SAP tcodes

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SAP Enhancements to scheduling agreements MM (Outbound) tcodes

Table Name Description
ISA_ESCR_QDP Quantity Difference Profile
ISAESCR86EKES Aggregate Vendor Confirmations
ISAESCRME84MD07 Start MD07 via Report
ME89 Release of Stopped SA Releases

SAP Enhancements SD tcodes

Table Name Description
DELG1 Edit Outbound Delivery Groups
ESDF Maint. of Add. Field Descriptions
ODELGRP1 Number Range Maintenance: AUTO_SUEDG

SAP External Service Agent tcodes

Table Name Description
OESP Setup for ESP procurement

SAP Goods Receipt Process tcodes

Table Name Description
BORC1 Maintenance of User Groups
BORGR GR Automotive
BORGR_B GR Automotive: Posting
BORGR_C GR Automotive: Clearing
BORGR_V GR Automotive: Preliminary Entry
OBOR1 Maintenance Profiles for GR Dialog
OBOR2 Maintenance of Function Profile
OBOR3 Maintenance of Object Profiles
OBOR4 Maintenance of Selection Profiles
OBOR5 Maintain Column Profiles
OBOR6 Maintenance of Filter Profiles
OBOR7 Maintenance of Config. Profiles
S_KA5_12000919 IMG Activity: CFMENULEBORFUNK
S_KA5_12000920 IMG Activity: CFMENULEBOROBJE
S_KA5_12000921 IMG Activity: CFMENULEBORSELE
S_KA5_12000922 IMG Activity: CFMENULEBORSPAL
S_KA5_12000923 IMG Activity: CFMENULEBORFILT
S_KA5_12000924 IMG Activity: CFMENULEBORKONF
VL21A Post goods receipt as batch
VL51A Create Schedule
VL52A Change Schedule
VL53A Change Schedule
VL54A Create Shipment From Schedule

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
COP1 Plan HUs - General
COP11 Plan HUs Without Sales Order
COP12 Plan HUs for Sales Order
COP13 Plan HUs for Delivery
COP14 Plan HUs for Purchase Order
COP2 Pack HUs - General
COP21 Pack HUs - Without Sales Order
COP22 Pack HUs for Sales Order
COP23 Pack HUs for Delivery
COP24 Pack HUs for Purchase Order
COPP1 PackDemandMgt for ProdOrd. : Plan
COPP2 PackDemandMgt for ProdOrd. : Pack
HUP10 Stock: Plan HUs - General
HUP11 Stock: Plan HUs Without Order
HUP12 Stock: Plan HUs for Order
HUP13 Stock: Plan HUs for Delivery
HUP14 Stock: Plan HUs for Purchase Order
HUP30 Stock: Pack HUs - General
HUP31 Stock: Pack HUs Without Order
HUP32 Stock: Pack HUs for Order
HUP33 Stock: Pack HUs for Delivery
HUP34 Stock: Pack HUs for Purchase Order
HUPP1 Packing Program for Stock: Plan
HUPP3 Packing Program for Stock: Pack
HUVTRF Assign HUs to a Shipment
MFP1 REM: Plan HUs - General
MFP11 REM: Plan HUs Without Order
MFP12 REM: Plan HUs for Order
MFP13 Rep. Manuf.: Plan HUs for Delivery
MFP14 Rep. Man.: Plan HUs for Purch. Order
MFP2 REM: Pack HUs - General
MFP21 REM: Pack HUs Without Order
MFP22 REM: Pack HUs for Order
MFP23 Rep. Manuf.: Pack HUs for Delivery
MFP24 Rep. Man.: Pack HUs for Purch. Order
MFPP1 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Plan
MFPP2 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Pack
OVHU4 Customizing HU Picking Profile
VL10HU Sales Orders Due for Dely With HUs

SAP Handling Unit Management tcodes

Table Name Description
COP1 Plan HUs - General
COP11 Plan HUs Without Sales Order
COP12 Plan HUs for Sales Order
COP13 Plan HUs for Delivery
COP14 Plan HUs for Purchase Order
COP2 Pack HUs - General
COP21 Pack HUs - Without Sales Order
COP22 Pack HUs for Sales Order
COP23 Pack HUs for Delivery
COP24 Pack HUs for Purchase Order
COPP1 PackDemandMgt for ProdOrd. : Plan
COPP2 PackDemandMgt for ProdOrd. : Pack
HUP10 Stock: Plan HUs - General
HUP11 Stock: Plan HUs Without Order
HUP12 Stock: Plan HUs for Order
HUP13 Stock: Plan HUs for Delivery
HUP14 Stock: Plan HUs for Purchase Order
HUP30 Stock: Pack HUs - General
HUP31 Stock: Pack HUs Without Order
HUP32 Stock: Pack HUs for Order
HUP33 Stock: Pack HUs for Delivery
HUP34 Stock: Pack HUs for Purchase Order
HUPP1 Packing Program for Stock: Plan
HUPP3 Packing Program for Stock: Pack
HUVTRF Assign HUs to a Shipment
MFP1 REM: Plan HUs - General
MFP11 REM: Plan HUs Without Order
MFP12 REM: Plan HUs for Order
MFP13 Rep. Manuf.: Plan HUs for Delivery
MFP14 Rep. Man.: Plan HUs for Purch. Order
MFP2 REM: Pack HUs - General
MFP21 REM: Pack HUs Without Order
MFP22 REM: Pack HUs for Order
MFP23 Rep. Manuf.: Pack HUs for Delivery
MFP24 Rep. Man.: Pack HUs for Purch. Order
MFPP1 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Plan
MFPP2 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Pack
OVHU4 Customizing HU Picking Profile
VL10HU Sales Orders Due for Dely With HUs

SAP Just-In-Time Processing tcodes

Table Name Description
EMJIT IDoc Monitor for JIT Calls
JIT1 JIT Call Inbound
JIT2 Change JIT Call
JIT3 Display JIT Call
JIT4 JIT Call Inbound: Simulation
JIT5 JIT Call Fast Change (1 screen)
JIT6 JIT: Action Entry (Barcode)
JIT6H JIT: Action Entry (Barcode)
JIT6RF Barcode Handheld 16 x 20
JIT7 JIT: Action Entry (Specified)
JIT7H JIT: Action Entry (Specified)
JIT7RF Barcode (Specified) Handheld 16 x 20
JITA Component list
JITB Reprocess Pool of Confirmations
JITC JIT Basic Data-Individual Maint.
JITE Emergency Monitoring
JITEMRA Emergency Creation of Bundled SumJCs
JITF Progress Confirmation
JITFX Progress Confirmation (without tabs)
JITG JIT Cockpit
JITH Matching JIT call w.Fcst/JIT Del.Sch
JITI IDoc List for Specified JIT Calls
JITJ Signal Monitor
JITK Summarized JIT Calls Due for Dely
JITL Maintenance Dialog JIT Article
JITLOG Display Action Log
JITLOGDEL Delete Action Logs
JITM JIT Monitoring
JITMAT Create Article Table from SchedAgmt
JITMX JIT Monitoring (Simple Selection)
JITN Color Profile Maintenance
JITO Check Delivery Combination
JITO1 Create/Change: Outbound Call
JITO3 Display: Outbound Call
JITO6 Bar Code Entry
JITOA Archiving JIT Outbound
JITOE Status Correction
JITOG JIT Cockpit Outbound
JITOM Monitoring JIT Outbound
JITOXML XML-Download of Calls
JITQ Display Action Network
JITR Reorganisation Article Master Data
JITS Graphic Progress Confirmation
JITT JIT: Maintennace Dialog Lead Times
JITU User Assignment - Display Variant
JITV Maintain JIT Control Data
JITW Lean JIT Monitoring
JITX JIT Excel Download Monitoring
JITXML XML Upload of Calls
JITY Archiving JIT Inbound
JITZ Display Documentation Data
ODLC Delivery Confirmation Outbound
ODLCM Create Delivery Conf. Manually
OJIT0 JIT Customizing Subtree
OJIT1 Customizing JIT Actions
OJIT13 Maintenance Dialog SumJC Settings
OJIT15 Number Range Maintenance
OJIT16 Number Range Maintenance: JIT_HD_01
OJIT17 Number Range Maintenance: JIT_IT_01
OJIT18 Number Range Maintenance: JIT_MA_01
OJIT2 JIT: Customizing Status
OJIT21 Number Range Maintenance: JIT_GR_01
OJIT22 JIT: Assign Operator Tasks
OJIT23 JIT: Activate Event Linkage
OJIT24 Profile Delivery Creation (JIT)
OJIT25 JIT: Maintenance Dialog Ref. Numbers
OJIT26 Maintenance of HU Profile
OJIT3 JIT: Customizing Call Control
OJIT4 JIT: Customizing Comp.Group Determn
OJIT5 JIT : Sort Variant Maintenance
OJIT50 Replenishment Strategy SumJCs
OJIT51 Replenishm Strat. SumJC Stk Transf.
OJIT52 Replenish. Strat. SeqJC Ext. Proc.
OJIT53 Scheduling Profile SumJCs
OJIT54 Determine Storage Location Vendor
OJIT55 Number Range Maintenance JITO_HD_01
OJIT56 Number Range Maintenance PABHD
OJIT57 Number Range Maintenance JITO_DLCN
OJIT58 JIT Outbound: Actions
OJIT59 JIT Outbound: Processing Statuses
OJIT6 JIT : Barcode Qualifier Maintenance
OJIT60 JIT Outbound: Action Control
OJIT61 JIT Outbound: No. Range Maintenance
OJIT62 Vendor-specific Number Ranges
OJIT63 Barcode Qualifier JIT Outbound
OJIT64 JIT Call Profile
OJIT7 JIT: Control Print Formatting
OJIT8 JIT : Ctrl Prfle Int. Warehouse Call
OJIT9 Variable JIT Messages
OJITI Customizing JIT Inbound
OJITO Customizing JIT Outbound
S_KA5_12000467 IMG-Activity: SIMG_CFMENULEOJIT14
S_KA5_12000484 IMG-Activity: SIMG_CFMENULEOJIT24

SAP Delivery Confirmation tcodes

Table Name Description
DLC2 Comparison of Delivery Confirmations
DLCN Delivery Confirmation Matching
OJIT20 Number Range Maintenance: DELCONHD01

SAP Monitors for Automotive tcodes

Table Name Description
DRE Delivery-Related Analyses
EMASN IDoc Monitor for Inb. Ship. Notific.
EMFOR Monitor for Forecast/JIT Del.Sched.
EMORD IDoc Monitor for SD Orders
EMSG Maintenance of Message Groups
PURBL Backlog List MM

SAP Production Backflush tcodes

Table Name Description
OCPR Maintenance of Backflush Profiles
PPCA1 Archive
PPCA2 Delete
PPCA3 Postprocessing
PPCA4 Evaluate
PPCA5 Administration
PPCCUS1 PPC: Number Range Maintenance
PPCCUS2 PPC: Number Range for Art. Tables
PPCCUS3 PPC: Number Range for Activity Table
PPCCUSBW PPC: Customizing for BW Transfer
PPCGO Backflush Execution
PPCGO2 Execute Backflush - Step 2
PPCLOG Log Display
PPCRPA Reprocessing of Activities
PPCSA Display of Production Activities
PPCSC Display of Component Withdrawal
PPCSHOW Displays Backflushes
PPCVAR Enter Variances
S_KA5_12000990 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOPP3OCPR

SAP Returnable Packaging Logistics tcodes

Table Name Description
ORLNA Number Range Maintenance: VHU_ACCT
ORLNC Number Range Maintenance: VHU_CPGRP
ORLNI Number Range Maintenance: TRMNO_INT
ORLNP Number Range Maintenance: VHU_PSHP
ORLNR Number Range Maintenance: VHU_REPROC
ORLNS Number Range Maintenance: VHU_PSHPA
ORLNT Number Range Maintenance: VHU_ACST
ORLNV Number Range Maintenance: VHU_ACPO
ORLPT Maintain account posting types
ORLPTA Assign Account Posting Types
ORLRP Residence Times for Archiving
ORLRS1 Create Condition Table
ORLRS2 Change Condition Table
ORLRS3 Display Condition Table
ORLRS4 Field Catalog for RP Acct Statement
ORLRS5 Access Sequence for RP Acct Statemt
ORLRS6 Output Types for RP Account Statemts
ORLRS7 Assign Output to Partner Roles
ORLRS8 Output Procedure for RP Acct Statemt
RL01 Create returnable packaging account
RL02 Change returnable packaging account
RL03 Display returnable packaging account
RL04 Archive Returnable Packaging Accts
RL05 Read Ret. Pcking Accts from Archive
RL06A RP Accounts With Sub-Relationshps
RL06L RP Accounts by RP Artl and Location
RL06M RP Accounts by Article
RL06R RP Accounts by Relationship
RL06X RP Accounts by Locn and Exchge Part.
RL07 Purchase Order for Ret. Packaging
RL11 RP Account Posting Entry
RL12 Reprocess RP Account Postings
RL14 List of account postings
RL15 Archive Account Postings
RL16 Read Account Postings from Archive
RL17A RP account postings for account
RL17D Account Postings for Ref. Document
RL17L RP Account Postings by Location
RL17M RP Account Postings by Article
RL17P All RP account postings
RL17X Account postings by exchange partner
RL24 Matching via statements
RL24I Statement Overview (Inbd) and Matchg
RL24O Statement Overview (Outbound)
RL34 Acct balances per RtnPck/acct holder
RL42 Change External Partner Descriptions
RL43 Display ext. partner descriptions
RL52 Returnable packaging acct matching
RL53 ReturnPack acct matching (display)
RL61 Create Account Statement
RL62 Change account statement
RL63 Display account statement
RL64 Archive Accounts Statements
RL65 Read Account Statements from Archive
RL71 Create RP Account Statements
RL71F Issue Account Statement Messages
RL71I Create Initial Statements
RL72D Delete Last Statement per Account
RL73 Display Statement Log
RL73D Delete Statement Logs
RL73I Display Internet Matching Logs
RL74 Archive Transmissions
RL75 Read Transmissions from Archive
RL84 Archive Matching Groups
RL85 Read Matching Groups from Archive
RLC1 Create Condition Records
RLC2 Change Condition Records
RLC3 Display Condition Records
S_KA5_12000287 Number Ranges for RP Accounts
S_KA5_12000288 Number Ranges for Account Statements
S_KA5_12000289 Number Ranges for Account Postings
S_KA5_12000290 No. Ranges for Partner Relationships
S_KA5_12000291 No. Ranges f. Rel. f. RP Accounts
S_KA5_12000292 No. R. for Internal EDI Transm. No.
S_KA5_12000404 Maintain Account Posting Types
S_KA5_12000405 Posting Types -> Movement Types

SAP Production Supply tcodes

Table Name Description
S_KA5_12001164 IMG Activity: S2P_PLNG_SEG_EXTEN
S_KA5_12001165 IMG Activity: S2P_PLNG_ITEM_EXTEN
S_KA5_12001166 IMG Activity: S2P_GROUP_PLNG_ITEMS
S_KA5_12001167 IMG Activity: S2P_PLN_CALC_FACTORY
S_KA5_12001168 IMG Activity: S2P_PROPOSAL_CREATOR
S_KA5_12001169 IMG Activity: S2P_PSEG_CTR_FACTORY
S2L Supply-to-Production Table

SAP Supersession Chains tcodes

Table Name Description
OPIC1 Specify system messages
PIC01 Maintain Parts Interchangeability
PIC03 Display Parts Interchangeability
PIC31 PIC : Mass maintenance for MPN Sets

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
ISA_SICALERT Display RP Alerts (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN1 Create Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN2 Update Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN3 Display Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN4 Tracking Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICBC Communication settings for SWP (Web)
ISAUTO_SICCO Display Purchasing Pricing (Web)
ISAUTO_SICDDL1 Delivery due list
ISAUTO_SICENG Engineering Information (Web)
ISAUTO_SICIV Display Settlement Status (Web)
ISAUTO_SICJIT Display Sequenced JIT Calls (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPDI Display Purchase Document Info (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPH Disp. Inbound Delivery History (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPI Display Packing Instructions (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRL Packaging accounts / postings (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRLRD RL: Postings for Ref. Document (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRPM Display APO-Matrix (Web)
ISAUTO_SICSR Display Schedule Releases (Web)
ISI_BCI Message inbound via BC and SWP
ISI_BCO Message outbound via SWP and BC
ISI_POD Analysis of the POD View Flag
ISI_PR Maintain settings for SWP printing
ISIPI_CP Consignment processing (Web)
ISIPI_CS Display current schedules (Web)
ISIPI_ESP External Service Provider Service
ISIPI_OEPM Ordering packaging material (Web)
ISIPI_POD Proof of Delivery
ISIPI_PUL Display current pickup sheets (WEB)
ISIPI_SM Supplier Address maintenance
ISIPI_SUMJIT Display Summarised JIT calls(web)
ISIPI_TRACK Inbound shipment tracking (Web)
ISIT_PR Testing Printing of SWP
ME69 List non confirmed WEB releases
OJIT14 JIT: Authorizations Internet
SIC_MA Maintain SWP authorities for vendors
SIC_MD Maintain JIT Authorities for vendors

SAP Supplier Workplace tcodes

Table Name Description
ISA_SICALERT Display RP Alerts (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN1 Create Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN2 Update Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN3 Display Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN4 Tracking Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICBC Communication settings for SWP (Web)
ISAUTO_SICCO Display Purchasing Pricing (Web)
ISAUTO_SICDDL1 Delivery due list
ISAUTO_SICENG Engineering Information (Web)
ISAUTO_SICIV Display Settlement Status (Web)
ISAUTO_SICJIT Display Sequenced JIT Calls (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPDI Display Purchase Document Info (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPH Disp. Inbound Delivery History (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPI Display Packing Instructions (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRL Packaging accounts / postings (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRLRD RL: Postings for Ref. Document (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRPM Display APO-Matrix (Web)
ISAUTO_SICSR Display Schedule Releases (Web)
ISI_BCI Message inbound via BC and SWP
ISI_BCO Message outbound via SWP and BC
ISI_POD Analysis of the POD View Flag
ISI_PR Maintain settings for SWP printing
ISIPI_CP Consignment processing (Web)
ISIPI_CS Display current schedules (Web)
ISIPI_ESP External Service Provider Service
ISIPI_OEPM Ordering packaging material (Web)
ISIPI_POD Proof of Delivery
ISIPI_PUL Display current pickup sheets (WEB)
ISIPI_SM Supplier Address maintenance
ISIPI_SUMJIT Display Summarised JIT calls(web)
ISIPI_TRACK Inbound shipment tracking (Web)
ISIT_PR Testing Printing of SWP
ME69 List non confirmed WEB releases
OJIT14 JIT: Authorizations Internet
SIC_MA Maintain SWP authorities for vendors
SIC_MD Maintain JIT Authorities for vendors

SAP Vehicle Management System tcodes

Table Name Description
OVELO00 Global VMS parameters
OVELO1 Define Actions
OVELO11 Define Action Controls
OVELO12 Define Vehicle Status
OVELO13 Define Availability
OVELO14 Define Vehicle Usage
OVELO18 Define Vehicle Search Areas
OVELO19 Define VMS Roles
OVELO2 Define No. Range for Int.Veh. No.
OVELO20 Define Vehicle Categories
OVELO21 Assign Vehicle Categories
OVELO27 Access Auth. During Vehicle Search
OVELO29 Define Search Views
OVELO3 Define No. Range for Act. Ctrl Det.
OVELO30 Calculation sheet profile
OVELO4 Define Addnl Data for Vehicle
OVELO5 Define External Status
OVELO6 Define Technical Data for Actions
OVELO7 Assign Own Dialog Messages
OVELO8 "Define No.Range f
OVELOL Define Vehicle Location
OVELOM01 Maintain Condition Tables
OVELOM04 Define Field Catalog for Messages
OVELOM11 Define Access Sequences
OVELOM21 Define Message Types
OVELOM31 Define Message Determ. Procedures
OVELOM41 Assign Msge Determ. Schema to Site
OVELOTREX Define Columns for TREX Download
OVELOVSRINIT Initialize Category Rule Maintenance
VELO Vehicle Manager
VELO_LCCONTENT Maintain LiveCache Filter
VELO_LCINIT Fill LiveCache with Vehicles
VELO_LCSTATUS Activate/deactivate liveCache
VELO_SA Control Table for Vehicle Attributes
VELO_SC Control Table for Search
VELOARDI Display Archived Vehicles
VELOARSL Set/Delete Archiving Indicator
VELOAS Assign Sales Docs to Vehicles
VELOB Execute Actions in Batch
VELOBWC Assign Class Char. to BW Char.
VELOC Define Sales Campaign
VELOCM Configuration mapping
VELOE Emergency Monitoring
VELOK Define Message Condition Records
VELOM Status Monitor for Vehicle IDoc
VELOMCS Mapping of models to calc. sheet
VELOMMAP Mapping of Models to Config Charact.
VELOMNR Models with Custom Number Ranges
VELONR Number range maintenance: VMS_VHL
VELOOBJC Include Obj. Char. in Configuration
VELOP Define Configuration Change Profile
VELOP01 Log: Status Monitoring
VELOP02 Log: Reservation
VELOP03 Log: Action Execution
VELOPR Evaluate Configuration Profiles
VELOR Update Reservation Queue
VELORM Assign Vehicle Model to VMS Roles
VELORO Assign Org. Data to VMS Roles
VELORU Assign VMS Roles to Users
VELOS Define Action Control Determination
VELOUM Define Used Vehicle Models
VELOV Action Execution Job Variant

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
XLOC Check Report for Sch.Agmnt/Sales Odr
XLOR Stock in Transit Display - Recipient
XLOS Stock in Transit Display - Supplier

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
ADBT ORF: Stock Calculation (Batch)
ADCO99 Closure of SM Orders
ADCPL1 Maintain CMC FFFC Parameters
ADCPL10 Display CMC UserStatus Setup
ADCPL2 Display CMC FFFC Parameters
ADCPL3 Maintain CMC Settings
ADCPL4 Display CMC Settings
ADCPL5 Maintain Inventory Group Customizing
ADCPL6 Display Inventory Group Customizing
ADCPL7 Maintain CMC Profile
ADCPL8 Display CMC Profile
ADCPL9 Maintain CMC User Status Setup
ADFSH_CUST Flight scheduling view maintenance
ADFSHM01 Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Types
ADFSHM010 Flight Scheduling: Flight Status
ADFSHM011 Flight Scheduling: Flight Route
ADFSHM012 Flight Scheduling: Terminals
ADFSHM013 Flight Scheduling: Maintain profiles
ADFSHM014 Maintain fields fields for profile
ADFSHM02 Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Category
ADFSHM03 Flight Scheduling: Airline Code
ADFSHM04 Flight Scheduling: Airport Master
ADFSHM05 Flight Scheduling: Bays
ADFSHM06 Flight Scheduling: Flight Category
ADFSHM07 Flight Scheduling: Mode of Operation
ADFSHM08 Flight Scheduling: Flight Type
ADFSHM09 Flight Scheduling: Flight Sectors
ADPT Component Maintenance Cockpit
ADRE ORF: Results Report
ADRF ORF: Stock Calculation
DI_0MVTPM Movement Types for PM/CS Orders
DI_0PCS2 Stock Determ. Rule PM/CS Orders
DI_0PCS3 Customizing Stock Determ. in PM/CS
DI_PCS1 Stock Det. Rules for Special Stock
FLT02 Flight Scheduling: Generate Details
FSH01 Flight Scheduling : Master Data
FSH01N Flight Scheduling : Master Data
FSH02 Flight Scheduling : Detail Data
FSH02N Flight Scheduling : Detail Data
IRF2 Optimal Rotable Float: Initial scree
IRF4 ORF: Maintain Ess. Code Table
IRF5 ORF: Batch Processing
IRF6 Batch Processing Report
IRFC1 Profiles for Single Item Calculation
IRFC2 Profiles for Batch Processing
MCH01 Mass Maintenance of Maint. Plans
MCH02 Log of Mass Changes
MCH03 Delete Variant
MTBEC1 Customizing
OLZSN Leading Zeroes Customizing
OMSPCUST Maintain:Ext No Range & Rev.Type
S_KA5_12000872 IMG activity: IS-AD_STOCK_CALC_MTB
S_KA5_12000933 IMG activity: DI_0MVTPM
S_KA5_12000934 IMG activity: IS-AD_CMC_ORCO
S_KA5_12000935 IMG activity: IS-AD_CMC_PROF
S_KA5_12000936 IMG activity: IS-AD_CMC_INVG
S_KA5_12000937 IMG activity: IS-AD_CMC_US
S_KA5_12000967 IMG activity: DI_0PCS2
S_KA5_12000968 IMG activity: DI_0PCS3
S_KA5_12001001 Time horizon to calculate periods ba
WPSRL1 Realloc.: Maintain Conversion rules
WPSRL2 Realloc.: Display Conversion rules
WPSTLH1 Task List Hierarchy: Create
WPSTLH2 Task List Hierarchy: Change
WPSTLH3 Task List Hierarchy:Display

SAP Aerospace & Defence Industry Solution tcodes

Table Name Description
ADBT ORF: Stock Calculation (Batch)
ADCO99 Closure of SM Orders
ADCPL1 Maintain CMC FFFC Parameters
ADCPL10 Display CMC UserStatus Setup
ADCPL2 Display CMC FFFC Parameters
ADCPL3 Maintain CMC Settings
ADCPL4 Display CMC Settings
ADCPL5 Maintain Inventory Group Customizing
ADCPL6 Display Inventory Group Customizing
ADCPL7 Maintain CMC Profile
ADCPL8 Display CMC Profile
ADCPL9 Maintain CMC User Status Setup
ADFSH_CUST Flight scheduling view maintenance
ADFSHM01 Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Types
ADFSHM010 Flight Scheduling: Flight Status
ADFSHM011 Flight Scheduling: Flight Route
ADFSHM012 Flight Scheduling: Terminals
ADFSHM013 Flight Scheduling: Maintain profiles
ADFSHM014 Maintain fields fields for profile
ADFSHM02 Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Category
ADFSHM03 Flight Scheduling: Airline Code
ADFSHM04 Flight Scheduling: Airport Master
ADFSHM05 Flight Scheduling: Bays
ADFSHM06 Flight Scheduling: Flight Category
ADFSHM07 Flight Scheduling: Mode of Operation
ADFSHM08 Flight Scheduling: Flight Type
ADFSHM09 Flight Scheduling: Flight Sectors
ADPT Component Maintenance Cockpit
ADRE ORF: Results Report
ADRF ORF: Stock Calculation
DI_0MVTPM Movement Types for PM/CS Orders
DI_0PCS2 Stock Determ. Rule PM/CS Orders
DI_0PCS3 Customizing Stock Determ. in PM/CS
DI_PCS1 Stock Det. Rules for Special Stock
FLT02 Flight Scheduling: Generate Details
FSH01 Flight Scheduling : Master Data
FSH01N Flight Scheduling : Master Data
FSH02 Flight Scheduling : Detail Data
FSH02N Flight Scheduling : Detail Data
IRF2 Optimal Rotable Float: Initial scree
IRF4 ORF: Maintain Ess. Code Table
IRF5 ORF: Batch Processing
IRF6 Batch Processing Report
IRFC1 Profiles for Single Item Calculation
IRFC2 Profiles for Batch Processing
MCH01 Mass Maintenance of Maint. Plans
MCH02 Log of Mass Changes
MCH03 Delete Variant
MTBEC1 Customizing
OLZSN Leading Zeroes Customizing
OMSPCUST Maintain:Ext No Range & Rev.Type
S_KA5_12000872 IMG activity: IS-AD_STOCK_CALC_MTB
S_KA5_12000933 IMG activity: DI_0MVTPM
S_KA5_12000934 IMG activity: IS-AD_CMC_ORCO
S_KA5_12000935 IMG activity: IS-AD_CMC_PROF
S_KA5_12000936 IMG activity: IS-AD_CMC_INVG
S_KA5_12000937 IMG activity: IS-AD_CMC_US
S_KA5_12000967 IMG activity: DI_0PCS2
S_KA5_12000968 IMG activity: DI_0PCS3
S_KA5_12001001 Time horizon to calculate periods ba
WPSRL1 Realloc.: Maintain Conversion rules
WPSRL2 Realloc.: Display Conversion rules
WPSTLH1 Task List Hierarchy: Create
WPSTLH2 Task List Hierarchy: Change
WPSTLH3 Task List Hierarchy:Display

