SAP Tables

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SAP Personnel Management TABLES (PA)

Table Name Description
HRP5032 Database Table for Infotype 5032

SAP HR Administrative Services TABLES (PA-AS)

Table Name Description
ASRCHKF03 Administrative Services: File Name of Last Check Out
ASRCHKO03 ASR: Check-Out Data for Physical Information Object
ASRCONT03 HR - ASR: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
ASRIDXST03 ASR: Status Table for Indexing Documents
ASRLOIOT03 Container HR Admin: Inbound Relations of Logical InfoObjects
ASRLOPR03 Container HR Admin: Descriptions of Logical Info. Objects
ASRLORE03 Container HR Admin: Attribute Values of Logical Info.Objects
ASRLORI03 Container HR Admin: Outbound Relations Logical Info. Objects
ASRPHF03 ASR: Files of Physical Information Objects
ASRPHHR03 ASR: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects
ASRPHNM03 ASR: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
ASRPHPR03 ASR: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
ASRPHRE03 ASR: Outgoing Relations of Physical Information Objects
ASRPHRI03 ASR: Incoming Relations of Physical Information Objects
ASRRECL03 Container HR Admin: Instances of Logical Information Objects
ASRRECP03 ASR: Instances of Physical Information Objects
POBJD_ATTACHMENT Attachment details
POBJD_LEV2BORLNK BOR Objects assigned to level
POBJD_LEV2LEVLNK Levels Assigned to level
POBJD_LEVATTALNK Attachments assigned to level
POBJD_LEVCONTLNK Containers assigned to level
POBJD_LEVEL Table which stores the top level guid for each guid
POBJD_OBJECTS Objects run for process object
T5ASR01CHKF Container HR Admin: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical Object
T5ASR01CHKO Container HR Admin: Files of Physical Information Objects
T5ASR01IDXSTA Container HR Admin: Attributes Physical Information Objects
T5ASR01LOIO Container HR Admin: Instances of Logical Information Objects
T5ASR01LOIOT Container HR Admin: Inbound Relations of Logical Info.Obj.
T5ASR01LOPR Container HR Admin: Descriptions Logical Information Objects
T5ASR01LORE Container HR Admin: Attribute Values of Logical Info.Objects
T5ASR01LORI Container HR Admin: Outbound Relations Logical Info.Objects
T5ASR01PHF Container HR Admin: Inbound Relations Physical Info.Objects
T5ASR01PHHR Container HR Admin: Use of TargetAnchors in Physical InfoObj
T5ASR01PHIO Container HR Admin: Instances Physical Information Objects
T5ASR01PHNM Container HR Admin: Outbound Relations Physical Info.Objects
T5ASR01PHPR Container HR Admin: Checkout Data for Physical Info.Objects
T5ASR01PHRE Container HR Admin: Status Table for Indexation of Documents
T5ASR01PHRI Container HR Admin: File Name of Last Checkout
T5ASR02CHKF Attachments HR Admin: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical Obj.
T5ASR02CHKO Attachments HR Admin: Files of Physical Information Objects
T5ASR02IDXSTA Attachments HR Admin: Attributes of Physical Info.Objects
T5ASR02LOIO Attachments HR Admin: Instances Logical Information Objects
T5ASR02LOIOT Attachments HR Admin: Outbound Relations Logical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02LOPR Attachments HR Admin: Descriptions of Logical Info.Objects
T5ASR02LORE Attachments HR Admin: Attribute Values Logical Info.Objects
T5ASR02LORI Attachments HR Admin: Outbound Relations Logical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02PHF Attachments HR Admin: Inbound Relations Physical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02PHHR Attachments HR Admin: Use of TargetAnchors in Phys. InfoObj.
T5ASR02PHIO Attachments HR Admin: Instances Physical Information Objects
T5ASR02PHNM Attachments HR Admin: Outbound Relations Physical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02PHPR Attachments HR Admin: Checkout Data for Physical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02PHRE Attachments HR Admin: Status Table for Indexation of Documts
T5ASR02PHRI Attachments HR Admin: File Name of Last Checkout
T5ASRADDCRIT Entity Table 'Additional Criteria' (LPA)
T5ASRADDCRIT_T Text Table 'Additional Criteria' (LPA)
T5ASRAUTHMETHOD Authorization Methods (Objects) To Be Used
T5ASRCONT01 Container HR Admin: Table for Document Contents (Imp./Exp.)
T5ASRCONT02 Attachments HRAdmin: Table for Document Contents (Imp./Exp.)
T5ASRCONTCASELNK Assignment of Data Container to Case
T5ASRDABDEF Default Settings for Displaying Infotype Records in DAB
T5ASRDABHISTORY Master Data Changes By User
T5ASRDABSETTINGS Settings in DAB (User-Specific)
T5ASRDOCCASELNK Assignment of Attachments to Case
T5ASRDOCUMENTS HR Administrative Services: Documents
T5ASRDPFANCHOR "Number of Node Attribute ""Anchor"""
T5ASRDPFANCHORT Text Table for Anchors
T5ASRDPFARDOCS Assignment of Archived Documents to Category of Record
T5ASRDPFCAT Category of Personnel Files
T5ASRDPFCATT Text for Category of Personnel Files
T5ASRDPFDOCUMENT Assignment of Model and Document Types
T5ASRDPFELEMENTS Assignment of Anchors to Element Types
T5ASRDPFFORMS Assignment of Form Scenario and Anchor Number
T5ASRERRORAGENTS Processor For Special Error
T5ASRFAVORITES Infotype Browser Favorites
T5ASRFOLDER Folder for User Favorites
T5ASRFSCNATMMAP Mapping of Attachments Between Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNMAP Mapping Between Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNXI Form Scenario for XI Inbound Processing
T5ASRGRP2PRCAUTH Assignment of Process to Process Group for Auth. Check
T5ASROBJGROUP Object Grouping for Processes
T5ASROBJGROUPT Texts for Object Grouping for Processes
T5ASRPRCGRPAUTH Process Groups for Authorization Check
T5ASRPRCGRPAUTHT Name of Process Group for Authorization Check
T5ASRPROC Processes
T5ASRPROCCHK Assignment of Collision Groupings to Processes
T5ASRPROCCONT Relationship of Processes to Groupings for UI Control
T5ASRPROCESSES HR Administrative Services: Processes
T5ASRPROCGRVAL Group-Dependent Process Selection for Start Application
T5ASRPROCPAID Assignment of Pattern ID for Reference Number for Process
T5ASRPROCPROP Attributes for Processes in Start Application
T5ASRPROCSTART Scenario Type for Start of Processes
T5ASRPROCT Name for Processes
T5ASRPROCVALID Valid Processes for Start Applications
T5ASRPRSCFORM Configuration Data for Start of Processes with Form
T5ASRPRSCXI Configuration for Processes for XI Inbound Processing
T5ASRPRSCXIMSG Workflow Template for XI Message Type
T5ASRSCENARIOS HR Administrative Services: Scenarios
T5ASRSEARCH Assignment of Variant for Search Fields for User Group
T5ASRSEARCHFDS Employee Search Fields
T5ASRSEARCHVAR Variant for Fields of Employee Search
T5ASRSEARCHVART Texts for Variant for Employee Search Fields
T5ASRSELFLD Report Selection Fields for LPA
T5ASRSELFLDDF Entity Table 'Additional Criteria' (LPA)
T5ASRSELFLDID Define Reports for Default Field Values
T5ASRSELFLDID_T Define Reports for Default Field Values
T5ASRSELFLDSF Specify Report Selection Fields for Reports: Stat.Field Sel.
T5ASRSELFLDVAR Create Variants for Reports
T5ASRSTEPDETAILS Step Details of Process
T5ASRSTEPS HR Administrative Services: Process Steps (Work Items)
T5ASRSWNEXOBJ Objects To Be Excluded for Work Item Notification
T5ASRSWNEXUSER Users To Be Excluded for Work Item Notification
T5ASRSWNEXWFTS Workflow Tasks for Suppresion of Work Item Notification
T5ASRWITHDRAW Permission for Withdrawal of Process
T5ASRXI2ATTMAP Mapping XI Inbound Attachments to Form Attachments
T5ASRXI2FLDMAP Mapping XI Inbound Processing Fields to Form Fields
T5ASRXIFSCN Form Scenario for XI Message Type
T5ASRXIMAPATT Mapping XI Msg. Attachments According to Form Attachment Ty.
T5ASRXIMAPFLD Mapping XI Message Fields According to Form Fields


Table Name Description
PA0167 HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans)
PA0168 HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans)
PA0169 HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan)
PA0170 HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Flexible Spending Accounts)
PA0171 HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information)
PA0172 HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims)
PA0211 HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries)
PA0212 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan)
PA0219 HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External Organizations)
PA0236 HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans)
PA0270 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments)
PA0375 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.)
PA0376 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info)
PA0377 HR Master Record: Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans)
PA0378 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason)
PA0379 HR Master Record: Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plans)
PA0565 HR Master Record: Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan Val. Res.)
PA0602 HR Master Record: Infotype 0602 (Retirement Plan Cumulation)
PA0671 HR Master Record - Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct)
T5UB1 Benefit plan type
T5UB2 Benefit plan status
T5UB3 Benefit area
T5UB4 Benefit eligibility grouping
T5UB5 Benefit cost grouping
T5UB6 Benefit Standard Health Selection
T5UB7 Benefit standard insurance selection
T5UB9 Benefit second program grouping
T5UBA Benefit plan
T5UBB Benefit health option/dependent coverage assignment
T5UBC To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UBD To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UBE Benefit Health Plan Option
T5UBF Benefit dependent coverage
T5UBG Benefit Flexible Spending Account
T5UBH Benefit cost rule variant
T5UBI Benefit cost rule
T5UBJ Benefit age group for calculating imputed income
T5UBK Benefit Salary Group
T5UBL Benefit age group
T5UBM Benefit seniority group
T5UBN Benefit investment
T5UBO Benefit investment group
T5UBP Benefits investment/investment group assignment
T5UBQ Benefit calculation factor for imputed income
T5UBR Benefit vesting rule
T5UBS Benefit vested portion
T5UBT Benefit first program grouping
T5UBU Benefit program
T5UBV Benefit eligibility rule
T5UBW Benefit provider
T5UBX To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UBY Benefits Parameter Group
T5UBZ To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UC1 Benefit plan type texts
T5UC2 Benefit plan status texts
T5UC3 Benefit area texts
T5UC4 Benefit eligibility grouping texts
T5UC5 Benefits cost grouping texts
T5UC9 Benefit Second Program Grouping Texts
T5UCA Benefit plan texts
T5UCC To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UCE Benefit health plan option texts
T5UCF Benefit dependent coverage texts
T5UCH Benefit cost rule variant texts
T5UCJ Benefit imputed income age group texts
T5UCK Benefit salary group texts
T5UCL Benefit age group texts
T5UCM Benefit seniority group texts
T5UCN Benefit investment texts
T5UCO Benefit investment group texts
T5UCR Benefit vesting rule texts
T5UCT Benefit first program grouping texts
T5UCV Benefit eligibility rules texts
T5UCX To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UCY Benefit parameter group texts
T5UD3 Benefit area currency
T5UDC COBRA maximum coverage period
T5UDD COBRA administrative data
T5UDE COBRA events / personnel action assignment
T5UDF COBRA early termination reason
T5UDL Benefit receipt type
T5UDM To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDN To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDO Benefit credit grouping
T5UDP To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDR To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDS Benefit termination rule
T5UDT Benefit termination grouping
T5UDU Benefit Termination Rule Variant
T5UDV Benefit Eligibility Rule Variant
T5UEF COBRA early termination reason
T5UEL Benefit payment receipt type texts
T5UEM To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UEO Benefit credit grouping texts
T5UET Benefits Termination Type Texts
T5UEU Benefit termination rule variant texts
T5UZFT COBRA Reasons for Coverage Unavailability
T74_CCE01 Benefit Personal Adjustment Reason
T74_CCE01T Benefit Personal Adjustment Reason Text
T74_CCE02 Benefit Assignment Personal Adjustment Reason
T74AA COBRA-qualified dependent/plan type assignment
T74AB COBRA dependent of qualified beneficiary
T74F1 Benefit adjustment grouping
T74F2 Benefits insurance coverage grouping
T74F3 Benefit employer contribution grouping
T74F4 Benefit employee contribution grouping
T74FA Benefit insurance plan
T74FB Benefits Coverage Rule Variant
T74FC Benefits Insurance Coverage Rule
T74FD Benefit Savings Plan
T74FE Benefit employer contribution rule variant
T74FF Benefit employer contribution rule
T74FG Benefit employee contribution rule variant
T74FH Benefit employee contribution rule
T74FI Benefit credit plan
T74FJ Benefit credit rule variant
T74FK Benefit credit rule
T74FL Benefit miscellaneous plan
T74FM Benefit Standard Savings Selection
T74FN Benefit Standard Spending Account Selection
T74FO Benefit standard credit selection
T74FP Benefit Standard Miscellaneous Selection
T74FQ Benefit standard stock purchase selection
T74FR Benefit evidence of insurability
T74FS Benefit evidence of insurability option assignment
T74FT Benefit evidence of insurability option jump assignment
T74FU Benefit combined coverage limit
T74FV Benefit combined coverage limit expression
T74FW Benefit combined contribution limit
T74FX Benefit combined contribution limit expression
T74FY Benefit prerequisite plan
T74FZ Benefit corequisite plan
T74G1 Benefit adjustment grouping text
T74G2 Benefit insurance coverage grouping texts
T74G3 Benefit employer contribution grouping texts
T74G4 Benefit employee contribution grouping texts
T74GA Benefit insurance plan texts
T74GB Benefit insurance coverage rule variant texts
T74GE Benefit employer contribution rule variant texts
T74GG Benefit employee contribution rule variant texts
T74GJ Benefit credit rule variant texts
T74GL Benefit miscellaneous plan texts
T74GU Benefit combined coverage limit text
T74GW Benefit combined contribution limit text
T74HA Benefit adjustment reason
T74HB Benefit adjustment authorization
T74HC Benefit adjustment reason/workflow event assignment
T74HD Benefit stock purchase plan
T74HE Benefit payment model assignment
T74HF Benefit Date Types for Dynamic Eligibility
T74HG Benefit Family Member Grouping
T74HH To be deleted - no longer used!
T74HI Benefit reasons for off-cycle payroll assignment
T74HJ Benefit zip code group
T74HK Benefit zip code group assignment
T74HL Benefit forms
T74HM Benefit Compensation Model
T74HN Benefits Assignment of Wage Types to Compensation Model
T74HO Benefit Equivalent Length of Service
T74HP Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
T74HQ Benefit Information on Doctor Search via Internet
T74HR Benefits Number of Dependents per Subtype
T74HS Benefit Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule Variant
T74HT Benefits Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule
T74HU COBRA Subtypes of Additional Qualified Beneficiaries
T74IA Benefit adjustment reason text
T74IG Benefits - Family Member Grouping Text
T74IJ Benefit zip code group text
T74IM Benefit Compensation Model Text
T74IP Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Text
T74IS Benefits Dependent/Beneficiary Rule Variant Text

SAP Claims Processing (Asia) TABLES (PA-BN-CL)

Table Name Description
T7XAS0 Wage Type Assignment to Claim Plan
T7XAS2 Assignment of Claim formula to Program
T7XAS3 Claim variant for Program
T7XAS4 Text tabla for Claim formula for Program
T7XAS5 Claim rule for Program
T7XAS6 Claim variant for Plan
T7XAS7 Text table for claim formula for Plan
T7XAS8 Claim rule for Plan
T7XAS9 Assignment of Claim formula and Panel doctors to Claim Plan
T7XASA Dependent Cover for Claims
T7XASB Dependent Cover Texts
T7XASC Assign family member to dependent coverage for claims
T7XASD Doctors details
T7XASE Text table for Panel of Doctors
T7XASF Grouping of Doctors to Panel
T7XASG Claims processing Balance table
T7XASH Panel of Doctors
T7XASI Claims groupingss for plan
T7XASJ Texts Claims groups for plan
T7XASK Claims groupings for program
T7XASL Texts Claims groups for program
T7XAST Claims processing transaction table

SAP General Parts TABLES (PA-BN-FB-XX)

Table Name Description
T74_FBN_GB00 Flexible Benefits National Insurance Neutrality
T74_FBN_GB01 Flexible Benefits Plan General Attribute (GB)
T74_FBN_GB02 Flexible Benefits Plan Company Car Attribute (GB)
T74_FBN_GB04 Flexible Benefits Plan GB Pension Attribute
T74_FBN_GB05 Flexible Benefits Employee Pension Contribution Rule (GB)
T74_FBN_GB06 Assign NI neutrality difference wage type
T74_FBN_GB07 Flexible Benefits Cost Period for Company Car (GB)
T74_FBN_GB08 Option Salary Sacrifice of Flexible Benefit Plan GB Pension
T74_FBN_GB09 Assign wage type for Additional. funding
T74_FBN_GB11 Email Data for GB Flexible Benefit
T74_FBN00 Flexible Benefits Plan Type Attribute
T74_FBN02 Flexible Benefits Scheme Attribute
T74_FBN03 Flexible Benefits ComCar Infotype Records' Date Indicator
T74_FBN04 Number of Holiday Buying or Selling for Holiday Plan
T74_FBN05 Flexible Benefits Holiday Buying or Selling Limitation
T74_FBN06 Holiday Buying/Belling Grouping
T74_FBN06T Holiday buying/selling grouping description
T74_FBN07 Flexible Benefits Holiday Plan Quota & Wage Type Setting
T74_FBN08 Annual Tax Free Boundary
T74_FBN09 Benefit Plan Option Jump Assignment
T74_FBN10 Event Attribute for Flexible Benefits
T74_FBN11 Buying/Selling Holiday Factor
T74_FBN12 Additional funding limitation
T74_FBN13 Benefit Insurance Plan Option Relevant Family
T74_FBN14 Benefit Plan Relationship for Provider Report
T74_FBN15 Define Corequisite Insurance Plan Options Check
T74_FBN16 Annual Flexible Benefits Plan Cost Pro-rate for New Starter
T74_FBN17 Define Corequisite Insurance Plan Options Check(Enhancement)

SAP Concurrent Employment TABLES (PA-CE)

Table Name Description
T7CCE_GPASGC To be deleted !!!
T7CCE_GPASGCM To be deleted !!!

SAP Compensation Management TABLES (PA-CM)

Table Name Description
HRP1005 DB Table for Infotype 1005 (Planned Compensation)
HRP1050 DB Table for Infotype 1050 (Job Evaluation Results)
HRP1051 DB Table for Infotype 1051 (Survey Results)
PA0380 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0380 (Comp. Adjustment)
PA0381 HR Master Record Infotype 0381 (Comp. Plan Eligibility)
PA0382 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0382 (Award)
PA0383 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0383 (Compensation Package)
PA0384 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0384
PA0395 HR Master Record: Infotype 0395 (External Org.Assignment)
PA0396 HR Master Record: Infotype 0396 (Expatriate Attributes)
PB0396 HR Master Record: Infotype 0396 (Expatriate Attributes)
T504S To be deleted - no longer used!
T504T To be deleted - no longer used!
T504U To be deleted - no longer used!
T504V To be deleted - no longer used!
T504W To be deleted - no longer used!
T504X To be deleted - no longer used!
T504Y To be deleted - no longer used!
T504Z To be deleted - no longer used!
T50X1 Type of Expatriate
T50X2 Type of Expatriate Text
T510_PSRCL Pay scale reclassification
T510D Dynamic Standard Pay Increase
T510N Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA)
T510R Pay Scale Reclassification
T5EMUPROT Log table for currency translation EMU
T710 Pay Grade Levels
T710A Pay Grade
T710G Evaluation Group
T710GT Valuation Type Text
T710S Survey Data
T710ST Survey Texts
T71C0 Compensation Component
T71C01 Fixed Compensation Components
T71C02 Variable Compensation Components
T71C03 Stock Components
T71C0T Compensation Component Type Texts
T71C1 Compensation Group
T71C1T Compensation Group Texts
T71C2 Compensation Package
T71C3 Compensation Area
T71C3T Compensation Area Texts
T71C4 Planning Period
T71C5 Eligibility Rule for Compensation
T71C5R Compensation Eligibility Rule Variant
T71C5T Compensation Eligibility Rule Texts
T71C6 Compensation Eligibility Group
T71C6T Compensation Eligibility Group Texts
T71C7 Compensation Adjustment Details
T71C8 Compensation Adjustment Reason
T71C8T Compensation Adjustment Reason Text
T71C9 To be deleted - no longer used!
T71CA Compensation Adjustment Type
T71CAT Compensation Adjustment Type Texts
T71CB Compensation Adjustment
T71CC To be deleted - no longer used!
T71CD To be deleted - no longer used!
T71D1 Pay Grade Rule
T71D1R Pay Grade Rule Variant
T71D1T Pay Grade Rule Variant Texts
T71D2 Pay Scale Group Rule
T71D2R Pay Scale Group Rule Variant
T71D2T Pay Scale Group Rule Variants Texts
T71D3 Job Rule
T71D3R Job Rule Variant
T71D3T Job Rule Variant Texts
T71D4 Salary Rule
T71D4R Salary Rule Variant
T71D4T Salary Rule Variant Texts
T71D5 Employee Appraisal Rule
T71D5R Employee Appraisal Rule Variant
T71D5T Employee Appraisal Rule Variant Texts
T71D6 User-Defined Rule
T71D6R User-Defined Rule Variant
T71D6T User-Defined Rule Variant Texts
T71E0 Guidelines
T71E0R Guideline Variants
T71E0T Guideline Variant Texts
T71E1 Guideline Group
T71E1T Guideline Group Texts
T71F0 Wage Types for Compensation Adjustments
T71F1 Wage Type Model for Compensation Adjustments
T71G0 Compensation Matrix
T71G0T Text Table for Compensation Matrices
T71GD Dimension Table
T71GDT Text Table for Dimensions
T71GMT Text Table for Dimension Method
T71GS Segment Table for Dimensions
T71GST Text Table for Dimension Segments
T71GTT Text Table for Calculation Variants
T71GV Value Table for Compensation Matrix
T71LA2 Award type
T71LB1 Award
T71LB2 Country-dependent award attributes
T71LB3 Pricing information for awards
T71LC1T Text table for change events
T71LE1 Exercise methods
T71LE1T Text tables for exercise methods
T71LE2 Exercise methods allowed
T71LEW0 Exercise Period
T71LEW0R Exercise Window Rule
T71LEW0T Exercise Window Rule: Texts
T71LEW1 Exercise Groups
T71LEW1T Exercise Groups: Texts
T71LL1 Life event types (check table)
T71LL1T Text table for life event type
T71LL2 Life event type
T71LP1 Long-term incentive plans
T71LP2 Long-Term Incentive Plans: Distributed Stock
T71LS1 Stock Splits
T71LS2 Stock Splits
T71LV1 Vesting rule (check table)
T71LV1T Text table for vesting rule
T71LV2 Vesting Rule
T71LV3 Life event vesting
T71LW Assignment of Workflow Event -> Life Event
T71LY2 Wage Types for Awards Payroll
T71SS1 Web control survey data
T71WL1 Web links
T71WL1T Web links text
T71WL2 Parameter for link structure

SAP Personnel Cost Planning TABLES (PA-CM-CP)

