Table | Descriptions | Functional Area |
VLCINVOICE | VELO : Billing Document | Vehicle Management System |
J_1IVATINVOICE | Billing type determination for VAT | Localization |
EINVOICECATT | Bill Categories (Text) for Service Provider | Energy Data Management |
RBKPB | Invoice Document Header (Batch Invoice Verification) | Invoice Verification |
VIMIIH | Invoice Header | Real Estate Management |
TTEC_IV_LAYOUT | Invoice Verification Parameter Layout | Transaction Tax Engine |
VIMIIP | Invoice Items | Real Estate Management |
TTEC_IV_LAYOUT_T | Invoice Verification Parameter Layout | Transaction Tax Engine |
RBVD | Invoice Document - Aggregation Data | Invoice Verification |
TOIA11 | Invoice verification filter types | Exchanges |
TOIA11T | Invoice verification filter type text | Exchanges |
RBVS | Invoice Verification: Split Invoice Amount | Invoice Verification |
TOIA7 | Invoice receipt Copy rules | Exchanges |
T169D | Invoice Verification: Amount Check | Invoice Verification |
FDM_INV_MEM_OBS | Invoice Information Provided Obsolete | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
OIUH_RV_IVS | Invoice Selection | Revenue |
FDM_INVOICE_MEM | Invoice Information Provided | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
DFMCAINV | Invoice in IS-PS-CA: Header Data | Public Sector Contract Accounting |
DFMCAINVPOS | Invoice in IS-PS-CA: Items | Public Sector Contract Accounting |
TFMCA003 | Invoice Types | Public Sector Contract Accounting |
FMFG_DOCT_ADJ | Invoice Document types for adjustment delivered | Functions for U.S. Federal Government |
TFMCA003T | Invoice Types Texts | Public Sector Contract Accounting |
EINVOICECAT | Invoice categories | Energy Data Management |
VTBMROR | invoice verification: open requests | Transaction Manager |
FMFGT_EXCL | Invoice exclusion table for Fast Pay | US Prompt Payment Act |
T023E | Invoice line item handling rules | US Prompt Payment Act |
ISJPINVSUMHD | Invoice Summary Header | Localization |
RBDIFFKO | Invoice Verification - Conditions | Invoice Verification |
RBSELBEST | "Invoice Receipt | Invoice Verification |
RBSELERFB | "Invoice Receipt | Invoice Verification |
RBSELFRBR | "Invoice Receipt | Invoice Verification |
RBSELLBLN | "Invoice Receipt | Invoice Verification |
RBSELLIFS | "Invoice Receipt | Invoice Verification |
RBSELWERK | "Invoice Receipt | Invoice Verification |
RBVDMAT | "Invoice Verification - Aggregation Data | Invoice Verification |
VIRAINV | RE Invoice Header | Rental Accounting |
VIRAINVITEM | RE Invoice Item | Rental Accounting |
DFKKTXINV | Tax Invoices | Business transactions |
FMFG_PPA_INV_HD | PPA invoice header information (reason codes) | US Prompt Payment Act |
NBRK | IS-H: Invoice print data (adds to VBRK) | Patient Accounting |
TN21S | IS-H: Invoice Creation Control | Patient Accounting |
RBDIFFME | Batch Invoice Verification - Quantity Differences | Invoice Verification |
WOSCR_EXI_COCODE | Vendor Invoice - Assignment for Each Company Code | SAP Retail Store |
J_1IEXCDTL | Excise invoice line item details | Localization |
T8J60 | JV EDI Invoice Service Codes | Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting |
J_1IEXCHDR | Excise invoice header detail | Localization |
T8J61 | JV EDI Invoice Service Code Descriptions | Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting |
WOSCR_EXI_ST_02 | Vendor Invoice - Store Settings (FI/CO) | SAP Retail Store |
WOSCR_EXI_SITE | Expense Invoice - General Store Settings | SAP Retail Store |
IDMX_DI_BASIC | Digital invoice Mexico: general settings | Localization |
IDMX_DI_FIDCTP | Digital Invoice Mexico: Special FI Document Types (SAT) | Localization |
IDMX_DI_TAXES | Digital Invoice Mexico: Legal Abbreviations of Taxes | Localization |
IDMX_DI_TXTIDDET | Digital Invoice Mexico: Data ID - Text ID Determination | Localization |
