Table Name | Description |
CFG_USER_EXIT_DEV | Variant Function Development |
COM_CFG_SUPPORT | entry point for support tools |
Table Name | Description |
CUCBASEINFO | CBase Entries |
Table Name | Description |
CULL_TRACE_DISPLAY | Display Low-Level Trace |
CULL_TRACEFILTER | Filter Param. Low-Level Conf.Trace |
CUTRACE | Extended Dependency Trace |
Table Name | Description |
CME_CHAR_DSCOPE | Assign Definition Scope to Char. |
CMECUST | CME Customizing |
Table Name | Description |
/LIME/42000001 | Determine Node Width |
/LIME/86000063 | Process Type |
/LIME/86000064 | Maintain Index Tables |
/LIME/86000065 | Hierarchy |
/LIME/86000066 | Grouping Parameter |
/LIME/86000067 | Types for Quantity Calculation |
/LIME/86000068 | Supply categories |
/LIME/86000069 | Virtual Stock Indicator |
/LIME/86000070 | Special Stock |
/LIME/86000071 | Reason for movement |
/LIME/86000083 | Negative stock qty |
/LIME/86000084 | Control Dispatcher |
/LIME/86000088 | BAdI Builder /LIME/CUST |
/LIME/86000097 | Filter Determination for Dispatcher |
/LIME/86000098 | Locations Business Key |
/LIME/86000099 | Loc.-Index Tables Generation |
/LIME/86000100 | Generate Index Tables Code |
/LIME/86000101 | HU Business Key |
/LIME/86000102 | HU Index Tables Generation |
/LIME/86000103 | Stocks Business Key |
/LIME/86000104 | Stocks Index Tables Generation |
/LIME/86000105 | Set Filter Values BAdI Dispatcher |
/LIME/86000106 | Document Number |
/LIME/86000107 | Determine Stock Type R/3 |
/LIME/86000108 | Settings Movement Type |
/LIME/86000109 | Determine Movement Type for R/3 |
/LIME/86000110 | Determine Special Stock Indicator |
/LIME/GEN_CODE | Generation of LIME Source Code |
/LIME/SNUM_DIEX | Internal LIME Number Range |
/LIME/SNUM_EXDO | External LIME Number Range |
Table Name | Description |
/LIME/42000001 | Determine Node Width |
/LIME/86000063 | Process Type |
/LIME/86000064 | Maintain Index Tables |
/LIME/86000065 | Hierarchy |
/LIME/86000066 | Grouping Parameter |
/LIME/86000067 | Types for Quantity Calculation |
/LIME/86000068 | Supply categories |
/LIME/86000069 | Virtual Stock Indicator |
/LIME/86000070 | Special Stock |
/LIME/86000071 | Reason for movement |
/LIME/86000083 | Negative stock qty |
/LIME/86000084 | Control Dispatcher |
/LIME/86000088 | BAdI Builder /LIME/CUST |
/LIME/86000097 | Filter Determination for Dispatcher |
/LIME/86000098 | Locations Business Key |
/LIME/86000099 | Loc.-Index Tables Generation |
/LIME/86000100 | Generate Index Tables Code |
/LIME/86000101 | HU Business Key |
/LIME/86000102 | HU Index Tables Generation |
/LIME/86000103 | Stocks Business Key |
/LIME/86000104 | Stocks Index Tables Generation |
/LIME/86000105 | Set Filter Values BAdI Dispatcher |
/LIME/86000106 | Document Number |
/LIME/86000107 | Determine Stock Type R/3 |
/LIME/86000108 | Settings Movement Type |
/LIME/86000109 | Determine Movement Type for R/3 |
/LIME/86000110 | Determine Special Stock Indicator |
/LIME/GEN_CODE | Generation of LIME Source Code |
/LIME/SNUM_DIEX | Internal LIME Number Range |
