SAP functionmodule

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.

SAP Basic Data for Certificates functionmodule

Table Name Description
BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETSALESAREAS Create List of Sales Areas for the Customer
EXIT_RQCAAP00_001 Customer Function Reports: New Fields for Cert. Profile Determination
EXIT_RQCAAP00_002 Cust. Fn Reps: Evaluate Criteria for Limiting Insp./Partial Lot Selection
EXIT_RQCAAP01_001 Customer Function Reports: New Fields for Cert. Profile Determination
EXIT_RQCAAP02_001 Customer Function Reports: New Fields for Cert. Profile Determination
EXIT_RQCAAP02_002 Cust. Fn Reps: Evaluate Criteria for Limiting Insp./Partial Lot Selection
EXIT_SAPLQC07_001 Customer Function Reports: New Fields for Cert. Profile Determination
EXIT_SAPLQC07_002 Cust. Fn Reps: Evaluate Criteria for Limiting Insp./Partial Lot Selection
EXIT_SAPLQC07_003 Quality Certs on the World Wide Web: Authorization arts for Customers
EXIT_SAPLQC07_004 Quality Certificates on the World Wide Web: Customer Finds Articles
EXIT_SAPLQC07_005 Quality Certificates on the World Wide Web: Limit Articles for Customer
EXIT_SAPLQC10_001 QM Certificates: User Exit for List of Batches Used
EXIT_SAPLQC10_002 QM Certificates: User Exit for Initializing Customer Modules
EXIT_SAPLQC10_003 QM Certs: User Exit Changing Criteria for Cert. Profile Determination
EXIT_SAPLQC10_004 QM Certificates: User-Exit Before Call-Up of Form Printout
EXIT_SAPLQC10_005 QM Certificates: User Exit Based on Certificate Profile Determination
EXIT_SAPLQC10_006 QM Certificates: User Exit Based on the Delivery Data
EXIT_SAPLQC10_007 QM Certificates: User Exit for Changing Certificate Profile Chars
EXIT_SAPLQC10_008 QM Certificates: User Exit for Changing the Customer Number
EXIT_SAPMQCPA_001 Customer Function Control Data for Certificate Profile Characteristic
EXIT_SAPMQCPA_002 Cust. Func. Certs: Criteria for Limiting Insp. Lot / Part. Lot Selection
EXIT_SAPMQCPA_003 QM Certificate Profile: Inclusion of New Chars in Certificate Profile
EXIT_SAPMQCPA_004 "Customer Function: Cert. Profile Menu (Cert. Profile
EXIT_SAPMQCPA_005 "Customer Function Menu Certificate Proflie (Edit
EXIT_SAPMQCPA_006 "Customer Function Menu Cert. Profile (Environment
EXIT_SAPMQCPA_007 QM Certificates: Transfer of Data to Subscreen 0100
EXIT_SAPMQCPA_008 QM Certificates: Transfer of Data from Subscreen 0100 to Cert. Profile

SAP Quality Inspection functionmodule

Table Name Description
BAPI_INSPCHAR_GETREQUIREMENTS Load Inspection Specifications for an Inspection Lot Charac.
BAPI_INSPCHAR_SETRESULT Confirm Inspection Results
BAPI_INSPLOT_GETDETAIL Load Detail Data and Usage Decision for Inspection Lot
BAPI_INSPLOT_GETLIST Select Inspection Lots
BAPI_INSPLOT_GETOPERATIONS Select Inspection Operations for Inspection Lots
BAPI_INSPOPER_ACKNOWLEDGE Confirm Receipt of Handheld Worklist
BAPI_INSPOPER_GETCHAR Select Inspection Characteristics
BAPI_INSPOPER_GETDETAIL Read Detail Data for Inspection Operation
BAPI_INSPOPER_GETLIST Select Inspection Operations for Inspection Lots
BAPI_INSPPOINT_CHANGE Change Inspection Point
BAPI_INSPPOINT_GETLIST Select Inspection Points
BAPI_INSPPOINT_GETREQUIREMENTS Load Inspection Specifications and Inspection Points
EXIT_SAPFQREO_001 Cust. Fn: Determining the Retention Period for an Insp. Lot in Archiving
EXIT_SAPFQREO_002 Customer Function Deleting QM Inspection Setup
QAPP_CUST_IP_CHECK Checking the Entered Inspection Point Identification
QAPP_CUST_IP_CREATE Automatic Creation of Inspection Points and Partial Lots
QAPP_CUST_IP_F4 F4 - Help for the Inspection Point Fields
QAPP_CUST_IP_PROPOSAL Default for Inspection Point Identification in Results Recording

