SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.

SAP SAP Business Information Warehouse TABLES (BW)

Table Name Description
RSADMINA Control Table that Customer can Change
RSBRATLOG BRAT logs from developers - XML form of contents for ITABs
RSPRECADMIN Table for maintaining prec server workload
RSPRECALCADMIN Table for maintaining prec server workload
RSR_PREC_TIMEOUT Timeout For Workbook Precalculation
RSR_PREC_WB_SET Settings for a Workbook
RSRA_ER_LOG_DATA Table of Logged Data Cells
RSRA_ER_LOG_ENTR Log Entries for every Exception
RSRA_ER_LOG_IX BW: Cluster Table for Report Agent Exception Log
RSRA_IXDS Cluster table for storing the key for the DataStore

SAP Business Content and Extractors TABLES (BW-BCT)

Table Name Description
ASRSTAT_LIFETIME ASR Statistic lifetimes
ASRSTAT_RULES Rules for aggregation
CMCPMBD Market Structure of External Data Providers
CMMBD Market Structure of External Data Providers
E2E_ESREP_SYS Solution System Customizing Table for ES Report
EPM_TARGETSYSTEM Primary System for KPIs and KPI Values
GRCCC_DEL_PGMS Generated Partial DSO & InfoCube Data Deletion Programs
RSBCT_TEC_PORTAL Settings for the Telecommunications Portal
RSBCT_TEC_UPDATE Settings for the InfoProvider Update
RSBCT_TEC_USRSTA Allocation of User Status to Status Objects
RSBCT_XSA_CLESTA xSA Cleansing Status
RSBCT_XSA_CLSSTA xSA Cleansing Sub-Status
RSBCT_XSA_PO_TT Purchase order text (Training)
RSBCT_XSA_PO_TXT Purchase order text
RSBCTACT BI Content Activation
RSBCTGRCFNTFDELP GRC FN - Deletion Programs for BI targets of GRC BI
RSBCTGRCFNTFLOAD GRC FN - Timeframe Re-Load Customizing
RSBCTMA_TPID Master Data: Trading Partner
RSCONTACT_COL Mapping of Objects to Source Systems for Content Activator
RSCONTENTCHECK_C Customizing for Contentchecks
RSCONTENTCHECK_E Exceptions Table for Content Checks
RSCONTENTPACKAGE Packages used for BI Content Checks
RSCONTENTPROP Global System Properties for BIContent Checks
RSCRMHIFLAGT BW: Texts for Fixed InfoObject 0CRM_HIFLAG
RSCXP_TXT_MAP Mapping for Textpools in Webtemplates
RSCXP_TXTPROG ABAP Programs used as Textpools in Webtemplates
RSDMTU_CUSMON User-Specific Tree Display Monitor
RSLBCT_C_GEN ERMA Stock Ledger: General Settings
RSMRMT_A_CUSTOMI Customizing Table
RSMRMT_A_M_CLIST Accrual Methods Mapped to Planning Profile Group
RSMRMT_A_MOD_DSC Accrual Models - Model Description
RSMRMT_A_MODEL Model Details
RSMRMT_C_CLS_ATR Coupon Redemption Model - Class Characteristic List
RSMRMT_C_CLS_REL CoRM Model Results -> Class to Characteristic Value Relation
RSMRMT_C_CUSTOMI Customizing Table
RSMRMT_C_MODEL Coupon Redemption Model
RSMRMT_C_MODEL_T Texts for CoRM Models
RSMRMT_C_RP_DTL CoRM Result Tables - RP Curve Details
RSMRMT_C_RP_HEAD Coupon Model Results -> Redemption Period Curves - Header
RSXAADMIN xA administration settings
RSXAFILES xsA File overview
RSXAFILES_GLOBAL Global Parameter for Files Categorization
SMD_HASH_TABLE E2E: Table for Hash mapping of long metric names
SRM_PROJ_CONTR Control Table of Update for EBP Project Success
SRM_SUPO_AUTH_T Table for Supplier Portal Authorization DataSource
SRM_USER_SUPBPID ID of Vendor Business Partner and User in BW
SRM_VE_CNTL_WEBS Questionnaire Determination for Vendor Evaluation in BW
SRM_VE_GNCATPROD GUID for Combination of Category/Product Generic Objects
SRM_VE_GNLOCATIO GUID for Generic Location
SRM_VE_GNVENDOR GUID for Generic Vendor
TWBBIREP_TOC Table of contents of loaded test plans with date and time

SAP Customer Relationship Management TABLES (BW-BCT-CRM)

Table Name Description
COMC_PR_FORMAT_B Data for Converting the Product ID
CRMPROMOTXT "Obsolete but do not delete
CRMRESPONTXT "Obsolete but do not delete
ELMC_ORIGIN Ext. List Management: Origin
ELMC_ORIGIN_T Ext. List Management: Text for Origin
ELMC_STEPS Ext. List Management: Attributes for Steps
ELMC_TYPE Ext. List Management: Category
ELMC_TYPE_T Ext. List Management: Text Category
ELMD_ERROR Ext. List Management: Error Table
ELMD_LIST_FILE Ext. List Management: File Relationship
ELMD_LIST_STEP "Ext. List Management: Steps (Status
RSANT_CLTV_MODEL CLTV Model: Customizing
RSANT_CLTV_MODET Text Table for CLTV Models
RSANT_CLTV_RUN Executed CLTV Model Calculations and CLTV Forecasts
RSANT_JOB_LOGS CRM Analytics: Job Logs
RSANT_JOB_RESULT CRM Analytics: Job Results
RSANT_LOG_IDS Application Logs
RSANT_RFM_RUN Performed RFM Segmentations
RSANT_STREAM_ASS Assignment of Data Stream Fields to Query Elements
RSANT_TREE CRM Analytics: Storage Tree
RSANT_TREET CRM Analytics: Texts for Storage Tree Folder
RSANT_TREEV CRM Analytics: Tree Versions
RSCRMALERTSTAT Release status of alert settings

SAP Dynamic Pricing Engine TABLES (BW-BCT-DPE)

Table Name Description
RSBCTCRO_ASSIGN Assignment for c-Room Datasource

SAP Financial Services TABLES (BW-BCT-FS)

Table Name Description
RSTBBW_TALIM_CH Total Transaction Limit Per Customer Group
RSTBBW_TALIM_CHT Texts for Limit Categories

SAP Investment Management TABLES (BW-BCT-IM)

Table Name Description
AIBW_CHAR BCT-IM: Strategic Characteristics for Corporate IM
AIBW_KFIG BCT-IM: Key Figures for Corporate IM


