SAP Partner Functions Tables store data about the various roles that partners like customers, vendors, employees etc. perform while execution of different business transactions. These roles ensure that transaction execution is correct and relevant data is stored in relative tables for the completion of business processes. The names of tables with description and functional area are defined in the list below.

TablesDescriptionFunctional Area
KNVPCustomer Master Partner FunctionsSales and Distribution (SD)
VBPASales Document: PartnerSales and Distribution (SD)
EKPAPurchasing Document: PartnerMaterials Management (MM)
TPAERBusiness Partner: General Partner FunctionsSAP Business Partner (BP)
LFA1Vendor Master (General Section)Materials Management (MM)
LFB1Vendor Master (Company Code)Materials Management (MM)
LFM1Vendor Master (Purchasing Organization)Materials Management (MM)
KNVKContact PersonSales and Distribution (SD)
PA0001HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)Human Resources (HR)
PA0105HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communication)Human Resources (HR)
BUT050BP RelationshipsSAP Business Partner (BP)
ADRCAddress DataGeneral (Cross-Application)
TVPAPartner Determination ProcedureSales and Distribution (SD)
TVTASales Document TypesSales and Distribution (SD)
TVAGSales Documents: Rejection ReasonsSales and Distribution (SD)
T175DPDelivery Document TypesSales and Distribution (SD)
VBAKSales Document: Header DataSales and Distribution (SD)
VBAPSales Document: Item DataSales and Distribution (SD)
VBEPSales Document: Schedule Line DataSales and Distribution (SD)
VBRKBilling Document: Header DataSales and Distribution (SD)
VBRPBilling Document: Item DataSales and Distribution (SD)
EKPOPurchasing Document ItemMaterials Management (MM)
EKETScheduling Agreement Schedule LinesMaterials Management (MM)
EKKOPurchasing Document HeaderMaterials Management (MM)
LIKPSD Document: Delivery Header DataSales and Distribution (SD)
LIPSSD document: Delivery: Item dataSales and Distribution (SD)
MARAGeneral Material DataMaterials Management (MM)
MARCPlant Data for MaterialMaterials Management (MM)
MARDStorage Location Data for MaterialMaterials Management (MM)
MAKTMaterial DescriptionsMaterials Management (MM)
MVKESales Data for MaterialSales and Distribution (SD)
AUSPCharacteristic ValuesClassification (CA)
CABNContains characteristics used in classificationClassification (CA)
KNVICustomer Master Tax IndicatorSales and Distribution (SD)
T077DAccount Group Names (Customers)Sales and Distribution (SD)
T178Conditions: Groups for MaterialsSales and Distribution (SD)
T179Material Info Record: General DataSales and Distribution (SD)
WLBMListing/Exclusion: Reorg. MaterialSales and Distribution (SD)
T682Conditions: Access SequencesSales and Distribution (SD)
T683Conditions: TypesSales and Distribution (SD)
T685Conditions: Types: TextsSales and Distribution (SD)
T686Exclusion IndicatorsSales and Distribution (SD)
SAP Partner Functions Tables