SAP Tables

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SAP Production Planning and Control TABLES (PP)

Table Name Description
OPIT Schedule record for planned order

SAP Computer Aided Process Planning TABLES (PP-BD-CAP)

Table Name Description
PLPH CAPP: Sub-operations
TCAM1 "CAPP menus
TCAM2 "CAPP menus
TCAM3 "CAPP menus
TCAPM Date of the last mini reorg
TCAPR Rounding rules
TCAPT Tables used in CAPP formulas and methods
TCARA Rounding categories
TCART Rounding categories (Text)
TCER1 Parameter ID for rounding and additional value keys
TCERS Rounding & additional values keys
TCERT Keys for rounding categories & additional values (text)
TCEVC Control table for CAPP-based calculation of std. values
TMATT Machine types (text)
TMATY Machine types
TSRTB Sort strings
TSRTT Sort strings (text)
TTTAB Tables for technical data
TZART Value types for CAPP
TZATT Value types for CAPP (texts)
VERFK Process header data
VERFT Process texts
VERME Assignment of CAPP methods to CAPP processes
VERTE Assignment of CAPP processes to work centers
VFORK Formula header data
VFORP Characteristics for formulas
VFORS Formula strings
VFORT Formula texts
VMETK Method header data
VMETP Characteristics for methods
VMETT Method texts
VMETV Rules for characteristics
VMETVOR Data base for CAPP rules
VMETW Default values for characteristics

SAP Production Resources/Tools TABLES (PP-BD-PRT)

Table Name Description
AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order
CRFH CIM production resource/tool master data
CRVD_A Link of PRT to Document
CRVD_B Link of Document to PRT
CRVE_A Assignment PRT data - equipment
CRVE_B Assignment equipment - PRT data
CRVM_A Link of PRT data to an article
CRVM_B Link of article to a production resource/tool
CRVS_A Relationship of PRT internal number to PRT external number
CRVS_B Relationship of PRT external number to PRT internal number
TCF04 Status of the PRT master
TCF05 Language-dependent text table for PRT status
TCF10 PRT control key
TCF11 Language-dependent text table for PRT control keys
TCF12 Key for grouping production resources/tools
TCF13 Language-dependent text table for PRT group keys


Table Name Description
CWB_OPTIONS_DEF User-specific options for the Engineering Workbench
CWB_SEL_VAR_DEF EWB: User-defined settings for selection variants
CWB_SEL_VAR_ROOT EWB: All selection variants
CWB_SEL_VAR_TXT EWB: Descriptions (meanings) of selection variants in EWB
CWB_SEL_VARIANTS EWB: User-Specific Initial Variants
CWB_WORKAREA_DEF EWB: User-Dependent Initial Variants
MAPL Assignment of Task Lists to Articles
PLAS Task list - selection of operations/activities
PLFH Task list - production resources/tools
PLFL Task list - sequences
PLKO Task list - header
PLKZ Task list: main header
PLMZ Allocation of bill of material items to operations
PLPO Task list - operation/activity
PLPR Log collector for task lists
PLSR Scheduling results
PLZU Routing data for group
STPF Structure tree of the exploded BOM
T024A Planner group
T410 Engineering Workbench: Working area
T410T Engineering Workbench: Working environment (text)
T411 Task list usage
T411T Language-dependent texts for T411: Task list usages
T412 Task list status
T412T Language-dependent texts for T412: Task list status
T425 Setup group keys
T425T Language-dependent texts for T425: Setup group keys
T426 Setup group categories
T426T Language-dependent texts for T426: Setup group categories
T429 Standard Times Calculation Type
T429T Lang.-depend. texts for Tab. T429: Types of std. val. determ
TCA43 Automatic selection of task lists (alternatives)
TCA44 User exit for selection of task lists (alternatives)