Table Name Description
RSBCT_IPMC_DT_T BCT-IPM: Text for Data Value
RSBCT_IPMC_KYF BCT-IPM: Definition of Key Figures Update
RSBCT_IPMC_SC BCT-IPM: Cumulation Scope for a Data Value
RSBCT_IPMC_SC_T BCT-IPM: Cumulation Scope for a Data Value Text
RSBCT_MEC_ACC BCT-ME: Definition of Account Numbers
RSBCT_MEC_AUART BCT-ME: Define Media-Specific SD Orders (Obsolete)
RSBCT_MEC_CASH BCT-ME: Definition of Cash Accounts
RSBCT_MEC_INFOPR BCT-ME: Definitions of InfoProvider
RSBCT_MEC_IOBJVA BCT-ME: Define Filter Conditions
RSBCT_MEC_IP_MAP BCT_ME: Mapping of Material and IP GUID Title Levels
RSBCT_MEC_IPROBJ BCT-ME: Assign Filter InfoObject (Obsolete)
RSBCT_MEC_KP BCT-ME: Chart of Accounts
RSBCT_MEC_KP_T BCT-ME: Texts for Chart of Accounts
RSBCT_MEC_KYF BCT-ME: Definition of Key Figure InfoObjects
RSBCT_MEC_KYFKP BCT-ME: Assignment of InfoObject and Chart of Accounts
RSBCT_MEC_SCEN BCT-ME: Scenarios for Title Integration
RSBCT_MEC_TLEVEL BCT-ME: Title Level Definition

SAP Retail and Consumer Goods TABLES (BW-BCT-ISR)

Table Name Description
CMCDT_1 Category
CMCDT_1T Master Data Texts for Category
CMCDT_2 Master Data for Subcategory
CMCDT_2T Master Data Texts for Subcategory
CMCDT_3 Master Data for Segment
CMCDT_3T Master Data Texts for Segment
CMCDT_4 Master Data for Subsegment
CMCDT_4T Master Data Texts for Subsegment
CMCDT_5 Master Data for Sub-Subsegment
CMCDT_5T Master Data Texts for Sub-Subsegment
CMCDT_6 Master Data for Product Group
CMCDT_6T Master Data Texts for Product Group
CMCDT_7 Master Data for Brand
CMCDT_7T Master Data Texts for Brand
CMMATGRP_CUST Customizing Table for Article Hierarchy
CMMATGRP_HIER Article Hierarchy Properties
CMMATGRP_HIERT Article Hierarchy Description
CMMATGRP_SKU Article Assignment Table
CMMATGRP_STRAT Category Strategy
CMMATGRP_STRATT Strategy Description
CMMATGRP_STRUC Category Structure
CMMATGRP_STRUCT Language-Dependent Hierarchy Node Description
CMSKU Table for CDT-SKU Assignments
RSBCT_RFASH_TCAL Customizing Table for the Article List
RSBCT_RFASH_TSMP Time Stamp Markdown Profile Assignment Extraction
RSBCT_RPA_EV POS Analytics: Sales-Influencing Events
RSBCT_RPA_EVTXT POS Analytics: Sales-Influencing Events
RSBCT_RTM_CONFIG TLOG Mining: Settings for Each Configuration
RSBCT_RTM_CONFIT TLOG Mining: Settings for Each Configuration
RSBCT_RTM_CONFSF TLOG Mining: Selectable Characteristics
RSBCT_RTM_RUNID TLOG Mining: Details of an Analysis Run
RSBCT_RTM_RUNIDT TLOG Mining: Details of an Analysis Run
RSBCT_RTM_RUNSEL TLOG Mining: Selection Conditions for an Analysis Run
WRMA_001 First Condition Table Containing Raw Data for RMA
WRMA_002 Second Condition Table Containing Data for Calculated Cost%
WRMA_003 Third Condition Table (Shrinkage at Object Level as %)
WRMA_004 Fourth Condition Table (Shrinkage at Valuation Level as %)
WRMA_005 Fifth Condition Table Containing Values for Shrinkage + PI
WRMA_006 Sixth Condition Table Containing End Stock Calculated in RMA
WRMA_007 Seventh Condition Table Containing Other Calc. RMA Data
WRMA_CONDSEND Condition Table Filled During Recasting
WRMA_CUBETYPE Cube Types for Updating in Cubes
WRMA_CUST General Settings for RMA
WRMA_ELEVEL RMA Valuation Level
WRMA_ELEVELA RMA Valuation Level - Addit. Data and Alternative Periods
WRMA_ELEVELB Reference Valuation Levels for RMA
WRMA_ELEVELINV Physical Inventory Data for a Valuation Level
WRMA_OBJECT Valuation Object
WRMA_OBJECTT Valuation Object
WRMA_OUT_H RMA Period Close: Header Data
WRMA_OUT_I RMA Period Close: Item Data
WRMA_PERIOD Periods Previously Calculated in RMA
WRMA_RECASTINFO Information for Recast Data Request R/3
WRMA_RUNINFO Information for RMA Runs
WRMA_SHRP_1 Shrinkage: Site/Object
WRMA_SHRP_2 Shrinkage: Site
WRMA_SHRP_3 Shrinkage: Distribution Chain/Object
WRMA_SHRP_4 Shrinkage: Distribution Chain
WRMA_SHRP_5 Shrinkage: Company Code/Object
WRMA_SHRP_6 Shrinkage: Company Code
WRMA_T683LISTCOL Columns for RMA List Variant
WRMA_T683LISTCOT Columns for RMA List Variants
WRMA_T683LISTH Header Lines for List Output
WRMA_T683LISTP List Variants for RMA Calculation Schema (Addit. Selections)
WRMA_T683LISTV List Variant for RMA Calculation Schema
WRMA_T683LISTVT List Variant for RMA Calculation Schema
WRMA_T685L RMA Reference Condition Types for List Variants
WRMA_T685LT RMA Reference Condition Types for List Variants (Text)

SAP Personnel Management TABLES (BW-BCT-PA)

Table Name Description
RSBCT_TM_LOGSYS Logical Systems of Talent Management Applications

SAP Business planning TABLES (BW-BCT-PLA)

