SAP Tables

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SAP Sales and Distribution TABLES (SD)

Table Name Description
CMSC_RFC_DES_QUE CMS Table for storing RFC destination & que no range
IDCN_ACCITEM China Golden Audit Interface: Account Lines
IDCN_BOMA Books for Prenumbered Documents
IDCN_BOMAT Books for Prenumbered Documents - Texts
IDCN_DETAIL_EA Chinese detail expense account
IDCN_DETAIL_EA_T Chinese detail expense account
IDCN_DOTY Country-Specific Document Classes
IDCN_DOTYT Country-Specific Document Classes - Texts
IDCN_EXCP Errors for Prenumbered Documents
IDCN_LOMA Lots for Prenumbered Documents
IDCN_LOMAT Lots for Prenumbered Documents - Texts
IDCN_MAP_EAS Map of Chinese detail expense accounts
IDCN_REPITEMID Report item ID mapping
IDCN_TOTLINE China Golden Audit Interface: Subtotal lines
IDCN_VOID Void Reasons
IDCN_VOIDT Void Reasons - Texts
IDCNFSPOS China Golden Audit Interface: Extension to FS Version
IDCNMAPCURRCD Convert currency codes to Chinese values
IDCNTRY_CHECK_V Country-specific check values
IDFITYP Tax Type: Possible Entries
IDFITYPT Tax Type: Texts for Possible Entries
IDVKBUR_BUPLA Assignment of Business Place to Sales Office
J_3R_LO_OUTPUT Additional Customizing for Output Types
SCECHADEP Assignment: Classic Dependencies to Chars of Classes
SCECHAINP No User Entry for Characteristic of Class
SCECHAPOS Position of Characteristic in Class
SCECHARAC Characteristics
SCECHAREF Reference of Reference Characteristic
SCECHATX Language-Dependent Description of Characteristic
SCECHAVIS Characteristic of Class Hidden/Shown
SCECLACOM Compilation for Classic Dependencies
SCECLNDOM Allowed Values for Numeric Characteristic of Class
SCECLPREC Precedence List for OO Classes
SCECLSDOM Allowed Values of Alphanumeric Characteristic of Class
SCECLVAL Values Assigned to Characteristics of a Class
SCECLVTX Lang.-Dependent Descs of Vals of Alphanum. Chars of Classes
SCECNT Control Knowledge (Tasks and Events)
SCECNTDEP Assignment of Dependencies to Control Knowledge
SCECNTTX Language-Dependent Descriptions of Control Knowledge
SCECONFPR Configuration Profiles
SCECUCO Interface Design - Sequence of Characteristics in a Group
SCECUHD Interface Design - Header Data
SCECUSD Interface Design - Grouping Structure
SCECUSDT Interface Design - Description of Groupings
SCEDECOMP Decomposition (BOM and so on)
SCEDEP Dependencies (Basic Data)
SCEDEPCOM Compilation of Dependency Nets
SCEDEPDNN DNNs of Dependency
SCEDEPDOC Documentation for Dependencies
SCEDEPPAT Pattern of Dependency
SCEDEPSPN SPNs of Dependency
SCEDEPSRC Source Code of Dependency
SCEDEPTX Language-Dependent Descriptions for Dependencies
SCEDEPVAR Variables of Dependencies
SCEDESCR Language-Dependent Descriptions of KB Object/Task/Event
SCEDOCKEY Storage Location of Document Key
SCEDOCOBJ Link Between Documents and Objects
SCEHASCHA Characteristics of OO Class
SCEHASDEC Assignment of Decomposition to OO Class
SCEHASPRT Components of Decomposition (BOM and so on)
SCEINVIEW Allocation of Characteristic of Class to Org. Area
SCEKB Runtime Version of SCE Knowledge Base
SCEKBOBJ Knowledge-Base Object (SCE)
SCEKBTX Language-Dependent Description for SCE Knowledge Base
SCEKMTDEP Assignment: Dependencies for Configurable Articles
SCELNGTXT Storage Location for Long Texts
SCEMAT Articles
SCENUM Numeric Characteristics
SCENUMDOM Allowed Values of Numeric Characteristic
SCEOCLASS OO Classes of SCE Knowledge Base
SCEOCLTX Language-Dependent Descriptions of OO Classes
SCEPROF Profile of Knowledge Base (Starting Point of Configuration)
SCEPROFILE Knowledge-Base Profiles (SCE)
SCEPROFTX Language-Dependent Description of Knowledge-Base Profile
SCEPRTDEP Assignment of Dependencies to Components (of BOM)
SCESTRDOM Allowed Values for Alphanumeric Characteristics
SCESTRING Alphanumeric Characteristics
SCESUPER Class Hierarchy of Knowledge Base
SCETABFUN Value Assignment Alternatives for Variant Table and Functs
SCEVACOND Assignment of Variant Condition to Char. Value in SCE KB
SCEVALDEP Assignment of Dependencies to Char. Values of Classes
SCEVALSYM Symbol Table for Characteristic Values
SCEVALTX Language-Dependent Descriptions of Values of Alphanum. Chars
SCEVARVAL Values in Variant Tables

SAP Basic Functions TABLES (SD-BF)

Table Name Description
AIC_VBRK Archiving SD_VBRK: Customizing for Index (secondary)
ARCID_CUST_VBRK Archiving SD_VBRK: Customizing for Index (secondary)
ARCID_P_VBRK Archiving SD_VBRK: Index table (primary)
ARCID_S_VBRK Archiving SD_VBRK: Index table (secondary)
ARCID_VBRK Archiving SD_VBRK: Index Table
CMPB_ASGN Campaign Assignment
CPEC_SD_BLOCKING CPE Billing Blocks: Assignment to SD Blocking Reason
CPEC_SD_VALFORM Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in SD
CPEC_SD_VALRULE Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term Rule in SD
CPEC_SD_VALTERM Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in SD
CPED_KNUMVTOGUID CPE Caller - Mapping KNUMV and Document Item to GUID
FPLA Billing Plan
FPLAPO Billing Plan
FPLT Billing Plan: Dates
FPLTPO Billing Plan: Dates
KNMT Customer-Article Info Record Data Table
KNVH Customer Hierarchies
KOND3 Conditions: Campaign Determination - Data Part
QTCH Product Allocation: Feature Directory
QTVB Product Allocation: Allocation used by Customer Order
T190V Product allocations: Consumption period in an info structure
TALLG Help Structure for Pool MSTTALLG
THIOZ Customer Hierarchies: Allowed Organizational Assignments
THIT Customer Hierarchy Types
THITT Texts for Customer Hierarchy Types
THIZU Customer Hierarchy: Allowed Account Group Assignments
TINGU Rules for updating the index in SD documents
TNLS Nielsen ID
TNLST Description of Nielsen Indicators
TSEGE Time Segment Events
TSEGEADR Time Segment Address for Event
TSEGH Time Segment Header
TSEGR Time Segment Relationships Between Events
TSEGWS01 WS Application-specific Additional Data for Date Segment
TTBD Directory of text module for documents
TTBDT Texts: Directory of function modules for documents
TTSTRSD Working Times in SD/WS
TVARK Archiving Control for Sales Activities in Sales Support
TVARN Selection parameters for archiving in sales and distribution
TVBR Contact Person: Frequency of Visits
TVBRT Contact person: Frequency of visits: Texts
TVKG Sales Documents: Reasons for Cancellation
TVKGT Sales Documents: Reasons for Cancellation: Texts
TVKWZ Org.Unit: Allowed Plants per Sales Organization
TVP0 Contact Person: Attribute 10
TVP0T Contact person attribute 10: Texts
TVP2 Contact Person: Attribute 2
TVP2T Contact person attribute 2: Texts
TVP3 Contact Person: Attribute 3
TVP3T Contact person attribute 3: Texts
TVP4 Contact Person: Attribute 4
TVP4T Contact person attribute 4: Texts
TVP5 Contact Person: Attribute 5
TVP5T Contact person attribute 5: Texts
TVP6 Contact Person: Attribute 6
TVP6T Contact person attribute 6: Texts
TVP7 Contact Person: Attribute 7
TVP7T Contact person attribute 7: Texts
TVP8 Contact Person: Attribute 8
TVP8T Contact person attribute 8:Texts
TVP9 Contact Person: Attribute 9
TVP9T Contact person attribute 9: Texts
TVSF SD: Statistics Groups for Document Types and Item Categories
TVSFT SD: Statistics Groups for Doc Types/Item Categories: Texts
TVTB Billing Plan: Date Description
TVTBT Sales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts
TVV1 Customer Group 1
TVV1T Customer group 1: Description
TVV2 Customer Group 2
TVV2T Customer group 2: Description
VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records
VBBS Sales Requirement Totals Record
VBFA Sales Document Flow
VBKOF SD index: Open sales activities by partner function
VBKPA SD index: Sales activities by partner function
VBPA Sales Document: Partner
VBPA2 Sales document: Partner (used several times)
VBPA3 Tax Numbers for One-Time Customers
VBSK Collective Processing for a Sales Document Header
VBSS Collective Processing: Sales Documents
VBUK Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data
VBUP Sales Document: Item Status
VEDAPO Contract Data
VFPLA Billing Plan
VFPLT Billing Plan: Dates

