SAP functionmodule

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.

SAP Project System functionmodule

Table Name Description
EXIT_SAPDBPSJ_001 PS Customer Exit Autorization Check in the PSY Logical Database
EXIT_SAPLCJSS_001 PS Customer Exit for User Fields Standard Work Breakdown Structure
EXIT_SAPLCJSS_002 PS Customer Exit Customer Specific Fields PROJS (Data SAP -> SUBSCREEN)
EXIT_SAPLCJSS_003 PS Customer Exit Customer Specific Fields PROJS (Data SUBSCREEN -> SAP)
EXIT_SAPLCJSS_004 PS Customer Exit Customer Specific Fields PRPSS (Data SAP -> SUBSCREEN)
EXIT_SAPLCJSS_005 PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields PRPSS (Data SUBSCREEN -> SAP)
EXIT_SAPLCJWB_001 PS Customer Exit WOrk Breakdown Structure User Fields
EXIT_SAPLCJWB_002 PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields PROJ (Data SAP -> SUBSCREEN)
EXIT_SAPLCJWB_003 PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields PROJ (Data SUBSCREEN -> SAP)
EXIT_SAPLCJWB_004 PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields PRPS (Data SAP _> SUBSCREEN)
EXIT_SAPLCJWB_005 PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields PRPS (Data SUBSCREEN -> SAP)
EXIT_SAPLCNAU_001 PS Customer Exit: Project Definition Authorization Check
EXIT_SAPLCNAU_002 PS Customer Exit WBS Elment Authorization Check
EXIT_SAPLCNAU_003 PS Customer Exit Network Header Authorization Check
EXIT_SAPLCNAU_004 PS Customer Exit: Network Activity Authorization Check
EXIT_SAPLCNAU_005 PS Customer Exit: Milestone Authorization Check
EXIT_SAPLCNAU_006 PS Customer Exit PS Text Authorization Check
EXIT_SAPLCONW_001 PS Customer Exit: Network User Fields
EXIT_SAPLCONW_002 PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields in AFVG (Data SAP -> SUBSCREEN)
EXIT_SAPLCONW_003 PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields in PLPO (Data SUBSCREEN -> SAP)
EXIT_SAPLCPDO_001 PS Customer Exit: Standard Network User fields
EXIT_SAPLCPDO_002 PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields in PLPO (Data SAP -> SUBSCREEN)
EXIT_SAPLCPDO_003 PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields in PLPO (Data SUBSCREEN -> SAP)
PS_SUBSTITUTION_REGENERATE Substitution: Usages in Project System are being regenerated
PS_SUBSTITUTION_USAGE_SHOW Usage of a substitution in the Project System
PS_VALIDATION_REGENERATE Validation: Usages in the Project System are being regenerated
PS_VALIDATION_USAGE_SHOW Usage of a validation in PS

SAP Claim Management functionmodule

Table Name Description

SAP Interest functionmodule

Table Name Description
EXIT_SAPLHFC1_001 Project Interest Calculation: Modification Of Line-Item Table
EXIT_SAPLHFC1_002 Project Interest Calculation: Check Line Item Relevance
EXIT_SAPLHFC1_003 Project Interest Calculation: Interest Result
INSV_READ_INT_PROF Interest profile read module
INSV_READ_INT_TXT Read module: short text for interest indicator

SAP Accounting functionmodule

Table Name Description
HF_FIND_WAERS_FROM_LEDGER Determines the currency from the ledger

SAP Article functionmodule

Table Name Description
CN_AD_DELIVERY_ADDR_MAINT Add / Change / Display Addresses

SAP Actual Revenues and Forecast functionmodule

Table Name Description
EBBS_ITEM_KEY_GET Determining Key Fields for Line Item IDs

