Table | Descriptions | Functional Area |
T053R | Classification of Payment Differences | Financial Accounting |
T053S | Classification of Payment Differences (Texts) | Financial Accounting |
T77TC | Classification of Tasks | Organizational Management |
T5F30 | Classification of actions and reasons | France |
SDB_CLASS_SYSTEM | Classification Systems | Web Service and SOAP - ABAP |
SDB_CLSYSTEM_VAL | Classification System Values (Local Cache) | Web Service and SOAP - ABAP |
SPCIPMFR | Classification table of manufacturers | Provisioning |
TIV5A | Classification of real estate objects | Real Estate Management |
TIV5T | Classification of real estate objects (Text for TIV5A) | Real Estate Management |
TE697 | Classification of Employees | Contract Billing |
T7PIQEOCLASSIFI | Classifications for EO Categories | Administration |
TE697T | Classification of Employees (Texts) | Contract Billing |
CLPROF | Classification: Parameters for Settings | Classes |
TE552 | Classification Indicator for Billing Line | Invoicing |
SWOR | Classification System: Keywords | Classes |
TE552T | Classification Indicator for Billing Line (Text) | Invoicing |
FMSGLCLASS | Classification for SGL accounts | Functions for U.S. Federal Government |
TE181 | Classification of Business Partner | Master Data |
FMBLCLASS | Classification for BL accounts | Funds Management |
FMBUDACT | Classification for BL accounts | Funds Management |
CMTIB_CLFINT2EXT | Classification conversion: internal ID to external key | Configuration management |
CMTIB_FLBINT2EXT | Classification conversion: internal ID to external key | Configuration management |
T5KWB | Classification groups assignment for WCB | Canada |
T5KWC | Classification groups for WCB | Canada |
VWIRPPOOLCLASSIF | Classification for Asset Pool | Transaction Manager |
T5KWT | Classification groups for WCB - Text table | Canada |
TW01 | Classification of bonds | Treasury |
OIU_CM_RCLS | Reclassification of Production Codes | Production and Revenue Accounting |
T864 | Reclassifications | Basic Functions |
TF232 | Reclassifications Version | Consolidation |
UCF4000 | Reclassification: Definitions per Step | Business Consolidation |
TF233 | Reclassification Versions: Description | Consolidation |
UCF4001 | Reclassification: Key Figures per Component and Step | Business Consolidation |
UCF4002 | Reclassification: Parent/Subsidiary Indicator | Business Consolidation |
TF560A | Reclassification Methods: Fields | Consolidation |
TTED_TAXCLAO_COM | TaxClassification in OutputDocument | Transaction Tax Engine |
TTED_TAXCLAS_COM | TaxClassification | Transaction Tax Engine |
TTEPD3_TAXCLAS | TaxClassification | Transaction Tax Engine |
SDB_CL_FILE_MAP | Map Classification ID vs Tmodel Key | Web Service and SOAP - ABAP |
T5UWC | WC: Classification Code | USA |
T5UWT | WC: Classification Code Text | USA |
A003 | Tax Classification | Conditions |
TB070 | Tax Classification: Tax Types per Country | Country-Specific Objects |
TB070_CM | Tax Classification: Tax Types per Country | Customer Master |
TB071_CM | Tax Classification: Assignment of Tax Groups to Tax Types | Customer Master |
TB072_CM | Tax Classification: Mapping R/3 <-> CRM | Customer Master |
MLAN | Tax Classification for Article | Article Master |
MVAN | Tax Classification for Article | Article Master |
VDRISKCLASS | Risk Classification for Individual Value Adjustment | Loans Management |
TIVROZ01 | IPD: Classification of participant | Real Estate Management |
TIVROZ0A | IPD: Classification of participant | Real Estate Management |
TB070T | "Tax Classification: Tax Types per Country | Country-Specific Objects |
TB070T_CM | "Tax Classification: Tax Types per Country | Customer Master |
T5F2Q | Quota classification for France. | France |
TNKLA | IS-H: Classification Types for Case Classific. Categories | Basic Data |
TCMS_OMS_FEAT | Object Classification | Master Data |
TCMS_OMS_FEAT_T | Object Classification - Text | Master Data |
DFKK_RECLASS | OI - Reclassifications | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
T5PV2 | HR-PT: Classification of absence quota types | Portugal |
TFK_EXTDOC_AR2 | Report Classification for Argentina | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
CRMKTOKD | Assign Classification and Grouping R/3 Account Groups | Customer Master |
TICL395 | Manual Classification Code | Claims Management |
CRMC_TAX_MAP_BP | BP Tax Classification of Conditions: Mapping R/3 <-> CRM | Central Part of Product Master |
TICL395T | Manual Classification Code | Claims Management |
TOIGVCLGR | Vehicle classification group | Transportation and Distribution |
TOIGVCLGRT | Vehicle classification group texts | Transportation and Distribution |
TKSKA | Account classification for account intervals | Overhead Cost Controlling |
VWIRPTRANCLASSIF | Tranche Classification | Transaction Manager |
T092 | Property classification key | Basic Functions |
JLTPLZKLASS | IS-M/SD: Classification of Postal Codes for Settlement | SAP Media |