SAP Availability Check TABLES (SD-BF-AC)

Table Name Description
BAPIPIC Product info (screens) for ATP information in the internet
LATP_ENQ Persistent Lock Records for ATP in R/3 from External Systems
LATQ_ENQ Persistent Lock Records for Product Allocation
T000ATP Basic Settings for Availability Check
TREQPRF Requirements Profile

SAP Account Determination TABLES (SD-BF-ACT)

Table Name Description
TSPA Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions
TSPAT Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions: Texts
TVARL Archiving Control for Delivery
TVBVK Organizational Unit: Sales Groups per Sales Office
TVGRT Organizational Unit: Sales Groups: Texts
TVKBT Organizational Unit: Sales Offices: Texts
TVKBZ Org.Unit: Sales Office: Assignment to Organizational Unit
TVKGR Organizational Unit: Sales Groups
TVKO Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations
TVKOS Organizational Unit: Divisions per Sales Organization
TVKOT Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations: Texts
TVKOV Org. Unit: Distribution Channels per Sales Organization
TVM1 Article Pricing Group 1
TVM1T Article pricing group 1: Description
TVM2 Article Pricing Group 2
TVM2T Article Pricing Group 2: Description
TVM3 Article Pricing Group 3
TVM3T Article pricing group 3: Description
TVM4 Article Pricing Group 4
TVM4T Article pricing group 4: Description
TVM5 Article Pricing Group 5
TVM5T Article pricing group 5: Description
TVSTT Organizational Unit: Shipping Points: Texts
TVSWZ Shipping Points per Site
TVTA Organizational Unit: Sales Area(s)
TVTW Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels
TVTWT Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels: Texts
TVV3 Customer Group 3
TVV3T Customer group 3: Description
TVV4 Customer Group 4
TVV4T Customer group 4: Description
TVV5 Customer Group 5
TVV5T Customer group 5: Description

SAP Credit Management TABLES (SD-BF-CM)

Table Name Description
T024P Credit Management: Credit Representatives
T691D Credit groups for document types
T691E Credit Groups Document Type Description
T691F Control of Automatic Credit Control
T691G Control of Automatic Credit Control: Description
T691H Document Value Class (Credit Management)
T691I Document Value Class for Credit Management
T691J Document Value Class Description for Credit Management
T691M Payment guarantee procedure
T691N Description of payment guarantee procedure
T691O Control for payment guarantee procedure
T691P Customer payment guarantee procedure
T691Q Description of customer payment guarantee procedure
T691R Document payment guarantee procedure
T691S Description of document guarantee procedure
T691U Determination of payment guarantee procedure
TVKMLOG Control Logging of Credit Values


Table Name Description
KONBBYH Bonus Buys: Header
KONBBYPRQ Bonus Buys: Prerequisites
KONBBYT Bonus Buys: Text
KONMATGRP Article Grouping: Header
KONMATGRPP Article Grouping: Items
KONMATGRPT Article Grouping: Text
KONMATGRPX Article Grouping: Exceptions
KOTN201 Sales Org./Distr.Channel/Bonus Buy/Article/Sales Unit
KOTN202 SalesOrg./SalesChan/PriceList/BonusBuy/Material/SalesUnit
KOTN203 SalesOrg./SalesChan/Plant/BonusBuy/Material/SalesUnit
T685N "Conditions: Types

SAP Output Determination TABLES (SD-BF-OC)

Table Name Description
B024 Shipping point
B200 Overall Status - Credit Check
LEDPROAPL Assignment of Profiles to Various Applications
LEDPROFIL Definition of Print Profile Names
LEDPROFILT Definition of Print Profile Names and their Usage
LEDRUCKPROFIL Assignment of a Printer to an Object
NACH Detailed output data
T685B Condition Types: Additional Data for Sending Output
TNAD1 Output Control: Printers by Sales Organization
TNAD2 Output Control: Printers for Sales Org/Dist.Chan/Division
TNAD3 Output Control: Printers by Sales Office
TNAD4 Output Control: Printers by Sales Group
TNAD5 Output Control: Printers by Shipping Point
TNAD7 Output Control: Printer per Storage Location
TNADU Output Determination: Printer per User

SAP Pricing and Conditions TABLES (SD-BF-PR)

Table Name Description
T684 Condition Exclusion Groups
T684G Condition Exclusion Groups: Condition Types
T684S Condition Exclusion: Procedure Assignment
T684T Condition exclusion: Texts
T689 Download Profile for the Conditions
T689K Reference: Download Profile - Pricing Procedures
T689T Text Table for T689

SAP Word Processing TABLES (SD-BF-TP)

Table Name Description
TSKD Customer Taxes
TSKDT Customer Taxes: Texts


Table Name Description
TTXB fields that serve as base for maximum tax
TTXBT fields that serve as base (desriptions)
TTXF status transition diagram for tax document during pricing
TTXM list of tax laws
TTXMTT list of tax laws (description)
TTXX table to determine which tax law is used


Table Name Description
A144 Sales Deal Basic Data
A145 Sales Deal - Customer/Article
A146 Customer Hierarchy
A147 Customer Hierarchy (Sales Deal)
A148 Product Hierarchy
A149 Customer-dependent data determination
A399 Withholding tax code - country-specific
J_1ADOCCL2 Texts for official document class in Argentina
J_1ADOCCLS Official document class for Argentina
J_1AOFNR3 Exception table for deal type determ.(export/domestic)
J_1ASNRDT1 Branch Determination for Deliveries
J_1ASNRDT2 Branch determination for article movements
J_1ATXREL Tax relevant classification
J_1ATXRELT Texts for tax relevant classification
KNVI Customer Master Tax Indicator
KNVL Customer Master Licenses
S071 Condition Update
TSTE Invalid will not be used anymore
TSTL Taxes: Valid Tax Categories for Each Country
TVARR Archiving Control for Billing
TVFKD Billing Document: Billing Date by Number Range
TVFS Billing: Reasons for Blocking
TVFSP Billing: Blocking Reasons
TVFST Billing : Blocking Reason Texts
TVKT Customers: Account Assignment Groups
TVKTT Customers: Account Determination Groups: Texts
VBRK Billing Document: Header Data
VBRL Sales Document: Invoice List
VBRP Billing Document: Item Data
VRKPA Sales Index: Bills by Partner Functions
VRPMA SD Index: Billing Items per Article

SAP Basic Functions TABLES (SD-BIL-GF)

Table Name Description
TINC Customers: Incoterms
TINCT Customers: Incoterms: Texts
TLIC Tax Exemption License
TVCIN Payment cards: Type
TVCINT Description of payment card type
TVCLK Block reason (payment card)
TVCLKT Description of blocking reason (payment card)
TVCTY Payment card category
TVCTYT Category description for payment card
TVRRUR Revenue Realization: Account Det. 'Unbilled Receivables'


