SAP Tables

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SAP Financials TABLES (FIN)

Table Name Description
ACCSYSTEM01 Settings for Company on Accounting System
ACCSYSTEM02 Number Range Object for Accounting System and Company
ACCSYSTEM03 Derivations for Accounting System
ACCSYSTEM0C Accounting Systems
ACCSYSTEM0T Texts of Accounting Systems
FINBSNDID0C Identification for Sender System and Object Type
FINCHOFACCT0C Charts of Accounts
FINCHOFACCT0T Texts of Document Types
FINCOMPEL0C Composition Element
FINCOMPEL0T Composition Element
FINCOMPELCASH0C Composition Element Cash
FINCOMPELCASH0T Composition Element Cash
FINCOMPELDUE0C Composition Element AP/AR
FINCOMPELDUE0T Composition Element AP/AR
FINDOCTYPE0C Document types
FINDOCTYPE0T Texts of Document Types
FINDUEDATE Data Storage for Invoice Information for Due Dates
FINFUNCAREA0C Functional Area
FINFUNCAREA0T Texts of Functional Areas
FINGLACCT0T Texts for G/L Account
FINGLACCTCOMP0C G/L Account on Accounting System/Company Level
FINGLACCTGRP0T Texts of Account Groups
FINGLACCTMAP0C Assignment of G/L Accounts: Operational for Local or Group
FINGLTRATYPE0C Transaction Types of General Ledger
FINGLTRATYPE0T Texts for Transaction Types of General Ledger
FINJOURNAL0T Texts for Journals
FINNRSOBJ0C Table for Number Range Objects
FINORDPUR01 Data Storage for Purchase Order Information - Items
FINORDPUR0C Data Storage for Purchase Order Information - Header
FINORDUE0C FIN Objects for Receivables/Payables
FINORMNFRECID Planned Receivers for Manufacturing Orders
FINPRCTABDERIV Assignment Table for Table Type of Prices
FINPRICELABEL01 Price Type Controls
FINPRICELABEL0C Master Data for Price Types
FINPRICELABEL0T Text Table for Price Types
FINPVALADJKEY0C Valuation Adjustment Key
FINVALFUNC0C Master Data for Strategy Functions
FINVALFUNC0T Texts for Strategy Functions
FINVALMETHOD0C Valuation Functions for Strategy Formulas
FINVALMETHOD0T Texts for Valuation Functions for Strategy Formulas
FINVALSTRAT0C Master Data for Valuation Strategy
FINVALSTRAT0T Texts for Valuation Strategies
FINVALSTRATDERIV Derivation Table: Valuation Strategy for Business Transactio
FINXBATCH0C Local Values for FIN_BATCH (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCASHLOC0C Local Values for FIN_CASHLOC (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCASHLOC0T Local Texts for FIN_CASHLOC (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCOMPANY0C Local Values for FIN_COMPANY (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCOMPANY0T Local Texts for FIN_COMPANY (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCONDTYPE0C Local Values for FIN_CONDTYPE (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCONDTYPE0T Local Texts for FIN_CONDTYPE (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCOSTCTR0C Local Values for FIN_COSTCTR (Not Used in Live System)
FINXLOCATION0C Local Values for FIN_LOCATION (Not Used in Live System)
FINXLREPUNIT0C Local Values for FIN_PROFITCTR (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPARTYID0C Local Values for FIN_PARTYID (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPARTYID0T Local Texts for FIN_CASHLOC (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPRODUCT01 Local Values for FIN_PRODUCT (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPRODUCT0C Local Values for FIN_PRODUCT (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPROFITCTR0C Local Values for FIN_PROFITCTR (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPROFITCTR0T Local Texts for FIN_PROFITCTR (Not Used in Live System)

SAP Business Analytics TABLES (FIN-BA)

Table Name Description
TCOCOMAP Mapping Fields: Remote <--> SEM
TCOCOMAP2 Mapping Fields: Remote <--> SEM
TCOCORFC RFC Destinations for Concurrent Costing
TIPPE_EDGEFIELDS Import iPPE: Assignment Link Fields
TIPPE_EDGES Import iPPE: Assignment Links
TIPPE_EDGES2 Import iPPE: Assignment Links
TIPPE_TYPEFIELD2 Import iPPE: Assignment Type Fields
TIPPE_TYPEFIELDS Import iPPE: Assignment Type Fields
TIPPE_TYPES Import iPPE: Assignment Types
TIPPE_TYPES2 Import iPPE: Assignment Types
UAB_APPLICATION Contains and Internal and External View of Application
UAB_ARCH_LOCK Persistent Locking for Archived Objects
UAB_AUDIT_TRAIL Table for Audit Trail Function
UABWEDGCALCFLAT BW Extraction: Extracted Replacement Links for Costing
UABWMDEXT BW Objects for Master Data Extraction
UABWTDEXT BW Objects for Transaction Data Extraction
UACOSTCOMPGROUP Cost Component Split
UACOSTCOMPGROUPT Cost Component Split Element Groups: Texts
UACOSTCOMPONENT Cost Component Split Elements
UACOSTCOMPONENTT Cost Component Split Element Texts
UACOSTCOMPSPLIT Cost Component Split
UACOSTCOMPSPLITT Cost Component Split Texts
UACRCOND Costing Run: Condition Expression
UACRCRUN Costing Run: Costing Run
UACRCRUNT Costing Run: Costing Run/Texts
UACRCVAR Costing Run: Costing Variant
UACRCVART Costing Run: Costing Variant/Text
UACRENV Costing Run: Environment
UACRWORKLIST Costing Run: Worklist
UAGRPCOMPASSIGN Cost Comp. Split Element Groups: Assignment Group-Element
UAGRPCOMPASSIGNT CComp. Split Element Groups: Texts Assignmnt Groups-Elements
UALAYOUT Layout Table
UALCONEX Conditional Expressions
UANRGR Number Range Groups Costing Platform
UAPROJECT Transparent Table to Store Costing Projects
UAREP_CONFIG1 Configuration for UA Reports
UASURCHTEMPLATES Assignment Object Types Templates
UATPLMAP Field Assignment during Template Call
UATPLTPL Template Selection for Template Call
UAUPLCMD Actions During Upload
UAUPLMAP Field Assignment During Upload
UAWORKSET Transparent Table to Store Working Environments of Costing

SAP Business Accounting TABLES (FIN-BAC)

Table Name Description
UAV0PRICE001 Price Table with Period Dependency
UAV0PRICE001H Price History Table with Period Dependency
UAV0PRICE002 Price Table with Date Dependency
UAV0PRICE002H Price History Table with Date Dependency
UAV0PRICE003 Price Table with Period Dependency
UAV0PRICE003H Price History Table with Period Dependency
UAV0PRICE004 Price Table with Date Dependency
UAV0PRICE004H Price History Table with Date Dependency
URBWLG Realigner: Status Information for DataSource
URCHAR Field Catalog: Characteristics
URCORD01 Selection Conditions in a Realignment Request
URCORD02 Conversion Rules in a Realignment Request
URCORD0C Realignment Requests
URCRUN0C Realignment Runs
URENVID Reassignment of Derivation Strategy <-> Realigner-ID
URKEY Field Catalog: Document Key
URKEYF Field Catalog: Key Figure
UROBJNR_NR_SUB Subobjects of the Number Range for the Object Number
URPARALLEL Personalization for Parallelization of Realignments
URREALIGNER Realigner Entity Table
URREALIGNER01 Attribute Realigner

SAP Accounting Engine TABLES (FIN-BAC-AE)

Table Name Description
FINACHD Accounting Document Header
FINACITCASH Line Items in the Cash Journal
FINACITCRV Line Items in Cost and Revenue Journal
FINACITDUE Line Items in the AP/AR Journal
FINACITFXA Line Item in Asset Journal
FINACITGEN Line Items in General Journal
FINACITGRI Line Items in the GR/IR Journal
FINACITINV Line Items in the Article Inventory Journal
FINACITTAX Line Items in the Tax Journal
FINACITWIP Line Items in the WIP Journal
FINB_TNOASS_NRO Assignment of Accounting System to Number Range Object

SAP Inventory Accounting TABLES (FIN-BAC-INV)

Table Name Description
CFICC0C FIN Objects for Cost Centers
CFICR0C FIN Objects for Cost Center/Resource Pool
CFIFA0C FIN Objects for Fixed Assets
CFIOCONSI0C FIN Objects for Consignment
CFIOGMVMT0C FIN Objects for Article Documents (GR-Based IV)
CFIORGEN0C FIN Objects for Internal Orders
CFIORMNF0C FIN Objects for Manufacturing Orders
CFIORMNT0C FIN Objects for Maintenance Orders
CFIORNTA0C FIN Objects for Network Items
CFIORNTW0C FIN Objects for Networks
CFIORPURITM0C FIN Objects for Purchase Order Items
CFIORQMM0C FIN Objects for QM Orders
CFIORSRV0C FIN Objects for Service Orders
CFIORWBS0C FIN Objects for WBS Elements
CFIOSENTR0C FIN Objects for Services
CFIPVLOCPRD0C Product Depending on Company/Location
CFIPVLOCPRDBTC0C Product Depending on Company/Location/Batch
CON_ACC_TACTIVE Activate Inventory Accounting in Client
FAIBSV01 Incoming/Outgoing Invoices
FAIBSV01C Rule for Balance Sheet Valuation
FAIBSV01T Texts for Rule
FAIBSV02 Valuated Receipts
FAIBSV02C Percentage Writedown: Weighting Factors
FAIBSV03 Logistical Goods Movements
FAIBSV06C Grouping by Rule (Balance Sheet Valuation)
FAIBSV07C Rule: Input and Output Prices
FAIBSV08C Rule - Special Parameters FIFO
FAIBSV09C Rule: Special Parameters for Market Prices
FAIBSV10C Rule - Special Parameters for Percentage Write-Down
FAIBSV12C Price Relationships
FAIBSV13C Assignment of Valuation Procedures to Price Types
FAIBSV17C Rule: Currency Types
FAIBSV18C Writedown Percentages to Specific Key: Range of Coverage
UAINV_DYNRELACT Activation of Dynamic Price Release
UAINV_DYNRELCUS Customizing for Dynamic Price Release
UAINVDEBCRH Document for Revaluation Through Article Debit/Credit
UAINVDEBCRI Document Item for Revaluation Through Article Debit/Credit
UAINVREVALH Document for INV Price Change and Inventory Revaluation
UAINVREVALI Document Item for Inventory Price Change and Revaluation
UAINVTSTLRULER Settlement Rule Receiver
UAINVTSTLRULES Settlement Rule Sender

SAP Management of Internal Controls TABLES (FIN-CGV-MIC)

Table Name Description
FOPC_BTC_REP_ADD Background Reports in System - Additional Information
FOPC_BTC_REPORTS Background Reports in System
FOPC_ENHANCE MIC Enhancement for HR Infotypes
FOPC_GETFORMS Print Reports Using Own Smart Forms
FOPC_ORM_CUST ORM Transfer: Customizing
FOPC_PERSON Settings for the Person in MIC
FOPC_SMARTFORMS Obsolete: Marked for Deletion
FOPCAGGREGCODE MIC: Aggregation Code for Deficiency Analysis
FOPCAISOU Assignment of AIS Systems to the Org Units
FOPCAISREPORT AIS Reports for a Role (for MIC)
FOPCAISREPORTT AIS Reports for MIC (Text Table)
FOPCAIST AIS Systems for MIC (Text Table)
FOPCATTRVALUE MIC: Object Attributes
FOPCATTRVALUET MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table
FOPCATTRVALUET2 MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table
FOPCCASEPL Remediation Plan
FOPCCASERELA MIC: Relationship Between Cases
FOPCCASETE Attributes: Testing
FOPCCASEUPGRADE MIC Case: Information of Upgrade
FOPCCHKF FOPC:: File Name of Last Checkout
FOPCCHKO FOPC:: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object
FOPCCLOSINGBG Close: Background
FOPCCONT1 FOPC (MIC): Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
FOPCCORPORATE MIC: Corporate Objects
FOPCCUSTOMIZING2 Rating Requiring Issue To Be Reported
FOPCDEFICANA MIC: Deficiency Analysis
FOPCDEFICCUS MIC: Customizing Table for Deficiency Analysis
FOPCDEFICORG MIC: Deficiency Analysis Status for Org Unit
FOPCDEFICSEL MIC: Selection Conditions for Deficiency Analysis
FOPCDOCDOWNLCFG Alternative Document Download
FOPCDOCS Documents Containing Additional Information on MIC
FOPCGAPRATING Maturity Gap and Rating of the Control
FOPCLASTRECIP Last Recipients of the Tasks
FOPCLOIO FOPC:: Instances of Logical Information Objects
FOPCLOIOT FOPC:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
FOPCLOPR FOPC:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
FOPCLORI FOPC:: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FOPCMTESTERASGN Mass Tester Assignment
FOPCMTESTERASGNS Mass Tester Assignment - Settings
FOPCOBJTYPERESP Responsible Roles for Persons
FOPCPHF FOPC:: Files for Physical Information Objects
FOPCPHHR FOPC:: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
FOPCPHIO FOPC:: Instances of Physical Information Objects
FOPCPHNM FOPC:: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
FOPCPHPR FOPC:: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
FOPCPHRE FOPC:: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Informatn Objects
FOPCPHRI FOPC:: Incoming Relationships of Physical Informatn Objects
FOPCPRTUSERPARA User Parameters for Print
FOPCPRTUSRLAYOUT User Layout Definition for Specified Type of Print
FOPCRBFAGLUE Reporting Buffer: Account Group - Fin. Statement Assertion
FOPCRBFCASETEXTS Report Buffer: Cases - Texts
FOPCRBFIS Reporting Buffer: Cases - Issues
FOPCRBFLOG Reporting Buffers: Central Log
FOPCRBFMC Reporting Buffer: Buffered Structures
FOPCRBFPGLUE Reporting Buffer: P-CO-R
FOPCRBFPL Reporting Buffer: Cases - Remediation Plans
FOPCRBFSTR Reporting Buffer: Buffered Structures
FOPCRBFTL Reporting Buffer: Cases - Test Logs
FOPCRCUSTPARAM Parameters for Report Buffering
FOPCROLED MIC Role - Description Table
FOPCROLET MIC Role - Text Table
FOPCROLETASK MIC Role - Task Assignments
FOPCRPLCINFO Replacement Information
FOPCRPLCINFO2 Replacement Information: Case
FOPCSHM Setting for Shared Memory
FOPCSHM2 Activate Shared Objects Memory
FOPCSIGNOFF_ADD Sign-Off: Additional Info
FOPCSIGNOFF_IS Deactivate Issue Types for Sign-Off
FOPCSODCFGT MIC SOD Conflict Group - Text Table
FOPCSTARTPAGE Start Page Configuration
FOPCTASKFREQ Frequency of the Tasks
FOPCTASKFREQ_TF Timeframes of Tasks That Can Be Scheduled at Corporate Level
FOPCTASKFREQ_TFC Controls for Timeframes of Tasks that Can Be Scheduled
FOPCUSERDATA User-Specific Settings
FOPCWFITEM MIC: Workflow Items
FOPCWFNOTIFCFA Details for Notification System per Work Item
FOPCWFRECIP MIC: Workflow Recipients
HRP1800 DB Table for InfoType 1800
HRP1801 DB Table for InfoType 1801
HRP1802 DB Table for InfoType 1802
HRP1803 DB Table for InfoType 1803
HRP1804 DB Table for InfoType 1804
HRP1805 DB Table for InfoType 1805
HRP1806 DB Table for InfoType 1806
HRP1810 Database Table for Infotype 1810
HRP1811 DB Table for Infotype 1811
HRP1812 DB Table for Infotype 1812
HRP1813 DB Table for Infotype 1813
HRP1814 DB Table for InfoType 1814
HRP1815 DB Table for Infotype 1815
HRP1816 DB Table for Infotype 1816
HRP1817 DB Table for Infotype 1817
HRP1818 DB Table for Infotype 1818
HRP1819 DB Table for Infotype 1819
HRP1820 DB Table for Infotype 1820
HRP1821 DB Table for Infotype 1821
HRP1822 DB Table for Infotype 1822
HRP1823 DB Table for Infotype 1823
HRP1824 DB Table for Infotype 1824
HRT1800 Table Section for InfoType 1800
HRT1820 Table Part Intotype 1820
HRT1823 Table Part Infotype 1823

SAP Financials Basis TABLES (FIN-FB)