Table Name Description
RSBCT_PBP_COSTK PBP: Key Figures for Personnel Costs
RSBCT_PBP_INFOPR PBP: InfoProviders Used
RSBCT_PBP_IOBJU PBP: Info Objects Used
UPA_MCB_00 Assignment of Controlling Area to Planning Application
UPA_MCB_000 Assignment of Budgeting Year to Controlling Area
UPA_MCB_03 Assignment Budget Category to Order Attributes
UPA_MCB_05 Assignment of Business Category to Order Attributes
UPA_MCB_07 Assignment of Planning Scenario to Planning Application
UPA_MCB_08 Assignment Planning Scenario to Budget Category
UPA_MCB_09 Assignment of Planning Scenario to Budget Use
UPA_MCB_11 Assignment of Planning Version to Planning Application
UPA_MCB_13 Assignment of Amount Key Figure to Planning Application
UPARA_STOCKS Assign Actual Stock to Planned Stock
UPARI_TC_BUGDK InfoCube of Keyfigure Set
UPARI_TC_BUGDKS Keyfigures of Keyfigure Set
UPARI_TC_BUGDL Info Cube of Budget Level
UPARI_TC_BUGDLEV Info Objects of Budget level
UPARI_TC_BUGDTYT Description budget type
UPARI_TC_MSGTP Message types
UPARI_TC_MSGTPT Message types: Description
UPARI_TC_OTBLEVT OTB Levels: Description
UPARI_TC_RFCR3 RFC Destination to operative R/3-System
UPARI_TC_RPP Settings for the Retail Purchasing Plan Outbound Processing
UPARI_TC_SELOP Select option parameter of release transaction
UPARI_TC_SELOPT Select option parameter of release: Substitution names
UPARM_TC_ADD_IO Master Data Maintenance View - Additional Info Object
UPARM_TC_CHLD_VW UPARM Child View definition
UPARM_TC_COL_TX Master Data Maintenance View - Column Heading
UPARM_TC_COLUMNS Master Data Maintenance View - Columns Definition
UPARM_TC_DIS_ATT InfoObject level Disable attribute maintenance
UPARM_TC_GRP_TX MDP Group Description
UPARM_TC_GRP_VW MDP Assignment of View to Group
UPARM_TC_IO_PROP Master Data Maintenance View - Info Object Properties
UPARM_TC_REL_VAL InfoObject level Release Status Value
UPARM_TC_SEL_ATR Master Data Maintenance View - Selection Display Attributes
UPARM_TC_SEL_ATX Master Data Maintenance View - Selection Attribute Text
UPARM_TC_SEL_TX Master Data Maintenance View - Selection Header Text
UPARM_TC_SELECT Master Data Maintenance View - Selection Criteria
UPARM_TC_VIEW_DA View level Disable attribute maintenance
UPARM_TC_VIEW_ID Master Data Maintenance View ID
UPARM_TC_VIEW_RV View level Release Status Value
UPARM_TC_VIEW_TX Master Data Maintenance View Texts
UPARU_TC_CHAPRO MAP Enhanced Planning Characteristic Properties
UPARU_TC_FAVLIST MAP Planning Folder Favorite List
UPARU_TC_LATTR MAP Enhanced Attributes Properties in a Layout
UPARU_TC_LINSDEL MAP Planning Layout Master Data Maintenance Properties
UPARU_TC_LKYF MAP Enhanced Key Figures Properties in a Layout
UPARU_TC_LMFUNCT MAP Texts for Master Data Maintenance Functions in a Layout
UPARU_TC_MAPLAY MAP Enhanced Planning Layout Properties
UPARU_TC_MAPMDIO MAP Master Data Info Object Mapping
UPARU_TC_RLSSTS MAP Release Status Value Properties

SAP Project System TABLES (BW-BCT-PS)

Table Name Description
PSBW_ARP BCT-PS: Customizing for Settlement of Residual Order Plan
PSBW_ARP_G BCT-PS: Customizing for Settlement of Residual Order Plan

SAP Public Sector Management TABLES (BW-BCT-PSM)

Table Name Description
RSBCT_PBP_AVG_IO Key for Reading Average Records


Table Name Description
RSWEB_ADMIN Maintain E-Analytics

SAP Business Explorer TABLES (BW-BEX)

Table Name Description
IRTEST_URL Variable Replacement CR
RSCR_PUBLISH Parameter for Publishing on Crystal Enterprise
RSINPCONFIG Data Entry Configuration Store
RSIXRA Reporting Agent: Cluster Table
RSPOR_T_FOLDER KM Folder in Portal
RSPOR_T_PORTAL Connected Portals
RSQRDB SAP Query: Runtime Objects for Query Reports
RSRA_JOB Directory of the Report Agent Jobs
RSRD_HASH_CNT Frequency of Use of Broadcast Targets
RSRD_HASHSTRING Hash Strings of BI Data during Precalculations
RSRD_PERS_STRING Personalization of Texts - Mapping Table for Hash Code
RSRWBPERS Assignment of Excel Workbooks to Personalized Versions
RSRXLSTEST Tests for Excel Analyzer
RSSBAUTHTRACE Authorization Trace BW Reporting
RSSBAUTHTRUSER Authorization Check BW: Trace Active for User
RSTT_CALLSTACK Trace Tool: Call Stack Table of Trace
RSTT_CATTTRACE Trace Tool: CATT Trace Specific Properties
RSTT_CHECKSEL Trace Tool: Check Select Table
RSTT_CHECKSTACK Trace Tool: Table of Checkable Program Objects
RSTT_ERROR Error Archive
RSTT_ERROR_T Text Table for Errors
RSTT_FUNCSEL Trace Tool: Selection of Functionality to Be Tested
RSTT_LOCK_TD Lock Table for Test Data Processing
RSTT_LOGTEMP Temporary Store for Test Results
RSTT_MSGARC Message Archive
RSTT_OBJHIST Trace Tool: History for Trace Objects
RSTT_OBJTEXT Trace Tool:General Text Table for Standard Object Attributes
RSTT_OBJTMP Temporary Trace Object Storage
RSTT_OLAPTRACE Header Information for OLAP Trace
RSTT_PARAM Store for Global Parameters
RSTT_REFDATA Trace Tool: Table of Reference Data for CATT Trace
RSTT_REFVAR Trace Tool: Variant Table of Reference Data
RSTT_REP Table of Existing BI Reports for RSTT Reporting
RSTT_REP_T Table of Existing BI Reports for RSTT Reporting
RSTT_SEQDESCR Trace Tool: Description of Trace Sequence
RSTT_TEST Store of Existing Test Sequences
RSTT_TJOB Trace Tool: Trace Job/Test Job Table
RSTT_TJOB_T Trace-Tool: Text for Trace Jobs
RSTT_TOBJ Test Objects of Traces
RSTT_TPACKAGE Trace Tool: Basis Info About Trace Packages
RSTT_TPACKAGE_T Trace Tool: Texts for Trace Packages
RSTT_TRACE Trace Tool: Table Trace Attribute
RSTT_TRACE_T Trace Tool: Table Trace Descriptions
RSTT_TREQ Archive for Test Requests
RSTT_TREQ_T Texts for Test Requests
RSTT_TREQSTA Status Buffer for Test Requests
RSTT_USER Trace Tool: Table for User Activation Settings
RSTT_USERAREA Trace Tool: Test Area Assignment to User in Trace Tool
RSTT_VARIANT Trace Tool: Variants Table
RSTT_VARIANT_T Trace Tool: Variants Text Table
RSTT_VARIANT_T2 Trace Tool: Variants Text Table
RSTT_VARIANT2 Trace Tool: Variants Table
RSTTIX BW: Cluster table info. system
RSVHSUSERSETA Value help services user setting A segment
RSVHSUSERSETB1 Value help services user settings List of display Attributes
RSVHSUSERSETB2 Value help services user List of Favourites and History
RSVHSVALUESET Value help services user setting A segment
RSVHSVALUESETTXT Text table for Value help services personal value sets

SAP End User Technology TABLES (BW-BEX-ET)

Table Name Description
RSBEXTEXTS BW: Web / Report Designer common Customer texts pool
RSDDCVERTESTS Checking InfoCubes: Description of the tests
RSEXTCUBELOOKUP Lookup Table for the Object ID of External Cubes
RSIX BW: Cluster table info. system
RSIX_DATA BW: Cluster table backup data
RSIXWWW Cluster Table for Storing Web Reporting Components
RSRASSUSER Assignment of users to user groups
RSRCURRDISP Alternative Currency Display in BEx
RSRTRACE TRACE table for editing the favorites
RSRTRACEDESC Contains the description of the individual trace steps
RSRVTABLEDIR Directory of all Tables for Variable Type Table
RSRVTABLEDIRT Directory of all Tables for Variable Type Table
RSRWBTEMPLATE Assignment Excel workbooks as personal templates
RSZWREPITEMSTORE OBSOLETE ! Storagetable of Report Designer Reports
RSZWTEMPLATEXREF BI Template Cross references to TLOGO Objects


