppl. Reserves)
TICL807 Suppl. Reserves: Specify Origin of History Data
TICL808 "Reserve Group
TICL809 Method for Calculating Supplemental Reserves
TICL809T Method for Calculating Supplemental Reserves
TICL810 Method for Applying Supplemental Reserves
TICL810T Method for Calculating Supplemental Reserves
TICL811 "Reserve Group
TICL813 Reserves Group
TICL814 Reserve Group / Indicatives
TICL814_TEST Reserve Group / Indicatives
TICL814N Maintenance of Indicatives for a Subset of a Reserve Group
TICL814O Maintenance of Subsets of a Reserve Group
TICL815 Suppl. Reserves: Specify Origin of History Data
TICL816 Limit Determination Method for RATIO Method
TICL817 Suppl. Reserves: Specify Origin of Claim Data
TICL818 Suppl. Reserves: Specify Output of Claim Data
TICL819 Reserve Type for Supplemental Reserves
TICL820 Entity Table: Product Group
TICL820T Text Table 820T
TICL821 Entity Table: Line of Insurance
TICL821T Text Table 820T
TICL822 Entity Table: Coverage
TICL822T Text Table 820T
TICL823 Entity Table: State
TICL823T Text Table State
TICL824 Entity Table: Regional Office
TICL824T Text Table 824T
TICL825 Entity Table: Company Code
TICL825T Text Table: Suppl. Reserves Company Code
TICL826 Line of Insurance/Coverage: Permitted Combination Suppl.Res
TICL827 CoCde/Ins.Line/RegOff/State: Permitted Combinations
TICL828 Entity Table: Business Unit
TICL828T Text Table Business Unit
TICL829 Entity Table: Class Code
TICL829T Text Table Business Unit
TICL830 Entity Table: Operational Area (Possibly Function Area)
TICL830T Text Table Operational Area
TICL831 Entity Table: Collective Account Based on Chart of Accounts
TICL831T Text Table Collective Account
TICL832 Entity Table: G/L Account (Chart of Accts and Coll.Account)
TICL832T Text Table G/L Account
TICL833 Entity Table: Reinsurance Category
TICL833T Text Table Reinsurance Category
TICL834 CoCde/State/LineProd/Coverage: Permitted Combinations
TICL835 IBNR Claim Year
TICL840 Allocation of Indicatives to Reserve Group Types
TICL841 ResGpType/ResGp -> Indicative Values
TICL842 Reserve Cluster Allocation (IBNR)
TICL843 Allocation: Reserve Group Cluster to Reserve Groups
TICL844 ResGpType/ResGpCluster/ResGp
TICL845 Reserves for Allocation per Reserve Group
TICL846 Definition of Driver Indicatives
TICL847 Assignment of Reserve Groups to Reserve Group Clusters
TICL848 IBNR: Loss/Expense Percentages
TICL849 IBNR: Loss/Expense Percentages
TICL850 IBNR: Loss/Expense Percentage Rate
TICL856 Reserving per Reserve Group Cluster
TICL857 Reserve Amount with Plus/Minus Sign Without Decimal Places
TICL858 Distribution Percentages for Incident Years
TICL859 Cost Allocation Percentage Rates for Incident Years
TICL860 Reserve Group Category
TICL860T Name of Reserve Group Type
TICL861 Reserve Group: General Features
TICL861T Name of Reserve Group Type
TICL862 Indicative Name
TICL862T Name of Reserve Group Type
TICL863 IBNR Driver
TICL863T Name of IBNR Driver
TICL864 Reserve Group Cluster
TICL865 Expense Calculation Rule
TICL865T Name of IBNR Driver
TICL866 Reserve Group Definition
TICL866T Name of Reserve Group Type
TICL867 Version for Reserve Group Cluster
TICL868 Entity Table: Reserve Group Cluster
TICL868T Reserve Group Cluster
TICL869 Definition of Version of Reserve Group Cluster
TICL869T Name of Reserve Group Type
TICL870 Distribution Percentages for Incident Years
TICL871 IBNR Driver
TICL871T Name of Reserve Group Type
TICL872 Reserve Type for Supplemental Reserves
TICL873 Sequence of Procedures for Reserving
TICL873T Description of Sequence of Procedures for Reserving
TICL902 Only Valid Through Release 4.71: Action Called by Event
TICL939 BRF Events in ICL - Additional Data
TICL940 Only Valid Through Release 4.71: Rule Sets
TICL943 Rules in Claims Management System
TICL944 Rules in Rule Sets in Claims Management System
TICL946 Trigger in Rule Sets
TICL950 Claim Bundle: Task or Prompting Message
TICL950T Claim Bundle Message Text
TICL951 Claim Bundle - Activity
TICL951T Claim Bundle - Activity - Text
TICL952 Claim Bundle - Assignment of Task -> Activity
TICL961 BRF/ICLE: Rules in Events - Only Through 472
TICL962 BRF/ICLE: Rule Sets: Rules in Events - Only Through 472
TICL963 BRF/ICLE: Rules in Events
TICL964 BRF/ICLE: Rule Sets: Rules in Events
TICLB_900C BRF Object Renamings
TICLB_AC_NEU New and Old Names for Actions
TICLB_AC_TNAME Tables with Actions
TICLB_BUTTON Display/Hide Update and Undo Buttons
TICLB_EX_NEU New and Old Names for Expressions
TICLB_EX_TNAME Tables for Expressions
TICLB_EXCEL_T Temporarily for Excel Import
TICLB_EXCEL_T2 New and Old Names and Short Descriptions for Rule Sets
TICLB_GR_EX New Group Names for Expressions
TICLB_GR_NEW New Group Names with Description
TICLB_GR_TNAME Table with Group Names
TICLB_LOG Log of Renaming
TICLB_RS_NEU New and Old Names for Rule Sets
TICLB_RS_TNAME Tables for Rule Sets
TICLB_STATISTIC Counter of Updates/Undos
TICLCHECK01 Check Register Including Check Number Assignment
TICLSRC Settings for BDT Search
TICLWF002 Object Category
TICLWF003 Object Category - Event
TICLWF004 Object Category - Event - Parameter
TIGN210 Category of a Search
TIGN210T Description of the Category of a Search
TIGN220 Search
TIGN220T Description of a Search
TIGN221 Settings for Search Criteria in a Search
TIGN222 Default Values for Optional Search Criteria for a Search
TIGN225 Settings for Display Fields of a BDT Search
TIGN230 Settings for Searches in a Search Sequence
TIGN235 Logical Linking of Search Sequence Hit Lists
TIGN235T Description of the Logical Link
TIMP100 IMP: Application Class (Client-Specific Features)
TIMP111 IMP: Trigger Types - Alternative Runtime Classes
TIMP130 IMP: Permitted Parameters per Trigger Cat.f.IMP_PARAMETERS_1

