Table | Descriptions | Functional Area |
TWPLROLEST | Workplace Role Texts | Cross-Application Components |
PLMM_AUDIT_ROLES | Audit Components-BP-Partner Role | Audit Management |
WP3ROLESRVLONG | Long service IDs | User and Authorization Management |
EEDMPROFROLESRS | Source Role for Profile Allocation and Usage Factor Calc. | Energy Data Management |
AAF_ROLES | SAP Authorization Assistant - User-Specific Favorites | Authorization and Role Management |
AAT_ROLES | SAP Authorization Assistant - Definition | Authorization and Role Management |
TCNROLE | Roles in Monitoring Dates | Network and Activity |
TP46 | Roles Permitted in Application | Business Partner Enhancements for Financial Services |
TICL032 | Roles of Permitted Recipients for Claim Documents | Claims Management |
EPROFASSROLE | Roles for Profile Allocation | Energy Data Management |
EPROFASSROLET | Roles for Profile Allocation | Energy Data Management |
SKWACTGRP | Roles | Knowledge Warehouse |
T77RCF_ROLE_T | Roles in E-Recruiting | E-Recruiting |
TB003 | BP Roles | SAP Business Partner |
TB003T | BP Roles: Texts | SAP Business Partner |
TICL550 | Tax Roles | Claims Management |
TICL550T | Tax Roles Text | Claims Management |
BUT100 | BP: Roles | SAP Business Partner |
PSO49T | User Roles | Funds Management-Specific Postings |
WP3ROLEAGR | Portal roles: Assignment to authorization roles | User and Authorization Management |
WP3ROLEDEF | Portal roles: Definition | User and Authorization Management |
WP3ROLEDEFT | Portal roles: Short and long texts | User and Authorization Management |
WP3ROLESRV | Portal roles: Services | User and Authorization Management |
WP3ROLESRVT | Portal roles: Services short texts | User and Authorization Management |
WP3ROLESYS | Portal roles: Responsibilities | User and Authorization Management |
WP3ROLEUSR | Portal roles: User assignments | User and Authorization Management |
WP3ROLEUSRH | Portal roles: User assignments header | User and Authorization Management |
SALRTAROLE | Alert: Roles and Categories (for Authorization Check) | Alert Framework |
SRMORGRL2 | BC-RM : Roles (new) | SAP Records Management |
TZR1 | Convert Roles between Applications | Real Estate Management |
EKPA | Partner Roles in Purchasing | Purchasing |
TZRET | External roles (Texts) | Treasury |
TWPLROLES | Workplace Roles | Cross-Application Components |
OIFBRF2 | Bus. par. roles - permissible tech. categories (IS-Oil MRN) | Marketing Retail Network |
TICL125 | Permitted Roles per Transaction Type in Procurement Process | Claims Management |
LSO_COL_PROF_RLE | Profiles / Roles | Training Management |
SROBLROLB | Persistent Roles of BOR Objects | General Object Relations |
SROBLROLC | Persistent Roles of Business Classes | General Object Relations |
FOPCOBJTYPERESP | Responsible Roles for Persons | Management of Internal Controls |
TE673 | Installation Roles in an Installation Group | Contract Billing |
TE674 | Installation Roles for Grouping Type | Contract Billing |
TEOBJRESP | Def. Partner Roles and Note for Persons Responsible for Obj. | Processing |
TVROA | Allocation of roles to partner / screen control | Real Estate Management |
AGR_TCODE3 | Assignment of roles to Tcodes | Authorization and Role Management |
AGR_USERS | Assignment of roles to users | Authorization and Role Management |
T77RCF_ROLE2SUB | Assignment of Roles in E-Recruiting to Subarea | E-Recruiting |
AGR_USERT | Assignment of roles to users | Authorization and Role Management |
T5W9P | Participating Roles for Labour Relations Interventions | South Africa |
FAVO_ROLES | Favorites for roles in PFCG | Authorization and Role Management |
OIFBRF1 | Business partner roles (IS-Oil MRN) | Marketing Retail Network |
OIFBRF1T | Business partner roles - texts (IS-Oil MRN) | Marketing Retail Network |
OIFBRT1 | Business partner roles - technical category (IS-Oil MRN) | Marketing Retail Network |
OIFBRT1T | Business partner roles - tech. category text (IS-Oil MRN) | Marketing Retail Network |
OIJRRA | OIL-TSW: Partner roles | Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench |
TCMS_RE_BPRL_T | Business partner roles(Text table) | Real Estate |
TB901T | "Business Partner Roles: Properties | SAP Business Partner |
CVLC19 | VELO : Define VMS Roles | Vehicle Management System |