/LIME/SNUM_EXDO | External LIME Number Range |
Table Name | Description |
MDS_LINKS | Get the Mapped Cust/Vend/BP |
MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT | Synchronization Cockpit |
MDS_PPO2 | MiniPlatform: Edit PPO Orders |
Table Name | Description |
TFWB | Maintain Mini-Templates |
Table Name | Description |
BDT_COMPARE | Compare Control Table Entries |
BUA1 | Create contact person |
BUA2 | Change contact person |
BUA3 | Display contact person |
BUB1 | BuPR: Create BP relationship |
BUB2 | BuPR: Change BP relationship |
BUB3 | BuPR: Display BP relationship |
BUB4 | BuPR: Create BP role definition |
BUB5 | BuPR: Change BP role definition |
BUB6 | BuPR: Display BP role definition |
BUB9 | BuPR: No. range maintenance: BP rel. |
BUBA | BuPR: Relationship Categories |
BUBB | BuPR: Role definition category |
BUBD | BuPR: Applications |
BUBE | BuPR: Views |
BUBF | BuPR: Sections |
BUBG | BuPR: Screens |
BUBH | BuPR: Screen Seq. Variants |
BUBI | BuPR: Events |
BUBJ | BuPR: GUI Standard Functions |
BUBK | BuPR: GUI Additonal Functions |
BUBL | BuPR:Assgn Scr.Field->Database Field |
BUBL_DI | BP: Allocate DI Field -> DB Field |
BUBM | BuPR: Tables |
BUBN | BuPR: Field Groups |
BUBO | BuPR: Field Grouping (Criteria) |
BUBP | BuPR: Field Grping Using Rel. Cat. |
BUBQ | BuPR: Field Grp. Using Role Def.Cat. |
BUBR | BP: Field Grpg Via Activity (Cust) |
BUBS_FRG | BP: Field Grpg for Ext.Applications |
BUBT | BP: Role Definition Types |
BUBU | BP: Relationship Types |
BUBV | BP: Maintenance Without Dialog |
BUBW | BP: Generate Test File (DI) |
BUBX | BP: Activities |
BUBY | BP: Field Grpg via Activity (Ctrl) |
BUBZ | BP: External Applications |
BUC_IDCATEGORY | BP Cust: ID Categories |
BUC_IDTYPE | BP Cust: ID Types |
BUC0 | BP Cust: Forms of Address |
BUC1 | BP Cust: Address Type |
BUC2 | BP Cust: Groupings |
BUC3 | BP Cust: Data Origin |
BUC4 | BP Cust: BP Role->Address Type |
BUC5 | BP Cust: Academic Titles |
BUC6 | BP Cust: Aristocratic Title |
BUC7 | BP Cust: Name Affixes |
BUC8 | BP Cust: Legal Form of Organization |
BUC9 | BP Cust: Legal Entity Organization |
BUCA | BP Cust: Industry |
BUCC | BP Cust: Group Types |
BUCD | BP Cust: Business Partner Type |
BUCF | BP Cust: Number Ranges |
BUCG | BP Cust: BP Role Field Grouping |
BUCH | BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity |
BUCI | BP-Cust.: Field Grpng.: Partner Type |
BUCJ | BP Cust: Authorization Types |
BUCK | BP Cust: Marital Status |
BUCL | BP Cust: Occupation/Group |
BUCM | BP Cust: Legitimation Type |
BUCN | BP Cust: Field Grps f. Authorization |
BUCO | BP-Cust: Screen Configuration |
BUCP | BP-Cust: Fld.modif.exter.application |
BUCQ | BP-Cust: Evaluation Tables |
BUCS | BP-Cust: Notes on Roles |
BUCT | BP-Cust: Define Note Views |
BUCU | BP Cust: Where-Used List |
BUCV | BP Cust. Field Grouping Appl.Object |
BUCW | BP Cust: Trans. f. Address Determin. |
BUCX | BP Cust: Assign Trans.->Address Type |
BUG1 | "Create Business Partner |
BUG2 | "Change Business Partner |