SAP Loans Management TABLES (FS-CML)

Table Name Description
ATRESERVATION Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator
ATRESERVATIONT Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator
BCKTRLET_LOAN_FL Treasury: Loans Transferred
CML_ARC_DEADLINE Residence Time for Loans - Archiving
CML_ARC_DOC_ADMH Admin. Table for Reorganization of Loan Document Data
DIV01 Loans: External usage types of a rental unit
LOANREF_A Reference Records of Loan Reference Unit for Disbursement
LOANREF_O Records of Loan Reference Unit for Open Items
LOANREF_OS Saved Ref. Records Open Items per Business Operation No.
LOANREF_V Reference Recs of Loan Ref. Unit for Val-Dated Cumulation
MZDAT Dunning and interest data for batch input
TD01 Table for collateral keys
TD01T Text elements for TD01 Collat.sec.type
TD02 Table of Loan Classes
TD02T Text Table for TD02 Loan Classes
TD03 Assign Loan Type -> Product Type
TD03A Define Loan Type
TD03T Texts for Table TD03 security types
TD04 Reason for Notice
TD04T Text table for TD04 (notice types)
TD06 Document type
TD061 Value table for type of file
TD06A Text table for TD061 Type of File
TD06F Texts for document groups
TD06G Document group
TD06T Text table for TD06 document types
TD06U Document groups dependent on statuses of transaction types
TD07 Purpose of loan
TD07T Purpose of loan (Texts for table TD07)
TD09 Loan Maturity
TD09T Term of loan (texts)
TD10 Indicator for special treatment of loan
TD10T Indicator for special treatment of loan (texts)
TD11 Home statement
TD11T Home statement (texts)
TD12 Storage location indicator for file original documents
TD12T Filing indicator name for file original documents
TD13 Type of offer or contract acceptance
TD13T Text table for TD13 (Contact/offer acceptance type)
TD14 Value table for tax preferential treatment ID
TD14T Text table for TD14 (Tax preferential treatment ID)
TD15 Residential development financing types
TD15T Residential development financing types (text table)
TD16 Borrower's note security value table
TD16T Texts for borrower's note loan securities
TD17 Branch office
TD17T Branch office text table
TD18 Business regions
TD18T Business region text table
TD20 Allocation of key for wording / Order
TD20T Texts for TD20
TD22 Special arrangement indicators
TD22T Texts for special arrangement indicators
TD27 Loan notice types
TD27T Notice Type for the Loan
TD28 Notice arrangements (lender)
TD28T Notice arrangements (lender)
TD29 Notice Arrangement for Borrower
TD29T Notice arrangements (borrower)
TD47D Form selection legal dunning procedure in loans
TD47E Form selection for dunning notices
TDA5 Non-Accept.Reason
TDA5T Reason for non-acceptance (texts for TDA5)
TDACC_PRINCIPLE Accounting Principles for Parallel Valuation
TDACCOUNT_DET_S Account Determination Open Item Transfer Posting
TDACCOUNTDETS Account Determination Open Item Transfer Posting
TDALE_EXP ALE Export Relevance per Company Code
TDALE_EXP_LOAN ALE Export Relevance Per Loan
TDB08 Flow Types per Posting Application Additional Data
TDB23 Activity Type - Control of Requirements
TDBAFINGP Customizing Table for Roles Relevant for BaFin
TDBL "Form line items (credit stnd.check
TDBLT Text table for TDBL (debit and income types)
TDBO_BALANCE Flow Grouping for Calculation of Interest on Arrears
TDBO_BALANCET Text Table for Flow Grouping to Calculate Int. on Arrears
TDBO_CFEXC_IN Exception Table for Inflow Behavior
TDBO_CFEXC_OUT Exception Table for Outflow Behavior
TDBO_CFHEAD_IN Header Entry for Control of Inflow Behavior
TDBO_CFHEAD_OUT Header Entry for Control of Outflow Behavior
TDBOCLICALC_REL Processing Options for CLI Differ. for Each Bus. Op. Subcat.
TDCAPTR_GSTEER General Control Data of Capital Transfer
TDCAPTR_POSTPR Indicator Manual Postprocessing
TDCAPTR_POSTPRT Texts for Manual Postprocessing Capital Transfer
TDCAPTR_REASON Capital Transfer Reasons
TDCAPTR_REASONT Texts Capital Transfer Reasons
TDCAPTR_REPCH Repayment Change Indicator Capital Transfer
TDCAPTR_REPCHT Texts for Repayment Change Indicator Capital Transfer
TDCAPTR_TEMPL Templates for Capital Transfer
TDCAPTR_TEMPLTXT Texts for Capital Transfer Templates
TDCAPTR_TRANSB Transfer Behavior Capital Transfer
TDCAPTR_TRANSBT Texts for Transfer Behavior
TDCBR_PAR Define Parameters for Credit Bureau
TDCBRSTSMA Assignment of Status Profile to Credit Bureau Field
TDCL_EXCEPTION Consumer Loans: Correspondence Without Correspondence Tool
TDCO_OPT_TEXT Correspondence Tool: Optional Text Modules
TDCO_USER_TEXT Definition of Custom Text for Correspondence Tool
TDCOND_PROP Currency-Dependent Default Setting of Conditions
TDCONDVER_MSG Condition Verification: Update Checks and Define Msge Type
TDCORRESP "Fields for Correspondence
TDCOTYP_ACT Assignment Business Operation/Role ---> Correspondence Type
TDCUSTFIELDST Field Catalog - Customizing Field Status
TDDEBTTR_GSTEER General Control Data
TDDEBTTR_PAYM Payment info. for reactivated items after borrower change
TDDEBTTR_REASON Reason for the Borrower Change
TDDEBTTR_REASONT Text Table for Borrower Change Reason
TDDEFPROD Control Dunning Using Product Type
TDDG1 Value table 1 User-specific loans key
TDDG2 Value table 2 User-specific loans key
TDDG3 Value table 3 User-specific loans key
TDDG4 Value table 4 User-specific loans key
TDDGA User-specific loans key 1 text table
TDDGB User-specific loans key 2 text table
TDDGC User-specific loan key 3 text tables
TDDGD User-specific loan key 4 texts
TDESRT049E CML Corr.: Assignment of Posting Area - ISR Partic. Number
TDESRTZB0A CML Corr.: Sequence for Printing Items
TDESRVDINVIH CML Corr.: Invoice Header
TDESRVDINVIP CML Corr.: Invoice Positions
TDFFB_CFHEXEPT_O Exception Table for Controlling Outflow Behavior
TDFFB_CFHHEAD_O Header Entry for Controlling Outflow Behavior
TDFLOW_EXT Permitted Flow Types Per Region
TDINSURE_TYPE_T0 Temporary Use: Insurance Categories - Texts
TDINSURE_TYPE0 Do Not Use: Insurance Categories
TDKK1 Definition of Correspondence Class
TDKK2 Predefine Correspondence Class Assignment for Partner
TDKKT Correspondence Class Texts
TDL1 Collat.securities preferential treatment ID table
TDL1T Collat.securities special treatment ID text table
TDL2 Indicator Table Guarantee Type 1
TDL21 Indicator Table Guarantee Type 2
TDL21T Text Table Indicator Guarantee Type 2
TDL2T Text Table for Guarantee Type 1 Indicator
TDL3 Pledge status indicator table
TDL3T Pledge status indicator text table
TDLOAN_CPPART Default Sttng of Permitted Roles and Roles for Partner Copy
TDLOANFKO Condition Types per Application Partial Function Loans
TDLOANFUNC Flow Types per Application Subfunction for Loans
TDLOC_ACTIVE Activate Localization
TDLOS_CONTROL Loan Origination: Control Parameters
TDLOS_DISCHANNEL Loan Origination: Assignment of Sales Channels
TDLOS_FEE_CODE Loan Origination: Permitted Charges/Insurance Policies
TDLOS_FEE_CODET Loan Origination: Permitted Charges
TDLOS_INS_BP Loan Origination: Business Partner Data for CLI Calculation
TDLOS_MAP_COND Loan Origination: Assignment of Conditions
TDLOS_MAP_PAYF Loan Origination: Assignment of Payment Methods
TDLOS_MAP_TARIF Loan Origination: Assignment of Insurance Rates
TDLOS_ORIGINATOR Loan Origination: Loan Originator
TDLOS_PURPOSE Loan Origination: Assignment of Loan Purpose
TDMAHNS_MAN Loans: Manual Dunning Level
TDMAHNS_MANT Loans: Text for Manual Dunning Level
TDNOTEP_REFTYPFP Assign Note to Payee in PMW
TDNOTICE_INTACC Receivables Interim Account for Business Operation Notice
TDNOTICE_INTACCT Texts for Receivables Interim Account
TDO1 Object construction methods table
TDO10 Indicator for Condition of Object
TDO10T Indicator for Condition of Object (Description)
TDO11 Indicator for Collateral Object Fixtures and Fittings
TDO11T Indicator for Collateral Object Features (Description)
TDO12 Indicator: Area Description for Object
TDO12T Object Area Description Indicator (Description)
TDO1T Texts for TD01 Object Construction Methods
TDO2 Part of building name
TDO2T Text table for TD02 part of building name
TDO3 Valuation qualification indicator
TDO3T Valuation qualification ID// Text for TD03
TDO4 Type of valuation procedure
TDO4T Type of valuation procedure// Texts for TDO4
TDO5 Valuation rating base
TDO5T Rating base valuation// Texts for TDO5
TDO7 Administration cost types
TDO7T Text table for administration cost elements
TDO8 Property Conditions for Collateral Objects
TDO8T Property Conditions for Collateral Objects (Description)
TDOPTOOL_ZAHLS Payment Lock in Lock Management per Application
TDORGPROFILES Field Catalog - Organization Profiles
TDORGPROFILEST Field Catalog - Organization Profiles Text Table
TDORGUNIT Field Catalog - Organizational Unit
TDP0 "Selection
TDP0T "Selection
TDP1 File register definition
TDP1T File register definition texts
TDP2 File functions
TDP2T File Functions Texts
TDP3 File register/function allocation
TDP4 Alloc. of activity type and flow category to condition type
TDP6T File categories
TDPR_ATTRTREE Attribute Hierarchy
TDPR_KEYPREFIX Prefix for Attributes and Profiles
TDPR_PRODUCTT Product Description