SAP Add-ons for Actual Costs / Time Recording tcodes

Table Name Description
ADAA Activity Allocation Conversion

SAP Add-Ons for Billing tcodes

Table Name Description
AD1T Clear down payment requests
AD43 Assessment Preprocessor with rollup
AD4P Customize assessment: stat.key figs.
S_KA5_12000018 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDVOK2X
S_KA5_12000019 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDVOK25
S_KA5_12000020 IMG-Aktivität: AD10PROFILE
S_KA5_12000021 IMG-Aktivität: AD01PRNFLD
S_KA5_12000022 IMG-Aktivität: AD01CONDUSE
S_KA5_12000023 IMG-Aktivität: AD03PHP
S_KA5_12000024 IMG-Aktivität: PS_PARTNERSCHEMA
S_KA5_12000025 IMG-Aktivität: V_TPGPRF
S_KA5_12000026 IMG-Activity : SIMG_CFMENUOLSDV/G5
S_KA5_12000027 IMG-Aktivität: AD04CUMOH
S_KA5_12000028 IMG-Aktivität: AD01CT
S_KA5_12000029 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BOS_BILL_VBX2
S_KA5_12000030 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BOS_SALES_SDVB
S_KA5_12000031 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BOS_SALES_SPRO
S_KA5_12000032 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BOS_SALES_VOV7
S_KA5_12000033 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BOS_SALES_VOV8
S_KA5_12000059 IMG-Activity : SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNF04
S_KA5_12000060 IMG-Activity : SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNF05
S_KA5_12000061 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNF06
S_KA5_12000062 IMG-Activity : SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNF07
S_KA5_12000063 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDVOK2X
S_KA5_12000064 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDVOK25
S_KA5_12000065 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNV04
S_KA5_12000066 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNV05
S_KA5_12000067 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNV06
S_KA5_12000068 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNV07
S_KA5_12000069 IMG-Activity : SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNF02
S_KA5_12000070 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNF03
S_KA5_12000071 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CMMENUOLSDNFF
S_KA5_12000072 IMG-Aktivität: AD10PROFILE
S_KA5_12000073 IMG-Aktivität: AD01PRNFLD
S_KA5_12000074 IMG-Aktivität: AD01CONDUSE
S_KA5_12000075 IMG-Aktivität: AD03PHP
S_KA5_12000076 IMG-Aktivität: PS_PARTNERSCHEMA
S_KA5_12000077 IMG-Aktivität: V_TPGPRF
S_KA5_12000078 IMG-Activity : SIMG_CFMENUOLSDV/G5
S_KA5_12000079 IMG-Activity : SIMG_CFMENUOLSDV/G7
S_KA5_12000080 IMG-Activity : SIMG_CFMENUOLSDV/83
S_KA5_12000081 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNF3
S_KA5_12000083 IMG-Aktivität: AD01CT
S_KA5_12000086 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDVOV5
S_KA5_12000087 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDVOV4
S_KA5_12000091 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDOVA3
S_KA5_12000093 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNKO02
S_KA5_12000094 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNKO06
S_KA5_12000095 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNKO03
S_KA5_12000096 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNKO05
S_KA5_12000097 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNV03
S_KA5_12000098 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNV02
S_KA5_12000099 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNKO04
S_KA5_12000100 IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_CFMENUOLSDNKO07

SAP Add-Ons for Progress Analysis tcodes

Table Name Description
AD31 Plan data handling
AD32 Costs-to-complete evaluation
AD3P Plan data handling profile
AD3V Version type and text maintenance

SAP "Pegging tcodes

Table Name Description
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"
Grouping and Distribution"

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
MEBOR Work Center Conversion

SAP Line Maintenance Planning (MEB Enhancements) tcodes

Table Name Description
MEBOR Work Center Conversion

SAP Maintenance Program Definition tcodes

Table Name Description
MPD Maintenance Program Definition
MPD_MAP MPD: Data Mapping

SAP Manufacturer Part Number tcodes

Table Name Description
MEM1 Replacement for Purchase Order Item

SAP Master Data tcodes

Table Name Description
MPN01 MPN Conversion Reconcilation
MPND "Field Synchronization
S_KA5_12000051 IMG-Activity: MPN_COMMON_FIELDS
S_KA5_12000052 IMG-Activity: MPN_CONV_EXIT
S_KA5_12000053 IMG-Activity: MPN_V_TMEX_MPN06

SAP Sales tcodes

Table Name Description
MPN_V_V2 MPN and SuS Rescheduling

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
AD_SPC_MOI Customizing: Model ID Codes
AD_SPC_S1S Customizing: Doc. Type f. Stock Inq.
ADPRCP Copy Partner Profiles for SPEC 2000
ADS2KIPUPL_CUST SPEC2000 IP Upload: Gen. Customizing
ADS2KSTAT Update IP status after creating mast
ADS2KUPL SPEC2000 Initial Provisioning Upload
ADS2KUPL1 Resume Upload
ADSPCIP SPEC 2000: File Upload To ERP
S_KA5_12000013 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCICC
S_KA5_12000014 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCTAX
S_KA5_12000015 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCS1S
S_KA5_12000016 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCPRI
S_KA5_12000017 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_V_MOI
S_KA5_12000054 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCICC
S_KA5_12000055 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCTAX
S_KA5_12000056 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCS1S
S_KA5_12000057 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCPRI
S_KA5_12000058 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_V_MOI
S_KA5_12000473 IMG activity: AD_CUS_SPCPRTNRINF
S_KA5_12001127 IMG activity: VADS2KIPUPL_DTEL
S_KA5_12001128 IMG activity: VADS2KIPUPL_GSET
S_KA5_12001129 IMG activity: FILENAME
S_KA5_12001135 Update IP status after creating mast
S_KA5_12001153 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_HDR_API
S_KA5_12001154 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_PART_API
S_KA5_12001155 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_S_PARSER
S_KA5_12001156 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_S_READER
S_KA5_12001157 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_T_PARSER
S_KA5_12001158 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_T_READER
S_KA5_12001159 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_V_PARSER
S_KA5_12001160 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_V_READER
S_KA5_12001161 IMG activity: AD_SPC_IP_MD_TAB
S2KDT Spec2000 IDoc Display Tool
S2KEVENTS SPEC2000: Activate Event Linkage

SAP Specification 2000 tcodes

Table Name Description
AD_SPC_MOI Customizing: Model ID Codes
AD_SPC_S1S Customizing: Doc. Type f. Stock Inq.
ADPRCP Copy Partner Profiles for SPEC 2000
ADS2KIPUPL_CUST SPEC2000 IP Upload: Gen. Customizing
ADS2KSTAT Update IP status after creating mast
ADS2KUPL SPEC2000 Initial Provisioning Upload
ADS2KUPL1 Resume Upload
ADSPCIP SPEC 2000: File Upload To ERP
S_KA5_12000013 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCICC
S_KA5_12000014 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCTAX
S_KA5_12000015 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCS1S
S_KA5_12000016 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCPRI
S_KA5_12000017 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_V_MOI
S_KA5_12000054 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCICC
S_KA5_12000055 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCTAX
S_KA5_12000056 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCS1S
S_KA5_12000057 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_CSPCPRI
S_KA5_12000058 IMG-Activity: SPEC2000_V_MOI
S_KA5_12000473 IMG activity: AD_CUS_SPCPRTNRINF
S_KA5_12001127 IMG activity: VADS2KIPUPL_DTEL
S_KA5_12001128 IMG activity: VADS2KIPUPL_GSET
S_KA5_12001129 IMG activity: FILENAME
S_KA5_12001135 Update IP status after creating mast
S_KA5_12001153 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_HDR_API
S_KA5_12001154 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_PART_API
S_KA5_12001155 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_S_PARSER
S_KA5_12001156 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_S_READER
S_KA5_12001157 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_T_PARSER
S_KA5_12001158 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_T_READER
S_KA5_12001159 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_V_PARSER
S_KA5_12001160 IMG activity: ADS2KIPUPL_V_READER
S_KA5_12001161 IMG activity: AD_SPC_IP_MD_TAB
S2KDT Spec2000 IDoc Display Tool
S2KEVENTS SPEC2000: Activate Event Linkage

SAP Provisioning tcodes

Table Name Description
ADIP SPEC 2000: Initial Provisioning
ADS2KARCH SPEC2000 IP Data Archiving
ADS2KIP_PROF User Profile
S_KA5_12000687 IMG-Aktivität: IP_PROFILES
S_KA5_12000910 S_KA5_12000910
S_KA5_12000912 BAdI for Classification Data
S_KA5_12001106 S_KA5_12001106
S_KA5_12001107 S_KA5_12001107
VC_ADSPCIPSTAT SPEC2000: User Status Maintainence

SAP Spare Part Sharing and Stock Providede by Customer tcodes

Table Name Description
DI_0PCS1 SN Criteria in Sales Documents
S_KA5_12000966 IMG activity: DI_0PCS1

SAP Subcontracting tcodes

Table Name Description
DI_SCCOUNT Meas.Point for Subcontracting

SAP Service Process Warranty tcodes

Table Name Description
OWTYSC Customizing for WTYSC
OWTYSC_PROF Maintain Profile
OWTYSC01 Maintain view types
OWTYSC02 Maintain document types
OWTYSCCU Warranty workbench Layout
WTYSC_WWB Warranty workbench

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
JB0W Change Transaction Differentiation
JB0X Display Transaction Differentiation
JB81 Maintain account
JB88 Maintain Output Fields
JB91 Maintain Aggregation
JB92 Display Aggregation Value Fields
JBB0 Create Position Object
JBB2 Display Position
JBBB Position Determ.-Stock Ex.Der.
JBBD Forex Position Determination
JBC0 Sample Customizing - Organization
JBC1 Sample Customizing - Basis Data
JBC2 Sample Customizing - Treasury
JBC3 Sample Customizing - Basis
JBC4 Sample Customizing - Money Market
JBC5 Sample Customizing - Forex
JBC6 Sample Customizing - Derivatives
JBC7 Sample Customizing - Securities
JBC8 Sample Customizing - Loans
JBC9 Sample Customizing - Accounts
JBCA Sample Customizing - Services
JBCB Sample Customizing-Non-Int.Positions
JBCBCA Customizing BCA Accts Non-Critical
JBCC Delta Customizing - Derivatives
JBCD Delta Customizing - Loans
JBCDLI Display Condition Lists
JBCDLITY Display List Types for Cond. Lists
JBCDPERTY Assign Cond. Types to List Types
JBCE Delta Customizing - Securites
JBCG Sample Customizing - Process Costs
JBCH Delta Customizing - Accounts
JBCI Delta Customizing - Loans
JBCJ Delta Customizing - Derivatives
JBCK Delta Customizing: ABC 4.02
JBCL Delta Cust.: Basic Data 4.02
JBCM Delta Cust.: Loans 4.02
JBCN Delta Cust.: Money Market 4.02
JBCO Sample Customizing: Volumen Costing
JBCP Customizing: Vol. Cost. Not Critical
JBCQ Customizing: Var.Trans. Not Critical
JBG0 CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern
JBG0O CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern
JBL7 Current Settings Market Risk
JBLM Block Size for EDT
JBLS Bank Profit.Analysis - Curr.Settings
JBM0 Maintain Eval.Types (Addition)
JBM1 Maintain Eval Types - Value Fields
JBM10 Euro Reversal: Variable Transaction
JBM2 Maint. Transact. Disbursements
JBM5 EURO Conversion: Current Accounts
JBM6 EURO Conv.: Current Accnts (Reverse)
JBM7 EURO Conversion Security
JBM8 EURO Conversion Security (Cancel)
JBM9 Euro Conversion: Variable Transact.
JBR3 Assign Flow Type to Cash Flow Indic.
JBRUD Banking Reuse Library Display
JBRUM Banking Reuse Library Maintenance
JBSTCOND Maintain Standard Conditions
JBUB Non-Int. Bearing Positions: Maintain
JBVT0001 VT Control: Application
JBVT0002 VT Control: Field Groups
JBVT0003 VT Control: Views
JBVT0004 VT Control: Sections
JBVT0005 VT Control: Screens
JBVT0006 VT Control: Screen Sequence
JBVT0007 VT Control: Business Trans. Events
JBVT0008 VT Control: CUA Standard Functions
JBVT0009 VT Control: CUA Additional Functions
JBVT0010 VT Control: Matchcode
JBVT0011 VT Control: Screen Fld -> DB Field
JBVT0013 VT Control: Role Categories
JBVT0014 VT Control: Role Category Groupings
JBVT0015 VT Control: Application Transactions
JBVT0016 VT Control: Tables
JBVTCH Change Variable Transaction
JBVTCR Create Variable Transaction
JBVTSH Display Variable Transaction
JBWPORD Securities Order Maint. Transaction
JBWPORD_ANZ Display Securities Order Directly
JBZK Assign Condition Types->Cond. Groups
KCLF External Data Transfer
KCLFS Sender Structures
TEST_SOFT_MOD "Test ""Soft"" Modifications"

SAP Bank Components tcodes

Table Name Description
JB0W Change Transaction Differentiation
JB0X Display Transaction Differentiation
JB81 Maintain account
JB88 Maintain Output Fields
JB91 Maintain Aggregation
JB92 Display Aggregation Value Fields
JBB0 Create Position Object
JBB2 Display Position
JBBB Position Determ.-Stock Ex.Der.
JBBD Forex Position Determination
JBC0 Sample Customizing - Organization
JBC1 Sample Customizing - Basis Data
JBC2 Sample Customizing - Treasury
JBC3 Sample Customizing - Basis
JBC4 Sample Customizing - Money Market
JBC5 Sample Customizing - Forex
JBC6 Sample Customizing - Derivatives
JBC7 Sample Customizing - Securities
JBC8 Sample Customizing - Loans
JBC9 Sample Customizing - Accounts
JBCA Sample Customizing - Services
JBCB Sample Customizing-Non-Int.Positions
JBCBCA Customizing BCA Accts Non-Critical
JBCC Delta Customizing - Derivatives
JBCD Delta Customizing - Loans
JBCDLI Display Condition Lists
JBCDLITY Display List Types for Cond. Lists
JBCDPERTY Assign Cond. Types to List Types
JBCE Delta Customizing - Securites
JBCG Sample Customizing - Process Costs
JBCH Delta Customizing - Accounts
JBCI Delta Customizing - Loans
JBCJ Delta Customizing - Derivatives
JBCK Delta Customizing: ABC 4.02
JBCL Delta Cust.: Basic Data 4.02
JBCM Delta Cust.: Loans 4.02
JBCN Delta Cust.: Money Market 4.02
JBCO Sample Customizing: Volumen Costing
JBCP Customizing: Vol. Cost. Not Critical
JBCQ Customizing: Var.Trans. Not Critical
JBG0 CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern
JBG0O CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern
JBL7 Current Settings Market Risk
JBLM Block Size for EDT
JBLS Bank Profit.Analysis - Curr.Settings
JBM0 Maintain Eval.Types (Addition)
JBM1 Maintain Eval Types - Value Fields
JBM10 Euro Reversal: Variable Transaction
JBM2 Maint. Transact. Disbursements
JBM5 EURO Conversion: Current Accounts
JBM6 EURO Conv.: Current Accnts (Reverse)
JBM7 EURO Conversion Security
JBM8 EURO Conversion Security (Cancel)
JBM9 Euro Conversion: Variable Transact.
JBR3 Assign Flow Type to Cash Flow Indic.
JBRUD Banking Reuse Library Display
JBRUM Banking Reuse Library Maintenance
JBSTCOND Maintain Standard Conditions
JBUB Non-Int. Bearing Positions: Maintain
JBVT0001 VT Control: Application
JBVT0002 VT Control: Field Groups
JBVT0003 VT Control: Views
JBVT0004 VT Control: Sections
JBVT0005 VT Control: Screens
JBVT0006 VT Control: Screen Sequence
JBVT0007 VT Control: Business Trans. Events
JBVT0008 VT Control: CUA Standard Functions
JBVT0009 VT Control: CUA Additional Functions
JBVT0010 VT Control: Matchcode
JBVT0011 VT Control: Screen Fld -> DB Field
JBVT0013 VT Control: Role Categories
JBVT0014 VT Control: Role Category Groupings
JBVT0015 VT Control: Application Transactions
JBVT0016 VT Control: Tables
JBVTCH Change Variable Transaction
JBVTCR Create Variable Transaction
JBVTSH Display Variable Transaction
JBWPORD Securities Order Maint. Transaction
JBWPORD_ANZ Display Securities Order Directly
JBZK Assign Condition Types->Cond. Groups
KCLF External Data Transfer
KCLFS Sender Structures
TEST_SOFT_MOD "Test ""Soft"" Modifications"

SAP Bank Customer Accounts tcodes

Table Name Description
/FSCAA/ADD_SHLP Additional search helps
/FSCAA/V_IF_2_CLASS Relation Interfaces and Classes
/FSCAA/VC_FIELD Structure Definition and Fld Mapping
BCA_CUS_AK Determine Rate Type - Currency Swap
BCA_CUS_BK Bal. Sheet Accts for Currency Swap
BCA_CUS_CC Determine Rate Cat. - Currency Swap
BCA_US_CD_NO Number range maintenance: BCA_US_CD
BCA_US_COMP BCA: Activate US/Canada Component
BCA_US_DEA1 Dormancy and Escheat Accounts Report
BCA_US_DS_BC Display Bank Checks
BCA_US_F971 Account Blocks (US specific)
BCA_US_ISS_BC Issue Bank Checks
BCA_US_ISS_CC Issue Certified Checks
BCA_US_OD_ANAL Overdraft protection Analyze & print
BCA_US_OD_PLAN Maintain Overdraft Plan
BCA_US_OD_PR_LOG Overdraft protection (US) - view log
BCA_US_OD_PROC Overdraft protection (US)
BCA_US_OD_REL Maintain Account Relationship
BCA_US_OD_SETUP BCA: Maintain Overdraft Protection
BCA_US_RE_BC Reprint Bank Check
BCA_US_RV_BC Reverse Bank Check
BCA_US_TDA1 Time Deposit - Create
BCA_US_TDA3 Time Deposit - Display
BCA_US_TDRO1 Time deposit rollover - Mass run
BCA_US_TDRO2 Time deposit rollover - Single run
BCA_US_TDROLG App log time deposit rollover
F90_PAR_NUMRG_GENER Set Up Number Range Intervals
F90_PAR_REALLOCATE Program to Create Interval Table
F902 Current Settings BCA
F90ABKST Archiving Bank Statements
F90ACFBAL Archiving Balance Carry Forwards
F90AINCAL Archiving Account Balancing Details
F90AITEM Archiving Payment Items
F90AORDER Archiving Payment Orders
F90APECAL Archiving Account Balancing Data
F90ASTORD Archiving Standing Orders
F90ATOTAL Archiving Value Date Trans. Figures
F91LTC Call Fixed-Term Deposits
F92LTC Collection of Fixed-Term Deposits
F93LTC Postprocessing Fixed-Term Deposits
F94LTC Restart Fixed-Term Deposits
F95LTC Pre-notification of Maturity
F976 Overview Interest Accrual/Deferral
F98TM Application Log for Term Control
F98TMAT Application log: mature report
F98TMCOLL Application log: collection report
F98TMPRE Application Log for Pre-notification
F9AUTH Maintain Authorization Groups
F9B1 BCA: Posting cut-off paym. transact.
F9B2 Posting Cut-Off Pay. Trans. Batch
F9B3 User Log Currency Changeover
F9B4 BCA: Report Currency Conversion
F9BENCH0 Benchmark Payment Transactions
F9BENCH1 Benchmark Account Balancing
F9BENCH10 Benchmark Payt Transactions Online
F9BENCH2 Benchmark Bank Statement
F9BENCHG1 Generate Settings
F9BENCHG2 Generate Pay. Trans. Master Data
F9BENCHG3 Generate Acct. Balanc. Master Data
F9BENCHG4 Generated Postings for Balancing
F9BENCHG4Q Generate Trans.Figures for Balancing
F9BENCHG5 Generate Postings for Online Entry
F9BENCHM0 Monitor Benchmark: Paym. Transaction
F9BENCHM1 Monitor Benchmark: Posted Data
F9BENCHU0 Benchmark: Delete Blocked Items
F9BENCHU1 Benchmark: Reset Account Balancing
F9BENCHU3 Benchmark: Change BKKM2 for Restart
F9BENCHU4 Benchmark: Collect Statistics
F9BENCHU5 Reset Benchmark
F9BENCHV0 Maintain Number Range Parameters
F9BENCHV1 Maintain Global Benchmark Parameters
F9BTEINFO BCA: BTE Info System (P&S)
F9C0_PAR_DETAIL Par.Process. Item Postings: Detail
F9C0_PAR_MODE Par.Process. Item Postings: General
F9CARCPERIODS Retention Periods
F9COL1 Correction of SubFinPayt Balance
F9CORRDISPMAP Corresp: Bank Stat Dispatch Mapping
F9CORRMIGRATE Migrate BKK45 Entries
F9CSO00 SO: Field Modification Activity
F9CSO01 SO: Field Modification Trans. Type
F9CSO02 SO: Authorization Types
F9CSO03 SO: Authorizations for Field Groups
F9CSO04 SO Cust: Screen Configuration
F9CSO1 SO Control: Applications
F9CSO2 SO Control: Field Groups
F9CSO3 SO Control: Views
F9CSO4 SO Control: Sections
F9CSO5 SO Control: Screens
F9CSO6 SO Control: Screen Sequence
F9CSO7 SO Control: Events
F9CSO8 SO Control: CUA Standard Functions
F9CSO9 SO Control: CUA Additional Functions
F9CSOB SO Ctrl: Assig. ScrnFld->DBfld
F9CSOC SO Control: Field Modificat.Criteria
F9CSOD SO Control: Products
F9CSOE SO Control: Product Group
F9CSOF SO Control: Applic. Transactions
F9CSOH SO Control: Tables
F9CSOI SO Control: Activities
F9CSOJ SO Control: FM per Activity
F9ID BCA: CpD Editing of Payment Item
F9IF BCA: CpD Display of Payment Item
F9L. Customizing: IMG Bank Customer Accts
F9LT Country Setting for IBAN
F9LTC Fixing Fixed-Term Deposits
F9LV "Bank Area-Independent Settings
F9MA Check Digit Procedure
F9MARCH Archiving: Period Maintenance
F9MB Bank Area
F9MBC Currency changeover
F9MBD Currency changeover
F9MC Assignment of Check Digit Procedure
F9MD Parameters for Modulo Procedure
F9ME Assignm. Check Dig.Proced.->Bank Key
F9MEMPOBJM Table Mainten. Obj.Meth. Empl.Accts.
F9MF Bank Area: Accounts Payment Trans.
F9MG To Delete: Blocking Functions
F9MJUMP Table Maintenance Jump
F9ML Open BCA Events
F9MM Assignm. Medium/Pay.Meth. to Process
F9MMETHOD Table Maintenance Methods
F9MO Bank Area-Independent Settings
F9MOBJECT Table Maintenance Objects
F9MOBJMETH Table Mainten. Obj.-Meth. Assignment
F9MREPOBJM Table Maint. Object Meth.Perio.Tasks
F9NTC5 Correct Available Balance Series
F9O01 Create stand. order
F9O02 Change stand. order
F9O03 Display Standing Order
F9O43 Release Standing Order
F9O6 Delete stand. order
F9O61 Confirm Standing Order Deletion
F9OA Standing Order: Display Applic. Log
F9OG Post Standing Order
F9OGPAR Post Standing Order Packages
F9SOCC Standing Order Currency Changeover
F9T5 Archiving Standing Orders
F9T6 Deleting Standing Orders
F9T7 Reloading Standing Orders
F9T8 Reading Standing Order Archives
F9T9 Administration Stand.Order Archives
F9TFASTENTRY1 Create: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit
F9TFASTENTRY2 Change: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit
F9TFASTENTRY3 Display: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit
F9VW Preparation of Currency Changeover
FIHB0 Number Range Maintenance
FIHB1 Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB
FIHB4 Assignment of IHB to Bookkeeping
FIHB5 Data for Automatic Payments
FIHB6 Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB
FIHB7 Reversal of IHC Payment Requests
FIHB8 Transfer Recipient Items
GEN_US_2 Activate/deactivate US enhancements
IHC02 Reverse Additional POs from Currency
IHCFX FX netting with In House Cash
IHCLOGBASTA Logs for Account Statement Postings
IHCLOGRVS Display Logs for IHC Reversals
IHCRVS Reversal of IHC Payment Orders
IHCWTKA Reversal of Crcy Conv.-Pymt Orders
RTP_US_C1 Create a retirement plan
RTP_US_CUST Maintain defaults
RTP_US_D1 Display a retirement plan
RTP_US_DEFAULT Maintain defaults retirement plan
RTP_US_M1 Change a retirement plan
RTP_US_PLAN_NO Transaction code for number range
RTP_US_R1 Retirement plan year-end report
RTP_US_R2 Retirement plan age limit report
RTP_US_R3 Retirement plan contribution limit
RTP_US_R4 Retirement plan distribution limit
RTP_US_R5 Calculate fair market value
RTP_US_R6 Check consistency fair market value
RTP_US_R7 Application log for FMV updates
RTPB01 RPUS Cntrl: Application Transactions
RTPB02 RPUS Cntrl: Tables
RTPB03 RPUS Cntrl: Activities
RTPB04 RPUS struct: Applications
RTPB05 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Field Groups
RTPB06 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Views
RTPB07 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Sections
RTPB08 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Screens
RTPB09 RPUS Struct: Screen Sequence
RTPB10 RPUS Struct: Events
RTPB11 RPUS GUI: Standard Functions
RTPB12 RPUS GUI: Additional Functions
RTPB13 RPUS GUI: Assignm scrn fld -> DB fld
RTPB14 RPUS Field Mod: Criteria
RTPB15 RPUS Field Mod: Activity Category
RTPB16 Create data set for retirement plan
RTPB17 Retirement types
RTPB18 RPUS Authorization types
RTPB19 RPUS Field groups for authorization
S_ALN_13000100 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK8V
S_KFM_86000211 Determine Rate Cat. - Currency Swap
S_KFM_86000212 Bal. Sheet Accts for Currency Swap
S_KFM_86000217 Dispatcher per Account Number
S_KFM_86000267 Activate Bank Area as IHC Center
S_KFM_86000295 Auth. Group - Obj. Assignment in IMG
S_KFM_86000306 Delete memo items (payment orders an
S_KFM_86000307 Delete memo items (payment orders an
S_KFM_86000308 Report: Output of application log me
S_KFM_86000309 Memo item
S_KK4_13000075 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TBKKG33
S_KK4_13000076 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKG31
S_KK4_13000077 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKM3
S_KK4_13000078 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TBKKM2
S_KK4_13000079 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKI1
S_KK4_13000080 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK01D
S_KK4_13000081 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKG1
S_KK4_13000082 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-VC_TBKK34
S_KK4_13000083 IMG Activity: SIMG-BA-V_TBKKCVAR
S_KK4_13000084 IMG Activity: IS-B-BCA-IC-V_TBKK92
S_KK4_13000085 IMG Activity: BA-CA-V_TBKKG2_DATE
S_KK4_13000086 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-PT-F9POWFCU
S_KK4_13000087 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-PT-WF-OOOE
S_KK4_13000088 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-PT-SM59
S_KK4_13000089 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKIDF
S_KK4_13000090 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKG2
S_KK4_13000091 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK65
S_KK4_13000092 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK60
S_KK4_13000093 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-VC_TBKKG6
S_KK4_13000094 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-PR-ASR
S_KK4_13000095 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-MD-F9MBP
S_KK4_13000096 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-MD-FIPRD4
S_KK4_13000097 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-MD-FIPRD3
S_KK4_13000098 IMG Activity: _B-BCA-MDAC-V_TBKKM9
S_KK4_13000099 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TBKKG32
S_KK4_13000100 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKG3
S_KK4_13000101 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKM8
S_KK4_13000102 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKA3
S_KK4_13000103 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKA2
S_KK4_13000104 IMG Activity: SIMG_B-BCA-V_TBKKA1
S_KK4_13000105 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKM5
S_KK4_13000106 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-SU02
S_KK4_13000107 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-SU03
S_KK4_13000108 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TB030/F9C]
S_KK4_13000109 IMG-Activity: SIMG_BA-F9CSO02
S_KK4_13000110 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TB030/F9C{
S_KK4_13000111 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TB030/F9C}
S_KK4_13000112 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TB030/F9C[
S_KK4_13000113 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-V_TBKKOAUTH
S_KK4_13000114 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK12
S_KK4_13000115 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-KCLP
S_KK4_13000116 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-KCLJ
S_KK4_13000117 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-OKCG
S_KK4_13000118 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-KCLL
S_KK4_13000119 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-V_TBKKSOAUTH
S_KK4_13000120 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-V_TBKKIAUTH
S_KK4_13000121 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TB030/F9C4
S_KK4_13000122 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-GL-F9HC4
S_KK4_13000123 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-GL-F9HC5
S_KK4_13000124 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TBKKCAS2
S_KK4_13000125 IMG Activity: SIMG-BA-V_TBKKCASS
S_KK4_13000126 IMG Activity: SIMG-BA-V_TBKKCGRP
S_KK4_13000127 IMG Activity: SIMG-BA-V_TBKKCTTP
S_KK4_13000128 IMG Activity: SIMG-BA-V_TBKKCACT
S_KK4_13000129 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TBKKCAS3
S_KK4_13000130 IMG Activity: _IS-B-BCA-IS-F9CRT1
S_KK4_13000131 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TBKKMHOS
S_KK4_13000132 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TBKKMDIS
S_KK4_13000133 IMG Activity BA-CA_F9CAPPLREL
S_KK4_13000134 IMG Activity: IS-BCA-V_TBKKREPORTS
S_KK4_13000136 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TBKKCCLR
S_KK4_13000137 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-MD-FIPRD2
S_KK4_13000138 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK82
S_KK4_13000139 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK02
S_KK4_13000140 IMG Activity: SIMG-BA-CA-F9CX
S_KK4_13000141 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-VC_TBKK03
S_KK4_13000142 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK81
S_KK4_13000143 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF11
S_KK4_13000144 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK8A
S_KK4_13000145 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-V_TBKKG9
S_KK4_13000146 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_TBKK8K/TBKK8L
S_KK4_13000147 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_T056P
S_KK4_13000148 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_T056R
S_KK4_13000149 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK85
S_KK4_13000150 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_BNKA
S_KK4_13000151 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-F9BTEINFO
S_KK4_13000152 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF34
S_KK4_13000153 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF24
S_KK4_13000154 IMG Activity: SIMG-BA-CA-BF32
S_KK4_13000155 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF22
S_KK4_13000156 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF23
S_KK4_13000157 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF-F9MBC
S_KK4_13000158 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK80
S_KK4_13000159 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF31
S_KK4_13000160 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-TBKK80BAS
S_KK4_13000161 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF12
S_KK4_13000162 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA_F9D1
S_KK4_13000163 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF-F9MDB
S_KK4_13000164 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-MD-FIPRC11
S_KK4_13000165 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKE1
S_KK4_13000166 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-MD-FIPRC10
S_KK4_13000167 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKKE2
S_KK4_13000168 IMG Activity: _BA-V_TBKKE_FOUR_EYS
S_KK4_13000169 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-SNUM/F9A5
S_KK4_13000170 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-MD-FIPRC3
S_KK4_13000171 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-BF-BA-01
S_KK4_13000172 IMG Activity: _BA-CA-MD-FIPRC4
S_KK4_13000173 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA_TBKK00
S_KK4_13000174 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK8M
S_KK4_13000175 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK8J
S_KK4_13000176 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-PCTR/DIV
S_KK4_13000177 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-TBKK00T
S_KK4_13000178 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK8H
S_KK4_13000179 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK8I
S_KK4_13000180 IMG Activity: _CA-BA-MD-FIPRD1
S_KK4_13000181 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-V_TBKK8N
S_KK4_13000182 IMG Activity: SIMG_BA-CA-GL-GLT
S_KK4_13000329 Automatic Payments
S_KK4_13000333 IMG: Activity
S_KK4_13000337 IMG: Activity
S_KK4_13000338 Bank Statement Interpretation
S_KK4_13000342 IMG: Activity