Table Name Description
ACC_JOURNAL0C Journals in the Acc Document
ACC_JOURNAL0T Text Table for the Journals in the ACC Document
ACCACCOUNT11 G/L account
ACCACCTGROUP00 Account Group
ACCACCTLG01 Length of G/L Account Number
ACCASSTYPE00 Account Assignment Category
ACCASSTYPE0C Account Assignment Category
ACCASSTYPE0T Account Assignment Category
ACCCHRTACCTS0C Chart of Accounts
ACCCHRTACCTS0T Chart of Accounts
ACCCLSSTEP_ASGN Assignment of Period Rules for the Closing Phases
ACCCLSSTEP_GRP Process Definition for Closing Phases
ACCCLSSTEP_GRPT Name of Process Definition for Closing Phases
ACCCLSSTEP_RUL Period Rules for the Closing Phases
ACCCLSSTPPER Setting for Period Lock
ACCDBS01 Data Basis <-> Business Domain Assignment
ACCDBS0C Data Basis
ACCDBS0T Data Basis Name
ACCDOCTYPE0C Document Type
ACCDOCTYPE0T Document Type
ACCENTCONF01 Entities: Local Storage of Configuration
ACCLEGENT0C Legal Entity
ACCLEGENT0T Texts for Legal Entities
ACCLOGOBJCAT01 Assignment of Attributes as Chars and Log. Obj. Category
ACCLOGOBJCAT02 Activation Status of a Logistical Object Type
ACCPERSEL Define Selection Conditions for the Period Lock
ACCPERSEL2 Specify Selction Conditions for the Period Lock
ACCPERSELT Name of Selection Conditions for the Period Lock
ACCQNTTYPE0C Data Elements of Quantity Type
ACCROLE11 Application Role Registration: Classes
ACCROLE21 Application Role Registration: FieldNames and FinObjectTypes
ACCSEL01 Selection Condition: Characteristics
ACCSEL0C Selection Condition
ACCSTRU0C Structure IDs
ACCSTRU0T Structure ID Texts
ACCSYS02 Accounting System: Assignment to Selection Condition
ACCSYS04 Customizing for Accounting System
ACCSYS05 Setting for Currency Translation
ACCSYS06 Settings for Reference Valuation
ACCSYS07 Reference Accounting Systems
ACCSYS08 Currency IDs per Accounting System
ACCSYS0C Accounting System
ACCSYS0T Name of Accounting System
ACCTRANTYPE0C Transaction Type
ACCTRANTYPE0T Transaction Type
FINB_ATTRIBUTES Attributes of Field on Data Basis
FINB_DEMO_TRANS FINB Transport: Cluster Table for Transport
FINB_DMT_CHAR Data Retention: Characteristics
FINB_DMT_CONFIG "Data Retention
FINB_DMT_KEYF Data Retention: Key Figures
FINB_DMT_NRANGE Data Retention: Number Range Intervals
FINB_DMT_TINDEX Data Retention: Indexes
FINB_FIELDS Fields on the Data Basis
FINB_TACCOMM Obsolete !!! Accounting Community
FINB_TACCOMM_MB Obsolete !!! Members of an Accounting Community
FINB_TACCOMMT Obsolete !!! Accounting Community: Texts
FINB_TACSYST Obsolete !!! Valuation System
FINB_TACSYST_DCR Obsolete !!! Valuation System: Description in Form of Chars
FINB_TACSYST_GR Obsolete !!! Valuation System: Description Groups
FINB_TACSYSTT Obsolete !!! Valuation System Texts
FINB_TAPIOBC_NM Value Defaults for Info-Object Catalog Names per Application
FINB_TIOBC_NM Value Defaults for Info-Object Catalog Names
FINB_TIOBC_NMT Texts for Value Proposals for Info Object Catalog Names
FINB_TR_DERIVE FINB-Transport: Table for Transporting the ABA Derivation
FINB_TR_E071 Object List for Client Copy
FINB_TR_E071K Object List for Client Copy (Key)
FINB_TR_TRANS FINB Transport: Cluster Table for Transport
FINB_TR_TXT FINB Transport: General Text Table
FINB_TR_TXT_H FINB TR: Header Table for Generic Texts
FINB_TR_TXT_K FINB TR: Key Table for Generic Texts
FOBJ_OBJ_W_POST FIN Objects with Postings That Have Not Yet Been Processed
UAC_AUDIT_TRAIL Table for Audit Trail Function
UBC_CL_BI Batch Input Sessions (INDX-Structure)
UBC_CL_INV Bill Data (INDX-Structure)
UBC_TB_ACT Account Assignment Fields for each Organizational Unit
UBC_TB_ACTV Values for Account Assignment Fields
UBC_TB_BI Batch Input Sessions
UBC_TB_BIL Biller for each Organizational Unit
UBC_TB_BILDVAL Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Biller
UBC_TB_CE Communication Data for Transfer to Service Billing
UBC_TB_CUR Max./Min. Amounts per User and Currency
UBC_TB_INVH Bill (Header)
UBC_TB_INVHACT Account Assignments on Bill Header
UBC_TB_INVHMES Bill: Messages from Inbound Processing
UBC_TB_INVPACT Account Assignments on Level of Item
UBC_TB_NOTES Table for Notes
UBC_TB_ORG Organizational Units
UBC_TB_ORGDVAL Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Biller
UBC_TB_RA Permitted Bill Types for each Biller
UBC_TB_RADVAL Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Bill Type
UBC_TB_REJ Rejection Control
UBC_TB_RPA Permitted Bill Item Types for each Biller
UBC_TB_RPADVAL Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Bill Item Type
UBC_TB_SAPFI Field Assignments for Creating BI Sessions
UBC_TB_SAPFI0 Structure Assignment for Creation of BI Sessions
UBC_TB_STRAT Strategies for WF (Sequence of Processors)
UBC_TB_STRATT Strategy Texts
UBC_TB_STRUSR User Sequence
UBC_TB_USR User per Organizational Unit
UBC_TB_WFML Last Mail Transmission for each Org
UBC_TT_ACT Texts for Account Assignment Fields
UBC_TT_ACTV Texts for Values of Account Assignment Fields
UBC_TT_RA Bill Types (Texts)
UBC_TT_RPA Bill Item Types (Texts)
UGCMBACK Data Model Synchronization: Backup for Conversion
UGMD_BACK FIN Master Data: Cluster Table for Transport
UGMD_GEN_ENQUEUE FIN Master Data: Lock in Generation
UGMD0050 FIN Master Data: Leading Fiscal Year Variant / Client
UGMD2_BDT_CUST Table for Comments to Customizing Transactions (BDT)
UGMDDEMO02T "FIN Master Data: Demo
UGMDDEMO03T "FIN Master Data: Demo
UGMDDEMO04C Airline Carrier
UGMDTR00 FinBasis Transport: Writing to BW During Import
UGMDTRANS FIN Master Data: Cluster Table for Transport
UGMDTRTXT FIN Master Data: Text Table for Content Translation
UGMDTRTXT2 FIN Master Data: Text Table for Content Translation
UGMDVDY01 FIN Master Data: Validity Versions

SAP Master Data Framework TABLES (FIN-FB-MDF)

Table Name Description
FINB_MD_0110 Registration: Elements on Data Elements (Attr./Key)
UGMD_INDX Cluster Table of cl_ug_fieldinfo_local Buffer
UGMD0009 FIN Master Data: General Settings
UGMD0021 FIN Master Data: RFC Ping Settings


Table Name Description
FINB_COMPKEY_VAL Value of Keys of Configurable Components
FINB_CONFIG_ACT Active Configurations
FINB_CONFIG_XMLS Configuration of Components
FINB_CONTENT Activated Content
FINB_CONTENT_HIS History of Content Catalog
FINB_FUNCTIONS Function Builder
FINB_FUNCTIONS_T Function Builder
FINB_LOCAL_HIS Content Catalog
FINB_LOCAL_REP Content Catalog
FINB_SCOPE Content in Scope
FINB_SIGNATURE Function Builder
FINB_TMSGAPPL01 Deviating Message Type (Required Error Weight) for Appl.
FINB_TMSGAPPL02 Messages are collected from messaty type per appl. context
FINBSCMIDRFC0C RFC Data for Object Navigation
UAFORMULA_DOCU User-Specific Docu Window Option
UASE16N_CD_DATA Table Display: Change Documents - Data
UASE16N_CD_KEY Table Display: Change Documents - Header
UASE16N_LT "SE16N: Initial Screen for Layouts
UASE16N_LTD "SE16N: Initial Screen for Layouts

SAP Financial Supply Chain Management TABLES (FIN-FSCM)

Table Name Description
IHC_PI_INB_ACCTS PI: Clearing Partner Details for Inbound IDOC
IHC_PI_INB_PARMS PI: Clearing Partner Posting Parameters
IHC_PI_INB_PRN PI: Clearing Partner for Inbound IDOC
IHC_PI_INB_TARGT PI: Payment Parameters for Inbound IDOC


Table Name Description
AT85 CMF - Generating pmnt advices (prod./trans.type)
FDAU Cash Managment Advice Authorization Catalog
FDD1 Cash mgmt and forecast-Loan line items-Memo records
FDES Cash Management and Forecast: Memo Records
FDESDIST Cash management memo records (distributed)
FDFIEP CM: FI Line Items (OP of Deb/Cred for Drilldown)
FDI1 Cash Management Line Items for Real Estate Planning Records
FDLF Cash Management Line Items for Agency Business
FDM1 Cash Management & Forecast: Line Items of MM Documents
FDM2 Cash management line items from MM purchase requisition
FDMV Cash Planning Line Items of Earmarked Funds
FDS1 Cash Management & Forecast: Line Items of SD Documents
FDS2 CM&F Line Items in SD Documents (fromr Release 4.0)
FDSB CMF summary records for G/L accounts
FDSBDIST CMF Summary Records for G/L Accounts (distbtd)
FDSR CMF summary records for planning groups
FDSRDIST Cash management totals records for planning groups (distbd)
FDT1 "CMF Line Items for Forex
FDW1 Cash Mgt and Forecast - Securities Line Items- Planned Flows
FEBCL Clearing data for an electronic bank statement line item
FEBEP Electronic Bank Statement Line Items
FEBKEY ID administration
FEBKO Electronic Bank Statement Header Records
FEBMS Message table for Finnish bank statement
FEBPI Polling Statement Line Item Information
FEBRE Reference record for electronic bank statement line item
FEBVW Electronic Banking Management Records
T012A Allocation pmnt methods -> Bank trans.
T012B Description of trans. types
T012C Terms for bank transactions
T018C Cash Concentration: Intermediate Acct and Amt Stipulations
T018D Forms for Cash Management and Forecast
T018Z Cash Transfer: Payment Method Determination Payment Requests
T028A Bank Statement Table
T028B Transaction Type of Sender Bank
T028D Define Internal Transactions in Electronic Banking
T028E Text Table for T028D
T028G Allocate External to Internal Transactions
T028H Allocate Manual to Internal Transactions
T028I Text Table for T028H
T028L EB: Sender Bank - CM Data
T028M Class for alternative currency keys
T028N Currency class descriptions
T028O Currency classes
T028P Assign Search Strings to Bank Statement Transactions
T028Q Mapping Table
T028R Repetitive Funds Transfer Types
T028RS Repetitive Funds Transfer Type Names
T028RTRANS Repetitive Transfer Transactions
T028X Returns Reasons
T028Y Returns Activities: Posting Rules / Reverse Clearing
T028Z Returns Activities: Change Open Items
T035 Planning groups
T035D Cash Management Account Names
T035T Planning Group Texts
T035U Texts for Cash Management Account Names
T035V Allocate G/L Account to Segmentation (temporarily not used)
T035Z Liquidity Forecast: Payment Date Determinations/Assignments
T036 Planning levels
T036M Level Assignment for Earmarked Funds
T036M2 Earmarked Funds: Group Assignment If Account Missing
T036Q Allocating Levels for T0360
T036S Planning Levels with Payment Blocks
T036T Planning Level Texts
T036V Allocation of planning levels for Financial Assets Mgmt
T037 Planning Types
T037A Archiving Categories
T037T Planning Type Texts
T038 Cash Management: Grouping Structure
T038P Cash Management: Groupings (Checking Table)
T038T Texts for Groupings
T038V Distribution for Cash Mgmt Position and Liquidity Forecast
T039 Source Symbols for Cash Management
T039T Source Symbol Texts
T243A Set TR-CM Subsystems and Company Codes
T243B Convert Sender Planning Group
T243C Convert Sender Planning Level
T243D Convert Sender Business Areas
T243LS Logging Table for Distributed CM Data
T243X Table for Logical Systems
TPAMA Search Strings for Pattern Matching
TPAMAT Text Table for Search String TPAMA

SAP Collections Management TABLES (FIN-FSCM-COL)

Table Name Description
UDM_CCT_ATTR Customer Contact
UDM_CCT_REL Objects Created during Customer Contact
UDM_CCT_RESULT Results of Customer Contact
UDM_CCT_RESULTT Text Table for Results of Customer Contact
UDM_COLL_GRP Collection Group
UDM_COLL_GRPT Name of Collection Group
UDM_COLL_ITEMCAS Open Items with Dispute Case
UDM_COLL_KEYFIG Business Partner Key Figures
UDM_COLL_LASTPAY Last Payments of Business Partner
UDM_COLL_PROF Collection Profile
UDM_COLL_PROFT Name of Collection Profile
UDM_COLL_SGMT Collection Segment
UDM_COLL_SGMTT Name of Collection Segment
UDM_COMP_CODE Company Codes in Collections Management
UDM_COMPCODE_MAP Assignment of FI Company Code to Collection Company Code
UDM_GRP_SPL Assignment of Collection Specialist to Collection Group
UDM_GRP_SPL_ABS Absence and Substitute of Collection Specialist
UDM_PR_HEAD Parallel Program Runs
UDM_PR_INTV Intervals for Parallel Processing of Program Runs
UDM_PR_JOBS Jobs for Parallel Processing of Program Runs
UDM_PR_SEGMENTS Block Table for Segment
UDM_PR_SEL_OPT Selection Options for Parallel Processing
UDM_PROF_SGMT Assignment of Collection Segment to Collection Profile
UDM_RSM_ATTR Resubmissions
UDM_RSM_REASON Reasons for Resubmission
UDM_RSM_REASONT Names of Resubmission Reasons
UDM_RULE_B_RULE Assignment of Basic Rules to Rules
UDM_RULET Name of Rules
UDM_SGMT_COMP Assignment of Company Code in Collections Mgt - Segment
UDM_SGMT_CR Assignment of Credit Segment to Collection Segment
UDM_SGMT_GRP Assignment of Collection Group to Collection Segment
UDM_STR_RULE Assignment of Rules to Strategies
UDM_STR_SELOP Selection Options for Strategies
UDM_STRATEGY_RUN Where-Used List of Strategies in Worklists
UDM_STRATEGYT Name of Strategies
UDM_STRATEGYT_V Name of Strategies
UDM_WL_ITEM Worklist Item
UDM_WL_ITEM_D Valuation Details for Worklist Items
UDM_WL_ITEM_DEL Deleted Worklist Entries
UDM_WL_LAST_GRP Last Grouping of Collection Groups
UDM_WL_LAST_ITEM Collection Specialist's Items
UDM_WL_LAST_RUN Collection Specialist's Runs
UDM_WL_RUN_ID Collection Segments Released from Worklist
UDMBPPROFILE Collection Profile in Business Partner
UDMBPSEGMENTS Collection Segments in Business Partner
UDMBPTEMPASSIGNM Temporary Assignments in Business Partner
UDMNEWCONTACTS SAP Collections Management: New Contact Person (Temporary)
UDMUSERSETTINGS Personalization for Worklist

SAP Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration TABLES (FIN-FSCM-COL-AR)

Table Name Description
FDM_COLL_LASTPAY Last Payments of Business Partner
FDM_COLL_TROBJ FSCM-COL: Trigger Table for Collections Management
FDM_CONTACT_BUF Personalization of Contact Person Data
FDM_INV_MEM_OBS Invoice Information Provided Obsolete
FDM_INVOICE_ACT Provision of Invoice Information: Active Procedure
FDM_INVOICE_MEM Invoice Information Provided
FDM_PERSONALIZE Personalization of Collections Management


Table Name Description
UDM_P2P_ATTR Promise to Pay


Table Name Description
UKM_COM_0T SAP Credit Management: Texts for Credit Exposure Categories
UKM_KKBER2SGM Assignment of Credit Control Area to Credit Segment
UKM_PI_SGM0T SAP Credit Management: Description
UKM_TRANSFER_AR Data from AR for SAP Credit Management
UKM_TRANSFER_ARV Data from AR for SAP Credit Management


Table Name Description
UKM_B_W_LIST SAP Credit Management: Simple Black and White Lists
UKM_BL_REASON SAP Credit Management: Reason for Locks in Credit Management
UKM_BL_REASON0T SAP Credit Management: Reason for Locks in Credit Management
UKM_CUST_GRP Customer Credit Groups
UKM_CUST_GRP0T Texts for Customer Credit Groups
UKM_EVENT_TYPES SAP Credit Management: Events
UKM_EXT_GUID Credit Management: Line Items
UKM_ITEM Credit Management: Line Items
UKM_ITEM_SEQIN Credit Management Line Items Inbound
UKM_LIMIT_RULE0T SAP Credit Mgt: Rule for Calc. Score and Cr. Limit (Texts)
UKM_PM_BALANCE SAP Credit Management: Liability Totals
UKM_PROCESSES SAP Credit Management: Processes
UKM_RICL_ASSIGN SAP Credit Management: Assignment of Risk Class to Score
UKM_RISK_CL SAP Credit Management: Risk Class
UKM_RISK_CL0T SAP Credit Management: Texts for Risk Class
UKM_SYGRP_LOG Assignment of Logical System to System Group
UKM_SYST_GRP System Group
UKM_SYST_GRP0T Texts for System Group
UKM_TOTALS SAP Credit Management: Liability Totals
UKMBP_CMS SAP Credit Management: Credit Master Data for Partner
UKMBP_CMS_SGM SAP Credit Management: Master Data for Credit Account
UKMBP_VECTOR_IT SAP Credit Management: Credit Segment
UKMCASEATTR00 Attribute of Credit Case
UKMCOMM_TYPEST SAP Credit Management: Texts for Liability Categories
UKMCRED_SGM0T SAP Credit Management: Texts for Segment Data

SAP Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration TABLES (FIN-FSCM-DM-AR)