Table Name Description
CRCA Work Center Capacity Allocation
CRCO Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center
CRHD Work Center Header
CRHH Hierarchy Header Data
CRHS Hierarchy Structure
CRID CIM Resource - Entities
CRTX Text for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool
KAKO Capacity Header Segment
KAKT Capacity Description
KAPA Shift Parameters for Available Capacity
KAPE Capacity unit of measure allocation
KAZY Interval of Available Capacity
T024C Planner Group for CAPP
T421 Wage groups
T421T Language-dependent texts for T421: Wage groups
T423 Wage group qualification
T423T Language-dependent texts for T423: Qualifications/Wage grp.
T428 Setup Type Key
T428T Language-dependent texts for T428: Setup type key
T430 Operation/Activity control key
T430T Language-dependent text table for the control key T430
T499S Location
TC20 Formula Parameters
TC20T Text for parameter ID
TC21 Standard value key
TC21T Language-dependent texts for TC21: Standard value key
TC23 Key for use of the work center in the task lists
TC23A Valid types for the work center
TC23T Language-dependent texts for TC23: Usage key
TC24 Person responsible for the work center
TC25 Work center formulas
TC25T Short text for the formula
TC26 Capacity category
TC26D Default values for capacity
TC26T Description of the capacity category
TC27 Capacity planner groups
TC27T Text for the capacity planner group
TC28 Location groups
TC28A Move time matrix
TC28T Description of the location group
TC30 Work center category
TC30A Work center categories
TC30D Defaults for the work center
TC30T Text for the work center category
TC31 Performance Efficiency Rate Key
TC31A Key for performance efficiency rate
TC31T Text for the performance efficiency rate key
TC35 Period pattern key
TC35A Definition of period pattern
TC35T Text for period pattern key
TC36 Available capacity version
TC36T Text for this version of available capacity
TC37A Shift definition
TC37P Break schedule
TC37S Texts for break plans
TC37T Texts for shift definitions
TC38A Shift sequence
TC38T Texts for shift groupings
TCR00 Installation constants for work center
TCRCOT Alternative Texts for Describing an Activity
TCRH0 Graphic profile for the hierarchy

SAP Capacity Leveling TABLES (PP-CRP-LVL)

Table Name Description
ISTBED Actual requirements records
PIBA Process planning interface: Production requirements
PIBZ Process planning interface: Production commitments
TCYMI Matrix identifications
TCYMIT Definition of transition matrix
TCYTM Transition matrix
TOKOM Technical Parameters for Communications Module


Table Name Description
KBED Capacity Requirements Records
KBEZ Add. data for table KBED (for indiv. capacities/splits)
KBKO Header Record for Capacity Requirements
NET_LEVEL Level Definition for Networks
T482 Table of scheduling types
T482T Texts for scheduling types
T499P Reduction strategies - texts
T499Q Reduction strategies
T499R Reduction levels for reduction strategies
TCX00 Scheduling: Planning Levels and Control Parameters
TCX01 Control Table for Scheduling
TCX02 Scheduling Parameters for Scheduling - Planned Orders
TCX0L Scheduling long term planning: Levels and control parameters

SAP Flow Manufacturing TABLES (PP-FLW)

Table Name Description
LDLBC Takts/no. of ind. capacities per line segment line balance
LDLBH Line balance/planned rate header record
LDLBP Line balance items
LDLBT Line hierarchy entry and exit takts
LDLH Line hierarchy header
LDLP Line hierarchy items
LDLT Line hierarchy takt times
LDMDR Line Hierarchy Article-Dependent Rates
TLDPS_COL_CTL Process Sheet: Layout Table Assignment SAP<->Word
TLDPS_CONT1 Process Sheet: table for document contents (Import/Export)
TLDPS_LAYOUT Process Sheet: Layout header data
TLDPS_LOIO Process Sheet: Instances of logical info objects
TLDPS_LOIOT Process Sheet: Descriptions of logical info objects
TLDPS_LOPR Process Sheet: Attribute values of logical info objects
TLDPS_LORE Process Sheet:Outgoing relationships of logical info objects
TLDPS_LORI Process Sheet:Incoming relationships of logical info objects
TLDPS_PHF Process Sheet: Physical info object files
TLDPS_PHIO Process Sheet: Instances of physical info objects
TLDPS_PHPR Process Sheet: Attributes of physical info objects
TLDPS_PHRE Process Sheet:Outgoing relationships of phys. info objects
TLDPS_PHRI Process Sheet: Incoming relationships of phys. info objects
TLDPS_TAB_CTL Process Sheet: Layout Table Assignment SAP<->Word

SAP Information System TABLES (PP-IS)

Table Name Description
MCAFKOV Versions: Order Header Data - PP Orders
MCAFPOV Versions: Order Item
MCAFVGV Versions: Order Procedure
MCCOMPV Versions: Article Components
MCKALKV Versions: Cost Itemization
MCKALKW Versions: Cost Itemization