SAP Account Management tcodes

Table Name Description
F9NTC_LOG_RELEASE Application Log Notices
F9NTC4 Amount Notice: Mass Release
F9SS1 Qualifier of Payment Notes
F9SSNRKREIS Number Range Maintenance: BKK_PYNOT

SAP Payment Item tcodes

Table Name Description
F9BA BCA: Authorization Group Items
F9C{ Authorization Types Payment Items
F9CCHGRCV Recipient in A-Sentence
F9CTRNSTYP Maintain Transaction Types
F9CTXTKEY BCA: Maintain Text Key
F9I1 Create Payment Order - External
F9I2 Create Payment Order - Internal
F9I3 Display Payment Order
F9I4 Create Payment Item
F9I7 Display Payment Item
F9I8 Postprocess Payment Item
F9IB Release Payment Item
F9IE Create Payment Item Former Account
F9IJ Edit Payment Item
F9IL Create Planned Item
F9IM Delete Planned Item
F9IN Display Planned Items
F9IO Post Planned item
F9IP Planned items
F9ITAUTH BCA: Amount Authorization for Item
F9J0 Display Application Log
F9J1 Reconcile with Legacy System
F9KY Close Account
F9M01 S Table: Field Status Maintenance
F9M02 Table: Function Variant Maintenance
F9M03 Assign Function Variants
F9M04 Field Groups per Object
F9M05 Field Status per Activity
F9M06 Field Status per Document Type
F9MV Document Type Maintenance
F9MX S Table: Field Status Maintenance
F9MY S Table: Transaction Maintenance
F9MZ S Table: Buttons to Hide Maintenance
F9NA S Table: Funct. Variant Maintenance
F9NC Processes in BCA
F9ND Assgmt Processes -> GL Processes
F9PEXDE4 Application Log of Outgoing PT
F9PEXDE5 EFT File Overview of Incoming PT
F9PINDE2 Restart: Import EFT
F9PINDE3 Reversal Run for Incoming PT
F9PINDE4 Application Log for Incoming PT
F9PINDE5 EFT File Overview of Incoming PT
F9SI PAIT Control: Field Groups
F9SN PAIT Control: Scrn.Fld. <-> DB Field
F9SQ PAIT Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod.
F9TA Archiving Payment Items
F9TB Deleting Payment Items
F9TC Reloading Payment Items
F9TD Reading Payment Item Archives
F9TE Admin.of Payment Items Archives
F9Z1 Changing Default Values

SAP Payment Order tcodes

Table Name Description
F9BB BCA: Authorization Group Order
F9C} Authorization Types Payment Orders
F9C3 Number Range Maintenance: BCA_PAORN
F9I1PLAN Create Planned Order Externally
F9I2PLAN Create Planned Order Internally
F9I3PLAN Display Planned Order
F9I9 Edit Payment Order (General)
F9I9PLAN General Processing of Planned Order
F9IA Release Payment Order
F9IAPLAN Release Planned Payment Order
F9IC Create Payment Order Former Account
F9IG Reverse Payment Item
F9IH BCA: Maintain Trans. Type Offsett.Ps
F9II Return Payment Item
F9IK Create Return Payment Order
F9IQPLAN Delete Planned Order
F9IUPLAN Post Planned Orders
F9IVPLAN Planned Orders - Application Log
F9OF Create Foreign Payment Order
F9OFPLAN Create Plannned Order - Foreign
F9OH Postprocess Payment Order
F9OI Reverse Payment Order
F9POAUTH BCA: Authorization Group Order
F9POWFCU Assign Workflow Tasks Acct Mgmt
F9SOAUTH BCA: Authorization Group Order
F9SR PAOR Control: Field Groups
F9SS PAOR Control: Scrn.Fld.<-> DB Field
F9ST PAOR Control: Table <-> Func. Mod.
F9T0 Archiving Payment Orders
F9T1 Delete payment orders
F9T2 Reloading Payment Orders
F9T3 Reading Payment Order Archives
F9T4 Managing Payment Order Archives

SAP Basic Functions tcodes

Table Name Description
F9CSA BCA Ref. Interest Rate Maintenance

SAP Master Data tcodes

Table Name Description
BCA_US_DS_HOLD Create a Detailed Hold Report
F960 Application Log Cash Concentration
F970 Account Balances
F970_VAL Balance List on Key Date
F971 Account Locks
F972 Overdraft List
F97C Internal Reference Accts
F97CURR Acct List for Currency Changeover
F97CX External Reference Accts
F9A5 Number Range Maintenance: BCA_ACC_EX
F9C0 Current Account Groupings
F9C4 Authorization types
F9C6 BCA: Field Modification Account Type
F9C7 BCA: Field Modification Activity
F9CA Account Status Enhancements
F9CC1 Authorizations for Field Groups
F9CC2 Screen Configuration
F9CP Create Limit Categories
F9CQ Change Limit Categories
F9CR Display Limit Categories
F9CS Create reference limits
F9CT Change reference limits
F9CU Display reference limits
F9CV Principle of Dual Control Limits
F9D1 Messages
F9DDCC Currency Conversion Dir. Debit Order
F9FOLLOWUP Account Resubmission
F9H0 Account Hierarchy Change History
F9H1 Create Account Hierarchy
F9H2 Change Account Hierarchy
F9H3 Display Account Hierarchy
F9H4 Cash Concentration: Single Run
F9H5 Cash Concentration: Restart
F9H6 Cash Concentration: Mass Run
F9H7 Number Range Maintenance: BKK_HYRAR
F9HIST_KOND_INDIV History of Individual Conditions
F9HIST_KOND_STAND History of Standard Conditions
F9HIST_KOND_ZUORD History of Condition Assignment
F9HLDAUTH BCA: Authorization Amts for Holds
F9HLDREL Release Holds requiring Dual Control
F9K1 Create Account
F9K2 Change account
F9K3 Display Account
F9KAC Release Account Closure
F9KD Account Closure
F9KE Application Log Account Closure
F9KG Release Limits
F9KGDEL Delete Limits
F9KGDISP Limit Overview
F9KH Release Currency Changeovers
F9KHDEL Delete Currency Changeovers
F9KMOC Change business partner
F9KOVRDISP Tolerated Overdraft: Display
F9KOVRN Tolerated Overdraft: Notification
F9KOVRR Tolerated Overdraft: New Run
F9MH Settings for Hierarchies (General)
F9MHCC Settings for Cash Concentration
F9S1 CA Control: Applications
F9S18 CA Control: Activities
F9S19 CA Control: Field Mod. per Activity
F9S2 CA Control: Field Groups
F9S3 CA Control: Views
F9S4 CA Control: Sections
F9S5 CA Control: Screens
F9S6 CA Control: Screen Sequences
F9S7 CA Control: Events
F9S8 CA Control: CUA Standard Functions
F9S9 CA Control: CUA Additional Functions
F9SA CA Control: Matchcode
F9SB CA Control: Assign. Scr.Field->DBFld
F9SC CA Control: Field Modific. Criteria
F9SD CA Control: Products
F9SE CA Control: Product Group
F9SF CA Control: Application Transactions
F9SH CA Control: Tables
F9SIMMINDEP Min. Deposit Maint.: Term-Independt
F9SX BCA Control: External Applications
F9TRMMINDEP Min. Deposit Maint.: Term-Dependent
S_ALN_01000862 Account closure: Release

SAP Business partner tcodes

Table Name Description
F9CF Change Cond Type<->Diff Type
F9G1 Create acct holder
F9G2 Change acct holder
F9G3 Display Account Holder
F9G4 Create Authorized Drawer
F9G5 Change Authorized Drawer
F9G6 Display Authorized Drawer
F9G7 Create Account Holder
F9G8 Change Account Holder
F9G9 Display Account Holder
F9GA Create Bank Statement Recipient
F9GB Change Bank Statement Recipient
F9GC Dispaly Bank Statement Recipient
F9GL Display All BP Roles

SAP Condition tcodes

Table Name Description
F982 Edit general conditions
F983 Display General Conditions
F984 Release General Conditions
F984_DR Release Deleted Conditions
F985 Edit Interest Conditions
F986 Display Interest Conditions
F987 Release Interest Conditions
F988 Edit Charge Conditions
F989 Display Charge Conditions
F98A Release Charge Conditions
F98B Edit Value Date Conditions
F98C Display Value Date Donditions
F98D Release Value Date Conditions
F98E Edit Condition Assignment
F98F Display Condition Assignment
F98G Release Condition Assignment
F98R Retroactive Condition Change
F98RK Retroactive Condition Change
F98X Transact./Charge Transact.Assignment
F98Y Transact./Charge Transact.Assignment
F98Z Transact./Charge Transact.Assignment
F991 Mass Acct. Balancing (Int./Charges)
F992 Application Log Account Balancing
F992EX Application Log Acct Balancing EDT
F993 Accrual/Deferral for General Ledger
F994 Application Log Accrual/Deferral
F995 Restart Account Balancing
F996 Single Acct. Balancing (Int./Charge)
F997 Early Mass Account Balancing
F997S Early Individual Account Balancing
F999 Interest scale
F99C Restart Interest Acc./Def.
F99D Preparation Early Account Balancing
F99E Closing: Settled Accounts
F99F Single Acct. Closing: Restart
F99G Check Account Balancing Ext. Data
F99R Create Basic Setting - Conditions
F99S Change Basic Setting Conditions
F99X Display Basic Setting Conditions
F9C( Change Trans.Type Category Assignmt.
F9C) Display Trans.Type Categ. Assignmt.
F9C? Change Transaction Type Category
F9C[ Authorization Types for Condiitons
F9C` Display Transaction Type Category
F9C= Create Transaction Type Category
F9CAA Create Transaction Type Category 2
F9CAB Change Transaction Type Category 2
F9CAC Display Transaction Type Category 2
F9CAD Create Trans. Type Category 2 Assgmt
F9CAE Change Trans. Type Category 2 Assgmt
F9CAF Display Trans. Type Category 2Assgmt
F9CD Crete Cond.Cat.<->Diff. Type
F9CE Display Cond.Cat.<-> Diff.Type
F9CG Create Bank Condition Categories
F9CH Change Bank Condition Categories
F9CI Display Bank Condition Categories
F9CICC Change Compensation Methods
F9CICD Change Compensation Methods
F9CJ Create Differentiation Types
F9CK Change Differentiation Types
F9CL Display Differentiation Types
F9CM Create Condition Group
F9CN Change Condition Groups
F9CO Display Condition Groups
F9CX Field Control - Conditions
F9INDCOND Release Individual Conditions
F9INDCONDDELREL Release Individual Conditions
F9INDCONDDISP Display Individual Conditions
F9INDIV Display Individual conditions
F9L! Display Assignm- Bank Area-Cond.Area
F9L( Change Function-Trans.Type Assignm.
F9L) Display Function-Trans.Type Assign.
F9L? Change Condition Area Settings
F9L+ Display Condition Area Settings
F9L= Create Condition Area Settings
F9L5 Create Transaction Type Categories
F9L6 Change Transaction Type Categories
F9L7 Display Transaction Type Categories
F9L8 Create Medium Categories
F9L9 Change Medium Categories
F9LA Display Medium Categories
F9LB Create Item Counters
F9LC Change Item Counters
F9LD Display Item Counters
F9LE Create Transaction-Category Assignm.
F9LF Change Transaction-Category Assignm.
F9LG Dsiplay Transaction-Category Assign.
F9LH Create Medium-Category Assignment
F9LI Change Medium-Category Assignment
F9LJ Display Medium-Category Assignment
F9LK Create Item Counter Determination
F9LL Change Item Counter Determination
F9LM Display Item Counter Determination
F9LN Transact.-Interest Trans. Assignment
F9LO Transact.-Interest Trans. Assignment
F9LP Transact.-Interest Trans. Assignment
F9LQ Create Dispatch Expense Counter
F9LR Change Dispatch Expense Counter
F9LS Display Dispatch Expense Counter
F9LW Create Trivial Amount
F9LX Change Trivial Amount
F9LY Display Trivial Amount
F9LZ Create Bk.Area-Cond.Area Assignment
F9SJ Condition Control: Field Groups
F9SK Cond.Control: Assign.Sc.Fld.->DB Fld
F9SL Cond.Control: Assign. Table<->FuMod.
F9TF Archiving Account Balancing Data
F9TG Deleting Account Balancing Data
F9TH Reloading Account Balancing Data
F9TI Reading Act. Balancing Data Archive
F9TJ Admin. of Acct.Bal.Data Archives
F9TK Archiving Acct.Bal.Detail Data
F9TL Deleting Acct.Bal.Detail Data
F9TM Reloading Acct. Bal. Detail Data
F9TN Reading Acct.Bal.Det.Data Archives
F9TO Admin. of Acct.Bal.Det.Dat. Archives
F9TP Archiving Value Date Trans. Figures
F9TQ Deleting Value Date Trans. Figures
F9TR Reloading Value Date Trans. Figures
F9TS Reading Val.Date Trans.Figs.Archives
F9TT Admin.of Val.Dt.Trans. Figs.Archives
F9TU Archiving conditions
F9TV Deleting conditions
F9TW Reloading Conditions
F9TX Reading Condition Archives
F9TY Admin. of Condition Archives
F9VS Assignment of Interest Pen. TA Type
F9VU Assignment of Interest Pen. TA Type

SAP Product definition tcodes

Table Name Description
F9C9 Condition Groups Per Account Type
F9CB Old:Allowed Acct.Types per Bank Area
F9LU Payment Notes for Returns
F9MAA Default Value Transaction Type
F9MAB Default Media
F9MAC Default Payment Methods
F9MAD Alternative Currency Key
F9MBP Permitted Products per Bank Area
F9MI Formats for Application of Funds
F9MJ Assignment Inverse Trans. Type
F9MK Notification of Returns
F9MP Media Maintenance
F9MQ Maintain functions
F9MR Transaction Types Maintenance
F9MS Function Groups Maintenance
F9MT Locking Reasons Maintenance
F9MU Acct.Type->Funct.Groups Maintenance
F9NB Text Symbol Maintenance
FIPRB01 FIPR Control: Applications
FIPRB02 FIPR Control: Field Groups
FIPRB03 FIPR Control: Views
FIPRB04 FIPR Control: Sections
FIPRB05 FIPR Control: Screens
FIPRB06 FIPR Control: Screen Sequences
FIPRB07 FIPR Control: Business Trans. Events
FIPRB08 FIPR Control: CUA Standard Function
FIPRB09 FIPR Control: CUA Addit. Functions
FIPRB100 FIPR Control: Matchcode
FIPRB101 FIPR Control: Matchcode
FIPRB102 FIPR Control: Matchcode
FIPRB103 FIPR Control: Matchcode
FIPRB11 FIPR Control: Assgt Scrn->DB Field
FIPRB12 FIPR Control: Field Modif. Criteria
FIPRB13 FIPR Control: Products
FIPRB14 FIPR Control: Product Group
FIPRB15 FIPR Control: Applic. Transactions
FIPRB16 FIPR Control: Tables
FIPRB18 FIPR Control: Activities
FIPRB19 FIPR Control: FB per Activity
FIPRC1 Maintain Attribute Type
FIPRC10 Fields Maintenance
FIPRC11 Feature Maintenance
FIPRC12 Field Values Maintenance
FIPRC13 Two Dimensional Field Value Mainten.
FIPRC2 Product Category Maintenance
FIPRC3 Maintain Attributes
FIPRC4 Maintain Key Prefix
FIPRC5 Field Grouping Activity
FIPRD1 Create Product
FIPRD2 Change Product
FIPRD3 Display Product
FIPRD4 Copy Product

SAP Position Management tcodes

Table Name Description
F9A0 BCA: Block Checks
F9A1 Create Check
F9A10 Edit Lock
F9A11 Delete Check
F9A12 Creat Check Stack
F9A13 Request Check Stack (Customer)
F9A16 BCA: Delete Stack Creation
F9A18 BCA: Request Checks from Location
F9A19 BCA: Release Check Stack
F9A20 Display Check Stack
F9A21 BCA: Block Check Stack
F9A23 Lift Block
F9A25 BCA: Location Maintenance Pos. Mgmt
F9A26 BCA: Stack Location Settings
F9A4 BCA: Request Check
F9A50 Change Check Status
F9A7 BCA: Revoke Check Block
F9A8 Check Locks
F9A9 BCA: Display Checks
F9C] Position: Authorization Types
F9C1 BCA: Blocking Reasons for Checks
F9C2 Position Types Maintenance
F9CZ BCA: Guarant. Amounts for Posit.Type
F9SM Position Control: Field Groups
F9SO Position Control: Scrn.Fld.->DB Fld.
F9SP Position Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod.

SAP G/L transfer tcodes

Table Name Description
F961 Application Log FI Transfer
F962 Application Log Balance Sheet Prep.
F963 Appl. log prep.(backdated)
F973 Display reconcil. balance list 1
F974 Display reconcil. balance list 2
F975 Compensation statememt daily status
F977 Correction parked payment items
F978 Reconcil. List: FI Documents
F97A Overview of BCA Reconciliation Keys
F97A1 Reconciliation key detail display
F97AT Audit trail
F97E Recon. to reconciliation key
F97G Statement FI Document/BCA Posting
F97I Reconciliation BCA /SAP FI Balances
F97J Appl. log prep.(backdated)
F980 Interest Acc/Def Individ. Statement
F9H_GL_OLD GL Control for Legacy Data
F9H_GLCUST Check General Ledger Customizing
F9H_GLDATA Comparison of FI Data with BCA
F9HA GL Variants
F9HB General Ledger Transaction
F9HC General Ledger Group
F9HC4 "GL Acct Assgmt
F9HC5 "GL Acct Assgmt
F9HD GL Transfer Posting Group
F9HE "GL Acct. Assignment
F9HEWB1 Create Individual Value Adjustment
F9HEWB2 Change Individual Value Adjustment
F9HEWB3 Display Individual Value Adjustment
F9HEWB4 Post Loss on Receivables
F9HG Assignment Trans.Type-GL Transaction
F9HH "GL Account Assignment
F9HI Transfer BCA - GL
F9HJ "GL Acct. Assignment
F9HL Bal.Sheet Prep. BCA - GL
F9HO GL Control for Legacy Data
F9HRVA Post Individual Value Adjustment
F9HRVA_MT Indiv. Val. Adjst. Proposal List

SAP Interest/Charge Calculation tcodes

Table Name Description
F9C% Job Distribution on Server
F9C& Interval Size / Balanc. Parall. Mode
F9C+ Bank State. Dispatch Type Mainten.
F9C10 Maintain Business Transaction Code
F9C11 Maintain Reports End of Day Process.
F9C12 Scheduling Reports End of Day Proc.
F9CAPPLREL Relationships Betw. Applic. Types
F9CPP Settings for Parallel Processing
F9L1 Create Posting Category Assignment
F9L2 Change Posting Category Assignment
F9L3 Display Posting Category Assignment
F9L4 Posting Date for Closing in Dialog
F9N1 Create Bank Statements
F9N10 Overview End of Day Processing
F9N11 Start End-of-Day Processing
F9N12 Overview of Current Mass Runs
F9N13 Accts. Blocked by Single Balancing
F9N14 Duplicate Creation Bk.State. Restart
F9N15 Duplicate Creation Single Run
F9N16 Balance Notification Mass Run
F9N17 Balance Notification Single Run
F9N18 Restart Balance Notification
F9N19 Balance Notification Application Log
F9N2 Change Definition Posting Categories
F9N3 Application Log Bank Statement
F9N4 Restart - Bank Statement
F9N6 Posting Date for Balancing as Batch
F9N7 Bank Statement - Single Account
F9N8 List of Accounts in End of Day Proc.
F9N9 Bank Statement - Duplicate Creation
F9NARCH Archiving Bank Statements
F9NCHAIN Start End-of-Day Processing

SAP Transaction Data Pool tcodes

Table Name Description
JB09 Maintain Bank Products
JB0A Maintain Sender Programs
JB0N Display Bank Products
JB0O Copy Company Code
JB0U Maintain Product Variants
JB0V Display Product Variants
JB1F Maintain Bank Product Assign.
JB1G Display Bank Product Assignmnt
JBB1 Change Position
JBB3 IS-B. Edit Position Values
JBB4 Display Position Values
JBB5 Edit characteristics
JBB6 Edit Value Fields
JBBA Position Generation - Securities
JBBEW Maintain Position Changes
JBBPU Reorg.of Field Cat.for BP Conversion
JBD_AFX_ACT No. Range Maintenance Object:AFX_ACT
JBD_AFX_CUST_DEPLOY Use Global Control
JBD_DEL_PROT Display of Deletion Logs
JBD_VT_OLD_CUST Customizing: Variable Trans. (Old)
JBDAC_DEL Deletion of Account Master Data
JBDCD Delete Change Pointers
JBDCPNUM No. Range Maint.: Object JBD_CPID
JBDCR Change Relevance
JBDDRVT1 Variable Transaction: Deriv. Strat.
JBDDRVT2 Var. Trans: Maintain Rule Entries
JBDEA Export Settings
JBDEM Overview of Change Pointers
JBDER Export Relevance
JBDERH Main Setting for Export Relevance
JBDEX Start Export
JBDFOAC_DEL Deletion of Accnt Financial Objects
JBDFOLN_DEL Deletion of Loan Financial Objects
JBDFOSV_DEL Deletion of FO for Services
JBDFOVT_DEL Deletion of Financial Objects of VT
JBDIL02 Initial Load: Security Class Data
JBDIL03 Initial Load: Security Order
JBDIL04 Initial Load: Listed Derivatives
JBDIL05 Initial Load: Loans
JBDIL07 Initial Load: Forex Transactions
JBDIL08 Initial Load: Business Partner
JBDIL09DETR Initial Load: Listed Der. Positions
JBDIL09FX Initial Load: Forex Positions
JBDIL09SETR Initial Load: Security Order Positns
JBDIL11 Initial Load: Position Change
JBDIL12 Initial Load: Fixed-Term Deposit
JBDIL13 Initial Load: Commercial Paper
JBDIL14 Initial Load: FRA
JBDIL15 Initial Load: Swap
JBDIL16 Initial Load: Variable Transactions
JBDIL18 Initial Load: Generic Transactions
JBDIL19 Initial Load: Facilities
JBDIL20 Initial Load: Collateral
JBDIL21 Initial Load: Security Prices
JBDIL22 Initial Load: Exchange Rates
JBDIL23 Initial Load: Interest Rates
JBDIL24 Initial Load: Indexes
JBDIL25 Initial Load: Limits
JBDIL30 Initial Load: BP Relationship
JBDIL31 Initial Load: Security Volatilities
JBDIL32 Initial Load: Index Volatility
JBDIL33 Initial Load: Currency Volatility
JBDIL34 Initial Load: Interest Volatility
JBDLN_DEL Deletion of Loan Master Data
JBDO_VT_OLD Old Initial Screen in FO f. VT (Old)
JBDRVATR Bank Product from Variable Trans.
JBDSV_DEL Deletion of Services
JBDVT_DEL Deletion of Master Data of Var.Trans
JBLDC Var. Transaction Ledger Dimensions
JBLF Determine Log Number
JBM3 SAP Banking: EURO Log Administration
JBM4 SAP Banking: EURO Conversion Lo/FT
JBMK Required/Optional Fields
JBSV Maintain Service
JBVT0018 VT Control: Activities
JBVT0019 VT Control: Field Mod. per Activity
JBVTDEL Delete Variable Transaction
KCFR EDT: Maintain Transfer Rules
KCLF001 SAP Banking EDT Financial Object
KCLF002 SAP Banking EDT Period Values
KCLF009 EDT Loans
KCLF024 EDT Financial Object
S_PL9_08000041 Export Settings
S_PL9_08000042 Export Relevance
S_PL9_08000043 Change Relevance
S_PL9_08000044 Start Export
S_PL9_08000045 Overview of Change Pointers
S_PL9_08000046 Export Relevance:Customizing: Header

SAP Profitability Analysis tcodes

Table Name Description
JBP_CUS_DIST_DER1 Derivation Strategy DIS1 (Distrib.)
JBP_DIST_TRO Distribution (Treasury Offset)

SAP Single Transaction Costing tcodes

Table Name Description
AFO_PA_LOAN_MUPD FOI PA Part for Loan - Mass Process.
AFO_PA_TRTM_MUPD Edit Fin. Object for Fin. Trans.
JB0C Maintain Product Type
JB0K Costing Call
JB0K_VT_OLD IS-B: Costing Call VT (Old)
JB0P Display and Delete Logs
JB0R Backdating
JB0R_VT_OLD IS-B: Back-Dated Transaction:VT(Old)
JB16 Costing Rule List
JB18 Display Req./Opt.Control
JB1C Display Product Type
JB1E Display Financial Conditions Types
JB1K Update costing
JB20 Maturity Pattern
JB21 Maturity Pattern - Volume Assignment
JB22 Calculate Core Deposits
JB41 Create SD Condition
JB42 Change SD Condition
JB43 Display SD Condition
JB46 Maintain Costing Sheet
JB47 Maintain SD Condition Types
JB48 Maintain Access Sequence
JB49 Create SD Condition Table
JB4A Change SD Condition Table
JB4B Display SD Condition Table
JB4C Create SD Condition using Template
JB4L Create List of Conditions
JB4N Change List of Conditions
JB4O Display List of Conditions
JB4Q Execute List of Conditions
JBBW Customize Valuation in Company Code
JBCAPAACT BCA: FO Integration of Prof. Anal.
JBCF Maintain Condition Type
JBCFTRANSAKTION Maint. Trans. Cash Flow Transaction
JBCS Flow Type
JBCT Customize Flow Type
JBCTVT_NEBP Assign New Bank Products
JBCTVT_NEBPVR Assign Bank Product Variant
JBDBALCOST Volume Cost. Costing Rule Derivation
JBDDRBCA1 BCA: Maintain Derivation Strategy
JBDDRBCA2 BCA: Maintain Rule Entries
JBDDRDERIV1 Derivatives: Maintain Deriv. Strat.
JBDDRDERIV2 Derivatives: Maintain Rule Entries
JBDDRFGDT1 Gen. Trans: Maintain Deriv. Strat.
JBDDRFGDT2 Gen. Trans: Maint. Rule Entries
JBDDRFX1 Forex: Maintain Derivation Strategy
JBDDRFX2 Forex: Maintain Rule Entries
JBDDRLOAN1 Loans: Maintain Derivation Strategy
JBDDRLOAN2 Loans: Maintian Rule Entries
JBDDRMM1 Money Market:Maintain Deriv.Strategy
JBDDRMM2 Money Market: Maintain Rule Entries
JBDDRORD1 Order: Derivation Strategy
JBDDRORD2 Order: Maintian Rule Entries
JBDDRSTX1 Positions: Maintain Deriv. Strategy
JBDDRSTX2 Positions: Maintain Rule Entries
JBDFTP FTP Update in PC Accounting
JBDK Customize Exchange Rate Type
JBDO Financial Object
JBDRDARL Bank Product from Loan
JBFR Customize Function per Register
JBI1 PA transfer structure CO
JBK1 Preliminary Costing: Create Form
JBK2 Preliminary Costing: Change form
JBK3 Preliminary Costing: Display Form
JBKA SAP Banking: Costing Sheet Analysis
JBKR Customize Account Assignment Ref.
JBKW Actual Process Allocation: Fin. Obj.
JBPD Update Character. for Process Costs
JBPERIOD Period values
JBPF Customize Portfolio Data
JBRCPAACT GT: FO Integration for PA
JBRE Customize Register
JBRP Customize Report Functions
JBT_RECONC_LOAN_PAFO Reconciliation: Fin. Obj. and Loans
JBT1 Maintain Costing Rule
JBTA Costing Rule for Node Costing
JBTLSVORMERK Maintain LS Selection Table
JBTZ Maintain Cash Flow
JBVT Activity Category Customizing
JBVTPAACT Var. Trans.: FO Integ. Prof. Anal.
S_KK4_13000001 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01KEN1
S_KK4_13000002 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBN5
S_KK4_13000003 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB0BJB_VTNUMI
S_KK4_13000004 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB0BJB_VTNUM
S_KK4_13000005 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB0BJB_TONUMI
S_KK4_13000006 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB0BJB_TONUM
S_KK4_13000007 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JB0O
S_KK4_13000008 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBM0
S_KK4_13000009 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB0BJB1C
S_KK4_13000010 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBN4
S_KK4_13000011 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBN1
S_KK4_13000012 IMG Activity: SIMG_JB01_VORKALK001
S_KK4_13000013 IMG Activity: SIMG_JB01_JBM2
S_KK4_13000014 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB0BJB1E
S_KK4_13000016 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB0BJBCDLI
S_KK4_13000017 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01OV/5
S_KK4_13000020 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01SU03
S_KK4_13000021 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01SU02
S_KK4_13000022 IMG Activity: _OBJTRANS
S_KK4_13000023 IMG Activity: _USEREXIT
S_KK4_13000024 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB0L
S_KK4_13000025 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB0M
S_KK4_13000026 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBDBALCOST
S_KK4_13000027 IMG Activity: _JBPD
S_KK4_13000028 IMG Activity: _KEI1
S_KK4_13000029 IMG Activity: _CPT1
S_KK4_13000030 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JB91
S_KK4_13000031 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JBTA
S_KK4_13000032 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBDDRBCA1
S_KK4_13000033 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBCAPAACT
S_KK4_13000034 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08KE4U
S_KK4_13000035 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JB1F
S_KK4_13000036 IMG Activity: V_TKEVA01
S_KK4_13000037 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB21
S_KK4_13000038 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB20
S_KK4_13000039 IMG Activity: _CTU1
S_KK4_13000040 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JB0U
S_KK4_13000041 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB41
S_KK4_13000042 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JB0W
S_KK4_13000043 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB47
S_KK4_13000044 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB48
S_KK4_13000045 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB49
S_KK4_13000046 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JBT1
S_KK4_13000047 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB4C
S_KK4_13000048 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01KEP1
S_KK4_13000049 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JBKA
S_KK4_13000050 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB4Q
S_KK4_13000051 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB4L
S_KK4_13000052 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JB09
S_KK4_13000053 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB45
S_KK4_13000054 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB08JB46
S_KK4_13000055 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBG0
S_KK4_13000056 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBDDRORD1
S_KK4_13000057 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01KEQ3
S_KK4_13000058 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01KEBD
S_KK4_13000059 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBDDRFX1
S_KK4_13000060 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01OKEQ
S_KK4_13000061 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBDDRMM1
S_KK4_13000062 IMG Activity: _USEREXITEGK
S_KK4_13000063 IMG Activity: SIMGCFJB01JBDDRFGDT1
S_KK4_13000064 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBRCPAACT
S_KK4_13000065 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBDDRDERI
S_KK4_13000066 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMJB01JBB5
S_KK4_13000067 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBB6
S_KK4_13000068 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBDDRSTX1
S_KK4_13000069 IMG Activity: _JBDRDARL
S_KK4_13000070 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBDDRVT1
S_KK4_13000071 IMG-Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBVTPAACT
S_KK4_13000072 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBDDRLOAN
S_KK4_13000073 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMJB010003
S_KK4_13000074 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMJB010004
S_KK4_13000253 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBVCBGR
S_KK4_13000255 IMG Activity: _ALM_01
S_KK4_13000256 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_JBROZAKT
S_KK4_13000257 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_JBRKNZTYPTAB