Table Name Description
FDM_AR_WRITEOFFS FSCM-DM: Automatic Write-Offs Not Executed
FDM_BUFFER Cluster for Decoupling in 1-System Scenario
FDM_COLL_CFIELD FSCM-COL: Relevant Fields for Document Changes (and so on)
FDM_COLL_COMPCOD FSCM-COL: Active Company Codes of Collections Management
FDM_COLL_DUNNLEV Harmonized Dunning Levels
FDM_DCOBJ FSCM-DM Integration: Disputed Objects
FDM_DCPROC FSCM-DM Integration: Dispute Case Processes
FDM_P2P_ATTR Attributes of Promise to Pay; Required for Process Integratn
TFDM_BDREASON FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code
TFDM_BDREASONT FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code
TFDM_DEFCC FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code
TFDM_DEFRC FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code
TFDM_P2PCC Settings for Promise to Pay per Company Code
TFDM_WRITEOFF01 FSCM-DM: Default Values for Writing Off Dispute Cases
TFDM_WRITEOFF02 FSCM-DM: Default Values for Writing Off Dispute Cases


Table Name Description
SCMG_LOC_FIELDS Input Fields for Case Search
SCMG_LOC_PROFIL Profile for Case Search
SCMG_LOC_PROFILT Profile for Case Search
UDM_AUTO_TEXTID Text ID Used to Include Notes
UDM_AUTOSTAT_P2P FSCM-DM: Automatic Status for Promise to Pay
UDM_GUID_ADMIN FSCM-DM: Mapping of Case GUID to External GUID
UDM_LOC_FLDCHG Attribute Modifiable via Case Search
UDM_SPS_ADMIN FSCM-DM Integration: Determination of Element Type
UDM_T_CORRCONT FSCM-DM: Container (Dialog Correspondence)
UDM_T_PROC_STAT Processing Status for Dispute Cases
UDMATTR_RCCODE Case: Root Cause Code
UDMCASEATTR00 Dispute Case Attributes
UDMCASEATTR10 Dispute Case Attribute for Account Balance (FI-CA)
UDMCASEATTR20 Collection Case Attributes
UDMCASEPROCESSOR Regular Processor for Dispute Cases
UDMCHKF01 Dispute Management: File Name of Last Checkout
UDMCHKO01 Disp. Mgt: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information
UDMCONT01 Dispute Management: Table for Doc. Content (Import/Export)
UDMDOCL01 Dispute Management: Instances of Logical Information Objects
UDMDOCP01 Dispute Management: Instances of Physical Info. Objects
UDMFILEEXTENSION FSCM-DM: Type for Attachments from Biller Direct
UDMIDXST01 Dispute Management: Status Table for Indexing Documents
UDMLOIOT01 Dispute Management: Descriptions of Logical Info. Objects
UDMLOPR01 Dispute Management: Attribute Values of Log. Info. Objects
UDMLORE01 Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Info. Objects
UDMLORI01 Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Log. Info. Objects
UDMPHF01 Dispute Management: Files for Physical Information Objects
UDMPHHR01 Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
UDMPHNM01 Disp. Mgt: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Object
UDMPHPR01 Disp. Mgt: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
UDMPHRE01 Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info. Objects
UDMPHRI01 Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info. Objects

SAP Internal Collection Procedure TABLES (FIN-FSCM-DR)

Table Name Description
UHC_CASE_ALIST Actions in Collection Case
UHC_T001 Actions - Definition of Actions
UHC_T001_A Prerequisite Actions
UHC_T001_B Do Not Execute Action - Prerequisite Case Status
UHC_T001_T Actions - Definition of Actions (Texts)
UHC_T002 Action List
UHC_T002_B Actions in Action List
UHC_T002_T Action List (Texts)
UHCCASEATTR20 Collection Case Attributes


Table Name Description
IHC_DB_BCA_EXTPO Process Parameter External BCA Payment Orders
IHC_DB_CL_ACCTS Account Determination for AMS Update
IHC_DB_CL_AMS IHC: Clearing Unit Data
IHC_DB_CL_IDOC IHC: Communication Data for Clearing Unit
IHC_DB_CL_PRTNR IHC: Clearing Partner
IHC_DB_CL_PRTNRT IHC: Text Table for Clearing Partner
IHC_DB_CL_RATES Currency Type for Foreign Currency Settlement
IHC_DB_CL_TYPES Technical Settings for AMS Update
IHC_DB_CL_XBS IHC Bank Statement: Determine Sender or Clearing Partner
IHC_DB_CMGRP Cash Management Groups
IHC_DB_CMGRP_T Text Table for Cash Management Groups
IHC_DB_CMGRP1 Cash Management Group: Account Assignment
IHC_DB_CMGRP2 Cash Management Group: Account Assignment
IHC_DB_CMVAR Cash Management Variants
IHC_DB_CMVAR_T Text Table for Cash Management Variants
IHC_DB_CMVAR1 Cash Management Variants: Bank Area Assignment
IHC_DB_DSP_TRAPO Table Structure for displaying the Posted Item Detail
IHC_DB_ENQ_PN Lock Table for Payment Order
IHC_DB_INB_ACCTS Clearing Partner Details for PEXR2002
IHC_DB_INB_PARMS Clearing Partner for PEXR2002
IHC_DB_INB_PRN Clearing Partner for PEXR2002
IHC_DB_INB_TARGT Clearing Partner for PEXR2002
IHC_DB_NEW_TRAPO IHC: Customizing-Table for Posting Detail Report
IHC_DB_ORG IHC AMS Organizational Units
IHC_DB_PAY_MAPP IHC: Clearing Agreement
IHC_DB_PN Source Document for Incoming Payment Orders
IHC_DB_PN_BP IHC: Address Data of Bus. Partners Involved in Payment Order
IHC_DB_PN_ENQ Lock Table for Payment Order
IHC_DB_PN_RINFO Reference/Note to Payee Information
IHC_DB_PN_STATUS IHC: Payment Order Status
IHC_DB_QUEUES Queue Management for Parallel Processing
IHC_DB_ROUTE IHC: Assignment of Route to a Clearing Unit
IHC_DB_ROUTE_T IHC: Text Table for Route
IHC_DB_RT_NODE IHC: Routing Node
IHC_DB_RT_TREE IHC: Routing Tree
IHC_DB_RT_TREEEN IHC: Block Table for Route Tree
IHC_DB_TOVR "Provisional Turnover (Based on Value Date
IHC_DB_TOVR_ENQ "Provisional Turnover (Based on Value Date
IHC_DB_TRAPO IHC: Customizing Table for Transfer Posting Report
IHC_TAB_APM_TT Automatic Payments: Determine IHC Transaction Type
IHC_TAB_ARCH_IDX IHC: Archive Index Table
IHC_TAB_AUTH_GRP IHC:Authorization Groups for Amount-Dependent Authorizations
IHC_TAB_DUAL_CTR IHC: Principle of Dual Control
IHC_TAB_DUCTR_BP TO BE DELETED --- IHC: Principle of Dual Control
IHC_TAB_GUI_FLD IHC: Container Field in GUI
IHC_TAB_GUI_TRNS IHC: Transaction Type - Default Setting for Transactions
IHC_TAB_INST IHC: Instruction Codes
IHC_TAB_INST_KEY IHC: Instruction Key Definitions
IHC_TAB_INST_TXT IHC: Text Table for Instructions
IHC_TAB_PN_CONT IHC: Container Fields in Payment Order
IHC_TAB_TRANS IHC: Transaction Types
IHC_TAB_TRANST IHC: Transaction Type Names
IHC_TAB_TRN_ATTR IHC: Processing of Transaction Types in Bank Area
IHC_TAB_XBS_TT IHC: Transaction Type External Inbound Payment
TBCA_ROUTE Routing Definitions
TBCA_ROUTEDET Route Determination

SAP Treasury and Risk Management TABLES (FIN-FSCM-TRM)

Table Name Description
INDEXZ Allocations for datafeed
TDXBL Documents not updated which are sent to the R/2 system
TW17 Blocking flag
TW17T Text Table for TW17
TW52 Market sectors
TW52T Market sectors - Text table
TWL1 List sort sequence (Position/Trend/Revenue lists)
TWL1T Texts for TWL1 (Sort sequence)
TWL2 Sort sequence lists + control parameters
TWL2S Special group key sort sequence
TWL3 List Display Sequence (Position List)
TWL3T Texts for TWL3 (Position list output sequence)
TWL4 Output sequence lists + control parameters
TWL5 Display sequence (check table)-previously only revenue list
TWL5T Texts for TWL5 (Revenue list output sequence)
TWL6 "Display sequence (formerly only revenue list
TWZ03 "Result types text table
TWZ10 Event groups (summarization of values (temporary))
TZBK Financial Assets Management valuation areas
TZCURC_EU EMU Basket Currencies
TZDEA Trader register
TZPLP Financial Assets Management Plausibility Checks
TZRCL Treasury: Valuation Classes
TZRPR Treasury: Valuation Principles
TZRPT Valuation principle description
TZRR0 Treasury: Valuation Areas
TZRR1 Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code Level
TZRR2 Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code/Product Type Level
TZRRT Treasury: Name of Valuation Areas
TZSBW Valuation methods
TZST Reasons for reversal
TZST1 Reasons for reversal (Text table)
TZT01 Derivation rules for tax flows
TZWR0 Valuation in cross-depot
TZWR1 Valuation in sec.acct position
VVWKN1 OBSOLETE - Fields as factors for secondary data
VVWKN2 Allocation of values to value groups
VVWKN6 Alloc. of to second.term via the invoice no.
VVWKN7 - Secondary values alloc. (via the
VVWL7 Context
VVWL8 Output sequence
VZWVA Check table for deadline monitoring
VZZKOKO Table condition header


Table Name Description
AFO_FIELD_EXPT Exception Handling for Characteristics for a Fin. Object
AFO_FOI_FAIL_ADM FO Integration: Storage of Admin. Information for Error Logs
AFO_WORK_ADM Administration Data for FO Worklists
AFO_WORK_ADMT Administration Data for FO Worklists: Text Table
AFO_WORK_FO_FAIL Financial Objects in Worklists
AFWBM_ASS TRM: Assignment of Benchmarks to Portfolio per Variant
AFWBM_ASS_BMPH TRM: Assignment of Benchmarks to Portfolio per Variant
AFWBM_ASS_T TRM: Text Table for Assignment Variants
AFWBM_ASS_TREE TRM: Assignment of Benchmark ID to PH Nodes per Variant
AFWBM_ATT_BM TRM: Key Table for Benchmark Master Data(General Attributes)
AFWBM_ATT_BM_T TRM: Text Tabel for Master Data for Benchmarks
AFWBM_BASIC TRM: Additional Attributes of a Basic Benchmark
AFWBM_CALC_PROT Administration of Authorization for Benchmarks
AFWBM_CALCADMIN Administration of Calculation of Benchmark
AFWBM_CHVAL TRM: Benchmark: Assignment of Characteristics and Values
AFWBM_COMP TRM: Additional Attributes of a Composite Benchmark
AFWBM_COMP_REL TRM: Relationships within a Composite Benchmark
AFWBM_DEL_ADM Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist
AFWBM_DEL_ADM_T Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist
AFWBM_DEL_OBJ Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist
AFWBM_PH_EVALP TRM: Definition of Exception Handling for PH Variant
AFWBM_REASON TRM: Benchmark - Documentation for Changes
AFWCH_BPCTL BPMIG: Status Management for AFWCH-Specific Conversion
AFWCH_FL_BK AFWCH: Header Data for Filter History
AFWCH_FLD AFWCH: Filter Definition
AFWCH_FLD_BK Backup Filter Definition
AFWCH_FLT AFWCH: Filter Text Table
AFWCH_PHDEFALT Alternative Portfolio Hierarchy Definition
AFWCH_STR_SAMP Sample Customizing
AFWGO_CALCADMIN Management of Analysis Runs for Each Eval. Proc. 2
AFWGO_CNTL_EP1 Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information
AFWGO_EPROCK Evaluation Procedure: Key Figure Assignment Transport Table
AFWGO_EPROCK_H Eval. Proc.: Key Fig. Assignment / Attribute Table Time-Dep.
AFWGO_EVALPROC1 Evaluation Procedure for Single Records: Definition
AFWGO_EVALPROC1H Evaluation Procedure for Single Records: Definition
AFWGO_EVALPROC1K Obsolete: Eval.Proc. for Single Records: Key Figure Groups
AFWGO_EVALPROC1T Analyzer Evaluation Procedure for Single Records: Text Table
AFWGO_EVALPROC2 Evaluation Procedure Final Results Records: Definition
AFWGO_EVALPROC2H Evaluation Procedure Final Results Records: Definition
AFWGO_EVALPROC2K Obsolete: Eval. Proc. for Final Result Rcds: Key Fig. Assmt
AFWGO_EVALPROC2P Evaluation Procedure Fin. Results Records: PH Assignment
AFWGO_EVALPROC2Q Evaluation Procedure Fin. Results Records: PH Assignment
AFWGO_EVALPROC2T Analyzer Evaluation Proc. Final Results: Text Table
AFWGO_FO_REWORK Management of Financial Objects to be Postprocessed Per EP1
AFWGO_LOADADMIN Management of Single Records Procedures per Date
AFWGO_LOGHISTORY History of Application Logs in Single Records Procedure
AFWGO_MDATA_EP1 Calculation Bases for Each Single Records Procedure
AFWKF_DEFIN Key Figure Definition (General Part)
AFWKF_DEFINT Key Figure Definition (Text Table)
AFWKF_KB0 Key Figure Definition: Attribution of NPV Basis
AFWKF_KB0_H Key Fig. Definition: Attributes for NPV Basis (Attrib.Table)
I81NN RM characteristics : &
I82NN RM texts for characteristics: &
JBRHISPHBAUMS Tree Structure for Deactivated Portfolio Hierarchies
JBRHISPHTEXT RM: Portfolio Texts for Deactivated Portfolio Hierachy
JBRHISPHZUORDN RM Deactivated PH: Assign Base Portfolios to End Nodes
RDB_FIENM_POS Encryption of Key Figure ID in Field Name and Item No.
RDB_I9REC RDB: Single Record Characteristics (Generation Template)
RDB_KFCREC_TEM Single Record Item Table for Key Fig. Category (Template)
RDB_NSUM_CURR Final Results for Non-Add. Key Figures in Crcy (Template)
RDB_NSUM_GEN Final Results for Non-Add. Generic Key Figures (Template)
RDB_REC_CHAR RDB: Single Record Characteristics (Generation Template)
RDB_REC_CURRPOS Currently Not Used
RDB_REC_CURRPOS1 Single Record Items: Generic Key Figs with Crcy (Template)
RDB_REC_GENPOS Currently Not Used
RDB_REC_GENPOS1 Single Record Items: Generic Key Figs w/o Crcy (Template)
RDB_REC_HEADER Single Record Header (Template)
RDB_SUM_CURR Final Results: Additive Key Figures in Currency (Template)
RDB_SUM_GEN Final Results: Additive Generic Key Figures (Template)
RDB_SUM_NSUM_TEM Specific Final Results (Template)

SAP Information System TABLES (FIN-FSCM-TRM-AN-IS)

Table Name Description
AIS_FORMULA_ADM Customizing of Formulas in AIS
AIS_FORMULA_TXT Customizing of Formulas in AIS
AIS_LAYOUT_ADM CFM: Administration Table for Layout for Standard Reporting
AIS_LAYOUT_ADMT Layout Text Table for Standard Reporting on Results DB
AIS_LAYOUT_BTTAB Key Figs for Backtesting Tab Page in Std Report for RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_FLTAB Key Figures on PA Flow Tab for Standard Reporting on RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_MATAB Key Figures on Art. Band Tab for Standard Reporting on RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_PHFRM Key Figures in PH Frame for Standard Reporting on the RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_RHTAB Key Figures on RH Tab for Standard Reporting on the RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_SSTAB Key Figures on Line Items Tab for Standard Rep. on RDB


Table Name Description
BPTRGP_ABGL BP: Match Existing and Migrated Partners
BPTRGP_ADRE Conversion: TR Addresses - PDC Addresses
BPTRGP_OBJADR Conversion: Obj. Addresses - PDC Addr. (Real Estate Objects)
BPTRGP_WORK BP: Assign Treasury Partner to IS-IS-Partner
BPUNOTA Business Partner: Convert Memos
BPZGP BP: Conversion Table TR BP to SAP BP
TP17U Business Partner: Convert Industries
TPZ7U BP: Business Partner - Relationship Category

SAP Market Risk Analyzer TABLES (FIN-FSCM-TRM-MR)