TDPR_PRODV "Version of a Prodcut
TDPR_VA Version Attribute
TDPR_VA_FLD Version Attribute Category Field
TDPR_VA_FLDM Version Attribute Category Field: Multiple Value Fields
TDPRODPROFILE Field Catalog - Assignment of Profiles to Products
TDPROFILE Field Catalog - Profile
TDPROFILEFIELD Field Catalog - Field Status for Profiles
TDPROFILET Field Catalog - Profiles Text Table
TDPZ6 CML Correspondence Role Type
TDPZ6T Description of the Correspondence Role Type
TDPZB IS-IS Loans installation parameters for company codes
TDPZZ IS-IS Loans: Installation parameters on client level
TDR01 Valuation of loan contract
TDREPAY_CFHANDLE Cash Flow Behavior in the Payoff
TDREPAY_COMSTATT Texts for Communication Status
TDREPAY_COMSTATU Communication Status Payoff
TDREPAY_GSTEER General Control Data for Payoff and Notice
TDREPAY_PRCOND Condition Type Determination for the Payoff
TDREPAY_REASONT Texts for Payoff Reasons
TDREPAY_RECLIST Customizing for Receivables List
TDREPAY_RECLISTT Name of Items in Receivables List
TDREPAY_REJECT Rejection Reasons
TDREPAY_REJECTT Texts for Rejection Reasons
TDREPAY_RLFLOWS Flow Type Groups for Receivables List for Payoff
TDREPAY_TEMPL Table for Payoff and Notice Templates
TDREPAY_TEMPLTXT Texts for Payoff Templates
TDRXX Foreign currency loan with special coverage
TDS1 Possible assignees
TDSEPA_CUST SEPA Activation per Company Code
TDSETBUDAT Set Additional Posting Information per Appliation
TDSOD Special interest indicators text table
TDSOZ Special interest indicator for loans
TDST Texts for possible assignees
TDSUBROLE BP: Business Partner - Role Type
TDSUBROLET BP: Business Partner - Name of Role Type
TDTRLE_PARAMETER CML: Link Parallel Position Management per Company Code
TDTZPA_EXT Activate Country-Specific Functions
TDUSEREXIT14T Pushbutton Text for Loans Master Data Tabstrip(User Exit 14)
TDV07 Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters
TDV08 Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters
TDVK Accts to be summarized during data transfer from R/3 -> R/2
TDVZL Dunnable payment methods for incoming payments in loans
TDWAIVE_BEWA Flow Types Excluded From Waiver Display
TPNNR Customizing prima nota
TPNNT Prima nota customizing texts
TRDC_ADM Loan Document Data Summarization: Administration Table
TRDC_REC Summarization of Loan Document Items: Carryforward Records
TRLET_BUSTRANS OBSOLETE: Previous Solution: BOs Transferred from Loans Area
TRLET_LOAN_FLOW OBSOLETE: Previous Solution: Loans Flows Transferred
TSZE1 Sales data for acct statements
TVDST Posting applications control table
TVDSTX Posting applications control table
TVDTX Predefinitions
TVZ01 Control of incoming payments
TVZ02 Definition of criteria/memo rec. grouping/inc.pmnt distrib.
TVZ03 Flow control of advance payments and overpayments
TVZ04 Incoming payment distribution basic configuration
TVZ06 Incoming payment distribution criteria value table
TVZ0A Text table TVZ01 / Incoming payment distribution
TVZ0B Text table for incoming payments distribution criteria
TZANGVOR Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator
TZANGVORT Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator
TZB08 Flow types per posting application
TZB0J Relationship: Flow type - External flow type
TZB0K External flow types for evaluations
TZB0L Texts: External flow types for evaluations
TZB0W Assign Activity Category - Reversal Transaction Grouping
TZB11 Activity-dependent one-time conditions
TZFO Release object for release procedure
TZFOH Release procedure: Object hierarchy for release
TZFOT Release object text
TZFSP Release status parameters
TZKM1 Event-controlled modification of condition items
TZKMK Event-controlled modification of condition items
TZKMKT Event-controlled modification of condition items
TZKMT Event-controlled modification of condition flows
TZKMTT Event-controlled modification of condition items
TZN01 Product type numbers
TZN02 Number components
TZN03 Number components (Text)
TZPZE Incoming payment distribution prioritization
TZV05 Types of restraint on drawing
TZV0E Type of restraint on drawing: Text table
TZV50 Form of address / Letter / ID
TZV51 Form of address / Letter / ID
TZZTG Transaction code - Correspondence activity allocation
VDAKTE File with documents for loan allocation
VDARC_DOC_ADM Admin. Table for Reorganization of Loan Document Data
VDARC_DOC_IND Index Table for the Loan Document Data Archiving
VDARC_DOC_REC Carryforward Records for Reorganization of Loan Doc. Items
VDARC_DOC_REC_EU Carry-Forward Recs of Loan Doc. Item Reorg. bef. EURO Convsn
VDARL_EU Loans: Currency Data Before EURO Conversion
VDARLDVS Print and dispatch control data for VDARL
VDARLINSURE Do Not Use: Insurance Policies for Loan (Relationship Table)
VDARLOBJ Loan objects relationship table
VDARLSIC Collateral for loan (relationship table)
VDAUSZ Drawings on Disbursement
VDAUSZ_EU Disbursement Drawings Before EURO Conversion
VDAVIS Payment advice note table
VDBED Selection conditions for loans
VDBEKI Flow Data: Document Header for Actual Record
VDBEL Document relationship between FI and subledger document
VDBEPI Posted line items for document header
VDBEPI_EU Flow Data / Actual Position Before EURO Conversion
VDBEPP Flow Data - Planned Item
VDBEPP_EU Flow Data / Planned Items Before EURO Changeover
VDBLBAW Collateral Value Building Value
VDBLBEWI Administration costs
VDBLBOW Land value collateral value
VDBLEW Revenue value collateral value
VDBLKO Debit types-Header data
VDBLPO Debit types-Items
VDBLREW Collateral Value Gross Revenue Value per Building Part
VDBLSS Collateral Val. Real Value Other
VDBLSWT Collateral Value Real Value Resid. Prop./Part-Owners.
VDBOBEPP Business Operation: Entered and Activated Flow Data
VDBOBEPP_EU Flow Data / Planned Items Before EURO Changeover
VDBOHEAD Business Operation: Header
VDBOHEAD_EU Business Operation: Header
VDBOINS Business Operation Insurance Data
VDCAPTR CAPTR: Master Data of Capital Transfer
VDCBR_CONTROL Data Selection for Credit Bureau
VDCBR_HIST History of Data Supplied to Credit Bureau
VDCBR_RES_DATA Table of Data Reported to Credit Bureau (Per Loan)
VDCBR_RES_HT Header and Totals Records for Data Reported to Credit Bur.
VDCBR_RES_PART Partner Data Reported to Credit Bureau (Pro Loan)
VDCFWAREHOUSE Cash Flow Management
VDCHARACDOC Processing Characteristics: Change Documents
VDCHGPTR Change Pointers Loan
VDCHK_DOC_IP Payments to be Posted Later
VDCHK_IOA Results of Interest on Arrears Check
VDCHK_PARAM Table for Global Parameters
VDCORR_ALOI Loans: Search Index for Correspondence (Document Finder)
VDCORR_CNTRL Control Table for Creation of Correspondence
VDDARL Table for entering loan numbers and customers
VDDEBTTRANS Borrower Change Without Capital Transfer
VDDEF_COUNTER Number of Times in Arrears per Days Past Due Category
VDDUNN Dunning run data per loan and dunning run
VDDUNNPARAMETER Parameters of Dunning Run for Treasury Loans
VDGPO Loan: Relationship Partner/Role Object
VDHGRPF Encumbrances on real estate table
VDHINT Loans Interested Parties
VDHOBJ Collateral Objects
VDHOBJBL Determination of collateral value/Expert report of object
VDHOBJGT Object building parts
VDHOKO Main file header
VDINSURE_HEADER0 Do Not Use: Insurance - Header Data
VDINSURE_ITEM0 Do Not Use: Insurance - Fields with Changeable Content
VDINSURE_PARTNE0 Do Not Use: Link Partner <-> Insurance
VDKOKO_EU Condition Header Data Before EURO Conversion (Loans)
VDKOPO_EU Condition Item Data Before EURO Conversion (Loans)
VDKOREF Worklist File for Bal. Sheet Transfer / Acct Assignment Ref.
VDLOANCHARAC Processing Characteristics per Loan
VDLV "Contracts/Credit (life ins.
VDLVABL Maturity data for collateral (Life insurances)
VDMEKO Condition Table: Header
VDMEPOM Condition Table: Modification Item
VDMEPOV Condition Table: Variant Item
VDORDER Borrower's note loan order data
VDORDER_EU Order Data for Borrower's Note Loans Before EURO Conversion
VDPNNR Customizing prima nota number
VDPOKO File header
VDPOPO File item
VDPOST_CONTROL Data Selection for Debit Position
VDREPAYMENT Payoff Master Data
VDRISKCLASS Risk Classification for Individual Value Adjustment
VDSDV4 Loan collateral in acc. with BAV/PRF4
VDSDV5 Collateral in securities in acc. with BAV/PRF5
VDSONSI Special Arrangements for Collateral
VDSTOP_VDARL_A Assign Stop to Loan
VDUNTR File documents for loan allocation
VDVORK Table for preemption conditions
VDVORTR Loan carry-forward totals
VDWORKLIST Loan Worklist for Postprocessing
VDZKP Assign Partner / Correspondence Class not Required
VDZNB_HEAD Pmnt Postproc.: Header for a Payment Postprocessing Activity
VDZNB_PAYINFO Payment Postprocessing: Payment Inform. for a PPP Activity
VDZNB_PAYMENT Payment Postprocessing: Payments for a PPP Activity
VDZNB_USAGE Payment Postprocessing: Usage of a Payment Postpr. Activity
VDZSB Relationship Agent/Activity Type/Object
VDZV Payment Details for the Loan
VVBAG Table for Writing Off Trivial Amounts
VZFGD Release data (Informative data for the release procedure)
VZFZE Central entry table for release procedure


