Table Name | Description |
GUIBIBS | BIBS for GUI Tests |
S_B90_38000089 | zrez |
S_BIE_59000043 | k |
Table Name | Description |
GUIBIBS | BIBS for GUI Tests |
S_B90_38000089 | zrez |
S_BIE_59000043 | k |
Table Name | Description |
SM01 | Lock Transactions |
Table Name | Description |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
SAAB | Checkpoints that Can Be Activated |
Compiler | Runtime" |
SAMT | ABAP Program Set Processing |
SAT | ABAP Trace |
SAUNIT_CLIENT_SETUP | ABAP Unit Configuration |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
SE33 | Context Builder |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
SRTM | Run Time Monitor Initial Screen |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Table Name | Description |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
SAAB | Checkpoints that Can Be Activated |
Compiler | Runtime" |
SAMT | ABAP Program Set Processing |
SAT | ABAP Trace |
SAUNIT_CLIENT_SETUP | ABAP Unit Configuration |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
SE33 | Context Builder |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
SRTM | Run Time Monitor Initial Screen |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Compiler | Runtime" |
Table Name | Description |
OS_APPLICATION | OO Framework Application |
Table Name | Description |
SHDB | Batch Input Transaction Recorder |
SM35 | Batch Input Monitoring |
SM35P | Batch Input: Log Monitoring |
SM38 | Queue Maintenance Transaction |
ST20 | Screen Trace |
ST20LC | Layout Check |
Table Name | Description |
Selection Screens | Selection Variants" |
Selection Screens | Selection Variants" |
Selection Screens | Selection Variants" |
Selection Screens | Selection Variants" |
Table Name | Description |
SHD_CHECK | Test Screen Variants and GuiXT |
SHD_SWITCH | Activate Standard Variant User |
SHD0 | Transaction and Screen Variants |
SHD0_MANDT | Client Dependent Tr. Variants |
SHD1 | Internal: Variant transaction call |
SHDG | Global Fields: Change and Display |
SHDI | Transaction Variant Image Archive |
SHDS | Internal: Save transaction variant |
STCTRL_COPY | Copy Table Control User Settings |
STCUP | Table control variants upgrade |
Table Name | Description |
SHD_CHECK | Test Screen Variants and GuiXT |
SHD_SWITCH | Activate Standard Variant User |
SHD0 | Transaction and Screen Variants |
SHD0_MANDT | Client Dependent Tr. Variants |
SHD1 | Internal: Variant transaction call |
SHDG | Global Fields: Change and Display |
SHDI | Transaction Variant Image Archive |
SHDS | Internal: Save transaction variant |
STCTRL_COPY | Copy Table Control User Settings |
STCUP | Table control variants upgrade |
Table Name | Description |
CIC_PPOCE | Create CIC Organizational Plan |
CIC_PPOME | Change CIC Organizational Plan |
CIC_PPOSE | Display CIC Organizational Plan |
DELETE_COL_SETTINGS | Delete Column Configuration |
DELETE_NF_SETTINGS | Delete Framework Settings |
DELETE_OM_SETTINGS | Delete Object Manager Settings |
HRAUTH | Authorization Workbench |
HRBAS_CHECK_INFTY | Test Decoupled Infotypes |
OO_CENTRAL_PERSON | HR: Set Up Central Person |
OO2S | Description: Subtypes |
OO91 | SAP Org. Object Type Assignment |
OOALE_FILTER1 | HR:Master Data Distribution Filter 1 |
OOALE_FILTER2 | HR:Master Data Distribution Filter 2 |
OOALECOMB | HR: Distributable Relationship |
OOALERELA | HR: Distributable Relat. Direction |
OOALESIN | HR: Serialization in ALE Inbound |
OOALESOUT | HR: Serialization in ALE Outbound |
OOAP | Set Active Plan Version |
OOAS | Aspects |
OOATTRCUST | Customizing General Attribute Maint. |
OOATTRCUST_DISP | Customizing General Attribute Maint. |
OOATTRCUST_TRSP | Customizing General Attribute Maint. |
OOAU | Authorizations |
OOAW | Evaluation Paths |
OOBC | Pushbutton Control Batch Input |
OOCDOC_CUST | Activate Change Documents |
OOCH | Consistency Check |
OOCOLFRAMCUST | Column Framework Customizing |
OOCOLFRAMCUST_DISP | Column Framework Customizing |
OOCOLFRAMCUST_TRSP | Column Framework Customizing |
OOCR | Set up PD Transport Connection |
OOCT | Catalogs |
OOCU | Task Customizing |
OOCU_PAR | Task Customizing with parameters |
OOCU_RESP | Customizing Responsibilities |
OODT | Data Transfer |
OOFRAMEWORKCUST | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKCUST_DISP | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKCUST_TRSP | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKIFCUST | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKIFCUST_DI | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOFRAMEWORKIFCUST_TR | Hierarchy Framework Customizing |
OOIT | Infotypes |
OOLG | Language Sequence in Pers. Planning |
OOMA | Mail Connection |
OOMG | Control Elements Materials Mgmt |
OOMT | Actions |
OOMV | Create Sequential File for PD |
OONC | No. Assignment for All Plan Versions |
OONR | Number Ranges |
OOOBJMANCUST | Object Manager Customizing |
OOOBJMANCUST_DISP | Object Manager Customizing |
OOOBJMANCUST_TRSP | Object Manager Customizing |
OOOE | Organizational Plan |
OOOS | Functions |
OOOT | Maintain object types |
OOPPOMSET | T77S0: PPOM Settings |
OOPR | Authorization Profile Maintenance |
OOPV | Plan Versions |
OOSB | User (Structural Authorization) |
OOSP | Authorization Profiles |
OOSU | Subtypes |
OOTR | Display Import Lock Table |
OOTS | Breakpoints |
OOUA | Batch Input User Level |
OOUS | Maintain User |
OOV1 | Display Table T77S0 |
OOV2 | Maintain Table T77S0 |
OOVK | Relationships |
OOW1 | Classification of Task Complexes |
OOW2 | Substitute Profile |
OOW3 | Substitute Profile: Class. Assignmnt |
OOW4 | Workflow/Org.Mgmt Prefix Numbers |
OOWFAC | Activate Workflow Event Linkage |
OOZR | Target OT-Dependent Time Constraint |
PA0A | Number Range Maintenance: HRPERSON |
PF_WLS_SUBST | Substitute inbox worklist server |
PF05 | Number Range Maintenance: HRSOBJECT |
PFAC | Maintain Rule |
PFAC_CHG | Change Rules |
PFAC_DEL | Delete Rule |
PFAC_DIS | Display Rule |
PFAC_INS | Create Rule |
PFAC_RESPO | Maintain Responsibilities |
PFAC_STR | Maintain Rules -> Dummy Screen |
PFAL | HR: ALE Distribution HR Master Data |
PFCP | Copy Workflow Tasks |
PFCT | Task Catalog |
PFCU | Task Customizing |
PFOM | Maintain Assignment to SAP Org.Objs |
PFOS | Display Assignment to SAP Org.Objs |
PFSO | User's Organizational Environment |
PFT | Maintain Customer Task |
PFTC | General Task Maintenance |
PFTC_CHG | Change Tasks |
PFTC_COP | Copy Tasks |
PFTC_DEL | Delete Tasks |
PFTC_DIS | Display Tasks |
PFTC_INS | Create Tasks |
PFTC_STR | Task Maintenance -> Dummy Screen |
PFTG | Maintain Task Group |
PFTR | Standard Task for Transaction |
PFTS | Standard Task |
PFWF | Maintain Workflow Task (Customer) |
PFWS | Maintain Workflow Template |
PO01 | Maintain Work Center |
PO01D | Display Work Center |
PO03 | Maintain Job |
PO03D | Display Job |
PO08 | Maintain External Person |
PO08D | Display External Person |
PO10 | Maintain Organizational Unit |
PO10D | Display Organizational Unit |
PO13 | Maintain Position |
PO13D | Display Position |
PO14 | Maintain Task |
PO14D | Display Task |
PO15 | Maintain Company |
PO15D | Display Company |
PP01 | Maintain Plan Data (Menu-Guided) |
PP01_DISP | Display Plan Data (Menu Guided) |
PP02 | Maintain Plan Data (Open) |
PP03 | Maintain Plan Data (Action-Based) |
PP03_DIRECT | Execute Action Directly |
PP05 | Number Ranges |
PP06 | Number Range Maintenance: HRADATA |
PP90 | Set up Organization |
PPCI | Copy Infotype |
PPCJ | Create Infotype |
PPCK | Enhance List Screen |
PPCM | Enhance Infotype |
PPCO | Organisational Plan: Initial Screen |
PPCT | Task Catalog |
PPDM | Detail Maintenance Planning ITs |
PPO3 | Change Reporting Structure |
PPO4 | Display Reporting Structure |
PPOC | Create Organizational Plan |
PPOC_OLD | Create Organizational Plan |
PPOCA | Create Attributes |
PPOCE | Create Organization and Staffing |
PPOCW | Create Org. and Staffing (WF) |
PPOM | Maintain Organizational Plan |
PPOM_DEL | Delete user settings |
PPOM_MODE | Org. Management:InterfaceMaintenance |
PPOM_OLD | Maintain Organizational Plan |
PPOMA | Change Attributes |
PPOMDETAIL | Detail screen in mini framework |
PPOME | Change Organization and Staffing |
PPOMW | Change Org. and Staffing (WF) |
PPOS | Display Organizational Plan |
PPOS_OLD | Display Organizational Plan |
PPOSA | Display attributes |
PPOSE | Display organization and Staffing |
PPOSW | Display Org. and Staffing (WF) |
PPST | Structure Evaluation |
PPWFBUF | Synchronize OM Workflow Buffer |
PQ01 | Actions for Work Center |
PQ03 | Actions for Job |
PQ08 | Actions for External Person |
PQ10 | Actions for Organizational Unit |
PQ13 | Actions for Position |
PQ14 | Actions for Task |
PQ15 | Actions for Company |
PSO0 | Set Plan Version for OrgManagement |
PSO1 | Set Aspect for OrgManagement |
PSO2 | PS System/Database Tools |
PSO3 | Infotype Overview |
PSO4 | Individual Infotype Maintenance |
PSO5 | PD: Administration Tools |
PSOA | Work Center Reporting |
PSOC | Job Reporting |
PSOG | OrgManagement General Reporting |
PSOI | Tools Integration PA-PD |
PSOO | Organizational Unit Reporting |
PSOS | Position Reporting |
PSOT | Task Reporting |
RE_RHAKTI00 | Change Object Status |
RE_RHALECLEANRELA | HR: Clean Relationships |
RE_RHALECPS | HR: Display ALE Change Pointers |
RE_RHALEHRMDORIGINIT | HR: Initialize Orig.Sys. - Plan.Data |
RE_RHALEORGMOVE | HR: Transfer Planning Data |
RE_RHALEORIGLIST | HR: Orig.System List - Planning Data |
RE_RHALERELAX | HR: Expert Relationship Cleanup |
RE_RHALESERCHECK | HR: Check Registration |
RE_RHALESMD | HR: Evaluate ALE Change Pointers |
RE_RHAUTH00 | Authorized Objects |
RE_RHBEGDA0 | Change start date |
RE_RHCHECK1 | Check Database Consistency |
RE_RHCHECKV | Check Relationships |
RE_RHCHEXOB | Reconcile Infotypes Ext. Objects |
RE_RHCOPL00 | Copy Plan Version W/O Comparison |
RE_RHCOPLPT | Reconcile Plan Versions (Partly) |
RE_RHCOPY00 | Copy Object |
RE_RHCOPY10 | Copy Objects Using Selection List |
RE_RHCOPYSTRUCT | Copy structures |
RE_RHDBST00 | PD Database Statistics |
RE_RHDBST10 | Database Statistics: No. of Objects |
RE_RHDBST20 | Database Statistics: No. of Notes |
RE_RHDBST30 | Database Statistics: Infotype |
RE_RHDBST40 | Database Statistics: Infotypes |
RE_RHDESC10 | Display Infotypes of an Object |
RE_RHEXIST0 | Existing Objects |
RE_RHGRENZ0 | Delimit Objects |
RE_RHGRENZ1 | Set New End Date |
RE_RHGRENZ2 | Delimit Infotypes |
RE_RHGRENZ4 | Set new end date for infotypes |
RE_RHMOVE30 | Manual Transport Link |
RE_RHNAVIG0 | Structure Navigation Instrument |
RE_RHRHAZ00 | Display PD Database Records |
RE_RHRHDC00 | Delete HR Database Records via List |
RE_RHRHDL00 | Delete PD Database Records |
RE_RHTRANS0 | Translate Language-Dependent Records |
RE_RHXEXI00 | Existing Organizational Units |
RE_RHXEXI01 | Existing Work Centers |
RE_RHXEXI02 | Existing Jobs |
RE_RHXEXI03 | Existing Positions |
RE_RHXEXI04 | Existing Tasks |
RE_RHXSTR00 | Organizational Plan (Org.Units Only) |
RE_RHXSTR01 | Org. Structure with Positions |
RE_RHXSTR02 | Org. Structure with Persons |
RE_RHXSTR03 | Org. Structure with Work Centers |
RE_RHXSTR04 | Reporting Structure with Persons |
RE_RHXSTR05 | Reporting Structure Without Persons |
RE_RHXSTR06 | Work Centers per Org. Unit |
RE_RHXSTR07 | Activity Profile Without Persons |
RE_RHXSTR08 | Activity Profile with Persons |
Table Name | Description |
HR_NAMESPACE | Query HR Namespace |
OOGA | Designs |
OOGT | User Assignment |
OOMS | Toolboxes |
OOOD | Data Sets |
OOST | Standard Assignment |
PGOM | Graphical Structure Maintenance |
Table Name | Description |
DELETE_MDT_SETTINGS | Delete Manager's Desktop Settings |
GRM_WRAPPER | Generic Role Manager: Wrapper |
OO9M | Matrix Types |
OOMWB1 | MDT Scenario Maintenance |
PPMDT | Manager's Desktop |
PPMDTCW | Customizing wizard Manager's Desktop |
PPME | Change Matrix Organization |
PPMS | Display Matrix Organization |
PPSC | Create Structure |
PPSM | Change Structure |
PPSS | Display Structure |
PZUS | ESS General Settings |
PZUSFB | ESS MiniApp Photograph/Birthday |
PZUSWHO | ESS Who's Who |
SCFB | Role Manager: Start of a Function |
SCRE | Role Manager: Start of a Report |
Table Name | Description |
DELETE_MDT_SETTINGS | Delete Manager's Desktop Settings |
GRM_WRAPPER | Generic Role Manager: Wrapper |
OO9M | Matrix Types |
OOMWB1 | MDT Scenario Maintenance |
PPMDT | Manager's Desktop |
PPMDTCW | Customizing wizard Manager's Desktop |
PPME | Change Matrix Organization |
PPMS | Display Matrix Organization |
PPSC | Create Structure |
PPSM | Change Structure |
PPSS | Display Structure |
PZUS | ESS General Settings |
PZUSFB | ESS MiniApp Photograph/Birthday |
PZUSWHO | ESS Who's Who |
SCFB | Role Manager: Start of a Function |
SCRE | Role Manager: Start of a Report |
Table Name | Description |
RSWELOGD | Delete Event Trace |
RSWEWWDHMSHOW | Display Background Job SWWERRE |
RSWEWWDHSHOW | Display Work Item Deadline Monitorng |
RSWWCLEAR | Execute Work Item Clearing Work |
RSWWCOND | Execute Work Item Rule Monitoring |
RSWWCOND_MON | Monitoring - Rule Monitoring |
RSWWDHEX | ExecuteWorkItemDeadlineMonitoring |
S_B90_38000009 | Tasks for Document Integration |
SBPT_WB | Wizard Builder |
SBPT_WIZARD_BUILDER | Wizard Builder |
SOJ2 | SAP Objects: Display Methods |
SOJ3 | SAP Objects: Display Return Values |
SW10 | Delivery Verification |
SWB_COND | Maintain Workflow Start Conditions |
SWB_COND_DISPLAY | Display Workflow Start Conditions |
SWB_PROCUREMENT | Maintain B2B Start Conditions |
SWB3 | Maintain Start Conditions |
SWB4 | Display Start Conditions |
SWDA | Alphanumeric Workflow Builder |
SWDB | Create workflow |
SWDC | Workflow Definition: Administration |
SWDC_DEFINITION | Workflow Builder Administration |
SWDC_INTERNAL | Workflow Definition: Administration |
SWDC_RUNTIME | Maintain Administrator for Runtime |
SWDD | Workflow Builder |
SWDD_CONFIG | Workflow Configuration |
SWDI | Workflow Builder (Selection) |
SWDM | Business Workflow Explorer |
SWDN | Number Range Maint.: SWD_WDID |
SWDP | Show Graphical Workflow Log |
SWDS | Workflow Builder (Selection) |
SWE_CD_TST | Test Environ. for Change Documents |
SWE_SET_DELEGATION | Create Delegation in BOR |
SWE2 | Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages |
SWE3 | Display Instance Linkages |
SWE4 | Status Change Event Trace |
SWE5 | Checks for Event Linkages |
SWEAD | Event Queue Administration |
SWEC | Event Linkage for Change Documents |
SWED | Assignment chng.doc./WF object type |
SWEHR1 | Linkage: Object Type to HR Infotype |
SWEHR2 | Event - Infotype Operation (SAP) |
SWEHR3 | Event-Infotype Operation (Customer) |
SWEINST | Display Instance Linkages |
SWEL | Display Event Trace |
SWELS | Switch Event Trace On/Off |
SWEM | Configure Event Trace |
SWEQADM | Event Queue Administration |
SWEQADM_1 | Maintain Event Queue Administrator |
SWEQBROWSER | Event Queue Browser |
SWEQDEL | Delete Event Queue |
SWETYPV | Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages |
SWF_ADM_SUSPEND | Restart Suspended Workflows |
SWF_ADM_SWWWIDH | Restart Suspended Deadlines |
SWF_APPL_DISPLAY | Workflow: Application Log |
SWF_AUTO | Automatic Workflow Customizing |
SWF_BAM | BAM: Administration |
SWF_BAM_TRC | Tracing for BAM |
SWF_CCMS_CONFIG | CCMS: Configuration |
SWF_CNT_MAINTENANCE | Diagnosis and Container Comparison |
SWF_CRL1 | Correlation Editor |
SWF_GMP | Administrator Overview |
SWF_INB_CONF | Configuration Inbound Processing |
SWF_LOG_ADM | Administration for Log Profiles |
SWF_OBJ_EXEC | Execute Object Method |
SWF_OBJ_EXEC_BO | Execute Object Method (SWOOBJID) |
SWF_OBJ_EXEC_CL | Execute Object Method (SIBFLPORB) |
SWF_RESTART_CANCEL | Restart Suspended Cancel |
SWF_RESTART_SUSPEND | Restart Suspended Callbacks |
SWF_RFC_DEST | Configure RFC Destination |
SWF_TRC | Workflow Trace: Display |
SWF_TRC_ALL | Workflow Trace: Display All Comp. |
SWF_TRC_DEMO | Workflow Trace: Display DEMO-K. |
SWF_TRC_SEL | Workflow Trace: Display with Selectn |
SWF_WAPI_TEST | Automatic Test of SAP_WAPI |
SWF_XI_ARCHIV | Display Archived Processes |
SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING | Automatic BPM Customizing |
SWF_XI_DISPATCH_SHOW | Display Message Dispatcher |
SWF_XI_DISPCLR_SHOW | Display Message Dispatcher Cleanup |
SWF_XI_PBUILDER | Process Builder |
SWF_XI_SWI1 | Process Selection |
SWF_XI_SWI14 | Processes for One Message Type |
SWF_XI_SWI2_DEAD | Processes with Missed Deadline |
SWF_XI_SWI2_DIAG | Diagnosis Processes with Errors |
SWF_XI_SWI6 | Processes for a Message |
SWF_XI_SWPC | Continue Process After System Crash |
SWF_XI_SWPR | Continue Process Following Error |
SWF_XI_SWU2 | RFC Monitor |
SWF_XMP1 | XML Object Type Builder |
SWF3 | Workflow Wizard Explorer |
SWF4 | Workflow Wizard Repository |
SWFC | Automatic Workflow Customizing |
SWFSLSA | Maintain Deadline Monitoring |
SWFSLSC | Schedule Deadline-Monitoring Job |
SWFSLST | Display Deadline-Monitoring Trace |
SWFVISU | Workflow Visualization Metadata |
SWH_ADM1 | Work Item Upgrade: Definition GUID |
SWH_PROCESS_INFO | Demo for Process Info System |
SWI1 | Selection report for workflows |
SWI1_COND | Check Conditions for Work Items |
SWI1_RULE | Execute Rules for Work Items |
SWI11 | Where-Used List for Tasks |
SWI13 | Task Profile |
SWI14 | Workflows for Object Type |
SWI2_ADM1 | Work Items Without Agents |
SWI2_ADM2 | Work Items with Deleted Users |
SWI2_DEAD | Work Items with Monitored Deadlines |
SWI2_DIAG | Diagnosis of Workflows with Errors |
SWI2_DURA | Work Items by Processing Duration |
SWI2_FREQ | Work Items per Task |
SWI3 | Workflow Outbox |
SWI30 | Unlock Workflows |
SWI5 | Workload Analysis |
SWI5N | Workload Analysis |
SWI6 | Workflows for Object |
SWIA | WI Administration Report |
SWIE | Unlock Work Item |
SWJ1 | Browser for Schedule Conditions |
SWL1 | Settings for dynamic columns |
SWLC | Check Tasks for Agents |
SWLD_INPLACE1 | Demo Embedded Inbox |
SWLD_INPLACE2 | Demo Embedded Inbox (Professional) |
SWLO | Display work items for objects |
SWLP | Copy a Plan Version |
SWLV | Maintain Work Item Views |
SWNADMIN | Administration of Notifications |
SWNCONFIG | Configuration Notifications |
SWNNOTIFDEL | Delete Notifications |
SWNWIEX | WF Notification: Edit Work Item |
SWP_CHANGE_MAXNODES | Change Maximum Number of Nodes |
SWPA | Runtime System Customizing |
SWPC | WFM: Continue Workflow |
SWPR | WFM: Restart Workflow |
SWR_WEBSERVER | Web Server Customizing |
SWRP | Dummy for IAC Workflow Status |
SWT0 | Configure workflow trace |
SWTFILTER | Administration: Trace Activation |
SWTREORG | Reorganization Trace for Requests |
SWTREQ | Analyze Workflow Trace for Requests |
SWU_CONT_PERSISTENCE | Administrate Container Persistence |
SWU_EWBTE | Wizard for Event Linkage (BTE) |
SWU_EWCD | Wizard for Event Linkage (Chg. Doc.) |
SWU_EWLIS | Wizard for Event Linkage (LIS) |
SWU_OBUF | Runtime Buffer PD Org |
SWU0 | Simulate event |
SWU1 | User RFC Monitor |
SWU10 | Delete Workflow Trace Files |
SWU2 | Workflow RFC Monitor |
SWU3 | Automatic Workflow Customizing |
SWU3_OLD | Consistency check: Customizing |
SWU4 | Consistency Test for Standard Task |
SWU5 | Consistency Test for Customer Task |
SWU6 | Consistency Test for Workflow Task |
SWU7 | Consistency Test for Workflow Templ. |
SWU8 | Workflow Trace: On/Off |
SWU9 | Display Workflow Trace |
SWUA | Start Verification Workflow |