Table Name Description
B130 Site/JC prof.
B131 Site/JC prof./vendor
CPABPRF JIT call profile
CPABPRT JIT call profile long text
CTIMEDEF Time definition
PABASN Linking Summarized JIT Call - Shipping Notification
PABHD JIT call header record
PABIT JIT call items
PKCH Batches and Quantities in KANBAN
PKEC Error Log for Kanban Calculation
PKEK Error Log for Kanban (Event-Driven KANBAN)
PKER Error Log of the Kanban Containers
PKHD Control Cycle
PKPR Change Proposals from Kanban Calculation
PKPS Control Cycle Item / Kanban
PKPSHD Deviating Control Cycle Data for Kanban
PKSD Control Cycle Item/Additional Data for Kanban With Delivery
PKSL Detailed Selection of the Dependent Requirements
PKUSR User Settings for Kanban Transactions
PVBE Supply area
PVKT Supply Area Short Text
TKTGLC KANBAN Board Global Settings
TKTGLU KANBAN Board Global Settings
TKTQIC KANBAN Board: Quick Info for KANBAN Customizing
TKTQIU Kanban Board: Quick Info for Kanbans User-Specific
TKTRDC KANBAN Board Control Cycle Data Customizing
TKTRDU Kanban Board Control Cycle Data User-Specific
TPK01 Key for Controlling the Control Cycle; In-House Production
TPK02 Key for Controlling Control Cycle: External Replenishment
TPK03 Key for Controlling Control Cycle; Stock Transfer
TPK1T Control Cycle Profile for In-House Production - Text
TPK2T Control Cycle Profile (External Procurement) - Text
TPK3T Control Cycle Profile (Stock Transfer) - Text
TPKAK Actions in KANBAN Processing
TPKBP Kanban calculation profile
TPKBU Adjusting a Control Cycle in Kanban Calculation
TPKER Alternative Error Handling in the Kanban Process
TPKLEK Delete Event-Driven Kanbans
TPKPT Kanban Authorization Text
TPKSB Kanban Board Status
TPKSF Kanban Status Sequences
TPKTX Kanban Container Status Short Text

SAP Production Planning TABLES (PP-MP)

Table Name Description
TCPFS1 Organization of data adjustment for external planning tool
TCPFS2 "Planning Tool
TCPFS4 External planning tool
TCPFS4T Planning tool description
TCPFS5 External planning tool: start parameters for Windows NT

SAP Demand Management TABLES (PP-MP-DEM)

Table Name Description
M60I Object dependencies tree structure for chars planning
PBED Independent Requirements Data
PBHI Independent Requirements History
PBIC Ind. reqmts index for customer requirements (without RV)
PBID Planned independent requirements index: RP area
PBIM Independent Requirements for Article
PBIV Ind. reqmts index for consump. of exter. non-variable parts
T459S Period splitting
TPHVP Header: Planning Profile
TPLVP Planning Profile
TPSVP Planning profile lines


Table Name Description
BLPK Document log header
BLPP Document log item
DBPR Article Index RP Area for Forecast
DBVL "Planning File Entry
DBVM "Planning File Entry
DVER Article Consumption for RP Area
KBVL "Individual Customer Plng File Entry
KBVM "Individual Customer Planning File Entry
KDPL Index customer order -> planned order
KDVL "Individual Customer Planning File Entry
KDVM Individual Customer Planning File Entry
M61GFW_USER User Settings for Graphic in RP
MDDMAP Mapping Table for External User for RP Evaluations
MDDMAPT Mapping Table for External User/Vendor with Default Setting
MDFD RP firming date
MDFDDB Firming Data of RP - RP Area
MDHS Cluster Table BOMs Explosion (Shared Buffer)
MDKP Header Data for RP Document
MDKPDB Header Data for RP Document
MDLG Customizing: RP Area Storage Location
MDLL Customizing: RP Area Subcontractor
MDLV Customizing RP Area
MDLW Customizing: RP Area Sites
MDMA RP Area for Article
MDPARMAT Intra-Article Parallelization: Affected Articles MOD
MDPUW Customizing: Scope of Planning RP Unit
MDSEQ Customizing: Sequence of RP in Scope of Planning
MDSM Simulative dependent requirements
MDTAB Cluster Table Initial Screen SRList/RP List (Shared Buffer)
MDTC Aggregated RP table items
MDVL Planning file entry for long-term planning
MDVM Entry in RP File
PARUSER Key User Table for Parallel Import in MD07
PBVPV Article index for consumption of planning
PLAF Planned order
PLPB Long-term planning: Independent requirements versions
PLPT Long-term planning: Sites of planning scenario
PLPW Index of the production/delivery site in the planned order
PLSC Planning scenarios in long-term planning
PSPL Index project -> planned order
PUMS Project number new key assignment (structure)
REUL Article stock transfer reservation index
RQHD Header record for requirements total records in RP
RQIT Item record for requirements total records in RP
RSDB Index of the RESB for the Direct Procurement Element
SAFK Run Schedule Master Data
SNUC Changed revision levels (for creating RP records RM61SR00)
SNUM BOM explosion number
SUMS New key assignment: BOM explosion no.->New BOM explosion no.
T000MD RP at RP Area Level
T024D Stock planners
T399D Control Parameters for RP
T436A Floats for scheduling
T437V Distribution key in RP
T437W RP distribution key (texts)
T438M Control Parameter for RP -Article Level-
T438R Range of coverage profile
T438S Text describing the range of coverage profile
T438U Absolute Intervals for Range of Coverage Profile
T438V Period Profile for Safety Time
T438W Text on Period Profile for Safety Time
T438X RP group text
T438Y Absolute Periods for Period Profile for Safety Time
T439B Scope of Planning RP Unit: Header
T439C Scope of Planning RP Unit: Sequence
T439G PPplanning periods: header table
T439H PP planning periods: long texts
T439I PP planning periods: schedule lines (periods)
T439J PP planning periods: calculation rule
T439L Warehouse costs for RP lot size
T440C Planning file entries for goods movements
T441G Checking Group Values
T441W Checking Rule Texts
T442C Control: activity reqmts transfer RP/SOP -> CO
T449A Period split
T449B Period split: language-dependent description
T450U User exit article selection - RP
T460A Special procurement key
T460T Texts for special procurement keys
T462A Logical Destination for Parallel Processing
T46AC Action control
T46PR List layout and print parameters
TMW00 RP Default Values per Article Type