BUG3 | "Display Business Partner |
BUG4 | Bus. partner general deletion flag |
BUI1 | Create Prospect |
BUI2 | Change Prospect |
BUI3 | Display Prospect |
BUM1 | Create Employee (BP) |
BUM2 | Change Employee (BP) |
BUM3 | Display Employee (BP) |
BUNA | Number Range Maintenance: BP_PADRNR |
BUP0 | "BDT |
BUP1 | Create Business Partner |
BUP2 | Change Business Partner |
BUP3 | Display Business Partner |
BUPA_BIP_FILE_EXPORT | BIP: Cleansing Export |
BUPA_BIP_FILE_IMPORT | BIP: Cleansing - Import |
BUPA_BIP_NOHIT_SHOW | BIP: Cleansing: Show imported NoHits |
BUPA_CLEAR | SAP BP: Data Cleansing |
BUPA_DEL | Deletion without Archiving |
BUPA_PRE_DA | Flag Business Partner for Deletion |
BUPABWST | Genertd DataSource for BW Status Obj |
BUPMASS | BP Customizing: Mass Changes |
BUR0 | BuPR: Contact Person Departments |
BUR1 | BuPR: Contact Person Functions |
BUR2 | BuBR: Contact Person Authority |
BUR3 | BuPR: Contact Person VIP Indicator |
BUR4 | BP: Marital property regime |
BUS_HDRID | BP Tax: Header IDs |
BUS0 | BDT: Application Objects |
BUS1 | BDT: Applications |
BUS10 | BDT: Search Help |
BUS11 | BDT: Assgn BAPI Field to Field Group |
BUS2 | BDT: Field Groups |
BUS23 | BP Tax: Data Sets |
BUS3 | BDT: Views |
BUS4 | BDT: Sections |
BUS5 | BDT: Screens |
BUS6 | BDT: Screen Sequences |
BUS7 | BDT: Events |
BUS8 | BDT: GUI Standard Functions |
BUS9 | BDT: GUI Additional Functions |
BUSB | BDT: Assign Screen Field->DB Field |
BUSB_DI | BDT: Assign DI Field->DB Field |
BUSC | BDT: Field Grouping Criteria |
BUSD | BDT: BP Views |
BUSE | BDT: BP Role Groupings |
BUSF | BDT: Application Transactions |
BUSG | BDT: Tables |
BUSH | BDT: External applications |
BUSI | BDT: Activities |
BUSJ | BP Control: FuncMod. Activity (Ctrl) |
BUSM | BDT: Differentiation Types |
BUSN | BDT: Activity Categories |
BUSO | BP Cust: BP Cat. Field Grouping |
BUSP | Generate Screen Containers |
BUSRO | BP-CUST: Entry Via Search Screen |
BUSSA | Transaction Entry Via Search Screen |
BUSWU01 | "BP Control: Where-Used List |
BUSWU02 | "BP Control: Where-Used List |
BUSWU03 | "BP Control: Where-UL |
BUSWU04 | "BP Control: Where-UL |
BUSWU11 | "BP Addresses: Where-UsedL |
BUSWU21 | "BP Bank Details: Where-UL |
BUSWU31 | "BP PaytCard: Where-UsedL |
BUSWU41 | "BP Rel.Addr.:Where-UsedL |
BUSWU61 | "BP Roles: Where-Used List |
BUSWU62 | "BP Roles: Where-Used List |
BUSWU63 | BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View |
BUSWU64 | BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View |
BUTI | Update Without Dialog |
BUTJ | Generate Test File (DI) |
CLEAR | Start Data Cleansing Tool |
CLEAR_INT | Start Data Cleansing Tool (Internal) |
CLEAR_INT2 | Data Cleansing: Direct |
COM_BUPA_CALL_FU | Determining FMs for Data Exchange:BP |
COM_CLEAR_NUM | Number Range Maintenance: COM_CLEAR |
CRM_AC | Check Appntmnt Rule f. Data Exchange |
KCLJ015 | External Data Transfer Type 15 (BP) |
KCLJ090 | External Data Transfer Type 90 (BPR) |
S_ABA_72000164 | BDT Analyzer |
S_AEC_66000279 | BDT: Transport of Control Tables |