Table Name Description
TDDUNN_CORRESP "Fields for Correspondence
TDDUNNLVL Dunning Levels by Number of Overdue Installments
TDIOA_BAL_COND Assignment Condition Type to Flow Type Grouping - IOA Calc.
TDIOA_BO Interest on Arrears Active in BO Interest on Arrears Calc.
TDIOA_FT_BALANCE Assignment of Flows to Flow Type Grouping - IOA Calculation
TDIOA_GSTEER General Control Data for Interest on Arrears Calculation
TDIOA_NOPOSTCALC Flow Types Without Recalculation
TDIOA_SCHEME_BAL Assignment of Product Type to Profile and Flow Type Grouping
TDIOA_SCHEME_DEF Profile Definition for Interest on Arrears Calculation
TDIOA_SCHEMET Text Table for Profile Definition IOA Calculation
TDIOA_TEMPL Template for Interest On Arrears Calculation
TDIOA_TEMPLTXT Template Texts for Interest on Arrears Calculation
TDIOA_TRIV_AMT Trivial Amount per Currency and Profile IOA Calculation
VDDUNN_DISP Dunning run data per loan and dunning run
VDIOA_CALC_CF Original Documents Without Model Account Int. on Arrears
VDIOA_CALC_DET Progress (Interest) of Model Account IOA Calculation
VDIOA_CALC_HEAD Calculation Details for Interest on Arrears Calculation