SWUB | Maintain Workflow RFC Destination |
SWUC | Customizing decision task |
SWUC_01 | SAP Task Customizing |
SWUD | Workflow Diagnosis |
SWUE | Trigger an event |
SWUG | Generate Workflow Start Transaction |
SWUI | Start Workflow |
SWUI_BENCHMARK | Start Performance Workflows |
SWUI_DEMO | Start Demo Workflows |
SWUI_SINGLE | Start Workflow (Parameter) |
SWUI_START | Start Workflow (Task Group) |
SWUI_VERIFY | Start Test Workflows |
SWUI_WFUNIT | Start Unit Workflows |
SWUK | Mapping form type - mail address |
SWUL | Customizing: Process Administrator |
SWUN | Number Range Maintenance: FORMABSENC |
SWUO_DEL | Deletion Report for Workflow Docs |
SWUOCHECK | Test Report for Workflow Documents |
SWUP | Switch SAPforms Trace On/Off |
SWUR | Send mails for work items |
SWUS | Test Workflow |
SWUS_WITH_REFERENCE | Workflow: Start with Reference |
SWUT | Namespace for Form Transactions |
SWUU | SAPforms: Diagnosis |
SWUV | Send E-Mail Notifications |
SWUW | Number Range Maint.: SWW_WIID |
SWUY | Workflow-Message Linkage |
SWW_ARCHIV | Display Workflows from Archive |
SWW_DISPSWWCLEAR | Show Background Job for Clearing |
SWW_DISPSWWCOND | Display: Background Job for Pre/Post |
SWW_SARA | Archive Work Items |
SWWA | Maintain WI Deadline Monitoring |
SWWB | Schedule WI Deadline Monitoring |
SWWCLEAR_DELETE | Unschedule Workflow Clearing Tasks |
SWWCLEAR_INSERT | Workflow: Background Job 'SWWCLEAR' |
SWWCOND_DELETE | Unschedule Work Item Rule Monitoring |
SWWCOND_INSERT | Workflow: Background Job 'SWWCOND' |
SWWD | Maintain Work Item Error Monitoring |
SWWDHEX_DEBUG | Work Item - Deadline Monitoring |
SWWDHEX_DELETE | UnscheduleWorkItemDeadlineMonitoring |
SWWERRE_APPL_LOG | Application Log for SWWERRE |
SWWERRE_DEBUG | Work Item - Error Monitoring (Debug) |
SWWERRE_DELETE | Unschedule WorkItem Error Monitoring |
SWWERRE_INSERT | Workflow: Batch Job 'SWWERRE' |
SWWH | WIM: Delete Work Item History |
SWWL | WIM: Delete Work Item |
SWWL_DEP | Delete Dependent Table Entries |
SWWL_TOPLEVEL | Delete Top Level Work Item |
SWXF | DEMO: Create Notification of Absence |
SWXFTB | DEMO: Notif. of Absence Toolbox |
SWXML | XML Document Selection |
TF_WS453012160001 | Query About a Flight Booking |
TF_WS700004380001 | AbsenceRequestCreate |
TF_WS770001350001 | Leave request |
WF_CNT_MAINTENANCE | Diagnosis + Comparison of Container |
WF_CPL | WebFlow Service Task Linkages |
WF_EXTSRV | Maintain WebFlow Services |
WF_HANDCUST | Customizing for Service Handler |
WF_START | Start Workflow |
WF_START_EWT | Start Workflow (EWT) |
WF00 | Workflow: Choose Processes |
WF01 | Workflow: Process |
WF02 | Workflow: Rule Editor |
WF03 | Workflow: Display Process |
WF04 | Workflow: Process in Background |
WF05 | Workflow: Queue |
WF06 | Workflow: Process Type Categories |
WF07 | Workflow: Link Roles |
WF08 | Workflow: Function Module Parameters |
WF09 | Number range: Processes |
WFWS | Maintain WebFlow Services (WSDL) |
WI_EXE_STARTER | Start Work Item Execution |
WI_EXECUTE | Execute Work Item |
WI_EXECUTE_EWT | Execute Work Item (EWT) |
Table Name | Description |
RSWELOGD | Delete Event Trace |
RSWEWWDHMSHOW | Display Background Job SWWERRE |
RSWEWWDHSHOW | Display Work Item Deadline Monitorng |
RSWWCLEAR | Execute Work Item Clearing Work |
RSWWCOND | Execute Work Item Rule Monitoring |
RSWWCOND_MON | Monitoring - Rule Monitoring |
RSWWDHEX | ExecuteWorkItemDeadlineMonitoring |
S_B90_38000009 | Tasks for Document Integration |
SBPT_WB | Wizard Builder |
SBPT_WIZARD_BUILDER | Wizard Builder |
SOJ2 | SAP Objects: Display Methods |
SOJ3 | SAP Objects: Display Return Values |
SW10 | Delivery Verification |
SWB_COND | Maintain Workflow Start Conditions |
SWB_COND_DISPLAY | Display Workflow Start Conditions |
SWB_PROCUREMENT | Maintain B2B Start Conditions |
SWB3 | Maintain Start Conditions |
SWB4 | Display Start Conditions |
SWDA | Alphanumeric Workflow Builder |
SWDB | Create workflow |
SWDC | Workflow Definition: Administration |
SWDC_DEFINITION | Workflow Builder Administration |
SWDC_INTERNAL | Workflow Definition: Administration |
SWDC_RUNTIME | Maintain Administrator for Runtime |
SWDD | Workflow Builder |
SWDD_CONFIG | Workflow Configuration |
SWDI | Workflow Builder (Selection) |
SWDM | Business Workflow Explorer |
SWDN | Number Range Maint.: SWD_WDID |
SWDP | Show Graphical Workflow Log |
SWDS | Workflow Builder (Selection) |
SWE_CD_TST | Test Environ. for Change Documents |
SWE_SET_DELEGATION | Create Delegation in BOR |
SWE2 | Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages |
SWE3 | Display Instance Linkages |
SWE4 | Status Change Event Trace |
SWE5 | Checks for Event Linkages |
SWEAD | Event Queue Administration |
SWEC | Event Linkage for Change Documents |
SWED | Assignment chng.doc./WF object type |
SWEHR1 | Linkage: Object Type to HR Infotype |
SWEHR2 | Event - Infotype Operation (SAP) |
SWEHR3 | Event-Infotype Operation (Customer) |
SWEINST | Display Instance Linkages |
SWEL | Display Event Trace |
SWELS | Switch Event Trace On/Off |
SWEM | Configure Event Trace |
SWEQADM | Event Queue Administration |
SWEQADM_1 | Maintain Event Queue Administrator |
SWEQBROWSER | Event Queue Browser |
SWEQDEL | Delete Event Queue |
SWETYPV | Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages |
SWF_ADM_SUSPEND | Restart Suspended Workflows |
SWF_ADM_SWWWIDH | Restart Suspended Deadlines |
SWF_APPL_DISPLAY | Workflow: Application Log |
SWF_AUTO | Automatic Workflow Customizing |
SWF_BAM | BAM: Administration |
SWF_BAM_TRC | Tracing for BAM |
SWF_CCMS_CONFIG | CCMS: Configuration |
SWF_CNT_MAINTENANCE | Diagnosis and Container Comparison |
SWF_CRL1 | Correlation Editor |
SWF_GMP | Administrator Overview |
SWF_INB_CONF | Configuration Inbound Processing |
SWF_LOG_ADM | Administration for Log Profiles |
SWF_OBJ_EXEC | Execute Object Method |
SWF_OBJ_EXEC_BO | Execute Object Method (SWOOBJID) |
SWF_OBJ_EXEC_CL | Execute Object Method (SIBFLPORB) |
SWF_RESTART_CANCEL | Restart Suspended Cancel |
SWF_RESTART_SUSPEND | Restart Suspended Callbacks |
SWF_RFC_DEST | Configure RFC Destination |
SWF_TRC | Workflow Trace: Display |
SWF_TRC_ALL | Workflow Trace: Display All Comp. |
SWF_TRC_DEMO | Workflow Trace: Display DEMO-K. |
SWF_TRC_SEL | Workflow Trace: Display with Selectn |
SWF_WAPI_TEST | Automatic Test of SAP_WAPI |
SWF_XI_ARCHIV | Display Archived Processes |
SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING | Automatic BPM Customizing |
SWF_XI_DISPATCH_SHOW | Display Message Dispatcher |
SWF_XI_DISPCLR_SHOW | Display Message Dispatcher Cleanup |
SWF_XI_PBUILDER | Process Builder |
SWF_XI_SWI1 | Process Selection |
SWF_XI_SWI14 | Processes for One Message Type |
SWF_XI_SWI2_DEAD | Processes with Missed Deadline |
SWF_XI_SWI2_DIAG | Diagnosis Processes with Errors |
SWF_XI_SWI6 | Processes for a Message |
SWF_XI_SWPC | Continue Process After System Crash |
SWF_XI_SWPR | Continue Process Following Error |
SWF_XI_SWU2 | RFC Monitor |
SWF_XMP1 | XML Object Type Builder |
SWF3 | Workflow Wizard Explorer |
SWF4 | Workflow Wizard Repository |
SWFC | Automatic Workflow Customizing |
SWFSLSA | Maintain Deadline Monitoring |
SWFSLSC | Schedule Deadline-Monitoring Job |
SWFSLST | Display Deadline-Monitoring Trace |
SWFVISU | Workflow Visualization Metadata |
SWH_ADM1 | Work Item Upgrade: Definition GUID |
SWH_PROCESS_INFO | Demo for Process Info System |
SWI1 | Selection report for workflows |
SWI1_COND | Check Conditions for Work Items |
SWI1_RULE | Execute Rules for Work Items |
SWI11 | Where-Used List for Tasks |
SWI13 | Task Profile |
SWI14 | Workflows for Object Type |
SWI2_ADM1 | Work Items Without Agents |
SWI2_ADM2 | Work Items with Deleted Users |
SWI2_DEAD | Work Items with Monitored Deadlines |
SWI2_DIAG | Diagnosis of Workflows with Errors |
SWI2_DURA | Work Items by Processing Duration |
SWI2_FREQ | Work Items per Task |
SWI3 | Workflow Outbox |
SWI30 | Unlock Workflows |
SWI5 | Workload Analysis |
SWI5N | Workload Analysis |
SWI6 | Workflows for Object |
SWIA | WI Administration Report |
SWIE | Unlock Work Item |
SWJ1 | Browser for Schedule Conditions |
SWL1 | Settings for dynamic columns |
SWLC | Check Tasks for Agents |
SWLD_INPLACE1 | Demo Embedded Inbox |
SWLD_INPLACE2 | Demo Embedded Inbox (Professional) |
SWLO | Display work items for objects |
SWLP | Copy a Plan Version |
SWLV | Maintain Work Item Views |
SWNADMIN | Administration of Notifications |
SWNCONFIG | Configuration Notifications |
SWNNOTIFDEL | Delete Notifications |
SWNWIEX | WF Notification: Edit Work Item |
SWP_CHANGE_MAXNODES | Change Maximum Number of Nodes |
SWPA | Runtime System Customizing |
SWPC | WFM: Continue Workflow |
SWPR | WFM: Restart Workflow |
SWR_WEBSERVER | Web Server Customizing |
SWRP | Dummy for IAC Workflow Status |
SWT0 | Configure workflow trace |
SWTFILTER | Administration: Trace Activation |
SWTREORG | Reorganization Trace for Requests |
SWTREQ | Analyze Workflow Trace for Requests |
SWU_CONT_PERSISTENCE | Administrate Container Persistence |
SWU_EWBTE | Wizard for Event Linkage (BTE) |
SWU_EWCD | Wizard for Event Linkage (Chg. Doc.) |
SWU_EWLIS | Wizard for Event Linkage (LIS) |
SWU_OBUF | Runtime Buffer PD Org |
SWU0 | Simulate event |
SWU1 | User RFC Monitor |
SWU10 | Delete Workflow Trace Files |
SWU2 | Workflow RFC Monitor |
SWU3 | Automatic Workflow Customizing |
SWU3_OLD | Consistency check: Customizing |
SWU4 | Consistency Test for Standard Task |
SWU5 | Consistency Test for Customer Task |
SWU6 | Consistency Test for Workflow Task |
SWU7 | Consistency Test for Workflow Templ. |
SWU8 | Workflow Trace: On/Off |
SWU9 | Display Workflow Trace |
SWUA | Start Verification Workflow |
SWUB | Maintain Workflow RFC Destination |
SWUC | Customizing decision task |
SWUC_01 | SAP Task Customizing |
SWUD | Workflow Diagnosis |
SWUE | Trigger an event |
SWUG | Generate Workflow Start Transaction |
SWUI | Start Workflow |
SWUI_BENCHMARK | Start Performance Workflows |
SWUI_DEMO | Start Demo Workflows |
SWUI_SINGLE | Start Workflow (Parameter) |
SWUI_START | Start Workflow (Task Group) |
SWUI_VERIFY | Start Test Workflows |
SWUI_WFUNIT | Start Unit Workflows |
SWUK | Mapping form type - mail address |
SWUL | Customizing: Process Administrator |
SWUN | Number Range Maintenance: FORMABSENC |
SWUO_DEL | Deletion Report for Workflow Docs |
SWUOCHECK | Test Report for Workflow Documents |
SWUP | Switch SAPforms Trace On/Off |
SWUR | Send mails for work items |
SWUS | Test Workflow |
SWUS_WITH_REFERENCE | Workflow: Start with Reference |
SWUT | Namespace for Form Transactions |
SWUU | SAPforms: Diagnosis |
SWUV | Send E-Mail Notifications |
SWUW | Number Range Maint.: SWW_WIID |
SWUY | Workflow-Message Linkage |
SWW_ARCHIV | Display Workflows from Archive |
SWW_DISPSWWCLEAR | Show Background Job for Clearing |
SWW_DISPSWWCOND | Display: Background Job for Pre/Post |
SWW_SARA | Archive Work Items |
SWWA | Maintain WI Deadline Monitoring |
SWWB | Schedule WI Deadline Monitoring |
SWWCLEAR_DELETE | Unschedule Workflow Clearing Tasks |
SWWCLEAR_INSERT | Workflow: Background Job 'SWWCLEAR' |
SWWCOND_DELETE | Unschedule Work Item Rule Monitoring |
SWWCOND_INSERT | Workflow: Background Job 'SWWCOND' |
SWWD | Maintain Work Item Error Monitoring |
SWWDHEX_DEBUG | Work Item - Deadline Monitoring |
SWWDHEX_DELETE | UnscheduleWorkItemDeadlineMonitoring |
SWWERRE_APPL_LOG | Application Log for SWWERRE |
SWWERRE_DEBUG | Work Item - Error Monitoring (Debug) |
SWWERRE_DELETE | Unschedule WorkItem Error Monitoring |
SWWERRE_INSERT | Workflow: Batch Job 'SWWERRE' |
SWWH | WIM: Delete Work Item History |
SWWL | WIM: Delete Work Item |
SWWL_DEP | Delete Dependent Table Entries |
SWWL_TOPLEVEL | Delete Top Level Work Item |
SWXF | DEMO: Create Notification of Absence |
SWXFTB | DEMO: Notif. of Absence Toolbox |
SWXML | XML Document Selection |
TF_WS453012160001 | Query About a Flight Booking |
TF_WS700004380001 | AbsenceRequestCreate |
TF_WS770001350001 | Leave request |
WF_CNT_MAINTENANCE | Diagnosis + Comparison of Container |
WF_CPL | WebFlow Service Task Linkages |
WF_EXTSRV | Maintain WebFlow Services |
WF_HANDCUST | Customizing for Service Handler |
WF_START | Start Workflow |
WF_START_EWT | Start Workflow (EWT) |
WF00 | Workflow: Choose Processes |
WF01 | Workflow: Process |
WF02 | Workflow: Rule Editor |
WF03 | Workflow: Display Process |
WF04 | Workflow: Process in Background |
WF05 | Workflow: Queue |
WF06 | Workflow: Process Type Categories |
WF07 | Workflow: Link Roles |
WF08 | Workflow: Function Module Parameters |
WF09 | Number range: Processes |
WFWS | Maintain WebFlow Services (WSDL) |
WI_EXE_STARTER | Start Work Item Execution |
WI_EXECUTE | Execute Work Item |
WI_EXECUTE_EWT | Execute Work Item (EWT) |
Table Name | Description |
SBWP_GP | SAP Business Workplace for GP |
SWF_DEBUG | Edit Workflow Breakpoints |
SWF_GP | Guided Procedures |
Table Name | Description |
SBWP_GP | SAP Business Workplace for GP |
SWF_DEBUG | Edit Workflow Breakpoints |
SWF_GP | Guided Procedures |
Table Name | Description |
SWFMOD_TRANSPORT | Transport workflow Modeler objects |
Table Name | Description |
CI_IMPORT | Import Device Properties |
Table Name | Description |
SO2_MIME_REPOSITORY | Mime Repository |
Table Name | Description |
ODQMON | Monitor for Operational Delta Queue |
RSA0 | Content Settings Maintenance |
RSA10 | Realtime Test Interface Srce System |
RSA2 | SAPI DataSource Repository |
RSA2OLD | SAPI DataSource (Old GUI) |
RSA3 | Extractor Checker |
RSA5 | Install Business Content |
RSA6 | Maintain DataSources |
RSA7 | BW Delta Queue Monitor |
RSA8 | DataSource Repository |
RSA9 | Transfer Application Components |
RSAP_AUDIT_PREVIEW | Preview for Syst. Measurement in BI |
RSFH | Test Transaction Data Extractors |
RSMD | Extractor Checker |
RSO2 | Oltp Metadata Repository |
RSO3 | Set Up Deltas for Master Data |
RSRR_WEB | Report-Report Interface in Web |
RSSCM_APPL | Application settings SCM4.0 and BW |
RSSG_BROWSER | Simple Data Browser |
RSSGPCLA | Maintain program class |
RSU7 | Data Extraction: Maintain Parameters |
SBI1 | Maintain enhanced InfoSource |
SBI2 | Maintain enhanced master data str. |
SBI3 | Maintain append for InfoSource |
SBI4 | Maintain append for master data |
SBI5 | Delete InfoObjects |
SBIW | BIW in IMG for OLTP |
TRSA | S-API Debugger |
Table Name | Description |
ODQMON | Monitor for Operational Delta Queue |
RSA0 | Content Settings Maintenance |
RSA10 | Realtime Test Interface Srce System |
RSA2 | SAPI DataSource Repository |
RSA2OLD | SAPI DataSource (Old GUI) |
RSA3 | Extractor Checker |
RSA5 | Install Business Content |
RSA6 | Maintain DataSources |
RSA7 | BW Delta Queue Monitor |
RSA8 | DataSource Repository |
RSA9 | Transfer Application Components |
RSAP_AUDIT_PREVIEW | Preview for Syst. Measurement in BI |
RSFH | Test Transaction Data Extractors |
RSMD | Extractor Checker |
RSO2 | Oltp Metadata Repository |
RSO3 | Set Up Deltas for Master Data |
RSRR_WEB | Report-Report Interface in Web |
RSSCM_APPL | Application settings SCM4.0 and BW |
RSSG_BROWSER | Simple Data Browser |
RSSGPCLA | Maintain program class |
RSU7 | Data Extraction: Maintain Parameters |
SBI1 | Maintain enhanced InfoSource |
SBI2 | Maintain enhanced master data str. |
SBI3 | Maintain append for InfoSource |
SBI4 | Maintain append for master data |
SBI5 | Delete InfoObjects |
SBIW | BIW in IMG for OLTP |
TRSA | S-API Debugger |
Table Name | Description |
AL12 | Display table buffer (Exp. session) |
AL13 | Display Shared Memory (Expert mode) |
ASACT | Activate Application Stat. Types |
ASOKEY | Definition of SAP Function OPENKEY |
DB01 | Analyze exclusive lockwaits |
DB02 | Tables and Indexes Monitor |
DB02OLD | old DB02DB02 |
DB03 | Parameter changes in database |
DB05 | Analysis of a table acc. to index |
OS01 | LAN check with ping |
OSS1 | Logon to SAPNet |
RZ04 | Maintain SAP Instances |
RZ12 | Maintain RFC Server Group Assignment |
SDBE | Explain an SQL statement |
SL37 | Software Logistic Check (SM37) |
SM66 | Systemwide Work Process Overview |
SMLG | Maint.Assign. Logon Grp to Instance |
ST04 | DB Performance Monitor |
ST04OLD | old DB Performance Monitor |
ST05 | Performance Analysis |
ST07 | Application monitor |
ST10 | Table Call Statistics |
TU02 | Parameter changes |
Table Name | Description |
AL12 | Display table buffer (Exp. session) |
AL13 | Display Shared Memory (Expert mode) |
ASACT | Activate Application Stat. Types |
ASOKEY | Definition of SAP Function OPENKEY |
DB01 | Analyze exclusive lockwaits |
DB02 | Tables and Indexes Monitor |
DB02OLD | old DB02DB02 |
DB03 | Parameter changes in database |
DB05 | Analysis of a table acc. to index |
OS01 | LAN check with ping |
OSS1 | Logon to SAPNet |
RZ04 | Maintain SAP Instances |
RZ12 | Maintain RFC Server Group Assignment |
SDBE | Explain an SQL statement |
SL37 | Software Logistic Check (SM37) |
SM66 | Systemwide Work Process Overview |
SMLG | Maint.Assign. Logon Grp to Instance |
ST04 | DB Performance Monitor |
ST04OLD | old DB Performance Monitor |
ST05 | Performance Analysis |
ST07 | Application monitor |
ST10 | Table Call Statistics |
TU02 | Parameter changes |
Table Name | Description |
ACLA | Define Archiving Classes |
AOBJ | Archiving object definition |
ARCH_PROT | Archiving Logs |
DA_CONTROL | Data Archiving Control |
DA_SARA | Cross-Archiving-Object Check/Delete |
DB15 | Data Archiving: Database Tables |
DEV_DA_CONTROL | DEV Entries Control DA |
S_BIE_59000227 | x |
S_BIE_59000228 | x |
SAR_DA_STAT_ANALYSIS | Analysis of DA Statistics |
SAR_FLAG_SESSIONS | To be archived or invalid status set |
SAR_OBJ_IND_CUS | Cross-Archiving-Obj. Customizing |
SAR_SHOW_MONITOR | Data Archiving Monitor |
SAR_SYNC_HOME_PATH | Synchronization of Home Paths |
SARA | Archive Administration |
Table Name | Description |
AS_ADMIN | SAP AS: Administration |
AS_AFB | Archive File Browser |
SARE | Archive Explorer |
SARI | Archive Information System |
SARJ | Archive Retrieval Configurator |
Table Name | Description |
RZ15 | Read XMI log |
Table Name | Description |
CRIT | Call the Criteria Manager |
RZ01 | Job Scheduling Monitor |
SBIT | BAPI Test Environment |
SBTA | Test background processing |
SM36 | Schedule Background Job |
SM36WIZ | Job definition wizard |
SM37 | Overview of job selection |
SM37B | Simple version of job selection |
SM37BAK | Old SM37 backup |
SM37C | Flexible version of job selection |
SM39 | Job Analysis |
SM49 | Execute external OS commands |
SM61 | Backgroup control objects monitor |
SM61B | New control object management |
SM61BAK | Old SM61 |
SM62 | Event History and Background Events |
SM63 | Display/Maintain Operating Mode Sets |
SM64 | Manage Background Processing Events |
SM65 | Background Processing Analysis Tool |
SM69 | Maintain External OS Commands |
SMX | Display Own Jobs |
SMXX | Display Own Jobs |
SPBM | Monitoring parallel background tasks |
SPBT | Test: Parallel background tasks |
Table Name | Description |
CRIT | Call the Criteria Manager |
RZ01 | Job Scheduling Monitor |
SBIT | BAPI Test Environment |
SBTA | Test background processing |
SM36 | Schedule Background Job |
SM36WIZ | Job definition wizard |
SM37 | Overview of job selection |
SM37B | Simple version of job selection |
SM37BAK | Old SM37 backup |
SM37C | Flexible version of job selection |
SM39 | Job Analysis |
SM49 | Execute external OS commands |