SAP Risk Analysis tcodes

Table Name Description
AFO_FOI_RULE_DERIVA Derivatives: Maintain Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_FAZ Facility: Maintain Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_FX Forex: Maintain Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_LOAN Loans: Maintian Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_MONEY Money Market: Maintain Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_POS1 Class Pos. in SA: Define Rule Values
AFO_FOI_RULE_POS2 Class Pos. in FA: Define Rule Values
AIS_LAY_DEF Define Initial Layout
CFMEVAL Maintain Evaluation Type
JBA1 Maintain Base Portfolio
JBA2 Maintain Cash Flow Type
JBA3 Maintain balance type
JBA4 Maintain Maturity Scenario
JBA5 Maintain summarization rule
JBA6 Assign Summarization Rule to CF Type
JBA7 Assign Summ. Rule to Balance Type
JBA8 Maintain RM-FIMA Costing Rule
JBA9 Assign RM-FIMA to Cash Flow Type
JBAA Assign RM-FIMA to Balance Type.
JBAB Maintain Settings for Maturity Scen.
JBAC Maintain Risk Hierarchy
JBAD Risk hierarchy node
JBAE RM Maintain Risk Factors
JBAF Maintain Characteristics for View
JBAI Load saved Dataset
JBAJ Risk hierarchy node
JBAL Overview of Analysis Structures
JBAN Update Field Catalog
JBAP Create Maintain Analysis Structures
JBAS Save Dataset
JBAT Report Selection
JBAX Delete Saved Dataset
JBBEWE1 Valuation Setting
JBBG1 Define Position Groups
JBHTL Translate Characteristic Hierarchies
JBHTR Transport Characteristic Hierarchies
JBJJ Display Assgmt of Bal.Type>Cost.Rule
JBJK Change Assgmt of Bal.Type>Cost.Rule
JBLZB1 Maturity band
JBLZB2 Maturity band
JBMS Set filter for messages
JBMT Multitasking Maintenance
JBR1 Check Selected Settings
JBR10 RM: Maintain External Key Figures
JBR10EXT External Key Figures for FO
JBR10S RM: Display External Key Figures
JBR10U RM: Maintain External Key Figures
JBR2 Display Saved Data
JBR4 Delete Portfolio Hierarchies
JBR4E Deactivate Portfolio Hierarchies
JBR5 Update Portfolio Hierarchy
JBR6 Delete View
JBR7 Display Maturity Band
JBR8 Adjust Portfolio Hierarchy
JBR9 Report for Aggr. Base Portfolio Data
JBRA Assign Product Type -> Eval. Type
JBRBP Reorganize Base Portfolios
JBRBPC Bond Price Calculator
JBRCT RM: Transport of Char. Values
JBRCU Edit Characteristic Values
JBRCV Maintenance of Characteristic Values
JBRDELSVGP Deletion of Gap Results
JBRDG Generate Program for Char.Derivation
JBRDR Settings for Char. Derivation
JBRDV Maintain Derivation of Rule Entries
JBREVAL Maintain Evaluation Type
JBRF0 Collective Processing of FOs
JBRF0_VT_OLD Collective Processing of FOs
JBRG0 Default Settings for Gap Analysis
JBRG1 Spec. Eval. Control for Gap Analysis
JBRGE Generate Program Env.for A.Structure
JBRGV Reorganize Maintenance Modules
JBRI Risk Management: Grid Analysis
JBRIN Initialize view
JBRJ Risk Mgmt: Sensitivity Analysis
JBRK Display Portfolio Hierarchies
JBRKA Display Portfolio Hierarchy (old)
JBRM Valuation Rules - Evaluation Type
JBRMP0 Logs for Financial Object
JBRMP1 Logs for Portfolio Hierarchies
JBRN Restructuring per View
JBRN_VT_OLD Restructuring per View
JBRNR Number Range Administration
JBROZ RM Gap Calc. of TP using Costing
JBROZPROT Log of TP Determination
JBRP0 Update Portfolio Hierarchy (Experts)
JBRQ Valuation Rules
JBRTUP Update Saved Gap Results
JBRU Single Value Analysis: Sensitivity
JBRW Generate Portfolio Hierarchy
JBRX Single Value Analysis: NPV
JBRY Single Value Analysis: Hist. Sim.
JBRZ Maintain Derivation Strategy
JBW0_MONITOR Display Selection of Frozen Data
JBWPR RM: Display Interface Programs
LMIBKKA BCA Account: FO Integr. act./inact.
LMIFGDT Risk Object: FO Integr. act./inact.
LMIJBVT Var. Trans.: FO Integr. act./inact.
LMIKLFZ Facility: Activate/Deactivate FO Int
RCDEF Definition of Risk Object
RCDEF_OLD Definition of Risk Object
RM_01 Initialize view
RM_02 Regenerate View
RM_97 Display of DB Logs
RM_98 Diagnosis of BP Admin. Tables
RM_99 Deactivate Financial Objects
RM00 Position of Risk Objects
RM01 Position of Risk Objects
RM02 RM: Position Groups
RM10 RM: Views
RM10D RM: Views
RM11 RM: Portfolio Hierarchies
RM11D RM: Portfolio Hierarchies (Display)
RMBDS1 Archiving of Report Data
RMBDS2 Delete Archived Report Data
RMBDS3 Report Data: Overview of Archive
RMBDSA Overview of Report Data
RMBDSB Create Report Data
RMBDSN BDS: Number Range for Runs
RMBK1 BCA: Derivation Strategy
RMBK2 BCA: Rule Entries
RMD01 FO: Derivation Strategy
RMD02 Financial Object: Rule Entries
RMDR1 Gen.Transaction: Derivation Strategy
RMDR2 Gen. Transaction: Rule Entries
RMFD Financial Object Data
RMFZ1 Derivation of RM Part for Facilities
RMIBKKA BCA Account: FO Integr. act./inact.
RMIFGDT Gen.Trans.: Act/Deact FO Integration
RMIJBVT Var. Trans.: FO Integr. act./inact.
RMIKLFZ Facility: Activate/Deactivate FO Int
RMV0 Single Value Analysis: VAR
RMVARS Display Shifts during VaR Evaluation
RMVT1 Variable Trans: Derivation Strategy
RMVT2 Variable Transaction: Rule Entries
S_KFM_59000003 Test
S_KK4_13000183 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBVCLZB
S_KK4_13000184 IMG Activity: _JBVSIMZ
S_KK4_13000185 IMG Activity: _JBVCPBL
S_KK4_13000186 IMG Activity: _JBVCFSZ
S_KK4_13000187 IMG Activity: _JBVBRFS
S_KK4_13000188 IMG Activity: _JBWV
S_KK4_13000189 IMG Activity: _OKUL
S_KK4_13000190 IMG Activity: _JBWK
S_KK4_13000191 IMG Activity: _JBWR
S_KK4_13000192 IMG Activity: _JBVIDXG
S_KK4_13000193 IMG Activity: _JBRSVRCFK
S_KK4_13000194 IMG Activity: _JBVCFART
S_KK4_13000195 IMG Activity: _JBR3
S_KK4_13000196 IMG Activity: _VTVBWCFV
S_KK4_13000197 IMG Activity: _V_VTVTRBW
S_KK4_13000198 IMG Activity: _V_VTVBKKBW
S_KK4_13000199 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBSTNK
S_KK4_13000200 IMG Activity: _VC_AUSWT
S_KK4_13000201 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBVBV2
S_KK4_13000202 IMG Activity: _JBW4
S_KK4_13000203 IMG Activity: _JBWB
S_KK4_13000204 IMG Activity: _JBWZ
S_KK4_13000205 IMG Activity: _JBWX
S_KK4_13000206 IMG Activity: _JBWY
S_KK4_13000207 IMG Activity: _BERECHTIGUNG
S_KK4_13000208 IMG Activity: _PROFILE
S_KK4_13000209 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_VTVAUTGR
S_KK4_13000211 IMG Activity: _JBW5
S_KK4_13000212 IMG Activity: _JBWP
S_KK4_13000213 IMG Activity: _JBWG
S_KK4_13000214 IMG Activity: _JBWW
S_KK4_13000215 IMG Activity: _JBWQ
S_KK4_13000216 IMG Activity: _JBW1
S_KK4_13000217 IMG Activity: _JBW2
S_KK4_13000218 IMG Activity: _JBWO
S_KK4_13000219 IMG Activity: _JBWT
S_KK4_13000220 IMG Activity: _JBRSVRBR
S_KK4_13000221 IMG Activity: SIMG_RMIJBVT
S_KK4_13000222 IMG Activity: SIMG_RMVT1
S_KK4_13000223 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBRCT
S_KK4_13000224 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBRCU
S_KK4_13000226 IMG Activity: _JBRGV
S_KK4_13000227 IMG Activity: SIMG_RMIBKKA
S_KK4_13000228 IMG Activity: _JBRZ
S_KK4_13000229 IMG Activity: SIMG_RMBK1
S_KK4_13000230 IMG Activity: SIMG_RMIFGDT
S_KK4_13000231 IMG Activity: SIMG_RMDR1
S_KK4_13000232 IMG Activity: _JBRDG
S_KK4_13000233 IMG Activity: _JBVDERI
S_KK4_13000234 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBVABREG
S_KK4_13000235 IMG Activity: _TMA5
S_KK4_13000236 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBVCPH
S_KK4_13000237 IMG Activity: SIMG_JBVCSI
S_KK4_13000238 IMG Activity: _JBR6
S_KK4_13000239 IMG Activity: _JBVVREG
S_KK4_13000240 IMG Activity: _JBVBEWREG
S_KK4_13000241 IMG Activity: _JBR1
S_KK4_13000242 IMG Activity: _JBRNR
S_KK4_13000243 IMG Activity: SIMG_RMD01
S_KK4_13000244 IMG Activity: _JBAP
S_KK4_13000245 IMG Activity: SIMG_JB02_CMOD
S_KK4_13000258 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_DFCU30
S_KK4_13000259 IMG Activity: _V_ATVSZ
S_KK4_13000260 IMG Activity: _ATVO61
S_KK4_13000261 IMG Activity: _ATVO62
S_KK4_13000262 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JBGK
S_KK4_13000263 IMG Activity: _ATVO63
S_KK4_13000264 IMG Activity: _JBDRATEBAR
S_KK4_13000265 IMG Activity: _ATVO64
S_KK4_13000266 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFJB01JB62
S_KK4_13000267 IMG Activity: _VC_VOLA
S_KK4_13000268 IMG Activity: _V_INDEXA
S_KK4_13000269 IMG Activity: _V_ATVO3
S_KK4_13000270 IMG Activity: _V_ATV01
S_KK4_13000271 IMG Activity: _V_ATK01
S_KK4_13000272 IMG Activity: _JBVBFART
S_KK4_13000273 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_ATRFART
S_KK4_13000274 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_ATRFVOLA
S_KK4_13000275 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_ATRFVO
S_KK4_13000276 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_ATRFKORR
S_KK4_13000277 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_ATRF
S_KK4_13000278 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_ATRFBETA
TMA5 Edit characteristics
TMA6 Edit Value Fields

SAP Default Risk and Limit System tcodes

Table Name Description
EGPB Assign Breakpoint to User
JB121 Definition
KL_ARR_RC Assign Risk Object
KLABL Derivation of the Default Risk Rule
KLABL_ACP Deriv. of DRR for Class Pos.Sec.Acct
KLABL_BCA Derivation of DRR for BCA
KLABL_DE Derivation of DRR for Derivative
KLABL_FAZ Derivation of DRR for Facilities
KLABL_FX Derivation of DRR for Foreign Exch.
KLABL_LO Derivation of DRR for Loan
KLABL_MM Derivation of DRR for Money Market
KLABL_RC Derivation of DRR for Risk Object
KLABL_VT Derivation of DRR for Var. Trans.
KLCCTOEU Log Admin for Facilities+Collateral
KLCOCUMIG Initial Loading Assignmt Crcy->Cntry
KLEH Display Logs
KLEXT Display Active External Transactions
KLFZ0001 Facilities Control: Application
KLFZ0002 Facilities Control: Field Groups
KLFZ0003 Facilities Control: Views
KLFZ0004 Facilities Control: Sections
KLFZ0005 Facilities Control: Screens
KLFZ0006 Facilities Control: Screen Sequence
KLFZ0007 Facilities Control: Time
KLFZ0008 Fac. Cntrl: GUI Standard Functions
KLFZ0009 Fac. Cntrl: CUA Additional Functions
KLFZ0010 Facilities Control: Matchcode
KLFZ0011 Fac. Cntrl: Assign Scrn fld->DBfield
KLFZ0013 Facilities Control: Role Categories
KLFZ0014 Facilities Ctrl: Role cat. groupings
KLFZ0015 Facilities Ctrl: Application trans.
KLFZ0016 Facilities Control: Tables
KLFZ0018 Facilities Control: Activities
KLFZ0019 Fac. Cntrl: FldModif./Activity(Cntl)
KLFZ01 Facilities: Create
KLFZ02 Facilities: Change
KLFZ03 Facilities: Display
KLFZCCTOEU Currency Conversion for Facility
KLFZDT01 Detail Reporting for Facilities
KLFZDT02 Detail Reporting for Facilities
KLFZMD01 Facilities: Master Data Reporting
KLFZMD03 Facilities: Master Data Reporting
KLGPUPDLR Mass Processing of Financial Objects
KLLE Overview: Exceeded Limits
KLLE_DELETE Deletion of Exceeded Limits
KLMAP Assign Accounts to Business Partner
KLMASSPRT Display Logs
KLMASSUPD Mass Processing of Financial Objects
KLMASSUPD_VT_OLD Mass Processing of Financial Objects
KLMAXLIMIT Change Limit for Product/Trans. Type
KLNACHT Attributable Amount Determination
KLNACHT1 Old: Postprocess Data Pool Trans.
KLNACHT2 Postprocessing of Mass Data
KLNAEG01 STChk for Datapool Transactions
KLNK Number Range Maintenance: ISB_KL
KLNR Number Range Maintenance: ISB_KL
KLONL Online Check
KLSDC1 Single Transaction Check: New
KLSDC2 Single Transaction Check: Change
KLSDC3 Single Transaction Check: Deactivate
KLSDC4 Display Transactions
KLSDCPDEF Define STC Products
KLSDCPROTS STC Log Generation: Control
KLSI01 Create Collateral Provision
KLSI01_CFM Create Collateral Provision
KLSI02 Change Collateral Provision
KLSI02_CFM Change Collateral Provision
KLSI03 Display Collateral Provision
KLSI03_CFM Display Collateral
KLSICCTOEU Currency Changeover for Collateral
KLT1 Credit Limit: Global Settings
KLTEV01 Credit Limit: Global Settings
LMFO_GEN_PD FO Integration - Log Display
LMFO_LO_MUPD FO Integr. Loan - Mass Data (Limit)
LMFO_POS_MUPD FO-Int. Cl. Pos. Sec. Act - Mass Lim
LMFO_TRTM_MUPD FO-Int. Cl. Pos. Sec. Act - Mass Lim
OTLA Report Selection
RKLNT Counterparty Risk of Netting Group
RKLSI Overview of Collateral Provision
S_KFM_86000119 View: Activate Free Characteristics
S_KFM_86000120 View: Global+Sngl.Pos.Rel.Collataral
S_KFM_86000125 View: The Display Filter and Texts
S_KFM_86000126 View: Define Limit Types
S_KFM_86000130 View: Maintain Notes for Reservation
S_KFM_86000165 Display Limits for Limit Type:
S_KFM_86000166 Overview of Limit Utilizations
S_KFM_86000259 Maint.View: Limit-Rel. Analysis Char
S_KFM_86000260 View Maint.: Limit Transfer Notes
S_KFM_86000268 Initial Screen for Processing Char.
S_KFM_86000269 Maintain Analysis Structure
S_KFM_86000270 Choose Characteristics
S_KFM_86000271 Valuation Rules for Risk Management
S_KFM_86000272 Edit Characteristic Values
S_KFM_86000273 Derivation Strategy of Analys.Struct
S_KFM_86000274 Derivation Strategy of Analys.Struct
S_KFM_86000277 Reorganize Analysis Characteristics
S_KFM_86000278 Delete Limit Utilizations
S_KFM_86000279 Delete Data for Limit Types
S_KFM_86000280 Reorg. Logs of Single Trans. Form
S_KFM_86000281 Reorganize Reservations
S_KK4_13000279 IMG Activity: _TLMK
S_KK4_13000280 IMG Activity: _TLMR
S_KK4_13000281 IMG Activity: _TLM4
S_KK4_13000282 IMG Activity: _TLM5
S_KK4_13000283 IMG Activity: _TLMP
S_KK4_13000284 IMG Activity: _TLMG
S_KK4_13000285 IMG Activity: _V_KLREGDEF
S_KK4_13000286 IMG Activity: _V_KLEVC
S_KK4_13000287 IMG Activity: _V_KLADDONFAK
S_KK4_13000288 IMG Activity: _V_KLAUSFWKT
S_KK4_13000289 IMG Activity: SIMG_KLRRDEF
S_KK4_13000290 IMG Activity: _TLMV
S_KK4_13000291 IMG Activity: _TLMB
S_KK4_13000292 IMG Activity: _TLMZ
S_KK4_13000293 IMG Activity: _TLMX
S_KK4_13000294 IMG Activity: _TLMY
S_KK4_13000295 IMG Activity: _TLMW
S_KK4_13000296 IMG Activity: _TLMQ
S_KK4_13000297 IMG Activity: _TLM1
S_KK4_13000298 IMG Activity: _TLM2
S_KK4_13000299 IMG Activity: _TLMO
S_KK4_13000300 IMG Activity: _TLMT
S_KK4_13000302 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_KLRRFINDDEF
S_KK4_13000303 IMG Activity: _V_KLARRC
S_KK4_13000304 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_KLNT01
S_KK4_13000305 IMG Activity: _V_KLARRCRS
S_KK4_13000306 IMG Activity: SIMG_KLABL
S_KK4_13000307 IMG Activity: _V_KLRISKSENSI
S_KK4_13000308 IMG Activity: _V_KLXAKT
S_KK4_13000309 IMG Activity: SIMG_LMIBKKA
S_KK4_13000310 IMG Activity: SIMG_LMIJBVT
S_KK4_13000311 IMG Activity: SIMG_KLBEWFAK
S_KK4_13000312 IMG Activity: _V_KLEVDEF
S_KK4_13000313 IMG Activity: SIMG_V_KLARRZU04
S_KK4_13000314 IMG Activity: _V_KLARRZU01
S_KK4_13000315 IMG Activity: _V_KLARRZU02
S_KK4_13000316 IMG Activity: _V_KLEGZU
S_KK4_13000317 IMG Activity: _V_KLBESTZU
S_KK4_13000318 IMG Activity: _V_KLORDERZUARR
S_KK4_13000319 IMG Activity: FTLM_NOTIZEN
S_KK4_13000322 IMG Activity: FTLM_FELDAUSWAHL
S_KK4_13000323 IMG Activity: FTLM_LIMITART
S_KK4_13000324 IMG Activity: FTLM_RESERV
TBIR Mass Release of Interim Limits
TBL1 Limits: Change/Display
TBL10 Treasury: Delete Limits
TBL2 Limits: Change Documents
TBL3 Limits: Overview
TBL4 Limit Utilization: Overview
TBL6 Limit Utilization: Delete
TBL7 Limit Type: Delete Data
TBL8 Reorganize STC Logs
TBL9 Display STC Logs
TBLA TR: Limit Maintenance for VC_ATLA
TBLARC Archiving: Limits and Utilizations
TBLB Limit Utilization: Overview
TBLC Lock/Unlock Limits
TBLC01 Check of Determination Procedure
TBLD Lock/Unlock Countries
TBLE Limit Management: Lock Entries
TBLM Flow List
TBLPECC Change Posting Deadline
TBLR Release Limits
TBLT01 Limit: Generate Table for Lim. Types
TBLT02 Limit: Move Data to Generated Table
TBLT03 Limit: Delete Generated Table
TBLT04 Limit: Reorganiz. of Analysis Char.
TBLT05 Limit: Check Analysis Characterist.
TBLT06 Check/Correct Consist. of Gen.Tables
TBLW1 Review: Send
TBLW2 Review: Change Review Recipient
TKLFZ01MD Facilities: Master Data Reporting
TKLFZDT01 Detail Reporting for Facilities
TL3M List of curr. supported field names
TL3P Maintain Variant Group
TL3Q Maintain Variants
TL3R Schedule Variant Groups
TL3S Define Variant Groups
TLL1 Limit: Create Limit Transfer
TLL2 Limit: Change Limit Transfer
TLL3 Limit: Display Limit Transfer
TLL4 Limit Transfer: Change Documents
TLL5 Limit Transfer: Collective Process.
TLM0 Execute Report
TLM1 Create Report
TLM2 Change Report
TLM3 Display Report
TLM4 Create Form
TLM5 Change Form
TLM6 Display Form
TLM7 Maintain authorization obj. present.
TLM8 Display authorization obj.presentatn
TLMA Access Report Tree
TLMB Maintain Batch Variants
TLMC Limit Management: Manage Comments
TLMD Split Report
TLMG Limit Management: Character. Groups
TLMH Maintain hierarchy
TLMJ Maintain Hierarchy Nodes
TLMK Maintain Key Figures
TLMM Limit Mgmt: Drilldown Test Monitor
TLMO Transport Reports
TLMP Transport Forms
TLMQ Import Reports from Client 000
TLMR Import Forms from Client 000
TLMS Display Structure
TLMT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
TLMU Convert drilldown reports
TLMV Maintain Global Variable
TLMW Maintain Crcy Translation Type TLM
TLMX Reorganize Drilldown Reports
TLMY Reorganize Report Data
TLMZ Reorganize Forms
TLR1 Limit: Create Reservation
TLR2 Limit: Change Reservation
TLR3 Limit: Display Reservation
TLR4 Reservations: Mass Processing
TLR5 Reservations: Change Documents
TLR6 Reservations: Reorganization
TLR7 Limit: Copy Reservation
TLTA Access Report Tree

SAP Market Risk Analysis tcodes

Table Name Description
JB3M List of curr. supported field names
JB3P Maintain variant groups
JB3Q Maintain Variants
JB3R Schedule variant group
JB3S Define variant group
JBW0 Execute Report
JBW1 Create Report
JBW2 Change Report
JBW3 Display Report
JBW4 Create Form
JBW5 Change Form
JBW6 Display Form
JBW7 Maintain authorization obj. present.
JBW8 Display authorization obj.presentatn
JBWA Access Report Tree
JBWB Maintain Batch Variants
JBWC Comments Management: Treasury
JBWG Characteristic Groups for RM
JBWH Maintain hierarchy
JBWK Maintain key figures
JBWM Test Monitor: RM Drilldown Reporting
JBWO Transport Reports
JBWP Transport forms
JBWQ Import reports from client 000
JBWR Import Forms from Client 000
JBWS Display structure
JBWT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
JBWU Convert drilldown reports
JBWV Maintain Global Variable
JBWW Mainten.curr.conversion type TMR
JBWX Reorganize Drilldown Reports
JBWY Reorganize Report Data
JBWZ Reorganize Forms

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
JBD_GAP_ARCH_CUS Customizing for Object GPAN_ARCH
SFGDT_TOOL Tool for Risk Objects

SAP Strategy Analyzer tcodes

Table Name Description
JBD_GAP_ARCH_CUS Customizing for Object GPAN_ARCH
SFGDT_TOOL Tool for Risk Objects

SAP Asset/Liability Management tcodes

Table Name Description
ALM_01 ALM: Assign CF Type to CF Indicator
ALM99 JBALMCTRL Control Tables
ANA_STRUCT_GEN OLTP Metadata Repository
ANA_STRUCT_GEN_ALM OLTP Metadata Repository
CFMALMART Maintain ALM Valuation Type
JBA_US_MD_NIPL ALM - Master Data Maint.
JBFS Maintain Due Date Scenario
JBPB Define Period Block
JBRALMART Maintain ALM Valuation Type
JBRLZB Maintain Maturity Band
JBRPLANV Maintenance of Planning Variables
JBRT ALM Simulation
JBRT_CFM ALM Simulation for TRM
JBRTOBJ ALM Single Value Analysis
JBRTOBJ_CFM ALM Single Value Analysis for TRM
JBRTUPPROT Information on Saved Gap Results
MSCUST Maintain Due Date Scenarios
RTBSTD Position Management for Gen.Trans.
S_KFM_86000167 Maintain ALM Valuation Type
S_KK4_13000330 ALM: Customizing: Due Date Scenarios
SEM_CHAR_HIER OLTP Metadata Repository
SEM_CHAR_TEXT OLTP Metadata Repository
TV28 Scenario Progression

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/CWM/CHECK_TRANSIT Analysis of Stock in Transit
/CWM/IMG IMG Catch Weight Management
/CWM/MESSAGES CWM Message Attributes
/CWM/RHU_STOCK_DIFF Correction of HU Stock Differences
/CWM/STOCK Stock Overview
/CWM/STOCK_CHECK Check Stock Variance
/CWM/TCWM Activate Catch Weight Management
/CWM/VALPROC Default for Valuation Procedure
CON_FAIC01 Act. of Texts After Language Import
CON_FAIC02 Maintain Price Types
FAIC03 Substitution of Account Assignments
FAIR02 Inventory Accounting: Line Items
FAIR04 Inventory Accounting: Document Displ
FAIR05 Reconciliation Inv. Ledger - G/L
FAIWQ1 Worklist
S_CWE_15000044 IMG Activity: CON_FAIC02

SAP Industry Solution Catch Weight Management tcodes

Table Name Description
/CWM/CHECK_TRANSIT Analysis of Stock in Transit
/CWM/IMG IMG Catch Weight Management
/CWM/MESSAGES CWM Message Attributes
/CWM/RHU_STOCK_DIFF Correction of HU Stock Differences
/CWM/STOCK Stock Overview
/CWM/STOCK_CHECK Check Stock Variance
/CWM/TCWM Activate Catch Weight Management
/CWM/VALPROC Default for Valuation Procedure
CON_FAIC01 Act. of Texts After Language Import
CON_FAIC02 Maintain Price Types
FAIC03 Substitution of Account Assignments
FAIR02 Inventory Accounting: Line Items
FAIR04 Inventory Accounting: Document Displ
FAIR05 Reconciliation Inv. Ledger - G/L
FAIWQ1 Worklist
S_CWE_15000044 IMG Activity: CON_FAIC02

SAP Basis Technology R/3 tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/BD11 DFPS Request Article Master
/ISDFPS/BDXE DFPS Create Customizing Transport
/ISDFPS/CHA_TBL_LOG Activate DFPS Table Logging
/ISDFPS/GNR_CHECK Check Global Number Ranges
/ISDFPS/GNR_MAINTAIN Definition of Global Number Ranges
/ISDFPS/NR_CL_UNUSED Create New Fiscal Year for NR
/ISDFPS/NR_NEW_YEAR Create New Fiscal Year for NR
/ISDFPS/NR_SYS_CLEAN Clean Up GNR Data for System
/ISDFPS/RES_TBL_LOG Reset DFPS Table Logging
/ISDFPS/SLG1 Show Application Logs
/ISDFPS/USER_DISTRIB User Distribution

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/89000007 Maintain Distributed Sys. Landscape
/ISDFPS/ALE_CRE_CCMS Generate CCMS Nodes for System
/ISDFPS/ALE_IN_PROC Start Inbound Processing
/ISDFPS/ALE_SYS_MAIN Maintain DFPS System Landscape
/ISDFPS/BD87N DFPS ALE Status Monitor
/ISDFPS/CUA_SWITCH Switches the CUA Connection
/ISDFPS/PORT_SWITCH Switch Ports for ALE Partner Profile
/ISDFPS/SET_OFFLINE Set System to Offline Mode
/ISDFPS/SET_ONLINE Set System to Online Mode
/ISDFPS/SWITCH_PP_I Switch Mode of ALE-PV (In)
/ISDFPS/SWITCH_PP_O Switch Mode of ALE-PV (Out)
/ISDFPS/SYSTEM_MON Monitor Partner System
/ISDFPS/SYSTEM_STATE Display Connection Status
/ISDFPS/SYSTEM_SYNC Synchronization with Partner System