Table Name Description
HRP1015 Infotype 1015 DB table
PCL5 HR/RP Cluster 5; HR Planning Usage
T77KD Admin.of Cost Planning Scenarios in Personnel Cost Planning
T77KE Assignment of Cost Planning Scenarios to CO Plan Versions
T77KL Wage Elements in Personnel Cost Planning
T77KT Plan Scenario Texts for Personnel Cost Planning

SAP Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation TABLES (PA-CP)

Table Name Description
HRHCP_PLAN Personnel Cost Planning Master Records
HRHCP_PLAN_T Personnel Cost Plan Texts
HRHCP_PLRU Relationship Between Planning Runs and Personnel Cost Plans
HRP5010 Database Table for Infotype 5010
PA0666 HR Master Record Infotype 0666
T77HCP_ADCI Additional Cost Items
T77HCP_CIKF Determination of Statistical Key Figure
T77HCP_CISA Assignment of Symbolic Accounts to Cost Items
T77HCP_CITM Cost Items Personnel Cost Planning
T77HCP_CITM_T Cost Item Texts
T77HCP_DPCI Dependent Cost Items
T77HCP_IFAT Method Implementation Attributes
T77HCP_IFPC Parameter Attributes for Each Method Implementation
T77HCP_LIMI Cost Item Limits
T77HCP_OGCO Organizational Grouping of Cost Objects
T77HCP_OGCO_T Texts for Organizational Grouping of Cost Objects
T77HCP_PCON Planning Contexts Personnel Cost Planning
T77HCP_PCON_T Planning Context Texts
T77HCP_SCEN Personnel Cost Planning Scenario
T77HCP_SCEN_T Texts for Personnel Cost Planning Scenarios
T77HCP_VALU Valuation of Non-Valuated Cost Items

SAP Compensation Administration TABLES (PA-EC-AD)

Table Name Description
PA0758 HR Master Record: Infotype 0758 (Compensation Program)
PA0759 HR Master Record: Infotype 0759 (Compensation Process)
PA0760 HR Master Record: Infotype 0760 (Comp. Eligibility Override)
T71ADM01 Compensation Area
T71ADM01T Compensation Area Text
T71ADM02 Compensation Plan
T71ADM02T Compensation Plan Text
T71ADM03 Compensation Plan Attributes
T71ADM04 Compensation Plan Payroll Data
T71ADM05 First Compensation Program Grouping
T71ADM05T First Compensation Program Grouping Text
T71ADM06 Second Compensation Program Grouping
T71ADM06T Second Compensation Program Grouping Text
T71ADM07 Compensation Program
T71ADM08 Compensation Review
T71ADM08T Compensation Review Text
T71ADM09 Compensation Review Item
T71ADM09T Compensation Review Item Text
T71ADM10 Compensation Review Item Attributes
T71ADM11 Compensation Eligibility Rule Variant
T71ADM11T Compensation Eligibility Rule Variant Text
T71ADM12 Compensation Eligibility Grouping
T71ADM12T Compensation Eligibility Grouping Text
T71ADM13 Compensation Eligibility Rule
T71ADM14 Compensation Appraisal Rule
T71ADM14T Compensation Appraisal Rule Text
T71ADM15 Compensation Guideline Variant
T71ADM15T Compensation Guideline Variant Text
T71ADM16 Compensation Guideline Grouping
T71ADM16T Compensation Guideline Grouping Text
T71ADM17 Compensation Guideline
T71ADM18 Compensation Guideline Proration Rule
T71ADM18T Compensation Guideline Proration Rule Text
T71ADM19 Compensation Guideline Matrix
T71ADM19T Compensation Guideline Matrix Text
T71ADM20 Compensation Matrix Dimension
T71ADM20T Compensation Matrix Dimension Text
T71ADM22 Compensation Matrix Dimension Segment
T71ADM22T Compensation Matrix Dimension Segment Text
T71ADM23 Compensation Matrix Values


Table Name Description
HRP1271 DB Table for Infotype 1271
HRP5050 DB Table for Infotype 5050
T71JPR01 Survey Provider
T71JPR02 Survey
T71JPR02T Survey Name
T71JPR03 Survey Job
T71JPR03T Survey Job Text
T71JPR04 Survey Job Family
T71JPR04T Survey Job Family Text
T71JPR05 Survey Job Catalog
T71JPR06 Survey Header Data
T71JPR07 Survey General Data
T71JPR08 Survey Statistical Data
T71JPR09 Survey Job / Internal Job Matching Data
T71JPR10 Survey Country
T71JPR11 Survey Industry
T71JPR12 Survey Industry Code
T71JPR12T Survey Industry Code Text
T71JPR13 Survey Region
T71JPR14 Survey Region Code
T71JPR14T Survey Region Code Text
T71JPR15 Survey Revenue Size
T71JPR16 Survey Revenue Size Code
T71JPR16T Survey Revenue Size Code Text
T71JPR17 Survey Company Size
T71JPR18 Survey Company Size Code
T71JPR18T Survey Company Size Code Text
T71JPR19 Survey Company Type
T71JPR20 Survey Company Type Code
T71JPR20T Survey Company Type Code Text
T71JPR21 Survey Length of Service
T71JPR22 Survey Length of Service Code
T71JPR22T Survey Length of Service Code Text
T71JPR24 Survey Data Fields Mapping
T71JPR25 Salary Range Adjustment
T71JPR26 Survey Composite Result
T71JPR26T Survey Composite Result Text
T71JPR27 Salary Adjustment Version
T71JPR27T Salary Adjustment Version Text
T71JPR28 Compensation Job Group
T71JPR28T Compensation Job Group Text
T71JPR29 Pay Category Attribute

SAP Long-Term Incentives TABLES (PA-EC-LT)

Table Name Description
PA0761 HR Master Record: Infotype 0761 (LTI Grant)
PA0762 HR Master Record: Infotype 0762 (LTI Exercising)
PA0763 HR Master Record: Infotype 0763 (LTI Participant Data)
T71LTI01 LTI Plan Attributes
T71LTI02 LTI Plan Time Dependent Attributes
T71LTI03 LTI Plan Pricing Information
T71LTI04 LTI Plan Payroll Data
T71LTI05 Stock Unit
T71LTI05T Stock Unit Text
T71LTI06 Conversion of Stock Units
T71LTI07 Vesting Rule
T71LTI07T Vesting Rule Text
T71LTI08 Vesting Schedule
T71LTI09 Exercise Window Rule
T71LTI09T Exercise Window Rule Text
T71LTI10 Exercise Windows
T71LTI11 Life Event
T71LTI11T Life Event Text
T71LTI12 Default Values for Life Events

SAP Employee Interaction Center TABLES (PA-EIC)

Table Name Description
HRP1291 Database Table for Infotype 1291
PA0816 HR Master Record Infotype 0816
THREIC_ACT_CONT EIC: Linkage of Activity and Contact
THREIC_ACT_LOCK EIC: Lock (Activities)
THREIC_ACT_PROC EIC: Related Processes of Activity
THREIC_ACTSLATGT SLA Contract and Related Target Values for an Activity
THREIC_IB_PRFW EIC Assignment: Inbox Profiles - Further Processing
THREIC_IBEMAIL EIC Inbox: E-Mail Address
THREIC_IBSUBST EIC Inbox Substitution
THREIC_KS_ATTR Specific Attributes for Knowledge Search in EIC
THREICCHKF Knowledge Search: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
THREICCHKO Knowledge Search: Files of Physical Information Objects
THREICCONT01 Container HR Admin: Table for Document Contents (Imp./Exp.)
THREICIDXSTA Knowledge Search: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
THREICLOIO Knowledge Search: Instances of Logical Information Objects
THREICLOIOT Knowledge Search: Incoming Relations of Log. Info. Objects
THREICLOPR Knowledge Search: Descriptions of Logical Info. Objects
THREICLORE Knowledge Search: Attribute Values of Logical Info. Objects
THREICLORI Knowledge Search: Outgoing Relations of Log. Info. Objects
THREICPHF Knowledge Search: Incoming Relations of Phys. Info. Objects
THREICPHHR Knowledge Search: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Object
THREICPHIO Knowledge Search: Instances of Physical Info. Objects
THREICPHNM Knowledge Search: Outgoing Relations of Phys. Info. Objects
THREICPHPR Knowledge Search: Check-Out Data for Physical Info. Object
THREICPHRE Knowledge Search: Status Table for Indexing Documents
THREICPHRI Knowledge Search: File Name of Last Check-Out

SAP E-Recruiting TABLES (PA-ER)

Table Name Description
HRP5102 DB Table for Infotype 5102
HRP5103 DB Table for Infotype 5103
HRP5104 DB Table for Infotype 5104
HRP5105 DB Table for Infotype 5105
HRP5106 DB Table for Infotype 5106
HRP5107 DB Table for Infotype 5107
HRP5108 DB Table for Infotype 5108
HRP5110 DB Table for Infotype 5110
HRP5111 DB Table for Infotype 5111
HRP5112 DB Table for Infotype 5112
HRP5115 Database Table for Infotype 5115
HRP5121 DB Table for Infotype 5121
HRP5122 DB Table for Infotype 5122
HRP5125 DB Table for Infotype 5125
HRP5126 DB Table for Infotype 5126
HRP5127 DB Table for Infotype 5127
HRP5128 DB Table for Infotype 5128
HRP5129 DB Table for Infotype 5129
HRP5130 DB Table for Infotype 5130
HRP5131 DB Table for Infotype 5131
HRP5132 DB Table for Infotype 5132
HRP5133 DB Table for Infotype 5133
HRP5134 DB Table for Infotype 5134
HRP5135 DB Table for Infotype 5135
HRP5136 DB Table for Infotype 5136
HRP5137 DB Table for Infotype 5137
HRP5138 DB Table for Infotype 5138
HRP5139 DB Table for Infotype 5139
HRP5140 DB Table for Infotype 5140
HRP5141 DB Table for Infotype 5141
HRP5142 DB Table for Infotype 5142
HRP5143 Database Table for Infotype 5143
HRPAD658 Additional Data: Source of Assignment Talent Group/Candidate
T77RCF_ACT_PRO Processes
T77RCF_ACT_TYPE Activity Types
T77RCF_ACT_TYPET Activity Types
T77RCF_ACT2CRSN Assignment of Activities to Confirmations and Reasons
T77RCF_ACT2FORM Assignment of Forms to Activity Types
T77RCF_ACT2OTYPE Assignment of Activity Type to HR Object Types
T77RCF_ACT2PROC Assignment of Activity Types to Processes
T77RCF_ACT2STAT Assignment Activity Type Object Status
T77RCF_ACTPROC Processes
T77RCF_ACTTY2RP Assignment of Activities to Process Templates
T77RCF_APPLSRC Application Source in SAP E-Recruiting
T77RCF_APPLSRC_T Application Source (Texts)
T77RCF_ATTTYPE Attachment Types
T77RCF_ATTTYPE_T Attachment Types
T77RCF_ATTTYPE_U Use of Attachment Types (Object Type/Subtype)
T77RCF_CANDTC Candidate-Talent Consultant Assignment
T77RCF_CNF_RSN Reasons for Decisions for Confirmations
T77RCF_CNF_RSN_T Texts for Reasons for Decisions for Confirmations
T77RCF_COM_CHN Communication Channels
T77RCF_COM_CHN_T Communication Channels
T77RCF_COMPANY Companies of a Holding
T77RCF_CONTTY Work Contract Types
T77RCF_CONTTY_T Work Contract Types
T77RCF_COV2FORM Assignment of Cover Letters to Letter Templates
T77RCF_CPRSTEP Process Steps
T77RCF_CPRSTEP_T TC Process Step of a Candidate
T77RCF_CS_CH2FMT Assignment of Output Channel to Format
T77RCF_CS_IDC Definition of Container Sequences
T77RCF_CS_IDCT Text Table for T77RCF_CS_IDC
T77RCF_CS_ITEMC Definition of Elements of Container Sequences
T77RCF_CS_PROP Services Attributes
T77RCF_CS_S2SF "Definition SF from Service
T77RCF_CS_SEQC Assignments of Elements to Container Sequence
T77RCF_DEGREE Degree/Certificate Levels
T77RCF_DEGREE_T Degree/Certificate Levels
T77RCF_DOC_CAT_T Document Categories
T77RCF_DOVR_PM Performance Management Templates in Overview (Successor)
T77RCF_EDUFLD Broad Field of Education
T77RCF_EDUFLD_T Broad Field of Education
T77RCF_EDUTYP Education Types
T77RCF_EDUTYP_T Education Types
T77RCF_EMPL_CAND Assignment of Employee to Candidate (ERP Integration)
T77RCF_EREC_UGR User Groups That Are To Appear in E-Recruiting
T77RCF_EXT_PUB Postings for External Candidates
T77RCF_EXT_PUB_U Postings for External Candidates (Unsolicited Applications)
T77RCF_FUNC Functional Areas
T77RCF_FUNC_T Functional Areas
T77RCF_GRP_CAT Assignment of User Lists to Categories
T77RCF_HIER Hierarchy Levels
T77RCF_HIER_T Hierarchy Levels
T77RCF_INCL2FORM Assignment of Text Element to Smart Form Template
T77RCF_INDU Industries
T77RCF_INDU_T Industries
T77RCF_INFDAT Data from Questionnaire
T77RCF_INT_PUB Postings for Internal Candidates
T77RCF_LANG_PRVC URLs for Language-Dependent Data Privacy Statements
T77RCF_LAWPERIOD Legal Periods
T77RCF_MAPVAL Field Values
T77RCF_MAPVAL_T Field Values
T77RCF_MATCHFLDC Table for Match Fields
T77RCF_MBO_ATTR Attributes of MBO Objects
T77RCF_MDL_PAR "Obsolete
T77RCF_MDL_PRMC Interface Parameter (Customer)
T77RCF_MGRASS Manager-Assistant Assignment
T77RCF_MGRTC Manager-Talent Consultant Assignment
T77RCF_NV_CNODE Navigation Nodes
T77RCF_NV_CTREE Navigation Tree
T77RCF_P_STAT Bookmark Employee Status Based on HR Data
T77RCF_P_TRIGGER Change Pointers of Employees
T77RCF_PER_SERV Periodic Services
T77RCF_POSTCHN_T Posting Channels
T77RCF_PROC2SUB Assignment of Processes to Subarea of E-Recruiting
T77RCF_PROCESS_T Processes
T77RCF_PS_PERIOD Period with Which Periodic Services Are Performed
T77RCF_PS_PROT Service-Start Log
T77RCF_PS_SERACT Active Periodic Services
T77RCF_QA_GROUP Questionnaire Groups
T77RCF_QA_GROUPT Questionnaire Group
T77RCF_QA_NOTUSE Status of Questionnaire and Questions is 'Do Not Use'
T77RCF_QACAT2ACT Assignment of Qualification Category to Activity Type
T77RCF_QAT2CAT Assignment of Questionnaire Type to Category
T77RCF_RCD2STAT Assignment of Status Reason to Status
T77RCF_RM_IDC Definition of Roadmap Scenarios
T77RCF_RM_IDCT Text Table for T77RCF_RM_IDC
T77RCF_RM_SEQC Assignment of Roadmap Step to Roadmap Scenario
T77RCF_RM_STEPC Definition of Roadmap Step
T77RCF_ROLE_T Roles in E-Recruiting
T77RCF_ROLE2SUB Assignment of Roles in E-Recruiting to Subarea
T77RCF_RP_ACT Process Templates
T77RCF_RSN_CODE Status Reasons
T77RCF_RSNCODE_T Status Reasons
T77RCF_SAL_CURR Currencies for Salary Ranges
T77RCF_SAL_RANGE Salary Ranges for Salary Expectations/Payment Information
T77RCF_SCALES Scales for Ranking and Weighting
T77RCF_SELANGU Languages Supported by the Search Engine
T77RCF_SGRP_CAT User List Category
T77RCF_SGRP_CATT Text Table for User List Category
T77RCF_SM_ASME Search Template Elements of a Search Template
T77RCF_SMG_ASM Search Templates of a Search Template Group
T77RCF_SP_ASGRPC Assignment of Links to Start Page Groups
T77RCF_SP_ASIDC Assignment of Groups to Start Pages
T77RCF_SP_GROUPC Definition of Start Page Groups
T77RCF_SP_IDC Definition of Start Pages
T77RCF_SP_IDCT Text Table for T77RCF_SP_IDC
T77RCF_SP_LINKC Definition of Links for Start Pages
T77RCF_SPT_AATYP Assignment of Attachment Types to a Search Profile Type
T77RCF_SPT_AF Assignment of Fields to Search Profile Types
T77RCF_SPT_CP Change Pointers for Search Profiles
T77RCF_SPT_LANGU Languages for a Search Profile Type
T77RCF_SRCH_ATTC Set Up Attributes for Flexible Search Applications
T77RCF_ST2AREA Assignment of Information Structure to Information Area
T77RCF_STEP_I_PR Assignment of Process Step to Process
T77RCF_SUPP_GRP User Lists
T77RCF_SUPP_GRPT Text Table for User Groups
T77RCF_TC Personal Talent Consultant
T77RCF_TGROUP Interest Groups
T77RCF_TGROUP_T Interest Groups
T77RCF_TIMEVW View by Time
T77RCF_TIMEVW_T View by Time
T77RCF_TRANS_ACT Data Transfer Activities Using XI Interface
T77RCF_UI_LINK_T Text Table Links to Home Page
T77RCF_UI_LINKS Links on Home Page
T77RCF_UI_PARAM Interface Parameters
T77RCF_USR_SGRP Assignment of Users to User Lists
T77RCF_VA_ATTR Additional Attributes for Questionnaires
T77RCF_VB_ATTR Additional Attributes for Questions
T77RCF_WD_PRMC URL Parameter for Web Dynpro ABAP Applications (Customer)
T77RCF_WD_SP_IDC Start Page
T77RCF_WD_SPIDCT "Text Table for ""Start Page"""
T77RCF_WD1ST_SPC Assignment of Elements of First Level to Start Page
T77RCF_WD2ND1STC Assignment of Element of 2nd Level to Element of First Level
T77RCF_WDSP1STC Start Page: First Navigation Level
T77RCF_WDSP1STCT "Text Table for ""Start Page: First Navigation Level"""
T77RCF_WDSP2NDC Start Page: Second Navigation Level
T77RCF_WDSP2NDCT "Text Table for ""Start Page: Second Navigation Level"""
T77RCF_WI_FILTER Workflow Task Filter for E-Recruiting
T77RCF_WL Worklist
T77RCF_WL_ACT_P Action Profile of Worklists
T77RCF_WL_ACTIDX Index Table for Activities
T77RCF_WL_GUIIDX Index Table for GUID Objects
T77RCF_WL_OBJECT Object Pointer Table for Work Lists
T77RCF_WL_OBJIDX Index Table for Objects
T77RCF_WL_OUT_P Output Profile
T77RCF_WL_SEL_P Selection Profile for Worklists
T77RCF_WL_SEL_PV Values for Selection Profiles in Worklists
T77RCF_WL2CNTXT Assignment of Worklists to Contexts
T77RCF_WLA_CNTXT Context Text of Application Area
T77RCF_WLA_IDXGR Index Group for Worklists
T77RCF_WORKTI Employment Fractions
T77RCF_WORKTI_T Employment Fractions
T77RCF_XI_PUB External Postings Using XI Interface
T77RCFBRANCHCOMP Assignment of Branches to Companies

SAP Management of Global Employees TABLES (PA-GE)

Table Name Description
PA0702 HR Master Record: Infotype 0702
PA0703 HR Master Record: Infotype 0703
PA0704 HR Master Record: Infotype 0704
PA0705 HR Master Record: Infotype 0705
PA0706 HR Master Record: Infotype 0706
PA0707 HR Master Record: Infotype 0707
PA0708 HR Master Record: Infotype 0708
PA0710 HR Master Record: Infotype 0710
PA0715 HR Master Record: Infotype 0715
T76MGE_ACPI Derived Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_ADM International HR Administrator
T76MGE_ASCOL Mapping Table for COLI Providers and Assignment Types
T76MGE_ASFS Allowed Family Status for Assignment Types
T76MGE_AST Assignment Types Text Table
T76MGE_BCPI Base Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_CAIN Mapping Table for Categories and Infotype Groups
T76MGE_CALC CPIs calculation
T76MGE_CAT Text Table for Global Payroll Category Types
T76MGE_CEX Mapping Table for Exchange Rates and Assignment Types
T76MGE_CFL Currency Fluctuation Protection
T76MGE_CGR Groups of Countries
T76MGE_CGROUP Mapping Table for Groups of Countries and Countries
T76MGE_CGROUPT Text Table for Country Groupings
T76MGE_CKI Checklist Items
T76MGE_CKL Checklist Table
T76MGE_CKT Text Table for Checklist Items
T76MGE_COL Cost of Living Allowance Index
T76MGE_COLPRT Text Table for COLI Providers
T76MGE_COMTT Text Table for Global Commuting Types
T76MGE_COMTY Global Commuting Types
T76MGE_CPI Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_CPI_N Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_CPIT Text Table for Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_DIT Storage of Document Types
T76MGE_DST Document Status
T76MGE_DTT Text Table for Document Status
T76MGE_ELI Eligibility for Compensation Package
T76MGE_FORMSETUP Global employee: Form Setup
T76MGE_FSTT Text Table for Family Status
T76MGE_INT Country-Dependent Wage Type Attributes for Interfacing
T76MGE_MAP Mapping Table from Global Employees to Standard
T76MGE_MULT Multiplication Rules for Base CPIs
T76MGE_OLSEQ Offer Letter Sequencing
T76MGE_PYT Text Table for Global Payroll Types
T76MGE_REG Mapping Table for Regions and Countries
T76MGE_RET Text Table for Regions
T76MGE_SCLT Text Table for Evaluation Methods for CPIs
T76MGE_STASEQ Status Sequence for Assignment Type
T76MGE_STAT Text Table for Assignment Status
T76MGE_SUM Summation Rules for Base CPIs
T7GP_CURR_CONV Currency Conversion Rules

SAP HR Information Systems TABLES (PA-IS)

Table Name Description
HRLDAP_PERNR Personnel Numbers that Must be Sent to LDAP
HRMS_BIW_PPDELTA BW: Delta management for posting-data extractors
HRMS_BW_PY_CUST1 DataSource 0HR_PY_1: Criterion for Assignment to BW Month
LDA_QUERY_MAP HR LDAP: Mapping Query Field Name <-> LDAP Attribute Name
T72B0_BW HR-PF-BW: Permitted PC Activities for BW Extraction
T72B1_BW HR-PF-BW: Permitted Value Type per PC Activities for BW
T770AF HR Query: Function Modules for Customer's Additional Fields

SAP HR Manager's Desktop TABLES (PA-MA)

Table Name Description
HRP1019 DB Table for Infotype 1019 Required Positions
HRT1019 Table Section Infotype 1019 Required Positions
T77AW_SCEN Assignment of Eval. Paths (MDT)->OrgPub Scenario (Customer)
T77POSBUD Basic Data for Quota Planning
T77SCEN_AW Default scenario for Org. chart data retrieval (customer)
T77SCENQY Queries per scenario and object type (customer)

SAP Organizational Structure TABLES (PA-OS)

Table Name Description
T77POSBUD_EXT Enhancement of Contingent Planning Attributes


Table Name Description
T77OMAHQ_FUNCAR "OM-Search Function ""Free Search"": Obj. Type InfoSet (Cust.)"


