SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.

SAP Business Package for Manager Self-Service (FI) TABLES (EP-PCT-MGR-CO)

Table Name Description
FCOM_EQMACL_C Asset Classes for Equipment Monitor
FCOM_EQMECA_C Equipment Types for Equipment Monitor
FCOM_EQMHCM_C RFC Connection to HCM System
FCOM_EQMVIEW_C Views for Equipment Monitor
FCOM_EQMVIEW_T Text for Views in Equipment Monitor
FCOM_KFPRICE Key Figure Prices
FCOM_KSTAR Cost Elements for Users
FCOM_OBJECT Objects for Users
FCOM_PL_ROOMS Planning Rooms Back End Parameter
FCOM_SMPHIERC Customizing for Hierarchies
FPB_EXP_CA_ASSM Express Planning: Assignments Context Elem. / Roadmap Elem.
FPB_EXP_CA_ITM Express Planning: Elements of the Context Area (Obsolete)
FPB_EXP_CA_ITM1 Express Planning: Elements of the Context Area
FPB_EXP_CA_ITM1T Express Planning: Texts for Elements of Context Area
FPB_EXP_CA_ITMT Express Planning: Element Labels (Obsolete)
FPB_EXP_COMMENT Express Planning: Comments
FPB_EXP_GRP_STP Express Planning: Assignment of Substeps to Steps
FPB_EXP_HIER Express Planning: Object Hierarchies for Planning Instances
FPB_EXP_INS_MAIL Express Planning: Standard E-Mails
FPB_EXP_INST Express Planning: Instances
FPB_EXP_INSTRUCT Express Planning: Instruction Texts
FPB_EXP_INSTT Express Planning: Instance Texts
FPB_EXP_ISR ISR Sent to Express Planning Instances
FPB_EXP_NAVSTATE Express Planning: Navigation state for users
FPB_EXP_OBJECTS Express Planning: Persistence of the Objects after Submit
FPB_EXP_OBJTYPET Express Planning: Text for Object Types
FPB_EXP_ROLE Express Planning: User Roles for Planning Rounds
FPB_EXP_ROLETASK Express Planning: Persistence Objects for User Role
FPB_EXP_SCEN Express Planning: Scenarios
FPB_EXP_SCEN_GRP Express Planning: Assignment of Steps to Scenarios
FPB_EXP_SCENT Express Planning: Scenario Texts
FPB_EXP_SECT Express Planning: Context Area Sections
FPB_EXP_SETTINGS Express Planning Customizing: General Settings
FPB_EXP_SRVOTYP Express Planning: Object Types and Planning Services Allowed
FPB_EXP_STAT Express Planning: Status Management
FPB_EXP_STP Express Planning: Planning Substeps
FPB_EXP_STPGRP Express Planning: Steps
FPB_EXP_STPGRPT Express Planning: Groups or Planning Steps (Texts)
FPB_EXP_STPT Express Planning: Texts for Substeps
FPB_EXP_UINST Express Planning: User Instance
FPB_EXP_USCEN Express Planning: Application Scenario per iView and User
FPB_EXP_VAR_EXT Express Planning: Customer-Specific Variables
FPB_EXP_VAR_EXTT Express Planning: Customer-Specific Variables Texts
FPB_EXP_VAR_SAP Express Planning: SAP Standard Variables
FPB_EXP_VAR_SAPT Express Planning: SAP Standard Variables
FPB_EXP_VARVAL Express Planning: Value Assignment to Variables (SAP & Ext.)
FPB_GEN_PROF_LOG Log Entries for Generating Authorizations
FPB_GEN_WEGID Evaluation Paths for Generating Authorizations
FPB_LINE_DATA Data Store for Line Item Monitors
FPB_LINE_DELDATA Data Store for Line Item Monitors
FPB_LINE_RULEADM Line Item Monitor: Administration Rules
FPB_LINE_RULES Line Item Monitor: Rule Administration
FPB_LP_COMMANDC Commands for Reports
FPB_LP_DOC_ID Dokumenten_ID for Long Texts
FPB_LP_ITEM_T Text for Reports
FPB_LP_ITEMC Items for Report
FPB_LP_LONGTEXT Long Texts for Reports as Strings
FPB_LP_O_I_C Assignment of Hierachy Node -- Report Item
FPB_LP_OBJC List of Types of Hierarchy Nodes
FPB_LP6_F_R_C Folder <---> Reports Assignment
FPB_LP6_F_R_UC Folder <---> Reports Assignment
FPB_LP6_FOL_T Texts for Folders
FPB_LP6_FOL_UT Texts for Folder for User
FPB_LP6_O_F_C Contexts <--> Folder Assignment
FPB_LP6_O_F_UC Contexts <--> Folder for User Assignment
FPB_LP6_OBJ_C Context <--> Technical Key Assignment
FPB_LP6_OBJ_T Texts for Objects
FPB_LP6_R_BW_C Parameters for BI Reports
FPB_LP6_R_BWT_C Parameters for BI Reports with Template
FPB_LP6_R_MDT_C Parameters for Manager's Desktop Reports
FPB_LP6_R_RW_C Parameters for Report Writer
FPB_LP6_R_RW_UC Parameters for Report Writer for Users
FPB_LP6_R_TRA_C Parameters for Transactions
FPB_LP6_R_TRA_UC Parameters for Transactions for Users
FPB_LP6_R_TYP_C Type of Report
FPB_LP6_R_URL_C Parameters for URL Reports
FPB_LP6_REP_LT Long Texts For Reports
FPB_LP6_REP_T Texts for Reports
FPB_LP6_REP_U_T Texts for Reports for Users
FPB_LP6_SNI SNI Is Used/Not Used
FPB_MONRULE_ROLE Customizing Rule Maintenance: Which Monitors are Displayed
FPB_RULEGUIDANCE Monitors: Guidance in Administration Rules
FPB_SETTINGS FPB: Control Table for Possible Tuning Parameters
FPB_SNI_APHIERC Activation of Hierarchies
FPB_SNI_STATE Last Status of a Hierarchy
FPB_SNI_STOPATH Path to the Latest Focussed Object in Hierarchy
FPB_SNI_SUBOBJC Activation of Subnode Relationships
FPB_VAR_DATA Data Storage Location for Variance Monitors
FPB_VAR_RULE_ADM Variance Monitor: Administration Rules
FPB_VAR_RULES Variance Monitor: Rule Administration

SAP Business Package for Manager Self-Service (HR) TABLES (EP-PCT-MGR-HR)

Table Name Description
TWPC_ACOL_C Columns in a Structure - Customer
TWPC_COLHEAD_C Redefining Column Headers - Customer
TWPC_HIERATP_C Hierarchical Column Groups - Customer
TWPC_NAVOTYPE_C Object Types Eligible for Navigation - Customer
TWPC_OTYPES_C Object Types to be Displayed in the List - Customer
TWPC_PCR_PAYM Table with Special Payments for PCRS
TWPC_PCR_PAYM_T Text Table for Special Payment Reasons (PCR)
TWPC_PCR_PAYM_WT Wage Types for Special Payment Reasons (PCR)
TWPC_RC_RANK_C Definition of Priorities for Applicant Assignment
TWPC_RC_VACSTA_C Vacancy Status of Applicants to be Displayed
TWPC_V_C View Definition - Customer
TWPC_V_T_C Texts for Views
TWPC_VG_C Grouping the Views

SAP Business Package for Project Self-Service TABLES (EP-PCT-PLM-PSS)

Table Name Description
RPLM_RFCDEST_CPR RFC Destination for cProjects System

SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.


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