SM61 | Backgroup control objects monitor |
SM61B | New control object management |
SM61BAK | Old SM61 |
SM62 | Event History and Background Events |
SM63 | Display/Maintain Operating Mode Sets |
SM64 | Manage Background Processing Events |
SM65 | Background Processing Analysis Tool |
SM69 | Maintain External OS Commands |
SMX | Display Own Jobs |
SMXX | Display Own Jobs |
SPBM | Monitoring parallel background tasks |
SPBT | Test: Parallel background tasks |
Table Name | Description |
RZ03 | "Presentation |
RZ10 | Maintain Profile Parameters |
RZ11 | Profile Parameter Maintenance |
Table Name | Description |
FILE | Cross-Client File Names/Paths |
SF01 | Client-Specific File Names |
SF07 | File Name Analysis |
Table Name | Description |
FILE | Cross-Client File Names/Paths |
SF01 | Client-Specific File Names |
SF07 | File Name Analysis |
Table Name | Description |
AL08 | Users Logged On |
GRMG | Generic Request and Message Gen. |
MILES | Infrastructure Navigator |
RZ20 | CCMS Monitoring |
RZ21 | CCMS Monitoring Arch. Customizing |
RZ23 | Central perfomance history reports |
RZ23N | Central Performance History |
RZ25 | Start Tools for a TID |
RZ26 | Start Methods for an Alert |
RZ27 | Start RZ20 for a Monitor |
RZ28 | Start Alert Viewer for Monitor |
RZ29 | Remote Login for WebAdmin Monitoring |
RZ30 | Remote Execution of Transactions |
RZAL_ALERT_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for Alerts |
RZAL_MONITOR_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for Monitor |
RZAL_MTE_DATA_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for MTEs |
S_B6A_52000012 | Remote System for Monitoring Using |
S_B6A_52000013 | New System to Be Monitored in System |
S_B6A_52000014 | Administrator Registration for |
SCMC | SAP Central Monitoring Console |
SCSM | Maintenance Dialog for CCMSYSAS |
SQLR | SQL Trace Interpreter |
ST02 | Setups/Tune Buffers |
ST03 | Workload and Performance Statistics |
ST03G | Global Workload Statistics |
ST03N | Workload and Performance Statistics |
STAD | Statistics display for all systems |
STATTRACE | Global Statistics & Traces |
STGTC | Konfiguration der Antwortzeit |
STKONTEXTTRACE | Switch On Context Trace |
Table Name | Description |
AL08 | Users Logged On |
GRMG | Generic Request and Message Gen. |
MILES | Infrastructure Navigator |
RZ20 | CCMS Monitoring |
RZ21 | CCMS Monitoring Arch. Customizing |
RZ23 | Central perfomance history reports |
RZ23N | Central Performance History |
RZ25 | Start Tools for a TID |
RZ26 | Start Methods for an Alert |
RZ27 | Start RZ20 for a Monitor |
RZ28 | Start Alert Viewer for Monitor |
RZ29 | Remote Login for WebAdmin Monitoring |
RZ30 | Remote Execution of Transactions |
RZAL_ALERT_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for Alerts |
RZAL_MONITOR_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for Monitor |
RZAL_MTE_DATA_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for MTEs |
S_B6A_52000012 | Remote System for Monitoring Using |
S_B6A_52000013 | New System to Be Monitored in System |
S_B6A_52000014 | Administrator Registration for |
SCMC | SAP Central Monitoring Console |
SCSM | Maintenance Dialog for CCMSYSAS |
SQLR | SQL Trace Interpreter |
ST02 | Setups/Tune Buffers |
ST03 | Workload and Performance Statistics |
ST03G | Global Workload Statistics |
ST03N | Workload and Performance Statistics |
STAD | Statistics display for all systems |
STATTRACE | Global Statistics & Traces |
STGTC | Konfiguration der Antwortzeit |
STKONTEXTTRACE | Switch On Context Trace |
Table Name | Description |
DB12 | DBA Backup Logs |
DB12OLD | DBA Backup Logs (OLD) |
DB13 | DBA Planning Calendar |
DB13C | Central DBA Planning Calendar |
DB13COLD | Central DBA Planning Calendar (OLD) |
DB13OLD | DBA Planning Calendar (OLD) |
DB14 | Display DBA Operation Logs |
DB14OLD | Display DBA Operation Logs (OLD) |
DB16 | Display DB Check Results |
DB17 | Configure DB Check |
DB20 | Update DB Statistics |
DB21 | Configure DB Statistics |
DB24 | Administrative Database Operations |
DB26 | DB Profile:Monitor and Configuration |
DB33 | "DB System check (configure |
DB34 | Dbspace extension (IFMX) |
DBCO | Database Connection Maintenance |
Table Name | Description |
ORA_LOCK | Oracle: Lock-Monitor |
ORA_PERF | DBACockpit: Oracle - Performance |
ORA_SPACE | DBACockpit: Oracle - Space Statistic |
Table Name | Description |
AL11 | Display SAP Directories |
AL11_OLD | Display SAP Directories |
AL15 | Customize SAPOSCOL destination |
OS02 | Operating system configuration |
OS03 | O/S Parameter changes |
OS04 | Local System Configuration |
OS05 | Remote System Cconfiguration |
OS06 | Local Operating System Activity |
OS06N | Operating System Activity |
OS07 | Remote Operating System Activity |
OS07_HOST | call OS07 with hostname |
OS07_U | Remote Operating System Activity |
OS07N | Remote Operating System Activity |
ST06 | Operating System Monitor |
ST06N | Operating System Monitor |
Table Name | Description |
AL11 | Display SAP Directories |
AL11_OLD | Display SAP Directories |
AL15 | Customize SAPOSCOL destination |
OS02 | Operating system configuration |
OS03 | O/S Parameter changes |
OS04 | Local System Configuration |
OS05 | Remote System Cconfiguration |
OS06 | Local Operating System Activity |
OS06N | Operating System Activity |
OS07 | Remote Operating System Activity |
OS07_HOST | call OS07 with hostname |
OS07_U | Remote Operating System Activity |
OS07N | Remote Operating System Activity |
ST06 | Operating System Monitor |
ST06N | Operating System Monitor |
Table Name | Description |
SE92 | New SysLog Msg Maintenance as of 46A |
SE92N | Maintain System Log Messages |
SM21 | Online System Log Analysis |
SM21_E2E | Syslog Analysis Using E2E |
Table Name | Description |
PAL | Printing Assistant for Landscape |
SP01 | Output Controller |
SP01O | Spool Controller |
SP02 | Display Spool Requests |
SP02O | Display Output Requests |
SP11 | TemSe directory |
SP12 | TemSe Administration |
SP1T | Output Control (Test) |
SPAD | Spool Administration |
SPAT | Spool Administration (Test) |
SPOV | Spool Request Overview |
SPTP | Text elem. maint. for print formats |
Table Name | Description |
LCRCHECK | Test LCR Connection |
LCRHTMLGUI | Start LCR GUI in Browser |
LCRSERVADDR | Maintain Landscape Directory Server |
RZ70 | SLD Administration |
SLDAPICUST | SLD API Customizing |
SLDCHECK | Test SLD Connection |
SLDHTMLGUI | Start SLD GUI in Browser |
Table Name | Description |
LCRCHECK | Test LCR Connection |
LCRHTMLGUI | Start LCR GUI in Browser |
LCRSERVADDR | Maintain Landscape Directory Server |
RZ70 | SLD Administration |
SLDAPICUST | SLD API Customizing |
SLDCHECK | Test SLD Connection |
SLDHTMLGUI | Start SLD GUI in Browser |
Table Name | Description |
ANA_VAR | Table Analysis: Analysis Variants |
TAANA | Table Analysis |
TAANA_AV | Table Analysis: Analysis Variants |
TAANA_VF | Table Analysis: Virtual Fields |
Table Name | Description |
ANA_VAR | Table Analysis: Analysis Variants |
TAANA | Table Analysis |
TAANA_AV | Table Analysis: Analysis Variants |
TAANA_VF | Table Analysis: Virtual Fields |
Table Name | Description |
Web Reporting" | SMW0 |
Table Name | Description |
BDCUPDATE | Test Update in Batch Input |
RFC01 | RFC Chain Analysis |
SARFC | Server Resources for Asynchr. RFC |
SM02 | System Messages |
SM04 | User List |
SM13 | Administrate Update Records |
SM14 | Update Program Administration |
SM50 | Work Process Overview |
SM51 | List of SAP Systems |
SM52 | Virtual Machine Overview |
SM54 | TXCOM Maintenance |
SM55 | THOST Maintenance |
SM56 | Number Range Buffer |
SM5A | RFC Chain Analysis |
SM5B | Maintenance of DPTIMETAB |
SMGW | Gateway Monitor |
SMMS | Message Server Monitor |
SMTHACTION | Execute Specific Actions in ABAP |
Table Name | Description |
BDCUPDATE | Test Update in Batch Input |
RFC01 | RFC Chain Analysis |
SARFC | Server Resources for Asynchr. RFC |
SM02 | System Messages |
SM04 | User List |
SM13 | Administrate Update Records |
SM14 | Update Program Administration |
SM50 | Work Process Overview |
SM51 | List of SAP Systems |
SM52 | Virtual Machine Overview |
SM54 | TXCOM Maintenance |
SM55 | THOST Maintenance |
SM56 | Number Range Buffer |
SM5A | RFC Chain Analysis |
SM5B | Maintenance of DPTIMETAB |
SMGW | Gateway Monitor |
SMMS | Message Server Monitor |
SMTHACTION | Execute Specific Actions in ABAP |
Table Name | Description |
SM12 | Display and Delete Locks |
SMCL | CSL: Monitor |
SPFPAR | Display Profile Parameter |
Table Name | Description |
SM12 | Display and Delete Locks |
SMCL | CSL: Monitor |
SPFPAR | Display Profile Parameter |
Table Name | Description |
SMICM | ICM Monitor |
SMICM_SOS | ICM Monitor |
Table Name | Description |
ST01 | System Trace |
ST11 | Display Developer Traces |
STDA | Debugger display/control (server) |
STDC | Debugger output/control |
STDU | Debugger display/control (user) |
Table Name | Description |
S_B20_88000033 | Navigation IMG -> TMS |
S_B20_88000034 | Navigation IMG -> Trans.Route Editor |
S_B20_88000035 | Navigation IMG->Syst. Change Option |
S_B20_88000036 | Navigation IMG -> Client Admin. |
SCTS_RSWBO004 | System Change Option |
SCTS_TRANS_PATH_EDIT | Navigation IMG -> Trans.Route Editor |
SLGT | Register in Central Object Directory |
TMS_IACOR_EDIT | TMS IACOR Destination Maintenance |
TMS_IACOR_SHOW | TMS IACOR Destination Maintenance |
Table Name | Description |
SCC1 | Client Copy - Special Selections |
SCC3 | Client Copy Log |
SCC4 | Client Administration |
SCC5 | Delete Client |
SCC7 | Post-Client Import Methods |
SCC8 | Client Export |
SCC9 | Remote Client Copy |
SCCL | Local Client Copy |
SM29 | Model Transfer for Tables |
Table Name | Description |
SMLT | Language Management |
SMLT_EX | Language Export |
Table Name | Description |
CUS_ORIGLANG | Original Languages in Customizing |
SCTS_RESNAME | Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench |
SE01 | Transport Organizer (Extended) |
SE03 | Transport Organizer Tools |
SE06 | Set Up Transport Organizer |
SE09 | Transport Organizer |
SE10 | Transport Organizer |
SE17 | General Table Display |
SOBJ | Maintenance Object Attributes |
SOBT | Maintenance Object Attributes |
SREPO | Repository Comparison |
STDR | Object Directory Consistency Check |
Table Name | Description |
CUS_ORIGLANG | Original Languages in Customizing |
SCTS_RESNAME | Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench |
SE01 | Transport Organizer (Extended) |
SE03 | Transport Organizer Tools |
SE06 | Set Up Transport Organizer |
SE09 | Transport Organizer |
SE10 | Transport Organizer |
SE17 | General Table Display |
SOBJ | Maintenance Object Attributes |
SOBT | Maintenance Object Attributes |
SREPO | Repository Comparison |
STDR | Object Directory Consistency Check |
Table Name | Description |
CTW_PFAC_IMP_ADM | Maintain Responsibilities |
SCMAN | Change Management Server |
SE07 | CTS Status Display |
STMS | Transport Management System |
STMS_ALERT | TMS Alert Monitor |
STMS_DOM | TMS System Overview |
STMS_FSYS | Maintain TMS System Lists |
STMS_IMPORT | TMS Import Queue |
STMS_INBOX | TMS Worklist |
STMS_MONI | TMS Import Monitor |
STMS_PATH | TMS Transport Routes |
STMS_QA | TMS Quality Assurance |
STMS_QUEUES | TMS Import Overview |
STMS_TCRI | Display/Maintain Table TMSTCRI |
STMS_TRACK | TMS Import Tracking |
Table Name | Description |
CTW_PFAC_IMP_ADM | Maintain Responsibilities |
SCMAN | Change Management Server |
SE07 | CTS Status Display |
STMS | Transport Management System |
STMS_ALERT | TMS Alert Monitor |
STMS_DOM | TMS System Overview |
STMS_FSYS | Maintain TMS System Lists |
STMS_IMPORT | TMS Import Queue |
STMS_INBOX | TMS Worklist |
STMS_MONI | TMS Import Monitor |
STMS_PATH | TMS Transport Routes |
STMS_QA | TMS Quality Assurance |
STMS_QUEUES | TMS Import Overview |
STMS_TCRI | Display/Maintain Table TMSTCRI |
STMS_TRACK | TMS Import Tracking |
Table Name | Description |
SC2_IDE | C2 Server IDE |
SC2_IDE_APP_SYS | Configuration Object |
Table Name | Description |
SCU3 | Table History |
SCU3ARCH1 | Create Database Log Archives |
SM31_OLD | Old Table Maintenance |
SM32 | Maintain Table Parameter ID TAB |
SM33 | Display Table Parameter ID TAB |
Table Name | Description |
SCPR20 | Activate BC Sets |
SCPR20PR | BC Set Activation Logs |
SCPR3 | Display and maintain BC Sets |
SCPRAT | Change BC Set Value Attributes |
SCPRCOP | Copy Several BC Sets |
SCPRIP | Delete Several BC Sets |
SCPRSETUP | BC Sets: Central Settings |
Table Name | Description |
MCLIMAN | MultiClient Manager |
SADJ | Customizing Transfer Assistant |
SCDT_MAPPING | Edit Synchronization Objects |
SCMP | View/Table Comparison |
SCU0 | Customizing Cross-System Viewer |
Table Name | Description |
MCLIMAN | MultiClient Manager |
SADJ | Customizing Transfer Assistant |
SCDT_MAPPING | Edit Synchronization Objects |
SCMP | View/Table Comparison |
SCU0 | Customizing Cross-System Viewer |
Table Name | Description |
ANZARCH | Display Reloaded Structures |
SHI0 | Structure buffer: Node type maint. |
SHI1 | Structure buffer: Link type maint. |
SHI2 | Structure buffer: Struc. type maint. |
SHI3 | Structure maintenance |
STEMPMERGE | Mix templates |
Table Name | Description |
ANZARCH | Display Reloaded Structures |
SHI0 | Structure buffer: Node type maint. |
SHI1 | Structure buffer: Link type maint. |
SHI2 | Structure buffer: Struc. type maint. |
SHI3 | Structure maintenance |
STEMPMERGE | Mix templates |
Table Name | Description |
DEVBOOK | Project management |
O984 | Customizing doc converter program |
S_B20_88000153 | S_B20_88000153 |
S_BCE_68001464 | hfdhgdf |
S_CUS_ACTIVITY | Customizing maint. obj. maintenance |
SCPRUPP | Use of BC Sets in IMG |
SCUSSEQUENCE | Call Sequence for Hierarchies |
SDOCU | Maintain Documentation Structure |
SO70 | Hypertext: Display/Maint. Structure |
SO71 | Test plan management |
SO72 | Maintain Hypertext Module |
SO73 | Import graphic into SAPfind |
SO81 | SAPfind: Free Text Indexing (Test) |
SO82 | SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Batch |
SO85 | SAPfind: txt_seq_search |
SO86 | SAPfind: Txt_seq_search_1 |
SO90 | SAPfind: shell folders service prog. |
SO91 | SAPfind SO: SAPoffice Marketing Info |
SO95 | Pregenerated Search Queries - Selec. |
SO99 | Put Information System |
SPRM | Current Customizing |
SPROJECT | Project management |
SPROJECT_ADMIN | Project Management |
SST0 | Project Analysis in Customizing |
SST7 | Complex Analysis |
SVGM | SAP R/3 Procedure Model |
SVGS | View for activity in Procedure Model |
TCO | Start a TR in Parameter TCX |
Table Name | Description |
DEVBOOK | Project management |
O984 | Customizing doc converter program |
S_B20_88000153 | S_B20_88000153 |
S_BCE_68001464 | hfdhgdf |
S_CUS_ACTIVITY | Customizing maint. obj. maintenance |
SCPRUPP | Use of BC Sets in IMG |
SCUSSEQUENCE | Call Sequence for Hierarchies |
SDOCU | Maintain Documentation Structure |
SO70 | Hypertext: Display/Maint. Structure |
SO71 | Test plan management |
SO72 | Maintain Hypertext Module |
SO73 | Import graphic into SAPfind |
SO81 | SAPfind: Free Text Indexing (Test) |
SO82 | SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Batch |
SO85 | SAPfind: txt_seq_search |
SO86 | SAPfind: Txt_seq_search_1 |
SO90 | SAPfind: shell folders service prog. |
SO91 | SAPfind SO: SAPoffice Marketing Info |
SO95 | Pregenerated Search Queries - Selec. |
SO99 | Put Information System |
SPRM | Current Customizing |
SPROJECT | Project management |
SPROJECT_ADMIN | Project Management |
SST0 | Project Analysis in Customizing |
SST7 | Complex Analysis |
SVGM | SAP R/3 Procedure Model |
SVGS | View for activity in Procedure Model |
TCO | Start a TR in Parameter TCX |
Table Name | Description |
SB01 | Application Components |
SBAC | Edit Application Components |
SBACH02 | Edit SAP Application Hierarchy |
SBACH03 | Display SAP Application Hierarchy |
SBACH04 | Edit Component Structures |
SBACH05 | Extend Application Hierarchy |
SREFH00 | Change SAP Reference Structure |
SREFH04 | Edit item in SAP Reference Structure |
Table Name | Description |
SPRO | Customizing - Edit Project |
SPRO_ADMIN | Customizing - Project Management |
Table Name | Description |
S_BCE_68001485 | x |
SDME_MDB | DME: Maintenance Dialog Builder |
SDME_MDB_NEW | DME: Maintenance Dialog Builder |
SDME_MOB | DME: Maintenance Object Builder |
SDME_START | DME: Maintenance Transaction Call |
SE54 | Generate table view |
SE55 | Internal table view maintenance call |
SE56 | Internal table view display call |
SE57 | Internal table view deletion call |
SM30 | Call View Maintenance |
SM31 | Call View Maintenance Like SM30 |
SM34 | Viewcluster maintenance call |
Table Name | Description |
S_BCE_68001485 | x |
SDME_MDB | DME: Maintenance Dialog Builder |
SDME_MDB_NEW | DME: Maintenance Dialog Builder |
SDME_MOB | DME: Maintenance Object Builder |
SDME_START | DME: Maintenance Transaction Call |
SE54 | Generate table view |
SE55 | Internal table view maintenance call |
SE56 | Internal table view display call |
SE57 | Internal table view deletion call |
SM30 | Call View Maintenance |
SM31 | Call View Maintenance Like SM30 |
SM34 | Viewcluster maintenance call |
Table Name | Description |
DB2 | DB2 z/OS: Select Database Activities |
DB2_IXFIX | "DB2-z/OS: index fix (padded |
DB2B | DB2 z/OS: Buffer pool tuning |
DB2C | DB2 z/OS: Catalog Browser |
DB2D | DB2 z/OS - Deadlock Monitor |
DB2J | DB2 z/OS: Manage JCL Jobs |
DB2T | DB2 z/OS - Timeout Monitor |
DB2U | DB2 z/OS: Long Running Transactions |
DB2W | DB2 z/OS: Workload Manager Monitor |
DB2X | DB2/390: database check |
Table Name | Description |
DB4COCKPIT | iSeries: Cockpit for CCMS Transact. |
DB4DB12 | iSeries: Backup and Recovery |
DB4DGN | Diagnostics |
DB4LCK | Lock Monitor |
Table Name | Description |
DB36 | DB6: Alert Configuration |
DB37 | DB6: Alert Message Log |
DB6BACKHIST | DB6: DBA Planning Calendar |
DB6CLP | DB6: Command Line Processor |
DB6COCKPIT | DB6: DBA Cockpit |
DB6CST | DB6: Analyze Cumulative SQL Trace |
DB6CST_LST | DB6: Analyze Cumulative SQL Trace |
DB6DB21 | DB6: RUNSTATS Control |
DB6DBALOG | DB6: DBA Log Viewer |
DB6DBM | DB6: Database Manager Configuration |
DB6DBP | DB6: Database Configuration |
DB6EXL | DB6: Analyze Exclusive Lock Waits |
DB6EXPLAIN | DB6: Explain SQL Statement |
DB6FSC | DB6: File System Configuration |
DB6PARHIS | DB6: Show Parameter History |
DB6PERF | DB6: DB2 UDB Cockpit Performance |
DB6PLAN | DB6: DBA Planning Calendar |
DB6SPACE | DB6: Space Analysis |
DB6SQC | DB6: Analyze SQL Cache |
DB6STATS | DB6: Run Single Statistics |
DB6SYSCFG | DB6: System Registration |
DB6TAC | DB6: Analyze Table Snapshot |
DB6TRC | DB6: Trace Status |
DBA_VIEW_ABAP_SOURCE | DBA Cockpit: View ABAP Source |
DBACOCKPIT | Start DBA Cockpit |
DBACOCKPIT_ITS | Start DBA Cockpit |
Table Name | Description |
ST30 | Global Perf. Analysis: Execute |
ST33 | Glob. Perf. Analysis: Display Data |
ST34 | Glob. Perf. Analysis: Log IDs |
ST35 | Glob. Perf. Analysis: Assign CATTs |
ST36 | Glob. Perf. Analysis: Delete Data |
ST37 | Global Perf. Analysis: Eval. Schema |
Table Name | Description |
LCA01 | Read LCA Object Tracing |
LCA02 | LCA Object Tracing |
LCA03 | Standard liveCache Test |
LCA04 | Display the Current LCA Version |
LCA13 | liveCache and LCA Objects Analysis |
LCA20 | Profiling |
Table Name | Description |
LC10 | liveCache Assistant |