Table Name Description
QUERY_TABL_MODEL Template for Query Processing
RRAMBIADIR Analytical Model: BIA InfoProvider Directory
RRAMBIAIOBJ Analytical Model: Info Object - TREX Attribute Mapping
RRAMDIR Directory of Generated Analytic Models
RRAMFIE Fields of Model
RRKMULTIPROVHINT Control of MultiProvider Hint
RSAPO_CONDITIONS Requirements for APO interface
RSAPOADM Management Table for Transactional Requests
RSAPOREQUEST Table for Defining Lock Object
RSBBS_RSRR_URL URL for Transaction RSRR in the Source System
RSBBSIX BW: Cluster Table Info. System
RSCDSMVREFORA Control Table for Conversion of ICs with ncumtim = parttim
RSDD_DELTA_PKG Delta Package Management for InfoCube Delta Write
RSDD_MIGRAT_PART Table with Partitioning Information for the BW Migration
RSDD_PKG_ID Unique Delta Package ID for Each InfoCube
RSDDAGGR Status of the active aggregates in the InfoCube
RSDDAGGRDIR_M Directory of the aggregates
RSDDAGGRENQUEQUE Table to define lock argument
RSDDCHNGPROT Table with InfoObject whose master table has been changed
RSDDICREPARTREQ Parameter for a Repartitioning Request
RSDDINCTEMPL Temporary table for the results of a hierarchy query
RSDDSTAT_WRITE Statistics for InfoCube Write
RSDDSTATAGGR Statistics data BW for aggregate selection and accounting
RSDDSTATAGGRDEF Statistics data OLAP: Navigation step / aggregate definition
RSDDSTATBIAUSE Counter for BIA Usage per InfoProvider
RSDDSTATDM Data Manager Query Statistic Records
RSDDSTATLOGGING Logging Table for OLAP Statistics (new)
RSDDSTATLOGUSER User Names for which Logging in the OLAP Stats Is On
RSDDSTATOBJLEVEL Objects for Query Runtime and Their Statistic Properties
RSDDSTATPPLINK Link from SAPPASSPORTGUID to the query runtime statistics
RSDDSTATTREX Statistic Data for Process for TREX Aggregates
RSDDSTATTREX_MM TREX Statistic Table for DB Buffer
RSDDSTATTREXS_MM TREX Statistics Table for DB Buffer (Detail)
RSDDSTATTREXSERV Detailed Statistics for the TREX Server
RSDDTREX_BICSTAT Get status (RNSID) of a BIA index during backup
RSDDTREX_CHKMSGS Messages from the BIA Index Check
RSDDTREXADMIN Additional Settings for Indexing an HPA Index
RSDDTREXBVIP Virtual InfoProviders with BIA Cache and Class Name
RSDDTREXCHECK_A Settings for 'A' Check
RSDDTREXCHECK_K Settings for 'K' Check
RSDDTREXCHECK_Q Settings for 'Q' Check
RSDDTREXCHECK_R Settings for 'R' Check
RSDDTREXCHECK_Z Settings for 'Z' Check
RSDDTREXCHECKID Header for BIA Checks for Data Consistency
RSDDTREXCHECKSET Settings for BIA Monitor Check Set
RSDDTREXCRFIX InfoObjects for BIA Indexes Reindexed After Change Run
RSDDTREXEMAIL E-Mail-Addresses = Recipient for Canceled HPA Queries
RSDDTREXENQUE Lock Table for HPA Aggregates
RSDDTREXHPAFAIL Error Recording for Queries on HPA
RSDDTREXIDXENQUE Lock Table for Indexes of HPA Aggregates
RSDDTREXLOADLOCK Load Jobs That Run During Activation of the HPA
RSDDTREXNEWDIMID New DIMIDs for Dimensions in HPA Aggregates
RSDDTREXNEWSID New SIDs for InfoObjects in HPA Aggregates
RSDDTREXNEWSID_R SID Queue for Backup and Recovery
RSDDTREXPS InfoCubes also as Polestar index
RSDDTREXRFCUSER RFC Destination for a User for Reading from TREX
RSDDTREXSNAPSTXT Text Table for BIA Data Snapshots
RSDDTREXTABLSTAT Status of Tables/Indexes in BIA
RSDDTREXZAACTRUN Actions Triggered from the HPA Monitor and Its Status
RSDDTZA_ACT_LOG Logging of BIA Admin Actions
RSDDTZA_ACT_RUN BIA Action Currently Executed from BIA Monitor
RSDDTZA_LOCK Lock Table for BIA Actions
RSDINFHINT Table Used to Append Remarks on Informix Queries
RSDP_INFOCUBE Persistent List of InfoCubes
RSDPADM RSDP: Administration of MD Objects
RSDPAGGR Index of Dummy Aggregate from InfoCubes with MOLAP
RSDPCUBDIM RSDP: Relationship MOLAP Cubes - MOLAP Dimensions
RSDPNAME RSDP: Handling of Overlong Names
RSDPPROC RSDP: List for Processing MOLAP Objects
RSDRATCOST Runtime Estimation Check
RSDRC_TC Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)
RSDRC_TC_BACK Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)
RSDRHLRUBUFFER LRU-Buffer for the Hierarchy Processing
RSDRHLRUDELETE Table for Lock Object E_RSDRHDELETE (1 Deletion Job Only)
RSDRHSEQNR Table for Calculating Unique Sequence Numbers
RSDRHTREXBUFFER LRU-Buffer for the Hierarchy Processing
RSDRI_DS_TC Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)
RSDRI_DS_TC_BACK Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)
RSDRI_TC Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)
RSDRI_TC_BACK Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)
RSDRM_TC Test Data RSDRM (Multiprovider Split)
RSDRP_TC_LOG Test Data RSDRP (Parallelizes Query)
RSDRV_TC Test Data RSDRV (Virtual Cubes)
RSDRV_TC_BACK Test Data RSDRV (Virtual Cubes)
RSDRW_TC_LOG Test Data RSDRP (Parallelizes Query)
RSDUCONVOBJ Lock Entries for Repartitioning
RSECAUTHGENERATD BI AS Authorization Reporting: Generated Authorizations
RSECAUTHTRUSER Analysis Authorizations BI: Logging Active for User
RSECHIE Status of Authorization Hierarchies
RSECHIE_CL Authorization Hierarchies Changes Change Log
RSECLOG Storage for Authorizations Logs xml
RSECLOG_CL Analysis Authorizations BI: Logging Active for User
RSECLOPDIOBJ LOPD: Maintenance of LOPD Groups
RSECLOPDIP LOPD: InfoProviders with Personal Data
RSECLOPDQFILTER Filter Within Queries
RSECLOPDQIOBJ LOPD-Relevant Objects Within Queries
RSECLOPDQSTAT LOPD-Relevant Objects Within Queries
RSECTXT Authorization Texts
RSECTXT_CL Change Documents for Document Texts
RSECUSERAUTH BI AS Authorizations: Assignment of User Auth
RSECUSERAUTH_CL BI AS Authorizations: Assignment of User Auth (Change Log)
RSECVAL Authorization Value Status
RSECVAL_CL Authorization Value Change (Change Log)
RSMDSTRUCTMAP Table Contains Name Mapping BW <-> OLAP
RSR_CACHE_ADMIN Administration Parameters for OLAP Cache
RSR_CACHE_DB_BL BW: Blob Table Cache
RSR_CACHE_DB_IX BW: Cluster Table Cache
RSR_CACHE_DBS_BL BW: Blob Table Cache
RSR_CACHE_DBS_IX BW: Cluster Table Cache
RSR_CACHE_IX BW: Cluster Table Cache
RSR_CACHE_STATS Statistics for Cache Entries
RSR_TS_HEADERT Texts for Transient Source Engines
RSRHIEDIR_OLAP OLAP Relevant Information for the Hierarchies
RSRHIEDIR_TIMDEP Time Intervals with Time-Dependent Hierarchies
RSRHINTAB_OLAP Hierarchy interval for the OLAP processor
RSRR_HRNP_SERVER SAP Portals Unification Server for BW Source System
RSSAUTHHIER Definition of the Authorizations for Hierarchies
RSSAUTHHIERNODE BW Reporting Authorizations: Hierarchy Nodes
RSSBAUTHGEN BW Reporting Authorizations: Generating Authorizations
RSSBAUTHGENERATD BW Reporting Authorizations: Generated Authorizations
RSSBAUTVAL Authorization Check Reporting: Single Values in Authorizatn
RSSTOBJDIR Management Table for Authorization Objects
RSTTU_TRANS Transformations for Test Utilities
RSUDOLOG Logging for Execution As Other User