SAP Distributed System Landscape tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/89000007 Maintain Distributed Sys. Landscape
/ISDFPS/ALE_CRE_CCMS Generate CCMS Nodes for System
/ISDFPS/ALE_IN_PROC Start Inbound Processing
/ISDFPS/ALE_SYS_MAIN Maintain DFPS System Landscape
/ISDFPS/BD87N DFPS ALE Status Monitor
/ISDFPS/CUA_SWITCH Switches the CUA Connection
/ISDFPS/PORT_SWITCH Switch Ports for ALE Partner Profile
/ISDFPS/SET_OFFLINE Set System to Offline Mode
/ISDFPS/SET_ONLINE Set System to Online Mode
/ISDFPS/SWITCH_PP_I Switch Mode of ALE-PV (In)
/ISDFPS/SWITCH_PP_O Switch Mode of ALE-PV (Out)
/ISDFPS/SYSTEM_MON Monitor Partner System
/ISDFPS/SYSTEM_STATE Display Connection Status
/ISDFPS/SYSTEM_SYNC Synchronization with Partner System

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/CMP_AGR_TABS Comparison of the AGR Tables
/ISDFPS/UPD_ORG_LEVB Update the Org. Level Fields
/ISDFPS/UPD_ORG_LEVS Comparison of Organizational Levels
/ISDFPS/UPD_ORG_LEVT Update the Org. Level Fields

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/CALL_TRANS Transaction Call with Memory Export
/ISDFPS/CLMASCL Cust.: Confign Cd Classes to Mod. ID
/ISDFPS/CLMCAP Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate
/ISDFPS/CLMCUS Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate
/ISDFPS/CLMEXSTA Cust.: Master Equipment Sts Objects
/ISDFPS/CLMFLAUF Customizing: Flight Types
/ISDFPS/CLMFLSTA Customizing: Flight Status Objects
/ISDFPS/CLMIAST Customizing: Order Type Tech. Status
/ISDFPS/CLMIMST Cust.: Notification Type Tech. Sts
/ISDFPS/CLMISE Cust.: Activate Intersession Events
/ISDFPS/CLMMDID Customizing: Model IDs (WS)
/ISDFPS/CLMSFCT Customizing: Status Function
/ISDFPS/CLMSTAD Cust.: Technical Status Semantics
/ISDFPS/CLMSTB Cust.: Status Board Transactions
/ISDFPS/CLMSTIC Customizing: User Status Icons
/ISDFPS/CLMUPRI Customizing: Usage Rate
/ISDFPS/LMACC1 Enter Aircraft Accident
/ISDFPS/LMCUS1 Start Controlled Usage Rate
/ISDFPS/LMER01 Add/Change Operational Role
/ISDFPS/LMER02 Display Operational Role
/ISDFPS/LMFL01 Create Flight
/ISDFPS/LMFL02 Change Flight
/ISDFPS/LMFL03 Display Flight
/ISDFPS/LMFLM1 Change Mission
/ISDFPS/LMFLP1 Flight Overview
/ISDFPS/LMIE01 Create Equipment (Operation Equip.)
/ISDFPS/LMIE02 Change Equipment (Operation Equip.)
/ISDFPS/LMIE03 Display Equipment (Operation Equip.)
/ISDFPS/LMSI01 Change or Add Site
/ISDFPS/LMSI02 Display Site
/ISDFPS/LMTST1 Overview of Technical Status

SAP Line Maintenance tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/CALL_TRANS Transaction Call with Memory Export
/ISDFPS/CLMASCL Cust.: Confign Cd Classes to Mod. ID
/ISDFPS/CLMCAP Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate
/ISDFPS/CLMCUS Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate
/ISDFPS/CLMEXSTA Cust.: Master Equipment Sts Objects
/ISDFPS/CLMFLAUF Customizing: Flight Types
/ISDFPS/CLMFLSTA Customizing: Flight Status Objects
/ISDFPS/CLMIAST Customizing: Order Type Tech. Status
/ISDFPS/CLMIMST Cust.: Notification Type Tech. Sts
/ISDFPS/CLMISE Cust.: Activate Intersession Events
/ISDFPS/CLMMDID Customizing: Model IDs (WS)
/ISDFPS/CLMSFCT Customizing: Status Function
/ISDFPS/CLMSTAD Cust.: Technical Status Semantics
/ISDFPS/CLMSTB Cust.: Status Board Transactions
/ISDFPS/CLMSTIC Customizing: User Status Icons
/ISDFPS/CLMUPRI Customizing: Usage Rate
/ISDFPS/LMACC1 Enter Aircraft Accident
/ISDFPS/LMCUS1 Start Controlled Usage Rate
/ISDFPS/LMER01 Add/Change Operational Role
/ISDFPS/LMER02 Display Operational Role
/ISDFPS/LMFL01 Create Flight
/ISDFPS/LMFL02 Change Flight
/ISDFPS/LMFL03 Display Flight
/ISDFPS/LMFLM1 Change Mission
/ISDFPS/LMFLP1 Flight Overview
/ISDFPS/LMIE01 Create Equipment (Operation Equip.)
/ISDFPS/LMIE02 Change Equipment (Operation Equip.)
/ISDFPS/LMIE03 Display Equipment (Operation Equip.)
/ISDFPS/LMSI01 Change or Add Site
/ISDFPS/LMSI02 Display Site
/ISDFPS/LMTST1 Overview of Technical Status

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/LMSTB1 Status Board (Change Mode)
/ISDFPS/LMSTB2 Status Board (Display Mode)

SAP Mobile Applications tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC00 Maintenance: Program Object CP1
/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC01 Generation of Initial IDocs
/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC02 Generation of Deletion Record IDocs
/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC03 Call BD21 for Delta Download
/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC04 Generate Change Pointers (DB Log)
/ISDFPS/PLBA Log Display f. Local User Administ.

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/ME_HR_TAHDM Maintain Preselection of HR Objects
/ISDFPS/ME_HR_TCTPM Maint. of Usage Types Rel. for MA

SAP Mobile Materials Management tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/99000002 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/ME_MM_REQ
/ISDFPS/ME_BSART Maintenance View for BSART
/ISDFPS/ME_BWB Maintain View Cluster for BWB
/ISDFPS/ME_BWS Maintain View Cluster for BWS
/ISDFPS/ME_REQ Maintain View Cluster for REQ

SAP Materials Management tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/11000014 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/MB_DELIV
/ISDFPS/11000061 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PGRURG
/ISDFPS/11000062 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PURG
/ISDFPS/11000063 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PREQ
/ISDFPS/11000064 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PRILOC
/ISDFPS/11000065 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PURGSD
/ISDFPS/11000066 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PURGPM
/ISDFPS/11000067 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/PRIO
/ISDFPS/BERID_GET Selects RP Area for Stor. Loc.
/ISDFPS/C_CID Number Range Mainten.: /ISDFPS/CM
/ISDFPS/C_CS_CMD Cust:Cust: Cross-System Commands
/ISDFPS/C_CS_SYS Cust.: Assign Log.Syst. to Site/SLoc
/ISDFPS/C_MM_CS Cust.: Cross-System Basic Settings
/ISDFPS/C02WM1 Maintain WM Addnl Attributes (Basis)
/ISDFPS/CBSART_CS Cust.: Assign Receiver PO Doc. Type
/ISDFPS/CFRGKZ_CS Cust: Release ID f. Synchronization
/ISDFPS/CHANGE_PARTY Open Docs for Supply Relationship
/ISDFPS/DISP_MATSTAT Display Initial Supply Status
/ISDFPS/EPA_HU Processing of HUs from EPA
/ISDFPS/EXT_BATCHES Create External Batch Usage
/ISDFPS/EXT_BATCHES3 Display External Batch Usage
/ISDFPS/FDP_SUPPLY Execute Initial Supply Run
/ISDFPS/FDP_VSTEL Create/Change Shipping Points
/ISDFPS/INIT_SUPPLY Trigger Initial Supply Run
/ISDFPS/LA01 Maintain WM Addnl Attributes Online
/ISDFPS/LA02 Maintain WM Addnl Attributes in List
/ISDFPS/LA03 Display WM Addnl Attributes in List
/ISDFPS/LN01 Create Warehouse Structure
/ISDFPS/LN02 Change Warehouse Structure
/ISDFPS/LN03 Display Warehouse Structure
/ISDFPS/LN04 Delete Warehouse Number
/ISDFPS/MATMAS_COPY Copy Article Master Data
/ISDFPS/MB52 Article Stock List for MPO/MC
/ISDFPS/MM_CS_EXLST Purchase Requisition Exception List
/ISDFPS/MM_RL01 Create Return Delivery PReqs
/ISDFPS/MM_TRANS_DEL Transport in the Event of a Transfer
/ISDFPS/ORSUP_DOCS Open Docs for Supply Relationship
/ISDFPS/OVXC Assignment of Shipping Pt to Site
/ISDFPS/PRPLB Background: Prioritized Artls Plng
/ISDFPS/PRPLD Dialog: Prioritized Articles Plng
/ISDFPS/PRPLL Document Processing Log
/ISDFPS/PUWNR_U Change Declaration Planning Scope
/ISDFPS/PUWNR_V Display Declaration Planning Scope
/ISDFPS/T024D_U Create/Change Stock Planner
/ISDFPS/T024D_V Display Stock Planner
/ISDFPS/T313Y_U ILN for SSCC-Gen. at StorLoc Level
/ISDFPS/T313Y_V ILN for SSCC-Gen. at StorLoc Level
/ISDFPS/T630L_U Shpg Deadline - Chg. Ldng Time Info
/ISDFPS/T630L_V Shpg Deadline - Disp. Ldng Time Info
/ISDFPS/T630R_U Shpg Deadl- Chg. Pick/Pack Time Info
/ISDFPS/T630R_V Shpg Deadl-Disp. Pick/Pack Time Info
/ISDFPS/TVKOL_U Picking _ Change Stor.Loc. Determin.
/ISDFPS/TVKOL_V Picking - Display Stor.Loc.Determin.
/ISDFPS/TVLA_U Change Loading Points per Shpg Point
/ISDFPS/TVLA_V Display Loading Points per Shpg Pt
/ISDFPS/TVSTZ_LGORTU Change Shpg Pt Determination (SLoc)
/ISDFPS/TVSTZ_LGORTV Disp. Shpg Pt Determination (SLoc)
/ISDFPS/TVSTZ_U Change Shpg Pt Determination (Site)
/ISDFPS/TVSTZ_V Disp. Shpg Pt Determination (Site)
/ISDFPS/V_024_U Create/Change Purchasing Group
/ISDFPS/V_024_V Display Purchasing Group
/ISDFPS/V_V2 Rescheduling for Defense
/ISDFPS/VLV1 Deliveries for Relocation
/ISDFPS/VLV2 Display Relocation Deliveries
/ISDFPS/VLVBE Complete Relocation Purch. Orders
/ISDFPS/VLVET Carry Out Own Transport
/ISDFPS/VLVLS Mass Change of Log. Syst. in FEs

SAP Implementation of Organizational Flexibility in Logistics tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/CREL Maintain Relocations/Reloc. Steps
/ISDFPS/CREL01 Maintain Relocation
/ISDFPS/CREL02 Maintain Relocation Steps
/ISDFPS/CREL03 Maintain Weight Groups
/ISDFPS/CREL04 Maintain Relocation Types
/ISDFPS/CREL1 Maintain Relocation
/ISDFPS/CREL2 Maintain Relocation Steps
/ISDFPS/STOCK_RELOC Plan Relocation for Complete FE

SAP Organizational Flexibility tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/MCHG Mass Changes
/ISDFPS/MCHG_SUP_REL Support Relationships Mass Change
/ISDFPS/OM_REF Structure Evaluations
/ISDFPS/OPC_CF Op./Ex. Calendar - Force Provider
/ISDFPS/OPC_LR O/E Calendar - Cmd Responsibility
/ISDFPS/STATE_CHECK Check Organizational Structures


Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/GEOLOC1 Change Geolocation
/ISDFPS/GEOLOC2 Display Geolocation
/ISDFPS/RIC1 Change Reportable Item Code
/ISDFPS/RIC2 Display Reportable Item Code

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/11000009 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OR02
/ISDFPS/11000012 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_CFDP01
/ISDFPS/11000034 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_V_DA04
/ISDFPS/11000040 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_FDPDA5
/ISDFPS/11000041 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_FDPDA6
/ISDFPS/ACCHIERCOPY Copy CO Standard Hierarchy
/ISDFPS/ACCHIERGEN Generate CO Standard Hierarchy
/ISDFPS/ACCHIERPREP Prepare CO Hierarchy in Operation
/ISDFPS/ACCHIERREST Replace CO Standard Hierarchy
/ISDFPS/ACCMDGEN Generate CO Account Assignment Objs
/ISDFPS/CFDP01 Structures Workbench: Customizing
/ISDFPS/DISP_EQU_SIT Display Equipment Level
/ISDFPS/DISP_INITSUP Display Initial and Subs. Supply
/ISDFPS/DISP_MAT_SIT Display Article Situation
/ISDFPS/DSP1 NCG Planning Workbench
/ISDFPS/FDP_START Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/FDP1 Log. Operations Planning & Execution
/ISDFPS/FDP2 Log. Operations Planning & Execution
/ISDFPS/INFRA_COMP Auth/Actl Comp. Infra.Artl LocMgmtFE
/ISDFPS/INFRAMAT_ALL Overview of Infrastructure Article
/ISDFPS/INFRAMAT_RET Post Infrastruc. Artl to Prior Per.
/ISDFPS/LPL1 Article Categories Planning
/ISDFPS/LPL2 Article Categories Planning
/ISDFPS/LSP1 Logistical Mission Support
/ISDFPS/LSP2 Logistical Mission Support
/ISDFPS/MAT_COMP Auth./Actl Comp. w. Artl Container
/ISDFPS/PERS1 Personnel Categories Planning
/ISDFPS/PERS2 Personnel Categories Planning
/ISDFPS/POS_GEN HCP Position Generator
/ISDFPS/POSGEN Position Generator: HCP
/ISDFPS/PRELOC1 Relocation Planning
/ISDFPS/PRELOC2 Relocation Planning
/ISDFPS/RELOC1 Relocation Execution
/ISDFPS/RELOC2 Relocation Execution
/ISDFPS/RFFMKBHA Commitment Item: Expenditure View
/ISDFPS/RFFMKBHE Commitment Item: Revenues View
/ISDFPS/SREL1 Support Relationships
/ISDFPS/SREL2 Support Relationships
/ISDFPS/STOCK_RETURN Disband Force Element in Operation
/ISDFPS/TA_PSPMAT Exclusion Objs Auth./Actl Comparison
/ISDFPS/TOB1 Assignment of Technical Objects
/ISDFPS/TOB2 Assignment of Technical Objects
/ISDFPS/TOE1 Organizational Structure and Tasks
/ISDFPS/TOE2 Organizational Structure and Tasks
/ISDFPS/TOEACC1 Accounting Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEACC2 Accounting Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEFU1 Command and Control Support
/ISDFPS/TOEFU2 Command and Control Support
/ISDFPS/TOELOG1 Logistics Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOELOG2 Logistics Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEM1 Article Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEM2 Article Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEP1 Personnel Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEP2 Personnel Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TORG1 Task Organization
/ISDFPS/TORG2 Task Organization
/ISDFPS/UPS_FORCE Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_ACC Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_EPA Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_EXT Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_EXU Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_KST Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_MAP Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_MAT Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_MATPLAN Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_MC Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_PER Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_PERPLAN Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_RIC Structures Workbench

SAP Structures Workbench tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/11000009 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OR02
/ISDFPS/11000012 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_CFDP01
/ISDFPS/11000034 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_V_DA04
/ISDFPS/11000040 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_FDPDA5
/ISDFPS/11000041 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_FDPDA6
/ISDFPS/ACCHIERCOPY Copy CO Standard Hierarchy
/ISDFPS/ACCHIERGEN Generate CO Standard Hierarchy
/ISDFPS/ACCHIERPREP Prepare CO Hierarchy in Operation
/ISDFPS/ACCHIERREST Replace CO Standard Hierarchy
/ISDFPS/ACCMDGEN Generate CO Account Assignment Objs
/ISDFPS/CFDP01 Structures Workbench: Customizing
/ISDFPS/DISP_EQU_SIT Display Equipment Level
/ISDFPS/DISP_INITSUP Display Initial and Subs. Supply
/ISDFPS/DISP_MAT_SIT Display Article Situation
/ISDFPS/DSP1 NCG Planning Workbench
/ISDFPS/FDP_START Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/FDP1 Log. Operations Planning & Execution
/ISDFPS/FDP2 Log. Operations Planning & Execution
/ISDFPS/INFRA_COMP Auth/Actl Comp. Infra.Artl LocMgmtFE
/ISDFPS/INFRAMAT_ALL Overview of Infrastructure Article
/ISDFPS/INFRAMAT_RET Post Infrastruc. Artl to Prior Per.
/ISDFPS/LPL1 Article Categories Planning
/ISDFPS/LPL2 Article Categories Planning
/ISDFPS/LSP1 Logistical Mission Support
/ISDFPS/LSP2 Logistical Mission Support
/ISDFPS/MAT_COMP Auth./Actl Comp. w. Artl Container
/ISDFPS/PERS1 Personnel Categories Planning
/ISDFPS/PERS2 Personnel Categories Planning
/ISDFPS/POS_GEN HCP Position Generator
/ISDFPS/POSGEN Position Generator: HCP
/ISDFPS/PRELOC1 Relocation Planning
/ISDFPS/PRELOC2 Relocation Planning
/ISDFPS/RELOC1 Relocation Execution
/ISDFPS/RELOC2 Relocation Execution
/ISDFPS/RFFMKBHA Commitment Item: Expenditure View
/ISDFPS/RFFMKBHE Commitment Item: Revenues View
/ISDFPS/SREL1 Support Relationships
/ISDFPS/SREL2 Support Relationships
/ISDFPS/STOCK_RETURN Disband Force Element in Operation
/ISDFPS/TA_PSPMAT Exclusion Objs Auth./Actl Comparison
/ISDFPS/TOB1 Assignment of Technical Objects
/ISDFPS/TOB2 Assignment of Technical Objects
/ISDFPS/TOE1 Organizational Structure and Tasks
/ISDFPS/TOE2 Organizational Structure and Tasks
/ISDFPS/TOEACC1 Accounting Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEACC2 Accounting Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEFU1 Command and Control Support
/ISDFPS/TOEFU2 Command and Control Support
/ISDFPS/TOELOG1 Logistics Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOELOG2 Logistics Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEM1 Article Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEM2 Article Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEP1 Personnel Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TOEP2 Personnel Organizational Basis
/ISDFPS/TORG1 Task Organization
/ISDFPS/TORG2 Task Organization
/ISDFPS/UPS_FORCE Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_ACC Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_EPA Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_EXT Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_EXU Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_KST Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_MAP Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_MAT Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_MATPLAN Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_MC Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_PER Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_PERPLAN Structures Workbench
/ISDFPS/WF_RIC Structures Workbench

SAP Force Element tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/11000003 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE01
/ISDFPS/11000004 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE03
/ISDFPS/11000005 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE04
/ISDFPS/11000006 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE05
/ISDFPS/11000007 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE06
/ISDFPS/11000013 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE02
/ISDFPS/11000042 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE07
/ISDFPS/11000055 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_SA04
/ISDFPS/11000056 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_CPRIO
/ISDFPS/11000068 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/VSTAACT
/ISDFPS/11000071 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/VSTASUA
/ISDFPS/FE01 Organizational Areas
/ISDFPS/FE02 Structure Levels
/ISDFPS/FE03 Structure Types
/ISDFPS/FE04 Branches
/ISDFPS/FE05 Readiness
/ISDFPS/FE06 Classification of Armed Forces
/ISDFPS/FE07 Article Indicators
/ISDFPS/FORCE_CD_DIS Display Change Documents
/ISDFPS/UPLN1 Execute Article Plans
/ISDFPS/WF_CUST Workflow Tree Customizing
/ISDFPS/WF_RH_TASK Used for Customizing Tree
/ISDFPS/WF_SE16 Call SE 16 for Workflow

SAP Logistical Requirements tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/MPA1 Process Provisions Packages
/ISDFPS/MPA2 Display Article Packages
/ISDFPS/MPANR Article Package Number Range
/ISDFPS/VPA_INTERN Internal Transaction for PPA

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/11000020 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE02
/ISDFPS/11000021 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE03
/ISDFPS/11000022 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE04
/ISDFPS/11000023 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE05
/ISDFPS/11000024 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE06
/ISDFPS/11000025 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE11
/ISDFPS/11000026 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE13
/ISDFPS/11000027 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE14
/ISDFPS/11000028 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE12
/ISDFPS/11000029 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE15
/ISDFPS/MPO Auth. Articles and Article Pkgs
/ISDFPS/MPO_COMP Authorized/Actual Comparison of MPO
/ISDFPS/MPO_MIG Migration Data for iPPE Workbench
/ISDFPS/MPO_PLAN Scheduled Article Planning Objects
/ISDFPS/MPO_SUB Remove Article Planning Objects
/ISDFPS/MPONR Article Planning Obj. Number Range
S_KL1_11000037 Authorized/Actual Comparison of MPO
S_KL1_11000038 Scheduled Article Planning Objects
S_KL1_11000039 Remove Article Planning Objects

SAP Article Categories tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/11000020 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE02
/ISDFPS/11000021 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE03
/ISDFPS/11000022 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE04
/ISDFPS/11000023 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE05
/ISDFPS/11000024 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE06
/ISDFPS/11000025 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE11
/ISDFPS/11000026 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE13
/ISDFPS/11000027 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE14
/ISDFPS/11000028 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE12
/ISDFPS/11000029 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE15
/ISDFPS/MPO Auth. Articles and Article Pkgs
/ISDFPS/MPO_COMP Authorized/Actual Comparison of MPO
/ISDFPS/MPO_MIG Migration Data for iPPE Workbench
/ISDFPS/MPO_PLAN Scheduled Article Planning Objects
/ISDFPS/MPO_SUB Remove Article Planning Objects
/ISDFPS/MPONR Article Planning Obj. Number Range
S_KL1_11000037 Authorized/Actual Comparison of MPO
S_KL1_11000038 Scheduled Article Planning Objects
S_KL1_11000039 Remove Article Planning Objects

SAP Personnel Categories tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/MAT_ASSIGN Article Assignment

SAP Command and Support Relationships tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/11000008 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OR01
/ISDFPS/11000010 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_ORSUP01
/ISDFPS/11000011 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_ORMNT01
/ISDFPS/11000031 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OOVK
/ISDFPS/11000032 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_HR_OPPE12
/ISDFPS/11000033 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_T77OMTAB
/ISDFPS/OR01 Assgmt: Relationship - Basic Type
/ISDFPS/OR02 Customizing Usage Types
/ISDFPS/ORMNT01 Maintenance Relatshps: Damage Types
/ISDFPS/ORSUP01 Supply Relatshps: Ext. Mdse Cats

SAP Master Data Distribution tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/CRWBD Replication Workbench - Enhanced
/ISDFPS/UPS ALE Distribution Units - Enhanced
/ISDFPS/UPS01 Create ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced
/ISDFPS/UPS02 Change ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced
/ISDFPS/UPS03 Display ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced
/ISDFPS/UPS04 Copy ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/11000051 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/CIL21SUB
/ISDFPS/11000052 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/CIL21SUP
/ISDFPS/CIL21SUB Hist. Insts: Customiz. Field Sel.
/ISDFPS/CIL21SUP Hist. Inst. Locs: Cust. Field Sel.
/ISDFPS/IE11 List Display of Alt. Equip. History
/ISDFPS/IL21 Extended Equip. History (Hierarchy)

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/CPMGOS1 "Activate Gen. Obj. Srvc ""Chg Auth."""
/ISDFPS/IL07R Multi-Level Reference Location List
/ISDFPS/OIUO Multi-Level R.P. List: Ref. Meas. Pt
/ISDFPS/OIX2 Multi-Level R.P. List: Ref. Location
/ISDFPS/OIX8 Multi-Level R.P. List: Class
/ISDFPS/OIX9 Multi-Level R.P. List: Char.
/ISDFPS/OIXA Multi-Level R.P. List: Document
/ISDFPS/PMCP_OBJ Objects with Change Auth. in System
/ISDFPS/PMCP1 Forward Change Authorization
/ISDFPS/PMDIS2 Generic Maintenance Obj Distribution
/ISDFPS/PMDISRUN1 Distribution Factory Monitor
/ISDFPS/PMRUECK1 Maintenance Data Redistribution

SAP Distributed Maintenance tcodes

Table Name Description
/ISDFPS/CPMGOS1 "Activate Gen. Obj. Srvc ""Chg Auth."""
/ISDFPS/IL07R Multi-Level Reference Location List
/ISDFPS/OIUO Multi-Level R.P. List: Ref. Meas. Pt
/ISDFPS/OIX2 Multi-Level R.P. List: Ref. Location
/ISDFPS/OIX8 Multi-Level R.P. List: Class
/ISDFPS/OIX9 Multi-Level R.P. List: Char.
/ISDFPS/OIXA Multi-Level R.P. List: Document
/ISDFPS/PMCP_OBJ Objects with Change Auth. in System
/ISDFPS/PMCP1 Forward Change Authorization
/ISDFPS/PMDIS2 Generic Maintenance Obj Distribution
/ISDFPS/PMDISRUN1 Distribution Factory Monitor
/ISDFPS/PMRUECK1 Maintenance Data Redistribution

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/SAPBOQ/AC0X Composite of Service Master Records
/SAPBOQ/MESSAGE Specify system messages
/SAPBOQ/SES Service entry sheet Transaction
/SAPBOQ/SES_NR Number Assignment for Document
/SAPBOQ/SES1 Create Service Entry Sheet
/SAPBOQ/SES2 Change Service Entry Sheet
/SAPBOQ/SES3 Display Service Entry Sheet
/SAPBOQ/SI Sub Item Enable Transaction
ADBOS01 SD-SRV Reporting: Quantity Flow
ADBOS02 SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w. Hierarchy
ADBOS03 SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w/o Hierarchy
ADTBOS01 Maintenance: SD-SRV Valid Reports
BOS02 SD: Service Entry - Web Transaction
BOS02_WAP Service Entry Sheet: WAP Transaction
BOSECP Costing: Costs -> Conditions
BOSMM Subcontractor/Vendor Processing
BOSPR Create Subcontractor Pur. Req.
BOSPS_REV1 BOS/Project- Plan/Actual Revenue
BOSPS01 BOS: Project Cost Transfer Program
BOSPS02 BOSPS Batch Processing
BOSSC Subcontracting COND-copying control
BOSSH Procedure for Surcharge and Discount
OKYQ Costing Variants: Service Line
OKYR Valuation Variants: Service Line
S_KA5_12000001 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_ML91
S_KA5_12000002 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_ML90
S_KA5_12000003 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_CMOD
S_KA5_12000004 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_ADTBOS01
S_KA5_12000005 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS2
S_KA5_12000006 IMG Activity: SIMG_BOS_UC_OKYR
S_KA5_12000007 IMG Activity: SIMG_BOS_UC_OKYC
S_KA5_12000008 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_OMV2
S_KA5_12000009 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_OXA1
S_KA5_12000034 IMG Activity: SIMG_OLMEML99
S_KA5_12000035 IMG Activity: SIMG_OLMEML89
S_KA5_12000040 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_ADTBOS01
S_KA5_12000042 IMG Activity: SIMG_BOS_UC_OKYR
S_KA5_12000043 IMG Activity: SIMG_BOS_UC_OKYC
S_KA5_12000045 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMEOMV1
S_KA5_12000048 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMEOMY8
S_KA5_12000049 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMEOXA3
S_KA5_12000050 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMEOXA2
S_KA5_12000510 S_KA5_12000510
S_KA5_12000511 S_KA5_12000511
S_KA5_12000512 S_KA5_12000512
S_KA5_12000513 S_KA5_12000513
S_KA5_12000568 S_KA5_12000568
S_KA5_12000569 S_KA5_12000569
S_KA5_12000646 S_KA5_12000646
S_KA5_12000774 IMG-Activity: SIMG_BOS_ECP_03
S_KA5_12000775 IMG-Activity: SIMG_BOS_ECP_04
S_KA5_12000792 S_KA5_12000792
S_KA5_12000824 S_KA5_12000824
S_KA5_12000902 S_KA5_12000902
VS36 Create Customer Conditions
VS37 Change Customer Conditions
VS38 Display Customer Conditions
VS39 Create Customer Conditions
VS40 Change Customer Conditions
VS41 Display Customer Conditions
VS42 Create Service Conditions
VS43 Change Service Conditions
VS44 Display Service Conditions
VS45 Create Conditions
VS46 Change Conditions
VS47 Display Conditions
VS48 Create Conditions
VS49 Change Conditions
VS50 Display Conditions
VSK1 Condition Type: Services (Sales)
VSK2 Access: Maintain (Services Price)
VSK3 Cond. Determ. Procedure f. Services
VSK4 Valid Services Fields
VSK5 Create Conditions Table (Services)
VSK6 Change Conditions Table (Services)
VSK7 Display Conditions Table (Services)
VSK8 SD Services: Exclusion