SAP Results Recording functionmodule

Table Name Description
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_021 Customer Function Before Processing in QIRF_SEND_INSP_REQUIRMENTS
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_022 Customer Function After Processing in QIRF_SEND_INSP_REQUIRMENTS
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_051 Customer Function Before Processing in QIRF_SEND_INSP_DATA_FOR_WL
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_052 Customer Function after Processing in QIRF_SEND_INSP_DATA_FOR_WL
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_101 Customer Function Before Processing in QIRF_GET_ORIGINAL_VALUES
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_102 Customer Function After Processing in QIRF_GET_ORIGINAL_VALUES
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_111 Customer Function Before Processing in QIRF_GET_SAMPLE_VALUES
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_112 Customer Function After Processing in QIRF_GET_SAMPLE_VALUES
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_121 Customer Function Before Processing in QIRF_GET_FEATURE_VALUES
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_122 Customer Function After Processing in QIRF_GET_FEATURE_VALUES
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_131 Customer Function Before Processing in QIRF_GET_ALL_DATA_VALUES
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_132 Customer Function After Processing in QIRF_GET_ALL_DATA_VALUES
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_141 Customer Function Before Processing in QIRF_GET_USAGE_DECISION
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_142 Customer Function After Processing in QIRF_GET_USAGE_DECISION
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_171 Customer Function Before Processing in QIRF_GET_INSP_POINT
EXIT_SAPLQIRF_172 Customer Function After Processing in QIRF_GET_INSP_POINT
QEAT_BINOMIAL Fraction estimation by division
QEAT_DISPLAY Conversion of a floating point number in percent or ppm
QEAT_NORMAL_S_METHOD Estimated Fraction for Normal Distribution According to s Method
QEAT_POISSON Fraction estimation according to number of defects
QEBR_BEST_CASE_VALUATION_GT_1 Char. valtn with independent multiple samples acc. to BEST of n principle
QEBR_CODE_VALUATION Valuation of a characteristic/sample by attribute code
QEBR_CONTROL_LIMITS_VALUATION Valuation according to action limizts of a control chart
QEBR_DEP_MULT_SAMPLING Valuation for dependent multiple samples
QEBR_DUMMY_FUNCTION_MODULE Dummy function module for valuation rules
QEBR_FAILURE_OR_MANUAL Valuation according to number of defects or manual valuation
QEBR_FAILURE_VALUATION Valuation based on the number of defects
QEBR_LAST_SAMPLE_VALUATION Valuation of characs. with multiple samples based on the last sample
QEBR_MEAN_VALUE_TOLERANCE_INSP Valuation of mean value within tolerance limits
QEBR_NONCONFORM_UNIT_OR_MANUAL Valuation of number of nonconforming units or manual valuation
QEBR_NONCONFORM_UNIT_VALUATION Valuation of the number of nonconforming units
QEBR_S_METHOD_COMBINED_LIMITS Variable insp. by s method for two limits and normal distribution
QEBR_S_METHOD_VALUATION Valuation by s method for variable inspection (single-sided)
QEBR_VALUATION_PARAM_SHOW Display valuation parameters for an inspection characteristic
QEBR_WORST_CASE_VALUATION Valtn of characs with independent multiple samples by WORST-CASE principle
QEBR_ZERO_NONCONFORM_UNIT Acceptance based on 0 nonconforming units
QIRF_GET_ALL_DATA_VALUES Results Confirmation for all Record Types
QIRF_GET_ALL_DATA_VALUES2 Results Confirmation for all Record Types
QIRF_GET_DEFECT_ITEMS Confirmation of Defect Items
QIRF_GET_DEFECT_ITEMS2 Confirmation of Defect Items
QIRF_GET_FEATURE_VALUES Results Confirmation for Characteristic Results
QIRF_GET_FEATURE_VALUES2 Results Confirmation for Characteristic Results
QIRF_GET_INSP_POINT Confirmation of Inspection Points
QIRF_GET_INSP_POINT2 Confirmation of Inspection Points
QIRF_GET_ORIGINAL_VALUES Results Confirmation for Single Results
QIRF_GET_ORIGINAL_VALUES2 Results Confirmation for Single Results
QIRF_GET_SAMPLE_VALUES Results Confirmation for Sample Results
QIRF_GET_SAMPLE_VALUES2 Results confirmation for sample results
QIRF_GET_USAGE_DECISION Confirmation of the Usage Decision for the Inspection Lot
QIRF_GET_USAGE_DECISION2 Confirmation of the Usage Decision for the Inspection Lot
QIRF_INSPPOINT_GETLIST Read the Inspection Points of an Inspection Operation
QIRF_NOTIFY_FUNCTION Copy Model for Notify Function
QIRF_SEND_CATALOG_DATA Transfer of Catalog Entries
QIRF_SEND_CATALOG_DATA2 Transfer of Catalog Entries
QIRF_SEND_COMMIT_TO_QM Updating the Transfer Table and the Locked Entries
QIRF_SEND_INSP_DATA_FOR_WL Transfer of Charac. Specifications and Catalog Entries to the Worklist
QIRF_SEND_INSP_DATA_FOR_WL2 Transfer of Charac. Specifications and Catalog Entries to the Worklist
QIRF_SEND_INSP_REQUIRMENTS "Selection of Operations
QIST_EX_WEIBULL_FIT Weibull Analysis for Fraction of Nonconforming Units