RBSELDELI | Incoming Invoice: Delivery Selection | Invoice Verification |
J_3RF_REGINV_DE | Outgoing invoice journal transp tab for IBOOK ver 2 | Localization |
J_3RF_REGINV_K | Incoming invoice journal transp tab for IBOOK | Localization |
V54IV_SELOPT | Incoming Invoice: Selection Transportation Service Provider | Freight Processing |
RBKP_BLOCKED | Logistics Invoice Verification: Blocked Invoices | Invoice Verification |
FLQQRT | Liquidity Invoices - Query Texts | Treasury |
TJNF1 | "IS-M/SD: Invoice Printout | SAP Media |
OIRIPGRP | SSR SD/FI Invoice posting group | Service Station Retailing |
OIRIPGRPD | SSR SD/FI Invoice posting group definition | Service Station Retailing |
OIRIPGRPDT | SSR SD/FI Invoice posting group description | Service Station Retailing |
RBDRSEG | Batch IV: Invoice Document Items | Invoice Verification |
TDESRVDINVIP | CML Corr.: Invoice Positions | Loans Management |
J_1AINFINV | Inflation: Invoices for Replacement Value Determination | Localization |
TFK2618 | Invoicing: Invoice Rounding | Invoicing to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
TFK2618R | Invoicing: Invoice Rounding | Invoicing to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
TFK2618T | Invoicing: Invoice Rounding (Texts) | Invoicing to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
TMRM007A | Tax Codes: Invoice Verification/Invoice Entry (FI) | Invoice Verification |
TICL260 | Collective Invoice Payment Type | Claims Management |
TDESRVDINVIH | CML Corr.: Invoice Header | Loans Management |
MYMP1R | Storage for Invoice Differences (LIFO/FIFO) | Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures |
T8J66 | JV EDI BI to Invoice Service Codes | Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting |
FDM_INVOICE_ACT | Provision of Invoice Information: Active Procedure | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
MEREP_TINVOICE | MI Testtool - Invoice | Mobile Engine |
ISJPINVSUMIT | Line items for invoice summary | Localization |
VLCINCINVOICE | VELO : Incoming Invoice | Vehicle Management System |
J_1IEX_CUST_FLDS | J1IEX: Incoming Invoices field selections | Localization |
VBRL | Sales Document: Invoice List | Billing |
RBTX | Taxes: Incoming Invoice | Invoice Verification |
RBKP | Document Header: Invoice Receipt | Invoice Verification |
NBRKS | IS-H: Collective Invoice Status | Patient Accounting |
FINDUEDATE | Data Storage for Invoice Information for Due Dates | Financials |
FMFGRC | Reason Codes for Invoices | US Prompt Payment Act |
T052R | Rules for Issuing Invoices | Financial Accounting |
FAIBSV01 | Incoming/Outgoing Invoices | Inventory Accounting |
A162 | Trading Contract: Invoice Recipient | Logistics - General |
J_1ACI_LIMIT | Limits for Credit invoice | Localization |
TE505 | Basic settings for invoice cancellation | Invoicing |
TICL333 | Tax Calculation in Invoice Items | Claims Management |
TICL333T | Tax Calculation in Invoice Items | Claims Management |
DFKKTHI | Transfer Records for Invoice Issue by Third Party | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
J_1ACAE | Argentina electronic invoice CAE track table | Localization |
J_3RNDSINV | Target use of ingoing invoice positions for AuC | Localization |
WOSCR_EXI_CURR | Currencies for Expense Invoice | SAP Retail Store |
NREP | IS-H: Items Collective Invoice Selection | Patient Accounting |
ISJPHIERARCHY | Customer Hierarchy For Invoice Summary | Localization |
FMFG_PO_SUBSET | ZEKKN number to correct invoices for SES | Funds Management |
RBMA | Document Item: Incoming Invoice for Article | Invoice Verification |
NREK | IS-H: Header Collective Invoice Selection | Patient Accounting |
J_1IGRXREF | Goods Receipt to Excise Invoice Coss Reference | Localization |
T076B | EDI: Assign Name in the Invoice <-> Company Code | Financial Accounting |