SAP Site Data Collection TABLES (PP-PDC)

Table Name Description
PDERR Error Table for Subsystem Confirmation
T705R Assignment of work center to subsystem link group
T705W PDC Communication Parameters

SAP Production Planning for Process Industries TABLES (PP-PI)

Table Name Description
DT2KAPAR Downtime for Capacity Category
DTCTID Downtime Category ID
DTEFW Downtime Values Entered
DTSCHEMA Downtime Schema


Table Name Description
MKAL Production Versions of Article
MKAL_AEND Change History of Production Version (Recipes Only)


Table Name Description
CPC_CMX_DB_COR Master Recipe: Context Table for Recipe Header
CPC_CMX_DB_COS Master Recipe: Context Table for Recipe Operations/Phases
CPC_CMX_DB_LOG XSteps: Change Log
KALC Article Quantity Calculation - Formulas
KALT Article Quantity Calculation: Header
PLFT Process Instructions
PLFV PI Characteristics/Sub-Operation Parameter Values

SAP Article Identification and Reconciliation TABLES (PP-PI-MIR)

Table Name Description
BEREIT Article identification: staging data
HUM_KOMMI HUM Picking with Partial GI Posting
MISTATUS Status Table for Article Identification on Art./Batch Level
RCDEF Reconciliation: definition of movement type groups
RCDEFT Reconciliation: definition of movement type groups
TCUBASP Batch Split Customizing in Production Environment
TCUHUWA Customizing HU in Production Environment
TCUMI Customizing for article identification

SAP Production Campaign TABLES (PP-PI-PCM)

Table Name Description
PCMH Production campaign header
PCMO1 Pegged production campaign: article
PCMO2 Pegged production campaign: requirements
PCMO3 Pegged production campaign: recipe
PCMO4 Production campaign pegged reqmt resource network
PCMP Production campaign item

SAP Process Data Documentation TABLES (PP-PI-PDO)

Table Name Description
MCHP Batch Record for a Batch
MCHPV Batch Record: Versions
MCHPVS Batch Record: Shadow Table for Link to Archive
MCHPVT Batch Record: Long Text for Version
REBR Batch Record: Overall Profile
REBR1 Batch Record: Layout Profile
REBR1T Batch Record: Layout Profile
REBR2 Batch Record: Layout Profile
REBR3 Batch Record: Profile for Deviation Analysis
REBR3T Batch Record: Profile for Deviation Analysis Text
REBR4 EBR: Inspection Scope of Insp. Lot in Deviation Analysis
REBR5 Batch Record: Cover Page
REBR5T Batch Record: Cover Page Description

SAP Process Management TABLES (PP-PI-PMA)