Table Name Description
AFWKFRA_BCK0 Key Figures: Backtesting for Profit and Loss
AFWKFRA_BCK0_H Key Figures: Backtesting for Profit and Loss - History
AFWKFRA_FML Key Figures: Formula Definition
AFWKFRA_K00 Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Dual Interest Rate Shift
AFWKFRA_K00_H Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Dual Interest Rate Shift
AFWKFRA_K01 Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Int. Rate Sensitivities
AFWKFRA_K01_H Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Int. Rate Sensitivities
AFWKFRA_KB0 Key Figures: NPV with Currency
AFWKFRA_KB0_H Key Figures: NPV with Currency
AFWKFRA_KB2 Key Figures: Net Present Value with Currency - VaR Basis
AFWKFRA_KB2_H Key Figures: NPV with Currency - VaR Basis
AFWKFRA_KBB Key Figures: Backtesting
AFWKFRA_KBE Key Figures: Exposure
AFWKFRA_KBE_H Key Figures: Exposure
AFWKFRA_KBF Key Figures: Key Figure Formulas
AFWKFRA_KBX Key Figures: NPV with Market Data Shift
AFWKFRA_KBX_H Key Figures: NPV with Market Data Shift
AFWKFRA_KD0 Key Figures: Positions in Risk Hierarchy
AFWKFRA_KD0_H Key Figures: Items in the Risk Hierarchy
AFWKFRA_KG1 Key Figures: P&L Delta/Gamma
AFWKFRA_KG1_H Key Figures: P+L Delta/Gamma
AFWKFRA_KS0 Key Figures: Direct Redefinition
AFWKFRA_KS0_H Key Figures: Direct Redifinition
AFWKFRA_KVK Key Figures: Value at Risk with Parameters
AFWKFRA_KVK_H Key Figures: Value-at-Risk with Parameters
AFWKFRA_KVS Key Figures: Value at Risk Simulated
AFWKFRA_KVS_H Key Figures: Value-at-Risk - Simulated
ATRF Risk factor
ATRFARTT Risk factors - risk factor type texts
ATRFBETA Risk factor description beta factors
ATRFKORR Risk factor description correlations
ATRFT Risk Factors - Definition of Risk Factor Name
ATRFVO Risk factor volatilities
ATRFVOLA Descriptions of Risk Factors for Volatility Names
ATVMO Calculation Methods Risk Management
ATVO0T Text Table for Name of Volatility
ATVO61 Volatilities - Mapping from Reference Interest Rates
ATVO62 Volatilities - Mapping from Currency Pairs
ATVO63 Volatilities - Mapping from Security ID Numbers
ATVO64 Volatilities - Mapping from Security Indexes
ATVO65 Volatility: Map Yield Curves to Hull-White Volatility
ATVOK Rate types for OTC NPVs
ATVOKT Text tables for rate/NPV types for OTC transactions
ATVST Names of scenario types
ATVSZ Scenario types
FTBB_FTYPE_CFKZ Assign Update Types to Securities Cash Flow Indicator
FTBB_MDG_VAR Saving of Start Parameters for Risk Mgmt Mrkt Data Generator
FTBB_MDG_VAR_FX Table for Saving Start Parameters for Foreign Currency
FTBB_MDG_VAR_IDX Table for Saving Start Parameters for Indexes
FTBB_MDG_VAR_IR Table for Saving Start Parameters for Reference Int Rates
FTBB_MDG_VAR_SEC Table for Saving Start Parameters for Securities
JBRBFARTT Beta factor type texts
JBREVALT Risk Management evaluation type - texts
JBRIDXG Allocation Class - Index
JBRREGD Rule Definition
JBRREGDT Text Table Market Data Shift Definition
JBRREGW Rules for multi-dimensional risk factor shift
JBRREGWT Text table for risk factor shift
JBRRH Check Table for Risk Hierarchy
JBRRH_BACK Backup Table JBRRH (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRHBAUM Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHBAUM_BACK Backup Table JBRRHBAUM (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRHBAUMH Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy (History)
JBRRHBAUMT Texts for Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHBAUMT_BACK Backup Table JBRRHBAUMT (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRHBAUMTH Text for Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy (History)
JBRRHBLATT End Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHBLATT_BACK Backup Table JBRRHBLATT (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRHBLATTH End-Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy (History)
JBRRHH Check Table for the Risk Hierarchy (History)
JBRRHT Texts for Risk Hierarchy Check Table
JBRRHT_BACK Backup Table JBRRHT (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRHTH Texts for Risk Hierarchy Check Table (History)
RDBRA_NSUM_CURR CFM-RA: Final Results for Non-Additive Key Figures in Crcy
RDBRA_NSUM_GEN CFM-RA: Final Results for Non-Additive Generic Key Figures
RDBRA_NSUM_TBG RA: Final Results for P&L Distributions
RDBRA_NSUM_TBP RA: Final Results Positions (Delta/Gamma)
RDBRA_NSUM_TVK RA: Final Results for Value at Risk
RDBRA_REC_CURPOS RA RDB: Single Record Position Table in Currency (Generic)
RDBRA_REC_GENALT RA RDB: Single Record Position Table (Generic)
RDBRA_REC_GENPOS RA RDB: Single Record Position Table (Generic)
RDBRA_REC_HEADER RA RDB: Single Record Header Table
RDBRA_REC_TBE RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category BE
RDBRA_REC_TBG RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category P&L
RDBRA_REC_TBK RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category BK0
RDBRA_REC_TBP RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category Delta/Gamma
RDBRA_SUM_CURR CFM-RA: Final Results for Additive Key Figures in Currency
RDBRA_SUM_GEN CFM-RA: Final Results for Additive Generic Key Figures
RDBRA_SUM_TBE RA RDB: Final Results for Key Figure Category BE
RDBRA_TBG RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category P&L
VTVBAR NPVs of OTC transactions
VTVBEWZUMRM Flows Relevant to Market Risk
VTVBKKBW RM: Link BCA Product to Valuation Rule
VTVBKKBW02 RM: Assignment of Valuation Rule to BCA Product (New)
VTVFG0FM Risk Object: Field Modifications for TFORM
VTVMTASK RM: Parallel Processing Control
VTVMTSK RM: Settings for Parallel Processing
VTVRAMAIN Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information
VTVRAPARAM Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information
VTVSVCARCX RM: Data Cluster for Index per Set
VTVSZCR Scenario Database: Exchange Rates
VTVSZIDX Scenario Database: Stock Indices
VTVSZIDXVO Scenario Database: Index Volatilities
VTVSZIN Scenario Database: Interest
VTVSZIVO Scenario database: interest volatilities
VTVSZVERL Scenario Progression: List of Scenarios and Validity Dates
VTVSZVLKO Scenario Progression Header
VTVSZWPKUR Scenario Database: Security Prices
VTVSZWPKUV Scenario Database: Security Price Volatilities
VTVTRBW RM: Link TR Product Type to Valuation Rule
VTVXCMRT CM Data from Risk Objects Derived from Cash Management

SAP Portfolio Analyzer TABLES (FIN-FSCM-TRM-PA)

Table Name Description
AFWKF_FLW_H Key Figures: Flow in Transaction Currency
AFWKF_FLWCC_H Key Figures: Flow in Evaluation Currency
AFWKF_POS_H Key Figures: Position in Position Currency
AFWKF_POSCC_H Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency
AFWKF_PRDFLW_H Key Figures: Flow for Period in Transaction Currency
AFWKF_PRDFLWCC_H Key Figures: Flow for Period in Evaluation Currency
AFWKF_YLD_H Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Transaction Currency
AFWKF_YLDCC_H Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Evaluation Currency
AFWKF_YLDSNC_H Key Figures: Yield from Transaction Currency Since CALCSINCE
AFWKF_YLDSNCCC_H Key Figures: Yield from Evaluation Currency Since CALCSINCE
AFWKFPA_FLW Key Figures: Flow in Transaction Currency
AFWKFPA_FLWCC Key Figures: Flow in Evaluation Currency
AFWKFPA_POS Key Figures: Position in Position Currency
AFWKFPA_POSCC Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency
AFWKFPA_PRDFLW Key Figures: Flow for Period in Transaction Currency
AFWKFPA_PRDFLWCC Key Figures: Flow for Period in Evaluation Currency
AFWKFPA_VAL Valuation Rules that Deviate from the Evaluation Type
AFWKFPA_YLD Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Transaction Currency
AFWKFPA_YLDCC Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Evaluation Currency
AFWKFPA_YLDSNC Key Figures: Yield from Transaction Currency Since CALCSINCE
AFWKFPA_YLDSNCCC Key Figures: Yield from Evaluation Currency Since CALCSINCE
BMA_BM OLD CFM Benchmarking: BM Central Master Data
BMA_BMBM OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Relationships
BMA_BMLAYER OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer
BMA_BMLAYERDET OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer
BMA_BMLAYERT OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer (TEXTS)
BMA_BMM OLD CFM Benchmarking: Master Data for Market Benchmark
BMA_BMT OLD CFM Benchmarking: BM Central Master Data
BMA_CH OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristics
BMA_CHT OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristics (TEXTS)
BMA_CHVAL OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristic Values
BMA_CHVALT OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characateristic Values (TEXTS)
BMA_GUIDIDX OLD <> CFM-BM: Assignment of BMGUID Index
PFA_DINTERVALS TRM-PA: Time Intervals for Period-Based Key Figures
PFA_FLOWTYPEST TRM-PA Flow Types: Text Table
PFAIM_CF_FTMATCH Assignment of Cash Flow Type to PA Flow Type
PFAIM_FTYPEMATCH Assignment of Flow Types to PA Flow Types
PFAIM_MDATMANU Master Data: Pos. Managed Externally and Entered Manually
PFAIM_TR_UTMATCH Assignment of Update Type to Flow Types in PA
RDBPA_NSUM_CURR Final Results for Non-Additive Key Figures in Crcy: TRM-PA
RDBPA_NSUM_GEN Final Results for Non-Additive Generic Key Figures: TRM-PA
RDBPA_REC_CCYPOS Generic Single Record Items with Currency
RDBPA_REC_FLW Key Figure Values FLW: Single Record Items with Currency
RDBPA_REC_HEADER Single Record Header
RDBPA_SUM_CURR Final Results for Additive Key Figures in Currency: TRM-PA
RDBPA_SUM_FLW Key Figure Values FLW: Totals Records with Currency
RDBPA_SUM_FLWCC Key Figure Values FLW: Totals Records w/o Currency
RDBPA_SUM_GEN Final Results for Additive Generic Key Figures: TRM-PA

SAP Transaction Manager TABLES (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM)