SAP Receivables/Payment Management TABLES (FS-CML-AC-RPM)

Table Name Description
TDHIERKRIT Evaluation Criteria
TDHIERKRITPRIO Incoming Payment: Order of Evaluation Criteria
TDHIERKRITSORT Incoming Payment: Assignment Table
TDHIERKRITT Incoming Payments: Assignment Criteria Texts
TDHIERPLAN Hierarchy Plan
TDHIERSET Hierarchy Settings
TDIMPLEMENTRULES Processing Rules for Contracts with Stop Codes
TDIPDPLAN Payment Plan Hierarchy
TDIPDPLANT Texts for Payment Plan Hierarchy
TDIPDRULES "Customizing Table
TDIPDRULEST Text Table for Rule Key
TDMAZNB Customizing: Automatic Incoming Payment Postprocessing
TDNONDUEITEMS Billed but Not Due Charges
TDPAYMS Assignment Dunning Level Payment Status Stop Codes
TDPLANNRSUSP U.S. Incoming Payment: Reasons for Qualified Overpayments
TDPREPKRIT Prepayment Criteria
TDPREPKRITFT Flow Type for Prepayment Criteria
TDPREPKRITPRIO Priority of Prepayment Criteria
TDPREPKRITT Texts for Prepayment Criteria
TDPRODPLAN Assignment of Product Type to IP Distribution Plan
TDPRODTYPHIERARC Assignment of Product Category to Payment Hierarchy
TDSPECPAYMENT Assignment and Prioritizing of Flow Types to Payment Cat.
TZB21 Processing group
TZB21T Name of Clerk (Processing Group)
TZB22 Processing Type
TZB22T Name of Processing Type
TZB23 Assign clerk
TZB24 Flow Type Group
TZB24T Name of Flow Type Group
TZB25 Assign Flow Type to Flow Type Group
TZB26 Account group
TZB26T Name of Account Group
TZB27 Assignment of G/L account to account group
TZB28 Selection Key
TZB28T Name of Selection Key
TZB30 Processing Key
TZB30T Name of processing key
TZB31 Assignment of Processing Categories to Processing Key
TZB32 Name of User Function Keys
TZB33 Pmnt PP: Default Susp. Acct Cust. for Refund by Bank Transf.
TZB34 Payment PP: Default Payment Meth. for Refund by Bank Transf.
TZB40 Account Clearing: Excluded Flow Types
TZB41 Account Clearing: Amount Limits
TZB42 Account Clearing: Checks at Contract Level
TZB43 Account Clearing: Checks at Customer Account Level
TZB50 Internal Bank Numbers for Returned Direct Debit Charges
VDAD_CONTROL Table with Dates for Auto Debit Run
VDAD_HIST "Auto Debits
VDAD_RESULT Result Table for Auto Debit Collection
VDARL_RLS Direct Debits Per Contract


Table Name Description
TD19 Organizational Unit (Contract Management)
TD19T Organizational Unit (Contract Management)
TD30 Distribution Channel
TD30T Distribution Channel
TDCLI_INS_1 Table of Credit Life Insurance Rates
TDCLI_INSURANCE Table of Credit Life Insurance Rates
TDCLI_INSURANCET Text Tables for CLI - Rates
TDCLI_OCCUP Table of Occupational Keys for Credit Life Insurance
TDESC_REASON Reason Categories
TDESC_REASONT Reason Descriptions
TDLOANREPLACE General Data for Discharging Loan
TDMODEL_FIELDTXT Field Texts for Consumer Loans
VDCLI_CNCL_DIS Business Operation: CLI Rescission/Notice
VDDISBTEMP Disbursements That Were Not Released
VDESCROW0 TEMPORARY USE: Escrow-Specific Master Data
VDESCROWGUID Escrow Reference Table for VDARL

SAP New business TABLES (FS-CML-NB)

Table Name Description
TDIA_OPAY_ORD Outgoing Payment Sequence of Evaluation Criteria
TDIA_ORD_ASSIGN Outgoing Payment Assignment Table
TDIA_ORD_CRIT Outgoing Payment Evaluation Criteria
TDIA_ORD_CRITT Outgoing Payment Evaluation Criteria Texts


