Table | Descriptions | Functional Area |
T77MWBSC | Manager's Desktop: Scenario-Specific Settings | Organization and Planning |
CNVCDMCUCIA_KWBS | CDMC:To store the Obj detail list of R.Inf.Base - Not Valid | Custom Development Management Cockpit |
BRFWBSETTINGS | BRF: User-Specific Settings | Business Rule Framework |
IWBSTATEHIER | Used to hierarchize table IWPROPVAL | Knowledge Warehouse |
MC45W_0CWBSETUP | Storage: BW Rebuild for MC45W_0CWB | Agency Business (Global Trade) |
AD03PHV | WBS version type | Add-Ons for Progress Analysis |
PRPS | WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data | Operative Structures |
VSPRPS_CN | Version: WBS Element (Work Breakdwn Struc. Elem.) Mast. Data | Simulation |
PRPSS | Standard WBS Element (WBS element) - Master Data | Templates |
VSPRHI_CN | "Version: WBS | Simulation |
PRGUID | GUIDs for WBS Element | Interface to External Project Software |
PRTX | PS Texts (WBS) | Operative Structures |
PRHIS | "Standard WBS | Templates |
VIMI30 | Allocation of WBS elements to modernization measure | Real Estate Management |
KWBS | Assignment of WBS No. - Costing Objects | Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure |
GRPGA | Assignment of WBS elements to RP WBS elements | Article |
TCNIF | Assembly item/WBS element assignment BOM transfer | Article |
FMDERIVE006 | Derivation rule:WBS Element/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/ | Funds Management |
FMDERIVE007 | Derivation rule:WBS Element to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fun | Funds Management |
CFIORWBS0C | FIN Objects for WBS Elements | Inventory Accounting |
VSHIST_PR | Transfer history WBS element | Simulation |
PRTXS | PS texts (standard WBS) | Templates |
VSPRTX_CN | Version: PS texts (WBS) | Simulation |
AD03OBJTV | "Plan data handling WBS objects | Add-Ons for Progress Analysis |
GRPGV | Validity of grouping WBS elements for site/RP group | Article |
TCXPT | Text table for TCXPS (WBS scheduling) | Dates |
TCXPS | Control parameters for WBS scheduling | Dates |
RSPSP | Index: Reservations for WBS elements/Sales order items | Article |
CURTO_FOCUS_CHG | Change Pointer for Order/WBS BOM for PDS Transfer | LO Integration |
IMAKZ | Assignment of measure to order or WBS element ... | Appropriation Requests |
TWB_RMP | Work Breakdown Structure Elements (WBS Elements) | Test Organizer |
TWB_RMPT | Work Breakdown Structure Elements (WBS Elements) | Test Organizer |
IMAVC | Calculations Copied from Variants to WBS Elements | Appropriation Requests |
NHPRPS | Number history for reorganization of WBS elements | Operative Structures |
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