Table | Descriptions | Functional Area |
ROIDOCPRMS | Control parameters for data transfer from the source system | BW Service API |
EDEXIDOCSEND | Customizing: Definition of Sending Types for DE Processes | Energy Data Management |
EDEXIDOCSENDT | Customizing: Def. of Sending Types for DE Processes - TEXT | Energy Data Management |
EREMADVCTRL_IDOC | IDE: control table - payment data | Intercompany Data Exchange |
ADMI_FIDOC | Archive Management for FI_DOCUMNT Object | Financial Accounting |
WRMA_EVALIDOC | Document flow for RMA revaluations | Inventory Management |
VIDOCS | Reference Table for Real Estate Documents | Real Estate Management |
TIVEXFIDOCTYPE | Document Type Determination | Rental Accounting |
IHC_DB_CL_IDOC | IHC: Communication Data for Clearing Unit | FSCM In-House Cash |
UIDOC | Results Document of a Research Run (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
AQLIDOC | SAP Query: InfoSet Documentation (Key) | SAP Query |
RCMDOIDOCTYPE | Registered DOI Doc Types on User's Desktop | SAP Records Management |
IDX_MDMP | IDoc Adapter MDMP | Integration Server |
IDX_MDMP_ADM | IDoc Adapter MDMP Administration Table | Integration Server |
IDXGUIDDOC | IDoc Adapter Link GUID with IDoc Numbers | Integration Server |
IDXLNKOBJ | IDoc Adapter Link Segment Fields for Port | Integration Server |
EDID2 | IDoc Data Record from 3.0C onwards | ALE Integration Technology |
EDID3 | IDoc Data Record from 3.0 onwards | ALE Integration Technology |
EDID4 | IDoc Data Records from 4.0 onwards | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXQUEUE | IDoc Adapter Queue | Integration Server |
EDIDD_OLD | IDoc Data Record | ALE Integration Technology |
EDEXTASKIDOC | IDocs for Data Exchange Task | Energy Data Management |
EDIQI | IDoc Inbound Queue Table | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXTRCMONI | IDoc Adapter Tracking Destination | Integration Server |
EDIQO | IDoc: Outbound Queue for qRFC | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXEDISDEF | IDoc Adapter Segment Versions for each Port | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXEDSAPPL | IDoc Adapter Fields in the Segments for each Port | ALE Integration Technology |
RSTSIDOC | IDoc Operational Data Store for the transfer structure | Data Staging |
IDXIDOCINB | IDoc Adapter: IDoc types which must not go to the Int. Serv. | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXIDOCSYN | IDoc Adapter IDoc Syntax Description for each Port | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXPORSM59 | IDoc Adapter Destination and Partner for Status Confirmation | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXSLOAD | IDoc Adapter Administration | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXSTRUCT | IDoc Adapter: IDoc Structure Information Procurement | ALE Integration Technology |
FKK_EBS_EXT_STAX | IDoc with Revenue Item Tax Data Determination of Tax Subitem | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
SEGEXTCONV | IDoc Basis Conversion of External Segment IDs 3.0-4.0 | ALE Integration Technology |
FKK_EBS_EXT_TAX | IDoc with Revenue Items - Tax Data Determination | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
FKK_EBS_INT_STAX | IDoc with Revenue Item Tax Data Determination of Tax Subitem | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
FKK_EBS_INT_TAX | IDoc with Revenue Items - Tax Data Determination | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
VSBHDR | IDoc Self-Billing Procedure w. Automatic Postings | Self-Billing Proced. |
VSBITM | IDoc-Item Self-Billing Procedure w. Automatic Postings | Self-Billing Proced. |
TEDNOLINKS | IDoc: Negative List for IDoc/Application Object Link | ALE Integration Technology |
TEDNOLINKSHIST | IDoc: History of Changes in TEDNOLINKS | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXRCVPOR | "IDoc Adapter Link GUID with IDoc | Integration Server |
IDXSNDPOR | "IDoc Adapter Link GUID with IDoc | Integration Server |
IDXALEREQUEST | XI IDoc Adapter: Send ALEAUD as Request Message | Integration Server |
TBD21 | ALE: IDoc reduction | ALE Integration Technology |
TBD24 | ALE: IDOC reduction flagged with positive logic | ALE Integration Technology |