Table Name Description
CCARDEC Encrypted Payment Card Numbers
CCARDEC_CUST Encryption of Payment Card Type
FPLTC Payment cards: Transaction data - SD
TCCL Payment cards: Point of receipt for the transaction
TCCLT Payment cards: Points of receipt for the transaction (text)
TCCM Payment cards: Merchant ID
TCCMT Payment cards: Merchant ID (text)
TVCAA Payment Cards: Checking Groups - Sales Document
TVCAAT Payment Cards: Checking Groups - Sales Document (Text)
TVCTD Payment Cards: Determine Categories
VCKUN Assign customer-credit card
VCNUM Credit card master

SAP Self-Billing Proced. TABLES (SD-BIL-IV-SBI)

Table Name Description
T665B SD Self-Billing Procedure: General Processing Parameters
T665C SD Self-Billing Procedure: EDI Partner Inbound Parameters
T665D SD Self-Billing Procedure: Contractor Processing Parameters
T665E "SD Self-Billing Procedure: Tolerance Limits
T665F "SD Self-Billing Procedures: Tolerance Limits
T665G Self-Billing: Customer Tolerance Groups
T665GT Self-Billing: Name of Customer Tolerance Groups
TRNSM Data Transfer
VSBCON Conditions (Surcharges/Discounts) of an IDoc Item
VSBDAT Self-Billing Procedure Data w. Automatic Postings
VSBDIT Self-Billing Procedure Delivery Item w. Automatic Posting
VSBHDR IDoc Self-Billing Procedure w. Automatic Postings
VSBITM IDoc-Item Self-Billing Procedure w. Automatic Postings
VSBMER Mainstep-Errors in Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings
VSBOII Self-Billing: Index of Generated Open Items
VSBPBD Self-Billing: Processed Billing Documents
VSBPER Prestep-Errors in Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings
VSBPLG Processing Log: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings
VSBPLM Processing Log Messages
VSBPST Processing Status: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings
VSBREF References: Self-Billing Procedure with Autom. Postings
VSBTRM Transmission: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings

SAP Extended Rebate TABLES (SD-BIL-RB-ENH)

Table Name Description
BON_ENH_CDOC Settings for Indirect Billing Documents
BON_ENH_CGEN Settings for the Update of Indirect Sales
BON_ENH_CSEQ Extended Rebate: VAKEY Structure
BON_ENH_CSEQ_S "Extended Rebate: VAKEY Structure
BON_ENH_LEDGER Reconciliation Accounts for Rebate Credit Memos

SAP Pendulum List Indirect Sales TABLES (SD-BIL-RB-PL)

Table Name Description
S473 Pendulum List - Requisitioner
S473E S473 - Structure Information
S474 Pendulum List - Confirmation
S474E S474 - Structure Information

SAP Revenue recognition TABLES (SD-BIL-RR)

Table Name Description
VBREVAC Revenue Recognition: Compression of FI Revenue Postings
VBREVC Revenue Recognition: Worklist of Changed Sales Documents
VBREVE Revenue Recognition: Revenue Recognition Lines
VBREVK Revenue Recognition: Control Lines
VBREVR Revenue Recognition: Reference Document Lines

SAP Sales Activities TABLES (SD-CAS-SA)

Table Name Description
SADLSTADM Administrative Data - Address List
TVC1 Sales Activity Outcome
TVC1T Sales Activities : Outcome - Text Table
TVC2 Reasons for Sales Activities
TVC2T Sales Activity Reasons
TVC3 Sales Activity Status
TVC3T Sales Activities : Status - Texts
TVC4 Sales Activity Outcome Analysis
TVC4T Sales Activities : Outcome Analysis - Texts
TVC5 Sales Activities: Allowed Statuses by Status Group
TVC6 Sales Activity Status Groups
TVC6T Sales Activities : Status Groups : Texts
TVC7 Sales Activities: Assigning Outcome Analysis to Act.Reason
TVCA Sales Activity Description 01
TVCAT Sales Activity Description 01
TVCB Sales Activity Description 02
TVCBT Sales Activity Description 02
TVCC Sales Activity Description 03
TVCCT Sales Activity Description 03
TVCD Sales Activity Description 04
TVCDT Sales Activity Description 04
TVCE Sales Activity Description 05
TVCET Sales Activity Description 05
TVCF Sales Activity Description 06
TVCFT Sales Activity Description 06
TVCG Sales Activity Description 07
TVCGT Sales Activity Description 07
TVCH Sales Activity Description 08
TVCHT Sales Activity Description 08
TVCI Sales Activity Description 09
TVCIT Sales Activity Description 09
TVCJ Sales Activity Description 010
TVCJT Sales Activity Description 10
TVCPK Copying Control for Sales Activities
VBKA Sales Activities

SAP Sales Promotions TABLES (SD-CAS-SP)

Table Name Description
SADLSTDIR1 Address List Directory
SADLSTDIR2 Referenced Distribution List
SADLSTFILE Managing Address List Files
SADLSTIAD Administration Table for Address Lists
SADLSTRECB Dynamic Part of Address List (Record Body)
SADLSTRECH Static Part of an Address List (Record Header)
SADLSTSORT Sort Fields for Address List
SADLSTWU Where-used List: Address Lists
TVKB Sales Activities : Authorization for Partner Functions
VKAOF Sales Index: Open Sales Activities
VKAWV Sales Activities by Follow-up Date

SAP Electronic Data Interchange TABLES (SD-EDI)

Table Name Description
EDPAR Convert External < > Internal Partner Number
EDPST Translation table EDI Int. Doc. <--> SD item categories
EDSDC "Assignment of EDI Partner by Sales Org.
PRICAT_001 PRICAT inbound: Assignment of ILN - Vendor - Purch. group
PRICAT_002 PRICAT inbound: Assignment of ILN mdse catgy - SAP mdse cat
PRICAT_003 PRICAT inbound: Assignment of SAP mdse catgy - purch. group
PRICAT_004 PRICAT: ID for Supply of Data to Catalog per Mdse Catgry
PRICAT_005 PRICAT: ID for Supply of Data to Catalog per Article
PRICAT_006 PRICAT: Template for Non-ERP Fields to Catalog Item
PRICAT_007 PRICAT: Template for Non-ERP Fields to Unit of Measure
PRICAT_ALLOC Price Catalog Customizing: Assignment of Struct. to Cat. Tp.
PRICAT_CONTROL Price Catalog: Catalog Procedure Control
PRICAT_CWEB PRICAT on the Internet: Customizing
PRICAT_K001 PRICAT: Catalog header
PRICAT_K002 PRICAT: Catalog item product groups
PRICAT_K003 PRICAT: Catalog item basic data
PRICAT_K003_PRO Indication of Data to be Adopted from PRICAT_K003
PRICAT_K003S PRICAT: Status of the Catalog Item per Customer
PRICAT_K003Z PRICAT: Catalog item basic data extras
PRICAT_K003Z_PRO Indication of Data to be Adopted from PRICAT_K003z
PRICAT_K004 "PRICAT:Cat. item units of measure
PRICAT_K004_PRO Indication of Data to be Adopted from PRICAT_K004
PRICAT_K005 PRICAT: Catalog item texts
PRICAT_K006 PRICAT: Catalog item characteristics
PRICAT_K007 PRICAT: Catalog item bills of material
PRICAT_K008 PRICAT: Catalog item prices / conditions / taxes
PRICAT_K008C PRICAT: Catalog Item Prices/Conditions/Taxes per Customer
PRICAT_K009C PRICAT: Catalog Item Scales for Condition for Customer
PRICAT_K00A PRICAT: Assortments of the Price Catalog
PRICAT_K00C PRICAT: Customer of a Price Catalog
PRICAT_K010 Price Catalog: Additional Catalog Fields
PRICAT_K010S Price Catalog: Last Structure of Structures
PRICAT_KART Price Catalog Customizing: Definition of Catlog Type
PRICAT_KARTT Price Catalog Customizing: Catalog Type Text Tables
PRICAT_PRO PRICAT Outbound: Requirements Profile (Customizing)
PRICAT_PRO_T PRICAT outbound: Requirements profile (Customizing) texts
PRICAT_UNITS PRICAT outbound: Transferable units of measure (Customizing)
PRISBCPARA PRICAT: SBC Parameters for PRICAT Customers
WFMCMSGENQ Special Handling for System Messages
WRF_PRI_COND_EK PRICAT Inbound: Create Purchasing Conditions
WRF_PRI_COND_VK PRICAT Inbound: Creation of Sales Conditions
WRF_PRI_CONDTYPE PRICAT Inbound: Condition Category and Type for PP and SP
WRF_PRICAT_001 "Assign Purch. Grp
WRF_PRICAT_002 Assign External Mdse Catgry - SAP Mdse Catgry
WRF_PRICAT_010 Price Catalog Inbound: Generic Field Storage
WRF_PRICAT_010A Price Catalog Generic Structures per Catalog
WRF_PRICAT_010S Price Catalog Generic Structures and Fields per Catalog
WRF_PRICAT_AUTOM Price Catalog Automatic Posting
WRF_PRICAT_PRE Price Catalog Default
WRF_PRICAT_PRO Price Catalog: Selection Programs for PRICAT Dialog
WRF_PRICAT_TRIG Price Catalog Inbound: Trigger Table for Scheduled Data
WRF_PRICOND_READ Define: Reading of Prices