TEST_CLEAR | Test API Data Cleansing |
Table Name | Description |
BPH | Business Partner Group Hierarchy |
BPH_TYPE | Maintain Hierarchy Categories |
SEND_BUHI_IDOC | Send Group Hierarchy Directly |
Table Name | Description |
BPH | Business Partner Group Hierarchy |
BPH_TYPE | Maintain Hierarchy Categories |
SEND_BUHI_IDOC | Send Group Hierarchy Directly |
Table Name | Description |
BP | Maintain Business Partner |
BP_LOCA | Example: Business Partner Locator |
BP0 | "Business Partner |
BURC_LAYOUT | Custom. Rel.Category -> Log. Group |
LOCA | Locator Demo |
LOCA_APPL | Locator Applications |
LOCA_CUST | Locator Customizing |
Table Name | Description |
IB_COM_CUST_01 | IBase: Customizing IBase Category |
IB51 | Create IBase |
IB52 | Change IBase |
IB53 | Display IBase |
IB54 | Change Two Installed Bases |
IB55 | Display Two Installations |
IB56 | Expand IBase |
Table Name | Description |
CCSEC_LOG_DEL | Delete Payment Card Log |
CCSEC_LOG_SHOW | Evaluate Payment Card Log |
PAC0001 | Applications |
PAC0002 | Field Groups |
PAC0003 | Views |
PAC0004 | Sections |
PAC0005 | Screens |
PAC0006 | Screen sequences |
PAC0007 | Events |
PAC0008 | GUI Standard Functions |
PAC0009 | GUI additional functions |
PAC0010 | Matchcodes |
PAC0011 | Assignment of Screen Fields |
PAC0012 | Field Grouping Criteria |
PAC0013 | BDT: Payment Card Categories |
PAC0015 | Application transactions |
PAC0016 | Tables |
PAC0018 | Activities |
PAC0023 | Data Sets |
PAC0100 | Field Grouping per Activity |
PAC0101 | Field Control Payment Card Type |
PAC0104 | Screen Configuration |
PACA_MAIN | Payment Card Master Maintenance |
PACC1 | Assign checking rule |
PACC2 | Maintain Payment Card Type |
PACC3 | Maintain payment card category |
PACC4 | Assignment BDT Payment Card Cat./Typ |
PACC5 | Maintain payment card blocks |
PCA | Payment Cards |
PCA_CHK | Check of External Encryption |
PCA_DBCHK | Check Database Consistency |
PCA_MC | Mass Encryption /Decryption |
PCA_SC | Server Check |
PCA_VAR | Set variant |
PCCV | Payment Card: Field Grouping |
Table Name | Description |
COM_CAT_UPG30 | "Check Duplicate Categ. |
COM_PR_MDCHECK | Consistency Check Product Master |
COMC_CATEGORY_SCHEME | Define Category Numbering Schemes |
COMC_DIFF_BSP | Number Range Maintenance: PRDDIFFBSP |
COMC_LOGSYS_MAP | Assignment of Logical Systems |
COMC_MATERIALID_ALL | Number Range Maintenance Articles |
COMC_PR_ALTID | Alternative Product IDs |
COMC_PR_OBJ_FAM | Define Object Families |
COMC_PR_OBJ_FAM1 | Define Object Families |
COMC_PR_RFCDEST | Maintenance of Table COMC_PR_RFCDEST |
COMC_PRAPPLCAT | Assign Hierachies to Applications |
COMC_PRODUCT_IDX | Activate Index Table for Products |
COMC_SERVICEID_ALL | Number Range Maintenance Service |
COMC_TRADEITEMID_ALL | No. Range Maintenance Trade Item |
COMCMATERIALID | Number Range Maintenance: MATERIALID |
COMCPRAUTHGROUP | Authorization Groups |
COMCPRFORMAT | Format of the Product ID |
COMCPRLOGSYS | Prod.ID: Storage Type in Log. System |
COMCPRMSG | Configure Customer-Specific Messages |