Table Name Description
BDS_CONN25 BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Class
BDSCHKF25 BDS: File Name for Last Check-Out
BDSCHKO25 BDS: Check Out Data for Physical Information Object
BDSCONT25 BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO25 BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT25 BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR25 BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE25 BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI25 BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF25 BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR25 BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO25 BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM25 BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR25 BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE25 BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI25 BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE25 BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR25 BDS: Relationship Attributes
CMX_XS_DB_HDEL XSteps: Historical Nodes with Deletion States (if Reorg.)
CMX_XS_DB_HIST XSteps: Historical Objects (Change Status)
CMX_XS_DB_HOBJ XSteps: Historical Objects (Status Table)
CMX_XS_DB_HREL XSteps: Links to Historical Objects (Relationships)
CMX_XS_DB_INSTR XSteps: Process Instructions Table
CMX_XS_DB_META XSteps: Metadata
CMX_XS_DB_NOBJ XSteps: Non-Historic Objects (Table of States)
CMX_XS_DB_NREL XSteps: Links to Non-Historic Objects (Relationships)
CMX_XS_DB_PRED XSteps: Predecessor
CMX_XS_DB_PREX XSteps: Predecessor before the Generation
CMX_XS_DB_PS "XSteps: Parameter
CMX_XS_DB_PSL "XSteps: Parameter
CMX_XS_DB_REF XSteps: Step References Table
CMX_XS_DB_ROOT XSteps: Step Root
CMX_XS_DB_STEP XSteps: Step Table
CMX_XS_DB_TREE XSteps: Tree Characteristics
CMX_XS_DB_VL XSteps: Values in DB Format LARGE
CMX_XS_DB_VM XSteps: Values in DB Format MEDIUM
CMX_XS_DB_VS XSteps: Values in DB Format SMALL
CMX_XS_DB_XNSC "XSteps: BAdI Exits
CMX_XSR_CT_SETS SXS Repository: Customizing Settings
CMX_XSR_DB_AUTH Standard Execution Step Repository: Authorization Group
CMX_XSR_DB_AUTXT SXS Repository: Texts for Authorization Group
CMX_XSR_DB_CLOG XSteps: Change Log
CMX_XSR_DB_FOLD Standard Execution Step Repository: Folder
CMX_XSR_DB_ITEM Standard Execution Step Repository: Items
CMX_XSR_DB_VERS Standard Execution Step Repository: Versions
CMX_XSR_DS_META Metadata Table for Digital Signature for SXS Versions
CMX_XSR_VER_SIGN Metadata Table for Digital Signatures for SXS Versions
COCC PP-PI: Attributes for Characteristics
COCC2 PP-PI: Customer-Specific Attributes for Characteristics
COCH Process Management: Control Recipe Header
COCOA Process Management: Operation Assignment Table
COCQ PPPI/QM Integration: Buffer Table for Reporting Results
COFT Process Management: Process Instructions in Control Recipe
COFV Process Management: Process Instr. Charact. in Ctrl Recipe
COMD Process Management: Error Log for Message Destination
COME Process Management: Message Characteristics
COMER Process Message Record: Message Characteristics
COMH PP-PI: Header Data for Process Messages
COMHR Process Message Record: Message Header Data
COMQ Temporary Storage for Article Production Messages for QM
CORE Process Mgmt.: Display Characteristics of the Eval. Version
CORP Process Management: Evaluation Versions
POC_DB_APPL_STEP Domain Model: Application Steps
POC_DB_C_COMMAND Domain Model: Command Collection
POC_DB_C_COMMENT Domain Model: Comment Collection
POC_DB_C_DEVIAT Domain Model: Deviation Collection