Table Name Description
HRP1003 Infotype 1003 DB Table
HRP1004 Infotype 1004 DB table
HRP1006 Infotype 1006 DB table
HRP1007 Infotype 1007 DB Table
HRP1009 Infotype 1009 DB table
HRP1010 Infotype 1010 DB table
HRP1011 Infotype 1011 DB Table
HRP1013 Infotype 1013 DB Table
HRP1014 Infotype 1014 DB Table
HRP1018 DB Table for Infotype 1018 Cost Distribution
HRPAD48 Additional Data PAD48
HRT1018 Table Division Infotype 1018 Cost Distribution
T777C Texts Restrictions
T777G Health Examinations
T777W Authorities/Resources Texts
T777X Reasons Texts
T778C Restrictions
T778G Health Examinations
T778W Authorities/Resources
T778X Reasons
T77I8 Assignment of Users to User Groups
T77I9 User Groups for HRIS
T77INT Flagged for Master Data Integration
T77WS Person Group/Subgroup per Work Schedule Group
T77WT Employee Group/Subgroup Assignment to Work Schedule Groups

SAP Personnel Administration TABLES (PA-PA)

Table Name Description
HRAUTH_DIST_REP Executable Reports Without LDB for Distributed Reporting
HRPAD_DELPN Status Table for Destruction of Data in Live Systems
P0SUB Subsystems to Non-SAP Systems
P0SUT Texts for Subsystem
PA0000 HR Master Record: Infotype 0000 (Actions)
PA0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
PA0002 HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
PA0003 HR Master Record: Infotype 0003 (Payroll Status)
PA0004 HR Master Record: Infotype 0004 (Challenge)
PA0006 HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
PA0008 HR Master Record: Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)
PA0009 HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
PA0011 HR Master Record: Infotype 0011 (Ext.Bank Transfers)
PA0014 HR Master Record: Infotype 0014 (Recur. Payments/Deds.)
PA0015 HR Master Record: Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)
PA0016 HR Master Record: Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements)
PA0019 HR Master Record: Infotype 0019 (Monitoring of Dates)
PA0021 HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family)
PA0022 HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
PA0023 HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers)
PA0024 HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
PA0025 HR Master Record: Infotype 0025 (Appraisals)
PA0027 HR Master Record: Infotype 0027 (Cost Distribution)
PA0028 HR Master Record: Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical Service)
PA0030 HR Master Record: Infotype 0030 (Powers of Attorney)
PA0031 HR Master Record: Infotype 0031 (Reference Pers.Nos.)
PA0032 HR Master Record: Infotype 0032 (Internal Data)
PA0034 HR Master Record: Infotype 0034 (Corporate Functions)
PA0035 HR Master Record: Infotype 0035 (Comp.Instr.)
PA0037 HR Master Record: Infotype 0037 (Insurance)
PA0040 HR Master Record: Infotype 0040 (Objects on Loan)
PA0041 HR Master Record: Infotype 0041 (Date Specifications)
PA0052 HR Master Record: Infotype 0052 (Wage Maintenance)
PA0054 HR Master Record: Infotype 0054 (Works Council Pay)
PA0057 HR Master Record: Infotype 0057 (Membership Fees)
PA0105 HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communications)
PA0139 HR Master Record: Infotype 0139 (Employees Appl.No)
PA0283 HR Master Record for Infotype 0283 (Archiving)
PA0302 HR Master Record: Infotype 0302 (Additional Actions)
PA0402 HR Master Data Infotype 0402
PA0403 HR Master Record for Infotype 0403
PA0442 HR Master Record: Infotype 0442
PA0709 HR Master Record: Infotype 0709 (Person ID)
PA0712 HR Master Record: Infotype 0712
PA0900 HR Master Record: Infotype 0900 (Sales Data)
PA0901 HR Master Record: Infotype 0901 (Purchasing Data)
PANNNN HR Master Record: Infotype NNNN
PB0395 HR Master Record: Infotype 0395 (External Org.Assignment)
PREL "HR Master Data (Old Version
T001P Personnel Area/Subarea
T500C Currency for Public Service Sector
T500P Personnel Areas
T500W Valid Country Currencies
T501 Employee Group
T501T Employee Group Names
T502T Marital Status Designators
T503 Employee Group/Subgroup
T503K Employee subgroup
T503T Employee Subgroup Names
T503Z Country Assignment for Employee Group/Subgroup
T510 Pay Scale Groups
T510A Pay Scale Types
T510B Appraisal Constants
T510E Dynamic Standard Pay Increase II
T510F Assign Pay Scale --> Currency
T510G Pay Scale Areas
T510K Constant Valuations
T510M Valuation of pay scale groups acc. to hiring date
T510U Pay Scale Groups
T510W Pay Scale > Period Parameter Assignment
T511M Wage Type Models
T512Z Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype
T512Z_ESSEX ESS: Deactivate Wage Types per Infotype
T513 Jobs
T513A User-related Values
T513C Jobs With Other/Previous Employers
T513F Appraisal Criteria Texts
T513G Appraisal Groups
T513H Appraisal Criteria
T513I RPDSYS00 - KWIC Index
T513S Job Titles
T513U Secondary System Documentation
T513V RPDSYS00 - Cross References
T517A Educational Establishment Types/Final Certificates
T517T Educational Establishment Type Designations
T517X Branches of Study
T517Y Specialty validation table
T517Z School Types/Branches of Study
T518A Vocation Check Table
T518B Vocation Descriptions
T518C Education/Training Categories
T518D Education/Training Categories Check Table
T518E Education/Training Categories/E&T
T519T Final Certificates
T51B1 HR-ARC: Global Characteristics of Archiving Group
T51B2 HR-ARC: Special Attributes of the Archiving Group
T51B3 HR-ARC: Archiving Groups That Currently Archive Logically
T51C1 Car factory definition table
T51C2 Car factory text table
T51C3 Car model definition table
T51C4 Car model text table
T51C5 Country specific attributes
T51C8 Car maintenance rule
T51C9 Car maintenance rule texttable
T51CA Obsolete !!! Replaced by T51CB in April 2002
T51CB Wagetypes for payrollfunction P0442
T51CC Company car unavailability reason
T51CD Company car unavailability reason - text table
T51CF Leasing Categories for Company Cars
T51CFT Descriptions for the Leasing Categories
T51CG Leasing Companies for Company Cars
T51CGT Descriptions for the Leasing Companies
T521B Payee Keys
T521C Check Table for Payees
T521T Institution Texts - No longer used
T522 Title Keys
T522F Format for HR Name Format
T522G Title Keys
T522N HR Name Format
T522T Forms of Address
T526 Administrators
T527 Organizational Key: Control
T527A Organizational Key Creation Rules
T527O Organizational Key Validation
T527X Organizational Units
T528B Positions
T528C Wage Type Catalog
T528T Position Texts
T529A Personnel Action Types
T529A_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of Personnel Action Types
T529F Fast Data Entry for Actions
T529T Personnel Action Texts
T52CC_T Text table for schema directory
T52IF Assignment for Payroll
T530 Reasons for Actions
T530E Reasons for Changes
T530F Reasons for Changes
T530T Reason for Action Texts
T531 Deadline Types
T531S Deadline Type Texts
T536A Addresses
T536B Communication Keys
T538B Units of Time/Measurement
T538D Units of Time/Measurement
T538T Units of Time/Measurement Texts
T539A Planned Remuneration Specification
T539J Base Wage Type Valuation
T539R Actions for Standard Wage Maintenance
T539S Wage Types for Standard Wage Maintenance
T539U Yearly wage calculation in Basic Payments (Infotype 0008)
T542A Work Contract
T542C Work Contract - Other/Previous Employers
T542S Description of Work Contract - Other Employers
T542T Employment Contracts
T545 Corporation Keys
T545T Corporation Texts
T546 Employee Subgroup for PersCalcRule/CollAgreemProvision
T547S Contract Type Texts
T547T Periods of Notice
T547V Contract Types
T548S Date Conversion
T548T Date Types
T548Y Date Types
T549A Payroll areas
T549C Decision Trees for Features (Customers)
T549CT Title of Customer Features
T549D Features Directory
T549N Period Modifiers
T549Q Payroll Periods
T549R Period Parameters
T549S Personnel Date Specifications Per Payroll Period
T549T Payroll areas
T549U Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Periods per Payment Interval
T549V Recurr. Pymts/Deds: Default Values for Payment Model
T549W Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Models
T549X Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Periods
T549Y Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Models (Texts)
T555S PDC Record Type Conversion
T557V Membership Function
T557W Text for Membership Function
T564T Insurance Company Texts
T574A Qualification Keys
T574B Qualification Names
T577 Family Characteristics
T577S Family Characteristics Texts
T578A Medical Doctors
T578T Areas Of Examination
T578W Texts On Values For Areas Of Examination
T578X Permissible Values for Areas of Examination
T578Y Examination Results
T578Z Control Table for Internal Medical Service
T584A Test Procedures - Infotype Assignment
T585A Infotypes with Documents
T585B Field Group Definition
T585C Field Group Characteristics
T585O HR Optical Archiving: Configuration Table for PREL and PAPL
T587A Detail View: Personnel Assignments - Categories
T587B Detail View: Personnel Assignments - Category Text
T587C Detail View: Personnel Assignments - Line Layout
T588AUTO_TEXTC Assignment of Text Fields for Generic Text Reader (Customer)
T588B Infotype Menus
T588C Infotype Menus/Info Groups
T588D Infogroups for Actions
T588F - is no longer used (now T588G) -
T588G Field-Specific Retroactive Accounting Recognition
T588H Infotype Header Data Selection Control
T588I Assignment of Header ID/Country Grouping to Header Modifier
T588J Infotype Header Definition
T588K Field names for screens different from DDIC
T588L Field names for screens different from DDIC entry
T588M Infotype Screen Control
T588T Menu and Infogroup Designations
T588X Cust. composite definition of event types for IT operations
T588Z Dynamic Actions
T591A_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of Subtypes
T591B Time Constraints for Wage Types
T599B Report Categories
T599R HR Report Attributes
T599T Field Control for Report Categories
T599U Universal HR Tables
T599V Universal HR Tables
T5ITGA EEF final archive
T5ITI1 Standard period table
T5JA1 Text of appraisal feature JP
T5JA3 Appraisal-Payscale regrading constants JP
T5JA4 Text of rank value of appraisal JP & check table
T5JC1 HR check table for income tax deduction JP
T5JC2 HR check table for family dependant tax deduction JP
T5JC3 HR Standard annual income for Y.E.A. JPN
T5JC4 HR Tax Deduction Amount for Y.E.A. JPN
T5JIC HR Insurance company key master JP
T5JII HR Indicator for Social Insurance insured JP
T5JIR Indicator for Premium Rate
T5JSA HR Indicator for Acquired/lost JP
T5JSE HR Reason for Acuired/lost JP
T5JSY HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPN
T5JT1 Payroll income tax table - monthly chart
T5JT2 Payroll income tax table - daily KOU
T5JT3 Payroll income tax table - daily OTSU
T5JTD HR Deduction indicator text JP
T5JTI HR Insurance company type JP
T5JTX HR Text of indicator for taxation JP
T5JTY Text of indicator for Year End Adjustment
T5SC3 Swedish specific car attributes
T703 Incentive Wages: Operation Features
T703A Incentive Wages: Replaced by T703H
T703E Incentive Wages: Convert Activity Types to Result Types
T703N Incentive Wages: Allowed Wage Types
T703O Incentive Wages: Convert Wage Types to Result Types
T703S Incentive Wages: Premium Formulas
T703T Incentive Wages: Premium Formula Texts
T703Z Incentive Wages:Admissibility of Parameters and Result Types
T705C Internal Record Types
T705D Function Codes
T705O Personal PDC Modifiers
T705S Assignment of Control Station Group -> PDC Group
T705U Additional Texts for Record Types
T752B Default Values for the SAP-Resumix Interface
T752C SAP Resumix: Imported Fields
T752D SAP Resumix: Exported Fields
T752E SAP Resumix: Transferred Applicants
T752F Employee Data from External Systems (Temporary Storage)


Table Name Description
PA0389 Income Tax: General indicators
PA0390 Income Tax: Deductions
PA0391 Income Tax: Information on other employers
PA0392 Social Security: General data
PA0393 Family data: Calendar year schooling assistance
PA0394 Family data: Additional information
PA0551 Termination of contract: General data
PA0875 Family links
PA3229 Personnel master record for infotype 3229
T7AR01 Activity code (CIIU)
T7AR02 Additional data by Company
T7AR02B Bank description for Social insurance payments
T7AR02D Historical Additional data by company
T7AR03 Activity code (CIIU): T7AR01 Texts
T7AR04 Workplace Health Insurers (ART) code
T7AR05 Additional information by Company
T7AR06 Ministry of Labor activity code
T7AR07 Ministry of Labor activity code: T7AR06 texts
T7AR08 Code of position held for MySimplification
T7AR09 Code of position held: T7AR08 texts
T7AR0P Personnel area/subarea additional information
T7AR10 Allocation special schooling assistance by establishmnt type
T7AR11 Additional information by subtype
T7AR20 Date for final settlement of income for financial year
T7AR26 Employee grouping for Social Insurance contributions
T7AR27 Employee groupings for SI contributions: Texts T7AR26
T7AR28 Assignment of SIJP periods to settled payrolls
T7AR30 Types of work contract in Argentina
T7AR31 Social Insurance employee subgroups: Allocations
T7AR34 Welfare Fund code
T7AR35 Social Project code: T7AR34 texts
T7AR36 Private Pension Fund Companies (AFJP) code
T7AR37 Private Pension Fund Companies (AFJP) code: T7AR36 texts
T7AR38 Employee activity code
T7AR39 Employee activity code: T7AR38 texts
T7AR45 Additional information for absences
T7AR46 Welfare Fund plans
T7AR47 Assign pay scale (II) to collective agreement class
T7AR48 Grouping for pay scale processing
T7AR49 Text of grouping for pay scale processing
T7AR4P Personnel area/subarea: Social Ins. and family allow. data
T7AR55 Income tax deduction destination entities
T7AR59 Assign pay scale (II) to collective agreement class
T7AR61C Rules for generating family allowance wage types
T7AR65 Pay scale agreement category identification
T7AR66 Internal Revenue Service (DGI) agency code
T7AR67 Internal Revenue Service (DGI) agency code: T7AR66 texts
T7AR69 Vacation provision: Calculation wage types
T7AR75 Annual Extra Payment (SAC): Off-cycle payroll run data
T7AR76 Guaranteed net amounts - Wage types transfer of differences
T7AR80 Employer data according to ANSeS Census Report
T7AR81 Named person/family member data accord. to ANSeS Census rep.
T7AR83 Assignment of ANSeS province code
T7AR84 Assignment of ANSeS nationality code
T7AR85 Assignment of ANSeS marital status code
T7AR86 Number of employees and Company accord. ANSeS Census selectn
T7AR87 Reasons for action additional information
T7AR90 Rules for calculating compensation
T7AR91 Assign collective agreement to pay scale type
T7AR92 Collective agreement
T7AR93 Collective agreement: T7AR92 text
T7AR94 Basic wage limit agreement for seniority compensation
T7AR98 Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation
T7AR99 Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation: Text
T7ARM1 My Simplification: Work relationships
T7ARM10 MS: Courts - Secretariat
T7ARM11 MS: Courts
T7ARM2 (Dependents) additional data
T7ARM3 My simplification: CBU
T7ARM4 My Simplification: Family links
T7ARM5 My Simplification: Business activity addresses/addresses
T7ARM6 My Simplification: Nationality-country code relationship
T7ARM7 MS: Level of training - school type relationship
T7ARM8 MS: Postal Code - Town


Table Name Description
PA0042 HR Master Record: Infotype 0042 (Fiscal Data - Austria)
PA0044 HR Master Record: Infotype 0044 (Social Insurance - A)
PA0055 HR Master Record: Infotype 0055 (Previous Employer - A)
PA0056 HR Master Record: Infotype 0056 (Sick Certificates-A)
PA0058 HR Master Record: Infotype 0058 (Commuter Rate - Austria)
PA0131 HR Master Record: Infotype 0131 (Garnishment/Cession A)
PA0132 HR Master Record: Infotype 0132 (Garnishment Claim A)
PA0133 HR Master Record: Infotype 0133 (Garn. Interest A)
PA0134 HR Master Record: Infotype 0134 (Garnishment Amount A)
PA0135 HR Master Record: Infotype 0135 (Spec. Garn. Cond. A)
PA0136 HR Master Record: Infotype 0136 (Garn. Transfer A)
PA0137 HR Master Record: Infotype 0137 (Garn. Compensation A)
PA0367 HR Master Record: Infotype 0367 (SI Notification Suppl. A)
PA0467 Personnel master data Infotype 0467 (SI addit.notif. pl.c.A)
PA0526 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0526
PA0527 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0527
T5A03 Employee Groups/Subgroups
T5A0A Employer Administration Assignments
T5A0P Personnel Area/Subarea AT
T5A1S Employer Account Numbers with Social Insurance Institutions
T5A2L Additional Information for Annual Data Carrier L16
T5A2M Damage Events / Reasons
T5A4 Flow Control for Continued Pay
T5A4A General Data for Absences
T5A4B Seniority
T5A4C Entitlement Quota
T5A4F Absence Categories f. CollContract / Plant Bargaining Agmt
T5A4G Use of Absence Categories
T5A4H Date Specification (Contd Pay)
T5A4I Absence Categories with Special Significance
T5A4O Description of Attendence/Absence Types
T5A4P Attendance/Absence Types
T5A4Q Characteristics of Attendance/Absence Types
T5A4T Valuation acc. to Length of Absence
T5A4U Entitlement Quota
T5A4V Entitlement per Absence
T5A4W Entitlements in Observation Period
T5A6B Equalization Reasons
T5A9A Created Statement of Employment (A)
T5A9B Pay Attributes for Subapplications


Table Name Description
PA0188 Tax (Australia)
PA0220 Superannuation (Australia)
PA0227 Tax file number (Australia)
PA0261 Leave Accrual Australia
PA0701 HR Terminations Data Container : Infotype 0701
PA0817 Income Tax Withholding Variation(Australia)
PA0849 Infotype for Payment Summary
PA0850 Infotype for Eligible Termination Payment
PA3348 HR Master Record: Infotype 3348
T5Q0P "Personnel area
T5Q30 Termination Reasons for Actions
T5QGP "Personnel area
T5QLA Australian Leave Accrual Unpaid Absence Rules
T5QLG Leave Type Grouping Australia
T5QLH Leave Type Grouping text Australia
T5QLP Leave Provisions - Australia
T5QLR Leave Accrual Rules Australia
T5QLT Leave Accrual-Id description Australia
T5QRA Redundancy LWOP Absences Australia
T5QRP Redundancy Packages Australia
T5QRR Term. Rules for Long Serv. Leave & Leave Loading Australia
T5QRS Terminations Redundancy Payments Australia
T5QRT Term. Rules for Long Serv-Leave & Leave Loading Australia
T5QSD Superannuation Fund Designation Australia
T5QSF Superannuation Fund Code Designation Australia
T5QSG Superannuation Guarantee Contribution Admin Australia
T5QSR Superannuation Restriction Rules Australia
T5QSS Superannuation Defined Salary Australia
T5QSW Superannuation Wage Type Assignment
T5QSZ Superannuation Modifiers Australia
T5QTK State/Territory Code Australia
T5QTM Taxation Australia Medicare Levy
T5QTP Payroll Tax and Workers Compensation
T5QTS State Description Australia
T5QTT Termination Taxation of Leave Australia
T5QTX Tax Scale Australia


Table Name Description
PA0100 HR Master Record: Infotype 0100 (SI B)
PA0101 HR Master Record: Infotype 0101 (Tax B)
PA0107 HR Master Record: Infotype 0107 (Work Schedule B)
PA0108 HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B)
PA0109 HR Master Record: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B)
PA0125 HR Master Record: Infotype 0125 (Garnishment B)
PA0138 HR Master Record: Infotype 0138 (Family/Ref.Pers B)
PA0503 Pensioner's Definition
PA0504 Pensioner's Advantage B
PA0505 HR Master Record: Infotype 0505
PA0569 HR Master Record: Infotype 0569
PA0735 HR Master Record: Infotype 0735 (Dimona B)
PA3207 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 3207
PA3270 HR Master Record: Infotype 3270
PA3271 HR Master Record: Infotype 3271
PB0107 HR Master Record: Infotype 0107 (Planned Working Time B)
PB0108 HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B)
PB0109 HR Master Record: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B)
T5B01 SI Categories Employees (B)
T5B02 SI Categories Employers (B)
T5B03 SI Specifications Employees (B)
T5B07 Profession Groups (B)
T5B09 Type deduction of SI-contribution employer (B)
T5B0A Text Table SI Categories Employees (B)
T5B0B Text Table SI Categories Employers (B)
T5B0C Text Table SI Specifications Employees (B)
T5B0G Profession Groups (B)
T5B0I Text Table Deduction of SI Contribution Employer (B)
T5B0K Mapping of country ISO code to the NIS country code - Belg.
T5B13 Leave Regulation Taxes (B)
T5B15 Translation Table: Marital Status
T5B16 Reason for Exemption
T5B16T Reason for Exemption (Text)
T5B17 Fiche 281.##
T5B17T Fiche 281.## text
T5B1A Text Table Type Tax Calculation (B)
T5B1C Text Table Leave Regulation Taxes (B)
T5B1E Employee Groupings for Institution Tables
T5B1ET Text table for identity table employee grouping
T5B1H Relationships Betw. Companies and Institutions
T5B1P Personnel subareas
T5B1R Relationships Betw. Pers. Subareas and Institutions
T5B1S Companies
T5B1ST Texts for companies (obsolete - not used)
T5B1T Relationships Betw. Companies and Institutions
T5B1U Relationships Betw. Personnel Subareas and Institutions
T5B1V Correspondence of customer entries in TSADV
T5B24 Code of Pension Advantage
T5B2D Text Code of Pension Advantage
T5B31 Translation Table BE Educational Leave Quotums
T5B41 Mapping date types to internal date types for IT41(Belg.)
T5B62 Text Table Collective Agreements (B)
T5B63 Labour Commissions (B)
T5B6B Pay Scale Agreements (B)
T5B6C Labour Commissions (B)
T5B71 Work Schedule Systems (B)
T5B73 Regulations Work Schedules (B)
T5B7A Text Table Systems Work Schedules (B)
T5B7C Text Table for Work Schedule Regulations (B)
T5B92 Institutional Groups (B)
T5B9A Institutions (B)
T5B9B Institutional Groups (B)
T5B9G Employee Groups/Subgroups (B)
T5B9P Plant/Plant Section (B)
T5BD1 Local Unit ID entities table
T5BD2 Local Unit ID text table.
T5BD3 Additional Social Insurance Contributions (obsolete)
T5BD4 Definition of modifiers for additional contributions
T5BD4T Texts for modifiers of additional contributions
T5BD6 Assignment of premium rates to risk activities
T5BD7 Groupings of premium rates for risk activities
T5BD7T Texts for groupings of premium rates for risk activities
T5BDRM Grouping of deductions for DMFA
T5BDRMT Grouping of deductions for DMFA
T5BDRO Deductions groupings for DMFA
T5BIE General extension table
T5BP10 Mapping of absence categories to internal absence types
T5BP4 Absence splitting table
T5BP5 Absence neighboring definition
T5BP6 Rules for absence collision
T5BP8 Absence category attributes
T5BP9 Absence processing BE: illness attributes table.
T5BVB Contract Type Belgium
T5BVD Mapping Table Educational Type