DPR_PART_ROLE_PR | Project Participant Roles | Resources |
TJPPMBP | Assignment of SAP BP Roles to PM Partner Roles | SAP Media |
BCONTCAOR | Assignment of Object Roles to Contact Classes/Activity | Customer Contact |
T5W9PT | Text - Participating Roles for Lab. Relations Interventions | South Africa |
TE673T | Names of Installation Roles | Contract Billing |
EEDMSETTLPROCRI | Settlement Procedure (Roles for Installation Allocation) | Energy Data Management |
TICL272 | Permitted Participant Roles per Insurance Line | Claims Management |
AGR_DATEU | Personal settings for roles | Authorization and Role Management |
TDBAFINGP | Customizing Table for Roles Relevant for BaFin | Loans Management |
TCNPRRL | Assignment of Users to Roles for Monitoring Dates | Network and Activity |
TZR4 | Allocation of external roles to various application areas | Real Estate Management |
FPB_EXP_ROLE | Express Planning: User Roles for Planning Rounds | Business Package for Manager Self-Service (FI) |
TICL554 | Assignment of Claim BP Roles and Tax BP Roles | Claims Management |
TWPLROLEUS | Assignment of Workplace Roles to Users | Cross-Application Components |
TB003I | BP Role Groupings -> BP Roles | SAP Business Partner |
TRTP_US_BP_ED | Special business partner roles for an ESA | Bank Customer Accounts |
CVLC25 | VELO : Assign User to VMS Roles | Vehicle Management System |
SALRTTROLE | Alert Recipients Via User Roles | Alert Framework |
TDLOAN_CPPART | Default Sttng of Permitted Roles and Roles for Partner Copy | Loans Management |
TTEM_ROLE | [Not used] Mapping: Partner Roles | Transaction Tax Engine |
USLA04 | CUA: Assignment of Users to Roles | User and Authorization Management |
JKSD_KNVP_CONTR | IS-M: Time-Dependent Partner Roles in MPS - Contracts | SAP Media |
SRRELROLES | Object Relationship Service: Roles | General Object Relations |
TB044 | (Obsolete!) Business Partner Roles: Properties | SAP Business Partner |
JKSD_KNVP_HEAD | IS-M: Time-Dependent Partner Roles in MPS - Admin. Data | SAP Media |
JKSD_KNVP_PARVW | IS-M: Time-Dependent Partner Roles in MPS - Partners | SAP Media |
TB044T | "(Obsolete!) Business Partner Roles: Properties | SAP Business Partner |
AAA_ROLES | SAP Authorization Assistant - Roles Managed by Tool | Authorization and Role Management |
AAA_ROLES2 | SAP Authorization Assistant - Roles no longer Managed | Authorization and Role Management |
N1DCS_AGR_RANGE | DCS: Quick Entry Settings for Roles (Ranges) | Clinical System |
TICL132 | Internal Claim Type: Permitted Roles for Interruptions | Claims Management |
TB003E | BP Role Exclusion Groups -> BP Roles | SAP Business Partner |
BPFRG | OBSOLETE TABLE: Business Partner: Roles for Release | Business Partner |
USERVAR | User variables that can be used in roles | Authorization and Role Management |
CVLC24 | VELO : Assign Vehicle Model to VMS Roles | Vehicle Management System |
OIFBPBLT | Location type - permissible partner roles (IS-Oil MRN) | Marketing Retail Network |
CVLC23 | VELO: Assign Organization Data to VMS Roles | Vehicle Management System |
TCMS_RE_BPRL | Customizing table for Business Partner roles | Real Estate |
AGR_BUFFI3 | Internet links table - SAP versions of SAP roles | Authorization and Role Management |
DPR_RATES_CO | Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles | Controlling |
DPR_RATES_T_CO | Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles | Controlling |
SDVARIANT | User-specific Selection Variants for Portal Roles | Sales |
DPR_RATES | Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles | cProjects Accounting Integration |
DPR_RATES_T | Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles | cProjects Accounting Integration |
JKSDQUANTITYROLE | IS-M: Contract-Related Quantities for Specific Roles | SAP Media |
DPR_RATES_CALC | Customizing: Mapping of Cost/Revenue Rates for Roles | Controlling |
VAL_AKH | Permitted Values for Application Components in Roles | Authorization and Role Management |
TP48 | Business Partner Archiving: Residence Times for Roles | Business Partner Enhancements for Financial Services |
AGR_HIER3 | Menu structure information - SAP version of SAP roles | Authorization and Role Management |
TB920 | BP Relationship Categories: Assign BP Role Cat. -> BP Roles | SAP Business Partner |
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