Table Name Description
TDBILL_FORMAT Bill Format (Paper Bill / Paperless Bill)
TDBILL_FORMATT Description of Bill Format (with Print / without Print)
TDBILL_PAR Settings for Billing
TDCAP_CUST Settings/Preassignments for Capitalization of Overdue Items
TDCAP_GSTEER General Control Data
TDCAP_POSTPR Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Capitalization
TDCAP_POSTPRT Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Capital. Texts
TDCAP_REASON Reason for Capitalizn
TDCAP_REASONT Reason for Capitalization: Texts
TDCHARGE_GSTEER General Control Data
TDDC_TABSTRIP Tabstrips Control
TDDC_TABSTRIPT Tabstrip Text Control
TDDEF_CUST Settings/Preassignments for Deferral
TDDEF_GSTEER General Control Data
TDDEF_POSTPR Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing
TDDEF_POSTPRT Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Texts
TDDEF_REASON Reason for Deferral
TDDEF_REASONT Texts for Reason for Deferral
TDPAYM_PLAN PPM: Condition Types for Payment Plans
TDREMIT Remittance Code
TDREMIT_ZIP Assignment of Remittance Code to Postal Code
TDREMITT Remittance Code Description
TDWAIVE_REASON Reasons for Automatic Waiver of Charges
TDWAIVE_REASON_T Language Table for Automatic Waiver of Charges
VDARL_PAYM_PLAN References from Premium Plans to Relevant Objects
VDBILL_HIST Billing History
VDBILL_ITEMS Billing Items
VDBILL_RES_HEAD Bill Results Header
VDCAPITAL Data for Capitalization of Overdue Items
VDCNCL Rescission of Business Operation
VDCO_PRO_ASS1 Assignment: Product + Parameters ---> Condition Table
VDCO_PRO_ASS2 Assignment: Product ---> Condition Table
VDCOT Condition Table
VDCOT_V_CON_PO Condition Items in the Condition Table
VDCOT_VER Versions of Condition Tables
VDCOT_VER_CON Conditions in the Condition Table
VDCOT_VER_CONT Texts for Conditions
VDCOTT Texts for Condition Table
VDDEFERRAL Deferral Data
VDEXTSKIP Master Data Extension and Skip
VDREMIT_BUS Assignment of Partner to Remittance Code
VDWAIVE_PR_DESC Texts for Waiver Profile
VDWAIVE_PR_HEAD Waiver Profile Header
VDWAIVE_PROFILE Rule Set for Waiver Profile

SAP Outgoing Payments TABLES (FS-CML-PO-DI)

Table Name Description
TDDISB_GSTEER General control data
TDDISB_REASON Reasons for Manual Postprocessing
TDDISB_REASONT Texts for Reasons for Manual Postprocessing
TDDISB_TEMPL Disbursement: Template
TDDISB_TEMPLTXT Disbursement: Sample Text
VDDISB Disbursement Specific Header Data

SAP Collateral Management System TABLES (FS-CMS)

Table Name Description
CMS_MY_OBJ My Objects (Favorites and Recent Objects)
CMS_PCN_CR Change Requests
CMS_REL Relationship details
TCMS_ATT_ID_TY Attribute Indicator type
TCMS_ATT_ID_TY_T Attribute Indicator type - Text Table
TCMS_BDT_FC_PL Plausibility checks on FCODE
TCMS_BDT_V_PL Plausibility checks for view
TCMS_BPF Business Partner Functions ( Customizing)
TCMS_BPF_BPF_SET Business Partner Function Sets
TCMS_BPF_SET Business Partner Function Sets
TCMS_BPF_SET_T Business Partner Function Sets
TCMS_BPF_T Business Partner Function Texts
TCMS_CALC_PROC Calculation results types used by Business Processes
TCMS_CLNT CMS: Clientdependent Customizing Data
TCMS_COR_GRP Correspondence group definition(customizing)
TCMS_COR_GRP_T Correspondence group(text table)
TCMS_COR_TYP_GRP Correspondence type grouping
TCMS_DOC_SET Define Document Sets
TCMS_DOC_SET_T Document set (text table)
TCMS_DOC_TYP Document type Description
TCMS_DOC_TYP_SET Define relationship between Document sets and types
TCMS_DOC_TYP_T Document type text elements
TCMS_FSBP_ADRTYP FSBP: Address type for use in correspondence
TCMS_FSBP_MROLE Invalid / Replaced in Rel3.0 by TCMS_FSBP_R2F
TCMS_FSBP_R2F Mapping FSBP-Role to CMS-Partner Function
TCMS_IFL_MCLASS Mapping of product category and classes
TCMS_IFL_MORG Organisation units and company codes
TCMS_IFL_MORGU Organisation units and company codes
TCMS_IFL_MPROD CMS-CML product linking
TCMS_LIQD_MODE_T Liquidation Mode(Text Table)
TCMS_ORG_PROC CMS: Attributes of Administrative OrgUnit
TCMS_PCN_A_GRP_T Business activity group text definition
TCMS_PCN_A_MSG Message sverity change for business activity
TCMS_PCN_A_SSTTR System Status Transition for an Activity
TCMS_PCN_ACTVT Business activity definition
TCMS_PCN_ACTVT_T Business activity definition texts
TCMS_PCN_AREA CMS: Process Control Area
TCMS_PCN_AREA_T Process Control Area Texts
TCMS_PCN_CKY Process control key
TCMS_PCN_CKY_B Process control key Behavior
TCMS_PCN_CKY_T Process control key texts
TCMS_PCN_CR_ST Change Request Type: Status Transition
TCMS_PCN_CR_TY Change Request Type
TCMS_PCN_CR_TY_T Texts for Change Request Type
TCMS_PCN_FCODE FCODE exclusion set definition for activity
TCMS_PCN_PLPRC Process Object and Plausibility Processor relation
TCMS_PCN_PLPRC_T Plausibility processor texts
TCMS_PCN_PLSET Plauisbility set definition
TCMS_PCN_PLSET_T Plausibility Set definition texts
TCMS_PCN_PLSPL Plausibility set- Plausibility relation
TCMS_PCN_USTTR User status transition definition
TCMS_REL_GRP Relationship Group Table
TCMS_REL_GRP_T Realtionship Group (Text Table)
TCMS_REL_TYP Relationship type description
TCMS_REL_TYP_GRP Relationship Type - Group Mapping
TCMS_REL_TYP_T Relationship type (Text table)
TCMS_RFC_DEST RFC Destinations
TCMS_TSK_PRTY Task Priroity
TCMS_TSK_PRTY_T Task Priroity Text
TCMS_TSK_STAT_T Task Status Text
TCMS_TSK_TYP_T Task Type Text

SAP Calculations TABLES (FS-CMS-CAL)

Table Name Description
CMS_BCM_CGP_ADM Admin data of covarage gap monitoring report
CMS_BCM_CGP_RES Coverage gap calculated results-BCM
CMS_BCM_RBL_CGP CMS BCM: Receivables Coverage Gap
TCMS_SMT_FRM Smartform name and related function module

SAP Information System TABLES (FS-CMS-IS)

Table Name Description
CMS_BII_CP_ER_ST CMS-Basel II:Objects encountered error during DataExtraction
CMS_BII_DX_PP_PH CMS-Basel II: DEX PPr Application data for Package - Items
CMS_BII_DX_PP_PI CMS-Basel II: DEX PPr Application data for Package - Header
CMS_BII_PP_AP_PR CMS-Basel II: Data Extr. Appl Params for Parall.Proc Dex Set
CMS_BII_PP_APOFL CMS-Basel II: Data Extr. Appl Params for Parall.Proc Obj Flt
CMS_BII_PP_APPLP CMS-Basel II: Data Extr. Application Params for Parall. Proc
CMS_LIQ_CFL CMS Liquidation Cash Flows (Tempoaray Solution for Rel 3.0)
TCMS_BII_DEXPR CMS-Basel II: Data Extraction Process Settings
TCMS_BII_DEXPR_T CMS-Basel II: Data Extraction Process Settings ( Text Table)