SAP Basic Functions TABLES (SD-FT-PRO)

Table Name Description
A121 Legal Control: Values for Calculating Foreign Percentage
A300 Statistical Value of Subcontracting Components
A301 Info Record Type and Incoterms
A310 Duty Rate Customs Exemption: Importing Ctry/Code/Article
A315 Cust.Duty Anti-dumping: Import/Code/Orig.ctry/Manu./Exp./Art
A316 Anti-dumping Duty Rate: Imp.Ctry/Code/Orig.Ctry/Anti-d. Code
A317 Anti-dumping Duty Rate: Imp.Cntry/Code Number/Cntry of Orig.
A320 Third country Duties: Import ctry/Code/Orig.ctry/Ship.ctry
A321 Third Country Duty Rate: Import Country/Code
A325 Duties Pharma. Products: Import country/Code/CAS/Article
A326 Pharm. Products Duty Rate: Import Country/Code/Pharma. Code
A330 Preferential Cust.Duties: Imp.ctry/Orig.ctry/Ship.ctry/Artl
A331 Preference Duty Rate: Import Ctry/Code/Orig.Ctry/Preference
A335 Quota Duty Rate: Imp.ctry/Code/Orig.ctry/Proc./Art/Quota
A336 Quota Duty Rate: Import Country/Code/Orig.Ctry/Quota Number
A340 Foreign Trade: CAP: Restitution rates
A345 Ceiling Duty Rate: Import Country/Orig.Country/Ceiling No.
AKKB Documentary Payment Guarantee: Financial Doc. - Bank Data
AKKD Documentary Paym. Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Master-Export Doc.Data
AKKP Documentary Payment Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Master - Header Data
CONU Foreign Trade: Duty Rate Numbers and Commodity Codes
EIEI Foreign Trade: Export/Import Communication Data
EIKP Foreign Trade: Export/Import Header Data
EIPO Foreign Trade: Export/Import: Item Data
EIUV Foreign Trade: Incompletion Log for Foreign Trade Data
EIZO "FT: Exp/Imp ident. of goods
EMBK Legal Control: License Master - Header Data
FSLS Foreign Trade: Legal Control-Sanctioned Party List-Master
FSLSA Foreign Trade: Legal Control-Sanctioned Party List-Address
FSLSN Foreign Trade: Legal Control - Sanctioned Party List - Names
FSLST Foreign Trade: Legal Control - SLS - Audit Trail
FSLSTA Foreign Trade: Legal Control - SLS - Audit Trail
FSLSW Foreign Trade: Legal Control - Sanct. Party List - Keyword
FSLSWC FT: Legal Control: Sanct. Party List - Collected Key Words
FTCOMT Foreign Trade: Communication: Audit table for FT documents
FTGKL Legal Control: Log (Up-to-Date)
FTGKLA Legal Control: Log (Prestep for Archiving)
FTGOVPA Foreign Trade: Periodic Declarations
FTUSE Foreign Trade: Control Table: User-dependent Settings
KNEX Customer Master: Legal Control - Sanctioned Party List
LFEI Vendor Master: Preference for Import and Export
MAFU Foreign Trade: Additional Information for Article/Code No.
MAPEWG Article master: Preference determination: Cross-site
MAZO Foreign Trade: Customs Law Description
MMPREF_PRO_01 Logging table for archiving object MMPREF
MMPREF_PRO_01_B Log table - Preference - Information from rules
MMPREF_PRO_02 Log table - Main component - Information
MMPREF_PRO_03 Log table - Component - Information
MMPREF_PRO_IDX Archiving object MM_PREF customs logs - Index table
MMPREK_PRO_01 Log table for archiving object MMPREK
MMPREK_PRO_01_B Log table - Preference - Info from rule
MMPREK_PRO_02 Log table - Main component - Information
MMPREK_PRO_03 Log table - Component - Information
MMPREW_PRO_01 Log table for archiving object MMPREW
MMPREW_PRO_01_B Preference CPG: Log - Information from rule
MMPREW_PRO_02 Preference CPG: Log main component - Information
MMPREW_PRO_03 Preference CPG: Log components - Information
MMPREW_PRO_IDX Archiving object MM_PREW customs logs - Index table
T604 Foreign Trade: Commodity Code / Import Code Number
T604_PREF_MTART Preference: Article Exemption Parameters
T604_PREF_PARAM Preference: Preference determination parameters
T604A Preference: Tariff alternation
T604B Preference: Preference Zone Description
T604C Preference: Preference Procedure Code
T604D Preference: Description of Preference Procedure Code
T604F Import Processing: Control Code
T604G Preference: Preference Zone
T604I Input Table for Collective Calculation for Goods Origin
T604L Foreign Trade: Preference: Single-site control data VD
T604N Import Processing: Control Code Description
T604O Foreign Trade: Sections With Regard to Customs Law - Descr.
T604P Preference: Preference Zone/Rule
T604R Preference: Preference Rule / Percentages
T604S Preference: Determine Preference Zone in Export
T604STW Foreign Trade: Keywords for commodity codes
T604T Foreign Trade: Commodity Code/Import Code No. Description
T604U Foreign Trade: Convert Commodity Code/Import Code No.
T604V Preference: Preference Determination / Procedure
T604W Foreign Trade: Sections With Regard to Customs Law
T604WG Preference determination: Cross-site grouping
T604WGG Preference determination: Assignment of sites
T604WGT Preference determination: Cross-site grouping - Description
T604X Preference: Procedure - Description
T604Y Foreign Trade: Sections/Chapters With Regard to Customs Law
T604Z Foreign Trade: Chapter - Descriptions
T605 Foreign Trade: Business Transaction Type
T605K Foreign Trade: Bus. Transaction Type - Procedure Combination
T605T Foreign Trade: Business Transaction Type - Descriptions
T605U Foreign Trade: Convert Export/Import Bus. Trans. Type
T605Z Foreign Trade: Proposal for Bus. Transaction Type in Export
T606 Legal Control: License Types
T606A Legal Control: Departure Country / Legal Regulations
T606AS Legal Control: Export Control Class - Commodity Code
T606B Legal Control: Grouping Articles
T606C Legal Control: Import code numbers for license
T606D Legal Control: Special Characteristic Code for Goods
T606DT Legal Control: Special Char. Code for Goods - Description
T606E Legal Control: Grouping Destination Countries
T606G Legal Control: Legal Regulations
T606H Legal Control: Export Control Classes
T606I Legal Control: Export Control Class / Grouping
T606K Legal Control: Control Situation of Dest.Ctry.
T606L Legal Control: Country Classification by Destination Ctry
T606M Legal Control: Product Classification by Destinat. Ctry
T606N Legal Control: Product Classification by Country Grouping
T606O Legal Control: Embargo - Dependent on Departure Country
T606P Legal Control: Grouping Partners
T606PG Legal Control: Partner Functions for Grouping Partners
T606PT Legal Control: Grouping Partners - Descriptions
T606R Legal Control: Legal Regulation Descriptions
T606S Legal Control: Grouping of Dest. Countries - Descriptions
T606T Legal Control: License Type Descriptions
T606U Legal Control: Grouping Descriptions
T606V Legal Control: Export Control Class Descriptions
T606W Legal Control: Articles for license
T606X Legal Control: Destination Countries for License
T606Y Legal Control: Export Control Classes for License
T606Z Legal Control: Partners - Customers for License
T606ZK Legal Control: Partners - Vendors License
T607A Documentary Payments: Financial Document Type
T607AT Documentary Payments: Financial Document Type Descriptions
T607B Documentary Payments: Bank Functions
T607BT Documentary Payments: Bank Function Descriptions
T607D Documentary Payments: Documents to be Presented
T607DT Documentary Payments: Descr. for Documents to be Presented
T607E Documentary Payments: Control Documents per Indicator
T607F Documentary Payments: Indicators - Field Ctrl/Doc.Check