SAP Universal Data Integration TABLES (BW-BEX-UDI)

Table Name Description
RSSDKCON Description of SDK Connections
RSSDKGENMETA Table Stores Generic UDConnect Mapping Info
RSSDKRA Information on SDK Resource Adapters in BW

SAP Analysis Process Designer TABLES (BW-EI-APD)

Table Name Description
RSANT_PRR_MONU User Settings for Analysis Run Monitor


Table Name Description
RSDMESC_ABC_SEL Threshold Values for Filling ABC Indicator
RSDMSC_MOD_PRED Generated Tables for Models
RSDMTA_ASSRULES Association discovery rules table
RSDMTA_CONDS_VAR Filter conditions for association rules
RSDMTA_DEPN_DET Depending items detail table
RSDMTA_DPITM_VAR Depending items in filter condition (variant )
RSDMTA_ENUM_INFO LIS table Information
RSDMTA_IM_MD_NEU Available Mining Models
RSDMTA_IM_MODELS Available Mining Models
RSDMTA_LDITM_VAR Leading items in filter condition (variant )
RSDMTA_LEAD_DET Leading items detail table
RSDMTA_LIS Large Itemsets table
RSDMTA_LIS_DET LIS detail table
RSDMTA_LIST_INFO Large Itemests information
RSDMTA_TG_MAP Item mapping table
RSDMTC_ATTR_DTL Attribute Detail
RSDMTC_ATTR_HEAD Attribute Header
RSDMTC_DISTRIBUT Distribution of Attribute Values among a Cluster
RSDMTC_MOD_INFO Model Info (Header Level) for Clustering
RSDMTC_MOD_PRED Model Prediction Info
RSDMTC_PMML Table for Storing Model PMMLs in String Format
RSDMTD_ATTRFREQ Class Frequency of Learnt Data
RSDMTD_ATTRVAL Attribute Value List
RSDMTD_CLASSFREQ Class Frequency of Learnt Data
RSDMTD_CONF_MTRX Model Prediction Info
RSDMTD_DTREE_SYS Decision Tree Defaults
RSDMTD_MOD_PRED Model Prediction Info
RSDMTD_NODE_DIST Node Class Distribution
RSDMTD_PMML Table for Storing Model PMMLs in String Format
RSDMTD_TREE_MAP Tree ID mapping to Mining Source Mapping
RSDMTP_BAT_BWHDR Header Batch Table for Generic BW Upload
RSDMTP_BAT_CRDTL List of Cluster IDs / Decision Tree Nodes for CRM TGT Group
RSDMTP_BAT_CRHDR CRM Target Group Creation - Details Target Group
RSDMTP_BAT_HRHDR BW Hierarchy Creation - Hierarchy Header Details
RSDMTP_BATCH_BW Details for batch job and monitoring
RSDMTP_SETTINGS Default information
RSDMTPN_OBJ_XML XML table for Data MIning Object Types
RSDMTPN_RFC_CONN RFC Destinations for Data Mining Vendors
RSDMTX_DSRC_KEYS Model keys to Datasource relation


Table Name Description
RSISISVC_C Services: Assignment of Classes (Customer)
RSPLPPM_MAILT_C Additional Attribute Table for RSPLPPM_MAILTYP
RSPLPPM_SET_CUST Table with Customer-Specific System Settings PPM
RSPLPPM_SSET_C Additional Text Table for RSPLPPM_SSE
RSPLS_CHAS_LOCK Planning: Lock-Relevant Characteristics per InfoProvider
RSPLS_J2EE_URL Planning: J2EE Installation for the Modeler

SAP Business Planning and Simulation TABLES (BW-PLA-BPS)