SAP Customer Bill of Services tcodes

Table Name Description
/SAPBOQ/AC0X Composite of Service Master Records
/SAPBOQ/MESSAGE Specify system messages
/SAPBOQ/SES Service entry sheet Transaction
/SAPBOQ/SES_NR Number Assignment for Document
/SAPBOQ/SES1 Create Service Entry Sheet
/SAPBOQ/SES2 Change Service Entry Sheet
/SAPBOQ/SES3 Display Service Entry Sheet
/SAPBOQ/SI Sub Item Enable Transaction
ADBOS01 SD-SRV Reporting: Quantity Flow
ADBOS02 SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w. Hierarchy
ADBOS03 SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w/o Hierarchy
ADTBOS01 Maintenance: SD-SRV Valid Reports
BOS02 SD: Service Entry - Web Transaction
BOS02_WAP Service Entry Sheet: WAP Transaction
BOSECP Costing: Costs -> Conditions
BOSMM Subcontractor/Vendor Processing
BOSPR Create Subcontractor Pur. Req.
BOSPS_REV1 BOS/Project- Plan/Actual Revenue
BOSPS01 BOS: Project Cost Transfer Program
BOSPS02 BOSPS Batch Processing
BOSSC Subcontracting COND-copying control
BOSSH Procedure for Surcharge and Discount
OKYQ Costing Variants: Service Line
OKYR Valuation Variants: Service Line
S_KA5_12000001 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_ML91
S_KA5_12000002 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_ML90
S_KA5_12000003 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_CMOD
S_KA5_12000004 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_ADTBOS01
S_KA5_12000005 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS2
S_KA5_12000006 IMG Activity: SIMG_BOS_UC_OKYR
S_KA5_12000007 IMG Activity: SIMG_BOS_UC_OKYC
S_KA5_12000008 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_OMV2
S_KA5_12000009 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_OXA1
S_KA5_12000034 IMG Activity: SIMG_OLMEML99
S_KA5_12000035 IMG Activity: SIMG_OLMEML89
S_KA5_12000040 IMG Activity: SIMG_SD_BOS_ADTBOS01
S_KA5_12000042 IMG Activity: SIMG_BOS_UC_OKYR
S_KA5_12000043 IMG Activity: SIMG_BOS_UC_OKYC
S_KA5_12000045 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMEOMV1
S_KA5_12000048 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMEOMY8
S_KA5_12000049 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMEOXA3
S_KA5_12000050 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMEOXA2
S_KA5_12000510 S_KA5_12000510
S_KA5_12000511 S_KA5_12000511
S_KA5_12000512 S_KA5_12000512
S_KA5_12000513 S_KA5_12000513
S_KA5_12000568 S_KA5_12000568
S_KA5_12000569 S_KA5_12000569
S_KA5_12000646 S_KA5_12000646
S_KA5_12000774 IMG-Activity: SIMG_BOS_ECP_03
S_KA5_12000775 IMG-Activity: SIMG_BOS_ECP_04
S_KA5_12000792 S_KA5_12000792
S_KA5_12000824 S_KA5_12000824
S_KA5_12000902 S_KA5_12000902
VS36 Create Customer Conditions
VS37 Change Customer Conditions
VS38 Display Customer Conditions
VS39 Create Customer Conditions
VS40 Change Customer Conditions
VS41 Display Customer Conditions
VS42 Create Service Conditions
VS43 Change Service Conditions
VS44 Display Service Conditions
VS45 Create Conditions
VS46 Change Conditions
VS47 Display Conditions
VS48 Create Conditions
VS49 Change Conditions
VS50 Display Conditions
VSK1 Condition Type: Services (Sales)
VSK2 Access: Maintain (Services Price)
VSK3 Cond. Determ. Procedure f. Services
VSK4 Valid Services Fields
VSK5 Create Conditions Table (Services)
VSK6 Change Conditions Table (Services)
VSK7 Display Conditions Table (Services)
VSK8 SD Services: Exclusion

SAP tcodes

Table Name Description
/SAPCEM/12000436 IMG Activity: /SAPCEM/PIVARLV
/SAPCEM/12000437 IMG Activity: /SAPCEM/VARPI
/SAPCEM/12000439 IMG Activity: /SAPCEM/WF_EQUI
/SAPCEM/ABRLISTE Settlement List
/SAPCEM/BD_CHNG Requirements Overview: Change
/SAPCEM/BD_SHOW Requirements Overview: Display
/SAPCEM/BDNUM Number Range Maintenance: /SAPCEM/BD
/SAPCEM/BEDARF01 Create Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/BEDARF02 Change Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/BEDARF03 Display Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/BESTAUF Location Setup from J_3GTBEST
/SAPCEM/CI Transfer of Catalog Data
/SAPCEM/EINSAT Usage Statement
/SAPCEM/EL Entry List for Settlement Calendar
/SAPCEM/FP_LGBELEG Release PBE Documents
/SAPCEM/IND_CAP_CRE Create Individual Capacities
/SAPCEM/INV_ABGLEICH Inventory: Compare Differences
/SAPCEM/INV_AIB Inventory: Stock in Inventory
/SAPCEM/INV_AUSBUM Inventory: Reset Multipart Equi.
/SAPCEM/INV_BEST Inventory: Stock List
/SAPCEM/INV_CHECK Inventory: Check
/SAPCEM/INV_DIFFLIST Inventory: List of Differences
/SAPCEM/INV_MENGE Inventory: Quantity Determination
/SAPCEM/INV_OHNEEQUI Inventory: Items W/O Equi. Master
/SAPCEM/INV_RUECK Inventory: Reset Gen. Stock Diff.
/SAPCEM/INVENTUR01 Enter Stock in Inventory
/SAPCEM/INVENTUR02 Change Stock in Inventory
/SAPCEM/INVENTUR03 Display Stock in Inventory
/SAPCEM/LAYDEB Debtor ETM Master Data
/SAPCEM/MCI_TCO Total Equipment Costs
/SAPCEM/MCT_1 ETM Settlement
/SAPCEM/MCT_2 Construction Site Stock Values
/SAPCEM/ML Display Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/MZ01 Create Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/MZ02 Change Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/MZ03 Display Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/MZ04 Delete Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/PI_CSS Price Information for Constr. Site
/SAPCEM/PRIE Price Information for Equipment
/SAPCEM/PRIR Price Info. for Recipient/Equipment
/SAPCEM/PT01 ETM Planning Board - Change Mode
/SAPCEM/PT02 ETM Planning Board - Display Mode
/SAPCEM/SARA_BOM Archiving: PBE Document
/SAPCEM/SARA_CAT Archiving: PBE Document
/SAPCEM/SARA_COND Archiving: Condition Records
/SAPCEM/SARA_INS Archiving: Insurance Data
/SAPCEM/SARA_PB Archiving: PBE Document
/SAPCEM/SARA_REQ Archiving: Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/SARA_SHIPDOC Archiving: Shipping Document
/SAPCEM/SCS Catalog Structure Display
/SAPCEM/SD_PROT Log for ETM SD Settlement
/SAPCEM/SD_PROT1 Log for ETM SD Settlement
/SAPCEM/SDL List of Shipping Documents
/SAPCEM/SHOW_BOM BOM Display in Control
/SAPCEM/VKVE Conditions: Procedure for A V
/SAPCEM/VS_CREATE Create Shipping Documents - Require.
J3G List of Insurance Data
J3G# Field Selection - Operator's Report
J3G$ Create PBE Document
J3G& Field Selection Equi. Insurance Data
J3G( Create Tax/Insurance Data
J3G) Change Tax/Insurance Data
J3G. Transaction Calls for Joint Ventures
J3G/ Display Tax/Insurance Data
J3G? ETM Function Calls
J3G] Screen Modification - Shipping Doc.
J3G` Overview of Stock with History
J3G{ Create PBE Document
J3G} Display PBE Document
J3G= Analysis - CO Object Determination
J3G1 Create Owner/Administrator
J3G2 Change Owner/Administrator
J3G3 Display Owner/Administrator
J3GARCH ETM Archiving Number
J3GF Maintain User Fields for ETM
J3GH Create Shipping Documents
J3GI Change Shipping Documents
J3GJ Display Shipping Documents
J3GK Shipping Docs - Change EndUsagePerd
J3GK01 Create Catalog Record
J3GK02 Change Catalog Record
J3GK03 Display Catalog Record
J3GLIAL Catalogs - List of Characteristics
J3GN Postproc. Input Sales Orders
J3GO Number Assignment for ETM Documents
J3GORV ETM No. Range Interval SD Documents
J3GORVL ETM Settlement Run Number
J3GP Define No. Range f. PriceLstDtrmntn
J3GPAKET1 Create Package
J3GPAKET10 List of Packages
J3GPAKET15 Manage Equipment in Packages
J3GPAKET16 Manage Article in Packages
J3GPAKET2 Change Package
J3GPAKET3 Display Package
J3GSL01 Create Catalog BOM
J3GSL02 Change Catalog BOM
J3GSL03 Display Catalog BOM
J3GSTL Number Range Object BOMs
J3GU Stock List for Equipment
J3GW Stock List for Article
J3GWKAT Display Catalog Entries
J3GZ Create SD Orders Job Split (INPUT)
J4G1 Check Settlement Data for Recipient
J4GA ETM: Create Conditn Table (PrcList)
J4GB ETM: Change Conditn Table (PrcList)
J4GC ETM: Display Conditn Table (PrcList)
J4GD ETM: Create Condition Record-PrcLst
J4GE ETM: Change Condition Record-PrcLst
J4GF ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst
J4GG Records Released from Settlmnt Cal.
J4GH Enter Settlement Calendar
J4GI Release Settlement Calendar
J4GJ Create PBE Calendar
J4GK Fill PBE Reports
J4GL Current Stock for Equipment
J4GM Current Stock for Article
J4GN Post PBE Reports
J4GO Location Stock
J4GON Location Stock (ALV)
J4GP Enter Settlement Calendar
J4GQ Document List for PBE
J4GT ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst
J4GV Archive Lists
J4GW Movements Between Locations
J4GWN Movements Between Locations List
J4GX Hour Evaluation for PBE
J4GY Display PBE Document

SAP Construction Equipment Management tcodes

Table Name Description
/SAPCEM/12000436 IMG Activity: /SAPCEM/PIVARLV
/SAPCEM/12000437 IMG Activity: /SAPCEM/VARPI
/SAPCEM/12000439 IMG Activity: /SAPCEM/WF_EQUI
/SAPCEM/ABRLISTE Settlement List
/SAPCEM/BD_CHNG Requirements Overview: Change
/SAPCEM/BD_SHOW Requirements Overview: Display
/SAPCEM/BDNUM Number Range Maintenance: /SAPCEM/BD
/SAPCEM/BEDARF01 Create Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/BEDARF02 Change Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/BEDARF03 Display Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/BESTAUF Location Setup from J_3GTBEST
/SAPCEM/CI Transfer of Catalog Data
/SAPCEM/EINSAT Usage Statement
/SAPCEM/EL Entry List for Settlement Calendar
/SAPCEM/FP_LGBELEG Release PBE Documents
/SAPCEM/IND_CAP_CRE Create Individual Capacities
/SAPCEM/INV_ABGLEICH Inventory: Compare Differences
/SAPCEM/INV_AIB Inventory: Stock in Inventory
/SAPCEM/INV_AUSBUM Inventory: Reset Multipart Equi.
/SAPCEM/INV_BEST Inventory: Stock List
/SAPCEM/INV_CHECK Inventory: Check
/SAPCEM/INV_DIFFLIST Inventory: List of Differences
/SAPCEM/INV_MENGE Inventory: Quantity Determination
/SAPCEM/INV_OHNEEQUI Inventory: Items W/O Equi. Master
/SAPCEM/INV_RUECK Inventory: Reset Gen. Stock Diff.
/SAPCEM/INVENTUR01 Enter Stock in Inventory
/SAPCEM/INVENTUR02 Change Stock in Inventory
/SAPCEM/INVENTUR03 Display Stock in Inventory
/SAPCEM/LAYDEB Debtor ETM Master Data
/SAPCEM/MCI_TCO Total Equipment Costs
/SAPCEM/MCT_1 ETM Settlement
/SAPCEM/MCT_2 Construction Site Stock Values
/SAPCEM/ML Display Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/MZ01 Create Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/MZ02 Change Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/MZ03 Display Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/MZ04 Delete Article Assignment
/SAPCEM/PI_CSS Price Information for Constr. Site
/SAPCEM/PRIE Price Information for Equipment
/SAPCEM/PRIR Price Info. for Recipient/Equipment
/SAPCEM/PT01 ETM Planning Board - Change Mode
/SAPCEM/PT02 ETM Planning Board - Display Mode
/SAPCEM/SARA_BOM Archiving: PBE Document
/SAPCEM/SARA_CAT Archiving: PBE Document
/SAPCEM/SARA_COND Archiving: Condition Records
/SAPCEM/SARA_INS Archiving: Insurance Data
/SAPCEM/SARA_PB Archiving: PBE Document
/SAPCEM/SARA_REQ Archiving: Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/SARA_SHIPDOC Archiving: Shipping Document
/SAPCEM/SCS Catalog Structure Display
/SAPCEM/SD_PROT Log for ETM SD Settlement
/SAPCEM/SD_PROT1 Log for ETM SD Settlement
/SAPCEM/SDL List of Shipping Documents
/SAPCEM/SHOW_BOM BOM Display in Control
/SAPCEM/VKVE Conditions: Procedure for A V
/SAPCEM/VS_CREATE Create Shipping Documents - Require.
J3G List of Insurance Data
J3G# Field Selection - Operator's Report
J3G$ Create PBE Document
J3G& Field Selection Equi. Insurance Data
J3G( Create Tax/Insurance Data
J3G) Change Tax/Insurance Data
J3G. Transaction Calls for Joint Ventures
J3G/ Display Tax/Insurance Data
J3G? ETM Function Calls
J3G] Screen Modification - Shipping Doc.
J3G` Overview of Stock with History
J3G{ Create PBE Document
J3G} Display PBE Document
J3G= Analysis - CO Object Determination
J3G1 Create Owner/Administrator
J3G2 Change Owner/Administrator
J3G3 Display Owner/Administrator
J3GARCH ETM Archiving Number
J3GF Maintain User Fields for ETM
J3GH Create Shipping Documents
J3GI Change Shipping Documents
J3GJ Display Shipping Documents
J3GK Shipping Docs - Change EndUsagePerd
J3GK01 Create Catalog Record
J3GK02 Change Catalog Record
J3GK03 Display Catalog Record
J3GLIAL Catalogs - List of Characteristics
J3GN Postproc. Input Sales Orders
J3GO Number Assignment for ETM Documents
J3GORV ETM No. Range Interval SD Documents
J3GORVL ETM Settlement Run Number
J3GP Define No. Range f. PriceLstDtrmntn
J3GPAKET1 Create Package
J3GPAKET10 List of Packages
J3GPAKET15 Manage Equipment in Packages
J3GPAKET16 Manage Article in Packages
J3GPAKET2 Change Package
J3GPAKET3 Display Package
J3GSL01 Create Catalog BOM
J3GSL02 Change Catalog BOM
J3GSL03 Display Catalog BOM
J3GSTL Number Range Object BOMs
J3GU Stock List for Equipment
J3GW Stock List for Article
J3GWKAT Display Catalog Entries
J3GZ Create SD Orders Job Split (INPUT)
J4G1 Check Settlement Data for Recipient
J4GA ETM: Create Conditn Table (PrcList)
J4GB ETM: Change Conditn Table (PrcList)
J4GC ETM: Display Conditn Table (PrcList)
J4GD ETM: Create Condition Record-PrcLst
J4GE ETM: Change Condition Record-PrcLst
J4GF ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst
J4GG Records Released from Settlmnt Cal.
J4GH Enter Settlement Calendar
J4GI Release Settlement Calendar
J4GJ Create PBE Calendar
J4GK Fill PBE Reports
J4GL Current Stock for Equipment
J4GM Current Stock for Article
J4GN Post PBE Reports
J4GO Location Stock
J4GON Location Stock (ALV)
J4GP Enter Settlement Calendar
J4GQ Document List for PBE
J4GT ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst
J4GV Archive Lists
J4GW Movements Between Locations
J4GWN Movements Between Locations List
J4GX Hour Evaluation for PBE
J4GY Display PBE Document

SAP SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals tcodes

Table Name Description
N2BASEITEM Base Item Editor
N2WLD Template Management
NA52 IS-H: Subsequent billing
NA55 IS-H: Process outpatient flat rates
NA70 ÎS-H SG: Estimated Bill
NAS1 IS-H SG: Create Inpat. Bill
NCH1 IS-HCO CH: Create Case-Based Orders
NCO_COLORD HCO: Define Collective Orders
NCOQ HCO: Stat. Key Figures (Coll.Order)
NCOR HCO: Copy Collective Orders
NCOS HCO: Determine Collective Orders
NE23 IS-H: Down Payment Monitor
NEO01 IS-H: Create External Order
NEO02 IS-H: Maintain External Order
NEO03 IS-H: Display External Order
NEO04 IS-H: Ext.Order- Create Order Placer
NEO05 IS-H: Ext.Order- Change Order Placer
NEO06 IS-H: Ext.Order-Display Order Placer
NEOAB IS-H: External Order - Billing
NEODR IS-H: External Order - Mass Print
NEOST IS-H: Ext.Order - Cancel Billing Doc
NK50 IS-H: Create IV declaration (AT)
NK51 IS-H: Change IV declaration (AT)
NK52 IS-H: Display IV declaration (AT)
NKVWS1 IS-H: Change PPA Work Station
NKVWS2 IS-H: Display PPA Work Station
NNL1 _
NNL2 _
NS03 IS-H: S1 Bed Assignment Figures
NS04 IS-H: S4 Perf. Fig. of Departments
NS10 IS-H: Data Collection Diagnoses
NV2000_AMB IS-H: SAP ACM - Complete
NV2000_AMB_BG IS-H: SAP ACM - Workers Comp.Variant
NV2000_AMB_KV IS-H: SAP ACM - PPA Variant
NV2000_AMB_NA IS-H: SAP ACM - Emergency Admission
NV2000_AMB_PV IS-H: Private Insured Variant
NV2001_AMB IS-H: SAP ACM - Complete
NVT0 IS-H: Display Contract. Categories
NVT1 IS-H: Maintain Contract. Categories
NVT3 IS-H SG: External Contract Schemes
NWCH02 IS-H CH: Assign Post. Code to Region
NWCH03 IS-H CH: Assign Post. Code to Region
NWCH04 IS-H CH: Assign Geog. Area to Canton
NWCH05 IS-H CH: Assign Geog. Area to Canton
NWCH06 IS-H CH: Canton Tariff
NWCH07 IS-H CH: Canton tariff
NWCH08 IS-H CH: Convention
NWCH09 IS-H CH: Convention
NWCH10 IS-H CH: Code Group Pension Ins. No.
NWCH11 IS-H CH: Code Group Pension Ins. No.
NWCH12 IS-H CH: Patient Category
NWCH13 IS-H CH: Patient Category
NWCH14 IS-H CH: Patient Type
NWCH15 IS-H CH: Patient Type
NWCH16 IS-H CH: Absence Rules
NWCH17 IS-H CH: Absence Rules
NWCH18 IS-H CH: Billing Agreements
NWCH19 IS-H CH: Billing Agreements
NWCH20 IS-H CH: Determine Bill. Agreement
NWCH21 IS-H CH: Determine Bill. Agreement
NWCH22 IS-H CH: Movement Types
NWCH23 IS-H CH: Movement Types
NWCH24 IS-H CH: Patient Classes
NWCH25 IS-H CH: Patient Classes
NWCH26 IS-H CH: Service Rule Billability
NWCH27 IS-H CH: Service Rule Billability
NWCH28 IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Sve High.Val.
NWCH29 IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Sve High.Val.
NWCH30 IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Svce Breakdwn
NWCH31 IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Svce Breakdwn
NWCH32 IS-H CH: Service Generation
NWCH33 IS-H CH: Cancel Service Generation
NWCH34 IS-H CH: Assign Billing Agreement
NWCH35 IS-H CH: Determine Charge Fact. Val.
NWCH70 IS-H CH: Manage Insurance Verif.
NWCH71 IS-H CH: Manage Insurance Verif.
NWCH72 IS-H CH: Manage Insurance Verif.
NWCH73 IS-H CH: Ins. Verification Reminder
NWCH74 IS-H CH: Extend Ins. Verification
NWCH75 IS-H CH: Ins. Verif. Status Tracking
NWCH76 IS-H CH: Assign Contract Scheme (IV)
NWCH90 IS-H CH: Create Fee Recipient
NWCH91 IS-H CH: Change Fee Recipient
NWCH92 IS-H CH: Display Fee Recipient
ON4B IS-H: Assignments to Case Categories
ON4C IS-H: Activation of Case Categories
ONAG IS-H: IV reasons for rejection
ONM1 IS-H: Borrowing reason
ONM2 IS-H: Borrower categories
ONM3 IS-H: Borrowing authorizations
ONNKTR_KV IS-H: Create External Ins. Prov.
ONO1 Maintain flat rate type (AT)
ONO2 Determine flat rate type (AT)
ONO3 Maintain flat rate rules (AT)
ONO4 Flat rate scales (AT)
ONO5 Flat rate exclusions (AT)
ONO6 IS-H: Outpt. ind. services/ins.prov.
ONOA IS-H: VAT assessment (Austria)
ONOC IS-H*MED: Assign Physician - OU
ONS1 IS-H: Maintain selection proc. (AT)