T607FT Doc. Payments: Indicators: Field Ctrl/Doc.Check-Descriptions
T607G Documentary Payments: Reasons for Change
T607GT Documentary Payments: Reasons for Change - Descriptions
T607I Documentary Payments: Financial Document Control
T607K Documentary Payments: Bank Indicators
T607KT Documentary Payments: Bank Function ID Descriptions
T607S Documentary Payments: Fld Ctrl for Banks in Financial Doc.
T608 Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - Type of Check
T608A Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - Aliases
T608D Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists: Delimiter
T608E Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - Exclusion Texts
T608L Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - List Type
T608LT Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - List Type Descript.
T608N Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists: Normalizations
T608P Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists: Phonetic Search
T608R Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - Reference Type
T608RT Legal Control: Sanct. Party Lists - Reference Type - Descr.
T608T Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - Type of Check
T609A Foreign Trade: Declarations to Authorities - Exclusion Ind.
T609AT Foreign Trade: Decl. to Auth.: Exclusion Ind. - Descriptions
T609B FT: Incompleteness: Doc.Pric.Procedure - Header and Item
T609BT FT: Incompl.: Doc.Pric.Proced. - Header and Item - Descript.
T609F Foreign Trade: Incompletion Procedure - Document Fields
T609G Foreign Trade: PRODCOM/GP Number (Production Statistics)
T609GP Foreign Trade: PRODCOM/GP Number (Prod.Stat.) - Descriptions
T609II FT: Declara. to auth.: Special rules country/region
T609IS Foreign Trade: Declarations to Auth.: Data Selection Control
T609L Foreign Trade: Incompleteness: Country procedure
T609LT Foreign Trade: Incompleteness: Country proced. - Descript.
T609P Foreign Trade: Communication: Control Printing of FT Docs
T609PO FT: Communication: Assignment form fields - Characteristics
T609PP FT: Communication: Control Change of FT documents
T609PPT Foreign Trade: Communication: Characteristics texts
T609R Foreign Trade: Export/Import Conversion - Reference Country
T609S Foreign Trade: Control Export/Import Data in SD/MM Document
T609UK Foreign Trade: Incompleteness: Combination WR - L - L - B
T609V Foreign Trade: Incompletion Procedures for Document Data
T609VT Foreign Trade: Incompletion Procedures in Docs - Descript.
T610A Import Processing: Anti-dumping Code
T610AT Import Processing: Anti-dumping Code Descriptions
T610B Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Numbers
T610BT Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Number Descriptions
T610C Import Processing: CAS Number for Pharmaceutical Products
T610CT Import Processing: CAS No. for Pharmaceut.Products - Descr.
T610D Import Processing: Pharmaceutical Products Code
T610DT Import Processing: Pharmaceutical Products Code Descriptions
T610FA Import Processing: Anti-dumping Code Determination
T610FD Import Processing: Pharmaceut. Products Code Determination
T610FE Import Processing: Import Verification Doc. Determination
T610FK Import Processing: Customs Quota Code Determination
T610FL Import Processing: Third-country Duty Rate Determination
T610FP Import Processing: Preferential Duty Rate Determination
T610FS Import Processing: Customs Exemption Determination
T610K Import Processing: Customs Quota Codes
T610KP Foreign Trade: Import Processing: Quota or Ceiling Number
T610KPT Foreign Trade: Import Processing: Quota or Ceiling Number
T610KT Import Processing: Customs Quota Code Descriptions
T610LG Foreign Trade: Country Groups for Import Processing
T610LGT Foreign Trade: Country Groups for Import Processing - Descr.
T610LGZ Foreign Trade: Assignment of Countries to Country Groups
T610NA Import Processing: Verification Documents
T610NAT Import Processing: Verification Document Descriptions
T610O Foreign Trade: Authorities
T610OT Foreign Trade: Authorities - Descriptions
T610PA Foreign Trade: Preference Type
T610PAT Foreign Trade: Preference Type - Description
T610R Import Processing: Reference Countries
T610U "Foreign Trade: Upload: Duty Rate Types
T610VA Foreign Trade: Preliminary Import Docs / Export Docs
T610VAT Foreign Trade: Preliminary Imp. Docs/Exp.Docs - Descriptions
T610W Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Numbers per Site
T610Z Foreign Trade: Customs Identification Nos - Vendor/Customer
T612A Foreign Trade/Customs: Electronic Procedure: Duty Types
T612AT FT/Customs: Elect. Procedure: Duty Type - Means of Transport
T612B FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Type of means of transport
T612BT FT/Customs: Elect. Procedure: Type of Means of Transport - D
T612G Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. procedures: Duty type group.
T612GT Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. procedures: Duty type group.
T612K FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Duty Type - Condition type
T612N FT/Customs: Electr. procedures: Type of identity of goods
T612NT FT/Customs: Electr. Proced.: Type of ident. of goods - descr
T612P FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Type of Shipping Unit
T612PT FT/Customs: Electr. procedure: Shp. unit type - Description
T612S Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Status
T612ST FT/Customs: Electr. procedure: Status - Description
T612V Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. Procedure
T612VT FT/Customs: Electr. procedure - Description
T615 Foreign Trade: Customs Offices
T615T Foreign Trade: Customs Offices - Descriptions
T615U Foreign Trade: Import/Export Customs Office Conversion
T616 Foreign Trade: Procedure
T616T Foreign Trade: Procedures - Descriptions
T616U Foreign Trade: Import/Export Procedure Conversion
T616Z Foreign Trade: Proposal for Procedure in Export
T617 Foreign Trade: Proposal for Foreign Trade Header Data
T618 Foreign Trade: Modes of Transport
T618EM BOM of CAP article components
T618G EU Market: EU Market Products Group
T618GT EU Market: EU Market Products Group - Descriptions
T618K Foreign Trade: Valid Comb. f. Mode of Transp./Customs Office
T618M CAP: Number of CAP products list
T618ME CAP-relevant article components
T618MET Article Component Texts (EU Market Products)
T618MS Components of EU Market Products
T618MT EU Market: EU Market Products List No. - Descriptions
T618O EU Market: Market organizations
T618OT EU Market: Market Organization Descriptions
T618T Foreign Trade: Mode of Transport Descriptions
T618U Foreign Trade: Conversion of Import/Export Mode of Transport
T618W EU Market: Market Organization Number
T618WT EU Market: Market Organization Number - Descriptions
TVFM Foreign Trade: Article Pricing Groups in Export
TVFMT Foreign Trade: Art. Pricing Groups in Export - Descriptions
VBEX SD Document: Export Control: Data at Item Level
VBKK SD Doc.Export Letter of Credit
VEIAV INTRASTAT Receipt/Dispatch
VEKAA KOBRA (A+D Record) Export
VEKAB KOBRA (B Record) Export
VEKAC KOBRA (C Record) Export

SAP Information System TABLES (SD-IS)