COMCPRTYPENRO | Number Assignment Control |
COMCSERVICEID | Number Range Maintenance Materials |
COMM_ATTRIBUTE | Maintain Set Types and Attributes |
COMM_ATTRSET | Maintain Set Types and Attributes |
COMM_CAT_TEXT_UPG40 | Convert Category Short Texts (4.0) |
COMM_CAT_TRANS | Transport Category |
COMM_EXTRSET | Extraction Individual Objects |
COMM_HIERARCHY | Maintain Categories and Hierarchies |
COMM_IOBJ_RECATEG | Recategorize Indivdual Objects |
COMM_LH_KEY_GEN | Key Types - Generic Link Handler |
COMM_MSG01 | Customer Settings for Messages |
COMM_PRAPPLCAT | Assign Hierachies to Applications |
COMM_PROD_RECATEG | Recategorize Products |
COMM_SETTYPE | Maintain Set Types and Attributes |
COMMPR02 | Collective Proc.of Inactive Products |
COMMPR03 | Maintain Views |
COMMPR05 | Maintain Numbering Scheme |
COMMPR06 | Collective Proc.of Inactive Products |
CRMCFSPRODID | Number Range Maintenance: FS_PRODID |
MDF_ATTRSET | Maintain Set Types and Attributes |
START_20C_TRANSFORM | Convert Set Types and Attributes |
START_40_TRANSFORM | Set Types Conversion |
Table Name | Description |
COMM_PRDARC | Display Products from Archive |
CRM_PRODUCT_LOG | Display Product Verification Log |
CRM_PRODUCT_STA | Display Product Status |
Table Name | Description |
COMM_HIER_CAT_GUID | GUIDs for Hierarchy/Category |
Table Name | Description |
COMM_DEL_PRWB_USER | Reset User Settings |
COMMPR01 | Product Workbench |
Table Name | Description |
OPPE01 | General iPPE Customizing |
OPPE02 | Define iPPE Node Type |
OPPE03 | Define iPPE Variant Types |
OPPE04 | Define iPPE Alternative Types |
OPPE05 | Define iPPE Relationship Types |
OPPE06 | Customer-Spec. Model Assgts (iPPE) |
OPPE07 | Time Analysis: Partner Products iPPE |
OPPE11 | Profiles: iPPE WB Professional |
OPPE12 | Tabs: iPPE Workbench Professional |
OPPE13 | User Assgmt: iPPE WB Professional |
OPPE14 | Define Reports for iPPE WB Prof. |
OPPE15 | Define Interface for iPPE Workbench |
OPPEACT01 | Define Std Val. Determin. Type |
OPPEACT02 | Object Dependency in Process Struct. |
OPPECHK01 | Customizing: Consistency Check |
OPPEGENFILT | Generate Attribute Value Filter |
OPPELUI01 | Profile Definition: iPPE WB Express |
OPPELUI02 | User Assignment: iPPE WB Express |
OPPERES01 | Customizing for Production Resources |
OPPESCMPV | Object Dependent Status Management |
OPPESTATUS | Cross-Application Status Management |
PPECHK | iPPE Consistency Check (Prod. Vers.) |
PPECOLMR | Maintain Color Key |
PPEEVAL | Status Cockpit |
PPEHDR01 | Create a Production Version |
PPEHDR02 | Change a Production Version |
PPEHDR03 | Display a Production Version |
PPETI | Configuration Mode - Select. Screen |
PPETICLS | Allowed Classes for Tab. Maint. iPPE |
PPEUIARCH | Display Archived iPPE Data |
Table Name | Description |
/SAPCND/43000002 | Set Up Usage |
/SAPCND/43000003 | Set Up Application |
/SAPCND/43000004 | Set Up Task |
/SAPCND/43000005 | Set Up Condition Maintenance Context |
/SAPCND/68000405 | Condition Types |
/SAPCND/68000406 | R/3 Compatability |