Table Name Description
CMS_LIQ Liquidation Details
CMS_LIQ_CFLOW Liquidation cashflow
CMS_LIQ_PROC Process details for an enforcement measure
TCMS_LIQ_C_TYP Liquidation cash flow types
TCMS_LIQ_C_TYP_T Text table for Liquidation cash flow types
TCMS_LIQ_P_TYP Liquidation Process Date Types
TCMS_LIQ_P_TYP_T Text Table: Liquidation Process date types
TCMS_LIQ_TYP Liquidation types
TCMS_LIQ_TYP_T Liquidation Type text table
TCMS_OMS_LIQ_V Mapping: Object + Value Type with Liquidation Value Cat.


Table Name Description
CMS_ACG Approved Coverage Gap Details
CMS_ACG_CRITERIA Approved Coverage Gap: Criteria Details
CMS_ACG_PROPOSAL Approved Coverage Gap: Proposal Details
CMS_AST Asset Details
CMS_AST_BP Asset -Business Partner Relationship
CMS_AST_DOC Asset Documents
CMS_AST_HIST Asset Value History
CMS_CAG Collateral Agreement Details
CMS_CAG_BP Collateral Agreement-Business Partner Relationship
CMS_CAG_DOC Collateral Agreement Documents
CMS_CAG_POR Collateral Agreement Portion details
CMS_CAG_RBL Collateral Agreement - Receivable Link Details
CMS_CAG_RULES Rule Details
CMS_CAG_SA Special Arrangements
CMS_CAG_TRMCST Termination and Cost details for Agreement/Agreement BP
CMS_CHG Asset - Collateral Agreement Relationship
CMS_OMS_BP_LNK Business Partner Link
CMS_OMS_DOC_LNK Documents Link
CMS_OMS_INS_LNK Object - Insurance Link Data
CMS_PRD_BP Product- Business Partner Relationship
TCMS_APPLICATION Application-Transactions
TCMS_AST_FLDS Table for Asset field names
TCMS_AST_FLDS_T Text Table for Asset field names
TCMS_AST_LTYP Liquidation type
TCMS_AST_LTYP_T Liquidation type (Text table)
TCMS_AST_ORG Group table for Asset Number ranges
TCMS_AST_ORG_T Text table for number range group element
TCMS_AST_TYP Asset Type Details
TCMS_AST_TYP_T Asset Type (Text Table)
TCMS_BANKAREA_T Text: Bankarea
TCMS_CAG_BLKRS Reason for the portion being blocked
TCMS_CAG_BLKRS_T Reason for portion being blocked (text table)
TCMS_CAG_BREAS Reason for the portion being blocked
TCMS_CAG_GRP Agreement type - Relationship Group mapping
TCMS_CAG_MQCRT Minimum Qualitative Criterion
TCMS_CAG_MQCRT_T Minimum Qualitative Criterion (Text table)
TCMS_CAG_MQEXP Exceptions for minimum risk weight
TCMS_CAG_MQEXP_T Exceptions for minimum risk weight (Text table)
TCMS_CAG_ORG Group table for Collateral Agreement Number ranges
TCMS_CAG_ORG_T Text table for number range group element
TCMS_CAG_RNPER Min notice period reqd before exercising termination rights
TCMS_CAG_RNPER_T Required notice period (Text table)
TCMS_CAG_SA_ST Special Arrangement Set
TCMS_CAG_SA_ST_T Special Arrangement Set Text
TCMS_CAG_SA_STTY Special Arrangement Types in a Set
TCMS_CAG_SA_TY Special Arrangement Types
TCMS_CAG_SA_TY_T Special Arrangement Type Text
TCMS_CAG_TRTYP Termination right type
TCMS_CAG_TRTYP_T Termination right type
TCMS_CAG_TYP Collateral Agreement type Description
TCMS_CAG_TYP_T Collateral Agreement type text elements
TCMS_CHG_TYP Asset - Collateral agreement type relationship
TCMS_COST_TYP Cost type table
TCMS_COST_TYP_T Cost type Text table
TCMS_CRD_SYS Credit System ID - BTE Relationship
TCMS_CRD_SYS_T Credit System ID (Text Elements)
TCMS_INS_SET Insurance Set
TCMS_INS_SET_T Insurance Set- Text Table
TCMS_INS_TYP_SET Insurance Types-> Insurance Sets
TCMS_LIQD_MODE Liquidation Mode
TCMS_OMS_FEAT Object Classification
TCMS_OMS_FEAT_T Object Classification - Text
TCMS_OMS_FLDS Table for Object field names
TCMS_OMS_FLDS_T Text Table for Object field names
TCMS_OMS_VALST_T Value set texts
TCMS_OMS_VALTY Value type (customizing)
TCMS_OMS_VALTY_T Value type texts
TCMS_PRD Product description
TCMS_PRD_CAG Product type -Collateral Agreement type Relationship
TCMS_PRD_PRD_SET Product set table for product combinations
TCMS_PRD_SET Product Sets
TCMS_PRD_SET_T Product combinations (Text Table)
TCMS_PRD_T Product(Text Table)
TCMS_RBL_ORG Receivable OrgUnit
TCMS_RBL_ORG_T Text: Receivable OrgUnit
TCMS_RBL_PROD Receivable Product
TCMS_RBL_PROD_T Receivable product (Text table)
TCMS_RBL_SYS_A Creditsystem attributes
TCMS_RISKCODE Asset type RiskCode definitions
TCMS_RISKCODE_T Risk Code(Text Table)
TCMS_SAS_TYP Sub-asset type details
TCMS_SAS_TYP_T Sub-asset type (text table)


Table Name Description
CMS_FOB Financed object details
TCMS_FOB_TYP Financed object: Asset type - Product id relationship


Table Name Description
CMS_LR_DE_2 Grundbuch - Section II
CMS_LR_DE_A Grundbuch - Section A
CMS_LR_DE_B Grundbuch - Section B
TCMS_LR_DE_TY2 Section II Charge/Restriction Type
TCMS_LR_DE_TY2_T Section II Charge/Restriction Type Text - Customizing Table
TCMS_LR_DE_TY3 Section III ChargeType - Customizing table
TCMS_LR_DE_TY3_T Section III ChargeType - Customizing text table
TCMS_LR_DE_TYA Grundbuch Types
TCMS_LR_DE_TYA_T Grundbuch Types Text