Table Name Description
S020 SIS: Customer Potential Analysis
S020E S020 - Structure Information
S131 Doc. Payment Guarantee: Update Letter of Credit Values (LIS)
S135 "Value contract
TKSFK Update Sequence: Sales Activity Processing Statistics: Headr
TMCW2 Administrative Data for SIS Re-Setup
TVSFK Update Group: Statistics (Header)
TVSFP Update Group: Statistics (Item)
TVSG Sales Statistics Groups

SAP Data Collection TABLES (SD-IS-DC)

Table Name Description
S264 SD- Offer
S264BIW1 S264BIW1 * SD - Quotation
S264BIW2 S264BIW2 * SD - Quotation


Table Name Description
TVARA Sales Document Archiving Control
VETVG Delivery Due Index for Stock Transfer

SAP Rebate Agreements TABLES (SD-MD-AM-RAG)

Table Name Description
AGR_REL_KNUMA_CM Assignment: Agreement --> Campaign

SAP Conditions TABLES (SD-MD-CM)

Table Name Description
A000 Condition Table for Pricing $
A001 Not Used in Standard
A002 Country/Customer Classification/Article Classification
A003 Tax Classification
A004 Article
A005 Customer/Article
A006 Price List Type/Currency/Article
A007 Division/Customer
A008 Site/Additional selling site
A009 Additional Selling Site/EAN
A010 Additional Selling Site/Article
A011 Country/Country of Dest./Customer Classif./Article Classif.
A012 Additional Selling Site/Merchandise Category
A013 Overhead Type
A014 Overhead Type/Overhead Key
A015 Not Used in Standard
A016 Contract Item
A017 Article Info Record (Site-Specific)
A018 Article Info Record
A019 Contract Header
A020 Division/Price Group
A021 Vendor/Article/Unit of Measure
A022 Article/Unit of Measure
A023 Additional Selling Site/Article/Unit of Measure
A024 Distribution Channel/Article/Unit of Measure
A025 Info Record for Non-Stock Item (Site-Specific)
A026 Controlling Area/Cost Center
A027 Controlling Area
A028 Info Record for Non-Stock Item
A029 Article Pricing Group
A030 Customer/Article Pricing Group
A031 Price Group/Article Pricing Group
A032 Price group/Article
A033 Incoterms
A034 Incoterms Part 1 + 2
A035 Overhead Type/Site
A036 Overhead Type/Order Type
A037 Overhead Type/Order Catg.
A038 Overhead Type/Company Code
A039 Overhead Type/Business Area
A040 Country/State/Customer Classif.1/Article Classification 1
A041 Country/State/County/Customer Classif.2/Article Classif.2
A042 Country/State/City/Customer Classif.3/Article Classif.3
A043 Purchasing Organization/Article Type
A044 Vendor
A045 Vendor Condition Group
A046 Merchandise Category Prices
A047 Merchandise Category Prices (Site-Specific)
A048 Sales conditions sample structure for pricing
A049 Market Price for Article
A050 Sales conditions sample structure for pricing
A051 Invoicing Party
A052 Invoicing Party (Specific to Info Record)
A053 Taxes Using Jurisdiction Code
A054 Market Price for Merchandise Category
A055 Sales conditions sample structure for pricing
A056 Sales conditions sample structure for pricing
A057 Variants
A058 Controlling Area/Cost Center Type
A059 Controlling Area/Company Code
A060 Controlling Area/Business Area
A061 Controlling Area/Cost Center Type/Cost Center
A062 Controlling Area/Company Code/Cost Center
A063 Controlling Area/Business Area/Cost Center
A064 Customer Hierarchy
A065 Customer Hierarchy/Article
A066 Info record per order unit
A067 Site Info Record per Order Unit
A068 Outline Agreement Item: Site-Dependent
A069 Vendor Subrange
A070 EAN per Site
A071 Article per Site
A072 EAN per SOrg/DstCh
A073 Article per SOrg/DstCh
A074 Site/Preference Zone/Article
A075 Master Conditions for SRV with Merchandise Category
A076 Master Conditions for Activities in Contract
A077 Cost Split for Activities in Contract
A078 Departure Country / Destination Country
A079 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Merchandise Category
A080 Taxes: Article
A081 Contract Conditions at Site Level
A082 Contract Conditions without Site
A083 Vendor Conditions with Site
A084 Vendor Conditions without Site
A085 Metal Prices
A086 "Taxes: Article
A087 "Taxes: Site
A088 "Taxes: Article
A089 SD Document/Article
A090 SD Document/Item/Article
A091 Wage Type Surcharge at Site Level
A092 Wage Type Surcharge without Site
A093 Wage Type Surcharge - General
A094 "Taxes: Article
A095 Activities + Purchasing Organization
A096 Activities for Vendor
A097 Activities for Vendor with Site
A098 SD Document/Item/Article Pricing Group
A099 SD Document/Item
A100 SOrg/DstCh/Article_MainItem/Article
A101 SOrg/DstCh/Article-Main Item/Article Pricing Group
A102 SOrg/DstCh/Article Pricing Group-Main Item/Article
A103 SOrg/DstCh/ArticlePricingGroup-MainItem/ArtPricingGroup
A104 Service Conditions (Own Estimate)
A105 Controlling Area/Company Code/Business Area
A106 Price List/Merchandise Category
A107 Vendor Hierarchy
A108 Vendor Hierarchy / Article
A109 Vendor hierarchy: vendor sub-range
A110 Sales Organization/Destination Country
A112 Service agent
A113 Service agent/Dep.cntry/
A114 Tax Exemption: Customer
A115 Ser.agnt/Dep.ctry/Dep.PC /Ship-to party
A116 Tax Exemption - Customer/Tax Classification 2-Article
A117 Tax Exemption - Customer/Article
A118 Empties Prices (Article-Dependent)
A119 Service agent/Dep.ctry/ /Dest. country
A120 Overhead Type/Version
A122 Surch. type /Profit Center
A123 Discount Type/Resp. Cost Center
A124 Service agent/Dep.cntry/Dep. PostCode/Tariff zone Dest. loc.
A125 Service agent/Tariff zone dep./Tariff zone target
A126 Service Agent/TariffZoneDep/TariffZoneDest/Freight Class
A127 Service Agent/TariffZoneDep/TariffZoneDest/Incoterms
A128 Service Agent/TariffZoneDep/TariffZoneDest/ShippingMatType
A129 Service Agent/TariffZDep/TariffZDest/ShipMatType/VSEGR 1
A135 Transp. service agent/shipping type/bulk group
A140 Sales Area / Accounting Indicator
A156 Country of Departure/Destination Country/Del. Country
A172 Campaign ID/Article
A173 CO Area/Ovrhd Type/Fund/Func. Area/GM_GRANT_N
A174 CO Area/Ovrhd Type/Func. Area/GM_GRANT_N
A175 CO Area/Ovrhd Type/Fund/Func. Area
A176 CO Area/Ovrhd Type/Fund
A177 CO Area/Ovrhd Type/Func. Area
A178 CO Area/Ovrhd Type/GM_GRANT_N
A179 CO Area/Ovrhd Type/Fund/GM_GRANT_N
A180 Country/Preference Zone/Cross-Site Grouping
A181 TaxIndSite/Tax type
A182 Region/SiteRegion/Site/Tax ind.
A185 Order no./Item/Configuration no./Article/Preference zone
A304 Article with release status
A305 Customer/article with release status
A306 Price list category/currency/article with release status
A307 Customer with Release Status
A350 Sales org.
A352 ST Code/Post.code/SiteRegion
A353 ST Code/Region/SiteRegion
A354 Country/Region/SiteRegion
A355 Jur. code
A356 Country/SiteRegion/ST Code/TaxCl1Cust/TaxCl.Art