LC11 | Creating the liveCache connection |
Table Name | Description |
DB02_MSS | Db02 for MS SQL Server |
DB12_MSS | DB12 Multiconnect transaction |
ST04_MSS | St04 for MS SQL Server |
ST04RFC | SAP Remote DB Monitor for SQL Server |
Table Name | Description |
DB02_MSS | Db02 for MS SQL Server |
DB12_MSS | DB12 Multiconnect transaction |
ST04_MSS | St04 for MS SQL Server |
ST04RFC | SAP Remote DB Monitor for SQL Server |
Table Name | Description |
DB16ORA | Display DB Check Results: Oracle |
DB17ORA | Configure DB Check: Oracle |
DB20ORA | Update DB Statistics: Oracle |
DB26ORA | DB Profile Maintenance: Oracle |
Table Name | Description |
ADA_COCKPIT_LVC | liveCache im DBA Cockpit |
ADA_COCKPIT_VOL | liveCache Volumes in DBA Cockpit |
ADA_GOTO_ALERT_MONIT | Alert Monitor |
DB11 | Create Database Connection |
DB50 | SAP DB Assistant |
DB50N | Database Assistant |
DB59 | MaxDB/liveCache System Overview |
Table Name | Description |
EDIT | Juergen's Editor |
SE61 | SAP Documentation |
SUCH | Translatability CHECKs |
T_RSDOKU03 | Where-used List for Hypertext Docu. |
Table Name | Description |
SH01 | Online help: F1 Help server |
SH02 | Online help: Link tracing |
SH03 | Call extended help |
SR13 | Area-Dependent Help |
Table Name | Description |
SDHB | Test Online Help |
Table Name | Description |
SAPTERM | SAPterm: SAP Dictionary |
SE64 | Terminology |
STERM | SAPterm Terminology Maintenance |
STERM_EXTERNAL | Transaction STERM: External Callup |
STERM_KEYWORDS | Maintain Index Entries |
STERM_REMOTE | Transaction STERM: RFC Callup |
TER1 | SAPterm: Changing Status of Terms |
Table Name | Description |
LXE_MASTER | Translation Environment |
SBRNFICHT | SBRN Transction Test Environment |
SE62 | Industry Utilities |
SE63 | Translation: Initial Screen |
SE63_OTR | Translation - OTR |
SLAT | Additional Translation Tools |
SLLS | Translation Statistics |
SLLT | Translation Performance Statistics |
SLPP | Proposal Pool |
SLW3 | Worklist Scheduler |
SLW4 | Translation: Application Hierarchy |
SLWA | Translation Environment Admin. |
SLWB | Translation Environment Scheduler |
SLXT | Translation Transport |
ST62 | Create Industry Short Texts |
TPMO | Translation Performance Monitor |
Table Name | Description |
LXE_MASTER | Translation Environment |
SBRNFICHT | SBRN Transction Test Environment |
SE62 | Industry Utilities |
SE63 | Translation: Initial Screen |
SE63_OTR | Translation - OTR |
SLAT | Additional Translation Tools |
SLLS | Translation Statistics |
SLLT | Translation Performance Statistics |
SLPP | Proposal Pool |
SLW3 | Worklist Scheduler |
SLW4 | Translation: Application Hierarchy |
SLWA | Translation Environment Admin. |
SLWB | Translation Environment Scheduler |
SLXT | Translation Transport |
ST62 | Create Industry Short Texts |
TPMO | Translation Performance Monitor |
Table Name | Description |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_DATA_GEN |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_SBOOK_CREA |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_SBOOK_DISP |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_SBOOK_EDIT |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_SCUST_CREA |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_SCUST_DISP |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_SCUST_EDIT |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_SFLGH_CREA |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_SFLGH_DISP |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_SFLGH_EDIT |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_STRAV_CREA |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_STRAV_DISP |
Java IDE and Infrastructure" | BC_GLOBAL_STRAV_EDIT |
Table Name | Description |
CMOD | Enhancements |
SE18 | Business Add-Ins: Definitions |
SE19 | Business Add-Ins: Implementations |
SE20 | Enhancements |
SE80_ENH | Object Navigator |
SE94 | Customer enhancement simulation |
SE95_UTIL | Modification Browser Utilities |
SEU_INT_ENH | Object Navigator |
SMOD | SAP Enhancement Management |
SPAU_ENH | Object Navigator |
Table Name | Description |
CMOD | Enhancements |
SE18 | Business Add-Ins: Definitions |
SE19 | Business Add-Ins: Implementations |
SE20 | Enhancements |
SE80_ENH | Object Navigator |
SE94 | Customer enhancement simulation |
SE95_UTIL | Modification Browser Utilities |
SEU_INT_ENH | Object Navigator |
SMOD | SAP Enhancement Management |
SPAU_ENH | Object Navigator |
Table Name | Description |
Conversion Program | DB Utility |
Conversion Program | DB Utility |
SE13 | Maintain Technical Settings (Tables) |
SE14 | Utilities for Dictionary Tables |
Table Name | Description |
Conversion Program | DB Utility |
Conversion Program | DB Utility |
SE13 | Maintain Technical Settings (Tables) |
SE14 | Utilities for Dictionary Tables |
Table Name | Description |
DDCHECK | Classification of DDIC Structures |
SE11 | ABAP Dictionary Maintenance |
SE11_OLD | ABAP Dictionary Maintenance |
SE12 | ABAP Dictionary Display |
SE12_OLD | ABAP Dictionary Display |
Table Name | Description |
DDCHECK | Classification of DDIC Structures |
SE11 | ABAP Dictionary Maintenance |
SE11_OLD | ABAP Dictionary Maintenance |
SE12 | ABAP Dictionary Display |
SE12_OLD | ABAP Dictionary Display |
Table Name | Description |
SENG | Administration of External Indexes |
SENGEXPLORER | Explorer Index Administration |
Table Name | Description |
SPROXSET | Proxy Generation: Settings |
SPROXY | Enterprise Repository Browser |
SPROXY_START | Display Proxy Editor |
Table Name | Description |
IT01 | Maintain IDES path for Internet |
NEW_SERP | Report Tree Maintenance |
S_BIE_59000229 | Display/Assign status of all roles |
SARPN | Display Report Trees |
SARTN | Display Report Trees |
SE43 | Maintain Area Menu |
SE43N | Maintain Area Menu |
SEARCH_SAP_MENU | Find in SAP Menu |
SEARCH_USER_MENU | Find in User Menu |
SESS | Session Manager Menu Tree Display |
SESS_START_OBJECT | Start an Object |
SESSION_MANAGER | Session Manager Menu Tree Display |
SMTR_START_HISTORY | Call object history |
SRT_CHANGE | Report Tree Maintenance |
SRT_DISPLAY | Display Report Trees |
SRTV_COMPILE | Find Report: Index Generation |
SSM1 | Transaction is Old |
SSM2 | Set Initial Area Menu |
Table Name | Description |
Painters | Modelers" |
SATTR | Maintain Characteristics |
SE15 | ABAP/4 Repository Information System |
SE35 | ABAP/4 Dialog Modules |
SE84 | Repository Information System |
SE85 | ABAP/4 Repository Information System |
SE89 | Maintain Trees in Information System |
SE8I | Lists in Repository Infosystem |
SE90 | Process Model Information System |
SE91 | Message Maintenance |
SE93 | Maintain Transaction Codes |
SECOCO | Control Composer |
SOTG | Maintain object type groups |
SREP | Maintain report definition |
STRANS | Start Transformation Tool |
TZ10 | Dialog Programming: Data Transport |
TZ20 | Dialog Programming: F Code Proc. |
TZ30 | Dialog Programming: Input Check |
TZ31 | Dialog Programming: Input Check |
TZ40 | Dialog Programming: Screen Control |
TZ50 | Dialog Programming: Screen Modif. |
TZ60 | Dialog Programming: Tables TC |
TZ61 | Dialog Programming: Tables SL |
TZ70 | Dialog Programming: Tables SL |
TZ80 | Dialog Programming: Authorizations |
TZ90 | Dialog Programming: Locking |
TZA0 | Dialog Programming: Asynch.Updates |
TZB0 | Dialog Programming: Doc. and Help |
Painters | Modelers" |
Painters | Modelers" |
Painters | Modelers" |
Painters | Modelers" |
WB_NEW_WINDOW | Workbench: Open new window |
WBDEMO | Workbench Demo: Template Interface |
XSLT_TOOL | Start XSLT Tool |
Table Name | Description |
Painters | Modelers" |
SATTR | Maintain Characteristics |
SE15 | ABAP/4 Repository Information System |
SE35 | ABAP/4 Dialog Modules |
SE84 | Repository Information System |
SE85 | ABAP/4 Repository Information System |
SE89 | Maintain Trees in Information System |
SE8I | Lists in Repository Infosystem |
SE90 | Process Model Information System |
SE91 | Message Maintenance |
SE93 | Maintain Transaction Codes |
SECOCO | Control Composer |
SOTG | Maintain object type groups |
SREP | Maintain report definition |
STRANS | Start Transformation Tool |
TZ10 | Dialog Programming: Data Transport |
TZ20 | Dialog Programming: F Code Proc. |
TZ30 | Dialog Programming: Input Check |
TZ31 | Dialog Programming: Input Check |
TZ40 | Dialog Programming: Screen Control |
TZ50 | Dialog Programming: Screen Modif. |
TZ60 | Dialog Programming: Tables TC |
TZ61 | Dialog Programming: Tables SL |
TZ70 | Dialog Programming: Tables SL |
TZ80 | Dialog Programming: Authorizations |
TZ90 | Dialog Programming: Locking |
TZA0 | Dialog Programming: Asynch.Updates |
TZB0 | Dialog Programming: Doc. and Help |
Painters | Modelers" |
Painters | Modelers" |
Painters | Modelers" |
Painters | Modelers" |
WB_NEW_WINDOW | Workbench: Open new window |
WBDEMO | Workbench Demo: Template Interface |
XSLT_TOOL | Start XSLT Tool |
Table Name | Description |
SE32 | ABAP Text Element Maintenance |
SE32_OLD | ABAP Text Element Maintenance |
SE32_WB99 | ABAP Text Element Maintenance |
SE38 | ABAP Editor |
SE39 | Splitscreen Editor: (New) |
SE39O | Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare |
TSE39 | Old version of splitscreen editor |
Table Name | Description |
BAPI45 | BAPI Browser |
INT_BAPI | BAPI Browser |
SBMA | BOR Migration Assistant |
SWO_ASYNC | Asynchronous Method Call in BOR |
SWO1 | Business Object Builder |
SWO2 | BOR Browser |
SWO3 | Business Object Builder |
SWO4 | Business Object Repository |
SWO6 | Customizing Object Types |
Table Name | Description |
BAPI45 | BAPI Browser |
INT_BAPI | BAPI Browser |
SBMA | BOR Migration Assistant |
SWO_ASYNC | Asynchronous Method Call in BOR |
SWO1 | Business Object Builder |
SWO2 | BOR Browser |
SWO3 | Business Object Builder |
SWO4 | Business Object Repository |
SWO6 | Customizing Object Types |
Table Name | Description |
SE24 | Class Builder |
Table Name | Description |
SD11 | Data Modeler |
Table Name | Description |
SEEF_MIGWB | Migration Workbench |
Table Name | Description |
SE37 | ABAP Function Modules |
Table Name | Description |
SE36 | Logical Database Builder |
SELVIEW | Selection view maintenance |
SLDB | Logical Databases (Tree Structure) |
Table Name | Description |
SE40 | MP: Standards Maint. and Translation |
SE41 | Menu Painter |
Table Name | Description |
SE51 | Screen Painter |
Table Name | Description |
SFW_BROWSER | Switch Framework Browser |
SFW1 | Switch |
SFW2 | Business Function |
SFW3 | Business Function Set |
SFW5 | Switch Framework Customizing |
SFW5_OLD | Switch Framework Customizing |
Table Name | Description |
SFW_BROWSER | Switch Framework Browser |
SFW1 | Switch |
SFW2 | Business Function |
SFW3 | Business Function Set |
SFW5 | Switch Framework Customizing |
SFW5_OLD | Switch Framework Customizing |
Table Name | Description |
S_XML_CONFIG | Settings for XML Connection |
SO2_TAG_BROWSER | Tag Library |
W3_SEARCH | Search in Internet Service Objects |
Table Name | Description |
BIBS | Examples of User Interface Design |
DWDM | Development Workbench Demos |
S_E7Z_56000001 | Display classifications |
S_E7Z_56000002 | Default variant |
S_E7Z_56000003 | Default variant |
SACC2 | Set accessibility |
SACCSEL | ACC: Select relevant objects |
SAKB0 | Transfer of Released Data |
SAKB01 | Process Exceptions |
SAKB1 | Overview: Frozen Objects |
SAKB2 | Usage Overview |
SAKB2OLD | Usage Overview |
SAKB3 | Compatibility Text |
SAKB4 | Create Usage Explanations |
SAKB5 | Check Table Enhancements |
SCHAR | Classification browser |
SCLAS | Classification browser |
SCLS | Classification Tool-Set |
SCLS_TRANSP_CLASSI | Transport Classifications |
SE16 | Data Browser |
SE21 | Package Builder |
SE29 | Application Packets |
SE83 | Reuse Library |
SE83_START | Start Reuse Library |
SEU_DEPTYPE | Maintain dependency types |
SLIB | Reuse Library |
SLIB_START | Maintain Reuse Library |
SLIBN | Maintain Reuse Library |
SLIBP | Maintain Reuse Product |
SMET | Display frequency of function calls |
SMETDELBUFF | Del. Measurement data in shared bfr |
SMETDELPROG | Delete programs in shared buffer |
SPACKAGE | Package Builder |
SPAK | Package Builder |
SQF | Support Query Framework |
STRANSLDEPTH | Classify Translation Depth |
STYLE_GUIDE | Style Guide Transaction |
TUTT | Workbench Tutorial |
Table Name | Description |
BIBS | Examples of User Interface Design |
DWDM | Development Workbench Demos |
S_E7Z_56000001 | Display classifications |
S_E7Z_56000002 | Default variant |
S_E7Z_56000003 | Default variant |
SACC2 | Set accessibility |
SACCSEL | ACC: Select relevant objects |
SAKB0 | Transfer of Released Data |
SAKB01 | Process Exceptions |
SAKB1 | Overview: Frozen Objects |
SAKB2 | Usage Overview |
SAKB2OLD | Usage Overview |
SAKB3 | Compatibility Text |
SAKB4 | Create Usage Explanations |
SAKB5 | Check Table Enhancements |
SCHAR | Classification browser |
SCLAS | Classification browser |
SCLS | Classification Tool-Set |
SCLS_TRANSP_CLASSI | Transport Classifications |
SE16 | Data Browser |
SE21 | Package Builder |
SE29 | Application Packets |
SE83 | Reuse Library |
SE83_START | Start Reuse Library |
SEU_DEPTYPE | Maintain dependency types |
SLIB | Reuse Library |
SLIB_START | Maintain Reuse Library |
SLIBN | Maintain Reuse Library |
SLIBP | Maintain Reuse Product |
SMET | Display frequency of function calls |
SMETDELBUFF | Del. Measurement data in shared bfr |
SMETDELPROG | Delete programs in shared buffer |
SPACKAGE | Package Builder |
SPAK | Package Builder |
SQF | Support Query Framework |
STRANSLDEPTH | Classify Translation Depth |
STYLE_GUIDE | Style Guide Transaction |
TUTT | Workbench Tutorial |
Table Name | Description |
CLABAP | Display ABAP class library |
CLBOR | Display BOR library |
Table Name | Description |
SE80 | Object Navigator |
SE81 | Application Hierarchy |
SE82 | Application Hierarchy |
SEU_INT | Object Navigator |
SWRK | Administrtation using work areas |
WORKINGAREA | Administrtation using work areas |
Table Name | Description |
WSLDEST | Maintain logical destination |
Table Name | Description |
IQM_CM_CONFIG | IQM Information Consistency |
SIC_NORM_CASCO_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of CASECON |
SIC_NORM_CASCO_CFG_S | Maintain Configuration of CASECON |
SIC_NORM_FORMC_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of FORMCTY |
SIC_NORM_QUACO_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of QUACON |
SIC_NORM_QUACO_CFG_S | Show Configuration of QUACON |
SIC_NORM_REGEX_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of REGEX |
SIC_NORM_REGEX_CFG_S | Display Configuration of REGEX |
SIC_NORM_TOKEN_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of TOKENIZE |
SIC_NORM_TOKEN_CFG_S | Display Configuration of TOKENIZE |
Table Name | Description |
IQM_CM_CONFIG | IQM Information Consistency |
SIC_NORM_CASCO_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of CASECON |
SIC_NORM_CASCO_CFG_S | Maintain Configuration of CASECON |
SIC_NORM_FORMC_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of FORMCTY |
SIC_NORM_QUACO_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of QUACON |
SIC_NORM_QUACO_CFG_S | Show Configuration of QUACON |
SIC_NORM_REGEX_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of REGEX |
SIC_NORM_REGEX_CFG_S | Display Configuration of REGEX |
SIC_NORM_TOKEN_CFG_M | Maintain Configuration of TOKENIZE |
SIC_NORM_TOKEN_CFG_S | Display Configuration of TOKENIZE |
Table Name | Description |
SRDEBUG | Activate Remote Debugging |
Table Name | Description |
ESFUTIL | ESF Utility |
ESI_ADD_MAP | ESI Add mapping |
ESI_BO_TEST_TOOL | ESI Testtool for Business objects |
SCOOLTOOL | Administration of ESF Tools |
SESF_GCP_TEST | Starts Test Environment |
SPWSE_DTEL_EXIT_REG | Exit technology |
SPWSE_DTEL_MAP | call program SPWSE_DTELmap |
Table Name | Description |
ESFUTIL | ESF Utility |
ESI_ADD_MAP | ESI Add mapping |
ESI_BO_TEST_TOOL | ESI Testtool for Business objects |
SCOOLTOOL | Administration of ESF Tools |
SESF_GCP_TEST | Starts Test Environment |
SPWSE_DTEL_EXIT_REG | Exit technology |
SPWSE_DTEL_MAP | call program SPWSE_DTELmap |
Table Name | Description |
LPCONFIG | Maintain Logical Ports |
SRT_ADRMAP | Path Prefix in ICF for WSDs |
SRT_TOOLS | SOA Runtime Tools |
SRTUTIL | Tracing Utilities for Web Service |
SUDDIREG | Maintain UDDI Registries |
TWADMIN | Start Watcher |
WSADMIN | Web Service Administration |
WSADMIN2 | Web Service Administration (7.10) |
WSCLASS | Web Service Classification |
WSCLASS_MAP_FIELDS | fields maping for import classficat. |
WSCONFIG | Release Web Services |
WSDOCU_SERVER | Maintain documentation server for ER |
WSICF_PREFIX | Path Prefix in ICF for WSDs |
WSIDPADMIN | Idempotent Service Administration |
WSINTCHECK | Get/Check WS Configurations |
WSPARAM | Enterprise Registry Parameters(New) |
WSPUBLISH | Publish Web services |
WSRESTRICT | Restrctions for services publication |
WSTASKCHECK | Get/Check WS Configurations |
Table Name | Description |
LPCONFIG | Maintain Logical Ports |
SRT_ADRMAP | Path Prefix in ICF for WSDs |
SRT_TOOLS | SOA Runtime Tools |
SRTUTIL | Tracing Utilities for Web Service |
SUDDIREG | Maintain UDDI Registries |
TWADMIN | Start Watcher |
WSADMIN | Web Service Administration |
WSADMIN2 | Web Service Administration (7.10) |
WSCLASS | Web Service Classification |
WSCLASS_MAP_FIELDS | fields maping for import classficat. |
WSCONFIG | Release Web Services |
WSDOCU_SERVER | Maintain documentation server for ER |
WSICF_PREFIX | Path Prefix in ICF for WSDs |
WSIDPADMIN | Idempotent Service Administration |
WSINTCHECK | Get/Check WS Configurations |
WSPARAM | Enterprise Registry Parameters(New) |
WSPUBLISH | Publish Web services |
WSRESTRICT | Restrctions for services publication |
WSTASKCHECK | Get/Check WS Configurations |
Table Name | Description |
TEST_TEXTEDIT | Test for TextEdit Wrapper |
TEST_TEXTEDITOR | Test Program for TextEditor |
Table Name | Description |
SMCX | Matchcode OCX |
Table Name | Description |
BCG0 | Bar chart: Maintain field definition |
BCG1 | Bar chart: Maintain form definition |
BCG2 | Bar chart: Maintain graphic profile |
BCG3 | Bar chart: Maintain form assignment |
BCG4 | Bar chart: Maintain option profile |
BCG5 | Bar chart: Maintain color assignment |
BCG6 | Bar chart: Maintain color definition |
BCG7 | Bar chart: Call model graphic |
BCG8 | Bar chart: Maintain graphic element |
BCG9 | Bar chart: Maintain chart |
CNG1 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain frame types |
CNG2 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain form def. |
CNG3 | Netw./hier.: maintain color definit. |
CNG4 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain graph. profile |
CNG5 | Netw./Hier: Maintain options profile |
CNG6 | Netw./hier.: Maintain node type |
CNG7 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain link types |
CNG8 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain field def. |
CNG9 | Graph. Cust. Netw./Hierarchy Graph. |
GRAL | Calling SAP Graphics demos |
OSGR | Command file for Customizing graph. |
SIGS | IGS Administration |
SSUC | Structure graphic: copy settings |
SSUD | Structure graphic: delete settings |
Table Name | Description |
BCG0 | Bar chart: Maintain field definition |
BCG1 | Bar chart: Maintain form definition |
BCG2 | Bar chart: Maintain graphic profile |
BCG3 | Bar chart: Maintain form assignment |