Table Name Description
AT10 Transaction type
AT100 Treasury Additions to User Master
AT10B Treasury: Customizing for Valuation
AT10S Securities
AT10T Name of Transaction Type
AT10X Forex Attributes for Transaction Types
AT11 Allocation of Condition Types to Transaction Types
AT13 Allocation of Flow Types to Transaction Types
AT13U Flow types for transfer posting for activity transition
AT14 Status Transfers
AT15B Treasury: Forex Swap Rates (New)
AT16 Treasury: Fixing Settings for Forex Transactions
AT16B Treasury: Settings for mirror transaction types
AT19 Supplements to Flow Types
AT20 Supplements to Condition Types
AT200 Rules for Determining a Tax Indicator
AT21 Generate derived flows
AT210 Rules for Determining a Taxes for CFM postings
AT22 Procedure to Generate Derived Flows
AT22T Procedure to Generate Derived Flows: Name
AT23 Procedure for Calculating Derived Flows
AT23T Procedure for Calculating Derived Flow: Name
AT24 Currency-Dependent Rules for Calculating Derived Flows
AT25 Amount-Dependent Rules for Calculating Derived Flows
AT50 Future/Option Groups
AT50T Description of Options/Futures Groups
AT51 Margin Types
AT51T Text Table for Margin Types
AT52 Expiry Date Type
AT52T Name of expiration date types
AT70 Hedging Relevance of Currencies
AT72 Customizing: Unit Types
AT72T Text for unit types
AT80 "Treasury: Correspondence Control MM
AT81 Correspondence type
AT81T Name of correspondence type
AT90 Type of manual reversal of posted flows
AT90T Name of manual reversal type for posted flows
ATCVC1 CRM: Assign General Valuation Class to Product Type
ATCVC2 CRM: Assign General Valuation Class to Product Type
ATDEALDFT Update Types for Position Update
ATDR Date Rule
ATDRT Date Rule
ATFTA CFM: Assign Transaction Flow Type to Update Type
ATFTA_MIGR Migration: Assignment of Flow Type to Update Type
ATMA Type of Master Agreement
ATMAT Type of Master Agreement: Name
ATOR Table of Limit Types
ATORT Text Table for Limit Types
ATPA Treasury: Product Type Supplements
BCK_VTIFHAPO Backup for Currency Changeover of Bond Underlying
BCKSLDT_FLOW Backup: Subledger Distributor: Trans. Before Issue Currency
BCKTCAT_FLOW BACKUP: Flow Table of Capital Actions
BCKTERT_FLOW BACKUP: Flow Table for Executable Rights
BCKTRDT_FLOW Backup: Distributor Flows Before Issue Currency Changeover
BCKVTBFHAPO Backup: Transaction Flows
BCKVWBEPI Backup: Flow data - Position/Actual
BCKVWBEPP BACKUP: Flow data - Position/Planned
BCKVWBWKM BACKUP: Flow table for corporate actions
BCKVWPANLE BACKUP: Interest-bearing securities
BCKVWVORTR BACKUP: Carryover totals - securities
BCKVWZUORD BACKUP: SEC assignment table for restraints on disposal
BCKVZSKOKO "BACKUP: Condition header for stock
BCKVZZKOPO BACKUP: Condition Item Table
DIFC_DIFF_TERM Differentiation Term
DIFC_DIFFERENT Differentiation as Entity
DIFT_POS_IDENT Persistent Flow Selectors
FDC1 Cash Management Shadow table
FTWRCONT Control table securities interface --> external systems
GTHMEXINDX THMEX cluster table
IDCFM_BST_CFM Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_BST_CFMIT Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_BST_CFMIT1 Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_BST_CUST Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_BST_CUSTIT Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_BST_HIST History table for balance sheet transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_ICLTXFLOWS Intercompany loan tax flow types for different product type
IDCFMBRSE_PST Customizing for creation of sales transactions for tax pmnts
IDCFMBRSETX_HST History table for taxation
IDCFMFLCALCRLA Description of simplified flow calc.procedure (amounts)
IDCFMFLCALCRLN Description of simplified flow calculation procedure (lines)
IDCFMFLCALCRLP Description of simplified flow calc.procedure (percentages)
IDCFMFLOWCALC Flow calculation using condition technique
IDCFMFLOWCALCIN Flow calculation using conditions: map CFM data to KOMK/KOMP
IDCFMFLOWCALCOUT Flow calc.using conditions:map KOMK/KOMP fields to flow data
IDCFMFLOWCALCRUL Calculation rules for simplified flow calculation
IDCFMSETX_COMP Compensating method for Funds (TRM)
IDCFMSETX_CUST Cusotmizing for tax posting to FI for funds - Brazil
IDCFMSETX_RATE Tax rates for tax reports TRM Brazil
MIGC_COM_VALCLS Derive General Valuation Class for Migration to CFM 1.0
MIGT_EXCL1 Transactions to be Excluded from Migration
OTC_CONV_AFINKO Backup Table for Fin. Transaction Alternative Conditions
OTC_CONV_FHAPO Backup Table for Financial Transaction Flows
OTC_CONV_FHAZU Backup Table for Financial Transaction Activities
OTC_CONV_FINKO Backup Table for Financial Transaction Conditions
OTC_CONV_IAFINKO Backup Table for Transaction Underlying Old Conditions
OTC_CONV_IFHAPO Backup Table for Underlying Transaction Flows
OTC_CONV_IFINKO Backup Table for Financial Transaction Underlying Conditions
POGT_ARGUMENT Additional Arguments
RDPT_FACTOR_HDR2 Treasury: Drawing Factors Header
RDPT_FACTOR2 Treasury: Drawing Factor
RDPT_FILE_PATH Save the File Path of the Transaction
RDPT_RED_BCKUP Treasury: Backup for Converting Currency of Redemption Sch.
RDPT_REDEMPTION Redemption Records
RDPT_SCHEDULE Redemption Schedules for Bonds
RDPT_SET Quantity of Redemption Schedules
RDPT_T_SET_NAME Repayment Schedule Sets
RDPT_T_SET_TYPE Class for Redemption Schedule Set
REFCC "References between CO object numbers
REFH "References between CO object numbers
REFON References between object numbers (CO object no.)
SLDC_DIST_ASYNC Business Transactions for Asynchronous Distribution
SLDT_EVENT Subledger Distributor Events
SLDT_FLOW Subledger Distributor Transactions
SLDT_TRANSACTION Subledger Distributor Business Transactions
TCAC_FT_ASSGN Assign Update Types for the Corporate Actions
TCAC_SORTING Sort Rule for Corporate Actions
TCAT_FLOW Flow Table of the Corporate Actions
TCAT_TRANSACTION Business Transaction: Corporate Action
TCURK Currency Code Table Supplements
TCURL Leading Currency
TEMC_ATTRD_T Texts for Attribute Fields
TEMC_ATTRIB_T Texts For Attribute Values
TEMC_ATTRIBUTE Value Table for Attribute Fields
TEMC_PERIOD Definition of Planning Periods
TEMC_PERIOD_T Text Table for Planning Periods
TEMC_PROF_TYPE Type of Exposure Planning Profile
TEMC_PROF_TYPE_T Text Table for Type of Exposure Planning Profile
TEMC_RAWEXP_PROC Global Setting for Handling Release of Raw Exposures
TEMT_FILTER Filter Values for Planning Profile
TEMT_POLICY Hedging Policy
TEMT_PROFILE Planning profile
TEMT_PROFILE_T Text for Planning Profile
TEMT_VERSEXPOS Versioned Exposure
TEMT_VERSION Versions of a Planning Profile
TERC_FT_ASSGN Assign Update Types for the Rights Exercise
TERT_FLOW Flow Table for Rights that can be Exercised
TERT_TRANSACTION Business Transaction: Exercise of Rights
TERTINERKO Header Information for Executing Security Rights
TERTVWBWER TRTM-PM: Flow Table for Executable Rights
TERTVWERKO Executable Rights (Header)
TERTVWERPO Executable Rights (Items)
THAEXT_EXP_HDG Hedge Management: Relationship Table Exposure - Hedged Item
THAEXTC_RO Hedge Management: Settings for Cash Flow Type
THAHRT_ASSES_LOG Detail Log for Effectiveness Assessment
THAHRT_MEAS_LOG Detail Log for Effectiveness Measurement
THMC_HEDGE_PROC Config Para for Hedge
THMC_HEDGE_SETUP Configuration Parameters for Hedge
THMC_HR_SETUP Config for the hedging relationship
THMC_PLAN_SETUP Configuration Parameters for Hedge Plan
THMC_TRANS_SETUP Configuration parameters for hedge managment transaction
THMEXT_EXPOS Hedge Management: exposure created by transactions
THMEXT_EXPOS_FX Hedge Management: exposure created by transactions
THMEXT_EXPOS_IR Hedge Management: Exposure created by transactions
THMEXT_LOG Log: External Exposure data applied to Hedge Management
THMEXT_PLANNER Hedge Management: Hedge Plan
THMEXT_ROLL_LOG Log: Rollover of contracts linked to RO created exposures
THMEXT_TRANS Hedge Management: Transactions
THMEXT_TRANS_FX Hedge Management: Transactions
THMEXT_TRANS_IR Hedge Management: IR Transactions
THMHRC_HR_STR Hedge Management: customizing hedge strategy
THMHRC_HR_STRT Hedge Management: customizing hedge strategy
THMHRT_ASS_RETRO Retrospective effectiveness assessment result
THMHRT_CASH_FLOW Calculated cash flows for effectiveness
THMHRT_EXT_PROS External Prospective Assessment
THMHRT_HI_MEAS Fair value change of the hedge comp. in an effective hedge
THMHRT_HR Hedge Relationship
THMHRT_HR_FLAGS Hedge Management: Flags that trigger the HR events
THMHRT_HR_STRAT Effectiveness strategy for the hedging relationship
THMHRT_HR_VAL Valuation details for the hedging relationship
THMHRT_MEASURE Effectiveness measurement result
THMT_ASS_TYPES Effectiveness assessment types
THMT_ASS_TYPEST Name of assessment type
THMT_CALC_TYPES Calculation types
THMT_CALC_TYPEST Name of calculation type
TPMA_DERIV_ASSGN Assignment of Derivation Categories
TPMB_LAC_INTERV Flexible LAC Calculation
TPMTVMFL Position management variation margin flows at sec. account
TRADT_LOCK TR: Accrual/Deferral: TRL Position Lock
TRBRG Authorization Group for Treasury Transactions
TRBRGT Authorization Group for Treasury Transactions
TRCC_UPDATE_TYP Update Type Details
TRCT_BUSTRANS Table of business transactions
TRCT_FLOW Table of business transactions flows
TRDC_DFLOWTYPE Definition of Update Types
TRDC_DFLOWTYPE_T Treasury: Update Type Texts
TRDC_DFT_ASSIGN Assignment of Flow Types to Update Types
TRDT_FLOW Persistent distributor flows
TRDT_INIT_BT TRL Initialization: Transfer Business Transactions
TRDT_INIT_FIX TRL Initialization: Fix/Post Business Transactions
TRDT_SEC_FLOW Persistent distributor flows: Part for BEPP adaptor
TRDT_TRDBUSTRANS Treasury: Persistent distributor business transaction
TRDT_TRDDOCUMENT (Obsolete as of CFM 1.0) Distributor Documents
TRDTC_DFT_ASSGN Update Types for Legacy Data Transfer
TRDTT_DATA_ADMIN Legacy Data Transfer Admin. Entries Business Transactions
TRDTT_DATA_SEC Valuation-Area-Independent Data for Securities
TRDTT_POS_ADMIN Legacy Data Transfer Admin. Entries Subledger Positions
TRDTT_POS_SEC Position Information for Securities
TRDTT_VADATA_FUT Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for Futures
TRDTT_VADATA_OTC "Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for MM
TRDTT_VADATA_SEC Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for Securities
TRGC_AMORT_PROC OLD!! Treasury: Amortization Procedure
TRGC_AMORTPROC_T OLD!! Treasury: Amortization Procedure Texts
TRGC_COM_VALCL General valuation class
TRGC_COM_VALCL_T Treasury: General Valuation Class (Text)
TRGC_CVC_GR Definition: Grouping of General Valuation Class
TRGC_CVC_GR_ASS Assignment of General Valuation Class to Group
TRGC_CVC_GR_STAT Assignment of General Valuation Class to Group
TRGC_CVC1 Assignment of Product Cat. and Trans. Cat. to GVC Group
TRGC_DER_ONLINE Control Derived Business Transactions
TRGC_DERIV_ASSGN Treasury: Assignment of Derivation Categories
TRGC_DF_QUANTCAT Prel. Solution: Assignm.: Update Type - Pos.Mgmnt Cat. Units
TRGC_DFTSOURCASS Assign Update Types to Usages
TRGC_IMP_PROC Impairment Procedure
TRGC_IMP_PROC_T Impairment Procedure Text
TRGC_MIG_PMP_OTC Conversion: Assignment of OTC Position Management Procedures
TRGC_MIGR_PMP Conversion Position Management Procedure
TRGC_MIGR1 Customizing for Converting to Enterprise 2.0
TRGC_MIGR2 Migration: Key Date of Data Transfer per Company Code
TRGC_OLDVALCLASS Treasury: Rel. Betw. Previous and General Valuation Classes
TRGC_PAR Parallel Processing Control
TRGC_PAY_REL Payment Relevance of Update Type
TRGC_PC_EXCL Product Cats of the Parallel Valn Areas to be Excluded
TRGC_PG_EXCL Product Groups to be Excluded in the Parallel Val. Areas
TRGC_PL_ASSIGN Assign Profit/Loss Types to Update Type and Valuation Area
TRGC_PM_PROC Treasury: Position Management Procedure
TRGC_PM_PROC_ASS Assignment of Position Management Procedure
TRGC_PM_PROC_T Treasury: Position Management Procedure Texts
TRGC_PT_EXCL Product Types to be Excluded in the Parallel Val. Areas
TRGC_TAC_VA Assignment of Accounting Code to Valuation Area
TRGC_TAX CFM: Derivation Rules for Tax Flows
TRGC_TR_ACC_CODE Accounting Code
TRGC_VAL_AREA Valuation Areas
TRGC_VAL_CLASS Treasury: Valuation Class
TRGC_VAL_CLASS_T Treasury: Valuation Class (Text)
TRGC_VALCLS_MAP Treasury: Asst of Gen. ValnCl. to ValnCl. for each Valn Area
TRGT_BACKUPACCGR Backup Table Prelim. Sol. - Position Mgmt - Sec. Acct Group
TRGT_BW_ACTIVE BW Link for Parallel Position Management Active
TRGT_INIT Initialization of Parallel Valuation Areas
TRGT_MIG_BTACT Data Table for Flows
TRGT_MIGR Management Table for CFM Migration
TRGT_MIGR_AMP Migration: Assign Opertive Posit. Proc. to Par. Amort Proc.
TRGT_MIGR_PMP Conversion: Assign to Parallel Position Mangmnt Procedures
TRGT_MIGR_VAP Migration: Assign Par. Valn Procedure to Valuation Principle
TRGT_SECACCASGN Obsolete: Do Not Use Anymore!
TRGT_SECACCGRP Securities Account Groups (Definition)
TRGT_TRANS_REVAL Table with Revaluation Structures for Transfer to TR Ledger
TRGT_USER_DATA TR Position Management - User Data
TRLIC_AD TR: Customizing: Accrual/Deferral
TRLIC_AD_EX1 TR: Accrual/Deferral: Further Update Types
TRLIC_AD_HEAD Customizing Accrual/Deferral: Differentiation
TRLIT_AD_MIGRATE Accrual/Deferral: Log Data of Migration to EP 2:
TRLIT_AD_TRANS Accrual/Deferral Business Transactions (Documentation avail)
TRLT_TRANS_DEL Deleted TRL Transactions (BW Only)
TRQB_FLOW CFM: Backup Table for Flow Data in Quantity Ledger
TRQB_LOTFLOW CFM: Backup Table with Lot Flows
TRQB_POSITION CFM: Backup Table for Quantity Ledger Position
TRQB_SUBTOTAL CFM: Backup Table with Quantity Ledger Pos. Transact. Figs
TRQC_LOT_ACC_1 Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_LOT_ACC_2 Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_POS_IND_1 Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_POS_IND_2 Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_POS_IND_3 Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQT_ASSIGN_HIST CFM: Lot Assignment History
TRQT_ASSIGN_ITEM Treasury: Assignment Position
TRQT_ASSIGNMENT Treasury: Assignment Rule
TRQT_BUSTRANS Treasury: Business Transactions
TRQT_FLOW Treasury: Flow Data Quantity Ledger
TRQT_FLOWGROUP Treasury: Transaction Flow Groups
TRQT_INIT_LOT (obsolete)
TRQT_LOT Treasury: Lot
TRQT_LOTFLOW Treasury: Table with Lot Flows
TRQT_POSFLOW Treasury: Position Flows
TRQT_POSITION Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position
TRQT_SUBTOTAL Treasury: Table with Quantity Ledger Position Trans. Figures
TRQT_TRAFLOW Treasury: Transaction Flows
TRXT_FLOW TRM Tax Transaction Flows
TRXT_WT_ASSIGN TRM Withholding Tax Information Assignment
TW19 Securities: Correspondence Forms (Used Up To Release 4.5B)
TW22 Securities classification
TW22T Premium reserve fund (Text)
TW51 Securities Account Statistics Key
TW51T Sec. acct statistics key: Texts
TWB08 Flow types per securities application subfunction
TWB08A Permitted other flows (default)
TWBBBS Assign Additional Flow Types for Valuation
TWD01 Treasury: Securities Account Master Data
TWPOB Portfolio position
TWSD Field Selection Securities Account Master Data
TWSPV Security Prices for Special Valuation
TWWTK Definition of currency exchange accounts
TZBA Holding
TZBAT Holding share (Text)
TZBKM Define Types of Corporate Actions
TZBKMT Text table for TZBKM
TZKN1 Fields as influencing factors for acct assignment reference
TZKN2 Allocation of values to value groups
TZKN2T Allocation of values to value groups
TZKN6 Allocation of charact. group to acct.ass.ref. via invoice no
TZKN7 Acct assignment reference via the invoice no.
TZKN8 TR: Acct assignmnt ref.determination Def. value groups
TZKN8T TR: Acct assignmnt ref.determination Def. value groups
TZSZ1 Fields as factors for allocation of clerks
TZSZ2 Allocation of characteristics to characteristic groups
TZSZ6 Alloc. of characteris.groups to clerk via invoice no.
TZSZ7 Clerk allocation via the invoice no.
TZUSAT Price notations - Text table
VTB_FRGST Control parameter for Release - Status management
VTB2TRD Link Between Financial Transaction Flow and Distributor Flow
VTBACCOUNT TR: G/L account - Master Data Extensions Treasury
VTBAFINKO Alternative Conditions
VTBFHA Transaction
VTBFHAPO Transaction Flow
VTBFHAPO_MIGR Migrated Financial Flows
VTBFHAPO_UNFIXED Non-Fixed Financial Transaction Flows
VTBFHAZU Transaction Activity
VTBFININ Header Table for Financial Products
VTBFINKO Transaction Condition
VTBFIOR FI: open requests
VTBFKTLOG Treasury: Sequence of Functions for Activity Processing
VTBFSEC Securities Collateral
VTBKORES Correspondence Data
VTBKORTMS Treasury: TemSe Administration Data for Confirmation Runs
VTBMA Master Agreement
VTBMACR M. Agreement: Permitted Currencies
VTBMADT Mast. Agreement: Permitted Trans. Types
VTBMALE Master Agreement: Permitted Co. Codes
VTBMAPA Master Agreement: Permitted Bus. Partners
VTBMMOR MM: open requests
VTBMROR invoice verification: open requests
VTBPFHAPO Treasury: Flow Shells
VTBRATE Rate for Activity
VTBSI Hedges
VTBSIANF **Caution! Do not use. Will be deleted!!
VTBSIZU Hedge Allocation
VTBTEKAL Treasury: Due Date Management
VTBTRA1 Transaction Authoriz. for Traders
VTBZV Payment Details for Transaction
VTIAFINKO Alternative Conditions Underlying
VTIFHA Underlying transaction
VTIFHAPO Underlying transaction flows
VTIFHAZU Underlying transaction status table
VTIFINKO Underlying transaction conditions
VTIOF Additional Option Data
VTIOFZU Allocation of Option/Future to Underlying
VTIRATE Rates for Option/Future class
VTIUL Underlying Objects
VTPPOLI Cross-Securities-Account Position
VTVSZCVO Scenario database: exchange rate volatilities
VVTIERLEVEL Tier Level for
VWACTCLASSIF Capitalization of Classification for Product Types
VWBEKI Treasury Securities: Actual Flows - Header
VWBEPI Treasury Securities: Actual Flows - Item
VWBEPP Treasury Securities: Planned Flows
VWBWKM TRTM-PM: Flow table for corporate actions
VWFL_FT_DE CFM: Assign Update Type to Flow Type
VWFL2 Assign Flow Types from TR Transaction to Security
VWFL3 Assign Transaction Number to Position Number
VWFLZPKT Event Control: Assign Function Module to Event
VWIRPPOOLCL_T Text Table for Pool Classification
VWIRPPOOLCLASSIF Classification for Asset Pool
VWIRPTRANCL_T Definition of Classification Terms (Tranche)
VWIRPTRANCLASSIF Tranche Classification
VWKMKO Corporate actions (header)
VWKMPO Corporate actions (items)
VWORDE Order Data
VWPANAN Asset master/asset master relationship
VWPANIN Assign Security Class to Security Index
VWPANLE Interest-bearing securities
VWPBDEP Bank Securities Account Position
VWPBUKR Company Code Position
VWPDEPO Securities Account Position
VWPOSTDOC TR-TM-SE: Securities Posting Document
VWPPOOLRATING Rating for an Asset Pool
VWPPOOLREMARK Comments for Asset Pool
VWPSHARECAP Securities - Information about Share Capital and Votes
VWPSHARECAPITAL TR: Secuirity Share Capital and Votes
VWPTERM Warrants
VWPWPKU Security prices
VWRPLTAF Output sequences for list tool applic. in sec. reportingc
VWRPLTAFLT List of output sequences for securities reporting
VWRPLTFVAF Fields for generating field catalogs and output sequences
VWT_DEFDEP_PT CFM: Default Value Securities Account per Product Type
VWT_DEFDEP_SEC CFM: Default Value Securities Account per ID Number
VWVORTR Securities: Carry-Forward Totals
VWZUORD Securities Assignment Table for Restraints on Disposal
VZSKOKO "Condition header for stock

SAP Transfer to Financial Accounting TABLES (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-AC)