Table Name Description
BDS_CONN22 BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Classes
BDS_CONN31 BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Classes
BDSCHKF12 BDS: File Name at Last Checkout
BDSCHKF31 BDS: File Name for Last Check-Out
BDSCHKO12 BDS: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object
BDSCHKO31 BDS: Check out Data for a Physical Information Object
BDSCONT12 BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSCONT31 BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO12 BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIO31 BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT12 BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT31 BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR12 BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR31 BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE12 BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE31 BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI12 BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI31 BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF12 BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHF31 BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR12 BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHHR31 BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO12 BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHIO31 BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM12 BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHNM31 BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR12 BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHPR31 BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE12 BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE31 BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI12 BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI31 BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE12 BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSRE31 BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR12 BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDSREPR31 BDS: Relationship Attributes
UPB_AREA_ATR Balance Sheet Planning: Attributes of Application on Area
UPB_SPFIE Balance Sheet Planning: Fields with Special Semantics
UPC_AREA Planning Areas
UPC_AREA_MD Key Date for Master Data
UPC_AREAM Multi-Planning Areas
UPC_AREAT Planning Areas - Text Table
UPC_BW_AREA Planning Areas of the BW Application
UPC_CHADEP Compoundend Values
UPC_DARK Control for Hidden Functions
UPC_DARK2 Control for Hidden Functions
UPC_FIXED_METHOD Planning Functions
UPC_FLDDS Fields for Relations between Characteristics
UPC_FORML Planning Functions: Formulas
UPC_NEVAL Planning Functions: New Values
UPC_NODES Hierarchy Node
UPC_OPTIOS Planning: Conditions for Fields
UPC_PACKAGE Planning Packages
UPC_PACKAGET Planning Packages - Text Table
UPC_PLEVEL Planning Levels
UPC_PLEVELT Planning Levels - Text Table
UPC_PROFILE Planning Profiles
UPC_PROFILE_AR Planning Profiles - Areas
UPC_PROFILE_BU Planning Profiles - Planning Sequences
UPC_PROFILE_ME Planning Profiles - Functions
UPC_PROFILE_PA Planning Profiles - Packages
UPC_PROFILE_PL Planning Profiles - Planning Levels
UPC_PROFILE_PS Planning Profiles - Parameter Settings
UPC_PROFILE_VAR Planning Profiles - Variables
UPC_PROFILET Planning Profiles - Text Table
UPC_STEPS Relations between Characteristics of a Planning Area
UPC_VAR Variables
UPC_VAR_ATTR Variables - Attributes
UPC_VAR_CHA Variables - Characteristics
UPC_VAR_CHA_ACT Variables - Restricted Values
UPC_VAR_CHA_SEL Variables - Selections
UPC_VAR_CHADEP Variables - Selections using Hierarchies
UPC_VAR_CHADEPA Variables - Selections using Hierarchies
UPC_VAR_EXIT Variables
UPC_VAR_HIE Variables - Hierarchies
UPC_VAR_HIE_SEL Variables - Selections using Hierarchies
UPC_VAR_HIE_SELA Variables - Selections using Hierarchies (Active Values)
UPC_VAR_NUM_SEL Variables - Numeric Selections
UPC_VARIABLE Variables - Old Version of Database (New is UPC_VAR)
UPC_VARIABLET Variables - Text Table
UPF_BSTEPS Bundle Steps: Parameter Groups
UPF_BUNDLE Bundle of Planning Functions
UPF_BUNDLET Bundle of Parameter Groups - Text Table
UPF_EXITP Planning: Data Elements - Exits
UPF_PARAM Planning Functions: Parameterization
UPF_PARAMT Planning Functions: Parameterizations
UPF_PARGD Parameterization - GUIDs
UPF_PFLDS Planning: Planning Functions - Fields
UPF_PLANF Planning Functions
UPF_PLANFT Planning Functions: Significance
UPP_ATR Planning: Attributes in Lead Columns
UPP_CHAR Planning: Characteristics
UPP_DOC Planning: Layout Builder Info about Document
UPP_ELEM Planning: Column Elements
UPP_ELEMT Planning: Column Elements Texts
UPP_PARAM Planning: Parameterization (Layouts)
UPP_PARAMT Planning: Parameter Group Texts
UPP_SPREADS Planning: Spreadsheet Customizing
UPS_ATTRIBUT Attributes for Planning Session
UPS_CHANGELOG Change Log for Status
UPS_CUSTTEXT Customer-Defined Mail Texts
UPS_EVENTS Table for Event Coupling in Planning Session
UPS_HASH Connection Hierarchy Key/Hash
UPS_HEADER Header Selections for STS
UPS_LINKS Links to Org. Values
UPS_LOCKS Lock Table for Status and Tracking System
UPS_SUBSTITUTE Table for Substitute Concept
UPS_TEILPLAN Subplan for Status and Tracking System
UPS_TP_AREA Connection Subplan-Area
UPS_TP_HIERARCHY Connection Subplan-Hierarchy
UPS_VERSION Versions/Session for Status Tracking
UPWB_DEBUG_LOG Log DB for Debugging at Runtime
UPX_CHANMGROUP UPX: Characteristic Groups - Header
UPX_CHANMGROUPI UPX: Characteristic Groups - Items
UPX_CHGROUP_GEN Generation of Characteristic Sequence
UPX_CLUSTER Cluster Table for Sales Planning
UPX_CUST_CONSTR Customizing Components Constraints
UPX_DSRC_CHANM UPX: Data Sources - Header
UPX_DSRC_HEAD UPX: Data Sources - Header
UPX_EVAL_BPS KPI Valuation for Alert
UPX_EXEC_GWHOST Valuate GWHost Default
UPX_GENERAL UPX: Settings Specific to Sales Planning
UPX_GUIDTEXT UPX: Text Table for All GUIDs
UPX_HEAD Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: General Fields
UPX_HEAD_TEXT Texts for Key Figure Schemes
UPX_KFS_CKF Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: Calculated Key Figs
UPX_KFS_COMMON Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: General Fields
UPX_KFS_LKF Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: Layout Key Figures
UPX_KFS_PARAM Function Parameters
UPX_KFS_SHIFT Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: Relative Addresses
UPX_KFS_TEXT Texts for Key Figure Schemes
UPX_KPI_EVALBUF KPI Valuation for Alert: Result Buffer
UPX_LAYOUT Enhanced Planning Layouts: Main Table
UPX_LAYOUT_OFF BDOC: Offline Versions of the Layouts
UPX_PLTASK Settings for Planning Task
UPX_RESP_SRC_VAR UPX: Data Sources - Header
UPX_SLC_MAIN Configuration of Lead Columns
UPX_SLC_SPREAD Lead Columns: Distribution Techniques
UPX_SLC_TEXT Configuration of Lead Columns: Text Table
UPX_SLC_TIME Time Characteristics
UPX_STATUS_DATA UPX: Status of the LaunchPad Item
UPX_UNITS Unit Assignment
UPX_VARIABLE UPX: Variable Assignment to Sales Planning
UPX_VERSION UPX: Settings Specific to Sales Planning for 0VERSION

SAP Warehouse Management TABLES (BW-WHM)

Table Name Description
BDS_CONN20 BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Classes
BDSCONT10 BW Transaction Data: Table for Doc. Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO10 BW Transaction Data: Instances of Log. Information Objects
BDSLOIOT10 BW Transaction Data: Descriptions of LOIOs
BDSLOPR10 BW Transaction Data: Attribute Values of LOIOs
BDSLORE10 BW Transaction Data: Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
BDSLORI10 BW Transaction Data: Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
RSALLOWEDCHAR Additional characters in BW allowed by customers
RSDMTXTCHANGES Last change to the text table of an InfoObject
RSHIERNODEUSED Where-used list for nodes that cannot be posted to
RSRVCHECKLOG Cross Table Check name/Log handle
RSSOURSYSIDT Text of Source System ID
RSTCIMPDIR Database table for storing importances
RSTCMASTERLOAD Master data: Time of Last Load
RSTPRFC Destinations in Clients

SAP Administrator Workbench TABLES (BW-WHM-AWB)

Table Name Description
RSAWBN_USR_TREE User Settings for Start of DWB: Trees
RSAWBN_USR_VIEW User Settings for Start of DWB: View
RSAWBN_USR_VIEWD User Settings for Start of DWB: Fcode - drawsel