BCG4 | Bar chart: Maintain option profile |
BCG5 | Bar chart: Maintain color assignment |
BCG6 | Bar chart: Maintain color definition |
BCG7 | Bar chart: Call model graphic |
BCG8 | Bar chart: Maintain graphic element |
BCG9 | Bar chart: Maintain chart |
CNG1 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain frame types |
CNG2 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain form def. |
CNG3 | Netw./hier.: maintain color definit. |
CNG4 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain graph. profile |
CNG5 | Netw./Hier: Maintain options profile |
CNG6 | Netw./hier.: Maintain node type |
CNG7 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain link types |
CNG8 | Netw./Hier.: Maintain field def. |
CNG9 | Graph. Cust. Netw./Hierarchy Graph. |
GRAL | Calling SAP Graphics demos |
OSGR | Command file for Customizing graph. |
SIGS | IGS Administration |
SSUC | Structure graphic: copy settings |
SSUD | Structure graphic: delete settings |
Table Name | Description |
GUIT | GUI Test |
Table Name | Description |
DEMO_TABSTRIP | Test Transaction Tabstrip |
IAC_FLIGHT | Flight Example Program |
IT00 | Test IAC |
IT03 | Test IAC: internal development |
IT12 | Test IAC language-dependent |
IT13 | Test IAC: language-independ template |
IT18 | Test IAC: start service via call TA |
IT19 | Test IAC: Call Trans Skip Screen |
IT50 | IAC Test Includes |
IT5200 | ITS Test Transaction with S Message |
ITMOBILE00 | Test Transaction for Mobile Devices |
ITMOBILE01 | Test Transaction for Mobile Devices |
ITMOBILE02 | Test Transaction for Voice Input |
ITRBX | Test IAC for sapjulep Rabaxes |
ITW5200 | Wrapper for it5200 |
RSDEMO02 | Testtransaction Table Control |
SAPCALENDAR_NAVI | Testtransaction Calendar Control |
SAPCOLUMN_TREE | Testtransaktion für Column Tree |
SAPRDEMOVIEWING | Testtransaction HTML Control |
SAPSIMPLE_TREE | Testtransaktion für Simple Tree |
SAPTEXTEDIT_TEST_2 | Test for Textedit Control |
SAPTOOLBAR_DEMO1 | Test Transaction: Toolbar Control |
SIAC_PUBLISH_ALL_INT | Publish All ITS Services |
SIAC_REGENERATE_TEMP | Regenerate IAC Templates |
SIAC1 | Display Web Objects (Old Format) |
SITSPMON | Monitor for Internal ITS |
SITSQ_ALV | Test Program: ALV Grid |
SITSQ_ALV_COMBO | Test Program: ALV Grid |
SITSQ_LISTE | Test Program: Report List |
SITSQ_TOOLBAR | Toolbar Control Test |
SRFCCONN | Connect to Customer System via BWRFC |
Table Name | Description |
DEMO_TABSTRIP | Test Transaction Tabstrip |
IAC_FLIGHT | Flight Example Program |
IT00 | Test IAC |
IT03 | Test IAC: internal development |
IT12 | Test IAC language-dependent |
IT13 | Test IAC: language-independ template |
IT18 | Test IAC: start service via call TA |
IT19 | Test IAC: Call Trans Skip Screen |
IT50 | IAC Test Includes |
IT5200 | ITS Test Transaction with S Message |
ITMOBILE00 | Test Transaction for Mobile Devices |
ITMOBILE01 | Test Transaction for Mobile Devices |
ITMOBILE02 | Test Transaction for Voice Input |
ITRBX | Test IAC for sapjulep Rabaxes |
ITW5200 | Wrapper for it5200 |
RSDEMO02 | Testtransaction Table Control |
SAPCALENDAR_NAVI | Testtransaction Calendar Control |
SAPCOLUMN_TREE | Testtransaktion für Column Tree |
SAPRDEMOVIEWING | Testtransaction HTML Control |
SAPSIMPLE_TREE | Testtransaktion für Simple Tree |
SAPTEXTEDIT_TEST_2 | Test for Textedit Control |
SAPTOOLBAR_DEMO1 | Test Transaction: Toolbar Control |
SIAC_PUBLISH_ALL_INT | Publish All ITS Services |
SIAC_REGENERATE_TEMP | Regenerate IAC Templates |
SIAC1 | Display Web Objects (Old Format) |
SITSPMON | Monitor for Internal ITS |
SITSQ_ALV | Test Program: ALV Grid |
SITSQ_ALV_COMBO | Test Program: ALV Grid |
SITSQ_LISTE | Test Program: Report List |
SITSQ_TOOLBAR | Toolbar Control Test |
SRFCCONN | Connect to Customer System via BWRFC |
Table Name | Description |
OLE | OLE demo transaction |
SOLE | OLE Applications |
Table Name | Description |
OLE | OLE demo transaction |
SOLE | OLE Applications |
Table Name | Description |
EUPTSP | GP Content Transport |
Table Name | Description |
CLJP | Specify Japanese calender |
I18N | Internationalization |
REPAST | I18N:repast transaction |
SCP | Display and Maintain Code Page |
SCPMIG | Character Conversion |
SNL1 | "Display NLS (character set |
SNL2 | "Set NLS (character set |
SNL3 | "Develop NLS (character set |
SNLS | "Display NLS (character set |
UCCHECK | Unicode Syntax Check |
Table Name | Description |
SPUMG | Unicode Preconversion |
SUMG | Unicode Postconversion |
Table Name | Description |
BASIS_CL01 | Call CL01 (if it exists) |
BASIS_CL02 | Call CL02 (if it exists) |
BASIS_O1CL | Call O1CL (if it exists) |
BD100 | IDoc display object channel view |
BD101 | Consistency check |
BD102 | Outbound registry |
BD103 | Inbound registry |
BD104 | maintain tbd53 |
BD105 | Maintain Supported Business Objects |
BD20 | IDoc passed to application |
BD21 | Select change pointer |
BD22 | Delete change pointers |
BD23 | Delete serialization data |
BD40 | Read change pointer for group |
BD41 | Dispatch IDocs for group |
BD42 | Check IDocs for group |
BD43 | Post IDocs for group |
BD44 | Assign Message Types to Serlz. Group |
BD47 | Dependencies between methods |
BD48 | Dependency method - message |
BD50 | Activate Change Ptrs for Mess. Type |
BD51 | Maintain function modules (inbound) |
BD52 | Activ.change pointer per |
BD53 | Reduction of Message Types |
BD54 | Maintaining Logical Systems |
BD55 | Maintain IDoc Conversion |
BD55OLD | Maintain IDoc Conversion |
BD56 | Maintain IDoc Segment Filters |
BD57 | Maintain link and serialization ty. |
BD58 | Convert organizational units |
BD59 | Allocation object type -> IDoc type |
BD60 | Additional data for message type |
BD61 | Activate Change Pointers - Generally |
BD62 | Define Segment Conversion Rule |
BD62OLD | Define Segment Conversion Rule |
BD63 | Transport ALE Tables of Message Type |
BD64 | Maintenance of Distribution Model |
BD65 | Maintain IDoc type required fields |
BD66 | IDoc type field -> change doc.field |
BD67 | Maintain methods (inbound) |
BD68 | Maintain Lists |
BD68OLD | Maintain Lists |
BD69 | Assignment of Message Type to IDoc |
BD70 | Synchronize Number Ranges |
BD71 | Define FM for dependent bus. object |
BD72 | Activate Events |
BD73 | Reposting of IDocs (ALE) |
BD75 | Convert IDoc Status |
BD77 | Distribution of control data |
BD78 | Monitoring control data distribution |
BD79 | Maintain IDoc Conversion Rules |
BD79OLD | Maintain IDoc Conversion Rules |
BD81 | Filter objects parameter filtering |
BD82 | Generate Partner Profiles |
BD83 | Send IDocs after an ALE error |
BD84 | Post IDocs after ALE error |
BD87 | Status Monitor for ALE Messages |
BD89 | Control data model. - initial screen |
BD95 | Specify ALE object types |
BD96 | filter objects of receiver determin. |
BD97 | Assign RFC dest. to Logical Systems |
BD98 | Consistency Check Workflow Connectn. |
BD99 | Message type dependencies |
BDA4 | Specify ALE object types |
BDBG | Create ALE Interface for BAPI |
BDBP | Hierarchy maintenance of BAPI param. |
BDBS | Generate coding for mapping |
BDC5 | Consistency of Customizing Data |
BDCCC | Check Center: ALE Basis Cust. Data |
BDCCV | Maintain Items |
BDCP | Number Range Maintenance: ALE_CP |
BDCPMIG | Migrate Change Pointers |
BDFG | ALE Interfaces from Function Module |
BDLS | Convert Logical System Names |
BDLSC | Objects for Special Treatment |
BDLSM | Definition of Conversion Matrix |
BDLSS | Conversion of Logical System Names |
BDLST | Start Conversion Process |
BDM2 | Monitoring: IDocs in Receiving Sys. |
BDM5 | Technical Consistency Check |
BDM6 | Monitor: Check input workflow |
BDM7 | ALE Audit: statistical analyses |
BDM8 | ALE Audit: Sending the confirmations |
BDM9 | Reorganizing the audit database |
BDMO | ALE CCMS Group Administration |
BDMONIC | ALE CCMS Monitoring Objects (Detail) |
BDMONIC2 | ALE CCMS Monitor Objects (General) |
BDMONIC3 | ALE CCMS Monitor Branch |
BDR1 | Display application log for recovery |
BDR2 | Reorganization of recovery data |
BDRC | ALE: Determine Recovery Objects |
BDRL | ALE: Process recovery objects |
BDTP | Business Process- Maintain Templates |
BDWE02 | Call we02 |
BDWE02_2 | Empty Input Field in SE38 |
BDXA | Distribution of Distribution Groups |
BDXD | Import of ALE Requests |
BDXE | Generation of ALE Requests |
BDXI | Model Display (Specific) |
BDXJ | Maintenance of Distribution Groups |
BDXK | Convert CONDAT Objects in Dist.Group |
BDXL | Forward ALE Requests |
BDXM | Analysis of Log Table |
BDXN | Analyze Inbound Log Table |
IDOC | IDoc: Repair and check programs |
IDX1 | Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter |
IDX2 | Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter |
OYEA | IDoc administration |
OYEB | Event coupling for IDoc inbound |
OYEC | Delete codes for process technology |
OYED | Conversion EDIS -> EDIR |
OYSM | Number Range tRFC Port |
OYSN | Number Range IDoc |
OYSO | Number Range R/2 Mailbag |
OYSP | Process codes <-> standard tasks |
OYSQ | Number range for R/2-R/3 linkage |
RBDAPP01 | Variante for RBDAPP01 |
RBDMANI2 | Variant for RBDMANI2 |
RBDSER01 | Variant for RBDSER01 |
RSEIDOCA | Active IDoc Monitoring with Workflow |
RSEOUT00 | Variant for RSEOUT00 |
S_BCE_68000394 | S_BCE_68000394 |
S_BCE_68000542 | S_BCE_68000542 |
S_BCE_68000561 | S_BCE_68000561 |
S_BCE_68000562 | S_BCE_68000562 |
S_BCE_68000565 | S_BCE_68000565 |
S_BCE_68000614 | S_BCE_68000614 |
S_BCE_68000615 | S_BCE_68000615 |
S_BCE_68000650 | S_BCE_68000650 |
S_BCE_68000651 | S_BCE_68000651 |
S_BCE_68000657 | S_BCE_68000657 |
S_BCE_68000659 | S_BCE_68000659 |
S_BCE_68000661 | S_BCE_68000661 |
S_BCE_68000662 | S_BCE_68000662 |
S_BCE_68000663 | S_BCE_68000663 |
S_BCE_68001272 | S_BCE_68001272 |
S_BIE_59000235 | x |
S_BIE_59000236 | x |
SALE | Display ALE Customizing |
SM580 | Transaction for Drag & Relate |
SRTIDOC | Inbound SOAP: Register Service |
WE02 | Display IDoc |
WE05 | IDoc Lists |
WE06 | Active IDoc monitoring |
WE07 | IDoc statistics |
WE08 | Status File Interface |
WE09 | Search for IDocs by Content |
WE10 | Search for IDocs by Content |
WE11 | Delete IDocs |
WE12 | Test Modified Inbound File |
WE14 | Test Outbound Processing |
WE15 | Test Outbound Processing from MC |
WE16 | Test Inbound File |
WE17 | Test Status File |
WE18 | Generate Status File |
WE19 | Test tool |
WE20 | Partner Profiles |
WE21 | Port definition |
WE23 | Verification of IDoc processing |
WE24 | DefaultValuesForOutboundParameters |
WE27 | DefaultValues for Inbound Parameters |
WE30 | IDoc Type Development |
WE31 | Development IDoc Segment |
WE32 | Development IDoc View |
WE34 | Object for Display of XML IDocs |
WE40 | IDoc Administration |
WE41 | "Process codes |
WE42 | "Process codes |
WE43 | Funct.module: Status record display |
WE44 | Partner Types and Checks |
WE45 | "Forward (inbound) (V3 |
WE46 | Error and Status Processing |
WE47 | Status Maintenance |
WE50 | System process codes: Texts |
WE51 | System process codes: Change texts |
WE54 | FMs for changing file names |
WE55 | Function Module for Path Names |
WE56 | IDoc Administration |
WE57 | Assignment Messages for Appl. Objs |
WE58 | Status process codes: Texts |
WE59 | Change status process codes |
WE60 | Documentation for IDoc types |
WE61 | Documentation for IDoc record types |
WE62 | Documentation for segments |
WE63 | Documentation |
WE64 | Documentation message types |
WE70 | Conversion: Basic types |
WE71 | Conversion: Extensions |
WE72 | Conversion: IDoc types |
WE73 | Conversion: Logical messages |
WE81 | Logical message types |
WE82 | Assign Messages for IDoc Type |
WE84 | Assignment of IDoc and appl. fields |
WE85 | Create Rule Names |
WE86 | Assignment Segm.Type and Lang.Field |
WE87 | Load MDMP Information |
WEADM | ALE Debugging Control |
WECO | System Process Codes |
WECP | Status CPIC Interface |
WECRYPTDISPLAY | Fields for Encrypted Display |
WEINBQUEUE | IDoc Inbound Queue |
WEL0 | Forward (inbound) (EDILOGADR) |
WELI | Maintain Status Groups |
WENOLINKS | Deactivate Link |
WEOUTQUEUE | IDoc Outbound Queue |
WPIE | Inbound modified IDocs |
Table Name | Description |
BASIS_CL01 | Call CL01 (if it exists) |
BASIS_CL02 | Call CL02 (if it exists) |
BASIS_O1CL | Call O1CL (if it exists) |
BD100 | IDoc display object channel view |
BD101 | Consistency check |
BD102 | Outbound registry |
BD103 | Inbound registry |
BD104 | maintain tbd53 |
BD105 | Maintain Supported Business Objects |
BD20 | IDoc passed to application |
BD21 | Select change pointer |
BD22 | Delete change pointers |
BD23 | Delete serialization data |
BD40 | Read change pointer for group |
BD41 | Dispatch IDocs for group |
BD42 | Check IDocs for group |
BD43 | Post IDocs for group |
BD44 | Assign Message Types to Serlz. Group |
BD47 | Dependencies between methods |
BD48 | Dependency method - message |
BD50 | Activate Change Ptrs for Mess. Type |
BD51 | Maintain function modules (inbound) |
BD52 | Activ.change pointer per |
BD53 | Reduction of Message Types |
BD54 | Maintaining Logical Systems |
BD55 | Maintain IDoc Conversion |
BD55OLD | Maintain IDoc Conversion |
BD56 | Maintain IDoc Segment Filters |
BD57 | Maintain link and serialization ty. |
BD58 | Convert organizational units |
BD59 | Allocation object type -> IDoc type |
BD60 | Additional data for message type |
BD61 | Activate Change Pointers - Generally |
BD62 | Define Segment Conversion Rule |
BD62OLD | Define Segment Conversion Rule |
BD63 | Transport ALE Tables of Message Type |
BD64 | Maintenance of Distribution Model |
BD65 | Maintain IDoc type required fields |
BD66 | IDoc type field -> change doc.field |
BD67 | Maintain methods (inbound) |
BD68 | Maintain Lists |
BD68OLD | Maintain Lists |
BD69 | Assignment of Message Type to IDoc |
BD70 | Synchronize Number Ranges |
BD71 | Define FM for dependent bus. object |
BD72 | Activate Events |
BD73 | Reposting of IDocs (ALE) |
BD75 | Convert IDoc Status |
BD77 | Distribution of control data |
BD78 | Monitoring control data distribution |
BD79 | Maintain IDoc Conversion Rules |
BD79OLD | Maintain IDoc Conversion Rules |
BD81 | Filter objects parameter filtering |
BD82 | Generate Partner Profiles |
BD83 | Send IDocs after an ALE error |
BD84 | Post IDocs after ALE error |
BD87 | Status Monitor for ALE Messages |
BD89 | Control data model. - initial screen |
BD95 | Specify ALE object types |
BD96 | filter objects of receiver determin. |
BD97 | Assign RFC dest. to Logical Systems |
BD98 | Consistency Check Workflow Connectn. |
BD99 | Message type dependencies |
BDA4 | Specify ALE object types |
BDBG | Create ALE Interface for BAPI |
BDBP | Hierarchy maintenance of BAPI param. |
BDBS | Generate coding for mapping |
BDC5 | Consistency of Customizing Data |
BDCCC | Check Center: ALE Basis Cust. Data |
BDCCV | Maintain Items |
BDCP | Number Range Maintenance: ALE_CP |
BDCPMIG | Migrate Change Pointers |
BDFG | ALE Interfaces from Function Module |
BDLS | Convert Logical System Names |
BDLSC | Objects for Special Treatment |
BDLSM | Definition of Conversion Matrix |
BDLSS | Conversion of Logical System Names |
BDLST | Start Conversion Process |
BDM2 | Monitoring: IDocs in Receiving Sys. |
BDM5 | Technical Consistency Check |
BDM6 | Monitor: Check input workflow |
BDM7 | ALE Audit: statistical analyses |
BDM8 | ALE Audit: Sending the confirmations |
BDM9 | Reorganizing the audit database |
BDMO | ALE CCMS Group Administration |
BDMONIC | ALE CCMS Monitoring Objects (Detail) |
BDMONIC2 | ALE CCMS Monitor Objects (General) |
BDMONIC3 | ALE CCMS Monitor Branch |
BDR1 | Display application log for recovery |
BDR2 | Reorganization of recovery data |
BDRC | ALE: Determine Recovery Objects |
BDRL | ALE: Process recovery objects |
BDTP | Business Process- Maintain Templates |
BDWE02 | Call we02 |
BDWE02_2 | Empty Input Field in SE38 |
BDXA | Distribution of Distribution Groups |
BDXD | Import of ALE Requests |
BDXE | Generation of ALE Requests |
BDXI | Model Display (Specific) |
BDXJ | Maintenance of Distribution Groups |
BDXK | Convert CONDAT Objects in Dist.Group |
BDXL | Forward ALE Requests |
BDXM | Analysis of Log Table |
BDXN | Analyze Inbound Log Table |
IDOC | IDoc: Repair and check programs |
IDX1 | Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter |
IDX2 | Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter |
OYEA | IDoc administration |
OYEB | Event coupling for IDoc inbound |
OYEC | Delete codes for process technology |
OYED | Conversion EDIS -> EDIR |
OYSM | Number Range tRFC Port |
OYSN | Number Range IDoc |
OYSO | Number Range R/2 Mailbag |
OYSP | Process codes <-> standard tasks |
OYSQ | Number range for R/2-R/3 linkage |
RBDAPP01 | Variante for RBDAPP01 |
RBDMANI2 | Variant for RBDMANI2 |
RBDSER01 | Variant for RBDSER01 |
RSEIDOCA | Active IDoc Monitoring with Workflow |
RSEOUT00 | Variant for RSEOUT00 |
S_BCE_68000394 | S_BCE_68000394 |
S_BCE_68000542 | S_BCE_68000542 |
S_BCE_68000561 | S_BCE_68000561 |
S_BCE_68000562 | S_BCE_68000562 |
S_BCE_68000565 | S_BCE_68000565 |
S_BCE_68000614 | S_BCE_68000614 |
S_BCE_68000615 | S_BCE_68000615 |
S_BCE_68000650 | S_BCE_68000650 |
S_BCE_68000651 | S_BCE_68000651 |
S_BCE_68000657 | S_BCE_68000657 |
S_BCE_68000659 | S_BCE_68000659 |
S_BCE_68000661 | S_BCE_68000661 |
S_BCE_68000662 | S_BCE_68000662 |
S_BCE_68000663 | S_BCE_68000663 |
S_BCE_68001272 | S_BCE_68001272 |
S_BIE_59000235 | x |
S_BIE_59000236 | x |
SALE | Display ALE Customizing |
SM580 | Transaction for Drag & Relate |
SRTIDOC | Inbound SOAP: Register Service |
WE02 | Display IDoc |
WE05 | IDoc Lists |
WE06 | Active IDoc monitoring |
WE07 | IDoc statistics |
WE08 | Status File Interface |
WE09 | Search for IDocs by Content |
WE10 | Search for IDocs by Content |
WE11 | Delete IDocs |
WE12 | Test Modified Inbound File |
WE14 | Test Outbound Processing |
WE15 | Test Outbound Processing from MC |
WE16 | Test Inbound File |
WE17 | Test Status File |
WE18 | Generate Status File |
WE19 | Test tool |
WE20 | Partner Profiles |
WE21 | Port definition |
WE23 | Verification of IDoc processing |
WE24 | DefaultValuesForOutboundParameters |
WE27 | DefaultValues for Inbound Parameters |
WE30 | IDoc Type Development |
WE31 | Development IDoc Segment |
WE32 | Development IDoc View |
WE34 | Object for Display of XML IDocs |
WE40 | IDoc Administration |
WE41 | "Process codes |
WE42 | "Process codes |
WE43 | Funct.module: Status record display |
WE44 | Partner Types and Checks |
WE45 | "Forward (inbound) (V3 |
WE46 | Error and Status Processing |
WE47 | Status Maintenance |
WE50 | System process codes: Texts |
WE51 | System process codes: Change texts |
WE54 | FMs for changing file names |
WE55 | Function Module for Path Names |
WE56 | IDoc Administration |
WE57 | Assignment Messages for Appl. Objs |
WE58 | Status process codes: Texts |
WE59 | Change status process codes |
WE60 | Documentation for IDoc types |
WE61 | Documentation for IDoc record types |
WE62 | Documentation for segments |
WE63 | Documentation |
WE64 | Documentation message types |
WE70 | Conversion: Basic types |
WE71 | Conversion: Extensions |
WE72 | Conversion: IDoc types |
WE73 | Conversion: Logical messages |
WE81 | Logical message types |
WE82 | Assign Messages for IDoc Type |
WE84 | Assignment of IDoc and appl. fields |
WE85 | Create Rule Names |
WE86 | Assignment Segm.Type and Lang.Field |
WE87 | Load MDMP Information |
