Table | Descriptions | Functional Area |
S053 | Shipment: shipping data | Data Collection |
S055 | Shipment: articles | Data Collection |
OIO_SH_SHTYP | Shipment types for offshore logistics | Remote Logistics Management |
OIO_SR_ROUTE | Shipment receipt - allowed routes | Remote Logistics Management |
B045 | Shipment Type/Transportation Service Agent | Transportation |
TTSG | Shipment Blocking Reason | Transportation |
VTFA | Shipment Document Flow | Transportation |
VTRDI | Shipment Planning Index | Transportation |
VTTK | Shipment Header | Transportation |
VTTP | Shipment Item | Transportation |
OIGSI | Shipment Item | Transportation and Distribution |
VFKK | Shipment Costs: Header Data | Freight Processing |
VFKP | Shipment Costs: Item Data | Freight Processing |
VFSI | Shipment Costs: Sub-item Data | Freight Processing |
S050 | Shipment | Data Collection |
S051 | Shipment routes | Data Collection |
VTSGD | "Shipment: Statistic Groups | Reporting |
VTSGDT | "Shipment: Stat. Groups | Reporting |
VTSGT | "Shipment: Statistic Groups | Reporting |
VTSGTT | "Shipment: Statistics Groups | Reporting |
TOIGST | TD Shipment Type Description | Transportation and Distribution |
OIGSH | TD Shipment History | Transportation and Distribution |
OIGSS | TD Shipment Stages | Transportation and Distribution |
OIGSVIIS | TD Shipment Assignment of Document Items to Stages | Transportation and Distribution |
OIO_SR_SRSTA | RLM Shipment status for shiment receipt | Remote Logistics Management |
OIGS | TD Shipment Header | Transportation and Distribution |
TOIGS | TD Shipment Types | Transportation and Distribution |
B400 | Bulk shipment type | Transportation and Distribution |
B449 | Bulk shipment type / loading site | Transportation and Distribution |
TOIJ_SHCA | OIL-TSW: Shipment change authorization | Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench |
OIKSD | TAS/TPI: Shipment scheduling | Interface to Terminal Automation System |
VTTS | Stage of Shipment | Transportation |
S054 | Stages of shipment | Data Collection |
OIJ_STAGES | TSW (&TD) Shipment Stages | Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench |
VFPA | Partner for Shipment Costs | Freight Processing |
TOIGARC | TD Archiving shipment | Transportation and Distribution |
OIGSPA | Partner in TD-shipment | Transportation and Distribution |
B022 | TrspPlPoint and Shipment Type | Conditions |
TVFTZ | Tariff Zones for Shipment Costs | Freight Processing |
TOIGTXT | Default Texts For Shipment Header | Transportation and Distribution |
TVARS | Archiving Control Shipment | Transportation |
TIARS | Archiving Control Shipment Costs | Freight Processing |
OIGSVCC | TD Compartment in Shipment | Transportation and Distribution |
OIGSVC | TD Transport Unit in Shipment | Transportation and Distribution |
OIGSMS | TD Article Samples on a Shipment | Transportation and Distribution |
TVFCG | Item Procedure Group for Shipment Costs | Freight Processing |
OIGSV | TD Vehicles in Transport/Shipment | Transportation and Distribution |
VFKN | Account Determination in Shipment Costs Item | Freight Processing |
TTSGT | Description of Reason for Shipment Block | Transportation |
OIGSM | TD Article Allocated to a Shipment | Transportation and Distribution |
OIGSVD | TD Driver per Vehicle on a Shipment | Transportation and Distribution |
OIA12 | Exchange assignment for bulk shipments | Exchanges |
VTSFF | Updating Sequence: Statistics Shipment | Reporting |
TVFTZT | Description of Tariff Zone for Shipment Costs | Freight Processing |
TOIKTRVS | LID TAS relevance determination Shipment | Interface to Terminal Automation System |
TVFCD | Service Agent Procedure Group for Shipment Costs | Freight Processing |
TVFCV | Shipping Type Procedure Group for Shipment Costs | Freight Processing |
TOIKTRVFS | TAS Relevance Fields and Ranking - Shipment | Interface to Terminal Automation System |
TVFCGT | Description for Item Procedure Group Shipment Costs | Freight Processing |
CIF_IMSHP | Integration Model Reference Table for Shipments | Cross-Application Components |
TVT_CA_SSHIP | Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for Shipments | Transportation |
TVFCVT | Description for Shipping Type Procedure Group Shipment Costs | Freight Processing |
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