Table Name Description
PA0397 Infotype 0021 Family
PA0398 Infotype 0016 - Corporation and contract agreements
PA0410 Infotype 0410 - Transportation ticket
PA0437 Multiple employment (BR)
PA0465 HR master record infotype 0465
PA0625 Infotype 0002 - Race/complexion
PA0661 Termination: general data
PA0695 HR Master record infotype 0695
PA0734 HR master record infotype 0734
PA0736 Alimony order for Brazil
PA0737 Alimony debit for Brazil
PA0738 Alimony adjustment for Brazil
PB0398 Infotype 0016 - Corporation and contract agreements
PB0465 HR master record infotype 0465
PB0625 Infotype 0002 - Race/complexion
PB0695 HR Master record infotype 0695
PB0734 HR master record infotype 0734
T7BR01 Losing leave entitlement: rules
T7BR02 Additional information for absence and quota generation
T7BR03 Relate wage types to old results
T7BR06 Parameters Responsible branch - SIAL
T7BR07 Parameters Responsible branch - SEFIP
T7BR0A Split of absence valuation periods
T7BR0F Third-party payment assignment
T7BR0P Personnel areas assignment to branches/c.sites groups
T7BR1B Union
T7BR20 Brazilian Job Occupation Code
T7BR4C Wage types for leave valuation
T7BR86 Wage types for saving entitlement to leave reserve
T7BR90 Rules for calculation of severance pay
T7BR98 Employee grouping for calculation of severance pay
T7BR9A Discount percentage on third-party payment
T7BRAB Additional information for absences
T7BRAE Economic activity
T7BRAI Inflation adjustment
T7BRAP Branches and/or construction sites grouping
T7BRAS IAI percentage for special retirement
T7BRAT Economic activity description
T7BRB1 Branch - general information
T7BRB2 Branch - Social insurance body
T7BRB3 "Branch
T7BRB4 Branch - Withholding Income Tax Declaration
T7BRB6 Branch - Employee tab page no.
T7BRB7 SEFIP: revenue Sports Event/ Sponsored Subscription
T7BRB8 SEFIP: other informations per site
T7BRC0 Construction site code
T7BRC1 Construction site information
T7BRC2 Company - General information
T7BRCB Brazilian Job Occupation Code (by position)
T7BRCO1 Field composition of GSW
T7BRCO2 Collect codes of GSW
T7BRCO3 Collect codes of GSW due to retroactive accounting reason
T7BRCO4 Groups for GSW fill in
T7BRCO5 Compensation balance of GSW
T7BRCO6 Field values of GSW (FCSWI)
T7BRCP Wage type assignment for absence double compensation
T7BRCS HBRRAIS table for the salary type
T7BRD0 Transfer of payroll external results: PRS
T7BRDR Withholding Income Tax Declaration withholding code
T7BRDT Withholding Income Tax Decl.withholding code description
T7BRE1 Full description of marital status
T7BREC Marital status description
T7BRES Schools
T7BRFM Employee movement code for FGTS
T7BRFT SAWF code description
T7BRIS SIB table
T7BRNA HBRRAIS table for nationality
T7BRNJ Legal nature of establishment
T7BRNT Description of establishment legal nature
T7BRPM0 Table of penalty and interest percentages
T7BRPP Wage types for planned period
T7BRPZ Wage types for planned period
T7BRQT Absence quota type
T7BRRA Employee's movement code to SIAL
T7BRRK Hazard and health risk grouping
T7BRRT Description of movement code to SIAL
T7BRS1 Child allowance eligibility of subtypes of IT21
T7BRSA Movement code for FGTS withdrawal
T7BRSB Exclusion of movement code for FGTS withdrawal
T7BRSS SS Relation between value type (BRSOC) and wage type
T7BRST Description of movement code for FGTS withdrawal
T7BRT0 Legal rights associated with employee situation
T7BRT2 Transportation type
T7BRT3 Transportation type description
T7BRTA Union dues
T7BRTF Description of FGTS movement code
T7BRTH Third-party code
T7BRTM Punch clock codes
T7BRTP Transportation ticket description
T7BRTR Transportation ticket
T7BRTT Third-party code description
T7BRWT Assignment of wage types for absence in double
T7BRX0 Table for Labor Debits Update
T7BRX1 Labor Debits


Table Name Description
PA0095 HR Master Record: Infotype 0095 (Tax Canada)
PA0224 Tax information - infotype 0224 - Canada
PA0461 HR Master Record: Infotype 0461 (Tax Assignment CA)
PA0462 HR Master Record: Infotype 0462
PA0463 HR Master Record: Infotype 0463
PA0464 HR Master Record: Infotype 0464
T5K0P Personnel Area/Sub Area (Canada)
T5K0Q Industry Sector Texts
T5K13 Jobs
T5K14 Assignment Positions to NOC
T5K1A Absence type reason relevant to ROE (Canada)
T5K1E Event reason relevant to ROE (Canada)
T5K1M Master data reason relevant to ROE
T5KNC EECRS: North American Ind Classification Syst(NAICS) Codes
T5KNCT North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) Texts
T5KS1 Directory for short / long term disability plans
T5KS2 Short / long term disability: Assign absences to illnesses
T5KST Short / long term disability plans texts
T5KTL Tax area - Canada
T5KYR "Association of wage type with registration number

SAP Switzerland TABLES (PA-PA-CH)

Table Name Description
PA0036 HR Master Record: Infotype 0036 (Social Insurance CH)
PA0038 HR Master Record: Infotype 0038 (Fiscal Data CH)
PA0039 HR Master Record: Infotype 0039 (Add. Org. Assignment CH)
PA0046 HR Master Record: Infotype 0046 (Company Pension Fund CH)
PA0120 HR Master Record: Infotype 0120 (Pension Fund Trans. CH)
PA0288 HR CH: HR Master Record Infotype 0021 (Suppl. Switzerland)
PA0600 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0600
PA0977 HR Master Record Infotype 0977
PA0980 HR Master Record Infotype 0980
T5C03 Employee Group/Subgroup
T5C0P HR CH: Personnel Subarea Supplements
T5C10 FAK Contributions (CH)
T5C11 Training Bonuses
T5C12 Bonus Paid After Birth of Child
T5C13 HR-CH: Additional jobs
T5C14 HR-CH: RWH number of public holidays
T5C15 HR-CH: RWH vacation and public holidays reimbursement
T5C16 HR-CH: Exception Events for Reduced Hours
T5C17 Texts for Pension Funds
T5C18 Pension Funds - Insurance Types
T5C19 Family Equalization Fund
T5C1B Texts for AHV Keys
T5C1C Pension funds
T5C1D Texts for Pension Funds
T5C1E Transaction Types
T5C1F Total Transaction Types
T5C1G Percentages
T5C1H Pension Types
T5C1I Texts for Pension Types
T5C1J Pension Rates (CH)
T5C1K HR-CH: insurance contributions
T5C1L SUVA plant sections
T5C1M Family-Related Bonuses
T5C1N Family Equalization Fund
T5C1O Cantons/Municipalities (CH)
T5C1P EO Compensation (CH)
T5C1Q HR-CH: Company department short-time work
T5C1R Text for Company Department
T5C1S Withholding Tax Rates (CH)
T5C1T Texts for Withholding Tax
T5C1U Profession Categories
T5C1V Texts for Profession Categories
T5C1W ASM statistic texts
T5C1X Paying Offices (CH)
T5C1Y Fee for Withholding Tax
T5C1Z Company Pension Fund Factors
T5C21 (Further) Training Institutes
T5C21T Name of (Further) Training Institutes
T5C22 (Further) Trainings
T5C22T Descriptions of (Further) Trainings
T5C23 Further Calculation Formulas for Cumulation Wage Types
T5C2A Text on Tax Liability
T5C2B Withholding Tax Bases
T5C2D Withholding Tax Calculation
T5C2F Tax Cantons
T5C2G Texts for Withholding Tax
T5C2H WhT Tax Records
T5C2H_EXT "WTx Rates (Basis as of 100
T5C2I WhT Accounting Number
T5C2K WhT Table Structure
T5C2L Withholding tax - payroll number
T5C2M Payroll unit - withholding tax
T5C2MT Payroll unit: Withholding tax texts
T5C2N Payroll unit - wage statement
T5C2NB Remarks for Payroll Unit Wage Statement
T5C2NT Payroll unit - wage statement texts
T5C30 Salary Comparison: Function Numbers
T5C30T Salary Comparison: Function ID
T5C31 Salary Comparison: Function Assignment
T5C3A HR-CH: PF: Total transaction types
T5C3B HR-CH: PF: Total wage types - texts
T5C3D HR-CH: UVG/SUVA premiums
T5C3E HR-CH: plant section text internal/UVG
T5C3J HR-CH: Assignment of Application Keys to Payroll Units
T5C4A Municipality
T5CAR Message for Employee Attribute Combination
T5CAS Assignment of EE Attr.classes to IT Entry Fields
T5CSA HR-CH: Payroll unit UVG
T5CSAT HR-CH: Payroll unit UVG
T5CSB HR-CH: Payroll unit: Social Funds
T5CSBT HR-CH: Payroll unit: Social Funds
T5CSC HR-CH: Payroll Unit: Voluntary Accident Insurance
T5CSCT HR-CH: Payroll Unit: Voluntary Accident Insurance
T5CSD HR-CH: Payroll Unit - Sickness Indemnity Insurance
T5CSDT HR-CH: Payroll Unit - Sickness Indemnity Insurance
T5CSE HR-CH: Payroll unit: NBU additional insurance
T5CSET HR-CH: Payroll unit: NBU additional insurance
T5CSF HR-CH: Payroll Unit - ASM
T5CSFT HR-CH: Payroll Unit - ASM
T5CSG HR-CH: Payroll Unit BFS
T5CSGT HR-CH: Payroll Unit BFS Text
T5CSI Grouping for Insurances
T5CSIT Grouping for Social Insurance Switzerland
T5CSJ Payroll Units for the Employer Statement
T5CSJT HR-CH; Payroll Unit AGBE
T5CSX HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 1
T5CSXT HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 1
T5CSY HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 2
T5CSYT HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 2
T5CSZ HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 3
T5CSZT HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 3
T5CZ1 HR-CH: Payroll Unit: Family-Related Bonuses
T5CZ1T HR-CH: Payroll Unit: Family-Related Bonuses


Table Name Description
PA0528 HR Master Record: Infotype 0528 (Family information)
PA0529 HR Master Record: Infotype 0529 (Add. Personal Data CN)
PA0530 HR Master Record: Infotype 0530 (Public Housing Fund)
PA0531 HR Master Record: Infotype 0531 (Income Tax)
PA0532 HR Master Record: Infotype 0532 (Insurance)
PA0533 HR Master Record: Infotype 0533 (Personal File Managment)
PA0534 HR Master Record: Infotype 0534 (Party Infomation)
PA0535 HR Master Record: Infotype 0535 (Project & Achievement)
PA0536 HR Master Record: Infotype 0536 (Administration)
PA0537 HR Master Record: Infotype 0537 (Going Abroad Information)
PA3211 HR Master Record: Infotype 3211 (Contract Elements CN)
PA3212 HR Master Record: Infotype 3212 (Special Payment CN)
T7CN09 Periods of Notice (CN)
T7CN0P Personal Areas/Subareas (CHINA)
T7CN13 Salary information (CN)
T7CN14 Contribution change reason
T7CN15 Social insurance authority institution information
T7CN15T Social insurance authority institution name
T7CN16 Public Housing Fund authority institution information
T7CN16T Public Housing Fund authority institution name
T7CN17 Minimum Salary
T7CN17T Minimum Salary Area Description
T7CN1A Contribution change reason text
T7CN20 Contribution base
T7CN21 Contribution Group
T7CN22 Pass Rule ER-to-EE
T7CN23 Contribution Level
T7CN24 Contribution Type
T7CN25 Contribution Area
T7CN26 Contribution switch period
T7CN28 Service Fee to Holding Location
T7CN28T Service Fee to Holding Location
T7CN29 Social insurance
T7CN2A Contribution Area Text
T7CN2Y Contribution Type Text
T7CN30 Tax Withholding Fast Formula
T7CN31 Special rule category
T7CN32 Tax Area
T7CN33 Exempted Amount Table
T7CN34 Special Calculation Rule
T7CN35 Special rule rely on protocol
T7CN36 Tax grouping for company
T7CN37 country codes for china tax
T7CN38 Occupation category
T7CN38T Occupation category Text
T7CN39 Income category
T7CN39T Income category Text
T7CN3A Special rule category text
T7CN3B Tax Area Text
T7CN3E Special rule rely on protocol
T7CN3F Reported Tax Data
T7CN40 Personal File Category
T7CN41 From/To Category
T7CN44 Social Class Status
T7CN45 Personal Identity
T7CN4D Personnel Class Status Text
T7CN4E Personal Identity Text
T7CN4T Personal File Category Text
T7CN4U Text for From/To Category
T7CN53 Occupation
T7CN54 Role in project
T7CN55 Achievement(Result) Level Code
T7CN56 Achievement(Reward) Code
T7CN57 Position Category Code
T7CN58 Position Name Code
T7CN59 Political status
T7CN5P Position Category Code Text
T7CN5Q Position name
T7CN5R Political status text
T7CN5S Occupation Text
T7CN5V Text for role in project
T7CN5W Achievement Level Code Text
T7CN5Y Achievement(Reward) code text
T7CN60 Appointment Reason Code
T7CN61 Position Level Code
T7CN62 Position Type Code
T7CN63 Going Abroad Purpose Category
T7CN64 Expense Provider Category
T7CN67 Political Affiliation Exception Type
T7CN68 Project Type
T7CN69 Project or Achievement Related Infomation
T7CN6Q Project Type Text
T7CN6R Political Affiliation Exception Type Text
T7CN6S Position Level
T7CN6T Appointment Reason Text
T7CN6U Position Type Text
T7CN6V Going Abroad Purpose Text
T7CN6W Expense Provider Category Text
T7CN6X Occoupation status text
T7CN71 Province Key for CN
T7CN80 Service year Valuation Rule
T7CN81 Sick leave deduction rate
T7CN82 Define Relevant Absence Types
T7CN83 Long Sick Leave Salary Payment Rate
T7CN84 Medical Treatment Entitlment and Accumulation period
T7CN90 Year end tax declaration reported information - CTXE


Table Name Description
PA0010 HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation)
PA0012 HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany)
PA0013 Infotype Social Insurance - Germany
PA0020 HR Master Record Infotype 0020 (DUEVO)
PA0026 HR Master Record: Infotype 0026 (Company Insurance)
PA0029 HR Master Record: Infotype 0029 (Workers' Compensation)
PA0033 International Infotype 0033: Statistics Exceptions
PA0049 HR Master Record: Infotype 0049 (Red.Hrs./Bad Weather)
PA0053 HR Master Record: Infotype 0053 (Company Pension)
PA0079 Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D
PA0093 HR Master Record: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employers - D)
PA0111 HR Master Record: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment/Cession - D)
PA0112 HR Master Record: Infotype 0112 (Garnishment Claim - D)
PA0113 HR Master Record: Infotype 0113 (Garnish. Interest - D)
PA0114 HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D)
PA0115 HR Master Record: Infotype 0115 (Garnishment Wages D )
PA0116 HR Master Record: Infotype 0116 (Garn. Transfer D)
PA0117 HR Master Record: Infotype 0117 (Garn. Compensation D)
PA0123 Infotype 0123 (Default Disrup. Ev.-SI Income Thresh.Deficit
PA0124 Infotype 0124 (Disruptive Events Germany)
PA0126 Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany
PA0130 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0130 (Checking Procedures)
PA0232 HR Master Record Infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D)
PA0341 HR Master Record Infotype 341 (DUEVO Start)
PA0405 HR Master Record: Infotype 0405 (Absence Event)
PA0512 HR Master Record Infotype 0512
PA0521 HR Master Record: Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement D)
PA0904 HR Master Record Infotype 0904
PA0908 HR Master Record Infotype 0908
T507A RHC: Delimitation of Employees Affected
T513P Pension Reserve Groups
T5D03 Employee Group/Subgroup
T5D0P Plant/Personnel Subarea (D)
T5D0U Assignment to Pay Scale Area Groups
T5D0V Wage and Salary Types (National Attributes)
T5D11 Calculation Procedures and Indicators of Health Ins. Funds
T5D13 Jobs (Germany)
T5D14 Features of Earnings Survey for State Statistics Office
T5D1A Social Insurance Contributions
T5D1G Contribution Scales for Supplementary Insurance
T5D1H Supplementary Insurance
T5D1I Health Insurance Contributions for the Compulsory Insured
T5D1K Branch Offices
T5D1L SI Withholding Deductions (D)
T5D1M HI Contributions Reduced Voluntarily
T5D1O "Health Insurance Funds
T5D1W Supplementary Pensions
T5D1X Supplementary Pension (D) Percentage Rates
T5D1Z "Contributions to Care Insurance
T5D2M Month of Issue: Employment Tax Statement (Tax Germany)
T5D3A Workers' Compensation Associations
T5D3B Workers' Compensation Associations - Hazard Pay Areas
T5D3C Workers' Compensation Associations - Texts
T5D3D Hazard Pay Areas of Workers' Compensation Associations
T5D3E Reduced Working Hours/Winter Compensation: Approval Periods
T5D3E_SVERST RHC: Period for Flat-Rate SI 100% Refund
T5D3F Pension institutions (D)
T5D3K Capital Formation Variants
T5D3L Capital Formation Savings Payments-Special Rules Table-Texts
T5D3M Assignment of a Valuation of Pay Scales for Statistics
T5D3O Capital Formation Constants
T5D3S_EHVE Additional Data: Reporting Company for Earnings Survey
T5D40 Value Credit for Flexible Working Hours Policy
T5D41 Name of Value Credit
T5D44 Assignment of Attributes to Value Credits
T5D45 Assignment of Wage Types to Value Credits
T5D46 Flexible Working Hours Policy: Management of Disr.Ev. ITD
T5D48 Flexible Working Hours Policy: Management of Value Credits
T5D4G DEUEV Activity Keys for Miners' and Mine Employees' Ins.
T5D4H DEUEV Occupation Code for Miners' and Mine EEs' Insurance
T5D4UMS Conversion of Characters Not Supported by DEUEV
T5D6B Equalization Reasons
T5D6G Employer Costs - Garnishment
T5DA3 Assessment Bases for SR Model
T5DA4 Special Rule for Semiretirment
T5DA4T Text for Semiretirement Special Rule
T5DA5 SR.M: Work Phases for Semiretirement
T5DA5T SR: Phase Names
T5DL1 Absence Events
T5DL2 Texts for Absence Events
T5DL3 Rules for Absence Events
T5DL4 Texts for Rules for Absence Events
T5DL5 Rule Type for Absence Events
THRPAD_ERD_LOG Logging Table for Employee Information


Table Name Description
PA0072 HR Master Record: Infotype 0072 (Fiscal Data - DK)
PA0073 HR Master Record: Infotype 0073 (Private Pensions - DK)
PA0074 HR Master Record: Infotype 0074 (Leave Processing - DK)
PA0075 HR Master Record: Infotype 0075 (ATP Pension - DK)
PA0214 HR Master Record Infotype 0214
PA0314 I0314: Days for Vacation Bonus and Sal. Deducs (DK/N)
T513D Job Groups
T5M_SUMMER_PER Extra Vacation Days due to Vacation in the Summer Period
T5M03 Employee Groups/Subgroups (Denmark)
T5M13 !Not Used: Jobs (Denmark)
T5M15 Default Values for DA Job Keys (DK)
T5M16 Official DA Statistics - Job Keys (DK)
T5M17 DA Statistics - Job Descriptions (DK)
T5M18 Official DA Statistics - Training Keys (DK)
T5M19 DA Statistics - Training Descriptions (DK)
T5M1A Place of Employment Keys for Tax Information S74 DK
T5M1B Place of Employment Keys for DA Statistics DK
T5M1C Place of Employment Keys for DS Statistics DK
T5M1K No longer used !! [Municipality Number]
T5M1P Client/Plant/Plant Section (Denmark)
T5M1T !Not used: Field 27 Texts
T5M2D !Not Used: Default Values for Infotype 0073
T5M2P !Not Used: Pension Type (Denmark)
T5M2S !Not Used: ATP Records
T5M2T !Not Used: Pension Texts (Denmark)
T5M3O !Not Used: OSI Bank Transfer Information
T5M4F !Not Used: Default Values for Leave
T5M4S !Not Used: Default Values for SH
T5M55 ToldSkat country codes for Field 5
T5M5L "SAP-PBS Interface: Leave Schema
T5M5M SAP-PBS Interface: Leave Schema Descriptions OF-CODES (DK)
T5M5X Customer Description of a PBS Interval
T5M6P Default Values for Leave Accumulation
T5M6Q Description of a Default Value for Leave Accumulation
T5M7R Text Table - Pension Types
T5M7U Retrieval of DA-DS Statistics
T5M9K Hierarchy Structure for DA Statistics Job Key
T5M9L Hierarchy Structure Texts for DA Statistics Job Key
T5M9M Hierarchy Structure for DS Statistics Training Key
T5M9N Hierarchy Structure Texts for DS Statistics Work Center Key
T5MF0 FA Place of Employment (Employer Association Financ.Sector)
T5MF6 Conversion of R/3 Pay Scale Structure to FA PS Structure
T5MF8 "FA: Default Work Function
T5MF9 Default Value for DA/DS Statistics DK IT (204) is Hiring/Lea
T5MFD Retrieval of Official Statistics for DA/DS and FA
T5MFH Special Transfer Days for Wage Types
T5MLTR HR-DK: Maintain Transfer PBS WTs for Leave Types
T5MRE !Not Used: Garnishment DK