Table Name Description
ADJT_TRANSACTION Treasury: Reconciliation business transactions
ADJTC_DFT_ASSIGN Update Types for Position Reconciliation
BCKTLVT_VAL_FLOW Backup: Treasury: Valuation Flow
BCKTRACT_ACCITEM Treasury: Accounting Items
BCKTRLT_DERIVFLO Treasury: Flows for Derived Business Transactions
BCKTRLT_FLOW Treasury Ledger Flows
BCKTRLT_POSITION Backup: Treasury Ledger Position
TLVC_DFT_ASSGN Assign Update Types for Valuation
TLVT_MANUAL_VAL Book Values for Manual Valuation of Positions
TLVT_VAL_FLOW Treasury: Valuation Flow
TLVT_VAL_STEP Treasury: Valuation Step
TLVT_VAL_TRANS Treasury: Valuation Business Transactions
TRAC_ACCASSREF OLD: Valuation Area-Dependent Account Assignment Refs
TRAC_ACCASSREF_T OLD: Text Table for Account Assignment References
TRAC_ACCSYMB Account Determination: Account Symbols
TRAC_ACCSYMB_INI Alternative Acct Symbols for OTC Transaction Initialization
TRAC_ACCSYMB_T Treasury Account Determination: Text Table for Acct Symbols
TRAC_ACCSYMBREP1 OLD: Prelim. Solution for Acct Det.: Acct Symbol Replacement
TRAC_ACCSYMBREP2 OLD: Prelim. Solut.: Replace Acct Symbols per Acct Ass.Ref.
TRAC_DFTRULE1 Treasury: Assignment of Update Type to Posting Specs
TRAC_DFTRULE2 Treasury: Assgmt of Update Type to Post. Specs per Valn Area
TRAC_POSTRULE Treasury Account Determination: Posting Specifications
TRAC_POSTRULE_T Treasury Account Determination: Text Table Posting Specs
TRACC_AA_REF Treasury: Account Assignment Reference
TRACC_AA_REF_T Treasury: Text Table Account Assignment Reference
TRACC_ACCASSREF1 OLD: TR: Account Assignment Ref. Allocation Old->New
TRACC_ACCSYMBREP Acct Determination: Replacement of Acct Symbols by G/L Accts
TRACC_ADDACCDATA Additional Acct Assignments Dependent on Acct Assignm. Ref.
TRACC_DFT_REL Posting Relevant Update Types
TRACC_GROUP Definition of Grouping Characteristic Values
TRACC_GROUP_T Description of Grouping Characteristic Values
TRACC_MIG_AAREF Migration of Definitions of Account Assignment References
TRACC_MIG_ACCDET Table for Migration of Account Determination
TRACC_POST_REL Exclude Product Types from Posting
TRACT_ACCITEM Accounting Items
TRACT_DOCUMENT Treasury: Accounting Adaptor Document
TRACT_POSCONTEXT Treasury: Position Context Table
TRACT_QUEUE Resubmission for Reversal
TRACTSLA Actual Line Item Table
TRACTSLC Object Table 2
TRACTSLO Object Table 1
TRACTSLP Plan Line Items Table
TRACTSLT Totals Table
TRATC_DFTASS Update Types for Account Assignment Reference Transfer
TRATT_FLOW Transfer Flows
TRATT_TRANS Account Assignment Reference Transfer Business Transactions
TRGC_STEP_PROC Procedure for Steps
TRGC_STEP_PROC_T Step Procedure Texts
TRGT_MIGR1 Management Table for CFM Conversion (Custom. Steps)
TRILC_DFT_ASSGN Assignment of Update Types for Hedge Accounting
TRILT_DFLOW Derived Flows in the Income Ledger
TRILT_DTRANS Derived Business Transactions in the Income Ledger
TRL_C_FT_REPLACE Replacement of Update Types
TRLAC_DFT_PMC Assignment of Update Type to Position Change Category Value
TRLC_CT_INIT Treasury: Contract Types in Parallel Valuation Areas
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_A Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category A
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_B Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category B
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_C Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category C
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_D Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category D
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_E Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category E
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_F Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category F
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_G Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category G
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_H Assignment: Update Types to Position Man. Procedure Cat. H
TRLC_IFT_ASSGN Assign Update Types for Initializing Positions
TRLC_PC_INIT Treasury: Product Cats in the Parallel Valuation Classes
TRLC_UFT_ASSGN Update Types for Valuation Class Transfer
TRLT_BACKUPVORAB Backup Flow Table from Preliminary Solution - Pos. Mgmt Sol.
TRLT_DERIVFLOWS Treasury: Flows for Derived Business Transactions
TRLT_DERIVTRANS Derived Business Transactions
TRLT_DOCUMENT Treasury Ledger Documents
TRLT_FIXINGSUM TR Ledger Transaction Figures
TRLT_FLOW Treasury Ledger Flows
TRLT_FS_COMP TR Ledger: Transaction Figures per Component
TRLT_INIT_POS Admin. Table: (Obsolete as from Support Package 01)
TRLT_INIT_TRANS List of Initializing Business Transactions
TRLT_INIT_VAL_FU Initialization Values for TRL Futures Positions
TRLT_INIT_VAL_LO Initialization Values for TRL Positions: Loans
TRLT_INIT_VAL_SE Initialization Values for TRL Positions: Securities
TRLT_INITIALIZE Management Data for Initialization of Treasury Ledger
TRLT_INITSTEP3 Function Modules of Treasury Ledger Initialization Step 3
TRLT_LOCK Treasury Ledger Position Lock
TRLT_NEW_POS Treasury: New Initialization or Transfer Positions
TRLT_POSITION Treasury Ledger Position
TRLT_TRANSACTION Treasury Ledger Business Transactions
TRLT_VCL_FLOW Flows Valuation Class Transfer
TRLT_VCL_TRANS Valuation Class Transfers
TRPRT_PAYMENTS Persistent Data for Payment Requests
TRSET_BUSTRANS OLD! Preliminary Solution: Transferred Sec. Bus.Transactions
TRSET_FLOW OLD: Prelim. Solution: Transferred Security Flows
TRSET_RUN_HEAD OLD: Prelim. Solution: Transfer Runs
TRSET_RUN_POS OLD: Preliminary Solution: Transfer Run Items
VALC_FORW_PROC OLD! Rate Valuation Procedure: Forward
VALC_FORW_PROC_T OLD! TR: Texts for Rate Valuation Procedures - Forwards
VALC_RPVAL_PROC OLD! TR: Definition - Price Valuation Procedures
VALC_RPVALPROC_T OLD! TR: Texts for Price Valuation Procedures
VALC_TIFE_PROC "OLD! Procedures for One-Step Price Valn
VALC_TIFE_PROC_T "OLD! Texts for One-Step Price Valn
VALC_VAL_PROC OLD! TR: Definition - Valuation Procedure
VALC_VAL_PROC_T OLD! TR: Texts for Valuation Procedures
VALT_SP_VAL_SEC Security Prices and NPV for Special Valuation


Table Name Description
PINC_PI_TRF Cust.Table for Generating Position Account-Position Indic.
PINC_PI_TRL Customizing Table for Generating Sub-Ledger Position Indic.
PINC_PI_TRS Customizing Table for Generating Security Acct Posit.Indic.
PINT_STOCKEX Stock Exchange per Company Code and Class
TPMT_DEDOC_HDR Derivatives Document: Document Header
TPMT_DEDOC_LOTPO Derivatives Document: Document Item Per Lot
TPMT_DEDOC_POS Derivatives Document: Document Item
TPMT_DEPAL_FLOWS Listed Futures: Price Gain Records
TPMT_LOT_HEADER Single Position Master Data for TR Position Management
TPMT_POS_IND_DE Allocation of Acct Assignment Reference to Position
TRFB_CLASS_POS CFM: Backup Table for TRF Class Position
TRFB_FLOW CFM: Backup Table with TRF Flows
TRFB_SUBTOTAL CFM: Backup Table with TRF Transaction Figures
TRFB_SUBTRANS CFM: Backup Table for TRF Business Subtransaction
TRFC_DFTYPE_MP TRF: Update Types for Manual Posting
TRFC_MRG_FT Treasury: Assignment of Update Type to Flow Category
TRFC_PM_FT Treasury: Assignment of Update Type to Flow Category
TRFT_BUSTRANS Treasury: TRF Business Transaction
TRFT_CALC_POS Treasury: TRF Calculation Position
TRFT_CLASS_POS Treasury: TRF Class Position
TRFT_FLOW Treasury: Table with TRF Flows
TRFT_MAN_POST Manual Posting
TRFT_MAN_PT_FLOW TRF: Flows for Manual Posting
TRFT_POS_ACCOUNT Treasury: Futures Account Master Data
TRFT_SUBTOTAL Treasury: Table with TRF Transaction Figure
TRFT_SUBTRANS Treasury: TRF Business Subtransaction
TRIL_BWGART OLD!!! Flow types for Hedge Accounting
TRLC_PMC_TRADING Assignment of Pos. Mgmt Procedures for Trading Positions
TRRC_CA1 TR Reporting: Definition of Currency Accounts
TRRC_CA2 TR Reporting: Assign Levels for Currency Accts for Balance
TRRC_CA3 TR Reporting: Define Revenue Account for Currency Revenues
TRSB_CLASFLO CFM: Backup Table for Class Flows in Securities Account
TRSB_CLASFLO_REV CFM: Backup Table for Class Flows in Securities Account
TRSB_NOM_CORR CFM: Backup Table for Nominal Adjustment
TRSB_POSCHG_FLOW CFM: Backup Table for Flow Rel. to Change in Sec. Acct Pos.
TRSB_RECON_POS CFM: Backup Table for Position Reconciliation
TRSB_SECACCTRANS CFM: Backup Table for Securities Account Transfer
TRSB_SUBTOTAL CFM: Backup Table with Transaction Figures
TRSC_ACCINT Treasury: Assignment of Update Types for Accrued Interest
TRSC_CONDITION Treasury: Update Types for Condition Type
TRSC_CONDITION_P Update Types for Condition Type (Passive Positions)
TRSC_DFLOWTYPE Treasury: Attributes of Update Type for TRS
TRSC_DFTYPE_IP CFM: Update Types for Incoming Payments
TRSC_DFTYPE_MP CFM: Update Types for Manual Posting
TRSC_DFTYPE_NC CFM: Update Types for Nominal Adjustment
TRSC_DFTYPE_SD CFM: Update Type for 'Capitalize Dividends'
TRSC_LEND_TRANS Update Types for Securities Account Transfer for Sec.Lending
TRSC_RECON_PRT Treasury: Type of External Data Record of the Position
TRSC_RECON_RD Treasury: Name of External Data Records
TRSC_RECON_STA Treasury: Status of External Securities Account Statement
TRSC_REF_DISFLO Treasury: Referenced Update Types (Incoming payment)
TRSC_ROUND_RUL_T Treasury: Rounding Rule Text
TRSC_ROUND_RULE Treasury: Rounding Rule
TRSC_SA_TYPE_T Text for Fund Type
TRSC_SECACC_TYPE Securities Account Type
TRSC_SECACCTRANS Treasury: Update Type for Securities Account Transfer
TRST_CLASFLO CFM: Class Flows in Securities Account
TRST_CLASFLO_REV CFM: Reversed Class Flows in Securities Account
TRST_CLASPOS Treasury: Class position in Securities Account
TRST_NOM_CORR Treasury: Nominal Adjustment
TRST_POS_CHG CFM: Securities Account Position Change
TRST_POSCHG_FLOW CFM: Flow for Securities Account Position Change
TRST_RECON_POS Reconciliation Positions
TRST_RECON_RCE Treasury: External Securities Account Statement
TRST_RECON_TXT Text for the Editor
TRST_SECACC_BANK Payment Details for Securities Account
TRST_SECACCTRANS Treasury: Securities Account Transfer
TRST_SUBTOTAL Treasury: Table with Trans.Figs - Class Pos. in Sec. Acct

SAP Information System TABLES (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-IS)

Table Name Description
FTI_BI_C_SWITCH NW700 Only: Switch for DataSource Feed (TRM)
FTI_BI_REP_ODS Reparation Records for Inconsistent Data in ODS 0CFM_O01 /BW
FTI_BI_REQFLDS Fields Requested By BI System
FTI_NULL_ONOFF Field Deactivated (for Hiding Zero Records of Logical DBs)
FTIC_AUTHORITY TR Position Management Reporting: Authorization Check
FTIC_MTASKING Treasury Position Mgmt Parallel Processing Control
TKAF_ONOFF "Field Catalog for General Accounting
TKAF_USER_ONOFF "Field Catalog
TKAFA_ONOFF "Field catalog: Accounting
TKAFA_USER_ONOFF "Field catalog: Accounting
TRGC_PAY_REL_LO "Payment Relevance of Flow Type for Loans
TRIX_DATA Treasury: Cluster Table Info System

SAP Transaction Management TABLES (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-TR)

Table Name Description
AT81M1 Assignment Table: SWIFT Code of Sender -> Business Partner
ATARCHIVE00 Archiving: Minimum retention period per company code
ATARCHIVE01 Archiving: Minimum retention period of transaction in system
ATFWDUL Assignment of Underlying to Transaction
ATRELE1 Transaction release: Release procedure
ATRELE2 Transaction release: Release procedure for detail parameters
FTR_AVG_RATE Average Rates
FTR_AVG_SCHEDULE Schedule with Rates
FTR_CRDT_DEF Definition of Line of Credit
FTR_CRDT_DEF_T Definition of Line of Credit
FTR_TIER_DEF Definition of Rank
FTR_TIER_DEF_T Description of Rank
TIDX_INDEX_DFLOW Relation Between the Indexes and the Distribution Flow Type
TIDX_INDEX_FLOW Relation Between the Indexes and the Flows
TIDX_INDEX_FLOWC Relation Between the Indexes and the Flows
TIDX_PRICE_INDEX Price Index Main Entity
TIDX_PRICE_VALUE Values for the Index
TPM_SECACC_GUARD Assign Transaction - Securities Acct Block
TRIAT Treasury: Int.Rate Adjust. - Registration and Int.Rate Adj.
VTB_ASGN_LIMIT FTR Assignment Mgmt: Limit Profile of Assignment Object
VTB_ASGN_POS FTR Assignment Management: Assigned Position Changes
VTB_ASGN_POSOBJ FTR Assignment Management: Assigned Position Objects
VTB_ASGN_RELAT FTR Assignment Management: Assignment Object
VTB_FMOD_BASIC Field Modification Values
VTB_FMOD_FTR Field Modification Definition
VTB_FMOD_SFGZUST Field Modification at Activity Category Level
VTB_FMOD_SFHAART Field Modification Values
VTB_FMOD_SFUNKTL Field Modification Values
VTB_FX_WEB_QUOTE FX Quotes for Transfer as Transaction
VTB_RULESET FTR Rule Management: Rule
VTB_RULESET_CC FTR Rule Management: Company Code Rules
VTB_RULESET_CR FTR Rule Management: Transaction Currency Rules
VTB_RULESET_PA FTR Rule Management: Business Partner Rules
VTB_RULESET_TT FTR Rule Management: Transaction Type Rules
VTB_WEB_ORGA FTR Web: Organization Mapping to Service
VTB_WEB_QUOTES FX Quotes Received
VTB_WEB_SERV_URL FTR Web: Service Declaration
VTB_WEB_SERVICE Define Web Service and Link to Business Connector
VTB_WEB_SUSER FTR Web: Service Users
VTBMARGIN Int. FX: Rate Markups or Markdowns per Currency Pair
VTBMDEX CFM: Mirror Transaction - Initial Table
VTBMDIN CFM: Mirror Trans.- Incoming Mapping Log. System Counterprty
VTBMDINFKT CFM: Mirror Transaction Mapping Functions
VTBMDLS CFM: Mirror Transaction - Assign Partner - Logical System
VTBMDMAP CFM: Mirror Transaction - Map PType/TType in Meta Name
VTBMDMAPFLW CFM: Mirror Transaction - Map Flows
VTBMDMAPKOND CFM: Mirror Transaction - Map Conditions
VTBMDPARTNER CFM: Mirror Trans.- Unique Assignment of Partner - CoCd
VTBPA Fin. Transaction: Assignment of Further Business Partners
VTBRATING Rating for Financial Transaction
VTBRELE1 Transaction release: Change history

SAP Strategic Enterprise Management TABLES (FIN-SEM)

Table Name Description
HRALETMP HR: Storage of Future Master Data Changes
HRPERSONEE Linking Employee / Central Person
TB027HR Conversion of Marital Status: HR - SAP-BP
TSAD3HR Form of Address Conversion: HR Format - SAP Business Partner

SAP Business Consolidation TABLES (FIN-SEM-BCS)