/SAPCND/68000633 | Access Seq. |
/SAPCND/68000635 | Impl. for /SAPCND/MNT_CHECK |
/SAPCND/68000636 | Condition Tables |
/SAPCND/68000637 | Field Catalog |
/SAPCND/68000744 | MaintenanceGrp |
/SAPCND/68000747 | Assign Group to Context |
/SAPCND/68000927 | Det. Procedure |
/SAPCND/83000118 | Assign Group to Context |
/SAPCND/89000018 | BAdI for /SAPCND/ARC_CHECK |
/SAPCND/ARC1 | Archiving of Condition Records |
/SAPCND/ARC2 | Deletion of Archived Cond. Records |
/SAPCND/ARC3 | Displaying of Archived Cond. Records |
/SAPCND/ARCC | Control for Archiving |
/SAPCND/CONTEXT_GCM | GCM with context |
/SAPCND/CT_ACC_SEQ | Maintenance of Access Sequences |
/SAPCND/CT_CNTXT_GR | Assignment Maint. Groups to Contexts |
/SAPCND/CT_COND_TYPE | Maintain Condition Types |
/SAPCND/CT_DET_PROC | Determination procedure maintenance |
/SAPCND/CT_GCM_GRP | Assign Maintenance Groups to GCM |
/SAPCND/CTCT | Maintain Condition Tables |
/SAPCND/CTFC | Maintain Field Catalog |
/SAPCND/DD_CUS | Configure Information Determination |
/SAPCND/DD_MNT | Maintain Information |
/SAPCND/GCM | Condition Maintenance |
/SAPCND/MASS_GEN | Mass Generation |
/SAPCND/UE_DEV | Development of Cond. Tech. Userexits |
/SAPCND/UEASS | Userexits: Assignments |
/SAPCND/UELIB | Userexits: Library |
/SAPCND/UERNG | Userexits: Ranges |
Table Name | Description |
/SAPCND/43000002 | Set Up Usage |
/SAPCND/43000003 | Set Up Application |
/SAPCND/43000004 | Set Up Task |
/SAPCND/43000005 | Set Up Condition Maintenance Context |
/SAPCND/68000405 | Condition Types |
/SAPCND/68000406 | R/3 Compatability |
/SAPCND/68000633 | Access Seq. |
/SAPCND/68000635 | Impl. for /SAPCND/MNT_CHECK |
/SAPCND/68000636 | Condition Tables |
/SAPCND/68000637 | Field Catalog |
/SAPCND/68000744 | MaintenanceGrp |
/SAPCND/68000747 | Assign Group to Context |
/SAPCND/68000927 | Det. Procedure |
/SAPCND/83000118 | Assign Group to Context |
/SAPCND/89000018 | BAdI for /SAPCND/ARC_CHECK |
/SAPCND/ARC1 | Archiving of Condition Records |
/SAPCND/ARC2 | Deletion of Archived Cond. Records |
/SAPCND/ARC3 | Displaying of Archived Cond. Records |
/SAPCND/ARCC | Control for Archiving |
/SAPCND/CONTEXT_GCM | GCM with context |
/SAPCND/CT_ACC_SEQ | Maintenance of Access Sequences |
/SAPCND/CT_CNTXT_GR | Assignment Maint. Groups to Contexts |
/SAPCND/CT_COND_TYPE | Maintain Condition Types |
/SAPCND/CT_DET_PROC | Determination procedure maintenance |
/SAPCND/CT_GCM_GRP | Assign Maintenance Groups to GCM |
/SAPCND/CTCT | Maintain Condition Tables |
/SAPCND/CTFC | Maintain Field Catalog |
/SAPCND/DD_CUS | Configure Information Determination |
/SAPCND/DD_MNT | Maintain Information |
/SAPCND/GCM | Condition Maintenance |
/SAPCND/MASS_GEN | Mass Generation |
/SAPCND/UE_DEV | Development of Cond. Tech. Userexits |
/SAPCND/UEASS | Userexits: Assignments |
/SAPCND/UELIB | Userexits: Library |
/SAPCND/UERNG | Userexits: Ranges |
Table Name | Description |
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_FG | Access Sequences for Free Goods |