POC_DB_C_DEVVAR Domain model: Collection for variable setting (deviation)
POC_DB_C_METADAT Domain Model: Local Value Collection
POC_DB_C_OPER Domain Model: Operation Collection
POC_DB_C_PARTIT Domain Model: Partition Element Collection
POC_DB_C_PREDEC Domain Model: Predecessor Table
POC_DB_C_SERVICE Domain Model: Service Operation Collection
POC_DB_C_STEP Domain Model: Step Collection
POC_DB_C_SYTABLE Domain Model: Variable Collection (Symbol Table)
POC_DB_C_TRIGGER Domain Model: Trigger Collection
POC_DB_C_VALUE Domain Model: Value Container Collection
POC_DB_COMMAND Domain Model: Table for Step Commands
POC_DB_CONF_REQ Domain Model: Table for Signature Requests
POC_DB_DATA_REQ Domain Model: Table for Data Requests
POC_DB_DEV_SIGN Signature Key: Metadata Signature Process Step
POC_DB_DOMAIN Domain Model: Database Table for Domains
POC_DB_EVT_SIGN Signature Keys: Metadata for Event Log
POC_DB_EXEC_REQ Domain Model: Table for Execution Request
POC_DB_EXEC_STRA Domain Model: Table for Execution Strategies
POC_DB_MESS_REQ Domain Model: Table for Message Requests
POC_DB_OPERATION Domain Model: Table for Operations
POC_DB_PARTITION Domain Model: Partition
POC_DB_PROC_STEP Domain Model: Table for Process Steps
POC_DB_PROTOCOL Domain Model: Event Log for Process Steps
POC_DB_SIG_HANDL Domain Model: Signature Handler
POC_DB_SIGNATURE Domain Model: Signature
POC_DB_STEP Domain Model: Table for Step Basic Data
POC_DB_STEP_SIGN Signature Key: Metadata Signature Process Step
POC_DB_TRIG_PROT Logging: Trigger for Event in Domain Model
POC_DB_VALUE Domain Model: DB Table for Value Container
TC50 PP-PI: Proc.Message Categories/ Proc.Instruction Categories
TC50A Assignment of Message Charact. to Dest.-Spec. Target Fields
TC50C Characteristics for Process Messages / Process Instructions
TC50D Process Management: Message Destinations
TC50E Process Management: Process Characteristics
TC50P Message Characteristics for Dest.-Specific Target Fields
TC50T Process Message/Instr. Categories: Lang.-Dependent Texts
TC51 Process Management: Destinations
TC51T Message Destinatiosn: Language-Dependent Texts
TC52 Control Recipe Destinations
TC52A Customizing of Process Instruction Positions in PI Sheet
TC53 Characteristics Groups for Process Messages and Instructions
TC55 Destination-Specific Target Fields for Message Destinations
TC55T Destination-Specific Target Fields: Language-Dependent Texts
TC56 Process Instruction Groups
TC56T Process Instruction Groups: Language-Dependent Texts
TC57 Assignment of Process Instructions to Ctrl Recipe Destinatns
TC58 PP-PI: Definition of Operator Cockpits
TC58T PP-PI: Language-Dependent Short Texts for Operator Cockpits
TC59 PP-PI: Assignment of Proc. Instructions to Operator Cockpit
TC59T PP-PI: Process Instruction Short Texts for Operator Cockpit
TC60 PP-PI: Assignment of PI Characteristics to Operator Cockpit
TCB07 Int.Table: Conversion Report RCOCBX02 was Executed
TCOINF Displaying Info. in Message Monitor / Ctrl Recipe Monitor
TCOOPC_EVTSD OPC: Event Subscription Definition
TCOOPC_EVTSDA OPC: Event Subscription Definition (Event Areas)
TCOOPC_EVTSDC OPC: Event Subscription Definition (Event Category)
TCOOPC_EVTSDS OPC: Event Subscription Definition (Event Sources)
TCOOPC_EVTSDT OPC: Language-Dependent Texts for Event Subscriptions
TCOOPC_ITEM OPC: Site-Specific Custom. Table for OPC Item Definition
TCOOPC_ITEMT OPC: Site-Specific Custom. Table for OPC Item Definition
TCOOPC_SERVER OPC: Site-Specific Custom. Table for OPC Server Definition
TCOOPC_SERVERT OPC: Language-Dependent OPC Server Short Text