Table Name Description
CMS_MOVABLES "Movable Details - Vehicles
CMS_OMS_PRT_LNK Part-Link Data
TCMS_MOV_TYP Customizing table for Movable Type
TCMS_MVTY_PRTY Relation between Object Types -> Part Types


Table Name Description
CMS_RBL Receivable Details
CMS_RBL_BP Receivable-Business Partner Relationshio
TCMS_PRD_FSTAT Product field status


Table Name Description
CMS_RE_OBJ Real estate header details
CMS_RE_OBJ_BP Link between Real estate objects and BuPa is stored here
CMS_RE_OBJ_DOC Link between Real estate objects and Doc is stored here
CMS_RE_OBJ_PRT Real Estate Object part details
CMS_RE_OBJ_RL Real Estate Object role details
CMS_RE_OBJ_SPC Space Details to describe a real estate object
CMS_RE_PRT_ACS Real Estate Part accessory details
CMS_RE_PRT_BP Real Estate Part BP details
CMS_RE_PRT_CST Real Estate Part Cost details
CMS_RE_PRT_DOC Real Estate Document details
CMS_RE_PRT_LR Real Estate Part LR details
CMS_RE_PRT_VAL Real Estate Part value details
TCMS_OMS_ID_TY Attribute Indicator type
TCMS_OMS_ID_TY_T Attribute Indicator type - Text Table
TCMS_RE_ACS_TY Customizing table for Object Accessories Type
TCMS_RE_ACS_TY_T Customizing table for Object Accessories Type (text table)
TCMS_RE_BPRL Customizing table for Business Partner roles
TCMS_RE_BPRL_T Business partner roles(Text table)
TCMS_RE_COND Customizing table for real estate conditions
TCMS_RE_COND_T Object condition(Text table)
TCMS_RE_CST_TY Customizing table for Object Cost Type
TCMS_RE_CST_TY_T Customizing table for Object Cost Type (text table)
TCMS_RE_ENV_ST Customizing table for envirnonmental status
TCMS_RE_ENV_ST_T Environmental Status(Text table)
TCMS_RE_FX_FIT Customizing table for fixtures and fitting types
TCMS_RE_FX_FIT_T Fixtures and Fittings type(Text table)
TCMS_RE_HER_RG Customizing table for Heritable building rights
TCMS_RE_HER_RG_T Heritable Building rights(Text table)
TCMS_RE_LGL_MS Customizing table for Legal Measure types
TCMS_RE_LGL_MS_T Legal measure types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_LOC_MA Customizing table for Macro location types
TCMS_RE_LOC_MA_T Macro location types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_LOC_MI Customizing table for Micro location types
TCMS_RE_LOC_MI_T Micro location types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_OBJ_ACS Real Estate object type - Accessories relationship
TCMS_RE_OBJ_PRT Real Estate object type - Building Parts relationship
TCMS_RE_PRT_TY Customizing table for Object Part Type
TCMS_RE_PRT_TY_T Customizing table for Object Part Type (text table)
TCMS_RE_SP_TYP Customizing table for space types
TCMS_RE_SP_TYP_T Space Types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_STATUS Customizing table for Object status
TCMS_RE_STATUS_T Object status(Text table)
TCMS_RE_STR Customizing table for Building Structure types
TCMS_RE_STR_T Building Structures Types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_TR_CON Customizing table for Transport connection types
TCMS_RE_TR_CON_T Transport connection types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_TRNSCTN Customizing table for Transaction codes
TCMS_RE_TYP Customizing table for real estate types
TCMS_RE_TYP_T Object types(Text table)
TCMS_RE_U_TYP Customizing table for Object usage
TCMS_RE_U_TYP_T Object usage(Text table)


Table Name Description
CMS_INS Insurance Application Table
CMS_INS_PSN Insurance - Specifications of Persons
CMS_RIG "CMS: Rights table. Includes claims
TCMS_INS_PORT Insurance Policy Portfolio
TCMS_INS_PORT_T Insurance Policy Portfolio
TCMS_INS_REB Rebate Method for Insurance Policy
TCMS_INS_REB_T Text table for insurance rebate types
TCMS_INS_SRSN Reason for Inactivating Insurance Policy
TCMS_INS_SRSN_T Text table for insurance rebate types
TCMS_INS_TYP Customizing table for Insurance Type
TCMS_INS_TYP_T Insurance Type - Text Table
TCMS_RIG_TYP Right Types (Patents & Claims)
TCMS_RIG_TYP_T Right Types (Claims & Patents) - Text table


Table Name Description
CMS_SEC_ACC Securities account details
CMS_SEC_ACC_BP Link between securities account and BuPa is stored here
CMS_SEC_ACC_DOC Link between securities account and Documents is stored here
CMS_SEC_ACC_POS Securities position details
CMS_SEC_CL_MST Class master data in external system for every ISIN number
CMS_SEC_VALUE Securities value details for every ISIN
TCMS_SEC_AST Asset type for securities accounts
TCMS_SEC_CL_TY_T Text table securities classification types
TCMS_SEC_CL_TYP Securities classification types


Table Name Description
CMS_SHP Description of a Ship - Master Table
TCMS_SHP_TYP Customizing table for Ship type
TCMS_SHP_TYP_T Customizing table for Ship type (Text table)

SAP Regulatory reporting for insurance companies TABLES (FS-SR)

Table Name Description
ISSR_CUST_COLMAP Column mapping to custom out format.
ISSR_CUST_HD_DE Customer report header format for DE
ISSR_CUST_HDPARM Parameters required from main progarm to generate header
ISSR_CUST_ROWMAP Row/Line mapping to custom out format.
ISSR_CUST_ROWSUM Row sum information.
ISSRFLDEA Actual line item table
ISSRFLDEC Object table 2
ISSRFLDEO Object table 1
ISSRFLDEP Plan line items table
ISSRFLDET Summary table
TISSR_FONDS_CAT Fondskategorie
TISSR_FONDS_CATT Fondskategorietexte
TISSR_RFLOWTYPE Mapping between the actual and temporary flowtypes
TISSR_RSTOCKBAV ISSR: Relationship between field values and stockbav
TISSRUE2 FI-SL: Control table for client-specific user exits


Table Name Description
DSALBES Compare Balance List Position Trend
TZ28_ARCHIVT Asset Type in acc. with Reg.Acctng Requirements / Text
TZ41 Customizing reg. report. fld. ctrl. for prem. res. fund
TZ43 Relationship Table for Fund Categories - Pure Bond Funds
TZBCKVWBEPI Backup: Flow data - Position/Actual
TZBR Relationship table for contracting party classification
TZBSA Name of grouping table R11/76 app.4 - Coll.sec.type
VZBAVZ Stock totals for PRF-O

SAP Tables

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