Table Name Description
PA0061 HR Master Record Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - Spain)
PA0062 HR master record Infotype 0062 (Tax Spain))
PA0090 HR Master Record Infotype 0090 (Additional Income)
PA0092 HR master record Infotype 0092 (Seniority Spain)
PA0480 HR master record for infotype 0480
PA0714 HR master record Infotype 0714
PA0768 Personal data
PA0799 AFI message data
PA0887 Personnel master record infotype 0887
PA0968 HR master record infotype 0968
PA3231 HR master record Infotype 3231
PB0480 HR master record infotype 0480 (Candidates)
T5E01 Personnel areas and subareas
T5E02 Company tax data
T5E03 IA/ID and NID healthcare companies
T5E04 Registered company and work center names
T5E05 Social Insurance branch offices
T5E06 Social Insurance contributing companies
T5E07 Health services amounts for company contributing to S.I.
T5E08 Time-dependent characteristics of CACs
T5E10 Extension of pay scales
T5E11 Assignation of head office to corporate group
T5E12 Assignment of Social Insurance center
T5E1T Corporate group texts
T5E20 Provinces
T5E30 Adjust Social Insurance reasons and actions
T5E33 Assign countries to Social Insurance key (RED System)
T5E34 Pay scale codes
T5E35 Towns according to INEM
T5E36 Reasons for legal situation of unemployment
T5E36T Texts: Reasons for legal situation of unemployment
T5E37 Estimation of annual income
T5E38 Reasons for IRPF percentage change
T5E48 Groups of professional categories
T5E4F CNAES entity table
T5E4H CNAE texts
T5E4T Description of Social Insurance branch-office types
T5E51 Seniority bonuses
T5E52 Seniority calculation methods
T5E53 Amounts of seniority bonuses
T5E57 Union dues
T5E60 Contract entity according to the company
T5E61 Contract transformations allowed
T5E6B Contract groupers
T5E6I Contract texts according to company
T5E6K Contract grouper texts
T5E70 INEM offices
T5E75 Work center commitment code
T5E7I Spanish Office of Employment (INEM) branch texts
T5E8M Reasons for IRPF percentage change
T5E8S Assignation of professional categories to modifiers
T5E8T Modifiers for professional categories
T5E8U Texts of professional categories modifiers
T5E91 Assignation of customer subtypes to legal classes
T5EA0 Seniority calculation procedures
T5EA0T Calculation procedure texts
T5EA1 Seniority payment methods
T5EA1T Payment method texts
T5EA2 Seniority payment symbols
T5EA2T Payment symbol texts
T5EA3 Definition of valuation methods
T5EA3T Valuation method texts
T5EA4 Associate valuation wage type with valuation method
T5EA5 Calculation sequences by payment method
T5EA6 Actions and reasons affecting seniority
T5ED1 Place type
T5ED1T Place type
T5ED2 Variance
T5ED2T Variance
T5ED3 Type of work
T5ED3T Work type
T5ED4 Specific physical activity
T5ED4T Specific physical activity
T5ED5 Contact method
T5ED5T Contact method
T5ED6 Injured body part
T5ED6T Injured body part
T5ED7 Description of the injury
T5ED7T Description of the injury
T5ED8 Material agents
T5ED8T Material agents
T5ED9 Worker employment codes
T5ED9T Description of worker employment codes
T5EDH Local tax offices/authorities
T5EF2 Directory of INEM forms generated
T5EF3 Directory of INEM forms generated
T5EF4 Templates for INEM forms
T5EF5 Definition of assignment trees
T5EFI Severance payment calculation
T5EG0 Gross/net model features
T5EG1 Special Rule
T5EG2 Special rule description
T5EG3 Special rule calculation
T5EG4 Features of non-exempt amount model
T5EG5 Features of relationship with other debts model
T5EG6 Default values
T5EG9 Garnishee fee
T5EI5 Wage types valid for Spanish IRS evaluations
T5EI6 Arrears by period and grouper
T5EI7 Default behaviour for arrears groupers
T5EL1 Protected data access log
T5EL3 Last record of access to protected data by user
T5EL5 Protected data access log
T5EL6 LOPD. High-level data fields and structures
T5EL7 Log for accessing protected data for XML files
T5ER1 Employment regulation files
T5ER2 Calendar configuration for ERE
T5ES1 Marine employees: Canary Is. record
T5EU3 Assignation of options to situations


Table Name Description
PA0205 HR Master Record: Infotype 0205 (taxes Finland)
PA0206 HR Master Record: Infotype 0206 (SI Finland)
PA0228 HR Master Record: Infotype 0228 (garnishments Finland)
T7FI01 Finnish tax offices
T7FI02 Pension insurance table (Finland)
T7FI03 Pension insurance groups (Finland)
T7FI04 Pension insurance departments (Finland)
T7FI05 Insurance codes (Finland)
T7FI06 Risk groups for accident insurance (Finland)
T7FI07 Accident insurance table (Finland)
T7FI08 Finnish Unemployment Percentages
T7FI09 Type of establishment (Finland)
T7FI0P Addtional information on personnel area/subarea (Finland)
T7FI10 Type of establishment (Finland)
T7FI11 Place of business related info (Finland)
T7FI12 Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea
T7FI15 Statistical ID
T7FI16 Statistical Branch text
T7FI17 File Format for Statistics ID
T7FI1P Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea
T7FI510 TVR relevant payscale group/level (Finland)
T7FIA File Format for Statistics ID - Blue collar employees
T7FIC0 Age groups for company cars (Finland)
T7FITELME TEL messages
T7FITELME_ABS TEL messages - Absences
T7FIU0 Unemployment percentages (Finland)
T7FIVAC "Wage types


Table Name Description
HRP1600 Database Table for Infotype 1600
HRP1601 Database Table for Infotype 1601
PA0064 Infotype 0064 : Social Insurance - France
PA0098 Infotype 0098 (Profit Sharing - France)
PA0217 Infotype 0217 (INSEE Code)
PA0218 Infotype 0218 (Pension fund no.)
PA0233 Infotype 0233 'Bilan Social'
PA0272 Infotype 0272 (Garnishment)
PA0424 Industrial accident / maternity / sickness statement (FR)
PA0425 Data Entry of Per Diem Sick Pay Summary
PA0873 Infotype 0873
T5F03 Employee groups/subgroups - special features (France)
T5F1A SI organizations (France)
T5F1B SI contributions
T5F1C SI contributions:rates and wage types
T5F1C1 Contributions rates
T5F1C3 Contribution rate modifier
T5F1C3T Description of the contribution rate modifiers
T5F1C4 Contributions conditions
T5F1C5 Contributions conditions
T5F1C5T Descriptions of the contributions conditions
T5F1C6 Contributions rule modifiers
T5F1C6T Descriptions of the contributions rule modifiers
T5F1C7 Contributions rules
T5F1C8 Contributions rules
T5F1C8T Descriptions of the contribution rules
T5F1D Contributions plan
T5F1E SI Organizations - addresses
T5F1F Assignment to social insurance fund model (France)
T5F1G Contributions assessment thresholds
T5F1G1 Assessment bases
T5F1H Change contribution calculation base
T5F1I Fund model
T5F1J Assessment threshold: texts
T5F1K Calc. bases for exempt. of costs for spec. contracts (FR)
T5F1KD Definition of special contrib. exemption modifiers
T5F1KT Desc. of special contrib. exemption modifiers
T5F1L Deletion of bases for the contributions of organizations
T5F1M Assignment to social insurance fund model (France)
T5F1P Personnel Area/Subarea (FR)
T5F1Q HR-F: Industrial accident indicators
T5F1Q1 Industrial accident rate attributes
T5F1Q1T Descriptions of the industrial accident rate attributes
T5F1R HR-F: Supplementary pension fund data
T5F1S HR-F: Social insurance data transfer information
T5F1T Name of SI contribution plans
T5F1U CRC-TDS : Links between wage types and fields
T5F20 IJSS calculation method management
T5F22 IJSS calculation method management
T5F2A Processing of continued pay methods
T5F2B Payroll period calculation methods
T5F2C Grace period and continued pay
T5F2D Process grace period for continued pay
T5F2E General modifier for continued pay processing
T5F2F Wage types used for IJSS calculation
T5F2G Process change of continued pay modifier
T5F2H Extension of payroll period calculation methods
T5F2I Criteria for modifying reference period
T5F2J Desc. of criteria select. indic. (ref. period calc.)
T5F2M Sickness compensation period
T5F2P Continued pay in case of sickness
T5F2Q Quota classification for France.
T5F30 Classification of actions and reasons
T5F3A Payment reasons for profit sharing
T5F3B Calculation Bases for Profit Sharing
T5F3C Contributions and Profit Sharing Agencies
T5F3G Garnishment levels
T5F3S Garnishment (FR)
T5F3T Text for profit sharing modifier
T5F41 Challenged
T5F42 Work Contract
T5F45 Special contract category
T5F4C Qualification
T5F4D Further training text
T5F4F Electoral domains
T5F4G Electoral colleges
T5F4H Names of electoral colleges
T5F4I Names of electoral colleges
T5F4J Socio-professional codes
T5F4K Descriptions of socio-professional categories
T5F4N Agency indicator check table
T5F4O Social Protection Agency (OPS)
T5F4OC Contributions by Social Protection Agency (OPS)
T5F4OT Wage type text for Social Protection Agencies (OPS)
T5F4P Agency indicator text
T5F4Q Employee group check table
T5F4QA Employee group check table
T5F4QAT Employee group designations
T5F4R Employee group designations
T5F4S Employee groups associated with SI contribution models
T5F4T Employee group wage types.
T5F4UD Declared unit
T5F4UM Declared unit modifier by Soc.Prot.Agy(OPS)/Place of Work
T5F4V Do not use: replaced by T5F4W
T5F4W Contributions linked to personnel type
T5F5A Description of social and professional categories
T5F5B Description of Bilan Social tables
T5F5C Details of 'Bilan Social' tables
T5F5D Description of 'Bilan Social' indicators
T5F5E Description of selection criteria for BS indicators
T5F5F Settings for 'Bilan Social' selection criteria
T5F5G Bilan Social social and professional categories
T5F5H Social Balance Tables
T5F5I Bilan Social indicators
T5F5J Selection criteria for 'Bilan Social'
T5F5L Bilan Social types
T5F5M Description of 'Bilan Social' types
T5F5N Bilan Social business areas
T5F5O Description of 'Bilan Social' business areas
T5F5Q Data for the company/branch
T5F5T Description of numeric data codes
T5FPD28 Public Revenue Office position

SAP Great Britain TABLES (PA-PA-GB)

Table Name Description
PA0065 HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)
PA0069 HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB)
PA0070 HR Master Record: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders - GB)
PA0071 HR Master Record: Infotype 0071 (Pension Funds - GB)
PA0084 HR Master Record: Infotype 0084 (Sickness Pay Control - GB)
PA0085 HR Master Record: Infotype 0085 (Work Incapacity Periods GB)
PA0086 HR Master Record: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions GB)
PA0087 HR Master Record: Infotype 0087 (WFTC/DPTC GB)
PA0088 "HR Master Record: Infotype 0088 (SMP
PA0222 HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company Cars GB)
PA0225 HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2)
PA0280 HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016
PA0281 HR Master Record Infotype 0281/View for 0045
PA0433 HR Master Record Infotype 0433/View for 0009
PA0434 HR Master Record Infotype 0434/View for 0011 (GB Version)
PA0570 HR Master Record: Infotype 0570
PA0571 HR Master Record: Infotype 0571
PA0757 HR Master Record: Infotype 0757
PA0793 HR Master Record: Infotype 0793
PA0874 HR Master Record: Infotype 0874
PA0998 HR Master Record: Infotype View 0998 (Disability - GB)
PB0280 HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016
PB0433 HR Master Record Infotype 0433/View for 0009
PB0998 HR Master Record: Infotype View 0998 (Disability - GB)
T5BUKT Personnel numbers for AHP process model
T5G_ERPEN Absence Valuation
T5G_P46ARV HR-GB: Archive for P46(Car)-Forms
T5G0A Employee Group/Subgroup
T5G10 Pension Fund: OBSOLETE
T5G1T Pension Fund Texts
T5G22 SSP Qualifying Day Pattern
T5G23 Time Models for SSP Qualifying Day Patterns
T5G24 SSP Qualifying Day Pattern Calendars
T5G25 Occupational Sick Pay Schemes
T5G26 OSP-Related Data for SSP Offsetting
T5G2T Text for Occupational Sick Pay Schemes
T5G30 Pension Schemes
T5G31 Pension Contribution Calculation Rules
T5G32 Pension Holidays
T5G33 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands
T5G34 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Flat Rates
T5G35 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Percentages
T5G36 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Mix
T5G37 Pension Scheme Types
T5G3T Pension Scheme Names
T5G50 Tax Districts
T5G51 Payroll Area PAYE Reference
T5G52 Tax District and Reference Details
T5G53 Permit Numbers
T5G54 End Of Year Processing Stamp
T5G55 HR-GB: Default Tax Code
T5G56 HR-GB: Offshore employer details
T5G5T Tax District Name
T5G64 Unavailability Reasons
T5G6T Unavailability Reasons Text
T5G80 HR-GB: Payee Keys
T5GC3 GB Company car C02 emmissions
T5GDT Disability Type
T5GDTT Disability Type Text
T5GEF01 HR-GB: filing - Store parsed recording coming in from GG
T5GEFCREDENTIALS HR:GB eFiling : User Credentials
T5GEFDATA HR-GB: filing - Store Infotype data coming in from GG
T5GEFSTPE "HR GB: Employment Starter (P45


Table Name Description
PA0342 HR Master Record: Infotype 0342 (HK Extension to I0002)
PA0343 HR Master Record: Infotype 0343 (Contract HK)
PA0344 HR Master Record: Infotype 0344 (Familiy members HK)
PA0345 HR Master Record: Infotype 0345 (Hong Kong Tax)
PA0346 HR Master Record: Infotype 0346 (Contribution plan)
PA0347 HR Master Record: Infotype 0347 (Entitlement plan)
PA0348 HR Master Record: Infotype 0348 (HK Appraisal and bonus)
PA0349 HR Master Record: Infotype 0349 (Eligibility grouping)
PA0351 HR Master Record: Infotype 0351 (Country Information)
PA0440 HR Master Record: Infotype 0440 (Receipts)
PB0342 HR Master Record: Infotype 0342 (HK Extension to I0002)
PB0343 HR Master Record: Infotype 0343 (Contract HK)
T7HK01 Occupations for familiy members
T7HK02 Text for familiy members's occupation
T7HK03 Notice period in time units
T7HK04 Control table for EOY Payment
T7HK0P Extension of T001P
T7HK1A Nature of Quarter
T7HK1B Text for Nature of Quarter
T7HK1C Tax grouping for report
T7HK1D Tax year control table
T7HK2 Contribution plan
T7HK2B Contribution plan attributes
T7HK2C Contribution plan eligibility rules
T7HK2D Contribution plan transfer rules
T7HK2E Assigning contribution rules for Contribution Plans
T7HK2F Contribution plan special rules
T7HK2H Provider Attributes
T7HK2I Contribution plan eligibility grouping
T7HK2J Rule details for each contribution rule grouping
T7HK2K Contribution rules for Retirement Plans
T7HK2L Contribution Rule Texts for Retirement Plans
T7HK2N Source of pre-prorated calc. base for retirement plan
T7HK2Q Salary Grouping for Retirement plan
T7HK2R Length of Service Grouping for Retirement plan
T7HK2S Age Grouping for Retirement plan
T7HK2T Provider Name
T7HK2U Salary Grouping Texts for Retirement plan
T7HK2V LOS grouping Texts for Retirement plan
T7HK2W Age Group Texts for Retirement Plan
T7HK2X Employee Group Criteria ID Texts for Retirement Plan
T7HK2Y Employee Group Criteria ID for Retirement Plan
T7HK2Z Contribution Rule Criteria for Each Contribution Rule
T7HK3 Entitlement plan
T7HK3B Entitlement plan attributes
T7HK3C Entitlement plan eligibility rules
T7HK3D Entitlement plan transfer rules
T7HK3F Scheme type for entitlement plan
T7HK3G Vesting Schedule and multiplier
T7HK3I Entitlement plan eligibility grouping
T7HK3J Entitlement plan withdrawal attributes
T7HK3L Benefit Plan Status Texts
T7HK3M Wage type for entitlement plan
T7HK3T Text for scheme type for entitlement plan
T7HK4A Events & reasons for LSP/Severance payments
T7HK4B Factor & constants for LSP/severance payments
T7HK4C Maximum amounts and reckonable YOS for LSP/severance payment
T7HK4D Proration for long service payment
T7HK5 Appraisal Type
T7HK5A Appraisal main criteria
T7HK5B Text for appraisal main criteria
T7HK5C Appraisal detail criteria
T7HK5D Text for appraisal detail criteria
T7HK5E Appraisal main and detail citeria assignment
T7HK5F Weighting of appraisal types
T7HK5G Weighting of appraisal detail criteria
T7HK5H Weighting of appraiser
T7HK5I Weighting of appraisal main criteria
T7HK5J Conversion of appraisal points to ranking per main criteria
T7HK5K Conversion of appraisal point to ranking per appraiser
T7HK5L Conversion of appraisal point to ranking per appraisal type
T7HK5M Conversion of appraisal point to ranking per detail criteria
T7HK5N Appraisal ranking
T7HK5P Text for appraisal ranking
T7HK5R Appraiser Type Text
T7HKS Text for Apraisal Type
T7HKT Entitlement plan name
T7HKU Contribution plan name


Table Name Description
PA0241 Indonesian Tax Data
PA0242 "JAMSOSTEK Details
PA0318 HR Master Record: Infotype Family data for Indonesia (0318)
PA0319 Indonesia Private Insurances
PA0362 HR Master Record: Infotype Membership for Indonesia (0362)
T7ID01 Jamsostek Modifiers for Personnel Area/Subarea
T7ID02 Tax Modifiers for Personnel Area/Subarea
T7ID0A Absence Split Assignment
T7ID0K Indonesia Loan Category
T7ID0L Continued Absence Linking
T7ID0P Personnel Area/Subarea Indonesia Values
T7ID1A Jamsostek office address (Indonesia)
T7ID1M Personnel Subarea grouping for Jamsostek purposes
T7ID1S Text for Personnel Subarea grouping for the ASTEK office
T7ID2M Personnel Subarea grouping for the tax office
T7ID2S Text for Personnel Subarea grouping for the tax office
T7IDAT Jamsostek Office Descriptions (Indonesia)
T7IDRC Definition of Region Codes
T7IDRM Linking of Region Codes with Tax modifiers
T7IDRT Text table for Region Codes
T7IDRW Region Codes and their minimum wages


Table Name Description
PA0359 HR Master Record : Infotype 0359 (PRSI Ireland)
PA0360 HR Master Record : Infotype 0360 (PRSI Ireland)
PA0361 HR Master Record : Infotype 0361 (Pensions Admin. - IE)
PA0386 HR Master Record: Infotype 0386 (VHI Scheme)
PA0387 HR Master Record : Infotype 0387 (Starter's Details)
PAPBSIE_PRD PRD: Re-Calculated PRD Amount Table
T7IE6 Employer Registered Numbers (HR-IE)
T7IE7 Irish Health Insurance Group Details
T7IEA Irish PRSI Calculation and Absence Valuation
T7IEP Pension schemes Ireland


Table Name Description
PA0580 Previous Employment Tax Details
PA0581 Housing
PA0582 Exemptions
PA0583 Car and Conveyance
PA0584 Income from other sources
PA0585 Section 80 - Tax Exemptions
PA0586 Section 88 - Tax rebate
PA0587 Provident Fund contribution
PA0588 Employee Welfare Schemes
PA0589 Individual Reimbursements
PA0590 Furnishing Scheme - India
PA0591 Nominations
T7IN0P Personnel area/subarea grouping for India
T7INA1 Reimbursement Allowances & Perks grouping
T7INA2 Text for Pay scale grouping for allowances
T7INA3 Allowance grouping definition table
T7INA5 Wage type Model for Pay scale grouping for Allowances
T7INA7 Reimbursements Allowances and Perks - base slabs
T7INA9 Reimbursement Allowances Perks - eligibility and calculati
T7INAA Salary years for Pay scale grouping for allowances
T7INAE Claims carry forward
T7INB1 Basic Wage Type for Allowance Modifiers
T7INB3 Basic Codes
T7INB4 Basic code text
T7INB5 Basic Codes for Allowance Groups
T7INB7 Basic Slabs
T7INB8 Appraisal Criteria
T7INB9 Increment criteria
T7INC1 Car type master
T7INC3 Eligibility for company owned car scheme(COCS)
T7INC7 Eligibility for car schemes(COCS/OYCS)
T7INC9 Conveyance Eligibilty
T7IND1 Dearness allowance consumer price index master
T7IND2 Dearness allowance consumer price index text
T7IND3 Dearness allowance consumer price index value
T7IND5 Dearness alloowance basic slab details
T7IND7 Dearness allowance calculation rules
T7IND9 Dearness allowance consumer price index slabs
T7INE1 Personnel area/subarea grouping for Employees' state Ins.
T7INE2 Employees' state insurance grouping text
T7INE3 Employees' state insurance contribution rates
T7INF1 Trust Master
T7INF2 Provident fund trust text
T7INF5 Company rates for provident fund
T7INF7 Provident fund trust details
T7ING1 Gratuity details
T7ING3 Gratuity ID
T7ING4 Gratuity ID Text
T7ING5 Gratuity ID and Related Wagetypes
T7INGE Resident Status Details
T7INIA HR-IN: Sec 88 membership deduction wage types
T7INIC HR-IN: Sec 80 membership deduction wage types
T7INJ1 HR-IN: Section 24 details for Housing Loans
T7INJ3 HR-IN: Loans Eligibility checks and limits
T7INJ5 HR-IN: Loans Dusbursement Schedule
T7INJ6 HR-IN : Loan Tranche Disbursement: Text for Events Code
T7INL1 Leave validation for LTA
T7INO1 One Day Salary Deduction
T7INP1 Personnel area / subarea grouping for Professional tax
T7INP2 Professional tax grouping text
T7INP3 Method and form fayout for states
T7INP4 Professional tax rates
T7INR1 HRA code for tax exemption
T7INR3 Constants related to HRA code
T7INR5 Text for statutory constants related to housing
T7INS1 Superannuation details
T7INS3 Superannuation ID
T7INS4 Superannuation ID Text
T7INS5 Superannuation ID and Related Wagetypes
T7INT5 Personnel subarea grouping for Tax
T7INT9 Taxability of wage types
T7INTE Form 24Q - TAN number lock
T7INTN TAN Number Maintainence
T7INU1 State for Universal Grouping
T7INU2 Text for Universal Grouping
T7INU3 Slab codes for states
T7INU5 Contribution Value for Each Slab
T7INW1 Personnel area/subarea grouping for Labour Welfare Fund
T7INW2 Text for Labour welfare fund
T7INW3 Labour welfare fund rates
T7INY1 Round off recovery
T7INZ1 Benefit Indicator (Factor for SA/Gratuity)
T7INZ3 Period of notice codes
T7INZ4 Period of notice codes