WEADM | ALE Debugging Control |
WECO | System Process Codes |
WECP | Status CPIC Interface |
WECRYPTDISPLAY | Fields for Encrypted Display |
WEINBQUEUE | IDoc Inbound Queue |
WEL0 | Forward (inbound) (EDILOGADR) |
WELI | Maintain Status Groups |
WENOLINKS | Deactivate Link |
WEOUTQUEUE | IDoc Outbound Queue |
WPIE | Inbound modified IDocs |
Table Name | Description |
BMV0 | Manage Data Transfers |
BMVN | Number Range Maintenance: DI_JOBID |
OBDU | Job Names for Data Transfers |
Table Name | Description |
BAPI | BAPI Explorer |
BAPIW | BAPI Explorer |
Table Name | Description |
SICF | HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance |
SICF_INST | Activate Service During Installation |
SICFRECORDER | ICF: Display Recorded Objects |
Table Name | Description |
SAPconnect Easy EMail | |
IMCDISPATCH | Forward IMC Event |
IMCTST | IMC Test Monitor |
IMCTX | Intermode Communication |
SBGRFCCONF | bgRFC Configuration |
SBGRFCHIST | Display Unit History |
SBGRFCMON | bgRFC Monitor |
SBGRFCPERFMON | bgRFC Performance Monitor |
SM58 | Asynchronous RFC Error Log |
SM59 | RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) |
SM59_OLD | RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) |
SMQ1 | qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue) |
SMQ2 | qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue) |
SMQ3 | qRFC Monitor (Saved E-Queue) |
SMQA | tRFC/qRFC: Confirm. status & data |
SMQE | qRFC Administration |
SMQR | Registration of Inbound Queues |
SMQS | Registration of Destinations |
SMT1 | Trusted Systems (Display <-> Maint.) |
SMT2 | Trusting systems (Display <->Maint.) |
Table Name | Description |
SAPconnect Easy EMail | |
IMCDISPATCH | Forward IMC Event |
IMCTST | IMC Test Monitor |
IMCTX | Intermode Communication |
SBGRFCCONF | bgRFC Configuration |
SBGRFCHIST | Display Unit History |
SBGRFCMON | bgRFC Monitor |
SBGRFCPERFMON | bgRFC Performance Monitor |
SM58 | Asynchronous RFC Error Log |
SM59 | RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) |
SM59_OLD | RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) |
SMQ1 | qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue) |
SMQ2 | qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue) |
SMQ3 | qRFC Monitor (Saved E-Queue) |
SMQA | tRFC/qRFC: Confirm. status & data |
SMQE | qRFC Administration |
SMQR | Registration of Inbound Queues |
SMQS | Registration of Destinations |
SMT1 | Trusted Systems (Display <-> Maint.) |
SMT2 | Trusting systems (Display <->Maint.) |
Table Name | Description |
CSPC | Customer Specifications |
S_B9R_99000001 | System Administration Assistant |
S_B9R_99000002 | System Administration Assistant |
SSAA | System Administration Assistant |
SSAA_TOP | System Administration Assistant |
SSPC | SAP DEFAULT Specifications |
SYSADM_CALL_DOCU | Documentation on Task |
SYSADM_CALL_TA | Execute Task |
SYSADM_TASK | System Administration: Task List |
Table Name | Description |
CERTMAP | Certificate Assignment |
CERTREQ | Certificate enrollment |
LICENSE_ADMIN | License Administration Workbench |
RZ27_SECURITY | MiniApp CCMS Alerts Security |
SECSTORE | Administration of Secure Storage |
SLAW | License Administration Workbench |
SM18 | Reorganize Security Audit Log |
SM19 | Security Audit Configuration |
SM20 | Analysis of Security Audit Log |
SM20_OLD | Security Audit Log Evaluation (Old) |
SM20N | Analysis of Security Audit Log |
STRUST | Trust Manager |
STRUSTSSO2 | Trust Manager for Logon Ticket |
WSSPROFILE | Edit Web Services Security Profile |
Table Name | Description |
CERTMAP | Certificate Assignment |
CERTREQ | Certificate enrollment |
LICENSE_ADMIN | License Administration Workbench |
RZ27_SECURITY | MiniApp CCMS Alerts Security |
SECSTORE | Administration of Secure Storage |
SLAW | License Administration Workbench |
SM18 | Reorganize Security Audit Log |
SM19 | Security Audit Configuration |
SM20 | Analysis of Security Audit Log |
SM20_OLD | Security Audit Log Evaluation (Old) |
SM20N | Analysis of Security Audit Log |
STRUST | Trust Manager |
STRUSTSSO2 | Trust Manager for Logon Ticket |
WSSPROFILE | Edit Web Services Security Profile |
Table Name | Description |
0REP | "Start of program |
CUSTMON1 | Objects in Customer Namespace |
RBDAUD01 | Statistical Evaluations for AL |
RBDCONCH_BCE | Consistency Check with WF Connection |
RDDPRCHK_AUDIT | Customizing Tables Without Log |
RDDTDDAT_BCE | Check Table Logging |
RFAUDI20_BCE | Where-Used List: Authorization Obj. |
RFTBPROT_BCE_AIS_BIL | AIS Financial Statements |
RFTBPROT_BCE_AISFIBU | AIS Financial Accounting |
RFTBPROT_BCE_AUDIT | Standard Variant |
RSABAPSC | Statistical Prog. Anal. for Search |
RSABAUTH | Transfer of Authorization Groups |
RSABTPGP | Authorization Groups |
RSAU_SELECT_EVENTS | Display Audit Events (Batch Proc.) |
RSAUDIT_SYSTEM_ENV | Client and System Settings |
RSAUDIT_SYSTEM_ENV_X | Client and System Settings |
RSAUDITC_BCE | Display Locked Transactions |
RSAUDITM_BCE_IMPO | Import Overview |
RSAUDITM_BCE_SYSO | System Overview |
RSAUDITM_BCE_TPLGA | Transport Monitor ALOG |
RSAUDITM_BCE_TPLGS | Transport Monitor SLOG |
RSCSAUTH | Maintain/Restore Authorization Group |
RSEIDOC2 | IDoc List |
RSGWLST | Accessible Gateways |
RSINFO00_BCE_AUD_MOD | Customer Exits |
RSPFPAR | Display profile parameter |
RSPFPAR_AUTH | Authorization All |
RSPFPAR_LOGIN | Logon Rules |
RSPFPAR_PROFGEN | Profile Generator |
RSPFPAR_RFC | Remote Function Call |
RSPFPAR_SPOOL | Spool Parameters |
RSPFPAR_STATISTICS | Workload Statistics |
RSPFPAR_SYSLOG | Syslog Parameters |
RSPFPAR_TABLEREC | Table Recording |
RSPFPAR_TABLESTAT | Table Access Statistics |
RSPO0055 | Installation Check: Spool |
RSRFCCHK | RFC destinations with logon data |
RSRFCSTX | RFC statistics |
RSRSDEST | System Overview Output |
RSSCD100 | Display Change Documents |
RSSCD150 | Display Change Documents |
RSSNCSRV | SNC Status of Application Server |
RSSTAT10 | Performance Analysis: Workload Anal. |
RSSTAT20 | Performance Analysis: Single Stats |
RSSWOUSR | List of Internet users |
RSTBHIST | Table history |
RSTMSAMO | TMS: Alert Viewer |
RSTMSDIC | TMS: Display Configuration |
RSUSR000 | Currently Active Users |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_ABAP | Users with ABAP Authorization |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_CTS | Users who can use CTS |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_OSCL | Users who can call OS commands |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_RFC | Users who can execute RFC functions |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_UAP | Update Accounting Periods |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_UCA | Update Chart of Accounts |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_UCC | Update Company Codes |
RSUSR003 | Check standard user passwords |
RSUSR007 | List Users |
RSUSR200 | List of Users per Login Date |
RSUSR200_INITPASS | Users with Initial Password |
RSUSR200_PWDCHG180 | Unchanged for 180 Days |
RSUSR200_UNUSED30 | Not Logged On for 30 Days |
RSWBO004 | Set System Change Option |
RSWBO040 | Search for Objects in Requests/Tasks |
RSWBO040_AUDIT_PA | Requests with PA tables |
RSWBO040_AUDIT_USR | Requests with USR tables |
RSWBO050 | Analyze Objects in Orders/Tasks |
SE16T000 | Data Browser T000 |
SE16USR40 | Data Browser USR40 |
SE16USRACL | Data Browser USRACL |
SE16V_T599R | Data Browser V_T599R |
SE16W3TREES | Data Browser W3TREES |
SE16WWWFUNC | Data Browser WWWFUNC |
SE16WWWREPS | Data Browser WWWREPS |
SECR | Obsolete Audit Info System |
SM30_TVARV | Call SM30 for Table TVARV |
SM30V_BRG | Call of SM30 for View V_BRG |
SM30V_DDAT | Call of SM30 for View V_DDAT |
SM30VSNCSYSACL | Call of SM30 for Table VSNCSYSACL |
Table Name | Description |
0REP | "Start of program |
CUSTMON1 | Objects in Customer Namespace |
RBDAUD01 | Statistical Evaluations for AL |
RBDCONCH_BCE | Consistency Check with WF Connection |
RDDPRCHK_AUDIT | Customizing Tables Without Log |
RDDTDDAT_BCE | Check Table Logging |
RFAUDI20_BCE | Where-Used List: Authorization Obj. |
RFTBPROT_BCE_AIS_BIL | AIS Financial Statements |
RFTBPROT_BCE_AISFIBU | AIS Financial Accounting |
RFTBPROT_BCE_AUDIT | Standard Variant |
RSABAPSC | Statistical Prog. Anal. for Search |
RSABAUTH | Transfer of Authorization Groups |
RSABTPGP | Authorization Groups |
RSAU_SELECT_EVENTS | Display Audit Events (Batch Proc.) |
RSAUDIT_SYSTEM_ENV | Client and System Settings |
RSAUDIT_SYSTEM_ENV_X | Client and System Settings |
RSAUDITC_BCE | Display Locked Transactions |
RSAUDITM_BCE_IMPO | Import Overview |
RSAUDITM_BCE_SYSO | System Overview |
RSAUDITM_BCE_TPLGA | Transport Monitor ALOG |
RSAUDITM_BCE_TPLGS | Transport Monitor SLOG |
RSCSAUTH | Maintain/Restore Authorization Group |
RSEIDOC2 | IDoc List |
RSGWLST | Accessible Gateways |
RSINFO00_BCE_AUD_MOD | Customer Exits |
RSPFPAR | Display profile parameter |
RSPFPAR_AUTH | Authorization All |
RSPFPAR_LOGIN | Logon Rules |
RSPFPAR_PROFGEN | Profile Generator |
RSPFPAR_RFC | Remote Function Call |
RSPFPAR_SPOOL | Spool Parameters |
RSPFPAR_STATISTICS | Workload Statistics |
RSPFPAR_SYSLOG | Syslog Parameters |
RSPFPAR_TABLEREC | Table Recording |
RSPFPAR_TABLESTAT | Table Access Statistics |
RSPO0055 | Installation Check: Spool |
RSRFCCHK | RFC destinations with logon data |
RSRFCSTX | RFC statistics |
RSRSDEST | System Overview Output |
RSSCD100 | Display Change Documents |
RSSCD150 | Display Change Documents |
RSSNCSRV | SNC Status of Application Server |
RSSTAT10 | Performance Analysis: Workload Anal. |
RSSTAT20 | Performance Analysis: Single Stats |
RSSWOUSR | List of Internet users |
RSTBHIST | Table history |
RSTMSAMO | TMS: Alert Viewer |
RSTMSDIC | TMS: Display Configuration |
RSUSR000 | Currently Active Users |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_ABAP | Users with ABAP Authorization |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_CTS | Users who can use CTS |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_OSCL | Users who can call OS commands |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_RFC | Users who can execute RFC functions |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_UAP | Update Accounting Periods |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_UCA | Update Chart of Accounts |
RSUSR002_AUDIT_UCC | Update Company Codes |
RSUSR003 | Check standard user passwords |
RSUSR007 | List Users |
RSUSR200 | List of Users per Login Date |
RSUSR200_INITPASS | Users with Initial Password |
RSUSR200_PWDCHG180 | Unchanged for 180 Days |
RSUSR200_UNUSED30 | Not Logged On for 30 Days |
RSWBO004 | Set System Change Option |
RSWBO040 | Search for Objects in Requests/Tasks |
RSWBO040_AUDIT_PA | Requests with PA tables |
RSWBO040_AUDIT_USR | Requests with USR tables |
RSWBO050 | Analyze Objects in Orders/Tasks |
SE16T000 | Data Browser T000 |
SE16USR40 | Data Browser USR40 |
SE16USRACL | Data Browser USRACL |
SE16V_T599R | Data Browser V_T599R |
SE16W3TREES | Data Browser W3TREES |
SE16WWWFUNC | Data Browser WWWFUNC |
SE16WWWREPS | Data Browser WWWREPS |
SECR | Obsolete Audit Info System |
SM30_TVARV | Call SM30 for Table TVARV |
SM30V_BRG | Call of SM30 for View V_BRG |
SM30V_DDAT | Call of SM30 for View V_DDAT |
SM30VSNCSYSACL | Call of SM30 for Table VSNCSYSACL |
Table Name | Description |
LDAP | LDAP Customizing and Test |
LDAPLOG | Analyze LDAP Log |
LDAPMAP | Maintain LDAP Attribute Assignment |
RSLDAPSYNC_USER | LDAP Synchronization of Users |
Table Name | Description |
EXTID_DN | External Identification Type DN |
EXTID_ID | External Identification Type ID |
SNC0 | SNC Access Control List: Systems |
SNC1 | Generate SNC name for user |
SNC2 | Export SNC name of user |
SNC3 | User initial control list 3.1-4.0 |
SNC4 | Check canonical SNC names |
Table Name | Description |
O07C | Obsolete transaction |
PSEMAINT | PSE Management |
SSFA | SSF: Set Application Parameters |
SSFI | IAC: Test: Browser Digital Signature |
SSFIDEMO_DIGSIG | Digital Signature Demo (ITS) |
Table Name | Description |
O07C | Obsolete transaction |
PSEMAINT | PSE Management |
SSFA | SSF: Set Application Parameters |
SSFI | IAC: Test: Browser Digital Signature |
SSFIDEMO_DIGSIG | Digital Signature Demo (ITS) |
Table Name | Description |
PERSREG | Personalization object |
SDMO | Dynamic Menu (old) |
SMEN | Session Manager Menu Tree Display |
SPERS_DIALOG | Edit Personalization |
SPERS_MAINT | Personalization object processing |
SPERS_REUSE_DEMO | Personalization Test Transaction |
SPERS_TEST | Test personalization objects |
SROLE | Export User Roles to XML doc. |
SU05 | Maintain Internet Users |
SU55 | Call the Session Manager menus |
WP3R | Follow-Up Processes for Portal Roles |
Table Name | Description |
BPOMEAS | BPO Application Measurement |
LICENSE_ATTRIBUTES | Maintain License Attributes of Roles |
RSUSR_SYS_LIC | Cross-System License Data Info. |
S_BCE_68001393 | Users by address data |
S_BCE_68001394 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001395 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001396 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001397 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001398 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001399 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001400 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001401 | Critical Combinations of Auth. |
S_BCE_68001402 | With Unsuccessful Logons |
S_BCE_68001403 | With Critical Authorizations |
S_BCE_68001404 | Profiles by Contained Profiles |
S_BCE_68001405 | Profiles by Authorization Name |
S_BCE_68001406 | Profiles by Values |
S_BCE_68001407 | Profiles by Changes |
S_BCE_68001408 | Profiles by Roles |
S_BCE_68001409 | Profiles According to Complex Crit. |
S_BCE_68001410 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001411 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001412 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001413 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001414 | Auth. According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001415 | Authorizations by Values |
S_BCE_68001416 | Authorizations by Changes |
S_BCE_68001417 | Auth. According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001418 | Roles by Role Name |
S_BCE_68001419 | Roles by User Assignment |
S_BCE_68001420 | Roles by Transaction Assignment |
S_BCE_68001421 | Roles by Profile Assignment |
S_BCE_68001422 | Roles by Authorization Object |
S_BCE_68001423 | Roles by Authorization Values |
S_BCE_68001424 | Roles by Change Data |
S_BCE_68001425 | Roles by Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001426 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001427 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001428 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001429 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001430 | Compare Users |
S_BCE_68001431 | Compare Profiles |
S_BCE_68001432 | Compare Authorizations |
S_BCE_68001433 | Comparisons |
S_BCE_68001434 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001435 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001436 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001437 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001438 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001439 | For user |
S_BCE_68001440 | For profiles |
S_BCE_68001441 | For authorizations |
S_BCE_68001767 | By Profile Name or Text |
S_BCE_68001777 | Compare Roles |
S_BCE_68002030 | Where-Used List for Authorization |
S_BCE_68002041 | Executable for Role |
S_BCE_68002111 | RSUSR008_009_NEW |
S_BCE_68002311 | Change Documents for Users |
S_BIE_59000197 | Report cross-system information |
S_BIE_59000198 | Report cross-system information |
S_BIE_59000199 | Report cross-system information |
SALE_CUA | Display ALE Customizing for CUA |
SCUA | Central User Administration |
SCUC | CUA: Synchronize company addresses |
SCUG | Transfer Users |
SCUL | Central User Administration Log |
SCUM | Central User Administration |
SLICENSE | Administer SAP Licenses |
SU_REFUSERVARIABLE | Maintain reference user variables |
SU_VCUSRVAR_DISP | Display View Cluster VCUSRVAR |
SU0 | Maintain Own Fixed User Values |
SU01 | User Maintenance |
SU01_NAV | User maint. to include in navigation |
SU01D | User Display |
SU02 | Maintain Authorization Profiles |
SU03 | Maintain Authorizations |
SU1 | Maintain Own User Address |
SU10 | User Mass Maintenance |
SU12 | Mass Changes to User Master Records |
SU2 | Maintain Own User Parameters |
SU20 | Maintain Authorization Fields |
SU20_BTCH | Maintain Authorization Fields |
SU21 | Maintain Authorization Objects |
SU21_OLD | Maintain Authorization Objects |
SU22 | Auth. Object Usage in Transactions |
SU22_OLD | Auth. Object Usage in Transactions |
SU3 | Maintain Users Own Data |
SU50 | Own data |
SU51 | Maintain Own User Address |
SU52 | Maintain Own User Parameters |
SU53 | Evaluate Authorization Check |
SU56 | Analyze User Buffer |
SU80 | Archive user change documents |
SU81 | Archive user password change doc. |
SU82 | Archive profile documents |
SU83 | Archive authorization docs. |
SU84 | Read Archived User Change Documents |
SU85 | Read Archived Password Change Doc. |
SU86 | Read Profile Change Documents |
SU87 | Read Authorization Change Documents |
SU96 | Table maint.: Change SUKRIA |
SU97 | Table maint.: Display SUKRIA |
SU98 | Call Report RSUSR008 |
SU99 | Call report RSUSR008 |
SUCOMP | User company address maintenance |
SUGR | Maintain User Groups |
SUGR_NAV | Maintain User Groups |
SUGRD | Display user groups |
SUGRD_NAV | Display User Groups |
SUIM | User Information System |
SUIM_OLD | Call AUTH Reporting Tree (Info Sys.) |
SUUM | Global User Manager |
SUUMD | Display User Administration |
USMM | Customer measurement |
Table Name | Description |
BPOMEAS | BPO Application Measurement |
LICENSE_ATTRIBUTES | Maintain License Attributes of Roles |
RSUSR_SYS_LIC | Cross-System License Data Info. |
S_BCE_68001393 | Users by address data |
S_BCE_68001394 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001395 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001396 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001397 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001398 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001399 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001400 | Users According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001401 | Critical Combinations of Auth. |
S_BCE_68001402 | With Unsuccessful Logons |
S_BCE_68001403 | With Critical Authorizations |
S_BCE_68001404 | Profiles by Contained Profiles |
S_BCE_68001405 | Profiles by Authorization Name |
S_BCE_68001406 | Profiles by Values |
S_BCE_68001407 | Profiles by Changes |
S_BCE_68001408 | Profiles by Roles |
S_BCE_68001409 | Profiles According to Complex Crit. |
S_BCE_68001410 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001411 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001412 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001413 | Auth. Objects According to Complex |
S_BCE_68001414 | Auth. According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001415 | Authorizations by Values |
S_BCE_68001416 | Authorizations by Changes |