SAP Basic Data tcodes

Table Name Description
NA33 IS-H: Cascade Bill Processing
NB20 IS-H: Create Organizational Unit
NB21 IS-H: Change Organizational Unit
NB22 IS-H: Display Organizational Unit
NB23 IS-H: Maintain Org. Unit Hierarchy
NB24 IS-H: Display Org. Unit Hierarchy
NB25 IS-H: Maintain Interd. B.Assgmt. OU
NB26 IS-H: Display Interd. B.Assgmt. OU
NB27 IS-H: Maintain Statistical Beds
NB28 IS-H: Display Statistical Beds
NB29 IS-H: Collective Entry Build. Unit
NB30 IS-H: Maintain Building Units
NB31 IS-H: Change Building Units
NB32 IS-H: Display Building Units
NB33 IS-H: Maintain Bld. Unit Hierarchy
NB34 IS-H: Display Bld. Unit Hierarchy
NB35 IS-H: Maintain Bld. Unit / OU
NB36 IS-H: Display Bld. Unit /OU
NB37 IS-H: Maintain pl. charac. bld. unit
NB38 IS-H: Display Pl.Charac. Bld. Unit
NB39 IS-H: Maintain Equipment Bld. Unit
NB40 IS-H: Display Equipment Bld. Unit
NB41 IS-H: Maintain Door Coordinates
NB42 IS-H: Display Door Coordinates
NB43 IS-H: Release Build. Structure
NB44 IS-H: Set up BU identifier
NB45 IS-H: Maintain Plan. Chars Single BU
NB51 IS-H: Delete Org. Structure
NB52 IS-H: Set up OU identifiers
NB53 IS-H: Release Org. Structure
NBU1 IS-H: Maint. Fixed Vals User Master
NC10 IS-H Create Message Type Copy
NC11 IS-HCM Change Message Type
NC12 IS-HCM Display Message Type
NC20 IS-H Create Message Segment Copy
NC21 IS-HCM Change Message Segment
NC22 IS-HCM Display Message Segment
NC301KK Create §301 Message for Hlth Insurer
NCEDI IS-H: EDI Workbench
NCW3 IS-H: EDI Workbench
NDYM IS-H: Screen Modification
NEDI EDI Workbench
NEDIIN IS-H EDI Inbound Worklist
NEDIOUT IS-H EDI Outbound Worklist
NEDIW EDI Worklist
NG01 IS-H: Create General Bus. Partner
NG02 IS-H: Change General Bus. Partner
NG03 IS-H: Display General Bus. Partner
NG04 IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Employee
NG05 IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Employee
NG06 IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Employee
NG07 IS-H: Create B.Partner Ins. Provider
NG08 IS-H: Change B.Partner Ins. Provider
NG09 IS-H: Display B.Partner Ins.Provider
NG10 IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Customer
NG11 IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Customer
NG12 IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Customer
NG13 IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Employer
NG14 IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Employer
NG15 IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Employer
NG16 IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Hospital
NG17 IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Hospital
NG18 IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Hospital
NG30 IS-H: Create Bus.Partner RP Employee
NG40 IS-H: Maintain Ins. Prov. Types
NG41 IS-H: Display Guarantor Types
NKRS IS-H: Number Ranges
NM44 IS-H: Communication Menu
NMND IS-H: Reset Client
NPLNC01 IS-H: Change Statistical Occ.Chrctst
NPLNC02 IS-H: Display Statist. Occ. Chrctst
NR00 IS-H: Report selection
NRBA IS-H: Report Ctrl. Other Basic Data
NRBG IS-H: Report Ctrl. Business Partner
NRBL IS-H: Report Ctrl. Service Master
NRBS IS-H: Report Ctrl. Hospital Struc.
NRC3 IS-H Report ctrl data exchange §301
NRCQ IS-H: Report control monitoring
NT01 IS-H: Create Services in Catalog
NT02 IS-H: Change Services in Catalog
NT03 IS-H: Display Services in Catalog
NT07 IS-H: Display Service Catalog
NT10 ISH: View Maint. Charge Catalog Asgm
NT11 ISH: View Maint. Charge Asgmt. (No.)
NTRB Transport Building Units
NTRL Transport Service Master
NTRO Transport Organizational Units
NWCVLICENCE IS-H: License Mgmt Country Version
ON01 IS-H: Control Institution
ON02 IS-H: Parameter Time-dep. Institut.
ON03 IS-H: Maintain Screen Sequence
ON04 IS-H: Screen Modification
ON05 IS-H: Control Client
ON08 ISH: Authorizations
ON09 ISH: User
ON10 ISH: User Profiles
ON49 IS-H: Birth Procedures
ON50 IS-H: Organizational Categories
ON51 IS-H: Organizational Cat. Hierarchy
ON52 IS-H: Assgmt. Specialty - Department
ON54 IS-H: Departmental Key
ON59 IS-H: Outpatient visit status
ON60 IS-H: Building Categories
ON61 IS-H: Building Category Hierarchy
ON62 IS-H: Equipment/Facilities ID code
ON63 IS-H: General Parameter Maintenance
ON64 IS-H: Blocking Reason Build. Unit
ON68 IS-H: Hierarchy Bld.Cat. - Org. Cat.
ON70 IS-H: Work org. type: ID codes/texts
ON71 IS-H: Event-work org.type: SAP value
ON72 IS-H: Event-Work Org.Type Asgmt-Cust
ON73 IS-H: Work Organ.: Keys/texts/types
ON74 IS-H Specialty categories
ON75 IS-H: Work Organizer Ctrl w/o Condit
ON76 IS-H: Work Organizer Ctrl with IPTyp
ON77 "IS-H: Work org.: Form windows
ON78 IS-H: Input/output device assignment
ON79 IS-H: Assign Work Organ. to Printer
ON7A IS-H: Work org.: With bill.t./IPType
ON7B IS-H: Assign Work Organizers to OUs
ON7C IS-H List of work organizer settings
ON7F IS-H: Work Organizer-Event Filter
ON84 IS-H: Maintain Record Types
ON85 IS-H: Maintain Record Structure
ONB6 IS-H: SAP user exits
ONB7 IS-H: Customer user exits
ONC0 IS-HCM: Maintain Seg. -> Seg. Asgmt.
ONC1 IS-HCM Maintain Message Type
ONC1D IS-HCM: Delete Customer Msg. Cmpnts.
ONC2 IS-HCM: Create Partner System
ONC3 IS-HCM Maintain Message Segment
ONC4 IS-HCM: Delete Partner System
ONC5 IS-HCM Installation Check Subsystems
ONC6 IS-HCM: Maintain System Attributes
ONC7 IS-HCM Display Incorr. Incoming Msg.
ONC8 IS-HCM Maintain Message Fields
ONC9 IS-HCM Delete Incorr. Incoming Msg.
ONCA IS-HCM Maintain Cat.-Segment-Assgmnt
ONCA1 IS-HCM: Display Msg.Type-Sgmt Asgmt
ONCB IS-HCM Display Receipt Logs
ONCC IS-HCM Maintain Segment-Field-Assgmt
ONCC1 IS-H: Display MsgSegment-Field Asgmt
ONCD IS-HCM Delete Receipt Logs
ONCE IS-HCM List of partner system sett.
ONCEDI0 EDI Procedure Basic Customizing
ONCEDI1 IS-H EDI Institution Agreements
ONCEDI2 IS-H EDI Convert int.<->ext. Code
ONCEDI3 IS-H EDI Communication Status
ONCEDI302 IS-H EDI DCP-to-Ins. Provider Asgmt
ONCEDI4 IS-H EDI Application status
ONCEDI5 IS-H EDI DCP-to-Ins. Provider Asgmt
ONCEDI6 IS-H EDI DCP-to-Ins. Prov. Coll.Asgt
ONCEDI7 IS-H EDI Display DCP-Ins.Prov. Asgmt
ONCEDI8 IS-H EDI: Message Structure Tree
ONCEDI9 IS-H Build EDI File Names
ONCEDIC0 IS-H: Control/Options for EDI
ONCEDIDE0 IS-H §301 DCP File Compare
ONCEDIDE1 IS-H P301/P302 HI Fund File Compare
ONCEDIUA IS-H EDI: Deposit Old EDI Records
ONCEDIUA2C IS-H Display EDI Temp.Storag
ONCEDIZ IS-H EDI Service <-> Room Type Asgmt
ONCF IS-HCM: EDI Transfer System
ONCG IS-HCM Generate SAP Structures
ONCH IS-HCM Generate Customer Structures
ONCI IS-HCM: Display Dispatch Options
ONCJ IS-H: Synchronous dispatch options
ONCK IS-HCM: Display Receipt Options
ONCL IS-HCM: EDI - Excluded cases
ONCM IS-HCM: Activate EDI Comm. Procedure
ONCN IS-HCM: Number Ranges
ONCP IS-HCM: Maint. Dispatch w/o Refer.
ONCQ IS-H: Monitoring check programs
ONCR IS-HCM Maintain Disp. w. OU Refer.
ONCS IS-H: Synchronous dispatch
ONCSTAT IS-HCM Table Entry Evaluations
ONCT IS-HCM Maintain Convert. HL7 Values
ONCU IS-HCM: EDI - Exclude Msg to InsProv
ONCV IS-HCM Maintain Recpt. w/o Reference
ONCW IS-HCM: DC Point Transaction Data
ONCX IS-HCM: Display Dispatch Logs
ONCY IS-HCM: Delete Dispatch Logs
ONCZ IS-HCM: Maintain data coll. point
ONG0 IS-HCM: Maintain Message Standards
ONG1 IS-H: Maintain EDI Procedures
ONG2 IS-H: Assign Events to EDI Proced.
ONG3 IS-H: Maintain EDI Proc. Funct. Call
ONG4 IS-H EDI Procedure-to-Standard Asgmt
ONG5 IS-H: Assign Events to EDI Proced.
ONG6 IS-H: Assign Events to EDI Proced.
ONK1 ISH: Assign Application to System
ONK2 ISH: Assgn Event to Application
ONK3 IS-H: Events
ONK4 IS-H: Event/configuration assignment
ONK5 IS-H: Application Parameters
ONK6 IS-HCM: Maintain System Attributes
ONK7 IS-H: Check Configuration
ONM9 IS-H: Assign Article Catalog to OU
ONMA Define Article Catalogs
ONMB Define Article Sets
ONMC IS-H: Assign Article Sets to OU
ONME Define Article Sets
ONN1 IS-H: Number Ranges for Org. Units
ONN2 IS-H: Number Ranges for Build. Units
ONN3 IS-H: Number Ranges Pers. Structure
ONN4 IS-H: Number Ranges Patients
ONN5 IS-H: Case Number Ranges
ONN6 IS-H: Number Ranges Business Partner
ONN7 IS-H: Number Ranges Ins.Verif./Cert.
ONN8 IS-H: Number Ranges Billing
ONN9 IS-H: Technical Number Range
ONP1 IS-H: Periods
ONR1 IS-H: Report Control Groups
ONR2 IS-H: Report Ctrl Assgmt. User-Group
ONR3 IS-H: Report Ctrl. Assgmt. Grp.-Rep.
ONRA IS-H: Maintain Record Types
ONRB IS-H: Maintain Record Structure
ONRC IS-H: Statistics: Srv valuat. factor
ONRE IS-H: Statistics: Svce Remapping
ONRF IS-H: Statistics - Geogr.area totals
ONRL ISH: Maintenance Statistics for NLSU
ONTNPC1 IS-H: Maintain Occup.Characteristics
ONTNREL IS-H: Start View Maintenance TNREL
ONV6 IS-H: Display Service per
ONV7 IS-H: Maintain Ins. Prov. Types
ONV8 IS-H: Display Guarantor Types
ONVA ISH: View Maintenance Institutions
ONVE IS-H: Maintain Guarantor Class
ONVF IS-H: Display Guarantor Class
S_KK4_74000001 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_PROZ_ZULEIST
S_KK4_74000002 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_ZEIT_ZULEIST
S_KK4_74000003 IMG Activity: ISH_AT_ZEIT_ZULEIST
S_KK4_74000004 IMG Activity: ISH_BG_ABRECHNUNG
S_KK4_74000005 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3SPEZ7
S_KK4_74000006 IMG Activity: ISH_ABSCHLAG_APS
S_KK4_74000007 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOEOVV4
S_KK4_74000008 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_EXAUF_AFART
S_KK4_74000009 IMG Activity: SIMG_EXTAUFANW
S_KK4_74000010 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_EXAUF_PFLGGEB
S_KK4_74000011 IMG Activity: ISHCH_AUFTCD_EXTAUF
S_KK4_74000012 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_EXAUF_POINTS
S_KK4_74000013 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_EXAUF_ABRART
S_KK4_74000014 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_PROZ_REDUKT
S_KK4_74000015 IMG Activity: ISH_ABR_ABTYP
S_KK4_74000016 IMG Activity: ISH_ABR_PARAM
S_KK4_74000018 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGON/1
S_KK4_74000019 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGON38
S_KK4_74000020 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGON69
S_KK4_74000021 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGNT50
S_KK4_74000022 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOEOVV3
S_KK4_74000023 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOEOVV2
S_KK4_74000026 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOEVOV1
S_KK4_74000028 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_ABR_ABTYP
S_KK4_74000029 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_EXAUF_AUTYP
S_KK4_74000030 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMA3ONO1
S_KK4_74000031 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_HON_POINTS
S_KK4_74000032 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_HON_ABRART
S_KK4_74000033 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_KONTENF
S_KK4_74000034 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_BUCHVAR
S_KK4_74000035 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_VERRKTO
S_KK4_74000036 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_HONERM
S_KK4_74000037 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_TARIF01
S_KK4_74000038 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_PA_ALLG_EINRI
S_KK4_74000039 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMA3ONO6
S_KK4_74000040 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMA3ONO5
S_KK4_74000041 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMA3ONO4
S_KK4_74000042 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMA3ONO3
S_KK4_74000043 IMG Activity: IMG_CFMENUNMA3ONO2
S_KK4_74000044 IMG Activity: ISH_RNAACP00
S_KK4_74000045 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOESM32
S_KK4_74000046 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOEVOK1
S_KK4_74000047 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOEV/11
S_KK4_74000048 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOEV/09
S_KK4_74000049 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOEV/10
S_KK4_74000050 IMG Activity: ISH_ERLKONTAB_ANL
S_KK4_74000051 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_POOLS
S_KK4_74000052 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_AUFTCODE
S_KK4_74000053 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_AUFTKZ
S_KK4_74000054 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_HONBER
S_KK4_74000055 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_HONARTEN
S_KK4_74000056 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_HONREL
S_KK4_74000057 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCH_SYSTPAR
S_KK4_74000058 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGON41
S_KK4_74000059 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOHONA1
S_KK4_74000061 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOHNK35
S_KK4_74000062 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOHNK30
S_KK4_74000063 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOHON02
S_KK4_74000064 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOHON49
S_KK4_74000066 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_KU_NL01
S_KK4_74000067 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_KU_NL02
S_KK4_74000068 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_KU_KND
S_KK4_74000069 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUON24
S_KK4_74000070 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOHON91
S_KK4_74000071 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOHON90
S_KK4_74000072 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOHONB5
S_KK4_74000073 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ONV5
S_KK4_74000074 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ONV3
S_KK4_74000075 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ONV1
S_KK4_74000076 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOJON86
S_KK4_74000077 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOJON57
S_KK4_74000078 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOJON96
S_KK4_74000079 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOJON95
S_KK4_74000080 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON56
S_KK4_74000081 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON55
S_KK4_74000082 IMG Activity: ISH_ZUZ_BETRAG_PRO_T
S_KK4_74000083 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON33
S_KK4_74000084 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON32
S_KK4_74000085 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_PATCLASS
S_KK4_74000086 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHPAYCL
S_KK4_74000087 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE01
S_KK4_74000088 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMOGPR13
S_KK4_74000089 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGV/06
S_KK4_74000090 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGV/07
S_KK4_74000091 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGPR12
S_KK4_74000092 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3NT10
S_KK4_74000093 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON66
S_KK4_74000094 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON87
S_KK4_74000095 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGV/08
S_KK4_74000096 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGONV9
S_KK4_74000097 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_POINTS
S_KK4_74000098 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_PUNKT01
S_KK4_74000099 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGONA8
S_KK4_74000100 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGON88
S_KK4_74000101 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOGONA6
S_KK4_74000102 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_KUE_KLASSEN
S_KK4_74000104 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_KUECODE
S_KK4_74000105 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE05
S_KK4_74000106 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE04
S_KK4_74000107 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE03
S_KK4_74000108 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE02
S_KK4_74000109 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_ERM_ABRV
S_KK4_74000110 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_ABRV
S_KK4_74000111 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_STD_LEISTGEN
S_KK4_74000112 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_ABRART
S_KK4_74000113 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON80
S_KK4_74000114 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3NT50
S_KK4_74000115 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_KUE_LEIVERS
S_KK4_74000116 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCZ
S_KK4_74000117 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_APPLSTAT
S_KK4_74000118 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_CMSTATUS
S_KK4_74000119 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_INSTIT
S_KK4_74000120 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_ACTIV
S_KK4_74000121 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4NRCM
S_KK4_74000122 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_MONITORING
S_KK4_74000123 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_NCMAPP
S_KK4_74000124 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301KTRNTYPEN
S_KK4_74000125 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_PARTNER
S_KK4_74000126 IMG Activity: ISH_EDI_DCP_FILECMP
S_KK4_74000127 IMG Activity: ISH_EDI_DCP_MASGNMT
S_KK4_74000128 IMG Activity: ISH_EDI_DCP_INSPROV
S_KK4_74000129 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCW
S_KK4_74000130 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCV
S_KK4_74000131 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_SYNC_VERS_M
S_KK4_74000132 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_SYNC_VER_AUF
S_KK4_74000133 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCI
S_KK4_74000134 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCR
S_KK4_74000135 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCP
S_KK4_74000136 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCE
S_KK4_74000137 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_MONITOR_PRF
S_KK4_74000138 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4SM35
S_KK4_74000139 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4SM37
S_KK4_74000140 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4SM36
S_KK4_74000141 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON01
S_KK4_74000142 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCN
S_KK4_74000143 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCK
S_KK4_74000144 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_HILFSPRG
S_KK4_74000145 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONR0
S_KK4_74000146 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON78
S_KK4_74000147 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON7C
S_KK4_74000148 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON7F
S_KK4_74000149 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON7A
S_KK4_74000150 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON76
S_KK4_74000151 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON75
S_KK4_74000152 IMG Activity: ISH_ARCH_CUST
S_KK4_74000153 IMG Activity: ISH_ARCH_FAKTURA
S_KK4_74000154 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONRB
S_KK4_74000155 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONRA
S_KK4_74000156 IMG Activity : SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONR1
S_KK4_74000157 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONR3
S_KK4_74000158 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONR2
S_KK4_74000159 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_REPORTS
S_KK4_74000160 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_GD_ERRS
S_KK4_74000161 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_GD_CUFO
S_KK4_74000162 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_GD_RECV
S_KK4_74000163 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_GD_SEND
S_KK4_74000164 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_CCPS_INDIC
S_KK4_74000165 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_SERVASGN
S_KK4_74000166 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON7B
S_KK4_74000167 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON79
S_KK4_74000168 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON77
S_KK4_74000169 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON73
S_KK4_74000170 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON72
S_KK4_74000171 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON71
S_KK4_74000172 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON70
S_KK4_74000173 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONC5
S_KK4_74000174 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_TNM01
S_KK4_74000175 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_TNM02
S_KK4_74000176 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3HCO2
S_KK4_74000177 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3HCO13
S_KK4_74000179 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_KUNDE_SAMMEL
S_KK4_74000180 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_SAP_SAMMEL
S_KK4_74000181 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_KAT_HIER
S_KK4_74000182 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_HIT_DEF
S_KK4_74000183 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_SET_OE
S_KK4_74000184 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_SET_DEF
S_KK4_74000185 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_KAT_OE
S_KK4_74000186 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_KAT_DEF
S_KK4_74000187 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_GEART
S_KK4_74000188 IMG Activity: ISH_TNHCO
S_KK4_74000189 IMG Activity: ISH_SG_EST_TABLES
S_KK4_74000190 IMG Activity: ISH_SG_CHARGE_SCHEME
S_KK4_74000191 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_SAMMEL04
S_KK4_74000192 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_SAMMEL03
S_KK4_74000193 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_SAMMEL02
S_KK4_74000194 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_SAMMEL01
S_KK4_74000195 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3HCO16
S_KK4_74000196 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3HCO15
S_KK4_74000198 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3HCO12
S_KK4_74000199 IMG Activity: ISHCO_RNUNO2K0
S_KK4_74000200 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3HCO11
S_KK4_74000201 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_TNHCO
S_KK4_74000202 IMG Activity: ISH_EIS_CUSTOMIZING
S_KK4_74000203 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCA
S_KK4_74000204 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONC8
S_KK4_74000205 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONC3
S_KK4_74000206 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4NC20
S_KK4_74000207 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONC1
S_KK4_74000208 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4NC10
S_KK4_74000209 IMG Activity: ISH_V2_V3_PUNKTWERTE
S_KK4_74000210 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4SM59
S_KK4_74000211 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4SM54
S_KK4_74000212 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONC6
S_KK4_74000213 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCT
S_KK4_74000214 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCH
S_KK4_74000215 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCG
S_KK4_74000216 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONCC
S_KK4_74000217 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMA4ONS1
S_KK4_74000218 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONRK
S_KK4_74000219 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONRF
S_KK4_74000220 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONRL
S_KK4_74000221 IMG Activity: ISH_TNEI0
S_KK4_74000222 IMG Activity: ISH_TNFCL
S_KK4_74000223 IMG Activity: ISH_TNEIS
S_KK4_74000224 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONRD
S_KK4_74000225 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONRC
S_KK4_74000226 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ON88
S_KK4_74000227 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO4ONRE
S_KK4_74000228 IMG Activity: SIMG_TNABETTEN
S_KK4_74000229 IMG Activity: SIMG_N1FAPF
S_KK4_74000230 IMG Activity: SIMG_N1GES
S_KK4_74000231 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOJONA0
S_KK4_74000232 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON44
S_KK4_74000233 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON43
S_KK4_74000234 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON03
S_KK4_74000235 IMG Activity: ISH_TN15D
S_KK4_74000236 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON04
S_KK4_74000237 IMG Activity: TN15G
S_KK4_74000238 IMG Activity: ISH_TN40C
S_KK4_74000239 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONDT
S_KK4_74000240 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON59
S_KK4_74000241 IMG Activity: ISH_BAS_BENUTZER_ZUO
S_KK4_74000242 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONB8
S_KK4_74000243 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_BEWART
S_KK4_74000244 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONVC
S_KK4_74000245 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON4A
S_KK4_74000246 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON41
S_KK4_74000247 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON17
S_KK4_74000248 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONN5
S_KK4_74000249 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON18
S_KK4_74000250 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_AHVNR
S_KK4_74000251 IMG Activity: ISH_TNDCV_IMG
S_KK4_74000252 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONVB
S_KK4_74000253 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON42
S_KK4_74000254 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONP1
S_KK4_74000255 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON30
S_KK4_74000256 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON29
S_KK4_74000257 IMG Activity: ISH_NR_TERMINRESERV
S_KK4_74000258 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON48
S_KK4_74000259 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON47
S_KK4_74000260 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_OPKZ
S_KK4_74000261 IMG Activity: ISH_BAS_BENUTZER_PFL
S_KK4_74000262 IMG Activity: ISH_NRSF_SG
S_KK4_74000263 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON39
S_KK4_74000264 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHMED_TN26A
S_KK4_74000265 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHMED_TN26G
S_KK4_74000266 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHMED_TN26F
S_KK4_74000267 IMG Activity: ISH_TNDIA
S_KK4_74000268 IMG Activity: ISH_TN14O
S_KK4_74000269 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON49
S_KK4_74000270 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONVD
S_KK4_74000271 IMG Activity: ISH_V_N1STGR
S_KK4_74000272 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON45
S_KK4_74000273 IMG Activity: ISH_TN14H
S_KK4_74000274 IMG Activity: ISH_TN14K
S_KK4_74000275 IMG Activity: ISH_TN14I
S_KK4_74000276 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON34
S_KK4_74000277 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONVI
S_KK4_74000278 IMG Activity: ISH_BAS_BENUTZER_GRP
S_KK4_74000280 IMG Activity: ISH_WAITINGLIST_RSN
S_KK4_74000282 IMG Activity: ISH_PRIO_WARTELISTE
S_KK4_74000283 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_PATTYP
S_KK4_74000284 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOAON81
S_KK4_74000285 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON74
S_KK4_74000286 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOB0NT2
S_KK4_74000287 IMG Activity: ISH_TN12R
S_KK4_74000288 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_ARZT_KTRAGER
S_KK4_74000289 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_GPART_KTR01
S_KK4_74000290 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_TARTYP
S_KK4_74000291 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_LEISTTXT_KZL
S_KK4_74000292 IMG Activity: ISH_LEIST_KATEGORIE
S_KK4_74000293 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOANT70
S_KK4_74000294 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOAON82
S_KK4_74000295 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONN1
S_KK4_74000296 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONN3
S_KK4_74000297 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON62
S_KK4_74000298 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONN2
S_KK4_74000299 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON52
S_KK4_74000300 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON50
S_KK4_74000301 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONOB
S_KK4_74000302 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON51
S_KK4_74000303 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON54
S_KK4_74000304 IMG Activity: ISH_TNACC
S_KK4_74000305 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON68
S_KK4_74000306 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON61
S_KK4_74000307 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON60
S_KK4_74000308 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON64
S_KK4_74000309 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOAON99
S_KK4_74000310 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON26
S_KK4_74000311 IMG Activity: ISH_TN17D
S_KK4_74000312 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONN4
S_KK4_74000313 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON14
S_KK4_74000314 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONWA
S_KK4_74000315 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON16
S_KK4_74000316 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_PATART
S_KK4_74000317 IMG Activity: ISH_TN17R
S_KK4_74000318 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON25
S_KK4_74000319 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON21
S_KK4_74000320 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON28
S_KK4_74000321 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON27
S_KK4_74000322 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_EINZG_KANTTAR
S_KK4_74000323 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_ABKOMMEN
S_KK4_74000324 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON36
S_KK4_74000325 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_KANTONSTARIF
S_KK4_74000326 IMG Activity: ISH_NTPZ2
S_KK4_74000327 IMG Activity: ISH_NTPZ1
S_KK4_74000328 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOAON83
S_KK4_74000329 IMG Activity: ISH_PM_EINZUGSGEB
S_KK4_74000330 IMG Activity: ISH_POSTALCODES_SG
S_KK4_74000331 IMG Activity: ISH_POSTALCODES_ES
S_KK4_74000332 IMG Activity: ISH_INPUT_DIAKAT
S_KK4_74000333 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON37
S_KK4_74000334 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_PLZ_REGION
S_KK4_74000335 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_LEISTAUFTEIL
S_KK4_74000336 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_HOECHSTWERTE
S_KK4_74000337 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_PAUSCHAL_ABRK
S_KK4_74000338 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNM01ON05
S_KK4_74000339 IMG Activity: ISH_AT_MAX_VALUES
S_KK4_74000340 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON01
S_KK4_74000341 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_FPSE_REGELN
S_KK4_74000343 IMG Activity: ISH_TNKRS
S_KK4_74000344 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_RADIOLOGIE
S_KK4_74000345 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_OPSZUS
S_KK4_74000346 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_LEISTZUS
S_KK4_74000347 IMG Activity: ISH_AT_MAX_GROUPS
S_KK4_74000348 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON19
S_KK4_74000349 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON06
S_KK4_74000350 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON20
S_KK4_74000351 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ON02
S_KK4_74000352 IMG Activity: ISH_LATE_CHARGES
S_KK4_74000353 IMG Activity: ISH_MAX_GROUPS
S_KK4_74000354 IMG Activity: ISH_AT_LEIST_UMSCH
S_KK4_74000355 IMG Activity: ISH_AT_PAUSCHAL_ABRK
S_KK4_74000356 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_PA_INCLEXLC
S_KK4_74000357 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_REGEL_AUFN
S_KK4_74000358 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_LEI_REGELN02
S_KK4_74000359 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_LEI_REGELN01
S_KK4_74000360 IMG Activity: ISH_SG_EXTCONTRACT
S_KK4_74000361 IMG Activity: SIMG_VTRGKTART
S_KK4_74000362 IMG Activity: SIMG_TNWCH74
S_KK4_74000363 IMG Activity: ISH_SG_CONTRACT_CAT
S_KK4_74000364 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ONAA
S_KK4_74000365 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON35
S_KK4_74000368 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOJOBB9
S_KK4_74000369 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOJOBD2
S_KK4_74000370 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOJXDN1
S_KK4_74000371 IMG Activity: ISH_SG_MEDISAVE_EST
S_KK4_74000372 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON46
S_KK4_74000374 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOBON97
S_KK4_74000375 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOBON49
S_KK4_74000376 IMG Activity: ISH_MANDANT_RESET
S_KK4_74000377 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_FPSE_PARAM
S_KK4_74000378 IMG Activity: ISH_BAS_EINR_ANLEGEN
S_KK4_74000379 IMG Activity: ISH_SYSPARM_VV
S_KK4_74000380 IMG Activity: ISH_NL_PA_VVNL01
S_KK4_74000381 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_GPART_VV
S_KK4_74000382 IMG Activity: SIMG_INSPROVTYPE
S_KK4_74000383 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_KTARTEN
S_KK4_74000384 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMOBONV7
S_KK4_74000385 IMG Activity: ISH_MAX_VALUES
S_KK4_74000386 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONK2
S_KK4_74000387 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONK5
S_KK4_74000388 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON83
S_KK4_74000389 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONB2
S_KK4_74000391 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONK1
S_KK4_74000392 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ONBT
S_KK4_74000393 IMG Activity: ISH_TARAS_RULES
S_KK4_74000395 IMG Activity: ISH_ABWES_1
S_KK4_74000396 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ON07
S_KK4_74000397 IMG Activity: ISH_UE_KUNDE
S_KK4_74000398 IMG Activity: ISH_KONFIGURATION
S_KK4_74000399 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHMED_SWORT
S_KK4_74000400 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHMED_N2HL
S_KK4_74000401 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHMED_N2DZ
S_KK4_74000402 IMG Activity: ISH_DOKUMENTENART
S_KK4_74000403 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON81
S_KK4_74000405 IMG Activity: ISH_UE_SAP
S_KK4_74000406 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ON80
S_KK4_74000407 IMG Activity: ISH_NUM_KREIS_DOKART
S_KK4_74000408 IMG Activity: ISH_ABR_ROLTP
S_KK4_74000409 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_RECH02
S_KK4_74000410 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_GPART_LEI03
S_KK4_74000411 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_RECH03
S_KK4_74000412 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_PFLEGE02
S_KK4_74000413 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONK6
S_KK4_74000414 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ONL5
S_KK4_74000415 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_PFLEGE01
S_KK4_74000416 IMG Activity: ISH_BAS_SYSPAR_UEPFL
S_KK4_74000417 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONK3
S_KK4_74000418 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ONL2
S_KK4_74000419 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ONL1
S_KK4_74000420 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3ONB9
S_KK4_74000421 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_GPART_LEI01
S_KK4_74000422 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_RECH01
S_KK4_74000423 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_GPART_LEI02
S_KK4_74000424 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO3UMF2
S_KK4_74000425 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO1ONK4
S_KK4_74000426 IMG Activity: ISH_SD_FUNKTIONEN
S_KK4_74000427 IMG Activity: ISH_PA_BEISPIEL
S_KK4_74000428 IMG Activity: ISH_BERECHT_CUST
S_KK4_74000429 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_P302_DO_CUST
S_KK4_74000430 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_ELACH_DO_CUS
S_KK4_74000431 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_CCPS_DO_CUST
S_KK4_74000432 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_NPMI_DO_CUST
S_KK4_74000433 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_FCTDOC
S_KK4_74000434 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_GD_INST
S_KK4_74000435 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3SPEZ5
S_KK4_74000436 IMG Activity: ISH_EIS_RFC
S_KK4_74000437 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUNMO2ONE5
S_KK4_74000438 IMG Activity: ISH_SET_GET
S_KK4_74000439 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_PRGLIST
S_KK4_74000440 IMG Activity: ISH_HCM_301_DO_CUST
S_KK4_74000441 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_TYPSPEC
S_KK4_74000442 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3SPEZ2
S_KK4_74000443 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3SPEZ4
S_KK4_74000444 IMG Activity: ISH_OM_BASICS
S_KK4_74000446 IMG Activity: SIMG_SE_ORG_ISH_O41
S_KK4_74000447 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3SPEZ0
S_KK4_74000449 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_GD_CRIT
S_KK4_74000450 IMG Activity: ISH_CH_PA_BEISPIEL
S_KK4_74000451 IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUNMO3SPEZ6
S_KK4_74000452 IMG Activity: SIMG_ISHCM_EXTPROG
S_KK4_96000001 IS-H: List Organizational Units
S_KK4_96000002 IS-H: Overview of Org. Hierarchy
S_KK4_96000003 IS-H: List Building Units
S_KK4_96000004 IS-H: Transport Org. Units
S_KK4_96000005 IS-H: Transport Building Units
S_KK4_96000006 "IS-H: ""Diagosis Required"" for InsPrv"
S_KK4_96000007 "IS-H: ""Diagosis Required"" for InsPrv"
S_KK4_96000008 IS-H: Set Head Office for Ins. Prov
S_KK4_96000009 IS-H: Edit IPs w/o FI Customer
S_KK4_96000010 IS-H: Edit IS-H Customers w/o RF/FI
S_KK4_96000012 "IS-H: Set ""Single/Cllct Invoice"" for"
S_KK4_96000013 "IS-H: Set ""Single/Cllct. Invoice"" fo"
S_KK4_96000014 IS-H: Adjust Controlling Indicator
S_KK4_96000015 IS-H: Transport Svce Master Data
S_KK4_96000016 IS-H: Import ICD-9 ZI Catalog
S_KK4_96000017 IS-H: Import ICD-10 ZI Catalog
S_KK4_96000018 IS-H: Copy Diagnosis Coding Catalog
S_KK4_96000019 IS-H: Merge Patients
S_KK4_96000020 IS-H: Patient Status Extract
S_KK4_96000021 IS-H: Defaults for Physician in P
S_KK4_96000022 IS-H: List Merge Patients
S_KK4_96000023 IS-H: Find Similar Patients
S_KK4_96000024 IS-H: Admission List
S_KK4_96000025 IS-H: Transfers to
S_KK4_96000026 IS-H: Admissions and Transfers to
S_KK4_96000027 IS-H: Companions
S_KK4_96000028 IS-H: From External Hospital
S_KK4_96000029 IS-H: Newborns
S_KK4_96000030 IS-H: Discharges
S_KK4_96000031 IS-H: Transfers from
S_KK4_96000032 IS-H: Discharges and Transfers to
S_KK4_96000033 IS-H: Deceased Patients
S_KK4_96000034 IS-H: Discharged to External Hospita
S_KK4_96000035 IS-H: Transfers
S_KK4_96000036 IS-H: Absence Times
S_KK4_96000037 IS-H: Quick Admissions
S_KK4_96000038 IS-H: Emergency Admissions
S_KK4_96000039 IS-H: Inpatient Waiting List
S_KK4_96000040 IS-H: Inpatient Emergency Cases
S_KK4_96000041 IS-H: Case Monitor
S_KK4_96000042 IS-H: List Inpatient Birthdays
S_KK4_96000043 IS-H: Evaluation of Outpat. Visits
S_KK4_96000044 IS-H: Outpatient Visits
S_KK4_96000045 IS-H: Quick Admissions
S_KK4_96000046 IS-H: Emergency Admissions
S_KK4_96000047 IS-H: Outpatient Waiting List
S_KK4_96000048 IS-H: Inpatient Emergency Cases
S_KK4_96000049 IS-H: Evaluate Treatment Certificate
S_KK4_96000050 IS-H: Case Monitor
S_KK4_96000051 IS-H: Outpatient Visits (with Phys.)
S_KK4_96000052 IS-H: Missing Outpat. Treatm.Certif.
S_KK4_96000053 IS-H: Treatment End for Outpat. Case
S_KK4_96000054 IS-H: Movement Lists
S_KK4_96000055 IS-H: Evaluation Report for Assigned
S_KK4_96000056 IS-H: Evaluation Report for Case
S_KK4_96000057 IS-H: Religious List
S_KK4_96000058 IS-H: Public List Dialog
S_KK4_96000059 IS-H: Public List
S_KK4_96000060 IS-H: Case Monitor
S_KK4_96000061 IS-H: List of Newborn Deliveries
S_KK4_96000062 IS-H: List Inpatient Birthdays
S_KK4_96000063 IS-H: List Referring/Post-Dschg.Phys
S_KK4_96000064 IS-H: Enhanced Waiting List
S_KK4_96000065 IS-H: Patient Traffic List
S_KK4_96000066 RNUAPP01
S_KK4_96000067 IS-H: Reorganize Provisional Appts
S_KK4_96000068 IS-H: Outpat.Clinic Mgmt: Appt List
S_KK4_96000069 IS-H: List Planning Objects
S_KK4_96000070 IS-H: Eval. Report for Diagnoses
S_KK4_96000071 IS-H: Evaluation Report for Diagnos
S_KK4_96000072 IS-H: Evaluations acc to FRH
S_KK4_96000073 IS-H: Case List By Ins. Provider
S_KK4_96000074 IS-H: Service List
S_KK4_96000075 IS-H: Case/Svce Evaluaton for DayPat
S_KK4_96000076 IS-H: Case/Service Evaluation for
S_KK4_96000077 IS-H: Adjust Services for Absence
S_KK4_96000086 IS-H: Service and Billing Statistics
S_KK4_96000088 IS-H: Extended Service with AltScvce
S_KK4_96000089 IS-H: Determine Data for Quality
S_KK4_96000090 IS-H: Discharges to Ext. Hospital
S_KK4_96000091 IS-H: Print IV Requests
S_KK4_96000092 IS-H: Print IV Requests
S_KK4_96000093 IS-H: Create IV Request Reminder
S_KK4_96000094 IS-H: Extend IV Request
S_KK4_96000095 IS-H: IV Status Tracking
S_KK4_96000096 IS-H: Monitor Insurance Verification
S_KK4_96000097 IS-H: Generate IV Request
S_KK4_96000098 IS-H: Generate IV Request
S_KK4_96000099 IS-H: Generate Copayment Request
S_KK4_96000100 IS-H: Post Back Dunned Copayment
S_KK4_96000101 IS-H: Dunned Copayment Request
S_KK4_96000102 IS-H: Repost Copayment to Ins.Prov.
S_KK4_96000103 IS-H: Display Copayment Request
S_KK4_96000104 IS-H: Down Payments Final Blld Cases
S_KK4_96000106 IS-H: Evaluation Art./Admin.Costs
S_KK4_96000107 IS-H: Evaluation Cost Reimbursement
S_KK4_96000108 IS-H: Evaluation Report Dept OU/Svce
S_KK4_96000109 IS-H: Check Charges
S_KK4_96000110 IS-H: Propose Charges
S_KK4_96000111 IS-H: Case Monitor
S_KK4_96000112 IS-H: Patient Billing
S_KK4_96000113 IS-H: Bill. Doc. Mass Print Program
S_KK4_96000114 IS-H: Billing - Process Messages
S_KK4_96000115 IS-H: Billing - Case Selection
S_KK4_96000116 IS-H: Case Selection via Patient Nam
S_KK4_96000117 IS-H: Billing: Case Selection
S_KK4_96000118 IS-H: Billing: Case Selection
S_KK4_96000119 IS-H: Billing - Case Selection
S_KK4_96000120 IS-K: Billing - Copy Case Selection
S_KK4_96000121 IS-H: Cancel Bill. Document for
S_KK4_96000122 IS-H: Cancel Bill. Document for
S_KK4_96000123 IS-H: Cancel Invoice Items per
S_KK4_96000124 IS-H: Invoice Overview
S_KK4_96000125 IS-H: Invoice Stats for Blld Svces
S_KK4_96000126 IS-H: Invoice Statistics Billed
S_KK4_96000127 IS-H: Billing Indicator for a Case
S_KK4_96000128 IS-H: Billing Status Inpatient
S_KK4_96000129 IS-H: Case-Related Invoice Overview
S_KK4_96000130 IS-H: Cases w/o Billable Services
S_KK4_96000131 IS-H: Billing Block via Conditions
S_KK4_96000132 IS-H: Billing Block via Conditions
S_KK4_96000133 IS-H: Determine Cost Portions when
S_KK4_96000134 IS-H: Outpatient Cases w/o Services
S_KK4_96000135 IS-H: Revenue Accounts and Conditio
S_KK4_96000136 IS-H: Cancel Provisional Invoice
S_KK4_96000137 IS-H: Adjust Services with End Date
S_KK4_96000138 IS-H: Set Main Code Automatically
S_KK4_96000139 IS-H: Set 'Relevant for
S_KK4_96000140 IS-H: Delete NLKZ for Canceled NK
S_KK4_96000141 IS-H: Retroactive Price Change
S_KK4_96000142 IS-H: Copy Utility for NLAZ Maint.
S_KK4_96000143 IS-HCO: Transfer Services to
S_KK4_96000144 IS-H: Delete Cncld Non-Trnsfd Svces
S_KK4_96000145 IS-HCO Calculate & Transfer Inpat.
S_KK4_96000146 IS-HCO Calculate & Transfer Inpat.
S_KK4_96000147 IS-HCO Calculate & Transfer Inpat.
S_KK4_96000148 IS-HCO: Overview Svce to Be Transfrd
S_KK4_96000149 IS-H: Evaluate Transfer Information
S_KK4_96000152 IS-HCO: Create Orders
S_KK4_96000153 IS-HCO: Track Order Status
S_KK4_96000154 IS-HCO: Prel. Costing for Case Order
S_KK4_96000155 IS-HCO: Classify Case-Based Orders
S_KK4_96000156 IS-HCO: Transfer Services to
S_KK4_96000157 IS-H: Delete Cncld Non-Trnsfd Svces
S_KK4_96000158 IS-H: Evaluate Transfer Information
S_KK4_96000159 IS-HCO: Overview Svce to Be Transfrd
S_KK4_96000161 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 1- Occupancy Data
S_KK4_96000162 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 3 - Occup. Data
S_KK4_96000163 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L4 - Diagnosis Stat
S_KK4_96000164 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 5- Surg. Stats
S_KK4_96000167 IS-H: KHStatV SA 91 -
S_KK4_96000168 IS-H: KHStatV SA 10
S_KK4_96000169 IS-H: KHStatV SA 11
S_KK4_96000170 IS-H: KHStatV SA 12
S_KK4_96000171 IS-H: KHStatV SA 13 - Stat. Beds
S_KK4_96000172 IS-H: KHStatV SA 20 - Sick Beds;
S_KK4_96000173 IS-H: KHStatV SA 40 - Dschgd DayPats
S_KK4_96000174 IS-H: KHStatV SA 50 - Deliveries
S_KK4_96000175 IS-H ES: CMBD and CMA Statistics
S_KK4_96000176 IS-H: Midnight Census Statistics
S_KK4_96000177 IS-H: Midnight Census Stats- Row Vrs
S_KK4_96000178 IS-H: Midnight Census Stats - Indiv.
S_KK4_96000179 IS-H: Geographical Area Statistics
S_KK4_96000180 IS-H: Service Statistics
S_KK4_96000189 IS-H: Service and Billing Statistics
S_KK4_96000190 IS-H: Org. Unit Occupancy Data
S_KK4_96000191 IS-H: Org. Unit Occupancy Data
S_KK4_96000192 IS-H: Evaluate ICPM/ICD Combination
S_KK4_96000193 IS-H: List Article Requested
S_KK4_96000194 IS-HCM: Format Messages
S_KK4_96000195 IS-HCM: Generate all S* Messages
S_KK4_96000196 IS-HCM: Generate all CUSTOMER Msgs
S_KK4_96000197 IS-HCM: Get Case-Related Services
S_KK4_96000198 IS-HCM: Get Diagnoses from Part.Syst
S_KK4_96000199 IS-HCM: Get Surgical Data from Part
S_KK4_96000200 IS-HCM: Get Med. Service Data from
S_KK4_96000201 IS-HCM: Selective Message Dispatch
S_KK4_96000202 IS-HCM: Display Report for Status
S_KK4_96000203 IS-HCM: System Monitoring
S_KK4_96000204 IS-HCM: Delete all old Status Msgs
S_KK4_96000205 IS-HCM: Part.Syst. Installation Chk
S_KK4_96000206 IS-HCM List Parameter System Setting
S_KK4_96000207 IS-HCM Message Standards
S_KK4_96000208 IS-HCM Message Types (Composition)
S_KK4_96000209 IS-HCM Message Segments (Compostion)
S_KK4_96000210 IS-HCM: Message Fields
S_KK4_96000211 IS-HCM Display Msgs Ready to Send
S_KK4_96000212 IS-HCM: Create a Message Type Copy
S_KK4_96000213 IS-HCM Create a Segment Copy
S_KK4_96000214 IS-HCM: Display Dispatch Logs
S_KK4_96000215 IS-HCM: Delete Dispatch Logs
S_KK4_96000216 IS-HCM Test Program: Simulate CM-r
S_KK4_96000217 IS-HCM Select Customer Msg Parts
S_KK4_96000218 IS-HCM: Simulate and Send Adm.Rcrd
S_KK4_96000219 IS-HCM Display Inbound Messages
S_KK4_96000220 IS-HCM: Delete Receipt Logs
S_KK4_96000221 IS-HCM Errored Inbound Messages
S_KK4_96000222 IS-HCM Errored Inbound Messages
S_KK4_96000223 IS-HCM Evaluations for Hosp.Communic
S_KK4_96000224 IS-HCM Messages from Log File
S_KK4_96000225 IS-HCM: Create HCM Partner System
S_KK4_96000226 IS-HCM: Delete Partner System
S_KK4_96000227 IS-HCM NC02 SAP-HCM Mssge Fieldwise
S_KK4_96000228 IS-HCM: All HCM Trace Entries in
S_KK4_96000229 IS-HCM: All Entries in Table
S_KK4_96000230 IS-HCM: All Entries in Table
S_KK4_96000231 IS-H EDI Overview of Partner Systems
S_KK4_96000232 IS-H EDI: Message Structure Tree
S_KK4_96000233 IS-HCM: Get OU-Related Services
S_KK4_96000234 IS-HCM: Communic. Acknow. Handling
S_KK4_96000235 IS-HCM: Check File Usability
S_KK4_96000236 IS-HCM: Copy IS-H Report Control
S_KK4_96000237 IS-H EDI: Order Processing
S_KK4_96000238 IS-H EDI: Create Message File
S_KK4_96000239 "IS-H EDI Create File
S_KK4_96000240 IS-H SG: EDI Trans.Pgrm for Express
S_KK4_96000241 IS-H EDI Import Program (File on
S_KK4_96000242 IS-H EDI Message Receipt. Automatic
S_KK4_96000243 "IS-H EDI Message Receipt
S_KK4_96000244 IS-H EDI: Message Structure Tree
S_KK4_96000245 IS-H: EDI Assign Data Cllct Point to
S_KK4_96000246 IS-H EDI: Evaluate Messsage Dispatch
S_KK4_96000247 IS-H EDI: File Overview
S_KK4_96000248 IS-H EDI Display Msg Field by Field
S_KK4_96000249 IS-H EDI Seq. Number of DCP
S_KK4_96000250 IS-H EDI File/Message Processing
S_KK4_96000251 IS-H EDI Transfer System Files
S_KK4_96000252 IS-H EDI: List all Cases w/o EDI Msg
S_KK4_96000253 IS-H EDI Edit Individual Messages
S_KK4_96000254 IS-H EDI Delete Tab. NC30 Manually
S_KK4_96000255 IS-H EDI Assign New Data Cllct.Point
S_KK4_96000256 IS-H EDI: Case Analysis
S_KK4_96000257 IS-H D: EDI Compare Data Cllct Point
S_KK4_96000258 IS-H EDI Basics of Procedure Custom
S_KK4_96000259 IS-H: List all Setting for Work Org
S_KK4_96000260 IS-H: Delete of Change Entries
S_KK4_96000261 IS-H: Cllctv. Print of Admiss/Dschg
S_KK4_96000262 IS-H: Program for Deleting Form Logs
S_KK4_96000263 IS-H: Utility for Converting
S_KK4_96000268 IS-H: Trans. Data to Create Customer
S_KK4_96000269 IS-H: Trans. Data Quick Svce Entry
S_KK4_96000270 IS-H: Maintain Svce by Svce Pair
S_KK4_96000272 IS-H: Trans. Data to Create ISHCust
S_KK4_96000273 IS-H: Trans. Data to Create Bus.Part
S_KK4_96000274 IS-H: Trans. Data to Create Ins.Prov
S_KK4_96000275 IS-H: Trans. Data to Create Hospital
S_KK4_96000276 IS-H: Trans. Data to Create Services
S_KK4_96000277 IS-H: Trans. Data Pat. Insurance
S_KK4_96000278 IS-H: Trans.Data to Create Employee
S_KK4_96000279 IS-H: Delete Canceled Movements
S_KK4_96000280 IS-H: Delete Building Units
S_KK4_96000281 IS-H: Delete Canceled Services
S_KK4_96000347 EDI Temporary Storage
S_KK4_96000442 P301
S_KK4_96000466 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF01
S_KK4_96000467 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF02
S_KK4_96000468 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF03
S_KK4_96000469 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF04
S_KK4_96000470 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF05
S_KK4_96000471 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF06
S_KK4_96000472 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF07
S_KK4_96000473 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF08
S_KK4_96000474 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF09
S_KK4_96000475 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF10
S_KK4_96000476 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF11
S_KK4_96000477 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF12
S_KK4_96000478 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF13
S_KK4_96000479 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF14
S_KK4_96000480 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF15
S_KK4_96000481 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF16
S_KK4_96000482 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF17
S_KK4_96000483 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF18
S_KK4_96000484 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF30
S_KK4_96000485 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF34
S_KK4_96000486 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF35
S_KK4_96000487 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF36
S_KK4_96000488 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF37
S_KK4_96000489 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF38
S_KK4_96000490 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF40
S_KK4_96000491 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF41
S_KK4_96000492 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF44
S_KK4_96000493 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF47
S_KK4_96000494 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF48
S_KK4_96000495 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF49
S_KK4_96000496 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF54
S_KK4_96000497 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF55
S_KK4_96000498 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF56
S_KK4_96000499 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF57
S_KK4_96000500 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF58
S_KK4_96000501 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF59
S_KK4_96000502 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF60
S_KK4_96000503 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF61
S_KK4_96000504 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF67
S_KK4_96000505 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNF68
S_KK4_96000506 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNFKS
S_KK4_96000507 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_FILL_RNFP2
S_KK4_96000508 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_PRINT_INVO
S_KK4_96000509 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_PRINT_OPEN
S_KK4_96000511 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_GET_DIAGNO
S_KK4_96000512 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_INIT_MD_ST
S_KK4_96000548 IMG Activity: ISH_TN21L
S_KK4_96000557 IMG Activity: SIMG_OCC_CHARACT
S_KK4_96000590 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_MEDCAT
S_KK4_96000591 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_AGENT
S_KK4_96000592 IMG Activity: ISH_OMT3B
S_KK4_96000593 IMG Activity: ISH_OMT3Z
S_KK4_96000594 IMG Activity: ISH_OMT3R
S_KK4_96000595 IMG Activity: ISH_OMT3E
S_KK4_96000596 IMG Activity: ISH_OMT3U
S_KK4_96000597 IMG Activity: ISH_OMSH
S_KK4_96000598 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_OMT2
S_KK4_96000599 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_OMSH
S_KK4_96000600 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_SXDA
S_KK4_96000601 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_OMSM
S_KK4_96000611 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENTNREL
S_KK4_96000652 IS-H: Articles List
S_KK4_96000653 Ad Hoc Purchas. and Consump.Analysis
S_KK4_96000654 IS-H: Mass Maint. of Art. Catalogs