A357 Country/Site/Ctrl code
A358 Country/Site/Ctrl code/Article
A359 Site/Mdse cat.
A362 Country/NBM-NCM Code
A363 Site/Vendor/Article
A367 Country/Site/Region/Article
A368 Country/SiteRegion/Region/TaxCl1Cust/TaxCl.Art
A369 Country/Site/Ctrl code/TaxCl1Cust
A371 Country/Site/Ctrl code/Ship-to
A372 Sales org./Ref.doc./Ref.item
A390 Brazil: 100% reversals
B000 $ Sample Table for output control
B001 Sales Organization/Customer Number
B002 Sales Organization/Sales Activity Type
B005 Sales Organization/Order Type
B006 SOrg/DstCh/Division/Customer
B007 Order Type
B008 Billing Type
B009 Delivery Type
B010 Shipping Point/Route
B011 Sales Organization/Billing Type
B012 Sales Organization/Delivery Type
B013 Sales Org.
B014 Grouping Type/Shipping Point
B015 Credit Control Area/Cred.Representative Group/Risk Category
B016 Labeling
B017 Transport Type
B018 Sales Organization/Receiving Country
B020 Shipping material type
B021 DlvType/Shipping Point
B022 TrspPlPoint and Shipment Type
B023 "TrspPlPoint
B025 Purchasing Output Determination: Doc.Type/Purch.Org/Vendor
B026 Purchasing Output Determination: Document Type
B027 Purchasing Output Determination: Purch. Org./Vendor for EDI
B028 Ship-to party/shipping mat.
B030 Specification Department
B031 Area of Responsibility
B032 Application Area: Output Number
B033 Stock Planner
B034 Planner Group
B035 Site
B040 Document Type/Document Status
B046 "CoCode
B048 "CoCode
B049 Company code
B050 Output Control: Sample Structure for Output Data
B055 "C Status
B060 PM Message - Site Maintenance
B061 Purchasing Group
B062 Laboratory/Engineering and Design Office
B063 Planner Group
B064 Capacity Planner
B065 Stock Planner
B066 Cost center
B070 Transaction/print vers./print ind./label type/label form
B071 GR Output
B072 Transaction/Printed Version/Print ID
B073 Transaction/Print Vers./Print Ind./SHKZG
B074 Missing Parts
B075 Kanban Cards for GR
B100 Output Determination: DocumentType/Purch.Org./Mdse Catgry
B120 Condition tables for Output Nota Fiscal
B121 OutputDev.
B150 Doc.Type/Sales Org./Customer
B160 Sales Organization/Condition Granter
B161 SOrg/Distr.Channel/Division/Rebate Recipient
B170 Purchasing Organization/Invoicing
B171 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Payer
B172 Company Code/Invoicing
B173 Company Code/Payer
C000 Condition Table for Acct.Determination: $
C001 Cust.Grp/Mdse Catgry/AcctKey
C002 Cust.Grp/Account Key
C003 Mdse Catgy/Acct Key
C004 General
C005 Acct Key
C006 SlsOrg/Card cat.
C008 SlsOrg/Dist.chan.
C009 SlsOrg/Dist.chan./Div.
CND_MAPM_FIELD Condions Exchange: Convert Field Contents
D000 Condition Table for Article Determination $
E000 Condition Table for Rebate $
F000 Condition Table for Secondary Indexes $
G000 Condition Table for Article Listing/Exclusion $
H000 Condition Table for Batch Search Strategy $
K002 Condition(s) for Customer
KNMTK Customer-Article Info Record Header Table
KONA Agreements
KONAIND Index: Groups of Conditions/Header Record Conditions
KOND Conditions (Data)
KONDD Article Substitution - Data Division
KONDDP Conditions: Additional Articles for Article Determination
KONDH Conditions: Batch Strategy - Data Division
KONDIND General Document Index for Conditions
KONDN Conditions: Free goods - Data section
KONDNS Conditions: Free goods determination - scales
KONH Conditions (Header)
KONM Conditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale)
KONP Conditions (Item)
KONV Conditions (Transaction Data)
KONW Conditions (1-Dimensional Value Scale)
KOTD001 Conditions: Substitution - Sample Structure
KOTD002 SOrg/DistrCh/Article Entered
KOTD011 Article
KOTE001 Customer/Article
KOTE002 Customer/Rebate Group
KOTE003 Customer
KOTE004 Customer Hierarchy
KOTE005 Customer Hierarchy/Article
KOTE006 Vendor/Article
KOTE007 Vendor/Accounting Group
KOTE008 Vendor
KOTE009 Vendor/VSR
KOTE010 Vendor Hierarchy: Rebate
KOTE011 Vendor Hierarchy: Article Rebate
KOTE012 Vendor Hierarchy: Vendor Sub-Range Rebate
KOTE013 SOrg/Vendor/Customer
KOTE017 Campaign ID/Customer/Article
KOTF001 Article/Sales Org./Distrib.Channel
KOTF002 Customer/Sales Org./Dist.Channel/Division
KOTF003 SD Document/Item
KOTF004 Service No./Site/PurchOrg/Vendor/Package Number/Line Number
KOTF005 Search Term
KOTF006 Tax exemption license number
KOTG001 Customer/Article
KOTG002 Customer/Article/Unit of Measure
KOTG003 Site/Article/Unit of Measure
KOTG004 Cust/Article w/ Organiz. Units
KOTH001 Article
KOTH002 Customer/Article
KOTH003 Customer/Site/Article
KOTH004 Destination Country/MerCatgy
KOTH005 Destination Country
KOTH006 Merchandise category
KOTH007 Customer Hierarchy
KOTH008 Customer Hierarchy/Article
KOTH010 Warehouse number
KOTH011 Warehouse No./Movement Type
KOTH020 Movement Type
KOTH021 Movement Type/Site
KOTH022 Movement Type/Article
KOTH023 Site/Article
KOTH024 Movement Type/Site/Article
KOTH025 Site
KOTH030 Order Type/Site/Component
KOTH031 Order Type/Site/Production Article/Component
KOTI001 Article
KOTI002 Article/Customer
KOTI003 Merchandise category
KOTN001 Info Record: Site-Specific per Order Unit
KOTN002 Info record per order unit
KOTN010 Customer / article
KOTN017 Campaign ID/Article
LFMC Vendor master (short texts for condition types)
MASTER_3000 Condition Table for Campaign Determination
N000 Condition table for free goods determination
T671T Conditions: Views (Text)
T672 Conditions: View Sequence
T680V Condition: Tree Control: Variants
T680VL Condition: Tree Control: Tree Variants
T680VT Condition: Tree Control: Variants: Texts
T680VU Condition: Tree Control: User-dependent Variants
T681H Conditions: Usage/Application with Client
T681Y_BMEN Condition Maintenance to Area Menu
T682V Conditions: Condition Type/Access (Execute Header Check)
T683 Pricing procedures
T683S Pricing Procedure: Data
T683T Pricing Procedures: Texts
T683U Conditions: Procedure (Text)
T683V_CMP Campaign Determination Procedure: Sales Doc. Determination
T685 Conditions: Types
T685A Conditions: Types: Additional Price Element Data
T685T Conditions: Types: Texts
T685Z Condition Types: Lower/Higher Limits for Pricing Elements
T686B Conditions: Exclusion Indicator: Texts
T686E Conditions: Processing Status
T686F Conditions: Processing Status: Texts
T688K Condition: Copying Rules for Condition Types
T6B2 Rebate : Group of permitted Condition Types/Tables
T6B2F Rebate : Permitted Condition Types/Tables per Group
T6B2T Rebates : Group of Allowed Condition Types/Tables : Texts
TVARC Variant conditions
TVARCT Text for Variants Conditions
VBOX SD Document: Billing Document: Rebate Index