S_BCE_68001417 | Auth. According to Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001418 | Roles by Role Name |
S_BCE_68001419 | Roles by User Assignment |
S_BCE_68001420 | Roles by Transaction Assignment |
S_BCE_68001421 | Roles by Profile Assignment |
S_BCE_68001422 | Roles by Authorization Object |
S_BCE_68001423 | Roles by Authorization Values |
S_BCE_68001424 | Roles by Change Data |
S_BCE_68001425 | Roles by Complex Criteria |
S_BCE_68001426 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001427 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001428 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001429 | Transactions for User |
S_BCE_68001430 | Compare Users |
S_BCE_68001431 | Compare Profiles |
S_BCE_68001432 | Compare Authorizations |
S_BCE_68001433 | Comparisons |
S_BCE_68001434 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001435 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001436 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001437 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001438 | Where-used lists |
S_BCE_68001439 | For user |
S_BCE_68001440 | For profiles |
S_BCE_68001441 | For authorizations |
S_BCE_68001767 | By Profile Name or Text |
S_BCE_68001777 | Compare Roles |
S_BCE_68002030 | Where-Used List for Authorization |
S_BCE_68002041 | Executable for Role |
S_BCE_68002111 | RSUSR008_009_NEW |
S_BCE_68002311 | Change Documents for Users |
S_BIE_59000197 | Report cross-system information |
S_BIE_59000198 | Report cross-system information |
S_BIE_59000199 | Report cross-system information |
SALE_CUA | Display ALE Customizing for CUA |
SCUA | Central User Administration |
SCUC | CUA: Synchronize company addresses |
SCUG | Transfer Users |
SCUL | Central User Administration Log |
SCUM | Central User Administration |
SLICENSE | Administer SAP Licenses |
SU_REFUSERVARIABLE | Maintain reference user variables |
SU_VCUSRVAR_DISP | Display View Cluster VCUSRVAR |
SU0 | Maintain Own Fixed User Values |
SU01 | User Maintenance |
SU01_NAV | User maint. to include in navigation |
SU01D | User Display |
SU02 | Maintain Authorization Profiles |
SU03 | Maintain Authorizations |
SU1 | Maintain Own User Address |
SU10 | User Mass Maintenance |
SU12 | Mass Changes to User Master Records |
SU2 | Maintain Own User Parameters |
SU20 | Maintain Authorization Fields |
SU20_BTCH | Maintain Authorization Fields |
SU21 | Maintain Authorization Objects |
SU21_OLD | Maintain Authorization Objects |
SU22 | Auth. Object Usage in Transactions |
SU22_OLD | Auth. Object Usage in Transactions |
SU3 | Maintain Users Own Data |
SU50 | Own data |
SU51 | Maintain Own User Address |
SU52 | Maintain Own User Parameters |
SU53 | Evaluate Authorization Check |
SU56 | Analyze User Buffer |
SU80 | Archive user change documents |
SU81 | Archive user password change doc. |
SU82 | Archive profile documents |
SU83 | Archive authorization docs. |
SU84 | Read Archived User Change Documents |
SU85 | Read Archived Password Change Doc. |
SU86 | Read Profile Change Documents |
SU87 | Read Authorization Change Documents |
SU96 | Table maint.: Change SUKRIA |
SU97 | Table maint.: Display SUKRIA |
SU98 | Call Report RSUSR008 |
SU99 | Call report RSUSR008 |
SUCOMP | User company address maintenance |
SUGR | Maintain User Groups |
SUGR_NAV | Maintain User Groups |
SUGRD | Display user groups |
SUGRD_NAV | Display User Groups |
SUIM | User Information System |
SUIM_OLD | Call AUTH Reporting Tree (Info Sys.) |
SUUM | Global User Manager |
SUUMD | Display User Administration |
USMM | Customer measurement |
Table Name | Description |
AUTH_ASSISTANT | Role Authorization Assistant |
AUTH_DISPLAY_OBJECTS | Display Active Authorization Objects |
AUTH_SWITCH_OBJECTS | Switch on/off authorizations |
GLOBAL_TEMPLATES | Global authorization templates |
MENU_MIGRATION | Menu Migration into New Hierarchy |
PERS_DEFI | Define Personalization Objects |
PFCG | Role Maintenance |
PFCG_EASY | Profile Generator (Easy Version) |
PFCG_EASY_NEW | saplprgn_catt |
PFCG_OLD | Maintain Old Roles |
PFUD | User Master Data Reconciliation |
ROLE_CMP | Compare Roles |
RSSCD100_PFCG | Change Documents for Role Admin. |
RSSCD100_PFCG_USER | For Role Assignment |
S_BCE_68000646 | S_BCE_68000646 |
S_BCE_68000647 | S_BCE_68000647 |
S_BCE_68001273 | S_BCE_68001273 |
S_BIE_59000142 | S_BIE_59000142 |
S_BIE_59000143 | S_BIE_59000143 |
S_BIE_59000247 | x |
S_BIE_59000249 | Roles By MiniApp |
S_BJA_09000008 | x |
S_BJA_09000010 | x |
S_BJA_09000011 | x |
S_BJA_09000012 | x |
S_BJA_09000026 | x |
SE61D | Display of SAPScript Text |
SE97 | Maint. transaction call authorizatn |
SM30_CUS_COUNT | Maintain Table CUS_COUNT |
SM30_CUS_INDU | Maintain Table CUS_INDU |
SM30_CUS_SYST | Maintain Table CUS_SYST |
SM30_PRGN_CUST | Maintain Table SSM_CUST |
SM30_SSM_CUST | Maintain Table SSM_CUST |
SM30_SSM_RFC | Maintain Table SSM_RFC |
SM30_SSM_VAR | Maintain Table SSM_VAR |
SM30_VAL_AKH | Maintain Table VAL_AKH |
START_AGR_GENERATOR | Adjust all SAP roles |
SU24 | Auth. Obj. Check Under Transactions |
SU24_CHECK | Switch Off Authorizations: Test |
SU24_OLD | Auth. Obj. Check Under Transactions |
SU24_S_TABU_NAM | SU24 for S_TABU_NAM Activation |
SU25 | Upgrade Tool for Profile Generator |
SU25_OLD | Upgrade Tool for Profile Generator |
SU26 | Upgrade Tool for Profile Generator |
SUPC | Role Profiles |
SUPN | Number range maint.: PROF_VARIS |
SUPO | Maintain org. levels |
SUPO_PREPARE | Maintain Organizational Levels |
URL_DEFINITION | Create Global URLs |
WIZ_DEFINE | Define a Wizard |
WIZ_DEFINE_SHOW | Define a Wizard - Display |
WIZ_MODUL | Wizard Module |
WIZ_MODUL_SHOW | Wizard Module - Display |
Table Name | Description |
VSCAN | Configuration of Virus Scan Servers |
VSCANGROUP | Configuration of Virus Scan Groups |
VSCANPROFILE | Configuration of Virus Scan Profiles |
VSCANTEST | Test for Virus Scan Interface |
VSCANTRACE | Memory Trace for Virus Scan Servers |
Table Name | Description |
OCI1 | Maintain TCUSC |
OY20 | Authorizations Customizing |
OY21 | User profiles Customizing |
OY24 | Client maintenance |
OY25 | CS BC: Set Up Client |
OY27 | Create super user Customizing |
OY28 | Deactivate SAP* Customizing |
OY29 | Technical Writer |
OY30 | Technical writer |
S_BCE_68000392 | Link Check |
S_BCE_68001290 | Search Server Relation |
SALRT01 | Maintain RFC Dest. for Alert Server |
SALRT02 | Maintain Events for Alert Framework |
Table Name | Description |
OCI1 | Maintain TCUSC |
OY20 | Authorizations Customizing |
OY21 | User profiles Customizing |
OY24 | Client maintenance |
OY25 | CS BC: Set Up Client |
OY27 | Create super user Customizing |
OY28 | Deactivate SAP* Customizing |
OY29 | Technical Writer |
OY30 | Technical writer |
S_BCE_68000392 | Link Check |
S_BCE_68001290 | Search Server Relation |
SALRT01 | Maintain RFC Dest. for Alert Server |
SALRT02 | Maintain Events for Alert Framework |
Table Name | Description |
OVK2 | "C SD Table T005S ""Regions""" |
OY07 | C Configure Countries (T005 - Basis) |
OY09 | Countries: Mobile Phone Properties |
RSADRTC70TOADR11 | Conversion of table TC70 in ADR11 |
SA01 | Number range maintenance: ADRNR |
SA02 | Academic Title (Bus. Addr. Services) |
SA03 | Titles (Business Address Services) |
SA04 | Name Prefixes (Bus. Addr. Services) |
SA05 | Name Suffix (Bus. Address Services) |
SA06 | Address or personal data source |
SA07 | Address Groups (Bus. Addr. Services) |
SA08 | Person Groups (Bus. Addr. Services) |
SA09 | Internat. versions address admin. |
SA10 | Address admin. communication type |
SA11 | Number range maintenance: ADRV |
SA12 | Number Range Maintenance: ADRVP |
SA13 | Name format rules |
SA14 | Pager Services (Bus. Addr. Services) |
SA15 | Address screen variants |
SA15V | Version-Specific Address Masks |
SA16 | Transport zones |
SA17 | Index pools for duplicate check |
SA18 | Reasons for Nondelivery (BAS) |
SA19 | Titles (Business Address Services) |
SA20 | Conversion of Street Sections |
SA21 | Customizing Regional Structure (BAS) |
SA22 | Deactivate Specific Corrections |
SA23 | Address Version Regional Structure |
SA24 | Limit for Duplicate List |
SAD0 | (Obsolete) Address Management Call |
SADC | (Obsolete) Communication Types |
SADP | Contact person addr.maint. init.scr. |
SADQ | Private address maint. initial scrn |
SADR | Address maint. - Group required! |
SADV | (Obsolete) Intern. Address Versions |
SR10 | Create City |
SR11 | Change city |
SR12 | Display city |
SR20 | Create street |
SR21 | Change street |
SR22 | Display street |
SR30 | Create postal code |
SR31 | Change postal code |
SR32 | Display postal code |
SRN1 | Number range maintenance: ADRCITY |
SRN2 | Number range maintenance: ADRSTREET |
SRN3 | Number range maintenance: ADRPSTCODE |
Table Name | Description |
SALV_GUI_PARAMS | SALV_GUI Runtime Param. Maintenance |
Table Name | Description |
0817_CHG | Change Object |
0817_CUST | SAP ArchiveLink: Bar Code Entry |
0817_DIS | Display Object |
0817_INS | Create Object |
ALVIEWER | ArchiveLink Viewer in the Web |
OA_FIND | SAP ArchiveLink: Document search |
OA_LOG_VIEW_DOC | Display Log of Documents |
OA_LOG_VIEW_PRI | Display Log of Print Lists |
OAA1 | SAP ArchiveLink: Maint. user st.syst |
OAA3 | SAP ArchiveLink protocols |
OAA4 | SAP ArchiveLink applic. maintenance |
OAAD | ArchiveLink Administration Documents |
OAAT | SAP ArchiveLink: Create ILQBATCH |
OAB4 | SAP ArchiveLink: Create batch job |
OABA | SAP ArchiveLink: Batch job |
OABO | Displaying Open Bar Codes |
OAC2 | SAP ArchiveLink: Global doc. types |
OAC3 | SAP ArchiveLink: Links |
OAC5 | SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code entry |
OACA | SAP ArchiveLink workflow parameters |
OACH | SAP ArchiveLink: Link Check |
OACHP | SAP ArchiveLink: Link Check |
OACK | SAP ArchiveLink: Syntax check |
OACK_FRONTEND | Customizing Check Front End |
OAD0 | SAP ArchiveLink: Object links |
OAD2 | SAP ArchiveLink document classes |
OAD3 | SAP ArchiveLink: Link tables |
OAD4 | SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code types |
OAD5 | ArchiveLink: Customizing Wizard |
OADD | ArchiveLink: Print List Display |
OADFFCUST | DF Framework Customizing |
OADOCSP | SAP ArchiveLink Document Area |
OADR | SAP ArchiveLink: Print list search |
OAER | SAP ArchiveLink: Document search |
OAG1 | SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings |
OAG2 | SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings |
OAG3 | SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings |
OAG4 | SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings |
OAGO | ArchiveLink:Gen. Obj.Key Maintenance |
OAIA | Customizing Application Attributes |
OAIA2 | Customizing Application Attributes |
OAIMC_VIEW | Document Viewer using IMC |
OAKPRO | SAP ArchiveLink KPRO Archivelink |
OALOGCUST | Customizing Logging |
OAM1 | ArchiveLink: Monitoring |
OAM3 | ArchiveLink: Monitoring |
OANR | Number Range Maintenance: ARCHIVELNK |
OAOH | ArchiveLink: Create Documents |
OAOR | Business Document Service: Documents |
OAQI | SAP ArchiveLink: Create Queues |
OAR1 | SAP ArchiveLink: Request Management |
OARE | SAP ArchiveLink:St.syst.return codes |
OATASK | ArchiveLink Customizing transaction |
OAUP_LINK | Update Links |
OAVIEW_IMC | IMC Viewer for ArchiveLink |
OAWD | SAP ArchiveLink: Store documents |
OAWS | Maintain presettings |
OAWW | ArchiveLink: Workflow Wizard |
SBDS1 | Displaying Open Bar Codes |
SBDS2 | Open Internal Bar Codes |
SBDS3 | Open External Bar Codes |
SBDS4 | Open Bar Codes with Keep Flag |
SBDS5 | Internal Bar Codes with Keep Flag |
SBDS6 | External Bar Codes with Keep Flag |
SBDS7 | Compare Open Bar Codes |
SDV | Document Viewer |
SOA0 | ArchiveLink Workflow document types |
Table Name | Description |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Logistics Calendar | Appointment Calendar" |
Table Name | Description |
SCDN | Change Documents: Number Ranges |
SCDO | Display Change Document Objects |
Table Name | Description |
CUNI | Units of measure |
Table Name | Description |
SBAL_TEST_REPORT | Application Log: Internal Test |
SLG0 | Application Log: Object Maintenance |
SLG1 | Application Log: Display Logs |
SLG2 | Application Log: Delete logs |
SLGN | Applic.log: Number range maintenance |
Table Name | Description |
SBDSV1 | Maintenance View for BDS_LOCL |
SBDSV2 | Maintenance View for BDS_LOCL |
SBDSV3 | Maintenance View for BDS_LOCL |
Table Name | Description |
GVAR | Maintenance of Fiscal Year Variants |
OB29 | C FI Fiscal Year Variants |
TCURMNT | Maintain Exchange Rates |
Table Name | Description |
OB07 | C FI Maintain table TCURV |
OB08 | C FI Maintain table TCURR |
OBBS | C FI Maintain Table TCURF |
OBD6 | C FI Maintain Table TCURS |
ONOT | Maintain Quotation Types |
OPRF | Maintain Quotation Prefixes |
OY03 | Define currencies |
OY04 | C Decimal Places for Currencies |
Table Name | Description |
SCASE | Case Management |
SCASE_ARCHIVE | SCMG : Case Archiving |
SCASE_CUSTOMIZING | Customizing Case Management |
SCASE_NUMBERRANGE | Number Range Maintenance: SCMGCASEID |
SCMGVIEWGEN | View Generator |
Table Name | Description |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Fax | SMS |
Table Name | Description |
DMC | Start DMC Interface |
DMCAPP | Maintain Applications in DMC Tool |
DMCCONF | DMC Configuration |
DMCDIGEN | Generate Runtime Objects for DI-2 |
DMCGEN1 | Generate Runtime Object |
DMCISB | Maintain Direct Input 2 |
DMCRULE | Maintain Global Transfer Rules |
DMCUMSCHL | DMC: Recoding |
DMCWB | Workbench for DMC Development |
Table Name | Description |
BDBR | Register BAPI for Data Transfer |
BDLR | Registration of transfer program |
SXDA | Data Transfer Workbench |
SXDA_TOOLS | DX Workbench: tools |
SXDB | Data Transfer Workbench |
Table Name | Description |
BDBR | Register BAPI for Data Transfer |
BDLR | Registration of transfer program |
SXDA | Data Transfer Workbench |
SXDA_TOOLS | DX Workbench: tools |
SXDB | Data Transfer Workbench |
Table Name | Description |
/SAPDMC/LSMW | LSM Workbench: Initial Screen |
LSMW | Legacy System Migration Workbench |
Table Name | Description |
FPLOGADMI | Log Administration Form Processing |
SFP | Form Builder |
SFP_ZCI_UPDATE | Interactive Forms: ZCI Update |
Table Name | Description |
FPLOGADMI | Log Administration Form Processing |
SFP | Form Builder |
SFP_ZCI_UPDATE | Interactive Forms: ZCI Update |
Table Name | Description |
GFSRFW | Fastsearch Replication Monitor |
GFSWB | Generic Fast Search Workbench |
SFSQB | Fast Search Query Builder |
SFSSETUP | Fast Search Initial Setup |
Table Name | Description |
GFSRFW | Fastsearch Replication Monitor |
GFSWB | Generic Fast Search Workbench |
SFSQB | Fast Search Query Builder |
SFSSETUP | Fast Search Initial Setup |
Table Name | Description |
BW01_DISP | GBT: Document Display for Miniapp |
BWCA | SAPoffice: Internet Calendar |
BWSP | SAPoffice: WWW |
BWWF_WI_DECI | Execute User Decisions |
BWWI_EXECUTE | Executing a work item (WEBgui) |
F00 | SAPoffice: Short Message |
S00 | Short Message |
SBCS_ADDR | BCS: Where-Used List for Addresses |
SBCS_ADRDUP | BCS: Delete Duplicate Addresses |
SBCS_ADRVP | BCS: Delete Addresses |
SBCS_DFRE | BCS: Delete from Dark Folder |
SBCS_DLI | BCS: Consistency of Distr. Lists |
SBCS_EXTCOM | BCS: Subsitute and Mail System Group |
SBCS_FOLID | BCS: Delete SOFM Without Folder ID |
SBCS_MIME | BCS: Set MIME Repository |
SBCS_MIMEDEL | BCS: Delete MIME Documents |
SBCS_NUM | BCS: Consistency of Number Ranges |
SBCS_PRIV | BCS: Delete from Private Folders |
SBCS_PRRP | BCS: Repair SAP Office Profile |
SBCS_QUEUE | BCS: Delete from Queue |
SBCS_REORG | BCS: Reorganization |
SBCS_RESTORE | BCS: Restore from Backup |
SBCS_SOC3 | BCS: Consistency of SOC3 and SOOD |
SBCS_USCO | BCS: User Consistency |
SBCS_USFD | BCS: Create Private Root Folders |
SBWP | SAP Business Workplace |
SIN1 | SAPBPT: Inbox |
SINA | SAPBPT: Maintain Standard Config. |
SMY1 | Maintenance of nodes for MyObjects |
SO00 | SAPoffice: Short Message |
SO01 | SAPoffice: Inbox |
SO01X | SAPoffice: Inbox |
SO02 | SAPoffice: Outbox |
SO02X | SAPoffice: Outbox |
SO03 | SAPoffice: Private Folders |
SO03X | SAPoffice: Private Folders |
SO04 | SAPoffice: Shared Folders |
SO04X | SAPoffice: Shared Folders |
SO05 | SAPoffice: Private Trash |
SO05X | SAPoffice: Private Trash |
SO06 | SAPoffice: Substitution on/off |
SO07 | SAPoffice: Resubmission |
SO07X | SAPoffice: Resubmission |
SO12 | SAPoffice: User Master |
SO13 | SAPoffice: Substitute |
SO15 | SAPoffice: Distribution Lists |
SO16 | SAPoffice: Profile |
SO17 | SAPoffice: Delete Shared Trash |
SO18 | SAPoffice: Shared Trash |
SO19 | SAPoffice: Default Documents |
SO20 | SAPoffice: Private Default Document |
SO21 | Maintain PC Work Directory |
SO22 | SAPoffice: Delete PC Temp. Files |
SO23 | SAPoffice: Distribution Lists |
SO24 | SAPoffice: Maintenance of default PC |
SO28 | Maintain SOGR |
SO30 | Business Workplace: Reorg. |
SO31 | Reorganization (daily) |
SO36 | Create Automatic Forwarding |
SO38 | SAPoffice: Synchr. of Folder Auths. |
SO40 | SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set MAIL |
SO41 | SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEFAX |
SO42 | SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_K |
SO43 | SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_M |
SO44 | SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEX |
SO50 | Rules for inbound distribution |
SO52 | Deletes Address from User Master |
SO55 | User consistency check |
SOAD | SAPoffice: External Addresses |
SOBN01 | Personal data |
SOCP | SAPoffice: External Addresses |
SODIS | BCS: Disclosures Communication |
SODS | SAPoffice: LDAP Browser |
SOEX | Express Message |
SOFR | Mapping of telex recipients |
SOIN | BCS: Inbound Send Requests (SMTP) |
SOPE | Exclude Document Classes |
SOSB | Send Request Overview (Users) |
SOSG | Send Request Overview (Groups) |
SOST | SAPconnect Send Requests |
SOSV | SAPconnect Send Requests |
SOTD | SAPoffice: Maintain Object Types |
SOTR | Test transaction for API1 (received) |
SOY1 | SAPoffice: Mass Maint. Users |
SOY2 | SAPoffice: Collect Statistics Data |
SOY3 | SAPoffice: Statistics Evaluation |
SOY4 | SAPoffice: Access Overview |
SOY5 | SAPoffice: Inbox Overview |
SOY6 | SAPoffice: Document overview |
SOY7 | SAPoffice: Folder overview |
SOY8 | SAPoffice: Mass Archiving |
SOY9 | SAPoffice: Inbox Reorganization |
SOYA | SAPoffice: Change Folder Owner |
Table Name | Description |
ALRTCATDEF | Editing Alert Categories |
ALRTCATDEF_SEL | Define Alert Category |
ALRTDISP | Display Alerts |
ALRTINBOX | Alert Inbox |
ALRTPERS | Personalize Alert Delivery |
ALRTPROC | Process Alerts |
ALRTSUBSCR | Subscribe to Alert Categories |
SALRT1 | Maintain RFC Dest. for Alert Server |
Table Name | Description |
OSC_WF_REPLY | Customizing for WF appt. replies |
OSC1 | Appointment Type Maintenance |
OSC2 | Appoint. diary: Maint. destination |
OSC3 | Appointment Calendar:Priority Maint. |
OSC4 | Maintenance of Appointment Type Grps |
OSSC | Appt. Calendar: Appt. Type Maint. |
S_BIE_59000144 | Priorities for appt. management |
SSC | SAP Appointment Calendar (internal) |
SSC0 | SAP Appointment Calendar (Employee) |
SSC0X | SAP Appointment Calendar (Employee) |
SSC1 | SAP (own) Appointment Calendar |
SSC1X | SAP (own) Appointment Calendar |
SSCA | Appointment Calendar: Auth. Maint. |
SSCA1 | Appointment calendar: Administration |