Table Name Description
UCF0001 Applications: Dynamic Key for Methods
UCF001C Methods
UCF001G Methods: GUID
UCF001T Methods: Text
UCF0020 Method Steps: Hierarchy
UCF0021 Method Steps: Selection Condition
UCF0022 Method Steps: Data of Subcomponents
UCF0023 Method Steps: Inheritance Data and Substitution Data
UCF002C Method Steps
UCF002T Method Steps: Text
UCF0032 Layouts: Use of Components
UCF003C Layouts
UCF003G Layouts: GUID
UCF003T Layouts: Text
UCF0040 Layout Steps: Hierarchy
UCF0041 Layout Steps: Definition of Type
UCF0042 Layout Steps: Definition of Characteristics for Fast Entry
UCF0043 Layout Steps: Definition of Characteristics to be Assigned
UCF004C Layout Steps
UCF004T Layout Steps: Text
UCF1000 Allocation: Definitions per Step (Trigger/Allocation)
UCF1001 Allocation: Key Figures per Component and Step
UCF1002 Allocation: Definitions per Method
UCF2100 C/T: Custom Exchange Rate Sources: Special Characteristics
UCF210C C/T: Custom Data Sources for Exchange Rates
UCF210T C/T: Custom Exchange Rate Sources: Texts
UCF2110 C/T: E/R Indicators: E/R Type Assignments
UCF211C C/T: E/R Indicators
UCF211T C/T: E/R Indicators: Texts
UCF2300 C/T: Methods
UCF2301 C/T: Methods: Target Key Figures
UCF2310 C/T: Methods: Steps
UCF2311 C/T: Methods: Steps: Source Key Figures
UCF3000 Rounding: Method: Key Figure to be Rounded
UCF3001 Rounding: Method: Key Figure to be Checked
UCF3010 Rounding: Method: Steps: Rounding Type
UCF4000 Reclassification: Definitions per Step
UCF4001 Reclassification: Key Figures per Component and Step
UCF4002 Reclassification: Parent/Subsidiary Indicator
UCF5000 IUE: Methods
UCF5001 IUE: Methods: Limits per Currency
UCF5002 IUE: Methods: Limits per Unit of Measure
UCF5010 IUE: Methods: Steps
UCF600C Consolidation of Investments
UCF6010 C/I: System Utilization
UCF6020 C/I: Global Settings
UCF6030 C/I: Global Settings: Threshold Values
UCF6050 C/I: Combined Entry / Goodwill in Divestitures
UCF6100 C/I: Activities: Default Sequence
UCF6110 C/I: Activities: Reported Investment Items
UCF6120 C/I: Activities: Reported Equity Items
UCF6130 C/I: Activities: Reported Items for Push-down Goodwill
UCF6140 C/I: Activities: Statement of Stockholders Equity (Subitems)
UCF6150 C/I: Activities: Posting Items for Push-down Goodwill
UCF6160 C/I: Activities: Default Values for Investment Data Entry
UCF6170 C/I: Activities: Default Values for Equity Data Entry
UCF6180 C/I: Activities: Treatment of Goodwill
UCF6200 C/I: Activities: Reported Items for Equity Holdings Adjustm.
UCF620C C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments
UCF620T C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments
UCF6210 C/I: Activities: Posting Items for Equity Holdings Adjustm.
UCF6300 C/I: Methods
UCF6310 C/I: Methods: Threshold Values
UCF7100 Upload: Methods
UCF7101 Upload: Methods: Characteristic-dependent Settings
UCF7102 Upload: Methods: Blocking Fields
UCF7110 Upload: Methods: Field Catalogs
UCF7300 Data Transfer: Load from Data Stream
UCF7400 Data Transfer Methods: Copy
UCF7410 Data Transfer: Methods Copy
UCF7500 Data Transfer: Deletion Methods
UCF900C Balance Carryforward
UCF9010 Balance Carryforward: Items to be Carried
UCFE01T SAP Cons: Text Table for Data Entry Group
UCFE020 SAP Cons: Assignment of Form to Data Entry Groups
UCFE02T SAP Cons: Text Table for Data Entry Layout
UCFE03G SAP Cons: GUID Table for Forms of Online Data Entry
UCFE03T SAP Cons: Text Table for Forms of Online Data Entry
UCFE040 SAP Cons: Assignment of Structure to Header
UCFE04G SAP Cons: GUID Table for Headers of Online Data Entry
UCFE04T SAP Cons: Text Table for Headers of Online Data Entry
UCFE050 SAP Cons: Allocation of Row/Column Structure to Grid
UCFE05G SAP Cons: GUID Table for Grid
UCFE05T SAP Cons: Text Table for Grid
UCFE060 SAP Cons: Combined Structure
UCFE06G SAP Cons: GUID Table for Structures
UCFE06T SAP Cons: Text Table for Structures
UCFE070 SAP Cons: Properties of Data-Driven Structures
UCFE080 SAP Cons: Properties of Predefined Structures
UCFE081 SAP Cons: Properties of Predefined Structures
UCFI00C IPI Customizing
UCFI10T IPI Customizing: Product Group (Text Table)
UCFI200 IPI Customizing: Inventory Items
UCFI210 IPI Customizing: Equity Posting Items
UCFT000 Data Transfer: Data Transfer Method per Data Stream Type
UCFT001 Data Transfer: Manual Entry
UCFT002 Data Transfer: Flexible Upload
UCFTL00 Data Collection: Overview Screen
UCFTL01 Data Transfer Overview Screen: Methods
UCI1101 "Data Basis
UCI1201 "Date Entry Layout
UCI2100 Upload of Rollup File: Nonstandard Subassignment Fields
UCL2011 Audit Trail: Characteristics
UCL201G Audit Trail: GUID
UCL201T Audit Trail: Text
UCL2030 Change Log: Number of Modified Records
UCL2031 Change Log: Selections
UCL203C Change Log
UCL2040 Log: Stored Logs
UCM_S_OC_BUFFER OC: Buffer for Sender/Receiver Rels
UCM0010 Data Streams of the Data Basis
UCM0011 "Data Basis: Subassignments
UCM0012 Data Basis: Allocation Characteristics
UCM0013 "Data Basis: Optional Fields
UCM0014 Data Basis: Display and Selection Attributes
UCM0015 Additional Data Streams of Data Basis
UCM0016 Data Basis: Source Data Bases
UCM001T Data Basis Name
UCM002C Data Stream of Consolidation
UCM002T Data Stream Name
UCM0030 Consolidation Area: Characteristics and Key Figures
UCM0031 Consolidation Area: Permanent Parameters
UCM0032 Consolidation Area: Restrictions
UCM0033 Consolidation Area: Properties
UCM003C Consolidation Area
UCM003T Consolidation Area Name
UCM1000 Explicit Values: Field Catalog
UCM1001 Explicit Values: Values
UCM100G Explicit Values: GUID
UCM100T Explicit Values: Text
UCM2000 Default Values
UCM600C Organizational Change Number
UCM600T Organizational Change Number
UCMA100 Type of Assets/Liabilities: Posting Items
UCMA101 Type of Asset/Liability: Consolidation Frequency
UCMA10C Type of Assets/Liabilities
UCMA10T Type of Assets/Liabilities
UCMI100 Breakdown Categories: Breakdown Info per Subassignment
UCMI10C Breakdown Categories
UCMI10T Breakdown Categories: Name
UCMI200 Selected Items: Cross-Functional
UCMI210 Selected Items: Consolidation of Investments
UCMI220 Selected Items: Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory
UCML000 Monitor Layouts: Properties
UCML00C Monitor Layouts
UCML00T Monitor Layouts: Name
UCML010 Monitor Layouts: Header Characteristics
UCML020 Monitor Layouts: Row Characteristics
UCML030 Monitor Layouts: Column Characteristics
UCMP000 Perm. Parameters: Current Cons Area
UCMP020 Perm. Parameters: Char.Values per Cons Area
UCMT00C Period Category Group
UCMT00T Period Category Group: Name
UCMT010 Period Category: Periods
UCMT01C Period Category
UCMT01T Period Category: Name
UCMT100 Cons Frequency: Periods
UCMT10C Consolidation Frequency
UCMT10T Cons Frequency: Name
UCMV01T SEM-BCS: Special Versions: Name
UCS0100 Tasks: Method
UCS0102 Tasks: CU-Dependency of Method Assignment
UCS0103 Tasks: Elimination of IU P/L in Inventory
UCS0104 Tasks: Validation
UCS0105 Tasks: Cons Frequency
UCS0106 Tasks: Period Initialization
UCS0107 Tasks: Processing Type for Custom Tasks
UCS0108 Tasks: Data Streams for Copy Task
UCS010T Tasks: Text
UCS0110 Tasks: Preceding Tasks
UCS01A0 Tasks: Settings for Log Display
UCS01A1 Tasks: Log Layout: Custom Layouts
UCS01A2 "Tasks: Log Layout: Sequence
UCS01A3 Tasks: IPA or CVA
UCS020T Task Groups: Text
UCS0300 Cycle: Consolidation Frequency
UCS0301 Cycle: Version
UCS030C Cycle
UCS030T Cycle: Text
UCT100T Set: Text
UCT101C Set: Rows
UCT101T Set: Text for Rows
UCT2001 Single Field Sel.: Single Values for Independent Chars
UCT200C Single Field Selection: Check Table for Names for Reuse
UCT200G Single Field Selection: GUID
UCT200T Single Field Selection: Text
UCT2010 Single Field Selection: Range for Selection Characteristic
UCT2011 Single Field Selection: Range for Higher-Level Characterist.
UCT2012 Single Field Selection: Node Type and Value
UCT2013 "Single Field Selection: Node Value
UCT2014 Single Field Sel.: Additional Hier. Info (e.g. Hier.Name)
UCT2015 "Single Field Sel.: Additional Hier. Info
UCT2016 Single Field Selection: Cross Characteristic
UCT3000 Selection Condition: Characteristics
UCT300C Selection Conditions
UCT300G Selection Condition: GUID
UCT300T Selection Conditions
UCT4000 Target Account Assignment: Characteristics
UCT400C Target Account Assignment: GUID
UCT400G Target Account Assignment: GUID
UCT400T Target Account Assignment: GUID
UCT8000 Assignment: Mapping - Mapping Rule
UCT800G Data Mapping Rule GUIDs
UCT8010 Mapping Rule: Row Content
UCT8011 Mapping Rule: Details of Condition
UCT8012 Mapping Rule: Details of Reassignment
UCT8013 Mapping Rule: Header Info MOVE Operator
UCT8014 Mapping Rule: Details of Move Operator
UCT8015 Mapping Rule: Details of Apply Operator
UCT8016 Mapping Rule: Substitute for Source Field
UCT801C Name of Mapping Rule
UCT801G Conversion Rule
UCT801T Text Table for Mapping Rule
UCUM010 Assignment of Cutoff Tasks to User
UCUM020 Assignment of Cutoff Tasks to User Role
UCUW001 SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists
UCUW011 SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists

SAP Consolidation Functions TABLES (FIN-SEM-BCS-CSF)

Table Name Description
UCFV000 Validation: Method Settings
UCFV100 Validation: Check Hierarchy
UCFV101 Validation: Checks
UCFV102 Validation: Messages
UCFV103 Validation: Selection Conditions in FoBu Editor
UCFV104 Validation: Message Variables
UCFV10T Validation: Checks - Texts
UCFV110 Validation: Selection Conditions
UCFV11T Validation: Selection Conditions - Texts
UCFV200 Validation Method: Validation Checks
UCFV201 Validation Method: Messages
UCFV202 Validation Method: Message Variables
UCFV20G Validation Method: Hierarchy
UCFV21C Validation Check: Check Table for Names with Reuse
UCFV21G Validation Check: GUID
UCFV21T Validation Check: Text
UCFV220 Validation Check: Selection Conditions
UCFV22T Validation Check: Selection Condition: Text
UCST000 SEM-BCS: Status of Performance Statistics

SAP Information System TABLES (FIN-SEM-BCS-IS)

Table Name Description
UCRX01C XBRL: Taxonomies
UCRX02G SEM-BCS: XBRL Interface: Taxonomy Elements GUIDs

SAP Business Information Collection TABLES (FIN-SEM-BIC)

Table Name Description
UIASSIGN Assignment of User to Subsets of Characteristics
UIDOC Results Document of a Research Run (SEM-BIC)
UIOPAND Syntax of AND Linking Operator
UIOPNOT Syntax of NOT Linking Operator
UIOPOR Syntax of OR Linking Operator
UIORD Research Request (SEM Business Information Collection)
UIORD_R_DELIV Relation Research Request <-> Delivery Type (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_FREQ Relation Research Request <-> Frequency (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_IUSR Relation between Research Request and InfoUser (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_KW Relation Research Request <-> Keyword (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_LANG Relation Bet. Research Request and Result Langs (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_SRC Relation Between Research Request and Data Provider
UIORD_T Text (Short Description) on Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UISETTINGS Table of User's Personal Settings
UISRC_R_KW Relation Content Provider <-> Keyword (SEM-BIC)
UISRC_R_LANG Relation Content Provider <-> Content Language (SEM-BIC)
UISRC_R_TYP Rel. Content Provider <-> Content Provider Type (SEM-BIC)
UISRCDESCR Table Data Source Description
UISRCLOGON Table Data Source Logon
UISRCURL Content Provider
UISUBSET Assignment to Evaluation Objects: Subset of Characteristics
UISUBSETTXT Text Table for Assignment Variants in SEM-BIC

SAP Business Planning and Simulation TABLES (FIN-SEM-BPS)

Table Name Description
UPE_MODEL Planning Modeler: Table Models
UPE_MODELT Planning Modeler: Text Table Models
UPE_PARAM Planning: Parameterization (SD files)
UPE_PARAM_ABC Planning: Parameterization (ABC files)
UPE_PARAM_DOC Planning: Parameter Group (Documents)
UPE_PARAMT Planning: Parameter Group Texts
UPE_PARAMT_ABC Planning: Parameter Group Texts
UPE_PARAMT_DOC Planning: Parameter Group Texts
UPE_ZAHL Counter

SAP Business Planning TABLES (FIN-SEM-BPS-BP)

Table Name Description
UPB_CCP_CUST SEM Cost Center Planning: Customizing Table
UPB_CMI_100 Capital Market Interpreter: Versions + Data Source
UPB_CMI_100_T Capital Market Interpreter: Texts
UPB_CMI_101 CMI: Assignment to Characteristics
UPB_CMI_102 CMI: Key Figures
UPB_CMI_102_T CMI: Key Figures - Texts
UPB_CMI_103 CMI: Versions for Sensitivity Analysis
UPB_CMI_104 CMI: Assignment Function Modules
UPB_CMI_105 CMI: Entry Layouts
UPB_CMI_107 CMI: User-Dependent Default Selections
UPB_CMI_108 CMI: Input Layouts: BPS Functions to Be Called
UPB_CMI_109 CMI: User <-> CMI Version
UPB_CMI_110 Graphic - BLOBs
UPB_CMI_KF CMI: Key Figures
UPB_CMI_KF_T CMI: Key Figures - Texts
UPB_CUBE_REF Planning Applications: Reference to InfoCubes
UPB_CW_ANSWER Cost Center Wizard: Answers
UPB_CW_AREA Cost Center Wizard: Planning Areas
UPB_CW_CUBE Cost Center Wizard: InfoCubes
UPB_CW_ED Cost Center Wizard: Economic Description (Economic Object)
UPB_CW_ES Cost Center Wizard: Economic Specification
UPB_HI_REF Planning Applucations: Reference to Hierarchy
UPB_MD_REF Planning Applications: OLD!!!!!!! Reference to Master Data
UPB_MD_REF_N Planning Applications: Reference to Master Data
UPB_SY_BPSCONN Level and Area for which Classes Were Generated
UPB_SY_CLINFO Attributes of Generated Class for Connection of Survey
UPB_T_MD_ROLE Characteristic Role Assignment Persistence
UPB_TD_REF Planning Applications: Reference to Transaction Data
UPB_YT_HIERARCHY BW Hierarchies: Header Data
UPB_YT_MASTER Table for Master Data
UPBX Planning Applications: Generic Data Container

SAP Planning Applications TABLES (FIN-SEM-BPS-PLA)

Table Name Description
UPA_EXP_AFUNC Assignments of Layouts to Web-CCP Application
UPA_EXP_LAYOUT Assignments of Layouts to Web-CCP Application

SAP Corporate Performance Monitor TABLES (FIN-SEM-CPM)

Table Name Description
UMC_CUST General Settings
UMC_DFTRFC CPM: Standard BW RFC Destination
UMC_GR100 Customizing for Standard Graphic
UMC_LG100 Log
UMC_LG101 Log: Items
UMC_MEASSCALE Texts for Scaling Factors
UMC_PC100 Closing of Periods
UMC_RSTRCT Restrictions
UMC_RU100 Periodization
UMC_RU100T Periodization: Texts
UMC_RU101 Periodization: Subintervals
UMC_RU101T Periodization: Subintervals - Texts
UMC_SE100 CPM : Application Settings
UMC_SERVER_GROUP Server Group for Parallel Processing of the MDX Statement
UMC_STD_BLOBS Standard - Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMC_STD_XML Standard - Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMC_TD100 Task List
UMC_TD102 Taks List: Storage
UMC_TD110 Task List: Message
UMC_UN100 Notification
UMC_UN101 Notification E-Mail Template
UMK_BMK001 Master Data Mapping Profile
UMK_BMK001T Profile Text Table
UMK_BMK002 Master Data Mapping
UMK_BU100 Total Float
UMK_BU101 Total Float
UMK_BU102 Buffer User
UMK_DFTRFC Default BW Destination for Measure Builder
UMK_MB120 Benchmark Data Source <-> Measure
UMK_MB150 Company <-> Provider Measure
UMK_MB160 Source for Measure
UMK_MB400 Benchmark Selections
UMR_EX100 RMS: Measure Deviations for Risks
UMR_EX110 RMS: Measure Targets
UMR_EX120 RMS: Measure Status & Risk Status
UMR_RF100 RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields
UMR_RF101 RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields Selection Criteria
UMR_RF102 RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields BW Variable
UMR_RF103 RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields BW Variables
UMR_RI102 RMS: Global Settings
UMR_RI105 RMS: Assignment of Value Fields for Deviations
UMR_RI110 RMS: Assignment of Target Systems
UMR_RI111 RMS: Assignment of TS-Specific Deviation Value Fields
UMR_RI112 OBSOLETE RMS: Deviations per Thread Level for Measure
UMR_RI114 RMS: Measure Selection and Attributes
UMR_RI115 RMS: Measure Formula Argument Assignment
UMR_RI116 RMS: Measure Weight Data Selection - NOT USED
UMR_RI117 RMS: Measure Weight Data Selection - Selections - NOT USED
UMR_RI118 RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields Read Only Flag
UMR_RI120 RMS: Assignment of Risks
UMR_RI121 RMS: Owner of Risk
UMR_RI124 OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity - Header
UMR_RI125 OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity Versions
UMR_RI125T OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity Versions Text T
UMR_RI126 OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity
UMR_RI128 RMS: Measure Deviations for Risks
UMR_RI129 RMS: Risk Status for Measure
UMR_RI131 Obsolete: RMS Graphic Settings
UMR_RI140 RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities (Master)
UMR_RI140T RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities (Text Table)
UMR_RI141 RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities - Milestones
UMR_RI141T RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities - Milestones - Text Table
UMR_RI142 RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities - Team Members
UMR_RI150 RMS: Assignment of Risk-Reducing Activities to Risk
UMR_RI200 RMS: Assigned BW Queries
UMR_RI201 RMS: BW Web Report
UMR_RI201T RMS: BW Web Report
UMR_TL100 Threat Level: Master
UMR_TL100T Threat Level: Text Table
UMR_UP101 User Settings
UMV_GS100 Orientations of Value Driver Tree
UMV_HI100 Value Driver Tree Hierarchy: Header Table
UMV_HI101 Value Driver Tree Hierarchy: Text Table
UMV_TR100 Value Driver Tree: Header Table
UMV_TR101 Value Driver Tree: Text Table
UMV_TR102 Value Driver Tree: Selections of the CPM Variables
UMV_TR103 Value Driver Tree: Runtime Variables Used
UMV_TR104 Value Driver Tree: Value Combinations of Runtime Variables
UMV_TR105 Value Driver Tree: Assignment of BPS Characteristics
UMV_TR106 Value Driver Tree: Responsible Person
UMV_TR107 Value Driver Tree: Value Fields for Simulation
UMV_TR108 Value Driver Tree: Versions of Value Fields for Simulation
UMV_TR110 Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Used Value Drivers
UMV_TR111 Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Value Driver Dependencies
UMV_TR112 Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Value Fields of a Value Driver
UMV_TR113 Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Selections for the Value Fields
UMV_TR114 Obsolete:Value Driver Tree: BIC Selections for Value Drivers
UMV_TR115 Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:BW Queries and Workbooks of Drivers
UMV_TR116 Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields
UMV_TR117 Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields
UMV_TR120 Value Driver Tree: Graphics
UMV_TR121 Value Driver Tree: Assignment of Value Fields to Graphics
UMV_TR122 Value Driver Tree: Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMV_TR123 Value Driver Tree: Graphics : Texts
UMV_TR124 Value Driver Tree: Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMV_TR125 Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
UMV_TR125T Obsolete:Val. Driver Tree:Texts Assign. Web Reports to Value
UMV_TR126 Obsolete: Frame: URL
UMV_TR126T Obsolete: Frame: URL
UMV_TR127 Value Driver Tree: Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMV_TR210 Value Driver Tree: Used Measures
UMV_TR211 Value Driver Tree: Measure Dependencies
UMV_TR212 Value Driver Tree: Value Fields or Measure
UMV_TR213 Value Driver Tree: Selections for the Value Fields
UMV_TR214 Value Driver Tree: BIC Selections for Measures
UMV_TR215 Value Driver Tree: BW Queries and Workbooks for Measures
UMV_TR216 Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields
UMV_TR217 Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields
UMV_TR218 Value Driver Tree: Assignment of BPS Functions to Measures
UMV_TR219 Value Driver Tree - Measures: BPS Measure
UMV_TR225 Value Driver Tree: Assignment of web Reports to Measures
UMV_TR225T Value Driver Tree:Text Assignment of Web Reports to Measures
UMV_TR226 Value Driver Tree: Assignment of URLs to Measures
UMV_TR226T Value driver Tree: Text Assignment URLs to Measures
UMV_TR227 Value Driver Tree: Responsible Persons for Measures
UMV_TR230 Value Driver Tree: Assign Value Fields to Formula Arguments
UMV_TR231 "Value Driver Tree: Status
UMV_TR301 Value Driver Tree: Default Values for Runtime Variables
UMV_TR302 Value Driver Tree: User-Dependent Default Values
UMV_VD100 Obsolete: Value Drivers: Header Table
UMV_VD101 Obsolete: Value Drivers: Text Tables