SAP Inspection Lot Completion functionmodule

Table Name Description
QFOA_MAIL_REJECTED_RESULTS Follow-Up Action Module: Send Mail for Rejected Characteristics
QFOA_MAIL_SENDING Send Info MAIL After Usage Decision (Mail Contains UD Data)
QFOA_MAIL_SENDING_STANDARD Send a Short Info MAIL After Usage Decision
QFOA_UD_LONGTEXT_SENDING Send a Detailed Mail with Usage Decision Data

SAP Basic Data functionmodule

Table Name Description
BAPI_MATINSPCTRL_REPLICATE Prepare Inspection Setup (Inspection Types) for Distribution
BAPI_MATINSPCTRL_SAVEREPLICA Replication of QM inspection setup

SAP Catalog functionmodule

Table Name Description
BAPI_QPGR_REPLICATE Prepare QM Code Groups/Catalogs for Distribution
BAPI_QPGR_SAVEREPLICA Replication of QM Code Groups/Catalogs

SAP Inspection Characteristic functionmodule

Table Name Description
BAPI_QMTB_REPLICATE Prepare QM Inspection Methods for Distribution
BAPI_QMTB_SAVEREPLICA Replication of QM Inspection Methods
BAPI_QPMK_REPLICATE Prepare QM Master Inspection Characteristics for Distribution
BAPI_QPMK_SAVEREPLICA Replication of QM Master Inspection Characteristics (ALE)

SAP Samples and SPC functionmodule

Table Name Description
QDRS_100_PER_CENT_INSP_W_SKIP "100% Inspection (Skip Possible)
QDRS_100_PER_CENT_INSPECTION "100% Inspection (Skip Not Possible)
QDRS_100_PER_CENT_SAMPLE 100% Inspection for 100% Sampling Type
QDRS_100_PER_CENT_SAMPLE_30B 100% Inspection for 100% Sampling Type (Decimal Places BUn Considered)
QDRS_DUMMY_FUNCTION_MODULE Dummy Function Module (Only With Interface)
QDRS_PLAN_FOR_DRAWING_PROC Physical-Sample Drawing According to Sampling Scheme
QDRS_SAMPLING_PLAN_SAMPLE Procedure with Sampling Scheme
QEGR_HISTOGRAM Graphic Display of a Frequency Distribution (Histogram)
QEGR_RUN_CHART Graphical representation of a run-chart
QRKD_CANCEL_CONTROL_CHARTS Cancellation of all new quality control charts for the inspection lot
QRKD_CANCEL_GRAPHICS Closing of open windows or QM graphic programs
QRKD_COMPARE_WITH_LIMITS Valuation of a sample by comparison with the control limits
QRKD_SEARCH_CONTROL_CHART Search for and Generate a Quality Control Chart for the Insp. Charac.
QRKS_CHARACTERISTIC Control Chart for Characteristic
QRKS_INSPECTION_LOT Control Chart for Characteristic/Inspection Lot
QRKS_MASTER_CHAR_MATERIAL Control Chart for Master Inspection Characteristic/Article
QRKS_MASTER_CHARACTERISTIC Control Chart for Master Inspection Characteristic
QRKS_MATERIAL Control Chart for Characteristic/Article
QRKS_MATERIAL_CUSTOMER Control Chart for Characteristic/Article/Customer
QRKS_MATERIAL_MANUFACTURER Control Chart for Characteristic/Article/Manufacturer
QRKS_MATERIAL_SOLD_TO_PARTY Control chart for characteristic/article/sold-to-party
QRKS_MATERIAL_VENDOR Control chart for characteristic/article/vendor
QRKS_MATERIAL_WORK_CENTER Control chart for characteristic/article/work center
QRKS_PURCHASING_DOCUMENT Control chart for characteristic/purchasing document
QRKS_SALES_ORDER Control chart for characteristic/sales order
QRKT_C_SHEWHART Algorithms for c-chart with sigma limits
QRKT_EWMA_2 Algorithms for EWMA averages chart with overall dispersion
QRKT_MEAN_VALUE_ACCEPTANCE Algorithms for acceptance chart for x-bar with internal dispersion
QRKT_MEAN_VALUE_ACCEPTANCE_2 Algorithms for acceptance chart for x-bar with overall dispersion
QRKT_MEAN_VALUE_SHEWHART Algorithms in Shewhart chart for x-bar with internal dispersion
QRKT_MEAN_VALUE_SHEWHART_2 Algorithms: Shewhart chart for x-bar with overall dispersion
QRKT_MEAN_VALUE_SHEWHART_R2 Algorithms in Shewhart chart for x-bar with dispers. over moving range
QRKT_MOVING_AVERAGE_2 Algorithms for moving average charts with overall dispersion
QRKT_MOVING_RANGE_SHEWHART_K Algorithms for moving R-chart with group size 2 for n=1
QRKT_NP_SHEWHART Algorithms for np-chart with sigma limits
QRKT_P_SHEWHART Algorithms for p-chart with sigma limits
QRKT_STD_DEVIATION_SHEWHART Algorithms for Shewhart chart for s with internal dispersion and mean line
QRKT_STD_DEVIATION_SHEWHART_2 Algorithms for Shewhart chart for s with overall dispersion and mean line
QRKT_U_SHEWHART Algorithms for u-chart with sigma limits
QRKU_INSERT_CONTROL_CHARTS Adding new control charts to the database tables
QRKU_UPDATE_CONTROL_CHARTS Changing control charts in the database tables