Table Name Description
COCHP PI sheet: Control Recipe Header
COFIV PI Sheet: Signature for Deviation
COFMA PI Sheet: Message Assignment to Process Instruction
COFTP PI Sheet: Process Instructions
COFVP PI Sheet: Process Instruction Characteristics
COMEP PI Sheet: Message Characteristics
COMHP PI Sheet: Message Header
COTRP PI Sheet: Process Parameter Texts (Versions)
COVLP PI Sheet: Current Variable Values
TCB19 Control Table for PI Sheet Header
TCOPC Application-Specific Passwords

SAP Process Order TABLES (PP-PI-POR)

Table Name Description
AFFT Order - Process Instructions
AFFV Order - Process Instruction Values
COCR_CMX_DB_CO43 Assignment Production Scheduling Profile and Standard XStep
COCR_CMX_DB_CR Context Data for Root Node
COCR_CMX_DB_CS Context Data for XSteps
MAKG Article Cost Distribution Groups
MAKV Article Cost Distribution
MAKZ Article cost distribution equivalence numbers
OPDEV Order Operation - Schedule Deviations
TOPDEVV Process Order - Selection Variants

SAP Repetitive Manufacturing TABLES (PP-REM)

Table Name Description
AFWIS Table of Reprocessing Records Already Reposted
BLPR Document Log Index and Planned Order (Backflush)
RESCO Reprocessing Pointer Table
RMRP HR Data of Repetitive Manufacturing Backflush
RMUSER User Settings for REM Backflush Transactions
RMUSER_TAV Assigns User a Transaction Variant (for Example)
T435W Pull list control
T437A Table for Field Selection: Repetitive Manufacturing
T437D Control Parameter Site for Repetitive Mfg
T437E Withdrawal Sequence
T437L Linking Production Version and Cost Estimate Version
T437P Planning IDs for Repetitive Manufacturing
T437U Control Table for Further Processing of Goods Receipts
T437X Cost Collector Strategy
UMD04 Default Values for Planning Table in Repetitive Mfg
USPPT Common User Table for Sequencing and REM Planning Table

SAP Production Orders TABLES (PP-SFC)

Table Name Description
AFBP CIM order: Batch print requests
AFFL Work order sequence
AFKO Order header data PP orders
AFPO Order item
AFSPOPR Split Operations in an Order Split
AFSPREL Relation Between Orders in an Order Split
AFVC Operation within an order
AFVU DB structure of the user fields of the operation
AFVV DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
COCF_CONF_LINK Documents Posted With Confirmation
COCF_CU_PRCHECK Customizing Table for Problem Check by Production Supervisor
COCF_CU_PRCHECKT Texts for Checking Production Supervisor Problems
COCF_CU_Q_LAY Layout of Quantity/Error Combination
COCF_CU_Q_LAY_ID Layout Assignment to Quantity/Error ID
COCF_CU_Q_LAYT Description of Layout of Quantity/Error Combination
COCF_CU_Q_LIN Rows of Quantity/Error Combination
COCF_CU_Q_LINT Quantity Description for Quantity/Error Combination
COMPCMP "OCM: Comparison result
COMPCONF "OCM: Comparison result
COMPF OCM: Names of compared fields
COMPH OCM: Comparison result (header entry)
COMPHDR "OCM: Comparison results
COMPITM "OCM: Comparison result
COMPMSG Messages from checks for leveling steps
COMPOPR "OCM: Comparison result
COMPPRT "OCM: Comparison result
COMPSQU OCM: Comparison results; Single records for sequences
COWB120PAR Parameters for Costing Request
COWB135PAR Generate Parameters for Preselection of Control Recipe
COWB140PAR Workbench Print Parameters for Request
COWB160PAR Workbench Print Parameters for Request
COWB170PAR Parameters for Request for Creation of Capacity Requirements
COWB180PAR Parameters for Request for Triggering WM Goods Movements
COWB190PAR Parameters for User Status Request
COWB200PAR Parameters for Request for Confirmations
COWB210PAR Parameters for Request for Technical Completion
COWB220PAR Parameters for Request for Technical Completion
COWB230PAR Parameters for Request for Close
COWB260PAR Parameter for Request for Deletion Flag
COWB270PAR Parameter for Flag for Deletion Indicator
COWORK110PAR Workbench scheduling parameters for preposting
COWORK130PAR Workbench release parameters for preposting
DRAD_PORDER Attributes for Links: Document to Production Order
FAPW Index of production-/issuing site for production order
FTIND Missing parts index
FUNOCM Function marked for Order Change Management
FUNREQ Function marked for PP/PS
OCMHOMO_ARCH Backup Table of Homogeneity List in Case of Archiving
ORDCOM Communication control Operation download
ORDLY Table of delays for production order
RMAN_PRSP_CO_SCR Maintenance for WD Components for Confirmaton Layouts
RMAN_PRSP_RU_SCR Assignment of Confirmation Layout
RMAN_PRSP_SCREEN Maintain Confirmation Layouts
T024F Production scheduler
T399X Parameters dependent on order type
T496B CIM order: Assigning document types to reference doc. types
T496D CIM: Destination/lists/spool parameters per user/site
T496F CIM order: Form description of the list
T496N CIM order: List descriptions
T496P Print PP documents: Determination of output device
T496R Print PP shop papers: Report control
T496T Print PP shop papers: Transaction control
T496V PP Print: Default Value for Printing Online or Background
TCO10 Valuation variant for order costing
TCO11 Control table for production orders - availability check
TCO12 Control table production orders - stock determination
TCO41 CIM order: Default values for generating operations
TCO43 PP-SFC order profile
TCO43T Description of production scheduler profile
TCO47 Change profile for Order Change Management
TCO47T Description of change profile for PP/PS
TCO48 Total change profile for order change management
TCO48T Description of total change profile
TCOPSFI Ranges for Fields in Table TCOPS
TRUG Reason for variances in completion confirmations
TRUGT Text describing the reason for a variance in a confirmation