IDXMDMPLANGU | MDMP: IDoc type with language field | Integration Server |
OIK04 | IS-OIL/TAS: Idoc data segment | Interface to Terminal Automation System |
IDOCREL | Links between IDoc and application object | ALE Integration Technology |
TBD20 | ALE: data for IDoc projection filter | ALE Integration Technology |
WDLCOPY | Log Table for IDoc Copy Management | POS Interface - Outbound |
IDXNOALE | Do not request IDoc Adapter exception list acknowledgement | Integration Server |
EDIDS | Status Record (IDoc) | ALE Integration Technology |
RSTSIDOCFIELD | Fields for the IDoc Operational Data Store | Data Staging |
JITED | JIT : Assigned IDoc | Just-In-Time Processing |
EDIDC | Control record (IDoc) | ALE Integration Technology |
EDIDOCINDX | Control record (IDoc) | ALE Integration Technology |
RSLOGSYSDB | Extras for RSBASIDOC with DB Connect Source Systems | Data Staging |
T8JDX | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC to FB01 document numbers | Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting |
VLCIDGU | VELO: Vehicle to IDoc Number Assignment Table | Vehicle Management System |
IDXSNDBSI | Assignment Sender IDoc Partner for Business System Instance | Integration Server |
WDLSP | POS outbound log: IDoc (items) | Assortment List |
IDXRCVBSI | Assignment Receiver IDoc Partner for Bus. System Instance | Integration Server |
WDLCOPYLOG | Error Log Table for IDoc Copy Management | POS Interface - Outbound |
ECROSSREFNO | Reference Number for IDoc | Intercompany Data Exchange |
RSMONRQTAB | Monitor table for request IDocs | Data Staging |
TBD30 | ALE: Conversion rules for IDoc segments | ALE Integration Technology |
TWPCOPY | Reference Ship-to Party for IDoc Copy Management | POS Interface - Outbound |
T7PIQ_US_IDOCSTR | Assign SEVIS XML Tag Names to IDOC Tag Names | USA |
TBDMS | Assignment of message type to IDoc type | ALE Integration Technology |
OIJEDIITYP | Assign nomination item type to IDoc item | Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench |
BDAUDQUEUE | ALE Audit queue for unprocessed IDocs | ALE Integration Technology |
RSSIMUDAT | Transfer table for simulation of IDocs | Data Staging |
IHC_PI_INB_PRN | PI: Clearing Partner for Inbound IDOC | Financial Supply Chain Management |
T327B | Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM - sub | Warehouse Management |
WBB_MIDOC | Assortment List: Header For Merged IDocs | Assortment List |
IHC_PI_INB_TARGT | PI: Payment Parameters for Inbound IDOC | Financial Supply Chain Management |
EEWM_IDOC_FM | IS-U: Alloc. of Function Modules to IDoc Types (Outbound) | Processing |
PPDIT | Transfer to Accounting: Lines in HR IDOCs | Data Transfer |
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA | CO-PA Characteristic Derivation from IDOC Data | Industry Solution - Telecommunications |
EDIPORT | Summary Table for all Port Types for IDoc Processing | ALE Integration Technology |
FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA | CO-PA Characteristic Derivation from IDOC Data | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
TEFKTVOSBILLT | Text for contract A/R and A/P items in IDoc bill | Intercompany Data Exchange |
OIK29 | IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed inbound IDoc OILSHI01 | Interface to Terminal Automation System |
OIK29D | IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed inbound IDoc OILSHI01 | Interface to Terminal Automation System |
BBP_CTR_IDOC_REF | Reference of contract number for Create Idocs | Materials Management |
BBPD_CTR_IDOCREF | Reference of contract number for Create Idocs | Materials Management |
VSBCON | Conditions (Surcharges/Discounts) of an IDoc Item | Self-Billing Proced. |
IHC_PI_INB_ACCTS | PI: Clearing Partner Details for Inbound IDOC | Financial Supply Chain Management |
PPDIX | Transfer to Accounting: Index Table for HR IDOCs | Data Transfer |
TEBPP_REC_INV_I | SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: IDoc | Financial Accounting |
TEFKTVOSBILL | Contract A/R and A/P items to be transfered for IDoc bill | Intercompany Data Exchange |
RSBASIDOC | Assignment of source systems to BIW systems incl. IDoc type | BW Service API |
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