SSCV | Appoint. diary: VisualBasic frontend |
Table Name | Description |
DRB_SHOW_CALL_DUMMY | DRB Call for Layout Maintenance |
Table Name | Description |
SGOS | Customizing Generic Object Services |
SGOS_OBJ_DISP | Default Method of Object |
SGOSHI | Object History |
SGOSM | Definition of Generic Services |
SGOSTEST | Test Tool Generic Object Services |
SGOSTEST2 | Test Service Components |
SOHI | Object History |
Table Name | Description |
SGOS | Customizing Generic Object Services |
SGOS_OBJ_DISP | Default Method of Object |
SGOSHI | Object History |
SGOSM | Definition of Generic Services |
SGOSTEST | Test Tool Generic Object Services |
SGOSTEST2 | Test Service Components |
SOHI | Object History |
Table Name | Description |
SOBL_MODEL | Model Data Object Relationships |
SREL_MODEL | ModelDataForBORObjectRelationships |
Table Name | Description |
SPPF_PRPR | Print Profile Maintenance |
SPPFC | PPF: Initial Screen in Customizing |
SPPFCADM | PPF: Administration |
SPPFCONCREATE1 | Edit Schedule Conditions |
SPPFCONCREATE2 | Edit Start Conditions |
SPPFCONS | PPF: Check Consistency |
SPPFCONSISTENCY | PPF: Consistency in Customizing |
SPPFCWIZARD | PPF: Actions Definition Using Wizard |
SPPFDEMO | PPF: Demo application |
SPPFDET | PPF: Condition definition |
SPPFDETCRM | PPF: Action Profile with Conditions |
SPPFP | Process Actions |
Table Name | Description |
SPPF_PRPR | Print Profile Maintenance |
SPPFC | PPF: Initial Screen in Customizing |
SPPFCADM | PPF: Administration |
SPPFCONCREATE1 | Edit Schedule Conditions |
SPPFCONCREATE2 | Edit Start Conditions |
SPPFCONS | PPF: Check Consistency |
SPPFCONSISTENCY | PPF: Consistency in Customizing |
SPPFCWIZARD | PPF: Actions Definition Using Wizard |
SPPFDEMO | PPF: Demo application |
SPPFDET | PPF: Condition definition |
SPPFDETCRM | PPF: Action Profile with Conditions |
SPPFP | Process Actions |
Table Name | Description |
SZGEOCD_COSTOMZVERIF | Verify Customizing (Analysis) |
SZGEOCD_GEOCD2CLS | Register Geocoder in System |
SZGEOCD_GEOCDRLFLD | Relevant Address Fields for Geocoder |
SZGEOCD_GEOCODERS | Assign Geocoding Tools to Countries |
SZGEOCD_GEOT005 | Maintain Geodata for Countries |
SZGEOCD_GEOT005S | Maintain Geodata for Country/Region |
SZGEOCD_MASS | Mass Assignment: Geocoder to Country |
SZGEOCD_TEST | Geocoding Test Program |
Table Name | Description |
CSADMIN | Content Server Administration |
CSMONITOR | Knowledge Provider Monitor |
OAC0 | CMS Customizing Content Repositories |
OACI | Send RFC Info (CINF) |
OACT | Maintain Categories |
OAHT | Send Certificate |
S_BIE_59000218 | x |
SCMSCA | Caches |
SCMSHO | Locations of Hosts |
SCMSIP | Locations of IP Subnets |
SCMSLP | Location Path for Caching |
SCMSMO | Knowledge Provider Monitor |
SCMSPL | Additional Locations for CS Alias |
SCMSPLD | Cache Preload |
SCMSPX | Content Server Aliases |
SKPR09 | Test Content Repositories |
Table Name | Description |
CM_TEST_0 | Control Tests (Internal) |
CM_TEST_1 | Test for Single IO Test |
CM_TEST_2 | Test Program for KW Document Bridge |
CM_TEST_3 | Demo Program for Composite Control |
CM_TEST_4 | Test for single IO test |
DMWB | Document Modeling Workbench |
SKWFIVC | Invalidate all SKWF Caches |
SKWS | CM: Status Management |
WCM_TEST_2 | Test program for KW document bridge |
Table Name | Description |
CM_TEST_0 | Control Tests (Internal) |
CM_TEST_1 | Test for Single IO Test |
CM_TEST_2 | Test Program for KW Document Bridge |
CM_TEST_3 | Demo Program for Composite Control |
CM_TEST_4 | Test for single IO test |
DMWB | Document Modeling Workbench |
SKWFIVC | Invalidate all SKWF Caches |
SKWS | CM: Status Management |
WCM_TEST_2 | Test program for KW document bridge |
Table Name | Description |
OADI | Maintain KPro Distribution Tables |
OALO | Maintain KPro Locations |
SDOK_QUEUE01 | Test Transaction for KPRO Queueing |
SKPR_INDEXING1 | Maintenance Transact. Kpro Indexing |
SKPR02 | Maintain Document Areas |
SKPR03 | Display Document Areas |
SKPR04 | Maintaining Physical Document Class |
SKPR06 | Index Activation of Document Area |
SKPR08 | Category for Document Class |
SKPR12 | Maintain MIME Content-Types |
SKPR13 | File Name Extensions |
SKPR14 | Web Server for Document Areas |
SKPR15 | Web Servers for Document Classes |
SKPRM01 | Copy Model Entities |
SKPRM03 | Copy Class Links |
SKPRM04 | Copy Instance Table Set |
SKPRMC1 | Customizing Entity Attributes |
SKPRMIC | Invalidate Model Layer Caches |
Table Name | Description |
SKPR_MULINDEXING | Multiple Indexing |
SKPR07 | Monitoring for KPRO Retrieval |
SKWR01 | Taxonomy Tree Management |
SKWR02 | Restore Index |
SKWR03 | Classify Documents |
SRET06 | Dummy Transaction |
SRET07 | Monitoring for Indexing: Non-KPRO |
SRIP | Import of Training Indexes |
SRMO | SAP Retrieval - Monitor |
SRMO1 | Call of IMS Monitoring |
SRSE | Test Search for the IMS |
Table Name | Description |
SKPR_MULINDEXING | Multiple Indexing |
SKPR07 | Monitoring for KPRO Retrieval |
SKWR01 | Taxonomy Tree Management |
SKWR02 | Restore Index |
SKWR03 | Classify Documents |
SRET06 | Dummy Transaction |
SRET07 | Monitoring for Indexing: Non-KPRO |
SRIP | Import of Training Indexes |
SRMO | SAP Retrieval - Monitor |
SRMO1 | Call of IMS Monitoring |
SRSE | Test Search for the IMS |
Table Name | Description |
SBIZC_CFGT | Display Configuration Templates |
SBIZCLOG | Business Content: Application Log |
SBIZCT | BizContent Framework Test |
SBIZCTC | BizContent Configuration Test |
SBIZCTO | BizContent Framework Test |
Table Name | Description |
SBIZC_CFGT | Display Configuration Templates |
SBIZCLOG | Business Content: Application Log |
SBIZCT | BizContent Framework Test |
SBIZCTC | BizContent Configuration Test |
SBIZCTO | BizContent Framework Test |
Table Name | Description |
SNRO | Number Range Objects |
SNUM | Number Range Driver |
T$GS | Number range maintenance: T_TEST |
T123 | Number Range Maintenance: TT123 |
TEST6999 | Number range maintenance: TEST38 |
Table Name | Description |
SNRO | Number Range Objects |
SNUM | Number Range Driver |
T$GS | Number range maintenance: T_TEST |
T123 | Number Range Maintenance: TT123 |
TEST6999 | Number range maintenance: TEST38 |
Table Name | Description |
S_NWDEMO_BP_SNRO | Number range maintenance: SDEMO_BP |
S_NWDEMO_DG | Execute data generator for NW demo |
S_NWDEMO_SO_SNRO | Number range maintenance: SDEMO_SO |
Table Name | Description |
SOTR_EDIT | Editor for OTR Texts |
Table Name | Description |
SPID | Display Process Repository |
SPIO | Process Monitoring Overview |
Table Name | Description |
SPI_ALE01 | ALE monitoring |
SPI_BOR01 | BOR Monitoring |
SPI_TRFC01 | tRFC Monitoring |
SPIA | PMI Administration |
SPIC01 | Process Information Repository |
SPIG | Maintain Process Groups |
SPIM | Process Monitoring: Meta Data |
SPIP | PMI: Self-Monitoring Logs |
Table Name | Description |
SPI_ALE01 | ALE monitoring |
SPI_BOR01 | BOR Monitoring |
SPI_TRFC01 | tRFC Monitoring |
SPIA | PMI Administration |
SPIC01 | Process Information Repository |
SPIG | Maintain Process Groups |
SPIM | Process Monitoring: Meta Data |
SPIP | PMI: Self-Monitoring Logs |
Table Name | Description |
SPIAPPLOG | Call Application Log |
SPIS | Start User Interface for Monitoring |
Table Name | Description |
S_BJA_09000018 | x |
S_BJA_09000019 | x |
SQ_DEMO_ADHOC | Demo: Start InfoSet Query (Ad Hoc) |
SQ_DEMO_DEV | Demo: Start InfoSet Query (Dev.) |
SQ_DEMO_DEVELOP | Startet InfoSet Query wth InfoSet |
SQ00 | SAP Query: Start queries |
SQ00_DEL_PROT | SAP Query: Delete log data |
SQ01 | SAP Query: Maintain queries |
SQ02 | SAP Query: Maintain InfoSet |
SQ03 | SAP Query: Maintain user groups |
SQ07 | SAP Query: Language comparison |
SQ09 | SAP Query: Maintain additional func. |
SQ10 | SAP Query: Role Administration |
SQ11 | SAP Query: Web reporting (Admin) |
SQBWPROP | BW Properties of Classic InfoSets |
SQDEMO_ADHOC | Starts InfoSet Query for Ad Hoc rep. |
SQVI | QuickViewer |
Table Name | Description |
RTTREE_MIGRATION | Report tree migration |
SA38 | ABAP Reporting |
SA39 | SA38 for Parameter Transaction |
SARP | Reporting (Tree Structure): Execute |
SART | Display Report Tree |
SC38 | Start Report (Remote) |
SERP | Reporting: Change Tree Structure |
SRCN | Delete Country-Specific Reports |
START_REPORT | Starts report |
Table Name | Description |
RTTREE_MIGRATION | Report tree migration |
SA38 | ABAP Reporting |
SA39 | SA38 for Parameter Transaction |
SARP | Reporting (Tree Structure): Execute |
SART | Display Report Tree |
SC38 | Start Report (Remote) |
SERP | Reporting: Change Tree Structure |
SRCN | Delete Country-Specific Reports |
START_REPORT | Starts report |
Table Name | Description |
ORGANIZER | Records Management |
SRM_APPL_LOG | Application Log Settings |
SRM_DISP_NO | Number Range Maintenance: SRMDPDPID |
SRM_DOC_TEMPLATE | SRM: Maintain Status Network |
SRM_DOCFINDER | SRM: Maintain DocFinder Settings |
SRM_KC_ADMIN | Administration Keyword Catalog |
SRM_KC_EDIT | Maintain Keyword Catalog |
SRM_PROFIL | SRM: Maintain Status Profile |
SRM_PROP_PERSPUBLISH | Generate Attribute Properties |
SRM_RECTEST2 | Test BO RECORD Dialog Methods |
SRM_STATUS | SRM: Maintain Status |
SRM_STATUS_NET | SRM: Maintain Status Network |
SRM_WF_PATH_MAINT | Maintain Process Route |
SRM_WFPATH_NO | Number Range Maintenance: SRMWFPATH |
SRMBROWSER | Records Browser |
SRMCALLMON | Monitor for Call Handler |
SRMCMCREATE | Create Content Models |
SRMCMEDIT | Edit Content Models |
SRMCUSTOMIZING | Customizing Records Management |
SRMCUSTSRV | SRM: Maintain Custom Services |
SRMEXPORT | Starts Selection Report SRM_EXPORT |
SRMMODELER | Records Modeler |
SRMORGTYP | BC-SRV-RM : Type Maint. Organizer |
SRMPCR | POID Content Repository |
SRMPCR_CLNT | POID Content Repository (Client) |
SRMPLANER | Records (File) Planner |
SRMPROTOVIEW | Records Management Log Viewer |
SRMRECORDSCREATE | Create Personnel Records |
SRMREFRULE | Generation Rules for Record Numbers |
SRMREGEDIT | SRM Registry Maintenance |
SRMREGEDITC | Maintain SRM Registry (Cust. View) |
SRMSTART | Records Management |
SRMVIEWGEN | View Generator |
Table Name | Description |
ORGANIZER | Records Management |
SRM_APPL_LOG | Application Log Settings |
SRM_DISP_NO | Number Range Maintenance: SRMDPDPID |
SRM_DOC_TEMPLATE | SRM: Maintain Status Network |
SRM_DOCFINDER | SRM: Maintain DocFinder Settings |
SRM_KC_ADMIN | Administration Keyword Catalog |
SRM_KC_EDIT | Maintain Keyword Catalog |
SRM_PROFIL | SRM: Maintain Status Profile |
SRM_PROP_PERSPUBLISH | Generate Attribute Properties |
SRM_RECTEST2 | Test BO RECORD Dialog Methods |
SRM_STATUS | SRM: Maintain Status |
SRM_STATUS_NET | SRM: Maintain Status Network |
SRM_WF_PATH_MAINT | Maintain Process Route |
SRM_WFPATH_NO | Number Range Maintenance: SRMWFPATH |
SRMBROWSER | Records Browser |
SRMCALLMON | Monitor for Call Handler |
SRMCMCREATE | Create Content Models |
SRMCMEDIT | Edit Content Models |
SRMCUSTOMIZING | Customizing Records Management |
SRMCUSTSRV | SRM: Maintain Custom Services |
SRMEXPORT | Starts Selection Report SRM_EXPORT |
SRMMODELER | Records Modeler |
SRMORGTYP | BC-SRV-RM : Type Maint. Organizer |
SRMPCR | POID Content Repository |
SRMPCR_CLNT | POID Content Repository (Client) |
SRMPLANER | Records (File) Planner |
SRMPROTOVIEW | Records Management Log Viewer |
SRMRECORDSCREATE | Create Personnel Records |
SRMREFRULE | Generation Rules for Record Numbers |
SRMREGEDIT | SRM Registry Maintenance |
SRMREGEDITC | Maintain SRM Registry (Cust. View) |
SRMSTART | Records Management |
SRMVIEWGEN | View Generator |
Table Name | Description |
SE71 | SAPscript form |
SE72 | SAPscript Styles |
SE73 | SAPscript Font Maintenance |
SE74 | SAPscript format conversion |
SE75 | SAPscript Settings |
SE75TTDTGC | SAPscript: Change standard symbols |
SE75TTDTGD | SAPscript: Display standard symbols |
SE76 | SAPscript: Form Translation |
SE77 | SAPscript Styles Translation |
SE78 | Administration of Form Graphics |
SO10 | SAPscript: Standard Texts |
Table Name | Description |
SRTV | Text Retrieval: Customizing |
Table Name | Description |
SFTRACE | SAP Smart Forms: Trace |
SM30_STXSFREPL | Smart Styles: Replace Font |
SMARTFORM_CODE | SAP Smart Forms: Target Coding |
SMARTFORM_TRACE | SAP Smart Forms: Trace |
SMARTFORMS | SAP Smart Forms |
SMARTSTYLES | SAP Smart Styles |
Table Name | Description |
STSN | Customizing Number Ranges TimeStream |
STZAC | Maintain time zone act. in client |
STZAD | Disp.time zone client |
STZBC | Maintain time zones in Basis Cust. |
STZBD | Display time zones (Basis Cust.) |
STZEC | Time zone mapping in ext. systems |
STZED | Time zone mapping in ext. systems |
STZGC | Time zones: Maintain |
STZGD | Time zone cust.: |
Table Name | Description |
TIMECUST | Profile for Time Functions |
TIMECUSTEV | Symbolic Names for Dates |
TIMEPROF | Profile for Time Functions |
Table Name | Description |
SSTDEMO1 | Simple Transformations Demo: Flights |
SSTDEMO2 | XSLT and ST Demo: Flights |
SXSLT | XSLT Tester |
XSLT | XSLT tester |
Table Name | Description |
TREXADMIN | TREX Administration Tool |
Table Name | Description |
COM_SE_ADMIN | Search Engine Service: Admin |
COM_SE_NRO_CP | Number Range Maintenance: COM_SE_CP |
COM_SE_NRO_CP2 | Number range maintenance: COM_SE_CP2 |
SES_ADMIN | Search Engine Service: Admin |
Table Name | Description |
COM_SE_ADMIN | Search Engine Service: Admin |
COM_SE_NRO_CP | Number Range Maintenance: COM_SE_CP |
COM_SE_NRO_CP2 | Number range maintenance: COM_SE_CP2 |
SES_ADMIN | Search Engine Service: Admin |
Table Name | Description |
S_BCE_68002040 | Central Test Workbench Settings |
STWB_1 | Test Catalog Management |
STWB_2 | Test Plan Management |
STWB_INFO | Test Workbench Information System |
STWB_SET | Central Test Workbench settings |
STWB_TC | Test Case Management |
STWB_WORK | Tester worklist |
STWBM | Test Repository |
Table Name | Description |
ST05_E2E | Performance Trace anzeigen |
ST05ACC | Barrier-Free Performance Trace |
ST05SAVE | Old ST05 |
Table Name | Description |
SCAT | Computer Aided Test Tool |
STFB | CATT function module test |
Table Name | Description |
DEMO_TCD | DEMO of a TCD Recording |
EC_TUTORIAL_TCD | eCATT Tutorial: TCD Command |
EC_TUTORIAL_TESTDATA | eCATT: Demo for Test Data Management |
SECATT | Extended Computer Aided Test Tool |
SECATT_HIST | eCATT User History |
SECATT_UTIL | eCATT Utilities |
Table Name | Description |
DEMO_TCD | DEMO of a TCD Recording |
EC_TUTORIAL_TCD | eCATT Tutorial: TCD Command |
EC_TUTORIAL_TESTDATA | eCATT: Demo for Test Data Management |
SECATT | Extended Computer Aided Test Tool |
SECATT_HIST | eCATT User History |
SECATT_UTIL | eCATT Utilities |
Table Name | Description |
COFI | Command File Creation |
SGEN | SAP Load Generator |
SPAU | Display Modified DE Objects |
SPDD | Display Modified DDIC Objects |
SRT0 | Repository Switch: PUTTB Handling |
Table Name | Description |
COFI | Command File Creation |
SGEN | SAP Load Generator |
SPAU | Display Modified DE Objects |
SPDD | Display Modified DDIC Objects |
SRT0 | Repository Switch: PUTTB Handling |
Table Name | Description |
SCWB | Correction Workbench |
SE95 | Modification Browser |
SHXC1 | Special Approvals Procedure |
SNOTE | Note Assistant |
Table Name | Description |
SCWB | Correction Workbench |
SE95 | Modification Browser |
SHXC1 | Special Approvals Procedure |
SNOTE | Note Assistant |
Table Name | Description |
SAINT | Add-On Installation Tool |
SEPA | EPS Server: Administration |
SEPS | SAP Electronic Parcel Service |
SPAM | Support Package Manager |
Table Name | Description |
IC37 | SM37 for Incremental Conversion Jobs |
ICNV | Incremental Conversion |
IMIG | Incremental Migration |
SPAR | Determine Storage Parameters |
UMIG_MONITOR | Incremental Migration to Unicode |
Table Name | Description |
IC37 | SM37 for Incremental Conversion Jobs |
ICNV | Incremental Conversion |
IMIG | Incremental Migration |
SPAR | Determine Storage Parameters |
UMIG_MONITOR | Incremental Migration to Unicode |
Table Name | Description |
SM53 | VMC Monitoring and Administration |
VMCJDB | VMC Mini Debugger |
Table Name | Description |
WRC_MACROS | Recording of System Macros |
WRC_USER_MACROS | Recording of User Macros |
Table Name | Description |
SE58 | Web Dynpro Converter |
WD_TRACE_TOOL | Web Dynpro Trace Tool |
Table Name | Description |
WDR_REC_PLUGIN | Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-In |
WDR_REC_PLUGIN_COND | Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-In Cond. |
WDYID | Display Web Dynpro Application |
Table Name | Description |
NWBC | Launch NWBC |
Table Name | Description |
SALV_CS_PARAMS | Runtime Parameters for Table Paging |
SALV_PARAMS | Runtime Parameters for any ALV Tool |
SALV_WD_PARAMS | Runtime Parameters for WD ALV |
Table Name | Description |
SXI_CACHE | XI Directory Cache |
SXI_MAPPING_TEST | Test Environment for AII |
SXI_SUPPORT | Test Environment for AII |
SXIDEMO | XI Demo: Start of Application |
SXIDEMO1 | XI Demo: Start of Application (ABAP) |
SXIDEMO2 | XI Demo: Display Flight Data |
SXIDEMO3 | XI Demo: Generate Flight Data |
SXIDEMO4 | XI Demo: Send Booking Statistics |
Table Name | Description |
IDX5 | IDoc Adapter - Monitoring |
IDXP | Monitor for Message Packages |
IDXPW | IDoc Package Wizard |
Table Name | Description |
SWF_INB_ADM | Administration Inbound Processing |
SWF_INB_MON | Monitoring Inbound Processing |
SWF_XI_ADM_BPE | XI: Start/Stop BPE |
SWF_XI_ADM_BPE_DISP | XI: Display BPE Status |
Table Name | Description |
S_B6A_52000011 | RSXMB_RZ20_CALL |
SXMB_ADM | Integration Engine - Administration |
SXMB_ADM_BPE | Process Engine - Administration |
SXMB_ADMIN | Integration Engine - All Functions |
SXMB_IFR | Start Integration Builder |
SXMB_ITFACTION | Interf. for Archv. and Ret. Periods |
SXMB_MONI | Integration Engine - Monitoring |
SXMS_ADMI_ARCH | Schedule Archiving Job |
SXMS_ADMI_DEL | Schedule Delete Jobs |
SXMS_BCM | Package Configuration Types |
SXMS_BCONF | Package Configuration |
SXMS_CONF_PP | Configure Principal Propagation |
SXMS_CONF_SWITCH | Configure Delete Procedure |
SXMS_IECONF | Integration Engine Configuration |
SXMS_MONI_DB | Analysis of Persistence Layer |
SXMS_MONI_JOB | Job overview |
SXMS_PIPEL | Display Pipeline Definitions |
SXMS_QREG | XI Queue Registration |
SXMS_SAMON | Monitor for S/A Communication |
SXMS_TRC | XMS: Trace Display |
SXMS_TRC_CONF | Trace Configuration |
SXMS_TRC_SEL | XMS: Trace Display with Selection |
SXMS_TSTOOL | Settings for Error Analysis |
SXMSFILTER | Message Filter Maintenance |
SXMSIF | Sender/Receiver Definitions |
SXMSJOBS | Schedule Message Processing |
SXMSJOBSCHEDULER | Scheduler for Message Processing |
SXMSQUEUE | Conf. Queue Prioritization Filter |
XMS_SARA | Parameter Transaction for TA SARA |
XMSPKSTATCNF | Configuration of Package Statistics |
XMSPKSTATMON | Monitoring of Package Statistics |
Table Name | Description |
SXI_MONITOR | XI: Message Monitoring |
SXI_READ_ARCHIVE | Read from Archive (Using Archive) |
SXI_READ_ARCHIVE_ID | Read from Archive (Using Infostr.) |
SXI_SHOW_MESSAGE | Displays an XI Message |
SXI_STAT | Processing Statistics |
SXMB_MONI_BPE | Process Engine - Monitoring |
SXMS_ADMI_IND | Configuration XI Message Indexing |
SXMS_MONI_IND | Monitoring XI Message Indexing |
SXMSALRT | XI Alert Configuration |
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