Table | Descriptions | Functional Area |
A182 | Region/SiteRegion/Site/Tax ind. | Conditions |
T5ITP5 | Regional tax indicators table | Italy |
T059L | Regional tax minimum amounts for 1099 reporting | Basic Functions |
T5ITP6 | Regional taxes | Italy |
T5ITP8 | Regional tax settlements | Italy |
T5ITP9 | Regional tax settlements with reference to previous year | Italy |
T5ITPA | Regional taxes payment phases | Italy |
T5ITPW | Regional tax indicator descriptions | Italy |
T5ITPZ | Regional tax settlements text table | Italy |
OIRBREGM | Region Manager assignment (IS-OIL SSR) | Service Station Retailing |
T5ITR8 | Regional tax settlements | Italy |
J_1BCFOP_XREG | Regions with CFOP extension | Localization |
T5W81 | Regional Services Councils | South Africa |
J_1BCFOP_XREGN | Regions with differing CFOP version and extension | Localization |
FMEUFRCODE | Regional Code | Expenditure Certification |
J_3RFPTREGION | Regions and districts for property tax | Localization |
ADRREGGRP | Regional structure grouping | Address Management/Business Address |
T646R | Region Codes | Warehouse Management |
J_3RFPTREGIONT | Regions and districts for property tax | Localization |
FMEUFRCODET | Regional Code - Text Table | Expenditure Certification |
TA21R | Regions | Travel Planning |
T5D8O | Regional Board | Public Sector |
TA21R1 | Regions (Language-Dependent) | Travel Planning |
T76MGE_REGION | Regions | Management of Global Employees |
TA21RH | Region Hierarchy | Travel Planning |
TIV15 | Regional management - no longer used | Real Estate Management |
TIV35 | Regional locations | Real Estate Management |
TIVA2 | Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days | Real Estate Management |
TIVAB | Regional Location Key- Heating Value Days - Texts | Real Estate Management |
T7IDRW | Region Codes and their minimum wages | Indonesia |
J_1BTREGC | Tax regions for foreign countries | Localization |
J_1BTREGX | Tax region | Localization |
TTEC_TAX_REG | Tax Region | Transaction Tax Engine |
J_1BTREGXT | Tax region description | Localization |
TTEC_TAX_REG_T | Tax Region Name | Transaction Tax Engine |
CACS_CTBU_WA | Work Regions for Commission Contract | Incentive and Commission Management |
TIVROZ04 | IPD: Region (only for usage type office > 50%) | Real Estate Management |
TBKS | Super region | Funds Management |
T005S | Taxes: Region (Province) Key | Address Management/Business Address |
T005U | Taxes: Region Key: Texts | Address Management/Business Address |
T71JPR13 | Survey Region | Job Pricing |
T71JPR14 | Survey Region Code | Job Pricing |
PSO14 | Define Regions | Funds Management-Specific Postings |
T71JPR14T | Survey Region Code Text | Job Pricing |
A353 | ST Code/Region/SiteRegion | Conditions |
A354 | Country/Region/SiteRegion | Conditions |
RPM_PROJ_GEOGR_T | Project Region Text | Resource and Program Management (SAP xRPM) |
RGOFFICET | Name of Regional Tax Office | Localization |
TD18T | Business region text table | Loans Management |
OIRBREG | Location region indicator (IS-OIL SSR) | Service Station Retailing |
OIRBREGT | Location Region Description (IS-OIL SSR) | Service Station Retailing |
TTEC_SPREG | Exempted Region | Transaction Tax Engine |
TTEC_SPREG_T | Exempted Region Description | Transaction Tax Engine |
TVBZ | Customer region | Customer Master |
TD18 | Business regions | Loans Management |
T5ITR5 | Table for regional tax indicators | Italy |
T646S | Texts for Region Codes | Warehouse Management |
TZONE | Customers: Regional zones | Address Management/Business Address |
TZONT | Customers: Regional Zone Texts | Address Management/Business Address |
T7IDRM | Linking of Region Codes with Tax modifiers | Indonesia |
A356 | Country/SiteRegion/ST Code/TaxCl1Cust/TaxCl.Art | Conditions |
A368 | Country/SiteRegion/Region/TaxCl1Cust/TaxCl.Art | Conditions |
VFSCAIL6 | Scale Item: Region | Freight Processing |
TA21RZL | Assignment: Region of Several Countries to Country | Travel Planning |
A367 | Country/Site/Region/Article | Conditions |
T7RUGA | Garnishment: Region Key | Russia |
T7RUGZ | Garnishment: Region Key: Texts | Russia |
TBKST | Name of Super Region | Funds Management |
T7IDRC | Definition of Region Codes | Indonesia |
TICL824 | Entity Table: Regional Office | Claims Management |
