SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.

SAP Quality Management TABLES (QM)

Table Name Description
MC05QV0UDNSETUP Store BW Reconstruction for MC05QV0UDN (Usage Decision)
TQ01B Article authorization groups in quality management
TQ01C Texts for article authorization group in QM
TQ11 Inspector qualification
TQ11T Inspector qualification texts
TQ17A Characteristic weightings
TQ17U Language-dependent texts for table TQ17A
TQ27 Table of default values for charac. control indicators
TQ27T RM-QSS: Text table for TQ27
TQ29 Defaults for target value and tolerances for characteristics
TQ29T RM-QSS: Text table for TQ29
TQSS QM configuration: Client level
TQSS1 QM configuration: Site level

SAP Quality Certificates TABLES (QM-CA)

Table Name Description
QCEM Mapping of Inspection Characteristic Identifiers
QCEP Partner-Related Settings for Characteristic Mapping
QCPR QM quality certificates in procurement

SAP Basic Data for Certificates TABLES (QM-CA-MD)

Table Name Description
I000 Conditions for certificate profile
KONDI Conditions: Data part for certificates
QCVK Certificate profile header
QCVM Certificate profile characteristic level
QCVMT Certificate profile characteristic level: texts
QCVV Certificate Profile: List of Preliminary Products
TQ67 Certificate-Relevant Output Types

SAP Quality Inspection TABLES (QM-IM)

Table Name Description
QALS Inspection lot record
QALT Partial lot
QAMVRMS Insp. Specifications/Valuation for Multiple Specifications
QAOBJMS Multiple Specifications - Objects
QAPP Inspection point
QASRMS Confirmation Data for Multiple Specification Sample
TQ32 Assignment of inspection type to origin
TQ34 Default values for inspection type
TQ43 Storage Conditions
TQ43T Description of Storage Conditions
TQ45 Primary Packaging (Stability Study)
TQ45T Descriptions of Primary Packaging (Stability Study)
TQMS2 Objects for Multiple Specifications
TQMS2T Texts for Objects of Multiple Specifications

SAP Results Recording TABLES (QM-IM-RR)

Table Name Description
QAES Sample unit table
QAKL Results table for value classes
QAMR Characteristic results during inspection processing
QAMV Characteristic specifications for inspection processing
QASE Results table for the sample unit
QASR Sample results for inspection characteristics
QASV Sample specifications for inspection processing
QEWL QM Handheld: Worklist for Transfer
QISUB Subsytems for recording measured value data in QM
QISUBT Text table subsystems for recording measured val. data in QM
QIWL Transfer table for QM subsystems
TQ12 Ind. external numbering for test units in results recording
TQ12T Texts for the ind. for ext. numbering of units to be insp.
TQ74 Recording configuration
TQ74T Recording configuration
TQ84 Confirmation profile
TQ84T Text table for confirmation profile
TQ86 Report category for defects recording
TQ86A Assignment report category for work center
TQ86T Text table for report category
TQEC30 Settings for Copy Inspection Results Function/Operation UD

SAP Sample Management TABLES (QM-IM-SM)

Table Name Description
QPRN Sample drawing of phys. samples
QPRS Master record for phys. samples
QPRVK Sample-drawing procedure
QPRVKT Header for sample drawing procedure texts
QPRVP Sample-drawing items
QPRVPT Items for sample drawing procedure texts
TQ41 Storage locations for physical samples
TQ41T Texts for storage locations
TQ42 Physical sample containers
TQ42T Texts for phys. sample containers
TQREOS QM: Archiving Parameter(s) for Physical Samples

SAP Inspection Lot Completion TABLES (QM-IM-UD)

Table Name Description
QAMB QM: Link Between Inspection Lot and Article Document
QAVE Inspection processing: Usage decision


Table Name Description
QMAT Inspection type - article parameters
QMHU QM Link Between Inspection Lot and Handling Unit Item
QMTB Inspection method master record
QMTT Inspection Method Texts
QPAC Inspection catalog codes for selected sets
QPAM Inspection catalog selected sets
QPMK Inspection characteristic master
QPMT Master Inspection Characteristics Texts
QPMZ Assignment table - insp. methods/master insp. characteristic
TQ01D Authorization groups for QM master data
TQ01E Text authorization groups for QM master data
TQREO QM: Archiving Parameter


Table Name Description
QPCD Inspection catalog codes
QPCT Code texts
QPGR Inspection catalog code groups
QPGT Code group texts
TQ07 Follow-Up Action for Usage Decision of Inspection Lot
TQ07A QM: Function Modules for Follow-Up Action
TQ07T Language-dependent texts for Table TQ07
TQ17 Defect classes
TQ17T Language-dependent texts for table TQ17


