Table | Descriptions | Functional Area |
CKMLCOPA | Assign Costing Key to Costing Run | Actual Costing/Article Ledger |
FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA | CO-PA Characteristic Derivation from IDOC Data | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
CRM_ACE_CU_COPA | CRM Accruals: Assgmt of Accruals Type to Cond.Type for CO-PA | CRM Accruals |
DIMACOPAST | Reversal of Contracts in CO-PA | Collections/Disbursements |
TKKV_ICOPA | Field Assignment Table | Collections/Disbursements |
TKKVCOPA | Field Assignment Table | Collections/Disbursements |
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA | CO-PA Characteristic Derivation from IDOC Data | Industry Solution - Telecommunications |
LISCOPAK | Key Figures Allocation Flexible Planning - CO-PA | Sales Plan |
LISCOPAKT | Short Text for Key Figures Allocation LIS - CO-PA | Sales Plan |
LISCOPAM | Characteristics Allocation: Flexible Planning - CO-PA | Sales Plan |
LISCOPAMT | Short Text for Characteristics Allocation LIS - CO-PA | Sales Plan |
LISCOPAZ | Assignment of info structure to operating concern | Sales Plan |
COPA_CRM_CEERROR | CO-PA: Incoming AE Records from CRM with Errors | Profitability Analysis |
LISCOPAZT | Short Text for Allocation | Sales Plan |
COPA_CRM_GUIDMAP | Mapping Table CRM GUIDS - CO-PA Document Numbers | Profitability Analysis |
COPA_CRMSTATUS | CO-PA Status: Records from CRM | Profitability Analysis |
COPA_GUID_MAP | Mapping Table between CRM GUIDS and CO-PA Database Structure | Profitability Analysis |
SMCOPA | Special CO-PA Data in Monitor | Profitability Analysis |
TKE_DIST_SRC_C | COPA Distribution: Source Characteristics | Profitability Analysis |
TKE_DIST_SRC_VF | COPA Distribution: Value Field Assignment | Profitability Analysis |
TKE_DIST_BASE_C | COPA Distribution: Basic Target Credit Characteristics | Profitability Analysis |
TKE_DIST_BASE_VF | COPA Distribution: Base Value Fields / Portions | Profitability Analysis |
TN22A | IS-H: Copayment Waivers | Patient Accounting |
TN22K | IS-H: Copayment Amount per Ins. Provider/Ins. Provider Type | Patient Accounting |
EITCOPA | IS-U -> COPA: Temp. Index for Document Selection | Invoicing |
DIMAAWREFST | AWREF for COPA-Reversal FS-CD | Collections/Disbursements |
DFKKCOPA | Log Table for COPA Transfer | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
CRMC_CO_HIER_ID | CRM-CO Interface: COPA-ID Hierarchy Nodes | Logistics - General |
NBRKAZ | IS-H: Assignmt of downpayment/copayment (FI) to billDoc(SD) | Patient Accounting |
TN22R | IS-H: Control Params FI Posting Copayment/Copay.Cred.Memo | Patient Accounting |
TN22Q | IS-H: Control Parameters FI Posting Copayment Request | Patient Accounting |
TN22T | IS-H: Text for TN22A (reasons why no copayment obligation) | Patient Accounting |
TVGAI | Number range table for number range object COPA_IST | Profitability Analysis |
TVGAP | Number range table for number range object COPA_PLAN | Profitability Analysis |
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