SAP Interface to External Project Software functionmodule

Table Name Description
BAPI_BUS2001_CHANGE Change Project Definition Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2001_CREATE Use BAPI to Create Project Definition
BAPI_BUS2001_DELETE Delete Project Definition Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2001_GET_GUID_FROM_KEY Reading the GUIDs using the Project Key
BAPI_BUS2001_GET_KEY_FROM_GUID Reading the Project Key using the GUIDs
BAPI_BUS2001_GETDATA Detail Data for Project Definition
BAPI_BUS2001_PARTNER_CHANGE_M Change Partner Data for Project Definition Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2001_PARTNER_CREATE_M Create Partner Data for Project Definition Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2001_PARTNER_GETDETAIL Get Detail Data for Partner Data
BAPI_BUS2001_PARTNER_GETLIST Get Overview List for Partner Data
BAPI_BUS2001_PARTNER_REMOVE_M Delete Partner Data for Project Definition Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_CHANGE_MULTI List: Change Network Activities
BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_CREATE_MULTI List: Create Network Activities
BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_DELETE_MULTI List: Delete Network Activities
BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_GETDATA Detail Data for Activities
BAPI_BUS2002_ACTELEM_CHANGE_M List: Change Activity Elements
BAPI_BUS2002_ACTELEM_CREATE_M List: Create Activity Elements
BAPI_BUS2002_ACTELEM_DELETE_M List: Delete Activity Elements
BAPI_BUS2002_ACTELEM_GETDATA Detail Data for Activity Elements
BAPI_BUS2002_CHANGE Change Network Header Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2002_CREATE Create Network Header Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2002_DELETE Delete Network Header Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2002_GET_ACTGUID_4_KEY Read the GUIDs Using the Network Activity Key
BAPI_BUS2002_GET_ACTKEY_4_GUID Read the Network Activity Key Using the GUIDs
BAPI_BUS2002_GET_ELEGUID_4_KEY Read the GUIDs Using the Activity Element IDs
BAPI_BUS2002_GET_ELEKEY_4_GUID Read the Activity Element IDs Using the GUIDs
BAPI_BUS2002_GET_GUID_FROM_KEY Reading of GUIDS Using the Network Keys
BAPI_BUS2002_GET_KEY_FROM_GUID Read Network Key Using the GUIDs
BAPI_BUS2002_GETDATA Detail Data for Network Header
BAPI_BUS2054_CHANGE_MULTI Change WBS Elements Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2054_CREATE_MULTI Create WBS Elements Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2054_DELETE_MULTI Delete WBS Elements Using BAPI
BAPI_BUS2054_GET_GUID_FROM_KEY Reading the GUIDs using the WBS Key
BAPI_BUS2054_GET_KEY_FROM_GUID Reading the WBS Key using the GUIDs
BAPI_BUS2054_GETDATA Detail Data for WBS Elements
BAPI_NETWORK_COMP_ADD "Add to BOR Object Network
BAPI_NETWORK_COMP_CHANGE "Change to BOR Object Network
BAPI_NETWORK_COMP_REMOVE "Remove for BOR Object Network
BAPI_NETWORK_CONF_ADD "Add to BOR Object Network
BAPI_NETWORK_CONF_GETPROP Propose Data for Network Confirmation
BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION Initialization of the Current Processing Unit
CJ2001_PARTNER_CREATE Create Partner Assignment

SAP Operative Structures functionmodule

Table Name Description
BAPI_BUS2001_GET_STATUS Read Status for BUS2001 (Project Definition)
BAPI_BUS2001_SET_STATUS Set/Reset Status for BUS2001 (Project Definition)
BAPI_BUS2002_GET_STATUS Read Status for BUS2002 (Network)
BAPI_BUS2002_SET_STATUS Set/Reset Status for BUS2002 (Network)
BAPI_BUS2054_GET_STATUS Read Status for BUS2054 (Work Breakdown Structure)
BAPI_BUS2054_SET_STATUS Set/Reset Status for BUS2054 (Work Breakdown Structure)
BAPI_NETWORK_EXISTENCECHECK Check whether network exists
BAPI_NETWORK_GETDETAIL Read detailed information for network (including all objects)
BAPI_NETWORK_GETINFO Read detailed information for networks (including all objects)
BAPI_NETWORK_GETLIST Returns a container of network numbers
BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN Edit networks (incl. all objects)
BAPI_PROJECT_GETINFO Read detailed information for work breakdown structures
BAPI_PROJECT_MAINTAIN Edit project including networks
BAPI_PROJECT_SAVEREPLICA Replicate work breakdown structure (ALE)
BAPI_PROJECTDEF_CREATE Create Project Definition
BAPI_PROJECTDEF_EXISTENCECHECK Check whether a project definition exists
BAPI_PROJECTDEF_GETDETAIL Read detailed information for the project definition
BAPI_PROJECTDEF_GETLIST Returns a container of project definitions
BAPI_PROJECTDEF_UPDATE Change Project Definition
CJEX_PRPS_INFO_READ Read WBS Element Information

SAP functionmodule

Search SAP tables in super easy way using our intelligent search engine algorithm. You can search the SAP tables database by entering table name like EKPO or any text like Purchase order. Module and Sub module wise search is also available.


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Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects
Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects
Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects
Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects
Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects
Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects
Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects
Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects
Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects
Purchase Order Work Center Partner Function Authoriation Objects