LAE_CRM_CLASS | Contract Classification | Lease Accounting |
CXM_ESCS | EasySPEC Classification | Collaboration Folders |
T7PIQPROGCLASS | Progress Classifications | Administration |
TE181T | Text for Classification of Business Partner | Master Data |
TN2MATKLAS | IS-H*MED: Classification of the Articles | Clinical System |
TIVLMPLCL | Cadastral Classification | Land Use Management |
TIVLMPLCLT | Cadastral Classification - Texts | Land Use Management |
N1DCSCLASS | IS-H*MED: Classifications for Services and Diagnoses | Clinical System |
N1POBKL | IS-H*MED: Classification of planning objects | Clinical System |
T5D38 | Wage Type Classification | Germany |
N2GT | IS-H*MED: Classification areas catalog | Clinical System |
N2GTZ | IS-H*MED: Classification areas asgmt | Clinical System |
TN2K2 | IS-H*MED: Classification area catalog categories | Clinical System |
NFKL | IS-H: Case classification | Patient Management |
TCMS_SEC_CL_TYP | Securities classification types | Securities |
TNKTY | IS-H: Case Classification Categories | Basic Data |
CLINDEX | Indices of Classification System | Classes |
TW22 | Securities classification | Transaction Manager |
TN24F | IS-H: Case Classification By Treatment Category | Patient Accounting |
TNTHSYS | Medication: Classification System of Therapeutic Classes | Clinical System |
JJTDISK | IS-M/AM Tax Classification for Service | SAP Media |
TNTHSYST | Medication: Classification System of Therap. Classes - Texts | Clinical System |
T510_PSRCL | Pay scale reclassification | Compensation Management |
T510R | Pay Scale Reclassification | Compensation Management |
T7UNCMT_HRDC | CMT Hardship Classification | Non Profit Organizations |
T5UOC | Occupational Classification Code Categories | USA |
T5UOCG | Occupational Classification Groups | USA |
T5UOCGT | Occupational Classification Group Texts | USA |
T5UOCT | Occupational Classification Code Texts | USA |
VILMPLSL | Overlays and Classifications | Land Use Management |
J_1ATXREL | Tax relevant classification | Billing |
T7PIQREGCLASS | Registration Classifications | Administration |
T7PIQREGCLASST | Registration Classifications (Text Table) | Administration |
T7PIQ_GB_PGCECL | HESA: PGCE - Classification of UG Degree | United Kingdom |
T7PIQ_GB_PGCECLT | HESA: PGCE - Classification of UG Degree Text Table | United Kingdom |
T7UNCMT_HDSC | CMT Hardship Classification | Non Profit Organizations |
SDOK_Q_CLASS_TRX | Activation of Classification TREX | Document Management Services |
VWIRPTRANCL_T | Definition of Classification Terms (Tranche) | Transaction Manager |
TF560 | Methods for Reclassification | Consolidation |
T77TD | Texts for Task Classification | Organizational Management |
THRPCLASS | User Interface Classification for Customer Task Workflow (T) | Cross-Application Components |
TSTCCLASS | User Interface Classification for Transactions | Cross-Application Components |
T7PIQEOCLASSIFT | Text Table for Classifications for EO Categories | Administration |
TFK_EXTDOC_AR2T | Text for Report Classification | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
T7FIAG | Finnish absence classification | Finland |
T7FIAG_MULTI | Finnish absence classification (multiple) | Finland |
TNS02 | IS-H: Age-Group Classification for Statistics | Patient Accounting |
T7UNPAD_EGCA | NPO: EG Category Classification | Non Profit Organizations |
CLBW_SOURCES | Data Sources for Classification Data | Environment |
A002 | Country/Customer Classification/Article Classification | Conditions |
TJV49 | IS-M/SD: Activity Classification | SAP Media |
TJV50 | IS-M/SD: Activity Classification | SAP Media |
T5QPBS6C | Assignment of APS classification structure | Public Sector |
VWACTCLASSIF | Capitalization of Classification for Product Types | Transaction Manager |
T5VA5 | Norwegian absence classification | Norway |
RSD_MT_TABLES | Mega-Tenancy Table Classification | Metadata (Repository) |
A397 | Arg.: Tax relevant classification | Financial Accounting |
T5PTC | HR-PT: Time objects classification | Portugal |
TJJ35 | IS-M/AM: Vendor Tax Classification | SAP Media |
VWIRPPOOLCL_T | Text Table for Pool Classification | Transaction Manager |
TKUKL | Customers: Customer Classifications | Article Maintenance |
TKUKT | Customers: Customer classification: Texts | Article Maintenance |
TWPSRVCLSS | Runtime for Service Classification (Workplace Server) | URL Generation |
TNPPR | IS-H: Nursing Acuity Classification Parameters | Patient Management |
A212 | IS-M: DelCtry/BP Tax Classification | SAP Media |
USR06SYS | System-Specific User Classification (License-Related) | User and Authorization Management |
TNKTT | IS-H: Texts for Case Classification Categories | Basic Data |
TW01T | Text table for TW01 (Classification of bonds) | Treasury |
T7UNPAD_DSCA | Duty Station Hardship Classification | Non Profit Organizations |
TCMS_SEC_CL_TY_T | Text table securities classification types | Securities |