SAP Article Maintenance TABLES (SD-MD-MM)

Table Name Description
KNVT Customer Master Record Texts for Sales
T134G Organization Unit: Business Area Determination
T151 Customers: Customer Groups
T151T Customers: Customer groups: Texts
T171 Customers: Sales Districts
T171T Customers: Sales districts: Texts
T178 Conditions: Groups for Articles
T178T Conditions: Groups for Articles: Texts
T179 Articles: Product Hierarchies
T188 Conditions: Groups for Customer Classifications
T188T Conditions: Groups for Customer Classes: Texts
T189 Conditions: Price List Categories
T189T Conditions: Price List Categories: Texts
T630R Delivery Scheduling: Pick/Pack Time for Articles
T683C Batch Search Procedure: Determination in Sales Docs
T683V Pricing Procedures: Determination in Sales Docs.
TASSIGN_SD_VKBUR Help Table for Status Info on SD Maint. Views: Key VKBUR
TASSIGN_SD_VKORG Aux. Table for Status Info SD Maintenance View: Key VKORG
THSTT Hierarchy Levels: Texts
TKUKL Customers: Customer Classifications
TKUKT Customers: Customer classification: Texts
TPFK Contact Persons: Functions
TPFKT Contact Partner Functions: Texts
TPHCNV Data for Product Hierarchy Conversion
TSABT Contact Person Departments: Texts
TTGR Delivery Scheduling: Transportation Groups
TTGRT Shipping Scheduling: Transportation Groups: Texts
TVE1 Shipping Unit Group 1
TVE1T Shipping Unit Group 1: Texts
TVE2 Shipping Unit Group 2
TVE2T Shipping Unit Group 2: Texts
TVE3 Shipping Unit Group 3
TVE3T Shipping Unit Group 3: Texts
TVE4 Shipping Unit Group 4
TVE4T Shipping Unit Group 4: Texts
TVE5 Shipping Unit Group 5
TVE5T Shipping Unit Group 5: Texts
TVKD Customer Pricing Procedures
TVKDT Customer Pricing Procedures: Texts
TVKM Articles: Account Assignment Groups
TVKMT Article: Account Assignment Group Texts
TVKV Pricing Procedures: Transaction
TVSD Customers: Statistics groups
TVSDT Customers: Statistics groups: Texts
TVSGT Sales Statistics Groups: Texts
TVSHP Shipping Parameters at Client-level
TVSM Article statistics groups
TVST Organizational Unit: Shipping Points
TVZB Customers: Terms of payment
TVZBT Customers: Terms of Payment Texts


Table Name Description
A134 Vendor
C007 Vendor
T6WL4 Check table - label form
TWPBR Definition of the Check Rules for POS Upload
TWPDZ Assignment of credit card institute to customer
TWPEK POS outbound: Condition types
TWPFIT Communication profile store
TWPIB Transaction-type-based control of sales as per receipts POS
TWPIE POS Interface: Automatic EAN Creation Control
TWPIF Transaction type-dependent control of POS financial trans.
TWPII Store phys. inventory control
TWPIO Store order control
TWPIR General control of upload of sales as per receipts POS
TWPIS POS interface: profile for internal interfaces
TWPIST POS interface: text table for TWPIS
TWPIV General control of aggregated sales upload POS
TWPIW POS interface: default values for movement types/inv. man.
TWPIZ General control of payment list POS
TWPPB Transaction types for sales as per receipts
TWPPBT Transaction types for sales as per receipts / description
TWPPF Transaction types for financial transactions
TWPPFT Transaction types for financial transactions / description
TWPPK POS outbound: condition type group
TWPPKT POS interface: text table for table TWPPK
TWPUF POS interface: conversion of store numbers
TWPUP POS interface: conversion parameters
TWPWB General Processing Control for POS Goods Movements
TWWAG Scales group
TWWAGT Texts for tables TWWAG
WPLST POS interface: processing log
WPTST POS interface: restart log for upload processing
WPXST POS interface: status external subsystems (error messages)
WVFB "DRS Interface
WVFB2 SRS: received external requirement numbers/phys. inv. nos

SAP POS Interface - Inbound TABLES (SD-POS-IN)

Table Name Description
WPOSN_CSGMT Stock Determination Entries for Consignment Processing

SAP POS Interface - Outbound TABLES (SD-POS-OUT)

Table Name Description
TWPCOPY Reference Ship-to Party for IDoc Copy Management
WDLCOPY Log Table for IDoc Copy Management
WDLCOPYLOG Error Log Table for IDoc Copy Management


Table Name Description
ERP_SLS_LINK Worklist Subset Link
ERP_SLS_SUBSET Worklist Subset
ERP_SLS_WORKSET Worklist Workset
PVINX Index of New Sales Documents for Product Proposal
SDVARIANT User-specific Selection Variants for Portal Roles
T176T Sales Documents: Customer Order Types: Texts
T661T Difference Tolerances for External and Internal Conditions
TVBUR Organizational Unit: Sales Offices
TVDC Delivery Times:Categories
TVDCT Delivery Times: Texts
TVSTAT Display/Maintain Status in Sales Overview
VAKCR Sales Index: Orders in Credit Management
VAKGU Sales Index: Quotation Validity
VAKPA Sales Index: Orders by Partner Function
VAPMA Sales Index: Order Items by Article
VBAG Sales Document: Release Data by Schedule Line in Sch.Agrmt.
VBAK Sales Document: Header Data
VBAP Sales Document: Item Data
VBEH Schedule line history
VBEP Sales Document: Schedule Line Data
VBKD Sales Document: Business Data
VBKFZ Cumulative Quantity Corrections
VBLB Sales document: Release order data
VBMUE Sales Document: Characteristic Overview
VBMUET Sales Document: Characteristic Overview Description
VBMUEZ Sales Document: Characteristic Overview Assignments
VBPK Sales Document: Product Proposal Header
VBPV Sales Document: Product Proposal
VBREF SD Object Link to Item References
VBSN Change status relating to scheduling agreements
VBSP SD Document Item for Models of Article Structures
VBUV Sales Document: Incompletion Log
VCRSELA Cross Selling Analysis
VCRSELA_RES Cross Selling Analysis: Results
VEDA Contract Data
VEPVG Delivery Due Index
VKDFS SD Index: Billing Initiator
VLPKM Scheduling agreements by customer article

SAP Basic Functions TABLES (SD-SLS-GF)

Table Name Description
T176 Sales Documents: Customer Order Types
T661K Internal and External Conditions Assignment
T661W Determination of Sold-to Party for EDI DlvSched/JIT
T663 Delivery interval:Sched.agreements for component suppliers
T663A Dealing with errors:Scheduling agreements with rel.orders
T664A Special processing for deliveries for ext.agents
T665A Special Processing for Self-Billing
TCSP Cross-Selling Profile: Definition
TCSPF Cross-Selling: Profile Determination
TCSPT Cross-Selling Profile: Definition: Texts
TMVFU Scope of Availability Check (Default Values)
TPVMS Product Proposal: Articles Sorting
TPVMST Product Proposal: Articles Sorting: Texts
TVAG Sales Documents: Rejection Reasons
TVAGT Rejection Reasons for Sales Documents: Texts
TVAKZ Sales Documents: Allowed Order Types per Sales Org.
TVASP Sales Documents: Blocking Reasons
TVAST Sales Document Blocking Reasons: Texts
TVAU Sales Documents: Order Reasons
TVAUK Cost Center Determination
TVAUT Sales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts
TVAV Contact Person: Buying Habits
TVAVT Contact Person: Buying Habits: Texts
TVBPROC Business Transaction for ATP
TVBPROCT ATP: Texts for Business Transaction
TVET "Sched.line types for sched.agreements (e.g.backlog
TVETT Schedule line types for sched.agreements: Texts
TVKR Cancellation Rules
TVKRT Descriptions of Cancellation Rules
TVKS Cancellation procedures for contracts
TVKST Cancellation Procedures for Agreements; Texts
TVKUS Cancellation Procedures
TVKVT Pricing Procedures: Procedure: Texts
TVLV Check table for release orders: Usage ID
TVLVT Release order usage ID: Texts
TVRG Rule table for indirect date determination for contracts
TVRGT Rules for Indirect Date Determination: Descriptions
TVSU Article Substitution: Reasons
TVSUT Article Substitution: Texts for Reasons

SAP Customer Scheduling Agreement TABLES (SD-SLS-OA-SCH)

Table Name Description
ESD_TOPR Maintenance of Tolerance Profiles

SAP Remaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects TABLES (SD-SLS-PLL-OBS)

Table Name Description
C402 Item cat.
S462 IS-BEV-CH: Sales in BUn
S462E S462 - Structure Information
S463 IS-BEV-CH: Sales in Stat. UoM
S463E S463 - Structure Information
S467 Indirect Order Update
S467E S467 - Structure Information
S468 "IS Beverage EM
S468E S468 - Structure Information

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