SAP workflow tables are part of SAP ERP System to automate the industrial processes, tasks, assignment, and workflow automation. Along with the reduction in human intervention, workflow cycle also organized task management. Integration with other SAP Modules improved the efficiency of finance, logistics and human resources.

TablesDescriptionFunctional Area
SWP_JOINWorkflow instances: Join node of a workflow executionSAP Business Workflow
SWW_CONTWorkflow Runtime: Work Item Data ContainerSAP Business Workflow
SWWEIWorkflow Runtime: Work Items of Type E (Event Items)SAP Business Workflow
SWFRLERRWorkflow Log: (Error) MessagesSAP Business Workflow
SWFRLMSGWorkflow Log: Message Data (T100)SAP Business Workflow
SWFRLOTRWorkflow Log: Message Data (OTR)SAP Business Workflow
SWFRLSUCWorkflow Log: ActionsSAP Business Workflow
SWWWIDHWorkflow Runtime: Deadline Monitoring of Work ItemsSAP Business Workflow
SWFRSTPWorkflow: Step Data (Default Table)SAP Business Workflow
TWFQUWorkflow: General settingsSAP Business Workflow
SWLIAGWorkflow Inbox Setting for RoleSAP Business Workflow
SWLIGLWorkflow Inbox: Logical Systems for All UsersSAP Business Workflow
SWLIRWorkflow Inbox: User Refresh RuntimeSAP Business Workflow
GMWFAVCGM Workflow AVCMaster Data
VBWF06Sub workflow DeterminationFinancial Accounting
VTBDFWFData feed: Workflow activationTreasury
PSOWF1TTexts for Workflow Variants for RequestsFunds Management-Specific Postings
SWP_ADMINCustomizing Workflow Runtime SystemSAP Business Workflow
T71LWAssignment of Workflow Event -> Life EventCompensation Management
SMWFInformation on Workflow Work listsSchedule Manager
TICL097Information for Workflow PD-ORGClaims Management
PFSWPPeriod-End Partner: Log (Workflow Log Information)Overhead Cost Controlling
T74HCBenefit adjustment reason/workflow event assignmentBenefits
PSOWF1Variant-Dependent Data for Workflow Request (FMPSO)Funds Management-Specific Postings
SWFHUBWorkflow HubManages the hub for workflows
SWFSTATUSWorkflow StatusManages workflow status
SWWPARWork Item ParallelismManages parallel work items
SWWSRCWorkflow Step RelationshipDefines relationships between steps in a workflow
SWW_TASKWorkflow TaskContains task-specific information
SWWOHEADWorkflow Task HeaderContains task header data
SWXALGOWorkflow AlgorithmsStores algorithms for workflows
SWWCTRLWorkflow ControlManages workflow control data
SWFRULEWorkflow RuleContains rules used in workflows
SAP Workflow Training