Table Name Description
QASH Quality control chart
QAST Control chart track
QDDR Dynamic modification rule (header)
QDDRT Dynamic modification rule: texts
QDPS Inspection stages for a dynamic modification rule
QDPST Inspection Stages: Texts
QDSV Sampling procedure
QDSVT Sampling Procedure: Texts

SAP Inspection Planning TABLES (QM-PT-IP)

Table Name Description
PLMK Inspection plan characteristics
PLMW MAPL-Dependent Charac. Specifications (Inspection Plan)
QMSP QM: article specification
TQ29A Dependency tolerance key - nominal measurement
TQ75 QM formula parameters
TQ75T Description of formula parameters

SAP QM Control in Procurement TABLES (QM-PT-RP-PRC)

Table Name Description
QINF QINF record for article and vendor
TQ02 QM system definition
TQ02A QM system assignment and QM system requirements
TQ02B QM system
TQ02T QM system description
TQ02U Description QM system
TQ04A Functions that can be blocked
TQ04S QM block functions : texts
TQ05 QM certificate categories for procurement
TQ05T QM: text table for certificate types
TQ08 Control of QM in procurement
TQ08T QM: text for QM procurement keys
TQ09 QM: agreement of QM document types
TQ09T QM: agreement of QM document types
TQ32A Inspection type to status assignment from status profile

SAP QM Control in Sales and Distribution TABLES (QM-PT-RP-SD)

Table Name Description
QVDM QM Info Record - QM Control in SD
TQ32B Find insp.type for quality insp. for delivery note

SAP Active Quality Control TABLES (QM-QC-AQC)

Table Name Description
QDEB Allwd. Relationships: Sampling Procedures/Dynamic Mod. Rules
QDEBT Allowed combinations of procedures/dynamic mod. rules: texts
QDPA Sampling scheme-instructions
QDPK Sampling scheme header
QDPKT Sampling scheme: texts
QDPP Sampling scheme item
QDQL Quality level

SAP Information System TABLES (QM-QC-IS)

Table Name Description
MC05Q00ACTSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00TSK (Notif. Activity)
MC05Q00CSESETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00CSE(Notification Cause)
MC05Q00ITMSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00ITM (Notification Item)
MC05Q00NTFSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00NTF (Notification)
MC05Q00TSKSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00TSK (Notification Task)
MC17I00ACTSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00ACT (Notif. Activity)
MC17I00CSESETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00CSE(Notification Cause)
MC17I00ITMSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00ITM (Notification Item)
MC17I00NTFSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00NTF (Notification)
MC17I00TSKSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00TSK (Notification Task)
MC18I00ACTSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00TSK (Notif. Activity)
MC18I00CSESETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00CSE(Notification Cause)
MC18I00ITMSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00ITM (Notification Item)
MC18I00NTFSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00NTF (Notification)
MC18I00TSKSETUP BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00TSK (Notification Task)
S068 Vendor statistics
S161E S161 - Structural information
S162E S162 - Structural information
S163E S163 - Structural information
S164E S164 - Structural information
S165E S165 - Structural information
S166E S166 - Structural information
S290 BW: Inspection Lot/Usage Dec.
S290BIW1 S290BIW1 * BW: Inspection Lot/Usage Decision
S290BIW2 S290BIW2 * BW: Inspection Lot/Usage Decision
S291 BW: Messages Header
S291BIW1 S291BIW1 * BW: Messages Header
S291BIW2 S291BIW2 * BW: Notifications Header
S292 BW: Indiv. Recs f. Notif. Item
S292BIW1 S292BIW1 * BW: Individual Records for Notification Items
S292BIW2 S292BIW2 * BW: Individual Records for Notification Items
S295 BW: Messages Header
S295BIW1 S295BIW1 * BW: Notifications Header
S295BIW2 S295BIW2 * BW: Notifications Header
S296 BW: Indiv. Recs f. Notif. Item
S296BIW1 S296BIW1 * BW: Individual Records for Notification Items
S296BIW2 S296BIW2 * BW: Individual Records for Notification Items
TQ55 Assign inspection lot origin for update group
TQ56 Definition of quality score classes
TQ56T Text table for the definition of quality score classes
TQ57 Assignment of quality score key to info structure

SAP Quality Notifications TABLES (QM-QN)

Table Name Description
QMEL_EXT Extension Table for Notification
T352C Catalog types for each catalog profile
TQ81V Usage of parts
TQ81V_T Texts for usage of parts
TQ82 Change of Notification Type
TQ83 Partner Functions for Codes
TQ85 Function table for follow-up functions
TQ85_T Action box text table
TQ85R Rules for Follow-Up Functions
TQ8CO Assignment of reference orders to notification type

SAP Tables

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.


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