Table Name Description
PA0154 "HR master record
PA0155 "HR master record
PA0156 "HR master data
PA0157 "HR master record
PA0158 "HR master record
PA0159 "HR master record
PA0160 "HR master record
PA0305 "HR master record
PA0306 "HR master record
PA0407 "HR master record
PA0421 "HR master record
PA0483 Infotype 0483 - Data entry from CAAF - Italy only
PA0548 Infotype 0548 - security funds - Italy only
PA0659 HR master record for INAIL administration
PA3209 PA-PA-IT: Infotype View
T5I30 Events and Reasons for Italy
T5IT01 Company
T5IT1P HR area/sub-area grouping - HR Italy
T5ITA1 Family allowance calculation type
T5ITA2 Family allowance values
T5ITA3 Family member indicator for family allowance
T5ITA4 Family allowance values - special
T5ITA9 Family allowance treatment
T5ITAA Recalculation type - (not used anymore)
T5ITAB Current and previous year management - Italy only
T5ITAC Recalculation period management
T5ITAD Wage types to recalculate (not used anymore)
T5ITAE Cumulation wage types of recalculated differences
T5ITAF Documents which can be linked to family ind. for fam.allow.
T5ITAT Family indicator
T5ITAW Wage types to recalculate
T5ITAX Family memeber indicator text for family allowance
T5ITAY Family allowance type text
T5ITAZ Family allowance indicator text
T5ITC1 Contributions
T5ITC2 Negative tax bases
T5ITC3 Lowest rate management
T5ITC4 Lowest rate amounts
T5ITC5 Tax scale rounding
T5ITC6 Contribution table extention for settlement
T5ITCF Tax Payer's Reference Number of Institutions or Cash Offices
T5ITCG Settlement request for contributions
T5ITCH Contrib.settlement type
T5ITCI WT which form the tax base
T5ITCJ Taxation type text
T5ITCS Contribution indicator
T5ITCT Taxation type
T5ITCW Contribution indicator text
T5ITCX Settlement request text for contributions
T5ITCY Contribution settlement type text
T5ITD1 Family dependent deduction
T5ITD2 Direct employment deductions
T5ITD3 Family member indicator for tax deduction
T5ITD4 Document types
T5ITD6 Deduction expected income table
T5ITDA Miscellaneous data deductions
T5ITDC Min. and max. number admitted for element type
T5ITDE Family member type
T5ITDG Settlement request for deductions
T5ITDH Document type texts
T5ITDJ Deduct.expenses type text
T5ITDK Deduction type text
T5ITDQ Allowable expense type
T5ITDR Employment deduction expenses type
T5ITDS Family member type
T5ITDT Deduction indicator description
T5ITDW Tax deduction indicator text
T5ITDX Family member indicator text for tax deduction
T5ITDY Settlement request text for deductions
T5ITDZ Family member type text
T5ITEA Definitions Exposure and attributes indicators for tape
T5ITEB Exposure indicator attribute for print
T5ITEC Calculation rules of exposure indicators ?
T5ITED Calculation rules for Totals 770
T5ITEF 770 form: heir management
T5ITEG Pay Scale Indicator 770
T5ITEH Activity area 770
T5ITEL Relation type 770
T5ITEZ Exposure indicator description from 770
T5ITF1 Accrual indicator
T5ITF3 Provision accrual
T5ITF5 Severance indemnity revaluation table (IT)
T5ITF6 Severance indemnity revaluation percentage table-HR Italy
T5ITF7 Severance pay
T5ITF8 Accrual settlement
T5ITF9 Accrual settlement indicators
T5ITFT Provision indicator
T5ITFX Severance indemnity provision indicator description
T5ITFY Provision indicator description
T5ITFZ Accrual indicator text
T5ITGB Assign EEF Grouping
T5ITGC Table of public holidays calculations on company behalf
T5ITGD Define EEF groupings
T5ITGE Extra EEF monthly pay table
T5ITGG Table of general data for EEF
T5ITGI INPS authorization table
T5ITGM Highest rate table
T5ITGR Authorization grouping table
T5ITGT EEF grouping texts
T5ITI2 INPS general data table
T5ITI3 Percentage table
T5ITI4 Rules for the determination of work and absence days
T5ITI5 Rules for the determination of work and absence days
T5ITI6 Rules for parental leaves
T5ITI7 Parental leaves: parameters
T5ITI8 Old evalution basis for absences
T5ITI9 Table to split AB
T5ITIA Nursing table
T5ITIC Marriage leave table
T5ITID Blood donation table
T5ITIE Absence indicators
T5ITIG Ordinary days/hours table
T5ITII Sickness handling c/INPS table
T5ITIM Sickness handling c/company
T5ITIN Accident handling table
T5ITIP Maternity table
T5ITIS Sickness handling scale c/company
T5ITIT Special parameters for grace
T5ITIU General parameters for grace
T5ITIV Nursing table
T5ITL1 Other taxations table
T5ITL2 Separate taxation
T5ITL3 Monthly decontribution
T5ITL5 Decontribution settlement
T5ITLA Severance indemnity calculation table
T5ITLF Min.and/or exempt amount processing - Italy only
T5ITLX Text table other taxations
T5ITLY Decontribution settlement texts
T5ITM1 WT grouping indicators for overviews
T5ITM4 District indicator table
T5ITM5 District tax indicators table
T5ITM6 District taxes
T5ITM8 District tax settlement
T5ITM9 District tax settlement referred to previous year
T5ITMA District tax payment steps
T5ITMB Payment phases calendar
T5ITMC Transfer of employees from one employer to a different one
T5ITMO WT grouping indicators for overviews
T5ITMS Local sections
T5ITMT WT grouping indicators for overviews
T5ITMW District tax indicator description
T5ITMX District indicator descriptions
T5ITMY ASL local section indicator text
T5ITMZ Text table for local tax settlements
T5ITN1 Print parameters for section indicators
T5ITN2 Table for contribution indicator valuation condition
T5ITN3 01/M period data
T5ITN4 Text table for special remunerations
T5ITN5 INPS contract indicator
T5ITN8 Text table
T5ITN9 Frame entry table
T5ITNA History archive of DM forms + 101 form data
T5ITNB INPS registration numbers table
T5ITNC Additional data table at company level for DM and 01/M
T5ITND Place of work table
T5ITNE Local offices table
T5ITNF Text table - Places of work
T5ITNG 01/M data table - section B
T5ITNH Local offices text table
T5ITNI CUD: heir management
T5ITNJ Special remunerations table
T5ITNK Form indicators text table
T5ITNL 01/M data history
T5ITNM Form indicators table
T5ITNN Exposure indicator table linked to WT for form/section
T5ITNO Form history at personnel number level
T5ITNP Table for print contribution
T5ITNQ Form section indicator table
T5ITNR Calculation rule table
T5ITNS Special status regions and districts
T5ITNT Table for exposure / contribution indicators
T5ITNU INPS rank table
T5ITNV Assignment table of INPS levels
T5ITNW text table for exposure / contribution indicators
T5ITNX Special status regions and districts table
T5ITNY INPS rank indicator text table
T5ITNZ Form indicators text table
T5ITP1 Social Security fund
T5ITP2 Payments to social security funds
T5ITP3 Payment schedule
T5ITP4 Payments to fund management
T5ITP5 Regional tax indicators table
T5ITP6 Regional taxes
T5ITP8 Regional tax settlements
T5ITP9 Regional tax settlements with reference to previous year
T5ITPA Regional taxes payment phases
T5ITPB Evaluation of calculation base - Italy only
T5ITPC CAF table
T5ITPS Company activity indicator table
T5ITPT Fund indicator description
T5ITPW Regional tax indicator descriptions
T5ITPZ Regional tax settlements text table
T5ITQ1 Rounding table
T5ITQ2 Net pay rounding table - Italy only
T5ITQ4 CoCoCo activity code
T5ITQ5 Activity code Cont.&Coord.Services Text Table
T5ITQ6 Code: other mandatory insurance form - cont.&
T5ITQ7 Code: other mandatory insurance form - Text Table
T5ITQ8 Cont.&coord. services codes for employee status/type
T5ITQA Territorial Insurance Position
T5ITQB Tariff type
T5ITQC PAT/TT - contribution indicator
T5ITQC_2 PAT/VT - Contribution Code - Weighted INAIL Rate
T5ITQD Association INAIL modifier to PAT/VT
T5ITQE Taxation type for infotype
T5ITQF INAIL person subgroup
T5ITQI Table for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form
T5ITQL Taxation types to be highlighted in the payroll
T5ITQN INAIL status and taxation indicators
T5ITQP INAIL positions
T5ITQR INAIL offices for positions
T5ITQS INAIL offices
T5ITQT Settlement indicator
T5ITQX Settlement indicator text
T5ITQY Texts tariff type
T5ITQZ Employee subgroup description
T5ITR1 Description of administrative data indicator for the user
T5ITR5 Table for regional tax indicators
T5ITR6 Local tax
T5ITR7 Taxation formula
T5ITR8 Regional tax settlements
T5ITR9 Local tax settlement with reference to previous year
T5ITRA Local tax payment steps
T5ITRT Qualification of user administrative data
T5ITRW Local tax indicators description
T5ITRX Description of administrative data indicator for the user
T5ITRY Data text for administrative fields
T5ITRZ Text table for local tax settlements
T5ITS1 Percentage pay scale jumps - percentage ceiling
T5ITS2 Amount-based pay scale jumps - number/amount-based ceiling
T5ITS3 Amount-based pay scale jumps - fractional no. based ceiling
T5ITS4 Percentage pay scale jumps - number-based ceiling
T5ITS7 Insurance pay scale jumps - class change
T5ITSA Expiration management
T5ITSL Table for INPS reg. numbers / places of work
T5ITSLT Text table for INPS reg. numbers / places of work
T5ITSV Pay scale jump valuation type
T5ITSX Text for pay scale jump due to age indicators
T5ITSY Pay scale jumps evaluation type description
T5ITT1 IRPEF table
T5ITT2 IRPEF negative tax base table
T5ITT5 IRPEF tax base rounding table
T5ITT7 Data settlement according to 730
T5ITTA Previous years arrears
T5ITTB IRPEF miscellaneous data settlement
T5ITTS IRPEF contribution indicator
T5ITTY IRPEF contribution indicator description
T5ITW9 Table to map codes and regions of the F24
T5ITWCT Text table for conditions for master data reader


Table Name Description
PA0140 HR Master Record: Infotype 0140 (SI Basic Data JP)
PA0141 HR Master Record: Infotype 0141 (SI Premium Data JP)
PA0142 HR Master Record: Infotype 0142 (Residence Tax JP)
PA0143 HR Master Record: Infotype 0143 (Life Insurance JP)
PA0144 HR Master Record: Infotype 0144 (Property Accum. JP)
PA0145 HR Master Record: Infotype 0145 (Personnel Tax Status JP)
PA0146 HR Master Record: Infotype 0146 (Y.E.A. Data JP)
PA0147 HR Master Record: Infotype 0147
PA0148 HR Master Record: Infotype 0148 (Family JP)
PA0162 HR Master Record: Infotype 0162 (Ins. Y.E.T.A Data JP)
PA0268 HR Master Record Infortype view 0045 and 0268 (Loan JPN)
PA0373 HR loan repayment plan JP (for P0268)
PA0388 HR Master Record: Infotype 0388 (Union JP)
PA0559 HR Master Record: Infotype 0559 (Commuting allowance Info.)
PA0560 HR Master Record: Infotype 0560
PA0851 HR Master Record: Infotype 0851
PA0852 HR Master Record: Infotype 0852
PA0853 HR Master Record: Infotype 0853
PA3208 HR Master Record: Infotype 3208
T5J00 HR Union JP
T5J01 HR Union texts JP
T5J02 HR Union Member Category JP
T5J03 Person Group/Subgroup JP
T5J04 HR Union Member Category Text JP
T5J05 HR Union due calculation master JP
T5J0P Personnel Area / Personnel Subarea JP
T5J10 HR Appraisal Main Feature JPN
T5J11 HR Text for Appraisal Main Feature JPN
T5J12 HR Appraisal Detail Feature JPN
T5J13 HR Text for Appraisal Detail Feature JPN
T5J14 HR Pay Scale Level for Appraisal Point Criteria JPN
T5J15 HR Pay Scale Level for Appraisal Rank Criteria JPN
T5J16 HR Text for Appraisal Rank Criteria JPN
T5J1C HR-J: Car type
T5J1CT HR-J: Car type text
T5J1D HR Nursing Insurance cost JP
T5J21 HR Insurance Company Key Master JPN
T5J22 HR Insurance Company Name JPN
T5J25 HR Indicator of Labour Insurance Premium Rate JPN
T5J26 HR Text for Indicator of Labour Insurance Premium Rate JPN
T5J27 HR Indicator of Social Insurance Premium Rate JPN
T5J28 HR Text for Indicator of Social Insurance Premium Rate JPN
T5J33 HR Insurance company type JPN
T5J34 HR Insurance company type text JPN
T5J46 HR Appraisal Rank Criteria JPN
T5J47 HR Combination Insurance Type/Insurance Company JPN
T5J56 HR Weighting for Appraisal Main Feature JPN
T5J59 HR Job promotion - pay scale level ordering JPN
T5J60 HR Parameters for pay scale recreation JPN
T5J61 HR Address Information of Pers. Subarea for Residence Tax
T5J62 HR Address Information of Personnel Subarea for Income Tax
T5J63 HR Municipal City Codes JP
T5J65 HR School Japan
T5J65T HR School Japan
T5J66 HR Institution/school type JPN
T5J67 HR Institution/school type text JP
T5J68 HR Faculty JP
T5J68T HR Faculty JP
T5J72 HR Supplements to Reason for Events JP
T5J73 HR Retirement Allowance Modifier JP
T5J73T HR Retirement Allowance Modifier JP
T5J74 HR Retirement Allowance Unit Amount JP
T5J75 HR Santei/Geppen Form remarks column text ID JP
T5J76 HR Santei/Geppen Form remarks column text JP
T5J77 HR Katakana writing for Country Names JP
T5J79 HR Syoyo payemnt rate per pay scale JP
T5J80 HR Definition of Service Years - Factor - Patterns JP
T5J81 HR Associate retirement reason category to service years JP
T5J82 HR Associate pay scale to service years JP
T5J83 HR Service Years - Factor - Patterns for Retirement JP
T5J84 HR Service Years - Factor - Patterns for Retirement JP
T5J98 HR Conversion IT0144 to IT0169 JP
T5JA2 HR Weighting for Appraisal Detail Feature JPN
T5JAD HR company office address JP
T5JBK HR Bank key for Property accumulation savings JP
T5JL1 HR Address Infomation 1 of Personnel Subarea for LI JP
T5JL2 HR Address Infomation 2 of Personnel Subarea for LI JP
T5JLR HR Rate of Premium for Labour Insurance JPN
T5JRA HR Collector Number for Residence Tax JP
T5JSI HR Branch Office Information for Social Insurance JP
T5JSR HR Rate of Premium for Social Insurance JPN
T7JPEI_RESSTA Define Residence Status
T7JPEI_RESSTAT Text Table for Residence Status
T7JPLA_COVRT Define OT Accu. Target & Time Off Conversion Rate
T7JPLA_OTGRP Define employee group for overtime accumulation
T7JPLA_OTGRPT Text table for employee group for overtime
T7JPLA_OTLIM Define overtime extension limits
T7JPLA_VADPD Define Leave Quota Validity for Time Off from Overtime
T7JPLA_WKHRS Define Hours of Time Off from Overtime
T7JPLA_WTASN Assign Overtime Accumulation Wage Types
T7JPLA_WTGRP Define Wage Type Group
T7JPLA_WTGRPT Text table for Wage Type Group
T7JPSI_INR_ASN Assign Health Insurance Insurer to Social Insurance Modifier
T7JPSI_INSURER Define Health Insurance Insurer
T7JPSI_INSURERT Define Health Insurance Insurer
T7JPSK_CCRL Shukko Cost Charging Rules
T7JPSK_CCRL_C Shukko Cost Charging Rule Characteristics
T7JPSK_CCRL_T Shukko Cost Charging Rules
T7JPSK_CCWT Shukko Cost Charging Wagetype
T7JPSK_CONTT Shukko Contract Template
T7JPSK_CONTTY Shukko Contract Types
T7JPSK_CONTTY_T Shukko Contract Types
T7JPSK_PARTNER Shukko Partners
T7JPSK_PARTNER_T Shukko Partner Texts


Table Name Description
PA0538 HR Master Record: Infotype 0538
PA0539 HR Master Record: Infotype 0539
PA0540 Family KOR
PA0541 HR Master Record: Infotype 0541
PA0542 Y.E.A. KR
PA0543 HR Master Record: Infotype 0543
PA0544 HR Master Record: Infotype 0544
PA0545 HR Master Record: Infotype 0545
PA0555 HR Master Record: Infotype 0555
PA0557 HR Master Record: Infotype 0557
PA0698 HR Master Record: Infotype 0698
PA0809 HR Master Record: Infotype 0809
PA0812 HR Master Record: Infotype 0812
PA0858 HR Master Record: Infotype 0858
PA0881 HR Master Record: Infotype 0881
PA3542 HR Master Record: Infotype 3542 (Previous Employers KR)
PB0539 HR Master Record: Infotype 0539
T7KR0P HR Personnel area/subarea (KOR)
T7KR21 HR Combination of entitlement reason & SI code
T7KR23 HR SI code given from SI authorities (KOR)
T7KR24 HR Text for SI code given from Labor & Welfare Corp. (KOR)
T7KR25 HR SI Entitlement Reason (KOR)
T7KR26 HR Text for SI Entitlement Reason (KOR)
T7KR5D Financial Institution Code
T7KR5DT Financial Institution Code Description
T7KRBP Business Place KR
T7KRC0 Additional data : National Contributor KR
T7KRC1 Addtional data : National contributor text KR
T7KRC2 Additional data : National contributor(Recruit method) KR
T7KRC3 Text for recruit method of National Contribor KR
T7KRC4 Addtional data : Type of challenge KR
T7KRC5 Text for type of challenge KR
T7KRC6 Additional data : Job type for unemployment insurance
T7KRC7 Additional data: Text for job type for UI KR
T7KRC8 Additional data: recruit method for unemployment insurance
T7KRC9 Additional data: Text for recruitment method for UI
T7KRD0 Disciplinary Type KR
T7KRD1 Disciplinary Type Text KR
T7KRE0 Definition school career (conversion table)
T7KRE1 Text for school career KR
T7KRE2 Define the school type KR
T7KRIR HR Rate for Social Insurance KR
T7KRL1 HR Loan Repayment Off cycle reason KR
T7KRM0 Military Rank KR
T7KRM1 Military Rank Text KR
T7KRM2 Military Service Type KR
T7KRM3 Military Service Type Text KR
T7KRM4 Job Class in Military KR
T7KRM5 Job Class Text in Military KR
T7KRM6 Military Primary Skill KR
T7KRM7 Military Primary Skill Text KR
T7KRMR HR Medical Insurance Premium Rate (KR)
T7KRNW HR Associate Wage Types to Non-taxable Allowance
T7KRSC Assign payrolls to payroll group
T7KRSI HR Social Insurance Agency
T7KRST Simple tax table
T7KRTM Tax calculation method


Table Name Description
PA0369 Master data: Infotype 0369 (IMSS data)
PA0370 Master data: Infotype 0370 (INFONAVIT credit data)
PA0371 Master Data: Infotype 0371 (Tax on previous employment)
PA0428 Beneficiary data (Additional information)
PMX_MAXWWHOURS HCM Mexico CE: Maximum weekly working hours
T7MXCEGP01 MX CE : Grouping value for contracts by employment


Table Name Description
PA0196 HR Master Record:Infotype 0196 (Employee Provident Fund MY)
PA0197 HR Master Record:Infotype 0197 (SOCSO Contributions MY)
PA0198 Sheduled Tax Deductuion Malaysia
PA0199 Tax deduction CP38 / Additional amt / Bonus - Malaysia
PA0213 Additional family information - Malaysia
PA0374 Infortype 0374: General Eligibility
PA0547 BIK Infotype for Malaysia
T5L03 Employee Subgroup grouping for Malaysia
T5L0P Personnel Areas/Subareas for Malaysia
T5LCA Employees' eligibility categories
T5LCT Text table for Employees' eligibility categories
T5LEP Employee Provident fund for Malaysia
T5LER Employee Provident Fund rates (Malaysia)
T5LGA Text for employee Subgroup grouping for tax (Malaysia)
T5LGB Text for Employee subgroup grouping SOCSO Malaysia
T5LGC Text for employee subgroup grouping EPF (Malaysia)
T5LGE Employee subgroup grouping EPF (Malaysia)
T5LGS Employee subgroup grouping SOCSO Malaysia
T5LGT Employee Subgroup grouping for Tax Malaysia
T5LMA Text for Personnel Area grouping for tax (Malaysia)
T5LMB Text for Personnel Area grouping for SOCSO (Malaysia)
T5LMC Text for Personnel Area grouping for EPF (Malaysia)
T5LMD Text for Tax office grouping for Malaysia
T5LME Personnel Area grouping for EPF (Malaysia)
T5LMO Tax office grouping for Malaysia
T5LMS Personnel Area grouping for SOCSO (Malaysia)
T5LMT Personnel Area grouping for tax (Malaysia)
T5LSC Table to maintain state codes for EPF download formats
T5LSP Employer reference for SOCSO (Malaysia)
T5LSR SOCSO contributions for Malaysia
T5LTE Tax relief information on Education (Malaysia)
T5LTK Reference Number output attributes
T5LTO Tax office table for Malaysia
T5LTP Employer reference for tax
T5LTR Tax rates for Malaysia
T5LTT Tax office text table Malaysia

SAP Netherlands TABLES (PA-PA-NL)

Table Name Description
P05EIR_MSG_ADM Electronic Illness Reporting NL: Status Table Administration
P05EIR_MSG_STAT Electronic Illness Reporting NL: Status Table Status
P05FBN_ADD_PLAN Flexible Benefits NL: Additional Data Benefit Plans
P05FBN_AFWPL Additional Data Absence Plan
P05FBN_DOEL_EIG Eigenschappen van doelen
P05FBN_VERR Cancellation
P05FBN_WZR_VOLG Adjustment Reason: Extra Data for Update IT0378
PA0059 HR Master Record: Infotype 0059 (Social Insurances - NL)
PA0060 HR Master Record: Infotype 0060 (Fiscal Data - NL)
PA0063 HR Master Record: Infotype 0063 (Social Fund - NL)
PA0110 HR Master Record: Infotype 0110 (Pensions NL)
PA0127 HR Master Record: Infotype 0127 (Commuter Traffic NL)
PA0177 HR Master Record: Infotype 0177 (Reg. Country of Birth NL)
PA0264 HR Master Record: Infotype 0264 View for Infotype 0021
PA0303 HR Master Record: Infotype 303 (Premium Reductio NL)
PA0317 HR Master Record: Infotype 0317 (Special Provisions)
PA0408 HR Master Record: Infotype 0408 (CBS NL)
PA0409 HR Master Record: Infotype 0409 (External Agencies NL)
PA0525 Childcare
PA0764 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0764
PA0808 HR Master Record Infotype 0808
PA0854 HR Master Record for Infotype 0854
PA0879 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0879
PA3210 HR Master Record: Infotype 3210
PA3249 HR Master Record: Infotype 3249
PA3250 HR Master Record: Infotype 3250
T5N05 Registration of Countries of Birth [Wet SAMEN]
T5N0A General Data (NL)
T5N14 Additional Legal Person Data for Wage Return
T5N19 Check Table for Group
T5N1C Health Insurance Companies (NL)
T5N1D Employer's HI Contrib. for Privately Insured Employees (NL)
T5N1E Health Insurance Contr. for Privately Insured Employees (NL)
T5N1F Text: Health Insurance for Privately Insured Persons (NL)
T5N1P SI Deduction [Vereveningsbijdrage] for Civil Servants (NL)
T5N1Q Pension Accounting (NL)
T5N1R Text: Pensions (NL)
T5N1S Social Insurance Contribution Data
T5N3A Social Fund Decisions (NL)
T5N4A Lump Sum Commuter Allowance (NL)
T5N4B Text: Transportation Indicators for Commuter Traffic (NL)
T5N4C Transportation Indicators for Commuter Traffic (NL)
T5N4D Commuter Allowance (NL)
T5N5C Pay Scale Indicator
T5N5U Text: Pay Scale [CAO] Indicator
T5N73 Indicator of Collective Agreement for Wage Return
T5N73T Text Table for Collective Agreement Indicator
T5N81 EE Grouping for ER Contrib. to Life-Course Savings Scheme
T5N81T EE Grouping for ER Contrib. to Life-Course Savings Scheme
T5N82 Employer Contribution to Life-Course Savings Scheme
T5N9A Authority Addresses (NL)
T5N9D Executive Authority and Tax Office Notification (NL)
T5N9E Text: Authority Notifications (NL)
T5N9H Assign Events to Pers. Actions and Reasons f. Pers. Actions
T5N9I External Agencies
T5N9J Text: External Agencies
T5N9O Representing Legal Person Text
T5N9P Representing Legal Persons (for External Agencies)
T5N9R Relationship Repr. Legal Person and External Agencies
T5NI2 Eligibility for Perm. Inv. Benefit (Restrictions) Act plan
T5NI2T Description of 'Permanent Invalidity Benefit' plan
T5NI3 Default PW Plan
T5NI4 PW Absence Types