COND_TABLE_CRM_FG | Condition Tables for Free Goods |
COND_TYPE_CRM_FG | Condition Types for Free Goods |
Table Name | Description |
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_FG | Access Sequences for Free Goods |
COND_TABLE_CRM_FG | Condition Tables for Free Goods |
COND_TYPE_CRM_FG | Condition Types for Free Goods |
Table Name | Description |
CFG_TRACE_NAV | VMC RFC Trace Navigator |
PRC_CONDLIMIT | maintain upper and lower limit |
PRC_CONDTYPE | maintain pricing condition type |
PRC_COPYTYPE | maintain copy type |
PRC_EXCL_GROUP | maintain exclusion group (cond.type) |
PRC_EXCL_PROC | maintain exclusion (procedure) |
PRC_FIXGROUP | maintain fixation group |
PRC_PRICPROC | maintain pricing procedure |
PRC_PURPOSE | maintain condition purpose |
PRC_SIMULATION | Pricing Simulation |
REB_CONDTYPE | maintain rebate condition type |
Table Name | Description |
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_PD | Access Sequences for Product Determ. |
COND_TABLE_CRM_PD | Condition Tables for Product Determ. |
COND_TYPE_CRM_PD | Condition Types for Product Determ. |
PDD_DET_PROC | product det. procedure maintenance |
Table Name | Description |
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_PD | Access Sequences for Product Determ. |
COND_TABLE_CRM_PD | Condition Tables for Product Determ. |
COND_TYPE_CRM_PD | Condition Types for Product Determ. |
PDD_DET_PROC | product det. procedure maintenance |
Table Name | Description |
RTTE_SET_3XTAXDET | Enable 3.x TTE Tax Determination |
TTE_CLIENT_COPY | Copy TTE customizing across clients |
TTE_COPY_COUNTRY | Copy all country specific settings |
TTE_CUS_IMPORT_FROM | Customizing Import from |
TTE_CUST_CHECK | Check Customizing |
TTE_CUST_IMPORT_FROM | Import Customizing |
TTE_DELETE_COUNTRY | Delete country specific settings |
TTE_DT_COUNTRY_COPY | Copy decision tree to other country |
TTE_REFRESH | Immediate Refresh Customizing |
TTE_SIMULATION | Transaction Tax Engine Simulation |
TTE_WT_CUST_CHECK | Check Customizing |
TTEC_BUSPRTYP | Maintain Business Process Type |
TTEC_CACS | Pricing / TTE: Access Sequences |
TTEC_CNTY | TTE Maintain Tax Location [obsolete] |
TTEC_COMMUNITY | Maintain Community |
TTEC_COND | Maintain Tax Rates and Exemptions |
TTEC_COND_WT | Withholding Tax Rates |
TTEC_CPRP | Pricing / TTE: Calculation Procedure |
TTEC_CTCT | Pricing / TTE: Condition Tables |
TTEC_CTFC | Pricing / TTE: Field Catalog |
TTEC_CTYP | Pricing / TTE: Condition Types |
TTEC_CUST_PRICING | Generic call of pricing customizing |
TTEC_DCTR | Decision Tree Maintenance |
TTEC_DEDREAS | Maintain Deductability Reason |
TTEC_DT | Decision Tree for Tax Determination |
TTEC_DT_FISCO | Decision Tree for Tax Determination |
TTEC_EXCC | Condition Exclusion Group |
TTEC_EXCL_PROC | Generic call of pricing customizing |
TTEC_EXCP | Condition Exclusion: Procedure assig |
TTEC_EXCZ | Condition Exclusion: Procedure assig |
TTEC_EXPIND | Maintain Export Indicator |
TTEC_FISCCODE | Maintain Fiscal Code |
TTEC_INCOTERMS | Maintain Tax Incoterms |