SAP Information System tcodes

Table Name Description
ONEIS "IS-H: Determine chars.
ONFCL IS-H: Case Categorization

SAP Patient Accounting tcodes

Table Name Description
NA01 IS-H: Create Billing Statistics
NA02 IS-H: Print Invoice(s)
NA03 IS-H: Cancel Invoice(s)
NA04 IS-H: Post invoices with calc.block
NA05 IS-H: Invoice List
NA07 IS-H: Bill.status of dischrged cases
NA08 IS-H: Billing Statistics by IP Types
NA10 IS-H: Revenue Accrual
NA12 IS-H: Invoice statistics by payer
NA17 IS-H: Adjust services to absence
NA18 IS-H: Revenue Accrual
NA20 IS-H: Create CASE Selection Billing
NA21 IS-H: Delete CASE Selection Billing
NA22 IS-H: Display CASE Selection Billing
NA23 IS-H: Edit Billing Document Msgs
NA24 IS-H: Copy Case Selection
NA25 IS-H: Billing selection via visits
NA26 IS-H: Inpatient Test Billing
NA30 IS-H: Case Billing
NA30N IS-H: Case Billing
NA30OLD IS-H: Case Billing - Old
NA31 IS-H: Change Billing Block Inpat.
NA32 IS-H: Change Billing Block Outpat.
NA35 IS-H: Billing Information Case
NA40 IS-H: Case-Related Invoice Overview
NA45 IS-H: Case monitor billing
NA46 IS-H: Compensation check BPflV '95
NA47 IS-H: Propose charges
NA48 Compare Charges
NA60 IS-H: Export data for IFA billing
NA65 IS-H: Log transfer IFA billing
NA66 IS-H: IFA status info transf. cases
NA90 IS-H: Create Invoice Selection
NA91 IS-H: Change Bill Selection
NA92 IS-H: Create Collective Invoice
NA93 IS-H: Print Collective Invoice
NA94 IS-H: Collective Invoice
NA95 IS-H: Provisional Invoice
NCO1 IS-H: Transfer service to CCenter
NCO2 HCO: Create Case-Based Orders
NCO3 HCO: Assign Preliminary Costing
NCO4 HCO: Status Monitoring Case-Bsd Ord.
NCO7 HCO: Case-Based Order Classification
NCO8 IS-H: Stat. key figure (nursing)
NCO9 IS-H: Stat. Key Figures (Dept.)
NCOA IS-H: Asgmt org.unit to cost centers
NCOB IS-H: Asgmt services to act. types
NCOC IS-H: Revenue accrual billing
NCOD IS-H: Stat.ratio-CO stat.ratio asgmt
NCOE IS-H: Assign Svce to Base ObjCosting
NCOF IS-H: Settings
NCOG IS-H: Supported characteristics
NCOH IS-H: Order characteristics
NCOI IS-H: Org.unit-CCtr asgmt f.rev.acct
NCOJ IS-H: Stat. key figures (inter-dept)
NCOK IS-HCO: Services to be Transferred
NCOL IS-HCO: Transfer Information
NCOM IS-H: Copy NOEK into NO2K
NCON HCO: Stat. Key Figs (Case-Bsd Ord.)
NCOO IS-H: Stat. Key Figs (Case-bsd ord.)
NCOP IS-HCO: Maintain Cost Centers-OU
NE10 IS-H: Display Copayment
NE11 IS-H: Maintain Copayment
NE15 IS-H: Transfer Copayment
NE16 IS-H: Write off Copayment Requests
NE17 IS-H: Generate copayment
NE18 IS-H: Post copayment back
NE20 IS-H: Maintain Down Payment
NE21 IS-H: Display Down Payment
NE22 IS-H: Down Payment Overview
NK01 IS-H: Maintain IV request (coll.ent)
NK02 IS-H: Display IV request (coll.ent.)
NK06 IS-H: Maintain IV Confm.(Coll.Entry)
NK19 IS-H: Print request for IV - outpt.
NK20 IS-H: Print Insurance Verif. request
NK21 IS-H: Dun Insurance Verification
NK22 IS-H: Generate outpatient ins.verif.
NK23 IS-H: Generate IV f. inpatients
NK24 IS-H: Monitoring of IV Requests
NK25 IS-H: Monitoring Insurance Verifictn
NK26 IS-H: Extend request for ins.verif.
NK30 IS-H: Maintain Pre-Approved Ins.
NK31 IS-H: Display Pre-Appr.IV Confmtn.
NK35 IS-H: Maintain IV Default Values
NK36 IS-H: Display IV Default Values
NL01N IS-H: Service Entry for all Cases
NL04N IS-H: Service Entry - OU-Related
NL10N IS-H: Case-Related Service Entry
NL11N IS-H: Case-Related Service Display
NL20 IS-H: Maintain prelim. service entry
NL21 IS-H: Display prelim. service entry
NL22 IS-H: Maintain Prelim. Entry by OU
NL23 IS-H: Display Prilim. Entry by OU
NL28 IS-H: Transfer Svces from PE by OU
NL29 IS-H: Transfer srvs from prel. entry
NMCO1 IS-H MM: Transfer Artl. Consumption
NMCO2 IS-H MM: Data Transfer Artl.Consumpt
NMCOL IS-H MM: List Article Consumptions
NMM1 IS-H: Create Article Req. by OU
NMM2 IS-H: Maintain OU-Rel. Article Req.
NMM3 IS-H: Display Article Req. by OU
NMM4 IS-H: Collective Proc. Article Req.
NMM5 IS-H: Create Case-Rel. Article Req.
NMM6 IS-H: Display Case-Rltd Art. Requis.
NMM7 IS-H: Maintain Case-Rel. Goods Issue
NMM8 IS-H: Display Case-Rltd Goods Issue
NMM9 IS-H: Pick List
NMMC1 IS-H MM: Maintain Artl Consumption
NMMC2 IS-H MM: Display Artl Consumption
NT08 Additional srv data Germany
NT09 IS-H: Planned Values by Service / OU
NT12 IS-H: Assign Services to SurgPrcds
NT13 IS-H: Assign SrgPrcds to Services
NT34 IS-H: Maintain Dynamic Srv. Groups
NT50 Maintain Billing Types
NT51 Display Billing Types
NT70 IS-H: Maintain service categories
NT75 IS-H: Maintain rules for charge prop
NT76 IS-H: Display rules for comp.prop.
NTP1 IS-H: Maintain model transaction
NTP2 IS-H: Display model transaction
NV31 IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp
NV32 IS-H: Display insurance relationship
NV33 IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp
NV34 IS-H: Display insurance relationship
NVT2 IS-H: Contract Scheme - Ins. Provs
ON/1 IS-H: Calc. Procedure Determination
ON07 IS-H: Default Service Catalog
ON100 IS-H: Calc.Formula for Cmp DynCaseMx
ON22 IS-H: Default End Date of Services
ON24 IS-H: Certificate Status
ON31 Conditions: Customizing for Pricing
ON32 IS-H: Parameter for Copymnt Request
ON33 IS-H: Parameter for Copayment
ON35 IS-H: Copayment Waiver
ON38 IS-H: Cust.Proc. maint.Prce.Determtn
ON40 IS-H: Service Text Service Entry
ON46 IS-H: Types of Coverage
ON55 IS-H: Down Payment Parameters
ON56 IS-H: Params. for Down Pymnt request
ON57 IS-H: R/2 screens for batch input
ON66 IS-H: Service-related Cat.Determntn.
ON69 IS-H: Maintain Division for Pricing
ON80 IS-H: Determine Billing Type
ON81 IS-H: Maintain Charge Master Type
ON82 IS-H: Charge Master Columns
ON83 IS-H: Grouping categories
ON86 IS-H: Default values for FI data
ON87 ISH: Catalog Determination
ON88 IS-H: Charge Master Column Detn
ON89 ISH: Assgnmnt.-Service Conversion
ON90 IS-H: Certificate categories
ON91 IS-H: Certificate Types
ON92 IS-H: Service Text Parameters
ON93 IS-H: Warning f. service adjustment
ON94 IS-H: Create Copayer
ON95 IS-H: Create FI Customer
ON96 IS-H: Type of Processing Cust.Sessn.
ON97 IS-H: Def.Value Country for Bus.Part
ON98 IS-H: Def.Value Language Bus.Partner
ON99 IS-H: Default Start Date of Services
ONA0 IS-H: Routines for filling FI Cust.
ONA1 IS-H: Sort Procedure Ins.Verificatn.
ONA2 IS-H: Displ. Params. f. Copay.Requst
ONA3 IS-H: Display Copayment Parameters
ONA4 IS-H: Display Down Payment Params.
ONA5 IS-H: Display Down Paymt.Req.Params.
ONA6 IS-H: Rules for Direct Pat. Billing
ONA7 IS-H: Change Billing Block
ONA8 IS-H: Change Rules for Point Values
ONA9 IS-H: Control Billing Messages
ONAA IS-H: Maintain Ins. Contract Type
ONAK IS-H: Copayment amount per day
ONAV IS-H: Variants for Inv.Restrictions
ONB3 IS-H: Activity-spec. bus.partner txt
ONB4 IS-H: Bus.partn.funct.
ONB5 IS-H: Assign IV request to clerk
ONB9 IS-H: Exclusions for service pairs
ONBA IS-H: Define stat. key figures
ONBB IS-H: Maintain leave of abs settings
ONBC IS-H: Maintain Pricing Procedure
ONBD Assign Bill.Type to Doc.PricingProc.
ONBE IS-H: Create Condition Table
ONBF IS-H: Create Access Sequence
ONBG IS-H: Create Condition Type
ONBH IS-H: Create Condition Records
ONBI IS-H: Maintain no.range f. bill.doc.
ONBK IS-H: Define Billing Types
ONBL IS-H: Define Partner Functions
ONBM IS-H: Define Document Flow
ONBN IS-H: Define Blocking Reasons
ONBO IS-H: Assign bill.type to bill.block
ONBP IS-H: Maintain access seq. acct detn
ONBQ IS-H: Maintain Acct Detn Type
ONBR IS-H: Assessment rate rules
ONBS IS-H: Maintain Acct Detn Procedure
ONBT IS-H: Billing exception comments
ONBU IS-H: Procedure Dtn. for Act. Dtn.
ONBV IS-H: Assign Revenue Accounts
OND1 IS-H: Maintain BDT Format Versions
OND2 IS-H: Maintain BDT Format Fields
OND3 IS-H: Maintain BDT Format Rules
OND4 IS-H: Maintain BDT Fixed Vals.OU-rel
ONE1 IS-H: IMG CP/EP Discount
ONE2 IS-H: Set up Direct Patient Billing
ONE3 IS-H: HCO documentation
ONE4 IS-H: HCO documentation
ONE5 IS-H: HCO documentation
ONL0 IS-H: Maintain Service Rule Types
ONL1 IS-H: Maintain Service Exclusions
ONL2 IS-H: Maintain Service Combinations
ONL3 IS-H: Maintain Service Max. Values
ONL4 IS-H: Assign rule types to events
ONL5 IS-H: Check procedure
ONL6 IS-H: Maintain compensation proposal
ONL7 IS-H: Control parameters FR/PS
ONLA IS-H: Check Procedure - Overview
ONLA_NPROC_RULES IS-H: Check Procedure - Overview
ONMD Generate Article Catalogs
ONMF IS-H: Maintain Article Proposal
ONMG Generate Article Catalogs
ONMH Define Cabinets
ONMHC Copy Closets
ONMHD Closet List
ONV0 IS-H: Change CP/EP Discount
ONV1 IS-H: Maintain Treatment Category
ONV2 IS-H: Display Treatment Category
ONV3 IS-H: Maintain Case Class/Treat.Cat.
ONV4 IS-H: Display Case Class./Treat.Cat.
ONV5 IS-H: Services for Treatmnt Category
ONV9 IS-H: Create CP/EP Discount
ONWPCB Customizing MiniApps Inpat. Billing
S_KK4_96000334 IS-H IMG
S_KK4_96000337 IS-H: Public List
S_KK4_96000369 IS-H IMG
S_KK4_96000379 IS-H: Cost Reimb. - Direct Pat.Bill.
S_KK4_96000410 IS-H: Update Co-/Down Payments From
S_KK4_96000464 IS-H: Cancel Service Transfer
S_KK4_96000515 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_PROCEDURE_
S_KK4_96000517 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_DOP_DEDUCT
S_KK4_96000518 IMG Activity: BADI: ISH_RNZUZBI1_S
S_KK4_96000519 IMG Activity: BADI ISH_REV_ASSIGNM
S_KK4_96000521 IMG Activity: BADI ISH_PRICING_FIE
S_KK4_96000522 IMG Activity: BADI ISH_INV_CANCEL1
S_KK4_96000523 IMG Activity: BADI ISH_COPAY_REPAY
S_KK4_96000524 IMG Activity: BADI ISH_COPAY_TRANS
S_KK4_96000525 IMG Activity: BADI ISH_PICKLIST_01
S_KK4_96000526 IMG Activity: BADI ISH_PICKLIST_02
S_KK4_96000527 IMG Activity: BADI ISH_DE_DRG_SC_F
S_KK4_96000537 IMG Activity: BADI ISH_CONTRACT_MA
S_KK4_96000563 IMG Activity: ISH_PAYMENT_TYPES
S_KK4_96000566 IMG Activity: ISH_CASH_DESK
S_KK4_96000570 IMG Activity: ISH_SERVICE_DPD
S_KK4_96000572 IMG Activity: ISH_SERVICE_ENTRY
S_KK4_96000620 IMG Activity: ISH_INVOICE_CHECK
S_KK4_96000631 IMG Activity: ISH_MM_KAT_DEF_SINGL
WP_NA30N Report Start NA30N
WP_NA40 Report Start NA40
WP_NG09 Work Station: Display Ins.Providers
WP_NK01 Report Start NK01
WP_NK06 Report Start NK06
WP_NP03 Report Start NP03
WP_NP61 Report Start NP61

SAP Patient Management tcodes

Table Name Description
N10O IS-H: Maintain Symbols for WP IDs
N10V IS-H: Display Work Env-to-User Asgmt
N10W IS-H: Maintain Work Env-to-User Asgt
N1COMPCON IS-H: Maintain Component Configurat.
N1CORD IS-H: Create Clinical Order
N1COT IS-H: Set Up Clinical Order Types
N1CT IS-H: Define Context Types
N1CUSTIDS IS-H*MED: Customer-Spec. Class Types
N1DEFVT Prereg.Type Definition - Master Data
N1EXTENDTEXTEDITOR Activate Long Text Editor for CORD
N1OT IS-H: Define Object Types
N1VE IS-H: Set Up Preregistration Types
N207 IS-H*MED: Create OU Diag. Hit List
N208 IS-H*MED: Maintain OU diagn.hit list
N210 IS-H*MED: Display diagnosis groups
N211 IS-H*MED: Maintain diagnosis groups
NB46 "IS-H: Display Plan
ND01 IS-H: Create medical record/document
ND02 IS-H: Maintain record/document list
ND03 IS-H: Display record/document list
ND04 IS-H: Collect.entry of returned rec.
ND05 IS-H: Return medical record/document
ND06 IS-H: Create Med. Record Reminder
ND07 IS-H: Request med. record/documents
ND08 IS-H: Borrow single rec./document
ND09 IS-H: Create record via mvmnt list
ND10 IS-H: Borrow record via mvmnt list
ND11 IS-H: Return Temp. Medical Records
ND12 IS-H: Borrow requested med. record
ND13 IS-H: Collect.Entry for Borrowed Rec
ND14 IS-H: Transfer Med.Rcrds via BorrLst
ND15 IS-H: Transfer single rec./document
ND18 IS-H: Evaluate Med. Record Archive
NDRPAT IS-H: Bus. Partner-Patient Rlnshp
NIAPPS IS-H: Visit Scheduling at Web - Demo
NL10 IS-H: Maintain Service Entry
NL11 IS-H: Display service entry
NP01 IS-H: Create patient master data
NP02 IS-H: Change patient master data
NP03 IS-H: Display patient master data
NP04 IS-H: Maintain risk factors
NP05 IS-H: Display risk factors
NP06 IS-H: Merging patients
NP07 IS-H: Find Similar Patients
NP10 I