SAP Purchase Requisition Tables are multi-featured tables to support the industry in generation professional industry based requisition to smooth the business activities in and outside the business organizations. Each table in the ERP System is designed as a repository to hold the intended information. With the following generated example, one can have an idea about the under-discussed tables.  

EBAN– It is one of the core SAP Purchase Requisition Tables to accommodate general data concerning purchase requisitions like requisition number, creation date, requester and purchasing group. It is the main table in the database to reside the purchase requisition header information.

EBKN- Purchase Requisition Account Assignment This table has attributes to store the information about account assignment details like cost centre, internal order, and general ledger account. Moreover, it assists the organisation in tracking financial aspects related to purchase requisition line items.

TableDescriptionFunctional Area
EBANpurchase requisitionMM – Purchasing
EBKNpurchase requisition Account AssignmentMM – Purchasing
EKPOPurchasing Document ItemMM – Purchasing
EKKOPurchasing Document HeaderMM – Purchasing           
EKBEHistory per Purchasing DocumentMM – Purchasing
EKETScheduling Agreement Schedule LinesMM – Purchasing
RM06BI/O Table for purchase requisitionsMM – Purchasing           
T161SRelease Indicator, purchase requisitionMM – Purchasing
CDHDRChange document headerBasis – Change Documents
MDBAView: purchase requisition for conversionPP – Master Data
T161FRelease Point Assignment for purchase requisition ReleaseMM – Purchasing
SER09Doc. Header for Serial Numbers for purchase requisition ItemLogistics – Serial Numbers
T161GRelease Prerequisite, purchase requisitionMM – Purchasing
T161HFields for Release Procedure, purchase requisitionMM – Purchasing
EKKNAccount Assignment in Purchasing DocumentMM – Purchasing
TEE001purchase requisition from Easy ExecutionCO – Product Cost Planning
EKPRTransfer: MM purchase requisitionCO – Overhead Cost Orders
MARCPlant Data for MaterialLogistics – Material Master
MSEGDocument Segment: MaterialMM – Inventory Management
LFA1Vendor Master (General Section)FI – Financial Accounting
LIPSSD document: Delivery: Item dataLogistics Execution – Shipping
LIKPSD Document: Delivery Header DataLogistics Execution – Shipping
SAP Purchase Requisition Tables