TTEC_ORIGIN | Maintain Origin |
TTEC_PATXGRP | Maintain Partner Taxability Group |
TTEC_PATXTYP | Maintain Partner Taxability Type |
TTEC_PRC_TAX_MAP | Maintain Mapping bet. Proc. and Tax |
TTEC_PROCED | Tax Procedure |
TTEC_PROCEDURE | Maintain Pricing Procedure |
TTEC_PROCMODE | Maintain Process Mode |
TTEC_ROLE | Maintain Partner Role |
TTEC_TAX_REG | maintain Tax Region |
TTEC_TAX_TCODE | Maintain Tax Tariff Code |
TTEC_TAXCAT | Maintain Tax Category |
TTEC_TAXCOMP | Maintain Tax Component |
TTEC_TAXTYP | Maintain Tax Type |
TTEC_THRSHIND | Maintain Threshold Indicator |
TTEC_TRACE_STAT | Maintain Trace Status |
TTEC_TRACEMOD | Maintain Trace Mode |
TTEC_USAGE | Maintain Usage |
Table Name | Description |
RTTE_SET_3XTAXDET | Enable 3.x TTE Tax Determination |
TTE_CLIENT_COPY | Copy TTE customizing across clients |
TTE_COPY_COUNTRY | Copy all country specific settings |
TTE_CUS_IMPORT_FROM | Customizing Import from |
TTE_CUST_CHECK | Check Customizing |
TTE_CUST_IMPORT_FROM | Import Customizing |
TTE_DELETE_COUNTRY | Delete country specific settings |
TTE_DT_COUNTRY_COPY | Copy decision tree to other country |
TTE_REFRESH | Immediate Refresh Customizing |
TTE_SIMULATION | Transaction Tax Engine Simulation |
TTE_WT_CUST_CHECK | Check Customizing |
TTEC_BUSPRTYP | Maintain Business Process Type |
TTEC_CACS | Pricing / TTE: Access Sequences |
TTEC_CNTY | TTE Maintain Tax Location [obsolete] |
TTEC_COMMUNITY | Maintain Community |
TTEC_COND | Maintain Tax Rates and Exemptions |
TTEC_COND_WT | Withholding Tax Rates |
TTEC_CPRP | Pricing / TTE: Calculation Procedure |
TTEC_CTCT | Pricing / TTE: Condition Tables |
TTEC_CTFC | Pricing / TTE: Field Catalog |
TTEC_CTYP | Pricing / TTE: Condition Types |
TTEC_CUST_PRICING | Generic call of pricing customizing |
TTEC_DCTR | Decision Tree Maintenance |
TTEC_DEDREAS | Maintain Deductability Reason |
TTEC_DT | Decision Tree for Tax Determination |
TTEC_DT_FISCO | Decision Tree for Tax Determination |
TTEC_EXCC | Condition Exclusion Group |
TTEC_EXCL_PROC | Generic call of pricing customizing |
TTEC_EXCP | Condition Exclusion: Procedure assig |
TTEC_EXCZ | Condition Exclusion: Procedure assig |
TTEC_EXPIND | Maintain Export Indicator |
TTEC_FISCCODE | Maintain Fiscal Code |
TTEC_INCOTERMS | Maintain Tax Incoterms |
TTEC_ORIGIN | Maintain Origin |
TTEC_PATXGRP | Maintain Partner Taxability Group |
TTEC_PATXTYP | Maintain Partner Taxability Type |
TTEC_PRC_TAX_MAP | Maintain Mapping bet. Proc. and Tax |
TTEC_PROCED | Tax Procedure |
TTEC_PROCEDURE | Maintain Pricing Procedure |
TTEC_PROCMODE | Maintain Process Mode |
TTEC_ROLE | Maintain Partner Role |
TTEC_TAX_REG | maintain Tax Region |
TTEC_TAX_TCODE | Maintain Tax Tariff Code |
TTEC_TAXCAT | Maintain Tax Category |
TTEC_TAXCOMP | Maintain Tax Component |
TTEC_TAXTYP | Maintain Tax Type |
TTEC_THRSHIND | Maintain Threshold Indicator |
TTEC_TRACE_STAT | Maintain Trace Status |
TTEC_TRACEMOD | Maintain Trace Mode |
TTEC_USAGE | Maintain Usage |
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