Table Name Description
MDM_CS_FIELD_TAB MDM: Field Table of SAP System
RSALPHASTATE Status Management for ALPHA Conversion
RSBDATAPID Open Hub: Data Package Log for a Request
RSBDATAPIDMESS Open Hub: Log for a Request
RSBREQUESTDELTA Open Hub: Cross Reference Outbound/Inbound Requests
RSBREQUESTMESS Open Hub: Log for a Request
RSBSTEPIDLOG Open Hub: Data Package Log for a Request
RSBSTEPIDMESS Open Hub: Log for a Request
RSBSTRUCTURE Open Hub: Generated Structures and Tables
RSCNVMON Table to store the general data for Monitor
RSCNVMONSTEPS Steps of any operation on a BW Object
RSCNVREQ Conversion Requests
RSCNVSTEPOPS Operations relevant for each step
RSCNVSTEPS Conversion Request Steps
RSDMCHGRQ Data Mart Delta Management: Critical Requests
RSDMDELTA Data Mart Delta Management
RSDMDLTGLO Data Mart Delta Management: Delta Active/Inactive
RSDMVALTAB Model table: Validity table
RSEHIERNODE Master Data: Hierarchy Nodes that Cannot Be Posted To
RSMDCNVLOG Conversion Log
RSMDDELTAEX Table of Active Master Data Extractors
RSMDMCNVTAB Conversion Table Model (Determines Data Class / Tablespace)
RSMDSTATE Status Management for Master Data Conversion
RSMDUC_DTEMPLATE Template table for 'D' Temprary table (MD Where-Used Check)
RSMDUCMUKAGGR UT Aggregates: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKATTR UT Attributes: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKCMP UT Compound Cha: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKCUBE UT InfoCube: identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKDOC UT Documents: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKHIER UT Hierarchy: Identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKMETA UT MetaData: identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMDUCMUKODSO UT DataStore Objects: identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMHIERNODE Master data: Hierarchy nodes that cannot be posted to
RSREQUESTSTEP Open Hub: Substep for a Request
RSSEM_REQUESTCOP InfoCube Assignment
RSSEM_UCR0_IPD SEM BCS Destination Registration For an InfoProvider
RSTHIERNODE Texts of Non-Postable Hierarchy Nodes


Table Name Description
AUNIT_PSA_MD_CP Communication: Parallel Processes in Test
MCH_SELECT Interface: Generalized Selection Criteria
MCH_SELFIELDS Selection fields
RS3RDFLD Variable fields of the 3rd party source system
RS3RDFLDNEW Variable Fields of Third Party Source System - New
RS3RDFLDNEWT Text Table for Var. Fields of Third Party Source Sys.- New
RS3RDFLDT Text table for variable fields of the 3rd party source sys.
RSADMINDAT Data element assignment for table RSADMIN
RSBATCHADM Administration Settings for Batch Mananger
RSBERRORCHANGED Log of Changed Records
RSBERRORCROSS Cross Reference Record Numbers
RSBERRORLOG Logs for Incorrect Records
RSBKADMIN DTP: System-Specific Attributes
RSBKDATAPAKID DTP: Status Table for Data Packages
RSBKDATAPAKSEL DTP: Data Package Selections
RSBKDTPH DTP: Historic Versions
RSBKPATH Properties Path
RSBKSELECT Selections for DTP Request (Summary)
RSBMLOG Hierarchical Log: Header
RSBMLOGPAR Hierarchical Log: Field/Value Pair
RSBMNODES Hierarchical Log: Nodes
RSBMONMESS Hierarchical Log: Table with Messages
RSCRT_DTA_DS_LG Lock Table for Near Real-Time in 3.X BW (Obsolete from 4.X)
RSCRTDONE CRT Packages Enhancements for Apollo
RSCSTRU Help table for structure change
RSCSTRU2 Help table for structure change
RSDAARCHREQ BW Archiving: Archiving Request
RSDAARCHREQSEL BW Archiving: Absolute Selections of the Archive Request
RSDAARESREQ BW Archiving: Archiving Request
RSDADAPPART BW Archiving: Data Archiving Process (Local Properties)
RSDANLCON BW Archiving: Connection to a Nearline Storage
RSDANLREFTABL BW Nearline Interface: Template Table for Nearline Table
RSDANLREQ BW Archiving: Nearline Object
RSDANLREQDPAKSEG BW Archiving: Segment in Nearline Request Data Package
RSDAREQ BW Archiving: Archiving Request
RSDAREQDPAK BW Archiving: Archiving Request
RSDAREQSTATHIST BW Archiving: Log of Request Status Transitions
RSDELDONE BW: Selection Table for Deletion with Full Update Scheduler
RSDLTABLES Database Table Selected for DB Link in BW
RSDS_QUEUE_DATA DataSource Queue: Data (Binary)
RSDS_QUEUE_HEAD DataSource Queue; Header Table of Active Delta Processes
RSDSACCESSACTLOG Activation Time Methods with Exit
RSDSRUNTIMETRACE Runtime Measurement for DataSource
RSERRORHEAD Incorrect Records (Header Table)
RSERRORLOC Location of Check
RSERRORLOG Logs for Incorrect Records (Header RSERRORHEAD)
RSFILENAMEDONE File Names Calculated in Routine
RSHIEDONE Selection table for Fields Scheduler
RSICCONT Monitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request
RSICCONT_SAVE Requests Deleted from Administration Stored Here
RSICCONT_SAVE2 Monitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request
RSICCONTDEL Monitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request
RSISFIELD InfoSource fields (provider structure of all systems)
RSISIPTVERS Cross-Reference Table for InfoPackage Names during Import
RSISOFIELD InfoSource fields (provider structure of a source system)
RSISOLTP InfoSources (tranascation data) in source system
RSISOSELFD InfoSource selection fields of a source system
RSLDTDONE Texts on the requested InfoPackages and groups
RSLISTDEF User-dependent list output monitor start
RSLOGSYSCOMP Assigned 3rd Party Source System Releases
RSLOGSYSCONTENT "Source Systems Irrelevant for Content (""Practice Systems"")"
RSLOGSYSDB Extras for RSBASIDOC with DB Connect Source Systems
RSLOGSYSDEST Destination for Logical System (Note: Comp. EDIPOA ! )
RSLOGSYSMAP Mapping of logical systems fir transport of InfoSources
RSLOGSYSTAB Source System Information for Source Systems Transport
RSLOGSYSUDC UDC-Connector for Source System
RSMAILMON Mail Addresses for Monitor Assistant
RSMONENQ Enqueue table for scheduler
RSMONFACT Fact table monitor
RSMONICTAB Monitor IC table
RSMONIPTAB InfoPackage for the monitor
RSMONJUDGE Monitor: Evaluating a Request
RSMONMESS Messages for the monitor
RSMONNEWPROT Log Requests for Reconstruction and Cancellation Request
RSMONPC Load-Monitor Connection of Process Runs
RSMONPROCESS Processes that have worked with requests
RSMONRQTAB Monitor table for request IDocs
RSMONSTACK Call Stack Monitor with Error Messages
RSOACUBE_DSOURCE BW OLTP Direct Access: Not Assigned DataSources
RSOACUBE_DTP BW: OLTP Direct Access: Directory of Assigned Remote DTPs
RSOACUBE_LOGSYS BW OLTP Direct Access: List of Assigned Source Systems
RSOACUBE_SSYST BW OLTP Direct Access: List of Assigned Source Systems
RSODSACT Activation of ODS M Records
RSODSACTSEL Activation of ODS M Records
RSOLTPIBU Which IBUs are Supported by the Source System?
RSOLTPNDP Which NDPs are Supported by the Source System?
RSOS "InfoSource (master data
RSOSATTFD InfoSource attributes using all source systems
RSOSFIELD InfoSource fields using all source systems
RSOSOATTFD InfoSource attributes of a source system
RSOSOFIELD InfoSource fields of a source system
RSOSOHIE Directory for Master Data Hierarchies
RSOSOHIET Directory for Master Data Hierarchies - Texts
RSOSOLTP "InfoSources (master data
RSOSOSELFD InfoSource selection fields of a source system
RSOST "InfoSources (master data
RSPC_BUFFER Shared Buffer for Processes (Esp. Customer Programs)
RSPC_MONITOR Monitor individual process chains
RSPCABAPASYNC Logging for ABAP Processes(Synchronously and Asynchronously)
RSPCACTIVECHECK Results of Active Check with PC_ACTIVE Process Type
RSPCCHAINEVENTS Multiple Events with Process Chains
RSPCCOMMANDLOG System Command Execution Logs (Process Chains)
RSPCENQUEUE Dummy Table for Runtime Locks of a Process
RSPCEXOR Excluding Or: Log Table
RSPCINSTANCE Generic Instance Storage
RSPCINSTANCET Texts for Generic Instance-Storage
RSPCINTERRUPTLOG Table for Interrupt Processes
RSPCKILL Runs to be Terminated
RSPCLOGCHAIN Cross-Table Log ID / Chain ID
RSPCLOGCROSS Cross-Table Log ID Old / Log ID New
RSPCLOGS Application Logs for the Process Chains (Generic Service)
RSPCPROCESSLOG Logs for the Chain Runs
RSPCRUNVARIABLES Variables for Process Chains for Runtime
RSPCSYNCLOCK Dummy Table for Locks for Synchronous Execution
RSRADIOMON User-specific Settings (Radio Buttons)
RSREQHIER Data Request Hierarchy
RSSELDONE Monitor: Selections for executed request
RSSELMON Monitor: Selection Variants
RSSELMONT Reference to Selection Variant
RSSIMUDAT Transfer table for simulation of IDocs
RSSMSHAREMDT Master Data/Texts
RSSMSLEEPDEBUG Control table for rssm_sleep_debug
RSSRCCHK Temporary Storge of Source System Check for Communication
RSSTATMAN_SAVE2 Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration
RSSTATMANPART Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration
RSSTATMANPARTT Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration
RSSTATMANPSA Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration
RSSTATMANPSAT Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration
RSSTATMANREQMAP Mapping of Higher- to Lower-Level Status Manager Request
RSSTATMANREQMDEL Mapping of Higher- to Lower-Level Status Manager Request
RSSTATMANSTATDEL Status Manager Table of Deleted Request Status
RSSTATMANSTATUS Apollo Status Manager Management Table of Request Status
RSSTATMANT_SAVE2 Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration
RSTCPDONE Selection table for 3rd party; Scheduler
RSTREECUSMON User-Specific Tree Display Monitor
RSTS Transfer structure
RSTSDOMA General domains for transfer structure
RSTSDTEL Data element for transfer structure per logical system
RSTSDTELNEW Data element for transfer structure per logical system
RSTSFIELD Transfer structure fields
RSTSIDOC IDoc Operational Data Store for the transfer structure
RSTSIDOCFIELD Fields for the IDoc Operational Data Store
RSTSODS Operational Data Store for the transfer structure
RSTSODSFIELD Fields for the Operational Data Store
RSTSODSPART Partitioning Information
RSTSODSREQUEST Request directory ODS; which request is in which ODS
RSTSODSREQUESTPG Request-/packet directory
RSTSRULES Transfer structure transfer rules
RSUICDONE BIW: Selection table for user-selection update ICs