Table Name Description
PA0173 Tax card information
PA0419 HR Master record: Manual tax reporting information - Norway
PA3275 Pension variant (Norway)
T5V03 Employee group/subgrouping for employment contracts (NO)
T5V13 SSB Positions code assignment
T5V1C Period Work Schedules Codes
T5V2B Union table
T5V2E Norwegian Organizational Attributes
T5V2F Norwegian organizational attributes - text
T5V2M Entity table for the legal org. no. (juridisk nummer)
T5V3A Vacation allowance calculation
T5V4A Check table for infotype 0057
T5V4B Control table for garnishments and union dues
T5V4C Assignment of KID number to Payee Key
T5V5B Assignment of job to occupation code
T5V6A Business sectors
T5V6B "Business sector (""Bransje"") - Text"
T5V6C SSB Positional Codes
T5V6D SSB Position Code Description
T5VS0 Contract types for annual tax statements
T5VS1 Contract types for annual tax statements - texts
T5VS7 Assignment of additional wagetypes to tax code columns


Table Name Description
PA0309 IRD Number Infotype NZ
PA0310 Superannuation NZ
PA0311 Leave Adjustments - NZ
PA0312 Leave History Adjustments NZ
PA0313 Employee Taxation Detail Infotype NZ


Table Name Description
PA0331 HR Master Record: Infotype 0331 (Tax - PT)
PA0332 HR Master Record: Infotype 0332 (Social Security - PT)
PA0333 HR Master Record: Infotype 0333 (Challenge - P)
PA0334 HR Master Record: Infotype 0334
PA0335 HR Master Data: Infotype 0335 (infotype 21 view - PT)
PA0336 HR Master Data: Infotype 0336 (infotype 2 view - PT)
PA0337 HR Master Record: Infotype 0337 (Prof.Classification - PT)
PA0338 HR Master Record: Infotype 0338 (Absence pay.clearing - PT)
PB0336 HR Master Data: Infotype 0336 (infotype 2 view - PT)
T5P03 HR-PT: Employee Groups / Subgroups - Classification
T5P0P HR-PT: Personnel Subarea Supplements
T5P1P HR-PT: Table of tax rates
T5P3L HR-PT: Disability levels
T5P4G HR-PT: Vacation and Christmas allowance groupings
T5P4Y HR-PT: Text table for vacation and Christmas all.groupings
T5P5T HR-PT: Text table for the Functional Structure designation
T5PA0 HR-PT: Assignment of coverage rules
T5PA5 HR-PT: Map WTs in absence evaluation rule
T5PCE HR-PT: Contract Elements
T5PFD HR-PT: (Entities) Properties
T5PFN HR-PT: (Entities) Properties
T5PLA HR-PT: Lunch allowance valuation rules
T5PP1 HR-PT: Professional categories assignment
T5PP2 HR-PT: Professional categories
T5PP4 HR-PT: Professional Category designation
T5PP5 HR-PT: Functional Structure designation
T5PPS HR-PT: Pay scale types additional information
T5PPT HR-PT: Professional category designations
T5PRC HR-PT: Reasons for changes - Mapping for legal reasons
T5PRM HR-PT: Reasons for actions - Mapping for legal reasons
T5PTC HR-PT: Time objects classification


Table Name Description
PA0273 HR Master Record: Infotype 0273 (Tax - SE)
PA0274 HR Master Record: Infotype 0274 (Insurance - SE)
PA0275 HR Master Record: Infotype 0275 (Garnishment - SE)
PA0276 HR Master Record: Infotype 0276 (OPIS - SE)
PA0277 HR Master Record: Infotype 0277 (Exceptions - SE)
PA0438 HR Master Record: Infotype 0438
T5S03 Employee Group/Subgroup (SE)
T5S0A Leave year periods - SE
T5S0C Absence conditions - SE
T5S0P Swedish attributes of org. structure (level pers. subarea)
T5S0Q Unpaid leave parameters - SE
T5S1C Period Work Schedule Valuation - SE(Leave)
T5S6A OPIS Cover master (SE)
T5S6B OPIS Scale Master (SE)
T5S6C OPIS Scale Detail - SE
T5S6D OPIS Scale Master (SE)
T5S6E OPIS cover master - text (SE)
T5S8A Education/training
T5S8B ISCO + SSYK codes
T5SCJ Job status code definition table
T5SCJT JOB code text table
T5SCN NYK-2004 code definition table
T5SCNT NYK code text table
T5SCS "SSYK code definition table
T5SCST "SSYK code text table
T5SIA ISCO code definition table
T5SIT ISCO code text table
T5SKS Annual tax statement - Specifikation fields
T5SKT Annual tax statement - Specifikation fields (text)
T5SMT Mapping table for old and new absence types
T5SUA SUN code definition table
T5SUL SUN code level
T5SULT SUN code level text table
T5SUS Sun code subject
T5SUST SUN code subject text table
T5SUT SUN code text table
T5SVA Vacation and Compensation debt
T5SVT Payroll Account Transfer for Capacity utilization level
T5SYA SSYK code definition table
T5SYT SSYK code text table


Table Name Description
PA0179 HR Master Record: Infotype 0179 (Tax SG)
PA0181 HR Master Record: Infotype 0181 [Add. Funds] (SG)
PA0182 HR Master Record: Infotype 0182 [Alternative Names] (SG)
PA0183 HR Master Record: Infotype 0183 [Awards] (SG)
PA0184 HR Master Record: Infotype 0184 [Resume text] (SG)
PA0185 HR Master Record: Infotype 0185 [Identification] (SG)
PA0186 HR Master Record: Infotype 0186 [Social Insurance] (SG)
PA0412 HR Master Record: Infotype 0412 [View to I0021] (SG)
PA0546 HR-SG: Master Record: Infotype 0546 [Termination Data)
PA0739 HR Master Record: Infotype 0739 [Stock Option] (SG)
PA0741 HR Master Record: Infotype 0741 [Additional Info] (SG)
PB0185 HR Master Record: Infotype 0185 (Personal ID)
T5R01 Award types
T5R02 Award type texts
T5R03 Residency type
T5R04 Residency type text
T5R0P Plant section/Singapore
T5R13 Occupational group
T5R1C CPF Contribution rate of Soc. Insurance / SG
T5R1E The rates of levy for foreign worker
T5R1F Additional Funds/SG
T5R1G Contr. rates for convers. to CPF scheme on change of PR
T5R1H Rate for Other Social Fund (Employer) - SDF
T5R1P Rate for lump payment and CPF in case of semimonthly payroll
T5R1S Text for fund indicator /SG
T5R1T Text for Institution of Soc. Insurance SG
T5R2A Pro-rate types for AWS
T5R2B NRS Allowance averages calculation setting (SGP)
T5R2D NRS Reason (SGP)
T5RSOP_P_SCHEME Stock Option Scheme Assignment to Plan
T5RSOP_PLAN Stock Option Plan
T5RSOP_PLAN_T Test table for Plan
T5RSOP_SC_ESOW_T Text table for Schemes under ESOW
T5RSOP_SCH_ESOW Stock Option Scheme for ESOW
T5RSOP_SCHEME Stock Option Scheme
T5RSOP_SCHEME_T Text table for Scheme


Table Name Description
PA0180 Alternative Address Data (Thailand)
PA0187 Additional family data
PA0364 Infotype Tax TH
PA0365 Social Security TH
PA0366 Provident Fund THAILAND
T7TH03 Employee Group/Subgrouping for PF THAILAND
T7TH0P PA/PSA Grouping for Social Security and Tax
T7THBR Company Branch Codes
T7THCT Personal Area/Subarea groupings for SS Branches Text Table
T7THMC Social Security Modifier table for Branches
T7THMP Providend Fund Modifier Table for Personal Area/Subarea
T7THMS Social Security Modifier table for Branches
T7THMT Provident Fund EG/ESG Modifier Text for PF THAILAND
T7THMX Personal Area/Subarea for Tax Calculation Method
T7THPC Provident Fund Company Rates TH
T7THPM Provident Fund EG/ESG Modifier for PF TH
T7THPT Modifier Text Table for PA/PSA for Provident Fund
T7THSB Social Security Branches
T7THSC Social Security Company Rates TH
T7THSP Name Prefix/ Form of Address Codes
T7THSR Social Security Contribution Rates Statutory and Company TH
T7THST Personal Area/Subarea groupings for SS Branches Text Table
T7THTE Termination Tax Rates TH
T7THTM Tax Calculation Method - TH
T7THTT Personal Area/Subarea Grping for Tax Calc Method Text Table


Table Name Description
PA0352 NHI for Family member (TW)
PA0353 Income Tax Taiwan
PA0354 Labor Insurance Taiwan
PA0355 National Health Insurance Taiwan
PA0356 Employment Stabilization Fund (TW)
PA0357 Saving Plan (TW)
PA0358 Employee Welfare Fund (TW)
PA0404 HR Master Record: Infotype 0404 (Military Service Taiwan)
PA0818 HR Master Record: Infotype 0818
T7TW0A ZIP code
T7TW0B Retirement Central Fund Contribution
T7TW0P Personal Areas/Subareas (Taiwan)
T7TW1B Insurance Amount Category
T7TW1C Insurance Subsidy Percentage
T7TW1D NHI Exempt Reason and amount
T7TW1F NHI Status Reason
T7TW1G Insurer Name and Address
T7TW1GT Insurer Name and Address
T7TW1I LI Occupational Risk Percentage
T7TW1IT LI Occupational Risk Text
T7TW1J NHI Contribution Percentage
T7TW1K LI Occupational Risk Percentage
T7TW1L Last rported data of LI/NHI reports
T7TW1M Reason for insurance permium change
T7TW1N Sequence number of LI/NHI reporting
T7TW1O Allowable status change for NHI
T7TW1P LI country code TW
T7TW1S "Reason for insurance permium change
T7TW1T NHI Insuree Group Text
T7TW1U LI Occupational Risk Text
T7TW1W NHI Status Reason Text
T7TW1Y NHI Exempt Reason Text
T7TW2A Tax Withholding Table
T7TW2B Tax Withholding Fast Formula
T7TW2D Tax Authority Code
T7TW2DT Tax Authority Code
T7TW2F Sequence number of income tax return reporting
T7TW2G Tax media filing sequence number reservation
T7TW2I Reported data of Tax withdrawal report
T7TW2J Tax agreement codes
T7TW2JT Tax agreement codes description
T7TW3A Employment Stabilization Fund
T7TW3B Employee Welfare Fund Contribution
T7TW3C Retirement Pay Calculation Rule
T7TW3D Retirement Pay Method
T7TW3E Severance Pay Calculation Rule
T7TW3F Severance Pay Method
T7TW3G Resignation Pay Calculation Rule
T7TW3H Resignation Pay Method
T7TW3T Part Year Factor Text
T7TW3U Part Month Factor Text
T7TW3V Resignation Pay Method Text
T7TW3W Severance Pay Method Text
T7TW3X Retirement Pay Method Text
T7TW3Z Employment Stabilization Fund Text
T7TW4A Disability Class
T7TW4Z Disability Class Text
T7TW50 Rate for multiple payment
T7TW6A Mapping Overtime Wage Types
T7TW6B Deduction priority of overtime wage types
T7TWAB Absence Split Assignment


Table Name Description
BTXEERR BSI: Error messages
BTXEMPT BSI: Employee tax results
BTXERES BSI: Employee/Employer tax
BTXPURG BSI: Purge Periods in Months
BTXTERR BSI: Employee Payroll Error Message Grouping
BTXTRES BSI: Tax Results
PA0076 HR Master Record: Infotype 0076 (Workers Compensation NA)
PA0094 HR Master Record: Infotype 0094 (Residence Status - NA)
PA0102 HR Master Record: Infotype 0102 (Grievances NA)
PA0447 US Federal Tax MTD
PA0448 US Federal Tax QTD
PA0458 HR Master Record for Infotype 0458
PA0459 HR Master Record for Infotype 0459
PA0460 HR Master Record for Infotype 0460
PA0566 HR Master Record: Infotype 0566
PA0672 FMLA Event Infotype
PA0814 HR Master Record: Infotype 0814
PA0894 HR Master Record: Infotype 0894
PA0895 HR Master Record: Infotype 0895
PTFMLAAB Relationship Between Absences and FMLA Events
T504R To be deleted - no longer used!
T505K Grievance Levels (NA)
T505L Grievance Level Texts
T505M Military status
T505N Military Status Texts
T505O Grievance Reasons (NA)
T505P Grievance Reason Texts
T505R Ethnic Origin
T505S Ethnic Origin Texts
T505U Residence Status
T505V Residence Status Texts
T505X Tax Authority Table
T505Y Tax Authority Texts
T505Z Bonds (NA)
T509F ID type
T509G ID type text
T509H Type of work permit
T509I Work permit type text
T5U0E Equal Employment Opportunity Record
T5U0P Additional organizational data for personnel area/subarea
T5U13 Jobs
T5U25 WC: Job Attributes
T5U26 WC: Assignment of WC to Organizational Units
T5U27 EEO/AAP: Organizational Unit attributes
T5U28 WC: Position Attributes
T5U29 EEO/AAP: Position Attributes for US
T5U94 Document ID - Personal ID and Work Permit (USA)
T5UA0 Interface Default Values Table
T5UA0T Interface Default Values Text Table
T5UAA AAP Occupational Categories
T5UAC Alaska Workers Compensation Area Code
T5UAD Address for US Reporting Units
T5UEE EEO Occupational Categories
T5UEEO Equal Employment Opportunity Record
T5UMA HR-US: NC-9901 Major Activity Code Check Table
T5UOC Occupational Classification Code Categories
T5UOCG Occupational Classification Groups
T5UOCGT Occupational Classification Group Texts
T5UOCT Occupational Classification Code Texts
T5UPBSPA01 Nature of Action Code
T5UPBSPA02 Nature of Action Attributes
T5UPBSPA03 Legal Authority Code (PS)
T5UPBSPA04 Legal Authority Attributes (PS)
T5UPBSPA05 Remark Codes (PS)
T5UPBSPA06 Remark Code Attributes (PS)
T5UPBSPA07 Assign Remarks to NoA Codes (PS)
T5UPBSPA08 Assign Legal Authorities to NoA Codes
T5UPBSPA11 Annuitant Indicator
T5UPBSPA11T Annuitant Indicator Text
T5UPBSPA12 Retirement Plan (PS)
T5UPBSPA12T Retirement Plan Text (PS)
T5UPBSPA14 Federal Work Schedule (PS)
T5UPBSPA14T Federal Work Schedule Text (PS)
T5UPBSPA15 Federal Health Plan (PS)
T5UPBSPA15T Federal Health Plan Text (PS)
T5UPBSPA16 Federal Health Plan Mapping (PS)
T5UPBSPA22 Table and Return Information per Access Method
T5UPBSPA23 Selection Rule Definition
T5UPBSPA24 Default CPDF Value Table
T5URU US Establishment/Work Unit for Reporting
T5USC U.S. Standard Industrial Classification Codes
T5USO WC: Standard Occupational Code
T5USWL WC: State Wage limits
T5UTC States of operation or residency
T5UTG ZIP Code Ranges for Work Tax Areas
T5UTH Tax Number <-> BSI Tax Interface
T5UTK Marital Status
T5UTV Unemployment Insurance Work Sites/NC-9901 Locations
T5UWC WC: Classification Code
T5UWE WC: Experience rate assignment
T5UWL WC: Officer wage limit
T5UWM WC: Manual rate assignment
T5UWS WC: Workers' Comp. Wage Type Assignment per WC State
T5UWT WC: Classification Code Text
T5UWW WC: WC Wage per state (Obsolete since 4.5A/4.0C)
T5UWX WC: Experience modifier / Account Number assignment
T5UZC Zip Code Areas
T75APGET Posted requisitions
T75HRURL URLs used in HR Applications
T75HRURLT HR : Text independant url reference names
T75REQST Requisition Status Table
T75RQPOST Posted requisitions
T7US_FMLA_AB_ADM Permissibility of Absences for FMLA
T7US_FMLA_DETRUL Table of Relationships: FMLA Rule and Feature FMLMO
T7US_FMLA_DETWWK Table of Relationships: Week Converter and Feature WWKMO
T7US_FMLA_PRFTXT FMLA Workbench: Description of Profile Settings
T7US_FMLA_PROF FMLA Workbench: Profile Settings
T7US_FMLA_RESTXT Text Table for FMLA Reasons
T7US_FMLA_RU2RE Assignment of FMLA Reasons to FMLA Rules
T7US_FMLA_RULE Rules for Administrating FMLA Events
T7US_FMLA_RULTXT Rule Texts for Administration of FMLA Events
T7US_FMLA_WRKWK Rule for Determining Week Converter
T7US_FMLA_WWKTXT Rule Texts for Determining Weekly Working Time


Table Name Description
PA0399 HRMS-VE: Table for Income Tax Infotype (IT0399)
PA0400 HRMS-VE: Table for SSO Infotype (IT0400)
PA0401 HRMS-VE: Table for Benefits Infotype (IT401)
PA0482 HRMS-VE: Additional Data from Family/N. of Kin Inftp(IT0021)
PA0645 Termination of contract: General data
T7VE01 Additional Company Data
T7VE02 Additional Data on Company (Time-dependent)
T7VE03 SUDEBAN financial codes
T7VE04 Company financial operators
T7VE0P Additional Information on Personnel Area/Subarea
T7VE90 Rules for calculating compensation
T7VE98 Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation
T7VE99 Employee grouping for compensation calculation: Text
T7VEA1 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Vacations
T7VEA2 Transfer of external payroll results: Absence
T7VEAB Absence Type Attributes
T7VEDI Reserved SAP
T7VEDP Dates for calculation of profit share adjustment
T7VEEC Marital Status in Venezuela
T7VEEV Venezuelan events
T7VEI1 Transfer of External Payroll results: Interest
T7VEI2 Transfer of external payroll results: INC contribution
T7VEIN Interest rates
T7VEL1 Transfer of ext. payroll res.: Housing Scheme (RPVH) contr.
T7VEP1 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Profit Share
T7VEPA Risk in Personnel Area/Subarea
T7VEPS Percentages for Calculating Profit Share
T7VEQP Absence quota attributes
T7VES3 Function code relationship (Company/IVSS)
T7VES4 Transfer of External Payroll Results: SSO/RPE
T7VES5 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Seniority
T7VET1 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Income Tax


Table Name Description
PA0302EXT HR-PA: Status Management for Actions
PA0893 HR Master Data Infotype 0893 (Daily Work Schedule Info)
PA3893 Time Account Status
PA3894 HR Master Data Infotype 3894
T588MFPROPC HR: Field Properties

SAP External personnel administration TABLES (PA-PA-XX-ET)

Table Name Description
HRSM_PROTOCOL Assignment of external ID to SAP R/3 personnel number
HRWFD_DATA HCM - WFD Data interface table
HRWFD_ERROR WFD-HCM Error interface table
HRWFD_HEAD HCM - WFD Main interface table
T7RSM00AP Process external personnel action types
T7RSM00PAR External employee data: Communication parameters

SAP Calculation of Employment Period TABLES (PA-PA-XX-TL-SEN)

Table Name Description
PA0552 HR Master Data Record for Infotype 0552
PA0553 HR Master Data Record for Infotype 0553
T525A Selection Rules for Employee Data
T525B Selection Rule for Employee Data - Short Text
T525C Definition of Valuation Models for Employee Data
T525D Valuation Models for Employee Data
T525E Rounding Rule for Time Intervals
T525F Rounding Rule for Time Intervals - Short Text
T525G Calculation Rule for Time Specifications (Obs. as of 4.6A)
T525H Calculation Rule - Short Text (Obsolete as of Rel. 4.6A)
T525I Infotype Selection Condition
T525J Infotype Selection Condition - Short Text
T525K Definition of Infotype Selection Condition
T525L Valuation Models for Employee Data
T525M Assignment of Selection Rules to Selection Classes
T525MC Grouping of Selctn Classes for Collective Selection Classes
T525N Selection Class
T525NJ Assignment of Selection Class to Indicator
T525NT Selection Class - Short Text
T525O Assignment of Selection Classes to Valuation Models
T525OT Period-Dependent Properties of an Assignment
T525Q Calculation Process Empl. Period Calculation (Customer)
T525S Assignment of Valuation Model and Rounding Rule
T525T Time Specification Type for Employment Period Calculation
T525TCL Collision Group for Time Specification Type
T525TCLN Negative Collision Group for Time Specification Type
T525TCLT Collision Group for Time Specification Type
T525TD Time Dependent Characteristics of Time Specification Type
T525TR Cause of Time Specification Type
T525TRP Assignment of Occasion to Time Specification Type
T525TRT Reason for a Time Specification Type - Texts
T525TT Time Specifications Type - Text

SAP South Africa TABLES (PA-PA-ZA)

Table Name Description
HRP1630 DB Table for Infotype 1630
HRP1631 DB Table for Infotype 1631
HRP1632 DB Table for Infotype 1632
HRP1633 DB Table for Infotype 1633
PA0149 HR Master Record Infotype 0149 (Tax Data South Africa)
PA0150 HR Master Record Infotype 0150 (Social Insurance SA)
PA0151 HR Master Record Infotype 0151 (Ext.Insurance South Africa)
PA0725 Foreign income SARS codes (South Africa)
PA0848 HR Master Record Infotype 0848 (Bursary Payments SA)
PA3202 HR Master Record: Infotype 3202
T5W0P (Old) UIF reference number assignment to personnel area/sba.
T5W14 Obsolete (see Note 641916)
T5W14T Obsolete (see Note 641916)
T5W15 Job to SOC Code Allocation (South Africa)
T5W16 Position to SOC Code Allocation (South Africa)
T5W17 SOC Codes (South Africa)
T5W17T SOC Codes Descriptions (South Africa)
T5W1H Medical Aid Payment model Assignment
T5W1K Pension Funds and Medical Aid Schemes (RSA)
T5W1M Social insurance companies
T5W1N Social insurance schemes
T5W1O Contributions for Social Insurances
T5W1R Social Insurance schemes ZA Text
T5W1U Contribution class for social insurances ZA
T5W1V Contribution class for social insurances ZA text
T5W1X Social Insurance Contributions ZA
T5W1Y Medical Aid contribution (as of 01.01.2000)
T5W1Z Late Joiner Penalties
T5W2I (Old) RSA Tax Year Specifications
T5W2P South African Revenue Service Offices
T5W2Q South African Tax Year Status
T5W3A Wagetypes to Subtype relation
T5W4A Leave parameter table - Southern Africa
T5W4B Leave entitlement (IT0005) parameter table - Southern Africa
T5W4S Absence Types for UIF Download Report
T5W5A Bank check digit verification table for South Africa
T5W5B Account Type Recognition for ZA
T5W5C South African Bank Names
T5W7A Salary components
T5W7AT Salary component text
T5W7C Eligibility of salary components
T5W7E Salary packaging categories
T5W7ET Salary packaging Categories
T5W7F Salary packaging: ZA receiver rates
T5W7G Salary packaging: package variant data
T5W7H Salary packaging: Categories of salary components
T5W7HT Salary packaging: Text table Categories
T5W7I Salary packaging: package variants
T5W81 Regional Services Councils
T5W8A NQF Field Defintion
T5W8AT NQF Field Text
T5W8B NQF Sub-fields
T5W8BT NQF Subfield fext
T5W8C Qualifiaction types
T5W8CT Qualifiaction type text
T5W8FUNC NQF Appraisl modelFunction modules
T5W8H Appraisal templates
T5W8HT NQF Appraisal templates text
T5W8I Appraisal template - Object attributes
T5W8K Appraisal template - Follow up function modules
T5W8L Link NQF appraisal ids to profile views
T5W8O Register of object links to their NQF appraisal models
T5W8P Strategic Skills Priorities
T5W9C Categories of Labour Relations interventions
T5W9CT Text - Categories for Labour Relations types
T5W9O Outcome Types of Labour Relations Interventions
T5W9OT Text - Outcome Types Labour Relations Interventions
T5W9P Participating Roles for Labour Relations Interventions
T5W9PR Role responsibilities
T5W9PT Text - Participating Roles for Lab. Relations Interventions
T5W9R Reasons for Labour Relations interventions
T5W9RT Text - Reasons for Labour Relations interventions
T5W9S Status/Level of a Labour Relation intervention process
T5W9ST Text - Status/Level of a Lab. Relation intervention process
T5W9T Possible Object Types of Lab.Rel. Participants
T5W9TT Text - Possible Object Types of Lab.Rel. Participants
T5WER South Africa - IRP5 Company Contact Person Details
T5WRFN ZA Tax and UIF reference number table