SAP Balanced Scorecard TABLES (FIN-SEM-CPM-BSC)

Table Name Description
UMB_BU100 BW Buffer (Cross-Application)
UMB_CI100 General Initiatives: Header Table
UMB_CI101 General Initiatives: Texts
UMB_CM100 Performance Overview: Header Table
UMB_CM100T Performance Overview: Texts
UMB_CM101 Performance Overview: Item
UMB_CM102 Compensation Matrix: Assignment of Person
UMB_CO100 General Objectives: Header Table
UMB_CO101 General Objectives: Texts
UMB_CO102 General Objectives: Measure Label
UMB_CO103 General Objectives: Measure Label Text
UMB_EBB_STRUC Briefing Book Structure
UMB_GS100 Value Fields
UMB_GS101 Value Fields: Texts
UMB_HI100 Scorecard Hierarchy: Header Table
UMB_HI101 Scorecard Hierarchy: Texts
UMB_HI110 Scorecard Aggregation Hierarchy
UMB_MA_PE101 Miniapp Personalization - Owner Filter
UMB_MA_PE102 Miniapp Personalization - Status Filter
UMB_MC100 Scorecard: Measure Value Fields
UMB_MC101 Scorecard: Characteristics for the Value Fields of a Measure
UMB_MC102 Scorecard: Graphics
UMB_MC103 Scorecard: Assignment of Columns to Graphics
UMB_MC104 Scorecard: Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMB_MC105 Scorecard: Graphics: Texts
UMB_MC106 Scorecard: BW Variables for the Value Fields of a Measure
UMB_MC107 Scorecard: BW Variables for the Value Fields of a Measure
UMB_MC108 Scorecard: Graphic - Setting in XML Format
UMB_MC109 Scorecard: Graphic - Setting in XML Format
UMB_OB100 Objectives: Header Table
UMB_OB101 Objectives: Texts
UMB_OFL_STATUS Download Process Status
UMB_PE100 Perspectives: Header Table
UMB_PE101 Perspectives : Texts
UMB_PT100 Personalization Template: Master
UMB_PT101 Personalization Template: Items
UMB_SA010 Strategic Advice: Workflow Customizing
UMB_SA100 Strategic Advice
UMB_SA101 Strategic Advice: Report
UMB_SA102 Strategic Advice: Recipient
UMB_SA200 Strategic Advice for an Initiative
UMB_SA201 Strategic Advice for an Initiative: Report
UMB_SC100 Scorecard: Header Table
UMB_SC101 Scorecard: Texts
UMB_SC102 Scorecard: Value Definition of the CPM Variable
UMB_SC103 Scorecard: Measure Assignment
UMB_SC104 Scorecard: Strategy Assignment
UMB_SC105 Scorecard: Objective Assignment
UMB_SC107 Scorecard: BIC Selections
UMB_SC108 Scorecard: Perspectives : BIC Selections
UMB_SC109 Scorecard: Perspectives: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC110 Scorecard: Column Assignment
UMB_SC111 Scorecard: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC112 Scorecard: Perspective Assignment
UMB_SC113 Scorecard: Perspective Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC116 Scorecard and BPS Web Interface
UMB_SC120 Scorecard: Strategy Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC121 Scorecard: Strategy: BIC Selection
UMB_SC122 Scorecard: Strategies: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC140 Scorecard: Objective Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC142 Scorecard: Cause-Effect Chain
UMB_SC150 Scorecard: Objective Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC151 "Scorecard: Objective Score
UMB_SC152 Scorecard: Objective: BIC Selections
UMB_SC153 Scorecard: Objective: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC160 Scorecard: Measure Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC161 "Scorecard: Measure Score
UMB_SC162 Objective: Measure Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC163 Scorecard: Assignment of Formula Argument to Value Fields
UMB_SC164 Scorecard: Formula to Calculate the Status of a Measure
UMB_SC165 Scorecard: Assignment of Formula Value to Measure Status
UMB_SC166 Scorecard: Measures: BIC Selections
UMB_SC167 Scorecard: Measures: BPS Link
UMB_SC168 Scorecard: Measures: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC170 Scorecard: Weights for Status Calculation
UMB_SC171 Scorecard: BW Web Report (Obsolete)
UMB_SC171T Scorecard: BW Web Report (Obsolete)
UMB_SC172 Scorecard: URL (Obsolete)
UMB_SC172T Scorecard: URL (Obsolete)
UMB_SC173 Scorecard: BW Web Report
UMB_SC173T Scorecard: BW Web Report
UMB_SC174 Scorecard: URL
UMB_SC174T Scorecard: URL
UMB_SC180 Scorecard: Initiatives
UMB_SC181 Scorecard: Texts for Initiatives
UMB_SC182 Objectives: Initiative Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC183 Scorecard: Assignment of General Initiatives to Objectives
UMB_SC184 Scorecard: Status of a General Initiative
UMB_SC185 "Scorecard: Initiative Score
UMB_SC186 Scorecard: Initiative: Team Members
UMB_SC187 Scorecard: Initiative: Message for Team Members
UMB_SC188 Scorecard: Initiative: Benefits
UMB_SC189 Scorecard: Initiative: Benefits Text Table
UMB_SC190 Scorecard: Initiatives: BIC Selections
UMB_SC191 Scorecard: Initiatives: BPS Links
UMB_SC192 Scorecard: Initiatives: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC193 Scorecard: BW Key Figure Values of an Initiative
UMB_SC194 Scorecard: Characteristics for BW Key Figs of an Initiative
UMB_SC195 Scorecard: BW Variables for Value Fields of an Initiative
UMB_SC196 Scorecard: BW Variables for Value Fields of an Initiative
UMB_SC197 Scorecard: Initiative: Milestones
UMB_SC198 Scorecard: Initiative: Milestones (Text Table)
UMB_SC199 Scorecard: Assignment of Formula Argument to Value Fields
UMB_SC201 Scorecard: Perspective Score & A&C BDS Doc ID
UMB_SC211 Scorecard: Strategy Score & A&C BDS Doc ID
UMB_SC221 Scorecard: Score & A&C BDS Doc ID
UMB_SC300 Owner Variable
UMB_SC301 Selection of Scorecard Elements
UMB_SG100 Scorecard Group
UMB_SG100T Scorecard Group: Texts
UMB_SG101 Scorecard Group: Scorecard Assignment
UMB_ST100 Strategies: Header Table
UMB_ST101 Strategies: Texts
UMB_ST104 Strategy category
UMB_ST104T Strategy Category: Texts
UMB_UP100 Substitute
UMB_UP102 User Settings
UMB_UP110 Personal Views: Master Table
UMB_WEB_APP Table of Web Applications for Launchpad

SAP Management Cockpit TABLES (FIN-SEM-CPM-MC)

Table Name Description
UMM_BU100 Selections for Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU101 Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU102 Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU103 Selections for Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU104 Buffer of Characteristics
UMM_BU105 Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU106 Selections for Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU107 Buffer of Characteristics
UMM_CO001 Drilldown Characteristics in Cockpits
UMM_CO002 User Group <-> Cockpit
UMM_CO003 User Group <-> User
UMM_CO100 Cockpits: Header Table
UMM_CO101 Cockpits: Assigned Walls
UMM_CO102 Cockpits: Assignment of Variables with Selection Conditions
UMM_CO103 Cockpits: Texts
UMM_CO104 Cockpits: Hierarchy Node
UMM_CO105 Cockpits: Texts for the Hierarchy Nodes
UMM_CO109 Cockpits: Frame List Ordered by Selection Criteria
UMM_COBUF Cockpit BW Buffer Case Number (For Runtime Variable)
UMM_CUST General Customizing Settings
UMM_DFT_BICDATA Default BIC Data for Frame
UMM_DFT_CHART Default BW Data for Cockpit Frame
UMM_DFT_ERRMSG Default Error Message for Frame
UMM_DFT_LABEL Default Chart Unit for Frame Graphics
UMM_DFT_LEGDATA Default Legacy Data for Frame BW Data
UMM_DFT_LEGSTUC Table: Default Legacy Structure for Cockpit
UMM_DFT_Q_RANGE Default Value Range for 4 Quadrants
UMM_DFT_T_RANGE Default Value Range for Tachometer
UMM_FR100 Frames: Header Table
UMM_FR101 Frames: Dimensions
UMM_FR102 Frames: Key Figures
UMM_FR103 Frames: Texts
UMM_FR106 Frames : Graphic - BLOB (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMM_FR107 Frames: Graphic - Legend
UMM_FR108 Value Ranges: Tachometer
UMM_FR109 Value Ranges: 4 Quadrants
UMM_FR110 Frames:Graphics Assignment
UMM_FR111 Frames : Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMM_FR113 Frame: Workbooks and Queries
UMM_FR114 Frame: BW Variables
UMM_FR115 Frame: Replacement of BW Variables
UMM_FR116 Frame Web Report
UMM_FR117 Frame: Web Report Text
UMM_FR118 Frame: BIC Selections
UMM_FR119 Table for Legend Color (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMM_FR120 Table for Graphics Color (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMM_FR121 Frame: URL
UMM_FR122 Frame: URL
UMM_FR123 Frames : Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMM_LG100 Selections for Log of Transaction Data Buffer
UMM_LN101 Cockpit Objects: Links and Reports
UMM_LN102 Cockpit Objects: Links and Reports - Texts
UMM_LV100 Logical Views: Header Table
UMM_LV101 Logical Views: Assigned Frames
UMM_LV102 Logical Views: Texts
UMM_SH101 Standard Style
UMM_SH102 User-Specific Style
UMM_ST100 Status of the Frames in the Cockpits
UMM_ST101 Selections for Status of the Frames in the Cockpits
UMM_ST102 Status of the Frames in the Cockpits
UMM_VA100 Variables: Header Table
UMM_VA101 Variables: Texts
UMM_VA102 Variables: Proposed Variables for the Dimensions
UMM_VA103 Variables: Proposed Selections
UMM_VA104 Runtime Variable Display Sequence (in Presentation Side)
UMM_WA100 Walls: Header Table
UMM_WA101 Walls: Assigned Logical Views
UMM_WA102 Walls: Texts

SAP Stakeholder Relationship Management TABLES (FIN-SEM-SRM)

Table Name Description
BDS_CON028 BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Class
BDSCHKF28 BDS: File Name at Last Checkout
BDSCHKO28 BDS: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object
BDSCONT28 BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO28 BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT28 BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR28 BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE28 BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI28 BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF28 BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR28 BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO28 BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM28 BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR28 BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE28 BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI28 BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE28 BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR28 BDS: Relationship Attributes
SRMCONTENT SEM-SRM: Table for Document Contents
USC_COMM_TYPES Default Communication Types for Contact Categories
USC_CONT_ADD SRM Contact: Event Info
USC_CONT_DOC SRM Contact: Documents
USC_CONT_KWD SRM Contact: Keywords
USC_CONT_KWT SRM Contact: Keyword Catalog
USC_CONT_PERSON Customizing Contacts: Contact Person in IR Department
USC_CONT_REL SRM Contact: Related Contacts
USC_CONT_STH SRM Contact: Stakeholders
USC_CONT_TXT SRM Contacts: Texts
USC_CONTACT SRM Contact: Central Storage of Contacts
USC_MAILPROVIDER Contacts: Service Provider for Mass Mailing
USC_TEMPLATE Forms / SmartForms by Communication Type
USS_BWKW_DOC_GRP SRM: Transfer Table for DOC_GRP
USS_COMP_FIGS Key Figures Related to Company
USS_CONT_GRAF Contact Categories for Graphic
USS_COVERAGE "Coverage (Industries
USS_CUST_TABLE SRM: Customizing Table
USS_DENOM Denomination of the Stock
USS_EXP_TYPE Expectations
USS_FIG_CTYPE Key Figures Related to Company
USS_FIG_STYPE Key Figure Related to Securities
USS_FIN_CENTER Financial Center
USS_INFLUENCE Stakeholder Influence
USS_INFO_SOURCE Information Sources
USS_LANGU Languages and Their Priority in SEM-SRM
USS_NOT_ASSIGNED Stakeholder that have no group and/or no influence
USS_PARTNER_DEL Stakeholders whose data is to be deleted
USS_PORTF_STAT Portfolio: Status
USS_PORTFOLIO Company Portfolio
USS_RAT_DOCS Analyst Ratings: Documents
USS_RATINGS Analyst Ratings
USS_RECOMMEND Analyst Recommendation
USS_RFCDEST SRM: RFC Destination for BW (Only 1 Entry per Client)
USS_SEC_TYPE Security Type
USS_SHARE_ABS SRM: Total Number of All Company Shares
USS_SHARE_DIVID Dividends per Security
USS_SHARE_FIGS Key Figure Related to Securities
USS_SHARE_TICK Ticker Symbols
USS_SHARE_TYPE SEM-SRM: Table for Shares
USS_SHARE_VAL SRM: Total Number of All Company Shares
USS_SKWF_PKG SRM: Special KW Packages with Attributes
USS_SRM_POSIT Position of a Stakeholder in the Company
USS_STAKEHOLDER SEM-SRM: Specific Master Data of Stakeholder
USS_STH_CONT SRM: Contact Dummy Table for Data Import
USS_STH_CONT1 SRM: Contact Dummy Table for Data Import
USS_STH_COVER SEM-SRM: Relationship Stakeholder and Coverage
USS_STH_EXPECT SEM-SRM: Expectations of Stakeholders
USS_STH_INFL SEM-SRM: Influence of Stakeholders
USS_STH_SHARE SEM-SRM: Shares of Stakeholders
USS_STH_SHARE_PR SRM: Shares of Investors in Company
USS_STH_STH_GRP SEM-SRM: Group of Stakeholders
USS_TDENOM SRM: Text for Denomination of Stock
USS_TEXP_TYPE SRM: Text for Type of Expectation
USS_TFIG_CTYPE Text for Key Figures Related to Company
USS_TFIG_STYPE Text for Key Figure Related to Securities
USS_TFIN_CENTER Text for Financial Center
USS_TINFLUENCE SRM: Text for Influence
USS_TINFO_SOURCE SRM: Text for Information Sources
USS_TPORTF_STAT Text for Portfolio: Status
USS_TRECOMMEND Text for Analyst Recommendation
USS_TREE_DEFAULT SRM: User-Specific Settings for Transactions usth0 and ucon0
USS_TSEC_TYPE SRM: Text for Security Type
USS_TSRM_POSIT SRM: Text for Position
USS_TSTOCK_INDEX SRM: Text for Stock Indexes
USS_UCON0_DATA07 "UCON0: Hierarchy 07
USS_UCON0_DATA08 "UCON0: Hierarchy 08
USS_UCON0_HIER05 UCON0: Hierarchy 05
USS_USTH0_DATA04 "USTH0: Hierarchy 04
USS_USTH0_DATA06 "USTH0: Hierarchy 06
USS_USTH0_DATA07 "USTH0: Hierarchy 07
USS_USTH0_HIER03 USTH0: Hierarchy 03
USS_USTH0_HIER04 USTH0: Hierarchy 04
USS_USUR1_DATA USUR1: Stakeholder to a Hierarchy
USS_WEB_SURVEY USUR0: Link Between Web Survey and Contact

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