Table Name Description
AFFW Goods Movements with Errors from Confirmations
AFRC Incorrect cost calculations from confirmations
AFRD Default values for collective confirmation
AFRH Header information for confirmation pool
AFRH_DEL Backup Copy of Header Information for Confirmation Pool
AFRP1 Table of planned changes to conf.: Automatic goods receipt
AFRP2 Table of planned changes for confirmation: Backflushing
AFRP3 Table of planned changes for confirmation: Calc.actual costs
AFRP4 Table of planned changes to confirmatn: Data transfer to HR
AFRU Order Confirmations
AFRV Confirmation pool
AFRV_DEL Backup Copy for Confirmation Pool
AFWI Subsequently posted goods movements for confirmations
CORUUSR User Settings for Confirmation
TAFWD CORU: Messages that are not interpreted as errors
TCORU Parameters for Order Confirmation
TCORUPBTXT Customizing Single Screen Entry Confirmat.: Status Interface
TCORUSSDEF Customizing for Single Screen Entry of a Confirmation
TCORV Table with Routines for structureing variable loop lines
TPARU Control parallelized confirmation processes
TPRRU Control table for process chain for confirmation
TPRRUT Text table for process control of confirmation
TRUGS User status caused by deviation
TRUS Control table for collective confirmation
TSUBSCRAREA Customizing for Single Screen Entry of a Confirmation


Table Name Description
P444V Planning Versions: Info Structures
P44V Planning Versions

SAP Distribution Requirements Planning TABLES (PP-SOP-DRP)

Table Name Description
MDRP_CONTR Control Table: DRP
MDRP_DARC Branches of the Distribution Network
MDRP_DRUN Deployment run
MDRP_DRUNV Planning File: Deployment Run
MDRP_NODE Nodes for DRP Network
MDRP_NODEP Positions of the nodes in a DRP network
MDRP_NSEQ Sequence of Node Processing
MDRP_POCO Event Table: Deployment Run
PLPLAN_PARAM BOM-dependent planning parameter
S075 DRP node information
S075E S075 - Structural Information
TCSCP_COMP_LVL Article completion levels (including their sequence)
TCSCP_COMP_LVLT Article completion level (Description)
TCSCP_CONV_TYPE Conversion types for production figures
TCSCP_CONV_TYPET Conversion type for production figures
TCSCP_TDSV Activate period dependent operation parameters


Table Name Description
ERKO Event Header
ERKOT Event Header - Texts
ERPO Event Item
ERZU Event Assignment
ERZUT Event Assignment
KZAZU Key Figure Assignment for Aggregate Version Copy
LISAKT Background Planning Activities
LISCO Copy Profile: LIS Planning
LISCOPAK Key Figures Allocation Flexible Planning - CO-PA
LISCOPAKT Short Text for Key Figures Allocation LIS - CO-PA
LISCOPAM Characteristics Allocation: Flexible Planning - CO-PA
LISCOPAMT Short Text for Characteristics Allocation LIS - CO-PA
LISCOPAZ Assignment of info structure to operating concern
LISCOPAZT Short Text for Allocation
LISPL Background Job for LIS Planning
LISPLF Planning Entries Table for Background Planning in LIS
LISPLT Texts for job number (LIS) - background planning
LISR Planning Object Index for Forecast
LISUP Transfer Profile: LIS Planning to Demand Management
OTBPARAM Parameters for OTB Control
OTBPARAM2 Parameters for OTB Purchase Order Warning
P445E Planning Object Index for Rough-Cut Planning Profiles
P445G Parameters for PLOB Version_Key Figure
P445H Verification: Hier.Ctg./Hier.Form/Plan.Object/GSTRU (SOP)
P445V Sales and Operations Planning: Versions
P445X LIS Planning Versions Table
PGAN Proportional Factors per Planning Object Relation (SOP/LIS)
PGMI Product Group/Member Allocation
PGPL Sales & Operations Planning (SOP)
PGPLE SOP Characteristic Values
PGZU Product Group/Member Quantity Conversions
PROH Basic Values (for Forecast): Consumption or Actual Number
RMCP8 Archive Articles
T445C Assign Time Bar - Technical Period
T445C1 Allocation of Permitted Periods for Planning
T445C2 Planning Period Units of Info Structure
T445Q Prices for Price Band Categories
T445QK Prices for Price Band Categories (Key)
T445R Characteristic Fields per Info Structure for Table T445Q
T445U Sales and Operations Planning/Initial Settings per User
T445V Site Distribution
T445Y Profile for SOP Transfer to Demand Management
T445Z1 Period Split for Planning
T445ZT Text for Period Split
TCX03 Control Parameters for Scheduling: SOP Orders

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