J_3RMWOIN | Article issues without invoices. | Localization |
RSEG | Document Item: Incoming Invoice | Invoice Verification |
TZSZ7 | Clerk allocation via the invoice no. | Transaction Manager |
WOSCR_EXI_002 | G/L Accounts for Expense Invoice | SAP Retail Store |
FMFG_HEAD_INV | Header Data for Improper Invoices | Funds Management |
J_1BIMFI | Movement Types for Vendor Invoices (Brazil) | Localization |
WOSCR_EXI_003 | Tax Code Lines for Expense Invoice | SAP Retail Store |
OFNUM_ES | ODN enabled for correction invoice per vender (ES) | Financial Accounting |
SAFTPT_FIMD | SAFT PT Master data for FI invoices | Financial Accounting |
J_3GSTEUM | Internal Settlement/Writing Invoices (Tax Matrix) | Construction Equipment Management |
J_1IEXCREF | Delivery document to excise invoice refrence document link | Localization |
TEBPPEXTSTATUS | External description of the invoice | Financial Accounting |
FMUDBSEGP | Part.Payt Item for Customer Invoice of a Rev. Incr. the Bgt | Funds Management |
ISJPSELECTION | Selection of line items for Invoice Summary | Localization |
FMBLEXTIN | Substitute BL Doc Types for Invoices | Funds Management |
J_1ISER_BSEG | Transaction table having the Invoices with Service Category | Localization |
IDES_SI | Assign Number Range for Self Invoices to Company Code | Localization |
PSO50 | Stop Mass Processing Data for Invoice Reference | Funds Management-Specific Postings |
T169L | Vendor-Specific Parameters for Invoice Verification | Invoice Verification |
WOSCR_EXI_001T | Text Table - Groups for Expense Invoice Accounts | SAP Retail Store |
TNIEBILL | IS-H: Internet-Enabled Estimated Invoice - Not Supported Now | Patient Accounting |
TZKN7 | Acct assignment reference via the invoice no. | Transaction Manager |
T169WF01 | IV Workflow: Amounts for Release in Invoice Parking | Invoice Verification |
TKKVFAART_PYMET | Additional Payment Methods also for Invoice | Collections/Disbursements |
FLQINVEXIT | Liquidity Calculation - Settings for Invoice Exit | Treasury |
WOSCR_EXI_002T | Text Table - G/L Accounts for Expense Invoice | SAP Retail Store |
NFSR | IS-H: Billing documents for collective invoice (Austria) | SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals |
WOSCR_EXI_003T | Text Table - Tax Code Lines for Expense Invoice | SAP Retail Store |
OIRIREVCOMP | Assign completion strategy for periodic invoice reversals | Service Station Retailing |
WOSCR_EXI_001 | SRS Conv. Retailing - Groups for Expense Invoice Accounts | SAP Retail Store |
TZSZ6 | Alloc. of characteris.groups to clerk via invoice no. | Transaction Manager |
WRFT_PREPAY_FCHG | Control Input of Header Fields in Logistics Invoice Verif. | Logistics Invoice Verification |
EKRSDC | ERS Procedure: Planned Delivery Costs to be Invoiced | Purchasing |
FMFGT_IPCD_BLRT | IPACed Auto Doc Creation: Default fields for Invoice | Central Cash Desk Procedure |
VVWKN6 | Alloc. of to second.term via the invoice no. | Treasury and Risk Management |
IDKR_AMNDSTAT | Amendment Status code for Korea Electronic Tax Invoice | Localization |
J_1I_BCKEXCSUS | Customizing table for background capture of Exc Invoice-SUS | Localization |
TZKN6 | Allocation of charact. group to acct.ass.ref. via invoice no | Transaction Manager |
J_1ISERCATMM | Service category determination for GTA and imports Invoices | Localization |
EKRS | ERS Procedure: Goods (Merchandise) Movements to be Invoiced | Purchasing |
VIMITH | Rental agreement number and doc.number for printing invoices | Real Estate Management |
J_3RFIN_RATE_CLC | Downpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - invoices | Localization |
FMFGT_IPACD_PMS | IPACed Auto Doc Creation - Payment Method Suppl for Invoice | Central Cash Desk Procedure |
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