TNAMB_FATYCLASS | IS-H: Case Category - Classification | SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals |
BUT_FRG0010 | Business Partner: Tax Classification | Country-Specific Objects |
BUT_FRG0011 | Business Partner: Tax Classification | Country-Specific Objects |
TKLCO | Rules for taking over classification data | Overhead Cost Orders |
J_1ATXRELT | Texts for tax relevant classification | Billing |
T606L | Legal Control: Country Classification by Destination Ctry | Basic Functions |
T606M | Legal Control: Product Classification by Destinat. Ctry | Basic Functions |
T606N | Legal Control: Product Classification by Country Grouping | Basic Functions |
T5KNCT | North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) Texts | Canada |
T5PWS | HR-PT: Work Schedules - Classification | Portugal |
TFK_EXTDOC_AR3 | Determination of Report Classification | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
T7PIQPROGCLASST | Text Table for Progress Classification | Administration |
J_3RCLASSBWASL | Asset transaction types classification | Localization |
J_3RCLASSSAKNR | General ledger accounts classification | Localization |
T5UNC | North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) Codes | Canada |
T5UNT | North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) Texts | Canada |
T5USC | U.S. Standard Industrial Classification Codes | USA |
TFKAREXTDOC | Argentina: Define report classification | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
TFILA_GF_111 | Check Steps in Financing Classification | Lease Accounting |
WTREE | Version Management for Reclassification Trees | Merchandise Categories |
T042ZFCL | Additional Payment Method Classifications for Payment Progm | Financial Accounting |
T5KNC | EECRS: North American Ind Classification Syst(NAICS) Codes | Canada |
TFILA_ACCRULE | Accounting Principles for Classification in CRM | Lease Accounting |
OIU_PR_VTRCLS | Volume Type Gas Lift Gas Reclassification | Production and Revenue Accounting |
T092T | Description of the Property Classification Key | Basic Functions |
N1DCSCLASSTYADDT | IS-H*MED: Diagnosis/Service Classification Supplement Texts | Clinical System |
N1DCSCLASSTYT | IS-H*MED: Diagnosis/Service Classification Texts | Clinical System |
TN2K3 | IS-H*MED: Service catalog - classification catalog asgmt | Clinical System |
TFILA_GF_110 | Check Sequences in Financing Classification | Lease Accounting |
A116 | Tax Exemption - Customer/Tax Classification 2-Article | Conditions |
N2PSGZ | IS-H*MED: Nursing standard - classification areas asgmt | Clinical System |
CACS_TGRCV | Target Agreement: Target Rule Classification Values | Incentive and Commission Management |
TFILA_ACCRULET | Accounting Principles for CRM Classification -Texts | Lease Accounting |
RMXTC_T80 | TMS-API: Characteristics from Classification in Hit List | Recipe Management |
T7PIQ_US_FIRSTY | Determine First-Year Progress Classification | USA |
T7UNPAD_DSCA_T | Text for Duty Station Hardship Classification | Non Profit Organizations |
CLAENNR | Change number-to-class alloc.: classification effectivity | Classes |
GEN_TABLES_MAIN | Generated Tables for Search in Classification System | Object Selection |
RCPT_API_KSSK_D | RMS - RCP: Deletion Entries for Classification | Recipe |
T188 | Conditions: Groups for Customer Classifications | Article Maintenance |
T7PMW | Conversion Factors for Pay Scale Classification | Budget Management |
A261 | IS-M: VAT Country/RecLand/Cust.Tax Classification | SAP Media |
T5P03 | HR-PT: Employee Groups / Subgroups - Classification | Portugal |
PA0337 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0337 (Prof.Classification - PT) | Portugal |
CIF_IMCHAR | Integration Model Reference Table for Classification | Cross-Application Components |
TFILA_GF_110T | Texts of Check Sequences in Financing Classification | Lease Accounting |
T7UNSLWOP_RC | SLWOP periods to be ignored for next reclassification date | Non Profit Organizations |
TZBR | Relationship table for contracting party classification | Germany |
TNS26 | IS-H: Discount Factors for Specific Case Classifications | Basic Data |
A040 | Country/State/Customer Classif.1/Article Classification 1 | Conditions |
T5PAB | HR-PT: Absence/Attendance types - Reporting classification | Portugal |
TF562 | Assignment of Method/Doc. Type to Task in Reclassification | Consolidation |
JJCPCLASSCONV | IS-M/AM: Class Selection for Converting CT12 Classification | SAP Media |
N2PRZ_HIT_KAT | IS-H*MED: SPC Hit Lists Entries Hierarchical Classification | SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals |
TFK020VK | FS Preparation: Summarization Accounts for Reclassification | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
TW16 | References between product type and security classification | Treasury |
TFK020VB | FS Preparation: Summarization Co. Codes for Reclassification | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
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