SAP Inspection Planning functionmodule

Table Name Description

SAP QM Control in Sales and Distribution functionmodule

Table Name Description
EXIT_SAPLQAAT_001 Determination of Delivery Type for Insp.Lot Acc. to Del. Note/Info Record
EXIT_SAPMQVDM_004 Customer Function for Initial Transaction Screen
EXIT_SAPMQVDM_005 Customer Function for Authorization Check for Article Detail Screen
EXIT_SAPMQVDM_006 Customer Function: Input Check of Delivery Type in SAPMQVDM

SAP Active Quality Control functionmodule

Table Name Description
QDQL_U_D_WORST_CASE Calculate Dynamic Modification Valuation for Lot-Based Dynamic Modif.

SAP Quality Notifications functionmodule

Table Name Description
BAPI_PAR_EMPLOYEE_CHANGEPASSWO Change contact person's password
BAPI_PAR_EMPLOYEE_CHECKEXISTEN Check contact person's number
BAPI_PAR_EMPLOYEE_CHECKPASSWOR Check contact person's password
BAPI_PAR_EMPLOYEE_CREATE_PW_RE Create entry for contact person's password
BAPI_PAR_EMPLOYEE_DELETE_PW_RE Delete entry for contact person's password
BAPI_PAR_EMPLOYEE_GET_PW_REG Read entry for contact person's password
BAPI_PAR_EMPLOYEE_INITPASSWORD Initialize contact person's password
BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_CREATE Create quality notification
BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_GETCATALPROFIL Determine Catalog Profile for Quality Notification
BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_GETKEYFIGURES Determines Existing Quality Notifications
BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_GETLISTFORCUST Select quality notifications for a customer
BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_GETMATLISTFCUS Select a Customer Article List for Quality Notifications
BAPI_QUALNOT_ADD_DATA QM Notification: Add Data
BAPI_QUALNOT_CHANGEUSRSTAT QM Notification: Change User Status
BAPI_QUALNOT_CREATE Create QM Notification 2
BAPI_QUALNOT_DEL_DATA QM Notification: Delete Data
BAPI_QUALNOT_GETDETAIL QM Notification: Read Detail Data
BAPI_QUALNOT_MODIFY_DATA QM Notification: Change Data
BAPI_QUALNOT_RELSTAT Put QM Notification in Process
BAPI_QUALNOT_SAVE Save QM Notification
EXIT_SAPMIWO0_001 Default Values When Creating a Notification
EXIT_SAPMIWO0_002 Customer Exit: Authorization Check for Notification Transactions
QM10_COPY_REFERENCE_FORM Copy Model for Follow-Up Action Function Module (non executable)

SAP functionmodule

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.


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