SAP Personnel Development TABLES (PA-PD)

Table Name Description
HRP1070 DB table for infotype 1070

SAP Appraisal Systems TABLES (PA-PD-AP)

Table Name Description
T513PAPD PA-PD: Assign Appraisal Models to EE (sub)area/(sub)group

SAP Development Plans TABLES (PA-PD-DP)

Table Name Description
HRPAD77 Additional data for PAD77
T77BX Further Processing of Development Plans
T77BY Texts for Development Plan States
T77BZ Development Plan States

SAP Objective Setting and Appraisals TABLES (PA-PD-PM)

Table Name Description
HRHAP_SEM_OBJ Strategic Objectives from SEM System

SAP Pension Fund Switzerland TABLES (PA-PF-CH)

Table Name Description
PA3230 Personnel Master Record for Infotype 3230
T5CDB "PA-PF-CH Specific Enhancement for T5PCB (EMZ

SAP Company Pension Scheme Germany TABLES (PA-PF-DE)

Table Name Description
P01CABR Actions from Payroll Accounting
P01CAD Administration Data for CPS Tables
P01CBE Active CPS Contributions
P01CBF Notional CPS Contributions
P01CBT Transfer Records for Reimbursement of Contributions CPS
P01CCV CPS Cumulated Future Rights
P01CEE Actual Income CPS
P01CEF Notional Income CPS
P01CET Incorrect Actions CPS
P01CGP Vested Entitlements CPS
P01CIX Entitlement Index
P01CKA Funded Pension Rights CPS
P01CRP Reimbursement Amounts CPS
P01CSL Social Benefits CPS
P01CSO Special Information
P01CST Status Information CPS
P01CUA Vested Pension Rights CPS
P01CVD Actuarial CPS Data
P01CVH Actuarial CPS Header Records
P01CVR Actuarial CPS Pension Data
P01CVU Capital Transfers for CPS
P01RBM_HEADER Header Data: Pension Receipt Notifications
P01RBM_HIST Notification Status: Pension Receipt Notifications
P01RBM_IM01 Notification Data IM01 Pension Receipt Notif. Answer Tax ID
P01RBM_MI01 Notification Data MI01 Pension Receipt Notif. Query Tax ID
P01RBM_MI01R Confirmation MI01 Pension Receipt Notification Query Tax ID
P01RBM_MZ01 Reporting Data MZ01 Pension Receipt Notification
P01RBM_MZ01_BTGD Reporting Data MZ01 Pension Receipt Notif.: Contribut. Data
P01RBM_MZ01_FEDT Notification Data MZ01 Pension Receipt Notif.: Error Data
P01RBM_MZ01_GRNT Notif. Data MZ01 Pension Receipt Notif.: Guaranteed Pension
P01RBM_MZ01_LBTG Notification Data MZ01 Pension Receipt Notif.: Benefit Amt
P01RBM_MZ01_VZTR Notification Data MZ01 Pension Receipt Notif.: Prev. Periods
P01RBM_MZ01R Confirmation MZ01 Pension Receipt Notification
P01RBM_MZ01RBTGD Confirmation MZ01 Pension Receipt Notif.: Contribution Data
P01RBM_MZ01RFEDT Confirmation MZ01 Pension Receipt Notification: Error Data
P01RBM_MZ01RLBTG Confirmation MZ01 Pension Receipt Notification: Benefit Amt
P01RBM_MZ01RVZTR Confirmation MZ01 Pension Receipt Notification: Prev.Periods
P01RBM_STAT Notification Status: Pension Receipt Notifications
P01RBM_STAT_R Status of Confirmations (Pension Receipt Notifications)
P01RBM_TRANS ZfA: Status Table for Transfer
P01VA_AUFT PEP: Distribution Proposal Pension Equalization Payment
P01VA_LSTV PEP: Benefits Vector Pension Equalization Payment
P01VA_STAT PEP: Status of Pension Equalization Payment
PA0201 HR Master Record Infotype 0201 (Basic Pension Payments)
PA0202 HR Master Record Infotype 0202 (Entitlements)
PA0203 HR Master Record Infotype 0203 (Pension/Reserve Status)
PA0229 HR Master Record Infotype 0229
PA0263 HR Master Record for Infotype 0263
PA0323 HR Master Record IT 0323 (Pension Plan)
PA0746 HR Master Record for Infotype 0746
PA0747 HR Master Record for Infotype 0747
PA3290 Personnel Master Record Infotype 3290
PA3291 Personnel Master Record Infotype 3291
PDAVLT Data for Valuation Assignment
PDAVRT Result Table: Data for Future Pension Rights
T5D0W Assignment of Pension Organization to Personnel Area
T5DC0 Control Screen Types for Entitlements
T5DC3 Pension Organization for Company Pension Scheme
T5DC3MQ RBM: Settings for WebSphere MQ
T5DC4 Control Increase (Increase and Attribution Time)
T5DC5 Process Control Pension Calculation
T5DC5T Text for Processing Subtypes
T5DC6 Processing Steps for Pension Calculation
T5DC7 CPS Groupings
T5DC7T Texts for CPS Groupings
T5DCA Entitlements / Benefit Types
T5DCB Control of Contribution Reimbursement
T5DCC Texts for Benefit Types
T5DCD Control Information: Entitlements
T5DCE Control Data for Pension Type
T5DCGT Texts for CPS Indicator
T5DCI Administration of Reduction for Surviving Dependents
T5DCJ Pension Adjustment Table
T5DCK Dynamic Field Texts
T5DCL Transfer Basic Data (Income)
T5DCM Calculation Method for Calculated/Actual Contributions
T5DCN Calculation Method Employment Period/Income
T5DCO Income Areas for Employment Period Valuation
T5DCP Valuation using Employment Period Scales
T5DCQ Working Time Calculation Method
T5DCR ONE-TIME PAYMENT Calculation Method
T5DCS Contribution Calculation Rules
T5DCST Contribution Calculation Rules
T5DCU Account Assignment: Basic Pension Pay
T5DCV Entitlement Status
T5DCVT Entitlement Status Text
T5DCW CPS Pension Plans
T5DCWT Texts for CPS Pension Plans
T5DCX Interest Calculation for Contribution Reimbursements
T5DCY Company Pension Scheme Parameters
T5DCZ Imputation Rules for Company Pension Scheme
T5DV2 Entitlement Assignment of Value Types
T5DV2T Entitlement Assignment of Value Types
T5DVA Value Type Properties of CPS
T5DVB PEP: Calculation Control Pension Equalization Payment
T5DVBT PEP: Calc. Control Pension Equalization Payment - Texts
T5DVL PEP: Calculation of Costs Pension Equalization Payment
T5DVLT PEP: Cost Calculation Pension Equalization Payment
T5DVN Definition of DC Conversion Models
T5DVNT Text Table for Definitions of DC Conversion Models
T5DVO Availability of Conversion Models
T5DVP Definition of Identifiers for Default Values
T5DVPT Text Table for Default Values and Conversion Models
T5DW0 Special Functions for Contribution Calculation
T5DW1 CPS Identification Features
T5DW1T Text for CPS Identification Features
T5DW3 Pension Organizations for CPS Statement Information
T5DW4 Control Data for Basic Calculation (Income/Contributions)
T5DW5 Processing Types for Pension Calculation
T5DW5T Processing Types for Pension Calculation
T5DW6 Wage Type Filter for Calculation of Basis Amount
T5DW7 Permissibility of Pension Calculation Actions
T5DW8 Bonus/Deduction Rules
T5DW8T Texts for Bonus/Deduction Rules
T5DW9 Assignment of Benefit Types to CPS Imputation Groups
T5DWA CPS Pension Plans
T5DWB Entitlements of a Pension Plan
T5DWC Entitlements/Benefit Types of a Pension Plan
T5DWD Deductions/Payments for Reimbursements
T5DWE Calculation Variants per Entitlement
T5DWET Texts for Calculation Variants per Entitlement/Benefit Type
T5DWF CPS Currency Key
T5DWFT CPS Currency Key (Texts)
T5DWH Entitlement Control for Deferred Compensation
T5DWI Control Continued Payment of Surviving Dependent Payments
T5DWJ Assignment of Text Elements to Statements
T5DWL Control Logical Pages in CPS Statements
T5DWM Payroll Control of Income Calculation
T5DWO Annuitization Table
T5DWOG Annuitization Table
T5DWOGT Annuitization Table - Texts
T5DWOT Annuitization Table
T5DWP Rules for Final Processing
T5DWPT Texts for Final Processing Rules
T5DWQ Transfer Basic Data (Contributions)
T5DWR Pension Adjustment Control
T5DWS Control Table for Statements CPS
T5DWU Check of Method in Deferred Compensation Infotype
T5DWV Member Status
T5DWVT Membership Status Text
T5DWX Payment control
T5DWXT Texts for Payment Control
T5DWZ Bonus for Company Pension Scheme

SAP Pension fund Netherlands TABLES (PA-PF-NL)

Table Name Description
PA0646 HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
PA0647 HR Master Record: Infotype 0177 (Act proport.labor part.for)
T5ND1 HR-CH: Pension fund postings
T5ND2 HR-CH: Pension fund postings
T5ND3 HR-CH: Pension fund postings
T5ND4 HR-CH: Pension fund postings

SAP Pension fund: General Parts TABLES (PA-PF-XX)

Table Name Description
PA0278 HR Master Record: Infotype 0278 (Basic Data PF [CH])
PA0279 HR Master Record: Infotype 0279 (Individual Values PF [CH])
T5CBA PC Schema of PC Evaluation Type
T5CBB PC Output Sequences of a PC Evaluation Type
T5CBC Compatibility of PC Schemas and Output Sequences
T5CBM Output Sequence Steps
T5CBT Control of PC Calculation
T5CBU Field Selection for PC Online Evaluation View
T5CBW Value Type Attributes for Dialog
T5CP2 HR-CH: Control of pension funds
T5CP8 HR-PF: Frame Texts for Infotype 0279
T5CP9 HR-CH: Infotypes for Overview in Administrator Interface
T5CPB HR-CH: Pension fund postings
T5CPG HR-CH: Authorization groups for PF accounts
T5CPH HR-CH: Texts on authorization groups for PF accounts
T5CPK HR-CH: PF account index
T5CPQ Input Parameter Quantity Value Types for PF Calulation
T5CPT Parallel processing variants
T5CPTT Parallel Processing Variants Text
T5CPW Ad Hoc Query Field Assignment
T5CPX RFC Destinations for the Distributed Execution of Reports
T5CPZ HR-CH: Personnel number account number assignment (PF)
T5NP3 HR-Gran: Mapping table VALTY - LGART for Simulation
T72A1 HR-PF: Account Types per Fund
T72A5 HR-IB: History PF recalculation
T72A6 HR-IB: Parameters for a PF recalculation
T72A8 HR-PF: Control Parameters for ESS Scenarios
T72A9 HR-PF: Total Compensation Statement Integration
T72AA HR-IB: Relevance of PF Recalculations
T72AB HR-IB: Eligibility of PF recalculations
T72AC Varainats for the Wage Maintenance Debugger
T72AD Value types of a variant for the Wage Maintenance Debugger
T72F0 HR-PF: FI Posting Characteristics of Value Types
T72F1 HR-PF: FI Feature Determination
T72F2 HR-PF: FI Funds Modifiers
T72F2T HR-PF: FI Funds Modifier Texts
T72F3 HR-PF: FI Account Modifiers
T72F3T HR-PF: FI Account Modifier Texts
T72F4 HR-PF: FI Characteristics of Symbolic Accounts
T72FA HR-PF: FI Index Table
T72FB HR-PF: FI Index Table (Overview)
T72T3 HR-PF: TS Characteristics of Data Areas
T72T4 HR-PF: TS Master Data
T72T4T HR-PF: TS Master Data Field Descriptions
T72T5 HR-PF: TS Account Data
T72T6 HR-PF: TS Account Data Totals Formation
T72T9 HR-PF: TS Payroll Data
T72TA HR-PF: TS Payroll Data Totals Formation
T72TB HR-PF: TS Parameter Values
T72TF HR-PF: TS Characteristics of Processing Reason

SAP Budget Management TABLES (PA-PM)

Table Name Description
HRFPM_SMARTFORMS HR-FPM: Use of Smart Forms in Reports
HRP1500 DB Table for Infotype 1500
HRP1501 DB Table for Infotype 1501
HRP1502 DB Table for Infotype 1502
HRP1503 DB Table for Infotype 1503
HRP1504 DB Table for Infotype 1504
HRP1505 DB Table for Infotype 1505
HRP1506 DB Table for Infotype 1506
HRP1507 DB Table for Infotype 1507
HRP1513 DB Table for Infotype 1513
HRP1517 DB-Table for Infotype 1517
HRP1518 DB Table for Infotype 1518
HRP1519 DB Table for Infotype 1519
HRP1520 DB Table for Infotype 1520
HRPADP1 Additional Data PADP1
HRPADP2 Additional Data PADP2
HRPADPM Additional Data PADPM
HRPMSIM Simulated Payroll Results for HR Funds and Position Mgt
HRPMSIM_INT Selections for Payroll Simulation
HRT1505 Table Section of Infotype 1505 (Budgeting Rules)
PA0783 HR Master Record Infotype 0783
T77HRFPM_ADTKEY Key for Job Title
T77HRFPM_ADTKEYT Description: Job Title Key
T77HRFPM_MGRP Job Title Main Group
T77HRFPM_MGRPT Description: Main Job Title Group
T77HRFPM_SGRP Job Title Sub-Group
T77HRFPM_SGRPT Description: Job Title Sub-Group
T7PM_DIKEY HR-FPM: Definition of Distribution Key for Default Value
T7PM_DIKEY_T HR-FPM: Texts for Distribution Key for Default Value
T7PM_MOINT HR-FPM: 'Involved in Integration with FI-FM' Grouping
T7PM_MOINT_T HR-FPM: 'Involved in Integration with FI-FM' Grouping Text
T7PM_MOREQ HR-FPM: Definition of Grouping for Origin of Funds Required
T7PM_MOREQ_T HR-FPM: Texts for Origin of Funds Required Groupings
T7PM_PM003 HR-FPM: Origin of Funds Required for Groupings
T7PM2 Section of Budget: Currency
T7PM3 Budget Structure Element Types
T7PM3_H Hierarchy of Budget Structure Element Types
T7PM5 Budget Unit Names
T7PM6_MO Definition of Employee Grouping for Finding Commitment Item
T7PM6_MOT Names of Employee Groupings for Finding Commitment Item
T7PM6_MSG Tolerance limits for each expenditure type in payroll
T7PM6_RFI Determination of Commitment Item
T7PM7 Names of Expenditure Types
T7PM8 Names of Budget Structure Element Types
T7PM9 Financial Year
T7PMA Allowance Catalog
T7PMB Allowance Catalog Name
T7PMC Allowances
T7PMD Allowance Name
T7PMF Special Pay Scale Groups
T7PMG Average Amounts for Collective Agreements (PSG)
T7PMG_2 HR-FPM: Distribution Keys for Default Values
T7PMH Career Groups
T7PMK Names of Budget Structure Elements
T7PML Determine Financing Unit per Object Type
T7PMM Combinations of Rules and Budget Structure Element Types
T7PMN Valuation of Absence Types
T7PMO Career Group Names
T7PMP Budget Carry-Forward Method
T7PMU Default Values for Teaching Hours
T7PMV Reasons for Reducing Teaching Hours
T7PMVT Text of Reason for Reducing Teaching Hours
T7PMW Conversion Factors for Pay Scale Classification
T7PMX FTE Ranges (Maximum)
T7PMXT Names of Maximum FTE Ranges
T7PMY1 Combinations of BS Element Types and Budget Positions
T7PMY2 Integration of FM and HR-FPM
T7PMY4 HR-FPM: Involved in Integration

SAP Position Budgeting and Control TABLES (PA-PM-PB)

Table Name Description
HRFPM_2FC HRFPM: Two-Face-Commit Table for Communication with FM
HRFPM_2FC_DIFF HRFPM: Two-Face-Commit Tab Prsnl Cost Svngs for Comm with FM
HRFPM_BPREP_DATA Preprocesses Data for BPREP Data Extraction
HRFPM_BU_HIERCOT Hierarchy Columns
HRFPM_COLUMN_CON Buffer for Columns in HRPBCM
HRFPM_DIFFERENCE HRFPM: Personnel Costs Savings/ Overrun
HRFPM_ENCUMB_IV HRFPM: Create encumbrance in this intervals for that object
HRFPM_ENGINE_LOG HRFPM: Central Log of Commitment Run
HRFPM_FM_DOC_BU HRFPM: FM Documents for Budget
HRFPM_FM_POS HRFPM: FM Documents - Items
HRFPM_FM_POS_BU HRFPM: FM Documents - Items for Budget
HRFPM_FPM_DOC HRFPM: FPM Document Headers for Commitment
HRFPM_FPM_DOC_BU HRFPM: FPM Document Headers for Budget
HRFPM_FPM_POS HRFPM: FPM Documents - Items
HRFPM_FPM_POS_BU HRFPM: FPM Documents - Items for Budget
HRFPM_INIT_LOG HRFPM: Log Table Initial Commitment Creation
HRFPM_INTEG_IV HRFPM: Integration Status
HRFPM_JOB_ADMIN HRFPM: Run Administration
HRFPM_OBJECTS HRFPM: Object table of the commitment engine
HRFPM_RUNADMINS HRFPM: Administration Information for Commitment Runs
HRFPM_SP_ASSPERS HRFPM: Assignment Percentages S-P
HRP1509 DB Table for Infotype 1509
HRP1511 DB Table for Infotype 1511
HRP1512 DB Table for Infotype 1512
HRP1514 DB Table for Infotype 1514
HRP1515 DB Table for Infotype 1515
HRP1516 DB Table for Infotype 1516
HRT1509 Table Part Infotype 1509
HRT1515 Table Part Infotype 1515
PA0724 Personal Master Record Infotype 0724
T77HRFPM_CD_MERG HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter)
T77HRFPM_CHG_HIS Activation of Change Log
T77HRFPM_CHGPER Period Allowed for Changes in the Past
T77HRFPM_CIL Legal Grounds for Financing
T77HRFPM_CIL_T Description Legal Grounds
T77HRFPM_CL_HIS Customizing: Activate Change Log
T77HRFPM_CURCY HRFPM: Maintenance of Document Currency
T77HRFPM_DC_PCP HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (PCP: Context / Scenario)
T77HRFPM_DC_SUB HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (PCP: Subtypes for 5010/0666)
T77HRFPM_DC_VAR HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (PCP: Report Variant)
T77HRFPM_ENCPER HRFPM: Commitment Periods
T77HRFPM_ENCUMB HRFPM: Customizing - global time frame for encumbrance
T77HRFPM_ERREXMP Permitted Check Exceptions for Financing Rules
T77HRFPM_ERREXMT Permitted Check Exceptions for Financing Rules: Texts
T77HRFPM_EXMPGRP Permitted Exception Groups: Texts
T77HRFPM_EXMPGRT Permitted Exception Groups: Texts
T77HRFPM_INTE HR-FPM: Involved in Integration
T77HRFPM_LOCKINT Integration Commitment Creation Notes
T77HRFPM_MO_ACT Activation of Recording of Personnel Cost Savings
T77HRFPM_MOINT HRFPM: Customizing - Grouping Participation in Integration
T77HRFPM_MOINT_T HRFPM: Customizing - Grouping Participation in Integration
T77HRFPM_MOSAL_T Description Grp. for Activation of Personnel Cost Savings
T77HRFPM_MOSALSA Grouping for Activation of Personnel Cost Savings
T77HRFPM_OMWB Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock
T77HRFPM_OMWBA Activate Periods for Activating the Reassignment Lock
T77HRFPM_OMWBD Default Value for End Date of Reassignment Lock
T77HRFPM_RELTYP Relevance Types for Personnel Budget Plan
T77HRFPM_RELTYPT Relevance Type Text for Personnel Budget Plan
T77HRFPM_STOV Maintenance of FTE Limits
T77HRFPM_TRFCOND Pay Scale Dependency of Group Notes
T77HRFPM_TRFCONT Pay Scale Dependency of Group Notes

SAP Recruitment TABLES (PA-RC)

Table Name Description
PAPL Applicant master data
PB0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
PB0002 HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
PB0006 HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
PB0007 HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time)
PB0008 Applicant Master Record Infotype (Basic Pay)
PB0009 HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
PB0014 Applicant Master Record IT 0014 Recurring Pymnts/Deductions
PB0015 Applicant Master Record Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)
PB0016 Applicant Master Record Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements)
PB0022 HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
PB0023 HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers)
PB0024 HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
PB0028 HR Master Record: Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical Service)
PB0041 HR Master Record: Infotype 0041
PB0105 HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communications)
PB4000 Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
PB4001 Infotype 4001: Applications
PB4002 Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
PB4003 Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities
PB4004 Applicant Data Infotype 4004 (Status of Recurring Tasks)
PB4005 Infotype 4005 (Applicant's Personnel Number)
T750A Vacancy published in advertisement
T750B Advertisement
T750C Recruitment instrument
T750D Medium
T750E Text for applicant group
T750F Text for applicant range
T750G Unsolicited application group
T750H Text for medium
T750I Text for unsolicited application group
T750J Applicant Activity Type
T750K Applicant group
T750P Text for action type
T750R Permitted document formats for internet applications
T750X Vacancy
T751C Applicant status reason
T751D Allowed Combination of Status and Status Reason
T751E Applicant Action Type
T751F Text for applicant event type

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