SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.

Table Descriptions Functional Area
VFSI Shipment Costs: Sub-item Data Freight Processing
S050 Shipment Data Collection
S051 Shipment routes Data Collection
S053 Shipment: shipping data Data Collection
S055 Shipment: articles Data Collection
OIO_SH_SHTYP Shipment types for offshore logistics Remote Logistics Management
OIO_SR_ROUTE Shipment receipt - allowed routes Remote Logistics Management
B045 Shipment Type/Transportation Service Agent Transportation
TTSG Shipment Blocking Reason Transportation
VTFA Shipment Document Flow Transportation
VTRDI Shipment Planning Index Transportation
VTTK Shipment Header Transportation
VTTP Shipment Item Transportation
OIGSI Shipment Item Transportation and Distribution
VFKK Shipment Costs: Header Data Freight Processing
VFKP Shipment Costs: Item Data Freight Processing
VTSGD "Shipment: Statistic Groups Reporting
VTSGDT "Shipment: Stat. Groups Reporting
VTSGT "Shipment: Statistic Groups Reporting
VTSGTT "Shipment: Statistics Groups Reporting
OIGSVIIS TD Shipment Assignment of Document Items to Stages Transportation and Distribution
TOIGST TD Shipment Type Description Transportation and Distribution
OIGSH TD Shipment History Transportation and Distribution
OIGSS TD Shipment Stages Transportation and Distribution
TOIGS TD Shipment Types Transportation and Distribution
OIO_SR_SRSTA RLM Shipment status for shiment receipt Remote Logistics Management
OIGS TD Shipment Header Transportation and Distribution
B400 Bulk shipment type Transportation and Distribution
B449 Bulk shipment type / loading site Transportation and Distribution
TOIJ_SHCA OIL-TSW: Shipment change authorization Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench
OIKSD TAS/TPI: Shipment scheduling Interface to Terminal Automation System
VTTS Stage of Shipment Transportation
S054 Stages of shipment Data Collection
OIJ_STAGES TSW (&TD) Shipment Stages Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench
VFPA Partner for Shipment Costs Freight Processing
TOIGARC TD Archiving shipment Transportation and Distribution
OIGSPA Partner in TD-shipment Transportation and Distribution
B022 TrspPlPoint and Shipment Type Conditions
TVFTZ Tariff Zones for Shipment Costs Freight Processing
TOIGTXT Default Texts For Shipment Header Transportation and Distribution
TVARS Archiving Control Shipment Transportation
TIARS Archiving Control Shipment Costs Freight Processing
OIGSVCC TD Compartment in Shipment Transportation and Distribution
OIGSVC TD Transport Unit in Shipment Transportation and Distribution
OIGSMS TD Article Samples on a Shipment Transportation and Distribution
TVFCG Item Procedure Group for Shipment Costs Freight Processing
OIGSV TD Vehicles in Transport/Shipment Transportation and Distribution
VFKN Account Determination in Shipment Costs Item Freight Processing
TTSGT Description of Reason for Shipment Block Transportation
OIGSM TD Article Allocated to a Shipment Transportation and Distribution
OIGSVD TD Driver per Vehicle on a Shipment Transportation and Distribution
OIA12 Exchange assignment for bulk shipments Exchanges
VTSFF Updating Sequence: Statistics Shipment Reporting
TVFTZT Description of Tariff Zone for Shipment Costs Freight Processing
TOIKTRVS LID TAS relevance determination Shipment Interface to Terminal Automation System
TVFCD Service Agent Procedure Group for Shipment Costs Freight Processing
TVFCV Shipping Type Procedure Group for Shipment Costs Freight Processing
TOIKTRVFS TAS Relevance Fields and Ranking - Shipment Interface to Terminal Automation System
TVFCGT Description for Item Procedure Group Shipment Costs Freight Processing
CIF_IMSHP Integration Model Reference Table for Shipments Cross-Application Components
TVT_CA_SSHIP Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for Shipments Transportation
TVFCVT Description for Shipping Type Procedure Group Shipment Costs Freight Processing

SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.


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