TSAD13 | Field Name for Regional Structure | Address Management/Business Address |
T76MGE_RET | Text Table for Regions | Management of Global Employees |
ICLCCEVENTR | Claim Bundle - Region - Assignment | Claims Management |
T7IDRT | Text table for Region Codes | Indonesia |
ICSCCEVENTR | Claim Bundle - Region - Assignment | Claims Management |
T5ITNS | Special status regions and districts | Italy |
T5ITNX | Special status regions and districts table | Italy |
ADRREGGRPT | Grouping of the regional structure (long texts) | Address Management/Business Address |
K9RALR0000475SAP | Derivation Rule: Region from Destination | Profitability Analysis |
T005_IT_UICREG | UIC Code based on region and country key | Payment Transactions |
T702O | Trip country/Trip region/Trip country group | Travel Expenses |
T76MGE_REG | Mapping Table for Regions and Countries | Management of Global Employees |
A137 | Price per Country/Region | Overhead Cost Controlling |
A374 | Country/Sales org./Region/SiteRegion/TaxCl3Cust/TaxCl.3Art | Localization |
A375 | Country/Sales org./Region/SiteRegion/TaxCl2Cust/TaxCl.2Art | Localization |
A376 | Country/Sales org./Region/SiteRegion/TaxCl4Cust/TaxCl.4Art | Localization |
TTEC_SPREG_PCD | Determine Exempted Region from Postal Code | Transaction Tax Engine |
TTEC_SPREG_REG | Determine Exempted Region from Region | Transaction Tax Engine |
J_3RFOKATOREG | "Relation OKATO -> Region | Localization |
FMTC_RFC | Table for Treasury Regional Financial Center | Funds Management |
TTEC_SPREG_JSD | Determine Exempted Region from Tax Jurisdiction Code | Transaction Tax Engine |
J_3RTTAXR | Define Tax Rates for Regions and Districts | Localization |
TBKCR | House Bank per Super Region and Currency | Funds Management |
TTZ5S | Assign time zones to regions | Time and Scheduling Functions |
A352 | ST Code/Post.code/SiteRegion | Conditions |
TE227 | Elements of Political Regional Structure | Regional structure |
TE227T | Elements of Political Regional Structure (Texts) | Regional structure |
TJS17 | IS-M/SD: Assignment of Region to District Municipality Key | Master Data |
T5ITW9 | Table to map codes and regions of the F24 | Italy |
TE225H | Hierarchy of Political Regional Structure | Regional structure |
TNCH10 | IS-H CH: Postal Code-to-Region Assignment | SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals |
COMC_CFOP_REGION | Assignment of departure region to CFOP Version | Country-Specific Objects |
TDFLOW_EXT | Permitted Flow Types Per Region | Loans Management |
COMC_TAXJUR_REG | Tax Jurisdiction codes by region | Country-Specific Objects |
COMC_TAXJUR_REGT | Tax Jurisdiction codes by region | Country-Specific Objects |
TSADVC_REG2 | Version-Specific Control of Regional Structure | Address Management/Business Address |
T2214 | "Values for Characteristic ""Region """ | Profitability Analysis |
LFLR | Vendor Master Record: Supply Regions | Vendor Master |
TE225 | Hierarchy Levels of Political Regional Structure | Regional structure |
TSAD13T | Description for Field Name of Regional Structure | Address Management/Business Address |
J_1BNFE_CUST1 | NF-e: System Configuration per Region | Localization |
EADRREGAREAT | Role-Specific Area Group of the Regional Structure (Texts) | Regional structure |
TA21RZC | Assignment: Country-Subdividing Region to Location | Travel Planning |
EADRREGAREA | Role-Specific Area Grouping of the Regional Structure | Regional structure |
J_1B_NFTYPEREG | Nota Fiscal Type Redetermination per Region for SD | Localization |
TFKARMZPKT_R | Argentina: Reporting time definition at Regional level | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
TFKARGROUP_R | Argentina: Reporting group definition at Regional level | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
TEREGPLANTWC | Allocation of Workplace to Service Obj. and Regional Group | Processing |
T706L | Assignment of Trip Country - Country Group - Region | Travel Expenses |
T609II | FT: Declara. to auth.: Special rules country/region | Basic Functions |
T706O | Names for Trip Country/Trip Country Group/Trip Region | Travel Expenses |
GEOT005S | Table Containing Geocoordinates at Country- and Region Level | Geographical Functions |
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