SAP Metadata (Repository) TABLES (BW-WHM-MTD)

Table Name Description
RSD_MT_TABLES Mega-Tenancy Table Classification
RSDDSTAT Obsolete as of Release BI 7.0 -> RSDDSTAT_OLAP/DM
RSDDSTATBCACT BW Statistics: Activate Business Content
RSDDSTATCOND BW Statistics: Data on Condensing Run InfoCube
RSDDSTATDELE BW Statistics: Data on Deletion of Data in InfoCube
RSDDSTATEXTRACT Extractor BW statistics: Time of last delta load
RSDDSTATWHM Statistics Data: BW for Warehouse Management
RSDIX BW: Cluster table info. system
RSDMASITAB Model Table: Attributes SID Table (Non-time-dependent)
RSDMASTTAB Model Table: Attributes SID Table (Non-time-dependent)
RSDMCHNTAB Model Table: Master Data Table (Time-dependent)
RSDMCHTTAB Model Table: Master Data Table (Time-dependent)
RSDMDIMTAB Model table: Dimensions table
RSDMFACTAB Model table: Fact table
RSDMHIETABNEW Model Table: Hierarchies of a Characteristic (from 3.0B)
RSDMHINTABNEW Model table: Hierarchy intervals of a characteristic
RSDMHSITABNEW Model table: Conversion of hierarchy nodes - SID
RSDMHSITABTHJ Model Table: Conversion Hierarchy Nodes - SID (THJ)
RSDMINCTAB Model table: SID structure of the hierarchies of a charact.
RSDMODSTAB Model Table: ODS Table Active Records
RSDMODSTAB_UR Model Table for ODS Update and Rollback
RSDMSIDTAB Model table: Master data IDs of a characteristic
RSDMSIDTABTHJ Model Table: Master Data IDs of a Characteristic (THJ)
RSDMTXTTAB Model table: Texts of a characteristic
RSOASCCACHEDEPEN BW Repository: Cache for Association: Dependent
RSOASCCACHEDISPL BW Repository: Cache for Association: Display (Hierarchy)
RSOASCCACHEDRECV BW Repository: Cache for Association: Receives Data from
RSOASCCACHEDSEND BW Repository: Cache for Association: Sends Data to
RSOASCCACHEEXIST BW Repository: Cache for Association: Existential
RSOASCCACHEUSED BW Repository: Cache for Association: Used
RSOASCGUID BW Metadata Repository: GUI für Association Classes (XML)
RSOBCINSTALL BW Repository: Objects to be transferred from Business Cont
RSOBCTRANSPORT BW Repository: Objects to be transferred from Business Cont
RSOBEXREQUEST BEx Requests for Special Development Classes
RSOCONTCHNGABLE Changeable Objects in Customer/ Partner Content System
RSODCHKFMA BW Master Data: File Name of Last Checkout
RSODCHKFTM rsod: File Name of Last Checkout
RSODCHKOMA BW Master Data: Checkout Data for Physical Information
RSODCHKOTM rsod: Check-Out Data for Physical Information Object
RSODCONTENT BW: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
RSODESCRREF BW Metadata Repository: References to Descriptions
RSOHTML BW Repository: Intermediate Memory for Generated HTML Pages
RSOHTMLLINKS BW Repository: Hyperlinks for Saved HTML Pages
RSOHTMLOBJ BW Repository: Intermediate Memory; W3 Objects of HTML Pages
RSOOBJCACHE BW Repository: Cache for Objects
RSOOBJCACHET BW Repository: Cache for Object Texts
RSOPROPERTIES BW Repository: Properties Per User
RSOPROPERTIESTAB BW Repository: Data for Properties With More Than One Value
RSOXMLIMP BW Metadata Repository: Import of XML (CWM) Data
RSOXMLIMPCONT BW Repository: XML (CWM) Import: File Contents
RSOXMLIMPPROC BW Metadata Repository: Import of XML (CWM) Data
RSSOBIDTCONFIG SOBI Design Time: Configuration Table
RSSOURSYSTEM BW: Souce system IDs table

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